A. See Compound A
A-4. See German ballistic missile (A-4)
Abramson, Bert, 67, 127, 130–131
Acetic anhydride, WFNA freezing point and, 44
decaborane plus hydrazine and, as monopropellant, 146–147
as hydrazine additive, 39, 146–47
tetranitromethane plus, as monopropellant, 135
Acetylene, 30
liquid hydrogen plus, as monopropellant, 134n
oxygen-ammonia system and, 95
research with derivatives, 29, 30, 30–31, 122
ignition and reactions with bonds, 26
See also specific acid
Advanced Research Projects Administration (ARPA), “Project Principia,” 153, 158, 160
Aerojet Engineering
founding, 18
research, 19, 35, 37, 49, 56, 97; borane, 113, 117; borohydrides, 117; deep space rockets, 78; hybrid propellants, 160, 166, 169, 170, 171; hydrazines, 117; liquid fluorine, 100; liquid hydrogen, 97; monopropellants, 125, 132, 139, 147, 158; oxidizers, 74
Aeronautical Research Institute, Braunschweig (ARIB), 10
Aeroprojects, hybrid propellant research, 165, 172
Aerozine-50, 39
Agena motor, fuel for, 56
Air Products, monopropellant research, 134
Air Reduction Company
monopropellant research, 122, 149–150
ozone work, 103–104
propellant production, 32
additives and heat flux, 97
aniline and RFNA plus, use of, 22
hypergolicity studies, 25
liquid oxygen plus, use of, 94, 97, 107
for long-range ballistic missiles, 21
See also specific alcohol
Alkyl borane derivatives, research on, 112, 113
Allied Chemical and Dye Company research, 45
Altman, Dave, 19
Aluminum additives, 7
in gasoline, 14
in gelled propellants, 166–167; problems with, 167–168, 169
for high-density fuels, 164 in hydrazine, 170–171; decomposition and, 168
for oxygen motor starts, 97
Aluminum borohydrides, 117–118
Aluminum hydrides, 169
“Alumizine,” 167
American Cyanamid Company research, 17, 18, 153
American Interplanetary Society, 3
American Rocket Society (ARS), 17
mixed amine fluid (MAF), 178
nitrate salts: as monopropellants, 126–133, 134, 135–138, 140–145; structure-sensitivity relations, 137n
tertiary, 32–33
See also specific amine
additives and heat flux, 97
ammonium nitrate plus, 14
chlorine trifluoride and, 67, 68
fuming nitric acid and, 23
hydrazine and, 35
hypergolicity studies, 22–23
liquid fluorine plus, 100
methylamine plus, 23
salts and hydrogen peroxide freezing point, 62
See also specific compound
Ammonium borohydride, 117
Ammonium nitrate, 123–124
hydrogen peroxide plus, 61–62
WFNA freezing point and, 44
Ammonium thiocyanate, 36
Amster, A. B., 99
disadvantages of, 17
freezing point depression, 17, 18
hydrazine plus, 36
methylamine plus, 36
RFNA plus, 16, 22; disadvantages of, 22; JATO and, 16, 17
spontaneous ignition, 11
Aoki, Kenneth, 145
Apollo service engine, 56
Arbit, H. A., 172
“Arcogels,” 162
Argon fluoride, 66n
Armour Research Institute. See Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI)
Arnold, General Henry Harley (“Hap”), 8, 10
Arnold, Weld, 8
Aston, 37–38
Atlantic Research Company, 162, 171
Atzwanger, 72
Audrieth, 34
Barrett, Wayne, 143
Barrick, P. L., 98
Barsh, Max, 139
Bauer, Hans, 79
Baumé, 79
Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) research, 10–12, 14
high-density fuels, 164
hybrid rockets, 159
Beardell, A. J., 166
Beighley, G. M., 171
Bell Aircraft Company research, 44, 56
Chariot motor, 101
Bendix Corporation, 23
Berry, W. E., 103
Beryllium, 117–118
Be-O-H system, 171–172
gelled propellants plus, 166, 169–170
hydrazines plus, 171
usefulness of, 174
Beryllium hydrides, 169–170
Beryllium oxide, 169
Boeing Aircraft, 164
alkyl derivatives, work on, 112, 113
carborane discovery, 113
described, 110–111
heat of combustion, 111
hydrazine plus, 146–148
as monopropellants, 139, 146–148
Russian work on, 108
See also specific compound (e.g., Decaborane; Diborane; Pentaborane)
Borden, 22
Borohydrides, 117–118
as additive to gelled fuels, 166
nitric acid plus, 139
suspensions in hybrid propellants, 170–171
Boron carbide, 170–171
Boron nitride system and boranes, 114–117, 145–148
Boron trioxide, 113
Bost, Howard, 32–33, 133, 136, 138, 139, 140, 142, 144
Boyd, W. K., 103
Brickwedde, 98
British Interplanetary Society, 3
Bromine, nature of compounds with fluorine, 66, 68
Buffalo Electrochemical Company (BECCO) research
monopropellants, 120
torpedo propellants, 121
Bull, Harry W., 7
Bullpup missile, 56
Bureau of Aeronautics, U.S. Navy (BuAer), “Project Zip,” 112
Burket, S., 49
Butanol, nitromethane plus, 19, 125
Butyl mercaptan, 26
Cady, George, 158
Callery Chemical Company research, 44, 49
monopropellants, 145–146, 153, 155
oxidizers, 74
Campbell, E. D., 36
Carboranes, 113
Carbon, fluoride-type oxidizers and, 68–69
Carbon black, interhalogens and, 165
Cavea, 158
availability of salt, 141, 143–145
Cavea B firing, 145
detonation traps, 150–151
discovery of, 140
freezing point, 141
mercury plus, as fuel for hybrids, 163
synthesis of salt, 141–142, 144
Centaur motor, 99
Chariot motor, 101
Cherenko, J. P., 155
Chlorides, hydrogen peroxide and, 62
Chlorine compounds, research with, 71–73. See also specific compound
Chlorine pentafluoride. See Compound A
Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3; CTF), 13, 67–71
described, 66–67
discovery of, 66
fuels available for, 67, 68–69
handling problems and dangers, 66–67, 67–68
hydrazines plus, 69–70
hypergolicity of, 66
as oxidizer for hybrids, 160, 162
propellant gelling with, 166
Chromium salts, nitromethane and, 19
Clapp, S. D., 172
Clark, J. D., 46–48, 51, 55, 69, 69–70, 72, 77, 80, 86, 94, 134, 147–148
ClF5. See Compound A
Coach, Dean, 164
Coates, G. E., 169
Cohen, Murray, 113
Collins, 49
Commercial Solvents Company, 124
Compound A, 78–80
hydrazine plus, 91–92
usefulness of, 174
Compound Delta, 158
Compound M, 157–158
Compound Omega, 80
Compound R, 157–158
Compound X, 76
Computers, use of, 87, 88, 157
Connaughton, 157
Corcoran, J. M., 36
Corporal missile, 19, 22–23, 25, 36
Crocco, General G.-A., 4n
Crossfield, Scott, 95
Cryogenics, defined, 21
C-Stoff, 10
CTF. See Chlorine trifluoride (ClF3; CTF)
Cuddy, Bill, 134–135, 146, 149
Cyanamid in monopropellants, 157
Cyclooctatetraene, WFNA plus, 23
Decaborane, 111
availability of, 113
effects of ammonia and, 23
future for, 174
hydrazines plus, 146–147
Dennison, D. M., 98
Diamant, 23n
Diamines, research on, 33, 105
1, 4-diaza, 1, 4-dimethyl, bicyclo 2, 2, 2, octane dinitrate. See Cavea
boiling point, 114
combustion results, 111–112
diborane-OF2 space storable system, 78
oxidizers and performance of, 114
Dickerson, R. A., 172
Dickinson, L. A., 99
Diethyl dimethyl ammonium nitrate, 137, 139
Diethyl zinc as starting slug, 6, 97
Diethylcyclohexane, 96
Diethylene triamine, hydrazine plus, 39, 40
Difluoramine, 74
Diisopropenyl acetylene, 122
Diisopropyl amine (Isolde)
detonation, 150
performance tests, 136
WFNA plus, 130–132
Dimethyldiisopropyl ammonium nitrate, “quick mix” detonation, 151–152
Dimethyldivinylacetylene, 32
Dimethyl hydrazine, unsymmetrical (UDMH), 37–39, 179
liquid oxygen plus, 97
methylated nitrate, use of, 143
military specifications for, 38
production competition, 38–39
RFNA plus, 174
Dimethyl mercury for hybrids, 162
boiling point, 74
handling and characteristics, 75
potential uses, 76
synthesis, 74
theoretical performance, 74–75
Dipropargyl, 26
Dow Chemical Company research, 39, 153, 154, 158
Doyle, Bill, 100
Drop weight test, 149
Dunn, Louis, 122
Dunning, 46
Du Pont Chemical Company research, 49, 74, 157
Dwiggins, 36
Dwyer, R. F., 99
Dyer, G. M., 61
Edwards Air Force Base (EAFB), research at, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118
Electrical conductivity reactions, use of, 46–48, 76–77
Elverum, G. W., 52
Engineering Experiment Station, U.S. Navy (EES), 19, 125
Enterprise (ship), 83
ERDE. See Explosives Research and Development Establishment, Waltham Abbey, England (ERDE) research
Esnault-Pelterie, Robert, 3, 6, 14
Esso Research and Development work, 153, 154
Ethane, 174
Ethers. See specific compound
Ethyl silicate, heat flux and, 96
Ethyl trimethyl ammonium nitrate, 137, 139
Ethylene diamines, 105
Ethylene dihydrazine, 39–40
Experiment Incorporated, 122
“Exploration of Space with Reactive Devices” (Tsiolkovsky), 1
Explosives Research and Development Establishment, Waltham Abbey, England (ERDE) research
hydrogen peroxide, 62
monopropellants, 123–124
propyl nitrate, 121
Faraday, Michael, 2
Farben (I.G.) research, 12, 105
Ferric oxide as hydrogen fuel catalyst, 98
Firth, 158
“Florox,” 80
Flow ratio of oxidizer to fuel (O/F), 3, 179
defined, 177
performance, 102
in RP motor, 102
Fluorides, NF monopropellant studies, 153–158. See also specific compound
boranes and, 112
gelling compounds, 165–166
H-Li-F system, 101, 171–172, 174
isolation of, 2
liquid, 2; development of motors for, 99–102; early work on, 100; handling, 101; for long-range ballistic missiles, 21; performance with additives, 30
liquid oxygen plus liquid. See Flox
nature of compounds, 65–66
ozone plus, 104
pentaborane plus, 114
See also specific compound
Fluorine nitrate, 65
Fluorine perchlorate, 72–73
Fluorosulfonic acid, WFNA freezing point and, 45
Forbes, Forrest (“Woody”), 80
Forrestal Laboratories, Princeton University, research by, 103, 122, 134n
Foster, 23
Fredericks, F., 35
Frozen equilibrium calculation of exhaust velocity, 84, 86, 88
code names for, 11
fuel to oxidizer ratio, 3, 179
See also specific chemical and/or fuel
Fuming nitric acid (SFNA)
development of, 52
freezing point, 54; nitric oxide and, 48–50
stability, 179
See also Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA); White fuming nitric acid (WFNA)
Furans, 26
Furfural, RFNA plus, 23
aniline plus, 18
fuming nitric acids and, 22
Gardner, Dave, 152
Gases, history of liquefaction of, 2, 3
Gaskins, Fred, 165
additives, 23; liquid oxygen, 17; propellant efficiency and, 18; RFNA, 16; Russian studies, 105–106
for long-range ballistic missiles, 21
Gaynor, A. J., 104
General Chemical Company, 52, 53
General Electric Company (GE) research, 96
boranes, 111
hybrid propellants, 159–160
hydrogen peroxide, 61
monopropellants, 150
X-430 motor, 102
German ballistic missile (A-4)
design and development, 9
propellants, 94, 120; range and, 13–14
Glassman, Irving, 134n
Globus, R. H., 166
Glocking, I., 169
Goering, Hermann, 10
Gould, Jack, 111, 135, 153, 154
Graefe, A. F., 139
Grant, 122
Greenfield, S. P., 56
Greenwood, R. W., 43–44, 53–54
Grelecki, 170
Grosse, 31
Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (GALCIT) research, 8, 15
Haberman, 116
Haley, Andrew, 18
“Halox,” 80
Happell, 31
“Hard start,” defined, 11
Harris, 48
Harshaw Chemical Company, 66
Hashman, Sam, 80
Hawkins, A. W., 157
Hawthorne, H. F., 146
Heller, 13
Hemesath, Hermann, 12
Herrickes, Joe, 149
Heterogeneous propellants, 14, 170–172
Hill, 34
Hiller, 98
Hirschfelder, J. O., 16
Hogsett, J. N., 118
Holzmann, Dick, 79, 113n, 116, 169, 170
Hornstein, Bernard, 56
Horvitz, Dave, 22, 35, 36, 37, 164
Hottel, 86
Hough, 145
Hughes Tool Company research, 132, 139, 150
Hybalines, 118
Hybrid propellants, 159–172
“arcogels” for, 162
basic mechanism of combustion, 161–162
combustion problems, 168–169, 170
dimethyl mercury as, 162
fuel-oxidizer recommendations, 160–162
heterogeneous monopropellants, 170–172
high-density system, 106–107, 162–163ff.
Li-F-H system, 101–102, 171–172, 174
metals and high-density fuels, 162–164
origin of concept, 159
storage problems, 167–168, 170
thixotropic propellants, 165–170. See also Thixotropic propellants
tripropellant systems, 171
UTC power plan and, 162
Hydrazine(s), 34–40
advantages of, 34
aluminum and, 167–168
beryllium hydride and, 169
boranes and, 146–148
chlorine pentafluoride plus, 91–92
chlorine trifluoride plus, 67, 68, 69–71
decomposition reactions, 122–123, 167–168
development of, 57
dimethyl. See Dimethyl hydrazine, unsymmetrical (UDMH)
hydrazine hydrate conversion to, 22
hydrazine nitrate and, 36, 39, 124, 124n
hydrogen peroxide and, 61
liquid oxygen and, 97
metals with, 170–171
monomethyl. See Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
as monopropellants, 122, 124, 124n, 146–148
perhydrodecaborate ion and, 147–148
problems with, 22, 34; restart, 122
storability of, 22
types of mixed fuels available, 39–40
usefulness of, 174
for X-15, 94
chlorine trifluoride plus, 69–70
as hydrazine additive, 36, 39, 124, 124n
metals with, 170–171
Hydrazinium borohydride, 117
Hydrazoid P, 70
oxygen plus, performance and, 91
in space storable systems, 78
See also specific compound
Hydrocyanic acid, hydrazine plus, 35
classification as energy conductor, 90
liquid, 97, 98; acetylene plus, 134n; Be-O-H system, 171; boiling point, 97; catalysts for, 98; handling, 99; history of, 1, 2; Li-F-H system, 101–102, 171–172, 174; liquid fluorine plus, 102, 174; for long-range ballistic missiles, 21; motors for, 99; oxygen plus, 174; production of, 97; two forms of molecule, 98
slurried (“slush”), described, 99
Hydrogen fluoride
estimation methods, 55
inhibition of corrosion by, 53–54, 58
specifications for in fuming nitric acid, 55
WFNA and, 55–56
Hydrogen peroxide, 9, 10, 13, 15, 59–64
ammonium nitrate plus, 62
as auxiliary power source, 62, 113
boranes and, 111
corrosiveness of, 62
decomposition with heat evolution, 59–60, 63
in hybrid rockets, 159–160
as jet propellant, 62–64
as monopropellant, 7, 120–121, 123
pentaborane plus, 113–114
problem of system ignition, 62
propyl nitrate plus, 123
Russian work with, 106
stabilizers, 60
as torpedo propellant, 121
usefulness of, 174
Hydrogen trifluoride, 67–67
defined, 11
experiments with, 6, 12, 20–40
speed for, 11
See also under specific compound
Ignition delay
testing, 24–25
water plus WFNA and, 45–48
Illinois Institute of Technology Research Institute (IITRI)
monopropellant work, 155
Imperial Chemical Industries, 153
Infrared absorption band for water determination in WFNA, 45
Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), 56. See also specific missile
Inyokern. See Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) research
Iodine compounds and hydrazine restarts, 123
IRFNA. See Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA): inhibited
Iridium, hydrazine restarts and, 122
Iron compounds as catalysts, 13
Isolde. See Diisopropyl amine (Isolde)
Isopropanol, liquid oxygen plus, 94
Jackson, 116
Jet assisted take-off (JATO)
first use, 16
importance, 10
production, 15
project origin, 8
propellants for, 15–17, 19, 21
Jet propellant. See JP (jet propellant)
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (JPL) research, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 48n, 49, 50, 52–53
analysis of RFNA, 41–42
boranes, 111, 114 halogen fluoride, 66
hydrogen peroxide, 61
liquid fluorine, 100
monopropellants, 122, 123, 124, 125, 149, 150
oxygen: alcohol plus, 94; ammonia plus, 95
space storable systems, 78
Johnson, H. L., 97
JP (jet propellant), 28ff.
defined, 178
JP-1, 28
JP-2, 28
JP-3, 28
JP-4: additives for, 32, 34–40; described, 28; oxygen plus, 95, 97; specifications for, 95
JP-5, 28
JP-6, 28
See also specific compound
JPL. See Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology (JPL) research
Juno-1, 97
Kapitza, Peter, 107
Kaplan, 22
Kay, 52
Kellogg (M. W.) Company research, 21, 23, 61
derivatives and additives for jets, 28
history of use, 6
for long-range ballistic missiles, 21
Kilner, Scott, 100
Kinetic programs in exhaust velocity calculation, 88
Lambda, defined, 178
Lance missile, 56
Lang, Fritz, 3
LAR missile, 36
Lark motor, 23
L’Astronautique (Esnault-Pelterie), 3
Laurie, 125
Lawless, Ed, 113n
Lawrence, Lovell, 17
Lemmon, 21
Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory NACA (LFPL) research, 44, 49
d-Limonene, WFNA and, 23
Linde, 2
Liquid gun propellants, 124n
Liquid oxygen. See Lox (liquid oxygen)
Liquid Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (LRPL) research, 150, 151, 152, 178
Liquid strand burner, defined, 126n
Liquefaction of gases, history of, 2, 3
“Lithergols,” 15
Lithium: Li-F-H system, 172, 174
Lithium borohydride, hydrazine plus, 35, 117
Lithium hydride grains for hybrids, 160, 162
Long-range ballistic missiles, 21. See also specific missile
Love, 116
ammonia and, 95
Be-O-H system, 171
boiling point, 103
boranes and, 111
gasoline and, for JATO, 17
hydrazines and, 97
JP plus, 95
liquid methane and, 134
motor starting slugs, 97
ozone and, 103–104
RP-I and, 96
use of, 94, 108, 174; as A-4 oxidizer, 10; for long-range ballistic missiles, 21; for nitromethane starts, 125
See also Flox
Lunar landers, 174
Lutz, Otto, 10
Maas, 61
Mackenzie, J. S., 76
Madoff, 96
MAF-3, 39
Manhattan Project, 66
Marancic, W. G., 103
Marsel, 31
Martin, 125
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 61, 62
McBride, 39
McClellan, 143
McElroy, 145
McGonnigle, T. J., 50, 133, 137n
McGregor, Don, 80
McNamara, Patrick, 117
Mead, Al, 149
Mercaptans, 26–27, 29, 30, 105. See also specific compound
Mercury in high-density fuels, 162–163
Messerschmitt interceptors, 10
Metallectro Company research, 34, 36, 37, 38
liquid oxygen plus liquid, 134
OF2 plus as space storable system, 78
Methane sulfonic acid, WFNA and, 44, 48
hydrazine plus, 35
methyl nitrate plus, 123
nitric acids and, 10–11
nitrogen tetroxide and, 8
Methyl acetylenes, 122
Methyl nitrate plus methanol, 123
Methylal plus liquid oxygen, 94
Methylamine, 124
aniline-hydrazine system plus, 36
oxygen-ammonia system plus, 95
M-I motor, 99n
Midwest Research Institute, 132, 170
Minnesota Mining and Minerals, 153, 158
MMH. See Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
Mock, Jean, 79
Mohr, 34
Moisson, 2
Mollier charts in exhaust velocity calculation, 86
Monergals. See Monopropellant(s); and specific compound
“Monex,” 170
Monoethylaniline, 19
Monomethyl hydrazine (MMH)
chlorine trifluoride and, 68–69
decaborane and, 146
perchloryl fluoride and, 73
specifications for, 39
Monopropellant(s), 120–158
background of, 7–8
burning rate determination, 126n
defined, 7
detonation propagation and testing, 150–151
future of, 174
for guns, 124n
heterogeneous, 170–172
instability of, 148
low- vs. high-energy, 120
“quick mix” detonation concept, 151–152
for ram rockets, 30
Russian work on, 107
test methods, 149–150
wartime experiments with, 14–15, 19
See also specific compound
Moody, H. R., 15
MS-10, 12–13
Mueller, Heinz, 10, 11, 12, 14
Mullaney, 96
Myers, 158
“Myrol,” 14
NAA. See North American Aviation (NAA) research
Nagai, C. K., 172
NALAR, 56–58
NARTS. See Naval Air Rocket Test Station (NARTS) research
“NARTS Method of Performance Calculation,” 86
National Advisory Council on Aeronautics (NACA), 67, 178
National Aeronautical And Space Administration (NASA), 78, 111, 114
Naval Air Rocket Test Station (NARTS) research, 24, 26, 34, 36, 37, 46–47, 53, 148
chlorine trifluoride, 67, 68–71
hybrids, 162–164
hydrogen peroxide, 62–64
hydrogen trifluoride, 70
hypergolicity and ignition, 24
liquid oxygen and alcohol, 94
monopropellants, 125–132, 135–138, 139, 140–145, 148, 148–149, 150
perchloryl fluoride, 72–73
Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL)
card-gap test, 149
propellant research, 36
Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) research, 34, 36, 39, 50, 80
hydrogen peroxide, 61–62
monopropellants, 124
Naval Underwater Ordnance Station (NUOS), 179
Neff, J., 139
“Neofuel,” 125
New York University (NYU), 29, 31, 105
Nike Ajax missile, 38
Nitrate salts
of amines: monopropellant research with, 125–132, 132–133, 134, 136–139, 140–144; structure sensitivity relations, 137n
of boron, 139
methyl amine plus, 124
of methylated UDMH, 143
additive acid determinations, 48
amine nitrate plus, 125–131, 132–133, 134, 136–139, 140–145
boron plus, 139
classification of behavior of, 50–52
code names for, 11
corrosion inhibitors, 106
decomposition reaction, 52
freezing point, 21
fuming. See Fuming nitric acid (SFNA); Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA); White fuming nitric acid (WFNA)
gelling, 165
hypergolic reactions, 26
for jets, 28
maximum density, 56
methanol plus, 10
problems with, 106–107
specifications for, 107
Nitric oxide, 49–50
Nitrites, stability in acids, 51
Nitrobenzene plus tetranitromethane, 135
Nitroethane, WFNA plus, 125
fluorine compounds, 65, 155–158; oxidetrifluoride, 76–78; trifluoride, 73n, 74n, 75
mixed oxides, 49–50
Nitrogen oxidetrifluoride (nitrosyl trifluoride; trifluoroamine oxide), 76–78
freezing point, 21
-nitric acid system, 49
Nitrogen trifluoride
boiling point, 75n
chemistry, 75
nitrogen oxidetrifluoride, 76–78
synthesis, 74n
Nitroglycerine, 7
Nitromethane, 7
WFNA freezing point and, 44
Nitrosyl sulfuric acid, WFNA and, 44
Nitrous oxide
advantages and disadvantages, 43
as freezing point depressant, 49
as monopropellant, 15
Nitryl fluoride, 78
Noeggerath, Wolfgang C., 10, 11, 12, 13, 106
NOL. See Naval Ordnance Laboratory (NOL)
Nomad motor, 101
Noordung, Hermann (Captain Potocnik), 5
North American Aviation (NAA) research, 21, 34, 35, 45, 49
chlorine trifluoride, 67
liquid fluorine motor, 100
Lox-alcohol system, 94
NALAR, 56–58
NOTS. See Naval Ordnance Test Station (NOTS) research
“Notsgel,” 167
Nyberg, D. G., 164
Office of Naval Research (ONR), 100–101
Oja, Phyllis, 138
Olefins, NF and, 153
Olin Mathieson Company, 71
borane research, 112
drop weight tester, 149
Olszewski, K. S., 2
“Optolin,” 13
Ordian, 111
Orthotoluide, 18
missile type and, 56
research in storable, 15–16
See also Hybrid propellants; Monopropellant(s); and specific compound
equilibrium pressure and WFNA, 52
history of use, 6
liquid. See Lox (liquid oxygen)
liquid fluorine plus liquid. See Flox
motor heat generation and, 96–97
Ozone, 7
described, 102
fluorine plus, 104
problems with, 102–104
Parsons, John W., 8, 15, 18, 110–111
Paulet, Pedro A., 5n
monopropellants, 132, 140, 152–153
perchloryl fluoride, 73
Pentaborane, 22
availability of, 114
combustion results, 111–112
for long-range ballistic missiles, 21
problems with, 116
Perchloryl fluoride
discovery, 72
mixtures as monopropellant, 133
performance and, 92
synthesis of, 72–73
usefulness of, 174
Performance, 82–93
absolute limits of, 173
calculation: BN method, 87; computers and, 87, 88, 157; exhaust velocity, 83–86; graphic methods, 86–87; hand methods, 83–86; kinetic programs in, 88; Mollier charts, 86; NQD method, 87; specific impulse, 157
defined, 82–83
nuclear rockets and, 173–174
propellant combination choice for, 89–93, 174
propellant density related to range, 106n
specific impulse: calculation, 157; reporting, 88–89
thrust vs. power as measure of, 82–83
See also specific compound
Perhydrodecaborate ion plus hydrazine, 147
Peroxide. See Hydrogen peroxide
PF. See Perchloryl fluoride
Phillips Petroleum Company research, 105
monopropellants, 132, 133, 136, 138
Phoebus motors, 100
Phosphates, hydrogen peroxide and, 60
Phosphorus derivatives as jet propellants, 29–30
Pilipovich, Donald, 76
Platz, G. M., 103
Polyacetylenics. See specific compound
Polyamines, 32. See also specific compound
Polyethylene, RFNA plus, 170
Potassium cuprocyanide as catalyst, 10
Potassium nitrate, WFNA and, 44
Power, as rocketry concept, 82
Propane, 174
Propellants. See Hybrid propellants; Monopropellant(s); and specific compound
Propyne, 32
Pyridinium nitrate, WFNA plus, 125, 126–127, 129
Pyrimidines as additives, 23. See also specific compound
Ram rockets, 30
described, 30
ethylene oxide fuel, 122
jelled fuel for, 166
pentaborane-hydrazine system for, 116–118
Rand Corporation, 21
Range, Grete, 13
Rapp, Lou, 25–26, 30, 95, 147, 148
Rau, Eric, 53
Reaction Motors, Inc. (RMI) research, 21, 23, 32, 35, 24n, 179
boranes, 111, 112–114–115, 116
borohydrides, 117
heat flux, 96
hybrid propellants, 161, 164, 166, 170–171
hydrazines, 117
hydrogen peroxide, 120–121
ignition delay, 25
JATO, 17
monopropellants, 120–121, 132, 133, 150, 153
space storable systems, 78
X-15, 95
Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA), 15–16
additive experiments, 22–23
amines and, 34
ammonia and, 23
boron carbide and, 170
changes in, on holding, 41–42
corrosive quality, 41
dangers of, 42
decompression pressure control, 52
disadvantages, 41–42
freezing point control, 52, 54
furfuryl alcohol and, 22
improvements in handling, 50
inhibited: rocket grades, 108; Russian use, 107, 108
introduction of, 6
military specifications for, 54–55
mixed acid as alternative to, 42–43
MMH-perchloryl fluoride system and, 73
polyethylene suspended in, 170
research on composition of, 17
sample holder in loss prevention, 48
titanium and, 54
UDMH and, 174
water content determination, 48n
Redstone missile, 94
RFNA. See Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA)
Riedel, Klaus, 6
Rittenhouse, J. B., 54
RMI. See Reaction Motors, Inc. (RMI) research
Roberts, 49
Rocker, W. W., 49
Rocket into Planetary Space, The (Oberth), 3
Rocket Research Company, 170
Rocketdyne research, 76, 77, 79–81
boranes, 116
Compound A, 78–79
diethylcyclohexane, 96
“Florox,” 80
hybrid propellants, 166, 169, 170, 171, 171–172
linear polymer beryllium, 118
liquid fluorine, 102
Nomad motor, 101
solid propellants, 79
space storable systems, 78
Rocket-on-rotor (ROR), 120–121, 179
Rohm and Haas research
hybrid propellants, 160–161
Rowe, 111
RP-I, 28
Lox motor: liquid fluorine and, 102; performance, 96; use of, 97
specifications for, 96
Ruff, Otto, 66
Russian research, 105–109
SA-2 (Guideline) missile, 106
Sage, B. H., 50
Samarium oxide, 120
Sander, Friedrich Wilhelm, 5
Sänger, Eugen, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 97, 102
Satterfield, 86
Schlesinger, H. I., 110
Schmitz, 73n
Schulz, H. W., 118
Schumacher, 73n
Semishin, V. I., 34
SFNA. See Fuming nitric acid (SFNA); Red fuming nitric acid (RFNA); White fuming nitric acid (WFNA)
Sheehan, Dave, 79
Shell Development Company, 29, 30, 122
Shesta, John, 17
Shifting equilibrium calculation of exhaust velocity, 85, 88
Short-range missile propellants, 174
Sidgwick, 134
Silanes, 26
Silica in propellant gelling, 165
Silicone as fuel additive, 96
Silverman, 96
Skolnik, 50
Smith, Ivan, 113n
Smith, Joe, 80
Sodium borohydride, 117
Sodium nitrite, WFNA and, 44
Sodium perchlorate monohydrate, 37
Sodium selenide, 13
Solomon, I. J., 154
Solomon, W. C., 158
Southern Research Institute, 45
Space storable propellants, 50, 56, 74, 75–78, 174
Space travel
propellants for, 56, 174; dinitrogentetrafluoride, 76; MON-10, 50
Specific impulse of propulsion, 89, 157
Sprague, 50
Sputnik I, 75
SS-missiles, 107–108
Standard Oil of California research, 26–27, 39, 44–45, 105, 106
Standard Oil of Indiana research, 29–30, 44
Stanford Research Institute, 99
Stannates, hydrogen peroxide and, 60
Stauffer Chemical Company research, 74, 135, 153, 155
Stiff, 16
Stock, Alfred, 110
Storable propellants
need for, 9–10
research on, 21–22
for space travel, 50, 56, 75, 76–78, 174
Strategic missiles, 56
Streim, Howard, 24
Sulfides, organic, 105
Sulfonic acids, WFNA and, 44
Sulfuric acids, nitric acids and, 42–43, 106
Summerfield, 18
Summers, R. W., 157
Super-P project, 62–64
Surface-to-air missiles (SAM), 19, 91, 106
Surface-to-surface missiles, 19
Szoke, John, 132
“Taifun” missile, 12
Tannenbaum, Stan, 68, 69, 117, 133–134
Target drone, 162
Taylor, A. G., 103
Tertiary amines, 32–33
Tetraalkyl ethylene diamines, 105
Tetra-allyl silane, 26
“Tetrakis,” 158
Tetramethyl tetrazine, 39
Tetranitromethane (TNM)
advantages and disadvantages, 13
early use, 6
as monopropellant, 135
Thackerey, J. D., 125
Thermal efficiency of rockets, 7
Thermal stability tester, 149
Thiophosphates for jets, 29–30
Thixotropic propellants, 165–170
fire hazards and, 165n
heterogeneous, 170–172
leakage hazards and, 164–165
metallized, 166–167; problems with, 167–170
production of, 165
propellant sloshing and, 166
restart inability, 169
shelf life of metallized, 167
storage problems, 167–170
Thomas, D. D., 35
Thompson, R. J., 23
Thompson Ramo-Wooldridge Corporation (TRW), 78
Thor Able rocket, 55n
Thor rocket, 95
Titan I ICBM, 96
development, 50
Titanium, RFNA and, 54
Toluene, 6
Toluidine, 12
defined, 179
importance of, 20
Russian use of, 106
“Tribrid,” 171
Triethyl aluminum for motor starts, 97
Triethylamine, 12
Triethylenediamine, diamine oxide plus nitric acid, 145
“Triflox,” 80
Trimethylammonium nitrate, 126, 129, 137, 138, 139
2, 4, 6,-Trinitrophenol, WFNA and, 44
Truax, Robert C., 16, 19, 94–95
Tsien, Hus Shen, 8
Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin Eduardovitch, 1, 2, 5n, 97
Tuffly, Bartholomew, 76
Tunkel, Steve, 161
hypergolicity of, 18
spontaneous ignition of, 11
U-DETA, 39
UDMH. See Dimethyl hydrazine, unsymmetrical (UDMH)
defined, 179
for hybrids, 159
Union Carbide Company research, 99, 118
United Technology Corporation (UTC) research, 160, 161–162, 179
University of Texas, 26
Urey, H., 98
V-2. See German ballistic missile (A-4)
Vandercook, N., 76
Verein fur Raumschiffart (VfR), 3, 5–6, 179
Viking rocket, 94
Vinyl ethers, 12, 105. See also Visol(s)
composition and properties, 12, 179
German research in, 12
importance of, 20
Russian research in, 105
Von Braun, Wernher, 6, 9, 20, 120
Von Kármán, Theodore, 8, 15, 18
Von Zborowski, Helmut Philip, 10, 11
WAC Corporal, 22
Wahrmke, 14
Walker, 37
Wasserfall SAM, 13
hydrazine freezing point and, 34
in RFNA, method of determination, 48n
in WFNA: ignition delay and, 45–48; measurement of, 45–47
Westvaco Clor-Alkali (FMC), 38–39
White, E. L., 103
White, L., 48
White fuming nitric acid (WFNA), 18, 22–23, 179
ammonia and, 23
corrosiveness of, 53–54
diisopropyl amine and, 130–131
disadvantages of, 43, 53–54, 106
equilibrium oxygen pressure and, 52
freezing point, 43; depression of, 44–45, 54
furfuryl alcohol and, 22
hydrazine and, 24
ignition delay, 45–47
manufacture of anhydrous, 47
methane sulfonic acid and, 48
military specifications for, 54–55
nitro-alkyls and, 125
pyridinium nitrate and, 125, 126–127, 129
sulfuric acid and, as alternative to RFNA, 42–43
trimethylammonium nitrate and, 126, 129, 137
water in: ignition delay and, 45–48; measurement of, 45–48
Williams, 86
Winternitz, Paul, 94, 95, 96, 111
Wiseman, 61
Wisniewski, L. V., 62
Wittorf, 49
Woman on the Moon, The (film by Lang), 3
Wright Air Development Center (WADC), 179
Wroblewski, Z. F., 2
Wyandotte Chemical Company monopropellant research, 121, 122, 132, 134–135, 144–145, 149, 150
Wyld, James, 17
X-1 supersonic plane, 94
X-15 supersonic plane, 94–95
X-430 motor, 102
Xylidines, 12, 18. See also Tonka
Yates, R. E., 139
Young, 118
Zborowski, 18
Zinc alkyls, 26
Zletz, A., 44
Zollinger, 158
Zwicky, Fritz, 125