Life is a journey of lessons that ultimately leads to the growth of your soul. On this path, we all have different roles to carry out and lessons to learn. In this lifetime, on my path, one of my roles is to be a teacher of all things spiritual—to help others learn to connect to the intrinsic part of their essence that makes them who they are in spirit and to help them see and understand more than what can be seen with the eyes.
I’ve worked with vibrational energy, the frequency of being, for a long time, even before it was called frequency. I’ve taught others to experience energy connections in everything they do, how to understand and feel their own frequency, and how to raise their frequency and connect it with the frequency of others, of animals, of places, and of situations. The Simplicity of Cozy was born because of the frequency connection with the day-to-day situations that we find ourselves in—the idea that we can connect to the energy of even the simplest moments in our lives and allow that energy to affect us so we move forward and grow in positive and empowering ways. The book is designed to allow you to create tremendous positivity for yourself by becoming more aware of your ability to implement a sense of coziness to all you do, including the way you think and your approach to your spiritual path.
The Simplicity of Cozy is about feeling coziness while recognizing your soul essence through the connection you make to the divine and to universal consciousness. It is meant to be a resource you can turn to time and time again, especially when you feel off-kilter. It is my hope that The Simplicity of Cozy will help guide you back on track during times of unbalance and that my words can enlighten you and bring you the focus needed to embrace the simple, cozy, everyday moments of your life. The increased awareness that a cozy feeling brings can help you rise above problems, if only for a moment, to appreciate the positive in your life. You can become a beacon of light not only within yourself but also to those around you.
Coziness is a way of life for many people around the world. It is a frequency connection at a very personal level that can bring about miraculous transformations at your core spiritual essence. When you make a shift in your energy to one of awareness of the little things, of a simple life where you are more connected to the moments that your essential self needs for growth, it leads to more joy and happiness. All parts of your general lifestyle are a part of and affect the coziness you experience on a daily basis. It’s time to make a new and warm frequency connection within your lifestyle. Living the cozy life is a gift you give to yourself.
Embracing coziness isn’t always as easy as just thinking happy thoughts or choosing the positive. Sure, sometimes it can be that easy, but often it requires you to actively choose and be consciously aware that you are choosing to add more coziness to your lifestyle. It is a feeling deep within your core spiritual being of understanding yourself and the choices you make at a soul level. It’s all about making choices … and the choices are yours to make. Coziness, spirituality, and consciousness are all connected to the cosmos of divine knowledge, all of which identify you as a spiritual being at your purest essence.
Feeling the charm of coziness can fill you with transformative energy. The simple act of becoming more sensitive to the cozy possibilities can turn your life from one filled with stress to one where you’re more relaxed and happy. It doesn’t happen in the blink of an eye, but as you become more aware you will be transformed. If you like to journal, write down things as you become aware of them so you can refer back to them in the future. Coziness will give you a sense of peace within and a greater understanding of the world around you.
You’re always learning and growing on a spiritual level. You learn from your mistakes, grow on your path of self-discovery, and embody all that you are as a spiritual being. Embracing the frequency connection of coziness is recognizing the truth within your soul, living that truth, and appreciating yourself and those around you through your daily experiences.
Love, selflessness, joy, caring, and compassion are all keys to cozy living. When you put these keys into the locks of your life, you open yourself to the wonders the universe has to offer on every level. Now is the time to become one with your Divine Self, to open the doors of your mysteries and be thankful every step of the way. You hold these keys in your hands. It’s up to you whether you use them to empower your own soul essence or whether you allow them to sit idly by. It is your choice to be aware of the cozy things in your life that bring more enlightenment.
For those who have learned to open to awareness, to be in the moment, and embrace coziness, it often becomes a way of life. It is so interwoven into their being that it happens without conscious thought. It is part of who they are, how they behave, and how they interact with others. The Danish are a prime example of this, and we’ll discuss their concept of coziness called hygge in Chapter One.
It is my hope that The Simplicity of Cozy will enable you to make more soulful connections to the moments of your life and to find appreciation in all you are and in all you experience. This book is written as a beginner’s guide and is filled with exercises that will help you enhance the simplicity of cozy and experience it for spiritual growth.
I invite you to join me as I guide you along this journey. I also invite you to participate in the Coziness Transformational Challenge. This is a thirty-day (or more) challenge that you can do whenever you feel ready to start. It will help you change your thought patterns and redirect your actions in ways that will change your life to embrace coziness and bring about more joy and happiness while you enjoy the moments of your life. You’ll find details about the challenge at the end of the book, so keep it in mind as you read (or check it out before you start reading). It’s going to be fun so let’s do this!