Note: Page numbers followed by “f” or “t” indicate figures or tables, respectively
Absolute humidity, 61
Adelaide, Australia, 20–21, 21f
Africa, climate of, 3
condensing water out of, 58
cool, pooling of, 54, 54f, 55f, 73
moving through landscape, 80f
Air flow, topography and, 80f, 84
Air inversions, 45
Air temperature
changes in, and maximum water vapor, 61
global variations, 75
in microclimate main concepts, 144
normals for Vancouver and Thunder Bay, 111t
time of day and, 59
understanding and modifying humidity and, 146
Aluminum deck furniture, 91
Anabatic winds, 120
Anemometers, 81
Apulia, Italy, 16f
Arica, Chile, precipitation, 84
Ariely, D., 159
Arizona, cave dwellings, 27f
Art deco style, 19
Aspect, mapping, 121
Asphalt, 88
Atlanta, Georgia, 63
Baumeister, Roy F. , 158
Bjerknes, Jacob, 75
Blue wavelengths, 68
Body temperature, internal, 6–7
Boston City Hall Plaza, 17–18, 18f, 117
Brown, Arthur, house of, 26–27, 28f
Buffalo, New York, context of, 119
Building methods, traditional, 4–5
Building patterns, traditional, 25–26
topography and, 104
wind interception by, 2, 20, 79–80 See also Houses
Campfires, 71
Canoe trip, Rocky Mountains, 129–30
Cardinal, Douglas, 29
Cartesian coordinates, 76
Catalytic heaters, 12
Cattle fences, 78f
CCD (critical component design), 107–9
Celsius, Anders, 49
China, time zones in, 125
Client communications, 133–34, 158–61
Client decision making, 132–33, 159
Client meetings, first impressions, 133, 160
Climate, in design process, 109–17
Climate change, 17
Climate regions, 117
Climate stations, 81, 112, 115
Climate types, 103
Clock time vs. sun time, 124–25
Clothes, and slowing of heat loss, 9
in design process, 110, 129–34, 138
Community membership, humans and, 132
Composite wind analysis, 126–29
Condensation of water, 58
Conditional climatology, 114–15
Conduction, in energy budget, 10, 87
Coniferous woody plants, 121, 147, 147f
Context, and decision making, 160
Context, in site assessment, 118
Control, human need for, 158
Convection, forced, 90
Convection, in energy budget, 9, 80, 87
Cool air pooling, 54, 54f, 55f, 73
Coriolis force, 76
Coulees, 76
Courtyard, for New York Times Tower, 136, 139
Critical component design (CCD), 107–9
Cup anemometers, 81
Cusco, Peru, 36
Cypress Hills, Saskatchewan, 47, 84
Daylight savings time (DST), 125
Death Valley, humidity in, 57
Deciduous woody plants, 121, 147, 147f
Decision making, by clients, 132–33, 159
Decks, in British Columbia, 88–89
Decoys, in communication with clients, 161
critical component design (CCD), 107–9
foundation of, for thermal comfort, 6
functions of microclimate in, 19–20
humidity modification through, 58
as institution in Japan, 30
See also Microclimatic design
Design options for clients, 133
Design process
communication in, 110, 129–34, 138
microclimate consideration in, 43–44, 91, 100–102
microclimate modification in, 110, 122–29
microclimate objectives in, 134–35
performance objectives in, 123–24
site assessment in, 110, 118–24
Design strategies
for east-facing site, 155
for north-facing site, 155
for south-facing site, 154
for west-facing site, 154
Design styles, in future of microclimate design, 104
Development projects, 133
Diurnal patterns in local winds, 119–20
Eastern white cedar, 78
East-facing side of house, prototypes for, 152, 153f
East-facing site, design strategies for, 155
East-facing slopes, 104
Elizabeth II, Saskatchewan tour, 85
Enduring microclimate hypothesis, 13
End user considerations, 133
Energy budgets
concept application, 92
of a person, 6–8, 10–11, 70–71
terrestrial radiation in, 87–88
Evaluation, in design process, 110, 134–35
Evaporation, 9–10, 57, 87–88, 90
Evolutionary psychology, 143, 158–59
Fahrenheit, Daniel, 49
Fans, 101
Fear, in humans, 131
First Nations University, 29, 30f
Fleming, Sanford, 124
Fox and Fowle Architects, 136
Fronts (weather), 75
orientation of, 94
Ryo-an-ji Temple, 33, 34f, 35f
Gillespie, Terry, 139
Gossip, in communication, 132
Graphic simulations, 138
Group membership, humans and, 132
Guelph, Ontario, 63, 95–96, 95f
Halifax, Nova Scotia, 81
High-pressure systems, 76
Hot tub, poorly located, 20
downwind of hog barn, 20
traditional, in Japan, 32, 102
Human body, internal temperature of, 6–7
Human thermal comfort model, 139–40
Humidex (humidity index), 57
absolute, 61
elevation and, 59
and evaporative cooling, 57
in microclimate main concepts, 144
modification of, through design, 58, 94
time of day and, 59
understanding and modifying air temperature and, 146
Hypothermia, 6
India, outdoor prayers in, 38–39
Interpretive control, 158
Japan, microclimatic design in, 30–36, 102
Jellicoe, Sir Geoffrey, 120
Katabatic winds, 120
Köppen climate classification system, 117
Kyoto gardens, 33
Lake Erie, 119
Lake Ontario, 119
Landscape architects, 13
Landscape elements, effects of, 72, 147–50
Landscape patterns, 14, 25–26, 31–36
Latent heat, 87
LeBlanc, Rob, 136
Lima, Peru, 40f
Lloro, Columbia, 84
Low-pressure systems, 76
Macroclimate, in site assessment, 118
Malawi, community meeting places, 3–4, 4f
Maple Creek, Saskatchewan, 47
Mapping, in site assessment, 121–22
Mesoclimate, 118
Meteorology, 75
Microclimate measurements, 134–35
Microclimate modifications
in design process, 110, 122–29
elements and strategies, 156–57, 157f
New York Times Tower and, 138
universal process for, 19
See also Microclimatic design
Microclimatic assessment, for New York Times Tower, 136–37
Microclimatic design
See also New York Times Tower, Manhattan
Mirrors, in microclimatic design, 102
Monitoring station, in design evaluation, 134–35
Mosoclimatic effects, 120
Motivational plasticity, 158
Mount Lemmon, 47
Mount Shasta, 86
Movable partitions, in Japanese houses, 102
Napier-Hastings, New Zealand, 19
Negative vs. positive feedback, 133
New York Times Tower, Manhattan, 47, 126, 136–40
Nickel refinery air pollution, 40–41
Noise distribution, air inversions and, 45
North-facing side of house, prototypes for, 152, 153f
North-facing site, design strategies for, 155
Nostalgia vs. local climate, 105–6
Novelty comfort devices, 11–12
Oak trees, coppicing in Japan, 31–32
Oberlander, Cornelia Hahn, 136
Olive groves, 14
Outdoor cafés, in Tokyo, 123
Ozone, and air pollution, 44–45
Paddy fields, advective effect of, 55–56, 56f
Patterns on the land, traditional, 14, 25–26, 31–36
Performance objectives, in design process, 123–24
Personal space needs, 132
Primary control, 158
Prototypes for houses east-facing side, 152, 153f
south-facing side, 150–51, 151f
Public involvement, 133
Public projects, 133
Pyranometers, 69
Quincy Market, Boston, 117
Radiant heaters, 69, 71, 94, 101
See also Solar radiation; Terrestrial radiation
Rain days per year, 84
Rainwater, calculating volume of, 84
Roof overhangs, 29, 107–9, 148–49
See also New York Times Tower, Manhattan
Rule of ten, in site assessment, 118
Russia, time zones in, 125
Ryo-an-ji Temple garden, 33, 34f, 35f
Saskatchewan, Canada
rainfall in, 85
wind in, 77
winters in, 3
Savannah-type landscapes, 131
Season, in microclimate main concepts, 144
Secondary control, 158
Sensible heat, 87
Shade, and solar radiation, 27, 68, 89, 124
Site assessment, 110, 118–24, 137
Sky radiation, 68
Sling psychrometers, 60
Slope, mapping, 121
Smog, and microclimate modification, 39–40
Solar collection devices, 101–2
Solar infrared radiation, 68–69
Solar noon, 125
Solar radiation
in climate normals, 110, 115–17
compared to water spray, 67f
and energy budget of a person, 8
interception of, 89
as mechanism of microclimate, 46–48
parking lots and, 56
reflection or absorption of, 66
Tucson modern-style house and, 28f
understanding and modifying, 144–46
Sonora Desert, cave dwellings in, 26
South-facing side of house, prototypes for, 150–51, 151f
South-facing site, design strategies for, 154
Stevenson, Thomas, 52
Stevenson Screen, 52
Stone walls, 150f
Streets, widths and layout of, 103–4
Structures and vegetation, in site assessment, 121–22
Sturgeon Landing, Saskatchewan, 64
Style, concept of, 19
Summer, in northern hemisphere, 64f
Sun, movement through the sky, 64–67, 145
Sunshine, in microclimate concepts, 144
Sunshine, in solar radiation
Sun time vs. clock time, 124–25, 135
Surface colors, 14, 35, 90, 100, 145, 148
See also Air temperature
Terrestrial radiation
from a book, 63
evaporation and, 90
from landscape surfaces, 72
parking lots and, 56
reducing emissions of, 88
and thermal comfort, 74
understanding and modifying, 145–46
Thermal admittance values, 90
Thermal comfort
asphalt parking lots and, 56
cars parked in piazza and, 15–17, 93
design foundation for, 6
effects on, 96
goals for wind speeds, 81
human thermal comfort model, 139–40
in microclimate main concepts, 144–45
New York Times Tower and, 139
novelty devices for, 12
terrestrial radiation and, 74
and well-used outdoor places, 1–2
wind and, in winter, 113t
Thompson, Manitoba, 105
Thunder Bay
air temperature normals for, 111t
January wind data, 113t
solar radiation in, 116t
wind rose for January, 115f
yearly wind data for, 112t
Time zones, 124
and building opportunities, 104
effects of, 149
in site assessment, 121
and wind movement, 79
and air pollution, 44
deciduous, 31–32, 121, 147, 147f
for New York Times Tower, 136, 138–39
and terrestrial radiation, 73–74
Trellises, effects of, 147–48, 148f
Tsurezuregusa, 32
University of Guelph, 95–96, 95f
Vancouver, BC
air temperature normals for, 111t
January wind data, 113t
solar radiation in, 116t
wind rose for January, 115f
yearly wind data for, 112t
Vegetation and structures, in site assessment, 121–22
Viganella, Italy, 102
condensation of, 58
effects of, 149
evaporation, 9–10, 57, 87–88, 90
and microclimatically appropriate spaces, 100–101
as vapor, 61
Waverley Park Stadium, Melbourne, 21–22
Weather stations, 135
Weather systems, 76
West-facing side of house, prototypes for, 151, 152f
West-facing site, design strategies for, 154
West-facing slopes, 104
West-facing windows, 91
White, Henry, 136
White rocks, as mulch, 14
Windbreaks, 77–78, 100, 113–14, 148
Wind generators, 101
Wind roses, 81, 82f, 114–15, 115t
in climate normals, 110, 112–15
in microclimate main concepts, 144
naming convention for, 76
patterns in movement of, 77, 79–80, 119–20, 127f, 128f
speed of, and convection, 80
and thermal comfort in winter, 113t
understanding and modifying, 102, 126–29, 144, 146
Wind tunnels, 79
Wind vanes, 83
WW:SS (Winter Wind:SummerSun), 96