

acclimation, 17, 41

Aglaonema spp., 79

air circulation, 34

airplane plant, 149

alligator fern, 85

angel vine, 55

‘Anita’ Dracaena, 57

Anthurium plowmanii, 61

aphids, 48

arrowhead vine, 59

Aspenium nidus, 63

Aspidistra elatior, 75


bamboo, 111

barroom plant, 75

bear’s paw fern, 67

bird’s nest anthurium, 61

bird’s nest fern, 63

bird’s nest snake plant, 65

black jewel orchid, 103

black sooty mold, 51

blue star fern, 67

Boston fern, 69

bottom watering, 29

bowstring hemp plant, 147

brake fern, 71

brown leaf tips, 51

Buddhist pine, 137

button fern, 73

buying plants, 40, 53


cabbage anthurium, 61

cachepots, 26

Calathea makoyana, 129

Calathea ornata, 135

Calathea rufibarba, 151

cast-iron plant, 75

‘Cebu Blue’ pothos, 77

Chamaedorea elegans ‘Bella,’ 123

Chinese evergreen, 79

Chinese water bamboo, 111

Chlorophytum comosum, 149

Cissus rhombifolia ‘Ellen Danica,’ 93

climbing fig, 83

club moss, 127

cold damage, 51

containers, 41

corn plant, 81

creeping fig, 83

crocodile fern, 85

crown rot, 50

curly bamboo, 111

Cyrtomium falcatum, 99


devil’s ivy, 141

Dieffenbachia spp., 87

diseases, 50

Dracaena fragrans, 81

Dracaena reflexa ‘Anita,’ 57

Dracaena sanderiana, 111

drainage, 44

dust, 46

dwarf snake plant, 65


electric lights, 17

English ivy, 89

environmental problems, 51

Epipremnum aureum, 141

Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Cebu Blue,’ 77

ET fern, 95

European ivy, 89

exposures, 10


fairy washboard, 91

Fatsia japonica, 101

fertilizers/fertilizing, 23, 31

Ficus pumila, 83

fishbone fern, 107

Fittonia spp., 117

freckle face plant, 139

frosty fern, 127

fruit salad plant, 113

fungus gnats, 50

fuzzy pheasant feather, 151


garden-level apartments, 13

Gasteria carinata var. verrucosa, 119

golden pothos, 141

good luck plant, 65

goosefoot, 59

grape ivy, 93

green worm fern, 95

grooming, 39, 46

grub fern, 95


Haworthia limifolia, 91

heartleaf, 97

heartleaf philodendron, 97

Hedera helix, 89

herringbone plant, 143

holly fern, 99

honeydew, 48, 49

houseplant domestication, 42

humidity, 24, 34

hydration, 23, 24

Hypoestes phyllostachya, 139


illumination, 9, 16. See also electric lights; sunlight

immersion watering, 29

ivy, 89


Japanese aralia, 101

Japanese holly fern, 99

jewel orchid, 103


kangaroo fern, 105

kangaroo paw fern, 105


leaf discoloration, 51

leaf drop, 51

leaf spots, 50

lemon button fern, 107

lights see electric lights

‘Little Hope’ philodendron, 109

lucky bamboo, 111

Ludisia discolor, 103


macronutrients, 31

maintenance, 39

Maranta spp., 135, 143

Mattress vine, 55

mealybugs, 48

Microsorum diversifolium, 105

Microsorum musifolium, 85

moisture meters, 24

money plant, 141

Monstera deliciosa, 109, 113

mosaic plant, 117

Moses in the cradle, 115

mother of thousands, 133

mother-in-law’s tongue, 147

Muehlenbeckia complexa, 55


Nephrolepis cordifolia, 107

Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis,’ 69

nerve plant, 117

nest fern, 63

nitrogen, 31


oak-leaf ivy, 93

ox-tongue, 119

oyster plant, 115


parallel peperomia, 121

parlor ivy, 97

parlor palm, 123

peace lily, 125

peacock moss, 127

peacock plant, 129

Pellaea rotundifolia, 73

Pellionia pulchra, 155

Peperomia puteolata, 121

pests, 47

pH, 51

Philodendron bipinnatifidum, 109

Philodendron hederaceum, 97

Philodendron mayoi ‘Tahiti,’ 131

Philodendron selloum, 109

Phlebodium aureum, 67

phosphorus, 31

phototropism, 15

piggyback plant, 133

pin stripe calathea, 135

pin stripe prayer plant, 135

plant tags, 15, 24

plum pine, 137

Podocarpus macrophyllus var. maki, 137

polka dot plant, 139

Polypodium formosanum, 95

potassium, 32

pothos, 141

potting medium, 45

powdery mildew, 50

prayer plant, 143

problem solving, 47

Pteris cretica, 71


rabbit tracks, 143

radiator plant, 121

rattlesnake plant, 129

repotting, 41. See also up-potting

Rhoeo spathacea, 115

ribbon plant, 111

Rimland, Mike, 42

round leaf fern, 73


Sansevieria trifasciata, 147

Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii,’ 65

saucers, 29, 44

scale, 48

Scindapsus pictus ‘Silver Satin,’ 145

Selaginella kraussiana ‘Variegata,’ 127

silver net plant, 117

silver ribbon fern, 71

‘Silver Satin’ pothos, 145

skylights, 10

snake plant, 147

southern yew, 137

spath, 125

Spathiphyllum spp., 125

spider mites, 49

spider plant, 149

spiderwort, 153

spike moss, 127

split-leaf philodendron, 109

sunlight, 10, 20

sweetheart vine, 97

Swiss cheese plant, 109, 113

Syngonium podopyllum, 59


table fern, 71

temperature, 34, 51

Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum ‘Little Hope,’ 109

Tolmiea menziesii, 133

top watering, 28

Tradescantia zebrina, 153

troubleshooting, 47


up-potting, 43. See also repotting


vacation watering, 29

variegated plants, 14

velvet calathea, 151


wandering Jew, 153

watering, 23, 24

watermelon vine, 155

white sail plant, 125

whiteflies, 50

wick-watering, 29

wilting, 51


Zamioculcas zamiifolia, 157

Zanzibar gem, 157

zebra plant, 129

zz plant, 157