Introduction to Our Angelic Origins
1 . Twitchell, Eckankar Dictionary, 3.
2 . Wordsworth, Ode, 426.
3 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 247–48.
4 . Head and Cranston, Reincarnation, 9.
5 . Recounted in McCannon, Dialogues, 27–37.
6 . Hall, Sacred Magic, 22.
7 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 38–39.
1. The Eternal Flame
1 . Eliade, Myth, 86–89.
2 . Vaughan, Shadows, 118.
3 . Vallyon, Heavens, 167.
4 . Hall, Sacred Magic, 11.
5 . Doreal, Emerald Tablets, 20–21.
6 . Pseudo-Dionysius, Celestial Hierarchy, 6.
7 . Ibid., 8.
8 . Shvetashvataropanishad, iii. 7, 8, 21, quoted in Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 12–13.
9 . Hermes quoted in Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, I, 285.
10 . McCannon, Return, 191.
11 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 22.
12 . Alexander, Proof, 47 .
13 . Rumi quoted in Mishlove, Roots, 191.
14 . Hall, Death, 31.
15 . Miller, Bhagavad-Gita, 31–32.
16 . Shearer and Russell, Upanishads, 36.
17 . Jayaram, “Purusha,” www.hinduwebsite.com/prakriti.asp .
18 . Vaughan, Shadows, 122.
19 . Ibid., 126.
20 . Matt, Essential Kabbalah, 148.
2. Mysteries of the Hidden Wisdom
1 . Herodotus, Histories, 116–17.
2 . Alexander, Map, 6–7.
3 . Epicurus quoted in MacLennan, Wisdom, 18.
4 . Ibid., 18.
5 . Plato quoted in MacLennan, Wisdom, 120.
6 . Prophet, Reincarnation, 69.
7 . Ibid., 46.
8 . The Compagno tablets quoted in Prophet, Reincarnation, 72.
9 . Ibid.
10 . Zeller, History, 71–72.
11 . Hall, Death, 30.
12 . Prophet, Reincarnation, 66.
13 . Hall, Death, 69.
14 . Epicurus fragment quoted in MacLennan, Wisdom, 69.
15 . Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations IV–40 quoted in MacLennan, Wisdom, 107.
16 . Hall, Death, 70.
17 . Ibid.
18 . Mylonas, Eleusis, 284–85.
3. Reincarnation and the Circle of Life
1 . MacLennan, Wisdom, 27.
2 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 191.
3 . Ibid., 192.
4 . Ibid.
5 . Ibid .
6 . MacLennan, Wisdom, 31.
7 . Prophet, Reincarnation, 74.
8 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 196.
9 . MacLennan, Wisdom, 28.
10 . Baldock, Tibetan Book, 9.
11 . MacLennan, Wisdom, 32.
12 . Empedocles quoted in Leonard, Fragments, 8.
13 . Ibid. , 9.
14 . Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 209.
15 . Paracelsus quoted in Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. I, 281.
16 . Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. I, 274, and 277.
17 . From the Greek Mystery School quoted in Vallyon, Heavens, 169.
18 . Pythagoras quoted in MacLennan, Wisdom, 107.
19 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 198.
20 . Hall, Death, 31.
21 . Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 204.
22 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 198.
23 . Hall, Death, 33.
24 . Loew, Myth, 208.
25 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 18.
26 . Plato, Dialogues, 360–61.
27 . Plato quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 213.
28 . Cicero quoted in Mead, Orpheus, 189.
29 . Schorn, Reincarnation, 23–24.
30 . Alger, Critical History, 475.
31 . McCannon, Return, 296.
32 . McMillian, We, 239.
33 . Emerson, “Nominalist,” 320.
34 . Tolstoy quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 337.
35 . Benjamin Franklin quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 271.
36 . Louisa May Alcott quoted in Drury, Reincarnation, 26.
37 . McCannon, Return, 296.
38 . Whiston, trans., The Works of Josephus, Jewish War, book 3, chapter 8, no. 5, 656 .
39 . Zohar quoted in Semkiw, Return, 27.
40 . Hall, Secret Teachings, 16–17.
41 . Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 229.
42 . Ibid.
43 . Russell quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 203.
44 . Plotinus quoted in Armstrong, Plotinus’ Enneads, 220–22.
4. The Isles of the Blessed
1 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 137.
2 . Homer quoted in Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations, 59.
3 . Pindar quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 208.
4 . Baldock, Tibetan, 9.
5 . Cole and Cosmopoulos, Greek Mysteries, 194.
6 . Plato quoted on www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/plato_2.html#2BSjVf5WW58A5hdM.99 (accessed May 14, 2017).
7 . Hodge, Illustrated Tibetan Book of the Dead, 19.
8 . Ibid.
9 . Baldock, Tibetan, 102–4.
10 . Powell, The Astral Body, 168–69.
5. The Book of Life and Death in the Halls of Amenti
1 . Naydler, Temples, 244.
2 . McCannon, Jesus, 298–306.
3 . Naydler, Temples, 249.
4 . Newton, Journey, 22–23.
5 . Ibid., 43–44.
6 . Freke and Gandy, Hermetica, 67.
7 . Doreal, Emerald, 56–57.
8 . Cota-Robles, Who, 71.
9 . Swami Nikhilanda, Upanishads, 58.
10 . Cota-Robles, Who, 36.
11 . Naydler, Temples, 201 .
6. Glimpses of the Afterlife
1 . Plato quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation Phoenix, 215–16.
2 . Ibid.
3 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 204.
4 . Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. I, 104.
5 . Newton, Journey, 207–13.
6 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 31.
7 . Newton, Journey, 207–12.
8 . Ibid., 212.
9 . Ibid., 213.
10 . Parnia, What Happens, 11.
11 . Plato quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation: Phoenix, 215–16.
12 . Ibid.
13 . Parnia, What Happens, 11.
14 . Ibid., 10.
15 . Heim quoted in Noyes and Kletti, “The Experience of Dying from Falls,” 50.
16 . Origen quoted in Head and Cranston, Reincarnation, East West, 36.
17 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 2.
18 . Richie, Return, 47–48.
19 . Ibid., 50–51.
20 . Ibid., 52.
21 . Baldock, Tibetan, 92.
22 . Richie, Return, 64–65.
23 . Ibid., 66.
24 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 92.
25 . Ibid., 88–89.
26 . Heneig, “Science,” 48.
27 . Brinkley, Saved, 7.
28 . Ibid., 19–20.
29 . Ibid., 27–28.
30 . Ibid., 30.
31 . Ibid., 45.
32 . Alexander, Proof, 38–39.
33 . Ibid., 40–41 .
34 . Ibid., 45.
35 . Ibid.
36 . Ibid., 46.
37 . Ibid., 47.
7. The Seventeen Stages of the Near-Death Experience
1 . Charbonier, Seven Reasons, 20–21.
2 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 175–76.
3 . Baldock, Tibetan, 10.
4 . Atwater, Beyond, 153.
5 . Brinkley, Saved, 8.
6 . Moody, Reflections, 170.
7 . Ibid., 50.
8 . Parnia, What Happens, 60–61.
9 . Charbonier, Seven Reasons, 82.
10 . Moody, Reflections, 68.
11 . Atwater, Beyond, 53.
12 . Parnia, What Happens, 64.
13 . Brinkley, Saved, 25–27.
14 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 249.
15 . Ibid., 175.
16 . Atwater, Beyond, 49–50.
17 . Baldock, Tibetan, 92.
18 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 155–56.
19 . Ibid., 155.
20 . Ibid., 158.
21 . Ibid., 159.
22 . Ibid., 164.
23 . Newton, Destiny, 161–62.
24 . Lundahl and Widdison, Eternal, 161.
25 . Newton, Destiny, 157–161.
26 . Hall, Death, 15 .
8. The Seven Heavens of the Astral Plane
1 . Newton, Destiny, 93–109.
2 . Ibid., 94.
3 . Atwater, Beyond, 49–50.
4 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 58–59.
5 . Ibid., 59–60.
9. The Mental and Causal Heavens
1 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 145–46.
2 . Ibid., 153–54.
10. The Great Chain of Being
1 . Dossey, “Angels the Missing Link,” in Sardello, Angels, 85.
2 . Tolle quoted in De Pape, Power, 11.
3 . Proclus quoted in Bartlett’s Quotations, 120.
4 . Wilson, “Journeys,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 209.
5 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, 274.
6 . Ibid.
7 . Williams, “On Re-Imagining Angels,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 29.
8 . Ibid., 28.
9 . Planck quoted in Walla, “Harvard,” Oracle 20/20 Magazine, April 2016, (Atlanta, Georgia: Inner Space), 16.
10 . Walla, “Harvard,” 16.
11 . Jeans quoted in Walla, “Harvard,” 16.
12 . Dossey, “Angels the Missing Link,” in Sardello, Angels, 82.
13 . Ibid., 82–83.
14 . Origen quoted in Grosso, “The Cult of the Guardian Angel,” in Parisen, Angels, 129.
11. Divine Origins
1 . Tao Te Ching quoted in Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 8–9.
2 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 21.
3 . McCannon, Return, 316–18 .
4 . Freke and Gandy, Hermetica, 53.
5 . Mundakopanishad II, 1, 2, 9, and 11 quoted in Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 12.
6 . Cowen, “The Dethronement of the Angels,” in Sardello, Angels, 107.
7 . Hall, Sacred Magic, 21.
8 . Brihaddranyakopanishad IV, 20, 22 quoted in Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 13.
9 . Hall, Sacred Magic, 24–25.
10 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom, 44.
11 . Kaku, Parallel, 17.
12 . Ibid., 17–18.
13 . Ibid., 17–18.
14 . Purce, Mystic, 8.
15 . Blavatsky, Voice, 5.
16 . Westcott, Chaldean Oracles, 33–34.
17 . Purce, Mystic, 8.
18 . McCannon, Return, 364–65.
19 . Freke and Gandy, Hermetica, 39.
20 . Hall, Sacred Magic, 36.
21 . Freke and Gandy, Hermetica, 39.
22 . Ibid., 61.
23 . Jung quoted in Trammel, “Angels: a Way of Working,” in Sardello, Angels, 133–34.
12. Angels, Devas, and Mortals
1 . Godwin, Angels, 7.
2 . Miller, “The Shining Ones in the Vedas,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 70.
3 . Ibid., 72–73.
4 . Ibid., 73.
5 . Hodson, “The Greater Gods,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 229.
6 . Swedenborg quoted in Stanley, “Angelic Nature,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 221–22.
7 . Hodson, “The Greater Gods,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 226 .
8 . Farthing, “Humanity and the Cosmic Hierarchy,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 143.
9 . Godwin, Angels, 19.
10 . Miller, “The Shining Ones in the Vedas,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 73.
11 . Szekely, Essene, 36.
12 . Martin and Moraitis, Communing, 12.
13 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, 288.
14 . Martin and Moraitis, Communing, 13–14.
15 . The Southern Centre of Theosophy, Devas and Men: A Compilation of Theosophical Studies on the Angelic Kingdom, vii.
16 . Ibid., xi.
17 . Cannon, Legacy, 229–30.
18 . Ibid., 231.
19 . Algeo, “Dark Angels,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 149.
20 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, 277.
21 . The Southern Centre of Theosophy, Devas and Men, viii.
22 . Hodson, “Greater,” 232.
23 . Miller, “The Shining Ones of the Vedas,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 84.
24 . Ibid.
25 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 2, 181.
26 . Miller, “The Shining Ones of the Vedas,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 86.
27 . Blavatsky, Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, 294.
13. Meeting Our Angelic Twin
1 . Budge, Egyptian, 324, 332, 335.
2 . Hoeller, “Angels Holy and Unholy,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 100.
3 . Ibid., 102–3.
4 . Barnstone, The Gospel of Philip, 100.
5 . Ibid., 99.
6 . Ibid., 90.
7 . Clement quoted in Hoeller “Angels Holy and Unholy,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 103 .
14. The Nine Orders of Angels
1 . Dante quoted in Wilson, “Journeys,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 211.
2 . Ibid.
3 . Steiner quoted in Hines, “The Hierarchies,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 108.
4 . Hines, “The Hierarchies,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 108.
5 . Freke and Gandy, Hermetica, 38.
6 . Zohar quoted in Sardello, Angels, 197.
7 . Hines, “The Hierarchies,” in Parisen, Angels and Mortals, 109.
8 . Steiner quoted in Ibid., 118.
9 . Sardello, Angels, 50.
16. Dismantling the Illusion of Separation
1 . Twitchell, Eckankar Dictionary, 2.
17. Energy-Stealing Styles and Techniques for Better Communication
1 . Unterman, Talking to My Selves, 147–57.
18. Life Lessons in the Course Curriculum
1 . Besant, Ancient Wisdom,, 203–5.
19. Mastering the Lessons of Love and Power
1 . Lipton, Biology of Belief, xxvii-xxviii.
2 . Ibid., 95.
3 . Ibid., 113.
4 . HeartMath Institute, “You Can Change Your DNA,” July 14, 2011, www.heartmath.org/articles-of-the-heart/personal-development/you-can-change-your-dna/ (last accessed May 12, 2017).
5 . Peter Gariaev and Vladimir Poponin, “DNA BioComputer Reprogramming,” www.rexresearch.com/gajarev/gajarev.htm (last accessed May 12, 2017).
6 . Ibid .
20. The Path of the Heart
1 . Hillman, Soul’s Code, 39.
2 . Ibid., xi.
3 . Ibid., xi.
4 . Churchill quoted Ibid., 107.
5 . Plato quoted in Ibid., 45.
6 . Plotinus quoted in Ibid., ix.
7 . Huxley quoted on www.azquotes.com/quote/535461 (last accessed May 15, 2017).