Most of us don’t really pay attention to our bodies. We exist solely from our heads, ignoring the rest. That’s the way “smart women” are taught to survive, but this way of living isn’t healthy long-term. Despite my training as a medical doctor, I had to learn that the hard way. When I was forced to confront my own health crisis, I discovered that what we know about improving and changing our bodies is incomplete. Now I’m here to teach you how to make the crucial connection between your body and your brain that will help you thrive. I’ll explain how your vague lack of well-being is linked to a weak brain/body bond—and how it can be fixed, starting first with food.
Your brain controls every aspect of your body, health, daily functions, and relationships. When one of these areas breaks down, your brain does, too—and vice versa. If you’re one of the hundred million women who suffer from foggy thinking, anxiety, depression, addiction, forgetfulness, overwhelm, exhaustion, and other seemingly brain-related problems, then this book is for you. If you’re one of the half billion women with an inflammatory issue that puts you at risk for one of these conditions—and stubborn weight gain—then this book is for you, too. If you have a sister, mother, child, wife, or friend with any of these symptoms, they need the help described in this book. Left unaddressed, these nagging symptoms can ravage your brain and start cognitive and physical decline in your body prematurely. However, all of these symptoms have their root not merely in the brain, but also in the body.
So why isn’t everyone talking about this crucial connection between the brain and body that impacts all we do? The reason is that we believe the brain is in charge—that the body blindly follows the commands of the brain, as if the instruction moves in one direction only, brain to body. But I discovered that’s not true. The instruction is bidirectional.
My research has unlocked a vital missing piece of information that holds tremendous value for women: The brain is the ultimate output center for all efforts of the body, but you can’t have a healthy brain if your body is out of whack, and you can’t have a healthy body if your brain is out of whack. It’s the ultimate interdependent relationship that is essential to long-term health and balance. The connection between brain and body is both mutually dependent and mutually supporting. I coined a new term to reflect this fundamental interconnection: brain body.
It’s important to highlight that the female brain body is different from the male brain body. What works for men cannot be assumed to work for women, because we are not merely smaller versions of men. Toxins push the brain and body apart, and women are often more vulnerable to toxins. Similarly, the brain body breaks down in different ways for women compared with men. No wonder our rates of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and Alzheimer’s are double the rates in men! I developed the Brain Body Diet to help women repair that bond, because the relationship between the body and brain is an essential foundation for us to function at our best today and protect our bodies and minds into the future.
In Brain Body Diet, food and lifestyle are our main “drugs” of choice. Unlike quick-fix pharmaceuticals targeting specific insurance-approved symptoms, changes in daily lifestyle are healing and restorative for the majority of people because they activate your body’s innate ability to restore and maintain balance. Let’s face it: pharmaceutical drugs that are prescribed for brain/body problems carry health risks, provide limited success, and most importantly, can disrupt the body’s delicate healing mechanisms. Instead, I’ll show you how to reverse or prevent brain/body breakdown with evidence-based supportive nutrients from delicious food, easy-to-implement lifestyle redesign, specific exercise and mind-body practices, high-quality supplements, and, occasionally, low doses of hormones. In ancient Greece, a prescription like this was called a diet, or diaita—a prescribed way of living, of regular, daily work, not simply a restricted eating regimen that’s a short-term means to an end. I consider the “prescribed way of living” to be a personalized lifestyle medicine protocol. Allow me to invite you into my medical office, to learn about the brain body and how we can knit yours back together for your greatest health and well-being. Buckle up—we’re starting now!
Certain symptoms reflect a brain body out of balance. These are sacred messages, not diseases to be medicated into submission. When left unaddressed, these conditions don’t simply mellow out; they tax your brain and body to the point of creating more serious conditions that are hard to reverse as those symptoms slowly establish stronger and stronger neural pathways in the brain, like a river carving a canyon. It’s tough to create a new river, or pathway, but the Brain Body Diet gives you the tools you need to start digging.
Foundation of a Healthy Brain Body
Far too many of us take the brain for granted. Consider this: the brain represents only 2 to 3 percent of total body weight but consumes 25 percent of total body glucose, 20 percent of total body oxygen, and 20 percent of cardiac output. So one quarter of your fuel goes to the brain, along with one fifth of your oxygen and blood. That means the brain plays the biggest role of any organ in your body when it comes to metabolism—that is, sucking up the fuel you put inside your body. So if there’s a problem with metabolism in the brain, the problem will be felt throughout the body.
The food you consume has the potential to help or hurt the gut first, then the brain, and, finally, the rest of the body. Food is information not only for the DNA of your cells but also for the DNA of the microbes in your gut, known as your microbiome (think of it as your second genome). The food on your fork determines gene expression, hormone levels, immune activity—even stress levels in your gut, your brain, and the rest of your body. Not only that, but a change in the food you eat alters the activity of the gut microbiota rapidly—within one to four days, and in some genes within six hours.1 That’s fast. And when your gut microbiota change, so does your brain. That’s why nutrients matter.
In personalized lifestyle medicine, when you don’t feel completely healthy, we start first with the gut/brain connection, beginning with food. (Mainstream medicine starts with drugs.) A “food first” philosophy is the foundation of a robustly healthy brain body. If you ignore your symptoms, you raise your risk of serious cognitive decline and other brain/body problems that could be in your future sooner than you’d expect if you don’t take care of your brain body now.
How do I know? Take estrogen. Estrogen is the fundamental regulator of the female brain body. In the brain, estrogen polices key biological functions like glucose transport, metabolism, and mitochondrial function—the way you produce energy. In the body, estrogen protects you from weight gain, ravenous appetite, insulin resistance, diabetes, and cancer. In sum, estrogen has hundreds of jobs beyond the usual female tasks that come to mind, like growing breasts and hips. When estrogen levels start to decline after age forty in perimenopause, a sequence of events unfold that lead to a woman’s greater risk of insomnia, anxiety, depression, stroke, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.2 What’s unique to women is this sudden loss of estrogen and how it makes the brain body’s metabolism falter and then dramatically decline, putting women at grave risk of future disease.3 Metabolism is further compromised by the change in crosstalk between estrogen and other chemical messengers in the body, like leptin (the hormone that tells you to put down the fork), ghrelin (the hormone that tells you to pick up the fork), adiponectin (the hormone that tells your body to burn fat), and sex hormone–binding globulin (the sponge that soaks up free levels of other sex hormones, including estrogen). Some women compensate well for the loss of estrogen that begins in their forties; most do not. If you’re over forty and have been unhappy with how your body is changing, you may have brain/body dysfunction and need the help of this book.
This is what you need to understand about the brain/body connection: it’s the key to health wherever you are in your life or healing journey. This connection holds the key to reversing many chronic symptoms that you may have felt you simply have had to live with. If you are struggling to lose weight, sleep at night, find more energy, access more joy, or simply want to maximize your health and longevity, Brain Body Diet is the answer you have been waiting for.
On a more macro level, women have an urgent biological imperative to pay attention to their brain body, to manage their estrogen, and to “tend and befriend” in response to stress of all kinds. Tending and befriending first oneself and then others provides something essential and profound: mental, physical, and brain immunity against all sorts of insults: toxins, unnecessary inflammation, and—more urgently—the runaway train of stress. This immunity is the downstream benefit when your brain and body are allies. When women don’t heed this fundamental biological need, the result is more toxin accumulation, excess inflammation, aggression, impulsiveness, and the warning signs listed here.4 Think of inflammation as an ugly low-level burn that’s quietly robbing you of brain cells and the connections between them, making you fat, tired, and dim.
How I Stumbled on the Brain/Body Axis
In 2015, I hit upon a breakthrough about the brain body, and what I discovered is that the connection is not obvious. I learned this the hard way: I fainted, crashed, and smacked my head.
You’d think I was the quintessential “smart woman”: a medical doctor educated at top schools with a successful career practicing medicine for more than twenty-five years—and the author of multiple New York Times bestselling books.
But if you looked at the biochemistry inside my cells and tissues, you’d see a civil war. You wouldn’t know it at the time of my fall, but my belly was covered in itchy hives and eczema from a combination of leaky gut, rogue and imbalanced gut microbes, and inflammation (and the tight shapewear under my dress didn’t help).
Back then, when there was something about my body I didn’t like, my method was to make a decision about a change in behavior and just do it, like a dictator, top down. Looking back, I see it as fear-based—fear of ending up fat, divorced, alienated from my children, alone, homeless, destitute . . . other wild ideas. Fear actually works to get you started—to lose a few pounds, to work less, to be more patient with the kids. But for me, after the fear wore off, I’d fall back into my bad habits and Band-Aid solutions. For me, the Band-Aids were eating too much cheesecake in hopes of changing my emotional state, shutting down in my marriage, bingeing on drama, and, generally, working and pushing harder. I’d try to manage my disappointment and frustration by taking myself out for a manicure/pedicure, which merely added more toxins to the mix and made my brain/body problems worse.
I realize that you might approach your own life problems differently. I tend to be on the restrictive side of the spectrum. When I wanted to lose weight, I’d follow strict rules. I’ve worked with plenty of women who are on the permissive side of the spectrum, so when they feel put out, stressed, frustrated, or fat, they say, “Well, I deserve this chocolate.” Or, “Time for that glass of wine.”
I get it. My point is that while we as women may react in different ways, we’ve all got our Band-Aids. Our workarounds. Mine were more rules, burying myself in my work, and withdrawing from my husband—yours may be French fries or a decadent vacation.
But then I fell and hit my head and it opened a whole new world for me. I was at a cozy evening with friends. And—as I see now—I had ignored the messages my body was sending all day long, telling me it was dehydrated. Pushed too hard. Hadn’t eaten and blood sugar low. Too stressed. Sleep deprived.
I set myself up for a fall.
I was standing in the kitchen, and I fainted—passed out cold. My brain did what it has evolved to do in a crisis: it shut down. Like an operating system that suddenly freezes, I lost cerebral blood flow and consciousness. I struck a cold tile floor, hitting the back of my head so hard that I had what looked like seizures due to the trauma.
When I hit my head, I was diagnosed with a severe concussion, a form of tramatic brain injury. At first I felt hopeless because I fell into a mysterious gap that most physicians are unaware of and cannot solve. As a result, I was sent home from the emergency room and doctors’ offices with the typical recommendations of a health care system that didn’t know what to do with me: rest in bed in a dark room, reduce your stress, try to stay calm, give it time. Meanwhile, my symptoms worsened. I knew something was wrong, so I set out to understand the biological imperatives that were at work behind the scenes of my symptoms. It was terrifying—until I figured out the root cause . . . and then the solution.
Yes, my fall was traumatic and terrifying, but it was also life-changing. Before I fainted, I knew little about the importance of the brain in repairing the body. I had the textbook medical knowledge, but that was only a partial view of a much more complex issue. Not only did I damage my left brain hemisphere as I fell to the ground, I emerged from the traumatic brain injury a different person. I went from being a board-certified doctor who thought she understood the importance of the brain to being humbled and full of awe about our neurological powers. Thus began my quest to be more than just a capable gynecologist and functional medicine doctor. It became essential that I understand the central role of the brain in healing the body.
These are the lessons I’m bringing to you, dear reader, in Brain Body Diet.
I certainly didn’t know that I needed brain/body rehab until I hit my head. I’d rarely, if ever, thought about the connection. My collapse triggered an epiphany. At age forty-seven, I was in good shape hormonally due to my work as described previously in my first book, The Hormone Cure. My key hormones—estrogen, progesterone, thyroid, testosterone—even cortisol—were in balance. Still, even though I was no longer a hormonal nightmare, I didn’t honor the biological needs of a female brain. I was more of a bulldozer than a woman. As a result, I lost the system of checks and balances in my brain and needed to re-create homeostasis—a state of physical, mental, and spiritual equilibrium. You will read about addressing all of these states in these pages.
What I discovered radically altered my understanding of how to heal the human body. It turns out that when you take care of your brain body, you’re actually taking care of all the systems in your body: body weight set point, anxiety, depression, addictive tendencies, sex drive, heart and circulation, gastrointestinal and immune systems, and of course, the endocrine system, from your thyroid to your sex organs. Repairing the brain resolves so many small and big health issues, from the mundane and annoying to the memory-robbing and life-threatening. Mending the brain addresses the root of many of the irritating bodily symptoms that you may have, and this process you’ll learn could be the most important tool in your arsenal.
The definition of a healthy brain body is that your brain and body are in sync. Healing conversations are occurring. That is, your gut is having a healing conversation back and forth with your brain, and your heart is telling your brain’s overactive stress-response system that it can calm down. In short, having a healthy brain body means you are clear of the inflammation that causes brain/body breakdown. This inflammation arises as a result of the stresses and environmental toxins of modern life. Like me, you are probably unaware of your own inflammation or even brain/body symptoms. Frankly, I had built a wall between my brain and body, like the separation between church and state. Maybe you’ve done the same.
Typically, most of us maintain separation between our brain and our body—this is a façade, of course. For instance, when my husband’s shoulder hurts after golfing, the pain and inflammation emanating from his shoulder is telling him to ice it. His brain overrides the pain with a dismissive, “I’m too busy to ice. I’ll just take an ibuprofen.” Yet the road to total health requires that we recognize the symbiotic connection between brain and body, which is what I teach you to do in this book. Once you understand the wall between brain and body, it will be easier to dismantle it and achieve a healthy relationship between the two once again and create lasting health.
I spent a few months being a total mess—lying in a dark room most of the time, nauseated, unable to drive for some time, exquisitely sensitive to noise, unable to work, unable to exercise because of my poor balance, unable to walk. I spent more time sitting still than ever before because I was forced to; I didn’t have a choice. But some beneficial things happened as well.
I began to listen to the subtle moments of guidance that came from my heart, even though my brain was offline. At first, the softness and quiet were there because I couldn’t really do much of anything. I stopped doing all the “shoulds”—I should exercise, I should work tonight. I just physically couldn’t. Initially, that felt like a failure. But since I couldn’t follow my inner dictator and bury myself in my work—or do the Band-Aids, the coverups, the workarounds that I performed to make myself feel better in the moment—I was stripped down to just me, a new version of me. I couldn’t even distance myself from my husband because I was more dependent on him than ever before.
And you know what?
He loved it. He asked if I could hit my head more often. No more sitting in bed, late at night, typing aggressively on the laptop. Over time there was more laughing, sex, and stillness. Hit your head, improve your marriage!
Over time, that softness spilled out not only to my relationship with myself, or my husband, but also to how I related to my kids, sisters, parents, friends, and patients.
In the past, when my kids would come to me with something that wasn’t right at school, the “smart woman” in me had immediate ideas about how to solve it. But as I lay in bed recovering from my fall, all I could do was invite them in under the covers with me. Instead of telling them the answers, I would ask them what their heart was asking for, or whispering to them.
My brain can’t do this, could never do this, and won’t ever be able to do this on its own. Instead of just being smart, I became whole. I learned that the heart can discern different and more important things than the brain. The brain is not the control center for the female body; the heart is, when you are quiet enough to listen and strong enough to surrender.
I’m here to teach you a better way to this wholeness, so you don’t have to undergo the trauma that I did. It doesn’t have to take you months to learn these lessons. I’m asking for forty days.
What I Was Shocked to Learn
I learned many astonishing things while healing from my brain/body injury. First, nerve cells (neurons) are quite delicate, much less hardy than I assumed. They’re easy to break and damage with inflammation.
Second, I was chock-full of brain/body toxins. Even though I was living “clean” and had a hunch that detoxing once per quarter would keep me safe, there was still more to do when it came to the toxic load in my brain body—that is, there were key steps to take beyond the foundational work described in my first three books. Toxins of all sorts are linked to vague brain symptoms related to memory, focus, impulse control, resilience, libido, weight gain, and mood. They wreak havoc by disrupting normal balance in the brain and body.
Third, I had prediabetes, and this led to my fall. Prediabetes is a brain/body failure state that sent my blood sugar into wild fluctuations, changed blood flow to the brain, made my gut and then my brain leaky, damaged my mitochondria, and drove my adrenals into the ground. The root cause of my blood sugar problems—insulin block and intractable stress—became a major trigger for brain/body breakdown. I want to teach you how to manage those problems.
Your brain uses the same enzyme, called insulin-degrading enzyme, for a dual purpose: to process insulin after it’s used, and to clear a potential toxin called amyloid beta that’s associated with Alzheimer’s disease. This discovery that insulin and amyloid beta share the same breakdown enzyme is a breakthrough in our understanding of the brain/body connection.5
Furthermore, the enzyme can’t do both jobs at once. If the enzyme is busy breaking down insulin because your blood sugar is too high (like mine used to be)—thereby cranking out the insulin to try to drive the blood glucose into cells—your insulin-degrading enzyme won’t be free to break down amyloid beta. As a result of reduced clearance, sticky amyloid beta can accumulate excessively in toxic seeds, then deposits, and ultimately plaques, a hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease.6 When amyloid beta builds up beyond a certain point, it becomes toxic to nerve cells, destroys synapses (the connections between nerve cells), and promotes brain inflammation, which then promotes more toxic amyloid beta accumulation. High blood sugar and amyloid beta accumulation become a vicious cycle you want to avoid—unless you prefer to lose your marbles as you age! (While the main point of this book isn’t to prevent or reverse Alzheimer’s, my strategies are aimed at reversing insulin block, which will also help you prevent some cases of Alzheimer’s disease, including early manifestations like forgetfulness and mood changes.)
Finally, I realized that I may have never recovered my full brain function post-pregnancy, and my last pregnancy was well over a decade ago! As I flailed about, wondering why mothering was so much work—and harder compared with my career in medicine—I discovered that restoring brain function makes a huge difference in how I feel day to day.
The more I learned, the more I wanted to know why doctors and other health experts weren’t talking about brain/body health. It’s almost pointless—or at the very least, incomplete and counterintuitive—to address other health problems if we don’t first address what’s going on with the operating system of the body, the brain.
Remember: the brain is the ultimate output center for all the efforts of the body. If we don’t eat properly, don’t exercise right, and don’t sleep, the primary impact is on the brain. There is not one without the other. Permit me to repeat that you can’t have a healthy brain if your body is broken, and you can’t have a healthy body if your brain is broken: full of toxins, inflamed, hypervigilant, and shrinking. Until we better understand the brain/body axis, we will continue to suffer from countless issues that will plague us every day and potentially shorten our lives. It’s time to turn that around. You will learn how to make a dramatic difference in the way you feel, possibly even immediately, if you stick to the forty-day protocol.
How Mainstream Medicine Fails Us
To put it mildly, mainstream medicine let me down. At first, I was stung by the way my symptoms were not taken seriously. Then I got angry, because I don’t want mainstream medicine to fail you, too.
Women tell me in my office: “I don’t feel well. It’s like I’m in a race I can never win. None of my other doctors are helping, let alone listening. I’ve been dismissed. You’re my last hope.” They feel unwell: foggier, hungrier, plumper, more forgetful, more anxious, and unhappier than ever before. Epidemiology confirms this—I break down more statistics below.
When they trot out these symptoms to their doctors, women are offered prescriptions for insomnia or anxiety or depression, perhaps issued with arrogance and impatience (or with a gentle suggestion to “go see a therapist,” as if their problem were purely psychological), and it seems that the common symptoms of a woman over forty are undeserving of doctors’ attention and problem-solving abilities. Those prescriptions barely work, are sometimes worse than placebos, can be addictive, and tend to numb you rather than address the root causes of your symptoms. I know it’s tempting to look for the solution in a pill, but let’s be honest here: when’s the last time a pill really fixed your problems? Don’t get me started on the side effects: more weight gain, sexual dysfunction (including difficulty achieving orgasm), and possibly dementia!
At the same time, a recent large study from Harvard of 52,135 middle-aged women, followed for twenty-two years, showed that only 13 percent of women can be classified as “healthy agers,” defined as having no impairment of memory, physical fitness, or mental health, and being free of eleven major chronic diseases.7 Thirteen percent! A similar study of a large group of health professionals (92,837 women and 25,303 men) showed that moderate weight gain in adulthood from age twenty-one to age fifty-five of 2.5 to 10 kilograms (5.5 to 22 pounds) is associated with significantly increased risk of major chronic diseases and decreased odds of healthy aging.8 No surprise: weight gain is a brain/body problem that puts you at substantial risk of other chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity-related cancer.
Brain stressors may fly below the radar for most women and physicians, but not for your body’s sense of homeostasis. Over time, the sheer volume leads to toxic overload. We haven’t had time to develop immunity, physical or mental. Take the rampant use of the internet and cell phones for the past decade: during that time, a parallel rise in the broken brain/body connection has occurred, especially among the “constant checkers,” marked by symptoms like greater stress, anxiety, social isolation, depression, obesity, and poor quality of life.9 It’s no wonder that I’m obsessed with the brain body. Few other doctors are! And it’s messing with our heads.
To summarize: Women intuitively know there’s a serious epidemic of a broken-down brain body, as do scientists who measure disease rates. Doctors, by and large, do not.
Doctors may tell you, as they told me, that anxiety, depression, and having trouble finding the word on the tip of your tongue are an inevitable part of getting older. Weight gain? Doctors shrug and tell us to eat less and exercise more, even though almost none of these strategies work. You’re just an unlucky person in the scheme of things.
Really? So one in three women over the age of forty is unlucky and in need of a potentially dangerous prescription? I don’t think so.
That’s when women end up in the offices of alternative therapists, hoping that a medical medium or crystal healer—or even voluntary bee stings—might solve their irksome complaints. The alternative approaches may help for a few hours, but they are not necessarily supported by the best evidence, such as randomized, controlled clinical trials. (Personally, I swear by acupuncture, which has centuries of effective practice behind it, combined with rigorous and proven functional medicine protocols.) Yet women are desperate (I was, too), which leads to a largely uncritical acceptance of sometimes unproven therapies that may worsen your symptoms in the long run.
Honestly, I am reluctant to criticize mainstream doctors. Instead, I want to build bridges and together figure out the best, most evidence-based approach for our patients. I was educated along with mainstream doctors at Harvard Medical School and then the University of California at San Francisco, and I used to be one, myself. I am surrounded by conventional doctors in my professional and social circles. They are not to blame; rather, they work within a broken health care system that rushes to make a quick diagnosis in seven minutes flat.
Doctors point out the progress made with diseases such as colon cancer and hip fractures,10 yet brain-related conditions, including one’s ability to focus and pay attention, lose weight, feel free of worry and depressive thoughts, and avoid Alzheimer’s disease, are worsening. The uptick in these brain problems coincides with mounting exposures to toxins from food, longstanding stress, and the environment. Women are experiencing something very important: their bodies are responding normally to an abnormal set of stressors, but they have no idea that this is the case. Our work as doctors and enlightened citizens is only beginning if we want to turn this around. And you, by following the protocol in this book, are on the road to discovering the truly healthy and balanced way you can live as part of a larger ecosystem of challenges that include dysfunctional eating habits, lack of sufficient exercise, a toxic environment, inflammation in the brain body, and health that often suffers as a result.
Behind every brain-related condition is a problem present first in the body. Most physicians and their female patients have no clue that the lead in their lipstick is slowing down their thoughts, or that the typical American diet leads to dementia, or that stress on the brain turns into pain in the neck. This is a bit like yelling at your kids for asking, “What’s for dinner?” when you’re really pissed that your boss just added three new assignments to your already staggering workload. It’s important to look further upstream instead of simply at the most immediate symptom.
Meanwhile, women feel like they’re in the rat race and need to persevere despite the symptoms. They go to bed fearing that their brain function is getting worse, that their health is deteriorating, and nothing can be done. They feel stuck with the same old patterns: weight that won’t budge, exercise for which they cannot find time, worries about their job or family, feeling too tired to make a change. Or they reassure themselves that maybe it’s not that bad, probably because they can’t see all the ways their brain/body connection isn’t working. I know because not only have I lived it, I’ve heard about it from thousands of women in my office.
For women, problem drinking is up. So is chronic pain. Mental acuity and happiness are down. Without enough neurotransmitters—the chemical messengers that communicate information between the brain and body—to go around, there’s no pause before making the next bad choice about food or other lifestyle factors that could help. The net result? You’re mired in a body you don’t want or need. I understand: women are too busy, tired, and stressed to prioritize future health over short-term relief.
It’s a case of self-preservation gone wrong. Self-preservation keeps you stuck in your fight-flight-freeze response. The old wiring is based on survival but doesn’t serve your current need for more nuanced behavior, like a resourceful response to your partner or boss. Instead, we end up with maladaptive thought patterns that create entrenched neural pathways in the brain, leading to anxiety, pain, depression, even addiction. And then your brain isn’t able to serve you when you need it. Thought patterns don’t change unless we change the physiology behind them with physical solutions—fresh nutrients, sufficient blood flow, and toxin-free thoughts, buttressed by an intentional practice to be more gentle and supportive with ourselves. You’ll gain tools in this book that you likely are not getting at your doctor’s office.
Brain/Body Breakdown by the Numbers
After my fall, I rewrote my brain destiny, and with it the destiny of my entire body. As I recovered, I was forced to reconcile a sad state of affairs when it comes to our health, a silent epidemic of brain/body disconnection, leading to brain/body failure. Here are just a few of the dire statistics:
As you can see, brain/body breakdown occurs in all stages of life, from adolescence to old age and everywhere in between. It occurs in men and women, although as a board-certified gynecologist, my focus is how to help women recover, reset, and emerge better than ever. Depending on how your specific genes interact with your environment, brain/body disconnection shows up in different ways—but what I want you to know is that these various symptoms and conditions have a similar root cause: inflammation of the brain leading to loss of physiological balance (homeostasis). The worst part is that conventional medicine usually drops the ball, because nearly all of these conditions of brain/body breakdown are preventable and reversible. Let me repeat this: I can show you how we can avoid these symptoms completely and reverse existing conditions so that you can lose weight and feel at home in your brain body again.
The root cause of your symptoms involves toxic exposures, from the toxic stress of too many obligations to getting pummeled with endocrine disruptors like obesogens (sneaky toxins that rob you of a healthy weight) and dementogens (toxins that rob you of cognitive function). When you understand how toxins can ramp up inflammation in the body and brain, causing disruption of normal activity, you will then understand the best scenarios for relieving your symptoms and resolving the real brain/body problem. I will teach you how to develop physical and mental immunity from our constant bombardment of poisons, which will help you lose weight, clear the brain fog, step away from addictive patterns, calm down, cheer up, and remember that word on the tip of your tongue.
Is this a case of unwarranted chemophobia and fearmongering about toxins? No. I believe in a science-based approach to health, and that we need to make it less complicated. We all know the key features of a healthy lifestyle: eat more vegetables, drink less alcohol, exercise more, get enough sleep, foster good relationships, and connect to purpose and meaning. Yet I know from working in the trenches that common knowledge is rarely common practice. We all need help fitting these key features—plus whatever additional strategies science has thrown our way—into our lives in a sane, productive way. Furthermore, I’ve noticed in my years of taking care of women that many lack the proper genes that remove toxins and reverse inflammation. Sometimes we need extra help with these complications so that we can feel our best.
When it comes to the brain/body breakdown, Brain Body Diet teaches you the evidence-based practices that work and clarifies what doesn’t work, so you can avoid wasting your time, money, and resources. You’ll feel better—fabulously well, in fact—as you get your brain body and your life back.
Success with the Brain Body Diet
Maybe you need to upgrade your memory, burn off brain fog, or heal a problem like an expanding waistline, depression, shopping addiction, or headaches. It may be a tendency toward moodiness, worrying, forgetfulness, or toxic overload that you no longer can tolerate. Perhaps you’ll discover that your lack of impulse control stems from a dopamine deficiency, or maybe you’re like me and your main goal is to stave off aging-related cognitive decline, create equanimity, and keep growing and deepening relationships. It takes the natural, innate power of the brain body to rebalance the brain and get to the root of body problems that may seem intractable.
Briefly, here are several success stories with the Brain Body Diet that you will read about in the following chapters.
Tamara, age thirty-eight, came to see me for fatigue and weight gain. We discovered she had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and that her body contained toxic levels of mercury. Testing revealed that her detoxification genes were underperforming, so we found a way to work around them. After completing the protocol, her mercury levels dropped along with her weight, for a total loss of twenty-five pounds. Tamara shows no further signs of autoimmune thyroiditis (her antibody tests are normal) and maintains a healthy weight.
Ruthie struggled with an eating disorder and food addiction that got worse after pregnancy. We traced her problem to a classic imbalance of low levels of the “pleasure” brain chemical—called dopamine—and eating too much highly palatable food like nachos and pastries. Pregnancy and sugar were literally shrinking her brain, making her less resourceful and able to override her cravings. Now, at age fifty-two, she has recovered after performing the Brain Body Diet.
Karen, age forty-five, healed her worry and anxiety with a few small but consistent changes to her food plan, altering her microbiome, swimming more regularly, and taking a natural chill pill as outlined in the protocol.
What to Expect
Brain Body Diet will show you how to address the symptoms of an imbalanced brain body. Specifically, I will provide you with tools to do the following:
I will share with you the exact principles that I researched and discovered to recover my brain/body homeostasis—and then successfully implemented with hundreds of patients.
Regardless of what you’re after, change starts first in the brain and then radiates out to the body. The brain is boss—although if it overworks your body, your body can rebel and shut down the brain. Before change can occur, we need to identify patterns in the brain/body connection that are no longer working for you. Once you become aware of the unmanageable brain patterns (“But I like this rice that might contain arsenic!” or “My husband cheated, so I deserve my favorite dessert” or “A water filter sounds like a good idea, but I’m too busy right now”), you can take the critical action to revise and release them.
Brain health is the gateway to the best health. It must be gently triggered by faith with sensitivity, specificity, and nuance. Harsh, aggressive, bulldozing programs usually don’t work over the long term, but kind and nurturing inquiry about what’s true for you does. Through the Brain Body Diet, you and I working as a team for just forty days will rewire your brain with the most important tools in the lifestyle medicine arsenal: healthy unprocessed food, best times to eat, exercise, yoga, meditation, short pulses of supplements, bioidentical hormones, relationships, social support, and purpose.
Brain Body Diet will help you induce and maintain the key processes that lead to stronger nerve cells, synapses, and support cells (glial cells). The forty-day Brain Body Diet is a multistep, proven, and highly choreographed process that will lead to long-lasting changes in the molecular dance within your gut, brain, and body. You’ll find individual protocols for the symptoms that bother you most, led by a questionnaire to assess if you need that particular protocol. You will reclaim your brain/body health so that you are no longer prey to overwhelming feelings of anxiety or depression. You will quell inflammation by clearing toxins, healing your brain/body connections especially between the gut and brain. You will lower your dose of toxic stress and get your needs met when it comes to sleep, sunshine, movement, emotional connection, healthy relationships, and spiritual development. You will reset the diverse hormones affecting your brain that control everything from hunger to memory. If you are overweight, you will lower your body weight set point, which is controlled by brain/body interactions. You’ll reverse brain shrinkage that occurs from pregnancy, eating sugar and drinking alcohol, and lack of the types of exercise that specifically prevent brain inflammation and aging. I’ll help you get off sticky prescription medications that aren’t serving you. You will feel back at home in your body again with mental sharpness, able to roll with the punches and to fit into your favorite jeans, glowing from within and happy in your body. You’ll have total health with brain and body back in alliance, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or require expensive procedures or creams.
When you complete the Brain Body Diet, you’ll feel deeply calm, energized, centered, clearheaded, lean, and smart. Your body will function more easily. You’ll resolve your deepest ailments and finally feel a sense of peace. You’ll make smarter decisions. You’ll love better.
At this point, you are beginning to understand the relationship between brain and body and how it becomes dysfunctional. Next, we want to work together to change your daily choices and actions so that they are aligned with the best expression of your unique brain body. Learning to live in a new way with your brain body demands time and patience. With the protocol in this book, I’m asking for just forty days to discover this place of health and harmony. I’ve done it, and so have many others. Now it’s your turn. Together, we’ve got this covered.
Brain/Body Connections