Jer 1:16 will pronounce my j on my people

Da 9:11 and sworn j written in the Law

Hos 6:5 then my j go forth like the sun.

Ro 11:33 How unsearchable his j, and his

1Co 2:15 the Spirit makes j about all things,

2:15 is not subject to merely human j,

Rev 16:7 Almighty, true and just are your j.”


1Sa 26:12 spear and water j near Saul’s head,

1Ki 17:12 in a jar and a little olive oil in a j.


Ge 18:19 by doing what is right and j,

Dt 2:12 place, j as Israel did in the land

6:3 milk and honey, j as the LORD,

27:3 milk and honey, j as the LORD,

30:9 j as he delighted in your ancestors,

32:4 are perfect, and all his ways are j.

32:4 does no wrong, upright and j is he.

32:47 They are not j idle words for you—

32:50 j as your brother Aaron died

2Sa 8:15 doing what was j and right for all

1Ch 18:14 doing what was j and right for all

2Ch 12:6 and said, “The LORD is j.”

Ne 9:13 and laws that are j and right,

Job 34:17 you condemn the j and mighty

35:2 “Do you think this is j? You say,

Ps 37:28 For the LORD loves the j and will

37:30 and their tongues speak what is j.

99:4 in Jacob you have done what is j

111:7 of his hands are faithful and j;

119:121 have done what is righteous and j;

Pr 1:3 doing what is right and j and fair;

2:8 for he guards the course of the j

2:9 will understand what is right and j

8:8 All the words of my mouth are j;

8:15 and rulers issue decrees that are j;

12:5 The plans of the righteous are j,

21:3 j is more acceptable to the LORD

Isa 32:7 when the plea of the needy is j.

58:2 They ask me for j decisions

Jer 4:2 j and righteous way you swear,

22:3 Do what is j and right.

22:15 He did what was right and j, so all

23:5 do what is j and right in the land.

33:15 he will do what is j and right

Eze 18:5 a righteous man who does what is j

18:19 Since the son has done what is j

18:21 and does what is j and right,

18:25 say, ‘The way of the Lord is not j.’

18:27 and does what is j and right,

18:29 say, ‘The way of the Lord is not j.’

33:14 sin and do what is j and right—

33:16 They have done what is j and right;

33:17 ‘The way of the Lord is not j.’ But it is their way that is not j.

33:19 and does what is j and right,

33:20 say, ‘The way of the Lord is not j.’

45:9 and do what is j and right.

Da 4:37 does is right and all his ways are j.

Jn 5:30 my judgment is j, for I seek not

Ro 3:8 Their condemnation is j!

3:26 time, so as to be j and the one who

2Th 1:6 God is j: He will pay back trouble

Heb 2:2 received its j punishment,

1Jn 1:9 he is faithful and j and will forgive

Rev 15:3 J and true are your ways,

16:5 “You are j in these judgments,

16:7 true and j are your judgments.”

19:2 for true and j are his judgments.


Ge 49:16 “Dan will provide j for his people

Ex 23:2 do not pervert j by siding

23:6 “Do not deny j to your poor people

Lev 19:15 “ ‘Do not pervert j; do not show

Dt 16:19 Do not pervert j or show partiality.

16:20 Follow j and j alone, so that you

24:17 the foreigner or the fatherless of j,

27:19 “Cursed is anyone who withholds j

1Sa 8:3 accepted bribes and perverted j.

2Sa 15:4 and I would see that they receive j.”

15:6 who came to the king asking for j,

1Ki 3:11 for discernment in administering j,

3:28 wisdom from God to administer j.

1Ki 7:7 hall, the Hall of J, where he was

10:9 he has made you king to maintain j

2Ch 9:8 to maintain j and righteousness.”

Ezr 7:25 to administer j to all the people

Est 1:13 experts in matters of law and j,

Job 8:3 Does God pervert j?

9:19 And if it is a matter of j, who can

19:7 though I call for help, there is no j.

27:2 has denied me j, the Almighty,

29:14 j was my robe and my turban.

31:13 “If I have denied j to any of my

34:5 am innocent, but God denies me j.

34:12 that the Almighty would pervert j.

34:17 Can someone who hates j govern?

36:3 I will ascribe j to my Maker.

36:17 and j have taken hold of you.

37:23 in his j and great righteousness,

40:8 “Would you discredit my j?

Ps 7:6 Awake, my God; decree j.

9:16 LORD is known by his acts of j;

11:7 the LORD is righteous, he loves j;

33:5 LORD loves righteousness and j;

36:6 your j like the great deep.

45:4 the cause of truth, humility and j;

45:6 a scepter of j will be the scepter

50:6 righteousness, for he is a God of j.

72:1 Endow the king with your j,

72:2 your afflicted ones with j.

89:14 j are the foundation of your throne

97:2 j are the foundation of his throne.

99:4 The King is mighty, he loves j

101:1 I will sing of your love and j;

103:6 and j for all the oppressed.

112:5 who conduct their affairs with j.

140:12 the LORD secures j for the poor

Pr 8:20 righteousness, along the paths of j,

16:10 and his mouth does not betray j.

17:23 in secret to pervert the course of j.

18:5 and so deprive the innocent of j.

19:28 A corrupt witness mocks at j,

21:15 When j is done, it brings joy

29:4 By j a king gives a country stability,

29:7 The righteous care about j

29:26 is from the LORD that one gets j.

Ecc 3:16 was there, in the place of j

5:8 a district, and j and rights denied,

Isa 1:17 Learn to do right; seek j.

1:21 She once was full of j;

1:27 Zion will be delivered with j,

5:7 And he looked for j, but saw

5:16 Almighty will be exalted by his j,

5:23 a bribe, but deny j to the innocent.

9:7 and upholding it with j

10:2 withhold j from the oppressed of

11:4 with j he will give decisions

16:5 one who in judging seeks j

28:6 He will be a spirit of j to the one

28:17 I will make j the measuring line

29:21 deprive the innocent of j.

30:18 For the LORD is a God of j.

32:1 and rulers will rule with j.

32:16 The LORD’s j will dwell

33:5 he will fill Zion with his j

42:1 and he will bring j to the nations.

42:3 In faithfulness he will bring forth j;

42:4 be discouraged till he establishes j

51:4 my j will become a light

51:5 my arm will bring j to the nations.

56:1 “Maintain j and do what is right,

59:4 No one calls for j; no one pleads

59:8 there is no j in their paths.

59:9 So j is far from us,

59:11 We look for j, but find none;

59:14 So j is driven back,

59:15 was displeased that there was no j.

61:8 “For I, the LORD, love j;

Jer 5:28 have no limit; they do not seek j.

9:24 j and righteousness on earth,

12:1 would speak with you about your j:

21:12 “ ‘Administer j every morning;

La 3:36 to deprive them of j—would not

Eze 22:29 the foreigner, denying them j.

34:16 I will shepherd the flock with j.

Hos 2:19 betroth you in righteousness and j,

12:6 maintain love and j, and wait

Am 2:7 and deny j to the oppressed.

5:7 There are those who turn j

5:10 who hate the one who upholds j in

5:12 deprive the poor of j in the courts.

5:15 maintain j in the courts.

5:24 But let j roll on like a river,

6:12 But you have turned j into poison

Mic 3:1 Should you not embrace j,

3:8 and with j and might, to declare

3:9 who despise j and distort all that is

Hab 1:4 is paralyzed, and j never prevails.

1:4 the righteous, so that j is perverted.

Zep 3:5 by morning he dispenses his j,

Zec 7:9 ‘Administer true j; show mercy

Mal 2:17 them” or “Where is the God of j?”

3:5 the foreigners among you of j,

Mt 12:18 he will proclaim j to the nations.

12:20 out, till he has brought j through

23:23 j, mercy and faithfulness.

Lk 11:42 you neglect j and the love of God.

18:3 ‘Grant me j against my adversary.’

18:5 I will see that she gets j, so that she

18:7 will not God bring about j for his

18:8 you, he will see that they get j,

Ac 8:33 humiliation he was deprived of j.

17:31 he will judge the world with j

28:4 the goddess J has not allowed him

2Co 7:11 what readiness to see j done.

Heb 1:8 a scepter of j will be the scepter

11:33 administered j, and gained what

Rev 19:11 With j he judges and wages war.


Eze 16:52 you have furnished some j for your

Ac 13:39 sin, a j you were not able to obtain

Ro 4:25 sins and was raised to life for our j.

5:16 many trespasses and brought j.

5:18 one righteous act resulted in j


Ps 51:4 your verdict and j when you judge.

Lk 18:14 the other, went home j before God.

Ro 3:24 all are j freely by his grace through

3:28 that a person is j by faith apart

4:2 in fact, Abraham was j by works,

5:1 since we have been j through faith,

5:9 Since we have now been j by his

8:30 those he called, he also j; those he j, he also glorified.

10:10 heart that you believe and are j,

1Co 6:11 you were j in the name of the Lord

Gal 2:16 that a person is not j by the works

2:16 Jesus that we may be j by faith

2:16 works of the law no one will be j.

2:17 seeking to be j in Christ, we Jews

3:11 relies on the law is j before God,

3:24 came that we might be j by faith.

5:4 be j by the law have been alienated

Titus 3:7 so that, having been j by his grace,


Ro 3:26 the one who j those who have faith

4:5 but trusts God who j the ungodly,

8:33 God has chosen? It is God who j.


Est 7:4 such distress would j disturbing

Job 40:8 you condemn me to j yourself?

Isa 53:11 my righteous servant will j many,

Lk 10:29 But he wanted to j himself, so he

16:15 “You are the ones who j yourselves

Ro 3:30 who will j the circumcised by faith

Gal 3:8 that God would j the Gentiles


Job 32:2 Job for j himself rather than God.


Ps 58:1 Do you rulers indeed speak j?

106:3 Blessed are those who act j,

Jer 7:5 actions and deal with each other j,

Mic 6:8 To act j and to love mercy

Lk 23:41 We are punished j, for we are

1Pe 2:23 himself to him who judges j.