Abilene (K.S): 97
Absaroka Range (MT): 172–73
Agriculture and crops: 268; see also farming, irrigation, wheat
Agua Fria River (AZ): 12
Albion (ID): 254
Aldredge, Alonzo and Lydia: 239, 248, 253, 265; children, 239, 246, 272
Adredge, William and Martha: 239, 250, 254; children, 272
Alkali: 34, 39, 48–49, 76, 115, 142, 240–41, 245–46, 258–59
Alkali Station (NE): 240
Allen, Alice A.: 137, 165, 167–70
Allen, Allison: portrait, 136; born, 137; builds sawmill, 137; irrigation work in MT, 164–67; in Moorhead/Fargo, 139; work at Bismarck, 147–48; mention of, 170, 172, 175
Allen, Allison, Jr. (Allie): 137, 172
Allen, Asenath (Sena): 137, 169
Allen, Lucy Clark: portrait, 136; age, 137; children, 137; diary of, 138–75; died of diabetes, 137–38
Allen, Olive (Ollie): 137, 167, 170, 172
Alma (NE): 101
Ames, Charles Edgar: 240n
Ames, Oaks and Oliver: monument to, 230
Antelope Station (NE): 28, 207, 241
Apples: 131, 217, 234, 257, 268
Arapaho (NE): 101
Arizona: 11–12
Arkansas Mining Assn.: 11
Arkansas River: 13–14
Arrow station (WY): 242
Astoria (OR): 23n; Public Library, 17
Atchenson station (WY): 242
Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe RR: 13
Atkins (WY): 108
Aubry, F.X.: 14
Austin, J.W.: 187
Badlands (of ND): 149–51
Baker, Maj. E.M.: 162
Baker, George: Ide party member, 60, 66n, 69n
Baker City (OR): 56–57, 129, 222, 235, 264
Baker County (OR): 95, 223, 262
Bannock Indians: 168; war with, 86n
Baptists: 60, 180, 182–83, 186
Barbed wire: 207
Barrel Springs (WY): 115, 231, 246
Bavaria (KS): 97
Bear Lake (1D/UT):214
Bear River (UT/1D): 43, 119, 213–14, 253
Beatrice (NE): 54
Beaver: 231
Beaver City (NE): 148
Beets: 129–30
Bell Springs (WY): 211
Bellevue (ID): 234
Bennington (ID): 120
Benton, Gazelle: 177, 182–84, 187
Benton, Rev. George Washington and wife: 177, 180, 183–84, 186–87, 193; shocked by gambling, 189
Benton, John and Martha: 177, 182–83, 185, 190
Benton, Virginia Belle: biography, 178, 193–95; books read, 183, 185, 191–92; children and grandchildren, 194–95; diary of, 178–95; marries W.M. Spear, 177
Bernard, Capt. Reuben F.: 86
Berries and nuts: 184, 217, 250, 263, 268; see also chokecherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries
Berry, Ira W.: 134
Betsy Jane Mine (WY): 184
Big Piney (WY): 191
Birds: seagulls, 253; swallows, 181
Bismarck (ND): 145–46
Bitter Creek (WY): 39, 76, 115, 246, 248
Blackfoot River (ID): 215
Blacks Fork River (WY): 117, 248
Blacksmithing: 128
Blind River (ID): 256–57
Blue Mts. (OR): 88, 131, 235, 265–67
Boiling springs: 82; see also hot springs
Boise (ID): 53, 85–86, 126–27, 235
Boise River (ID): 127, 217, 235
Bond, Jacob: 70
Bourbon County (KS): 222
Bowens, Charley: 27; wife Mary, 46, 52
Boyer River (IA): 66
Boyland, Jonah and Nola: 239, 248, 264–65; children, 272
Brady (NE): 206
Bridger, Jim: 80n
Bridgers Pass (WY): 75
Bridges: 25, 71, 102–3, 140, 143, 206, 228, 232–33, 269; tolls, 74, 75, 112, 230–33, 244; steel, 6
Brigham (UT): 253
Brookville (KS): 98
Brown, George E.: 12
Brule (NE): 180
Bruneau River (ID): 258–59
Buffalo (Bison): hunting of, 14–15; meat of, 155, 157
Buffalo (WY): 191
Buffalo berries: 158
Bulls City (KS): 99–100
Bumpus, Sam: 120
Bunkerhill (KS): 99
Bushnell (NE): 107, 181, 207, 241
Cainsville (MO): 199
Caldron Linn (ID): 123
Callen, Anson W. (Grizzly): 13, 15
Canary, Martha (Calamity Jane): 198n Carnes, L.: 223
Carriages: 44
Carter station (WY): 249
Cartwright, Rev. R.L.: 134
Cascade Mts. (OR/WA): 269–70
Caseldine, William: 204, 217; family, 219
Casey, C.K. “Charlie”: 222–23, 230–31
Casey, Susan K.: 222–23
Casselton (ND): 141
Castle Rock (Devils Teapot) (WY): 78, 250
Castle Rock (ID): 217
Cattle: branding, 87; drovers, 71; droves of, 120; herd or stock law, 199; herds of, 71, 157, 206, 212, 228; killed by train, 71; roundup, 229; shipping of, 98; stock raising, 103–4
Cedar Creek (MT): 153
Cedar River (IA): 63
Cedar trees and wood: 255
Centerville (OR): 132
Central City (NE): 203
Cheese: 67, 120; see also milk
Cheyenne (WY): 32, 72–73, 109, 181–82, 208, 229, 242, 246
Chickens: 129; see also sagehens Childers, T.I.: 134
Christian, Albertus L.: 90
Christian, Julia E. (Nettie) (Mrs. A.I.): 72, 90; child, 90
Christian church: 134
Church, John: 30
Church of Christ: see Christian church Chute family: of Surfus party, 239, 272, 246
Clarion (IA): 63
Clark Fork (of Yellowstone R.): 162
Clarksville (NE): 203
Clatsop County (OR): Hist. Soc., 17, 19, 57
Clay Center (KS): 226
Clear Creek: 190
Clear Lake (IA): 63
Clifton (KS): 226
Clyde (KS): 226
Cody, William F. (Buffalo Bill): 70–71, 228
Cokeville (WY): 232
Cold Spring (ID): 85
Cold Springs (NE): 22
Collins, John C.: 221
Collins, Mathias: 221
Colorado: emigrants to, 97
Columbia River: 17
Colwell, Charley and wife: 29; baby of, 38
Concordia (KS): 226
Conner (bachelor): 140–41; guns lost, 141, 144
Cooking: on trail, 170; see also stoves
Coon Grove (IA): 17–18
Cooper Lake station (WY): 187
Corn: for feed, 115, 225–26; in IA, 200, 225; in NE, 227; price of, 230–31, 269; roasting ears, 261, 268
Cottonwood trees: 95, 101, 155, 157, 162–63, 192, 226
Council Bluffs (IA): 21, 66, 200
Coyotes: 159
Crane Creek Valley (ID): 218
Crawford County (KS): 222–23
Crazy Woman Creek (WY): 190
Cropper, Dr. Dorsey and wife: 23–26, 30, 41, 44
Crow Indians: 167
Crystal Springs (ND): 145
Cummins (WY): 183–86
Currants: 128–29, 207, 217, 250, 263
Daughters of American Revolution: 194
Day, Jesse N. and Elizabeth: 89n
Day, Dr. W.W.: 89n
Deaths on trails: by gunshot, 207; in OR, 52, 79, 270
Deer: 44, 115, 160, 241, 245, 258
Denison (IA): 65
Denver Junction (NE): 181, 207
Devil’s Gate (WY): 81
Diaries and journals: sources of, 11, 15, 60, 91, 138, 178, 197, 237
Dodge City (KS): 15
Dogs: 179; dies of alkali, 240
Dooley Mts. (OR): 263
Dougherty, Winthrop: 92, 105, 111–12, 117–18; wife Martha A., 92, 108
Drunkenness: 147
Dunlap: in IA, 20, 65; in KS, 225
Durkee, W.E.: 129
Eager, Abigail H. (Mrs. Luther): 90; children, 90
Eager, Nellie: 79
Eagle Creek Mts.: 87
Eagleville (MO): 199
Earthquake: 100
Eastern Oregon State College: 8
Eastern Washington State Hist. Soc.: 60
Echo (OR): 268
Echo Canyon (UT): 44–46, 80, 250–52
Eclipse: 55
Edmiston, J. and wife: 223, 225–26
Edwards, Harold C.: 195
Egbert (WY): 181
Eggs: 260; of prairie hens, 101
Eldridge (ND): 143 “Elephant, seeing the”: 116
Elison, Sam: 39
Elk Springs (WY): 115
Elkhorn River (NE): 23, 67, 202
Ellsworth (KS): 98
Elm Creek (NE): 179, 204, 227n
Elmwood (OR): 271
Emerson (IA): 200
Emigrants: number of, 115, 198; returning parties, 40–41, 112, 231
Enterprise (KS): 97
Erie (KS): 223
Evans, John: 219; ill, 212, 216
Evans, John W.: 8
Evans, Victoria: 219; ill, 205
Evans, William: 211; family, 219
Ewig, Rick: 178
Farming: in ID, 54, 87, 217; in NE, 23, 54; in ND, 141–42; in MT, 174; in UT, 47; in WY, 75
Farwell, Steve: 190
Fender, Mrs. Tilly: 138
Ferries: fees, 36, 87, 124, 146, 155, 160, 248; on Green R., 117, 213, 232, 248; on Mississippi R., 61; on Missouri R., 146, 200; on Platte R., 75; for railroad, 146–47, 201; on Snake R, 55, 87, 124, 128, 215; on Yellowstone R., by rope, 155
Firearms: see guns
Fish: in Snake R., 258–60; in trail streams, 24, 164–67, 209, 232, 245; in UT, 81, 118; see also salmon Fisher, N.K. and wife: 61, 66
Flat Rock Creek (KS): 94
Flax: 143
Fleas: 179
Flour: 131; price of, 234, 260; see also mills (grist)
Flowers: 14, 27, 32, 71, 111, 126, 139, 181, 206–08, 230, 241, 250
Fordice, Emily: 190
Fort Aubry (NM): 14
Fort Dodge (IA): 64
FortFetterman(WY): 188
Fort Hall (ID): 215
Fort Keogh (MT): 155
Fort McKinney (WY): 190
Fort McPherson (NE): 179–80
Fort Reno (WY): 189
Fort Sanders (WY): 74
Fort Steele (WY):37, 113
Fort Union (NM): 14
Forts: ruins of, in ID, 52, 126; in WY, 76, 246
Frontier County (NE): 238
Frost, Frank: 122
Fuel for fires: cornstalks, 227; weeds used, 267; see also buffalo chips, sagebrush, wood
Galbreath, Will: 20
Gallatin River (MT): 174
Gardner, D.C. (Clint): 90
Garfield, Pres. James A.: 139
Gault, Vera W.: 17
Georgetown (ID): 120
Gifford, Catherine S. (Mrs. Elihu): 90
Gifford, Edith L. (Mrs. John): 81, son bom, 82
Gifford, John: 90
Gilbreath, Johnny: 22
Girard (KS): 94
Glendive (MT): 151
Godin Valley (ID): 216n
Gold: hydraulic, 263; mines, in OR, 56–57, 263; mining in ID, 258–59
Goodale Cutoff (ID): 221
Gooseberries: 32, 128, 207, 250, 262
Gordon, Wynona Stahlnecker: 237
Goshen City (MO): 198
Gothenburg (NE): 227
Grand Island (NE): 26, 68, 203
Grand River (MO): 198
Grande Ronde River and Valley (OR): 130, 265–66
Granite Canyon (WY): 110
Grass:passim; buffalo grass, 12; scarcity on trails, 28; wait for growth, 257; varieties in NE, 71
Graves: on trails, 38, 76, 108, 114, 188, 210
Grayson, George W.: 56n
Green River (WY): trading post at, 42, 117, 213, 232
Green River City (WY): 41, 78, 117, 232, 248
Griffith family: of Surfus party, 239, 265, 272
Groves Springs (OR): 262
Guns: 141
Haines (OR): 222–23
Half Moon Prairie (WA): 137
Hams Fork River (WY): 118, 232, 248
Hanna, Oliver: 192
Hardy (NE): 226
Hargiss, Clarice O.: 237
Harrison, Wabe: 171
Hartford (KS): 224
Hell Creek (WY): 246–47
Henderson, Della: 241
Henderson, William Taylor: 237, 261, 265, 271
Herrmann, Mrs. I.J.: 222
Hessler, Lucinda: 59–62, 79, 84
Holt, James and Mary: family, 219
Hooper Spring (ID): 214n Hoppe, Hugo: 172n
Horses: passim; die, 116; double team, 244; drowned, 116; emigrant use, 7, 62, 70; herd of, 233–34, 244; of Indians, 125–26, 158, 250; Indians steal, 166, 170; injured, 207; killed by lightning, 70; lame, 76, 204; in RR cars, 152; shod, 26, 63, 109; shot, 156–57, 213, 223, 259, 261; sold, 96, 126; stampede, 228; traded for, 83, 159, 253, 262; in wheat farming, 139
Hot springs: 48, 121, 171, 245, 252
Houses: in MT, 160;see also sod houses Humboldt (KS): 95, 224
Hunter, Dr. Andrew Jackson: 171n
Hunter, Sarah (Sally) Ide (Mrs. Jas.): 79, 90
Hunter, Susan (Mrs. Henry): 90; children, 90
Huntington (OR): 235
Huntley (MT): 161
Icecream: 180
Idaho: 253; overland party to, 197
Idaho State Hist. Soc.: 197
Ide, Chester Dean: 59–60, 62, 86, 90
Ide, George LaVergne (Varney or Vemie): 59, 64, 87, 90
Ide, Lucy Allen: diary of, 59–60; nee Loomis, children, 90
Illnesses: 67, 204–5, 238, 240, 248, 269; see also diarrhea, diphtheria, medicine and doctoring, mountain fever, smallpox, spotted plague Indian Creek (WY): 244
Indianola (NE): 238
Indians: 14, 155–57, 160; fear of, 27, 31, 37, 40, 48, 55, 85; friendly, 168; horses of, see horses; kill emigrants, 210; school, 267; skin boy, 23; steal livestock, 87; war dance, 15; see also squaw wives
Injuries: to ankle, 148; gunshot, 207; kicked by horse, 106; see also deaths
Irrigation: 12, 85n, 119–20, 164–66, 227, 250–53, 260; see also agriculture, farming
Jackrabbits: see rabbits
Jackson, W. (of Collins party): 223
Jails: 69
James River (ND): 143
Jamestown (ND): 143
John Day River (OR): 269
Johnson, William V.: 195
Judith Basin (MT): 161
Julesburg (CO): 32, 102, 105, 181, 207, 228
July Fourth: recognized, 45–46, 73, 139, 232, 248
Junction City: in KS, 11–12, 225
Kansas: 11, 178n, 193; emigrants from, 121–23
Kansas State Hist. Soc.: 11
Keamey City (NE): 26, 68–69, 179, 203, 227
Kelton (UT): 49
Kendall, Milo (constable): 185
Kirby (MT): 195
Kirwin (KS): 100
La Bonte Creek (WY): canyon, 188
La Center (WA): 57
La Prele Creek (WY): 188n
Lake City (IA): 65
Lake DeSmet(WY): 191
Laramie (WY): 34, 73, 111, 182, 186, 243, 246
Laramie Mts. (WY): 182
Laramie River (WY): 111, 187, 243; Little, 74
Larouche, Warren: 170
Latter-Day Saints, Church Historical Dept: see also Mormons
Laundering: 32, 96, 125, 200; passim
Lewis River (ID): see Snake R.
Lincoln County (WA): 59
Lind (WA): 132
Lindsay, Tilford: 198, 211, 214–15
Liquor and temperance: 224, 226
Lizzard Creek (IA): 65
Lodgepole (NE): 181
Lodgepole Creek (NE): 31, 105–6, 181, 207–8, 228, 240–41
Logan (IA): 66
Longs Peak (WY): 229
Lookout station (WY): 187
Lost Soldier River (ID): 216
Loup Fork River (NE): 25, 67, 202
Lumbering: in WY, 184
McCarty, Alexander V.: 130
McCloud: James, Mahala, Frank, 198, 200, 204, 207, 217, 219; Frank, ill, dies, 203–5
McComber, James: 39
McCune (KS): 122–23
Macedonia (IA): 200
Mail: carriers, 66, 97, 100; received in S.L.C., 47; stations, 7
Malheur (OR): 263
Malheur River (OR): 262
Mandan (ND): 147
Manhattan (KS): 11
Mapleton (ND): 141
Maricopa Indians: 12
Marsh Valley (ID): 83n
Marshall (WY): 242–43
Martin, Thomas: 237, 245, 258, 265; Alvaretta, 258; family of, 272
Mason City (IA): 63
Mathewson, Frank: 90
Maxwell (NE): 179n
Meacham, Harvey J. and Alfred B.: 265n
Medicine and doctoring: 127, 268
Medicine Bow River (WY): 36, 210, 230, 244
Medicine Creek: in KS, 99; in NE, 238
Mercer County (MO): emigrants from, 197–98
Methodists: 225
Mexicans: 71
Meyers, John: 180
Michael, John: 199
Middleton (ID): 54
Midway (ND): 144–45
Mileages: 97
Miles City (MT): 155
Military: 1st Cavalry, 86; at forts, 53, 55, 208, 229; on trails, 85
Milk and butter: 45, 113, 117, 129, 178–79, 265
Millers ranch (WY): 247
Mills: grist, 235; saw, 197, 235; wind, 225
Milton-Freewater (OR): 91–92, 133
Minden (NE): 227
Mining: in WY, 74; see also gold
Mississippi River: 61
Missouri: 197
Missouri River: crossed by RR: 21, 66, 146; crossing of, 146
Mitchell, Angie Brigham: birth, education, as teacher, 11; marriage, death, 12; travel letter, 12–16
Mitchell, Daniel F.: 11
Mondovi (WI): overland party from, 59, 60–62, 66, 90
Mondovi (WA): 59
Monmouth (OR): 22
Montana: emigrants to, 137, 143
Moody, Dwight L.: 77
Moorhead (MN): 139
Mormons: in ID, 233; in Salt Lake Valley, 45–46, 82–83, 250–53; see also polygamy
Mosquitoes: 78, 130, 232, 248, 258
Mount Hood (OR): 271
Mount Snowan: 260
Mountain fever: 38, 114, 116, 132, 230, 248–49
Mountain Home ranch (WY): 188
Mountains: travel in, 34
Mud Creek: in ID, 83; in WY, 38, 76, 246, 249
Mud Springs: in NE, 22
Muddy Springs: in WY, 231
Mulberry trees: 253
Mules: 7, 17, 63, 85, 96, 98–99, 102, 141, 148, 185, 238, 259; sick, treatment, 112, 124, 184, 243; shod, 126–27; traded for land, 192
Music: 103; see also recreation
Nantz, Glen: 223n
Nash Creek (WY): 210n
Neosho Falls (KS): 224
Neosho River (KS): 94–96, 224–25
Nine Mile Hole (WY): 190
Nishnabotna River (IA): 200
Nolan, Edward W.; 60
North Bend (NE): 67
North Dakota: 139–40
North Platte (NE): 70, 102, 180, 206, 228, 239
North Powder (OR): 222, 235, 264–65
Northern lights: 159
Oatmeal, Chester: 219
Oats: bought, 65, 98, 114; in ND, 139; price of, 159, 234
O’Fallon Creek (MT): 154
O’Fallons Bluffs (NE): 206, 228
Ohio: 97
Oliphant, J. Orin: 59
Olson, R.L.: author, 60
Onions: 117
Oregon: overland parties to, 17, 91, 221, 237
Oregon City (OR): 237
Oregon Historical Society: 223n
Oregon Navigation Co. R.R.: 235
Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.: 221, 235
Oregon Shortline R.R.: 221, 232, 258, 266
Orleans (NE): 101
Osage Indians: 94
Osage Mission (KS): 94–95
Osakis (MN): 138
Otter station (WY): 242
Overton (NE): 69
Owyhee River (OR): 261
Oxen: as draft animals, 7
Oysters: 66
Pacific Spring (WY): 212
Paradise Creek (KS): 99
Park, Isaac Marvin: family of, 272
Park, John Matthew: family of, 272
Pass Creek (WY): 245
Patterson, Nellie: 116
Pawnee Rock (KS): 16
Payette River (ID): 54, 127, 218
Peas Bottom (MT): 159
Pendleton (OR): 266–69
Phillips Creek (OR): 131
Pkthisis: illness, 238
Pickett, William: ill, 205; family of, 219
Pim Indians: 12
Pine Bluffs (WY): 107, 181, 208, 241
Pine Creek (ID): 197
Piqua (KS): 224
Pittsburg (KS): 94
Platte River (NE/WY): 24, 27, 67, 102, 105, 179, 202–6, 227, 239; North, 36, 113, 210
Pleasant Valley (ID): 129
Plum Creek (KS): 100
Plum Creek (NE): 69, 179, 204, 227
Plum Station (NE): 101–2
Plumgrapes: 153
Point of Rocks: in NE, 72; in WY, 188
Pole Creek: see Lodgepole Creek Polygamy: 45
Pompeys Pillar (MT): 161
Pottawattame County (IA): 200
Powder River (MT/WY): 155, 189
Powder River (OR): 129–30, 264–65
Prairie hens: eggs of, 101
Prentis, Noble L.: 12
Prescott (AZ): 13
Price, Peggy E.: 237
Prices: of farm products, 98; of provisions, 225, 227, 245–46; in MT, 159; in ND, 149; of water, 215; in WY, 186
Princeton Univ. students: 77
Provisions for the trail: 164, 245; prices of, 239, 260; readily available, 59, 106; scarcity of, 259; see also beef, eggs, flour, milk, potatoes, prices
Quaking Aspen Mt.: 117
Rabbits and jackrabbits: 27, 32, 35, 69, 125, 127, 261
Radersburg (MT): 174
Railroads: 7, 13, 21, 28, 29, 44, 59, 70, 80, 97–98, 100, 111, 139, 142, 145–52, 187, 201, 203, 206, 208, 235, 250; building of, 214; collision, 229; stations, 106; see also railroad names
Rain: passim; 13, 23, 25–26, 62, 80, 96, 107
Ranches on trails: 129
Raspberries: 184
Rattlesnake Creek: in ID, 85; in WY, 231
Rawhide River (NE): 202
Rawlins (WY):37, 211
Recreation: on trails, 21, 41, 77, 103, 108, 144, 156, 171, 187, 191, 228
Red Cloud (NE): 226
Red Oak (IA): 199–200
Red River (ND/MN): 139
Reed, John: 197
Rennard families: of Surfus party, 239, 272
Republic City (KS): 226
Republican City (NE): 100
Republican River (KS/NE): 100–1, 178, 225–26
Richland (NE): 202
Rickman, John: 46
Riddle, Henry L.: 18, 25–26, 28, 30, 51
Riddle, Mary: portrait, 19; diary of, 17–57; family, death, 18; thrown from horse, 25; writes of OR home, 57
Riddle, Mike: 23, 26–27, 29, 32, 56–57
Riddle, Moses Wm.: 18, 20, 24–25, 30–31, 42, 44, 55–57
Rivers and creeks: crossing of, 75, 80, 112, 202, 211; see also bridges, ferries, river names
Riverton (NE): 178
Roads: dusty, 42, 51–52, 216, 253–54; muddy, 35–36, 63, 98, 179; sandy, 41, 257–59; on southern route, 155–56, 234–35; 263
Rock Creek: in ID, 51, 83, 123, 255; in OR, 269; in WY, 74, 117, 209–10, 212, 230, 244
Rostock, Ernest J.: 223n
Rush Creek (MO): 199
Russell (KS): 99
Rutabagas: 169
Saddles: side saddles, 28, 186
Sagebrush: 29, 83, 113–15, 211, 231, 253
Sagehens: 112–13, 118, 158, 189, 231, 244
Salina (KS): 97
Salmon: 147–48
Salmon Fall Creek (ID): 255–56
Salmon Falls (ID): 256
Saloons: 147, 152, 235; see also liquor
Salt: 49
Salt Lake City: Valley of, 253
Samaria (ID): 122
Sanborn (ND): 143
Sand Creek (WY): 189
Sandstorm: 268–69
Sandy River: Little, 212
Sankey, Ira D.: evangelist, 77
Sargents (CO): 12
Sawmills: see mills Scandia (KS): 226
Schauppsville Mills (NE): 68
Schuyler (NE): 67, 202 17 Mile River (WY): 189
Sewing machine: 132
Sharlot Hall Museum (AZ): 11–12
Sheep: 109, 155, 157, 206, 208, 228, 234, 243; dogs, 179
Shell Creek (WY): 191–92
Sheridan (WY): 192–94
Sheyenne River (ND): 140–42
Sidney (NE): 31, 106, 181, 207, 229, 245
Silver Creek: in ID, 200; in NE, 25, 67
Sitwell, Kathleen: 237
Slate Creek (WY):213
Sloop, Helen R.: 22
Smallpox: 158
Smith, Albian C.: 21
Smith’s Fork (WY): 214
Snake Indians: 89
Snake (or Lewis) River (ID/OR): 51, 55, 128, 215, 256–62; crossing of, 84, 124, 233
Snakes: 14; see also rattlesnakes
Snow: 33, 117, 167, 172, 212–13
Snow shed: 229
Sod houses: 99–100, 178, 202, 204, 226
Soda Springs (ID): 118, 121, 214, 233
Soda Springs (WY): 117
Sold, Jake: 57
Solomon (KS): 97
Somerville (OR): 88
Spirit Mound (KS): 15
Spotted plague: 132
Spring Creek (NE): 238
Spring River (KS): 94
Spring Station (NE): 240
Squash: 169
Squaw wives: 88
Squaw men: 167
Squirrels: 225
Stagecoaching: robberies, 217; stations on trails, 51, 56, 83–85, 114–15, 123–24, 126–28
Steamboats: 147
Stinking Water Creek (WY): 189
Strawberries: 66
Strawn (KS): 224
Sturgis, Sid: 192
Sublet Creek (ID): 122–23
Sublette’s Cutoff: 122
Sulphur Springs (WY): 38, 76, 231, 246
Summerville (OR): 131
Sunday observance: 30, 63, 66, 69, 72, 77, 86, 144, 151, 178, 183–84, 186, 227
Superior (NE): 226
Surfus, Abraham Franklin: 238, 240, 242, 258, 261, 265; family of, 272; illness, 245–48, 267; train captain, 239
Surfus, Ina: 267; ill, dies, 267–69, 270; picture, 273
Surfus, Isaac Delong: 237–38, 247, 264–66, 270; family of, 272
Surfus, John: 267
Surfus, Mary Matilda (“Till”) Park: portrait, 236; diary of, 237–71; children, 237, 268, 272; ill, 246–47, 256
Surfus, Ona: see Wynona Eliza Surfus
Surfus, Verta: 238, 271; picture, 273
Surfus, Wynona Eliza (“Ona”): 237, 241, 271; picture, 273
Surveying: 11
Svensen(OR): 17
Sweetwater River (WY): 212
Taylor, Noah and Liviga: 121, 123, 125, 127
Tents: 13, 16, 22, 61–62, 70, 94
Terrys Landing (MT): 160
Texas: emigrants from, 114–15
Thayer, John: 187
Threshing: 161–62
Thunder, lightning: 13, 24, 64, 67, 70, 141, 150, 204
Tie Park (WY): 185–86
Timber: in OR, 130–31, 235, 263; in WY, 209
Tingley, Delia: 255, 262, 268, 272
Tingley family: of Surfus party, 237, 272
Tongue River (MT): 155
Touchet River (WA): 89
Towell, Alexander: 197, 210, 213, 219
Towell, Emily: diary of, 197–219; family of, 219
Towell, Otho: ill, 205–06, 219
Tower City (ND): 142
Tower of Babel (WY): 182
Trails used and destinations: along railroads, 105
Turnips: 129
Twin Springs (ID): 122
Tyson’s Mills (IA): 193
Umatilla River (OR): 269
Umatilla Valley (OR): 267; Indian Reservation, 267
Union Pacific RR: 7, 227; see also Oregon Shortline; Railroads
Utah: Gentile towns in, 82; overland parties in, 47–48
Valley City (ND): 141–42
Vallonia (KS): 237–38
Veltrie, Barbara: 60
Virtue, James W.: and mine of, 56
Wages: at Ft. Laramie, 86; in ND, 146
Wagons: brakes for, 163; covers, 92, 94, 141; freighters, 233, 241; numbers of, 22, 71; packing of, 75, 105, 124, 238, 255, 269; for sleeping, 140; traded, 248; upset, 104, 121, 200; wheels locked, 163; see also carriages
Walla Walla River: 88
Walling, J.B.: 85
Wallowa County (OR): 92
Wasatch Mts.: 249
Washington Territory: emigrants to, 59, 137
Water: passim; poor quality, 38–97; price on desert, 215, 233; from RR tank, 102; scarcity on trails, 12, 27, 39, 108–9; well dug, 12–13
Watermelons: 88
Weather: cold, 21, 43, 163, 208, 230–31; flood, 16; see also hail storms, rain, sandstorm, snow, thunder, winds
Weber River (UT): 47, 80n, 250
Weiser River (ID): 128, 197, 218
Wells Canyon (NE): 238–39
Western Kansas State College: 11
Wheat: 99–100, 225–26; in MN, 138–39; in ND, 139
Wheatland (ND): 142
White Beaver Creek (MT): 164
Willow Creek (OR): 87, 262, 269
Willow Island (NE): 205–6
Wilson (KS): 98–99
Winds: 36–37, 100; see also weather Winona (MN): 61
Women: in WY prison, 34; see also squaw wives
Wood: lack of, 26, 100; see also cedar trees, fuel for fires, sagebrush
Wood River (NE): 203
Woodbine (IA): 65
Wright, Jennie: 91, 94, 108, 121–22, 124, 126, 131–32; marries I.W. Berry, 132
Wright, L.W. “Pat”: 91, 132–33
Wright, Laura: portrait, 93; dizzy, 119; ill, 127, 131–32; headache, 104, 120, 127; journal of, 91–133; marries T. Childers, 92, 134
Wright, Nellie: 91, 108, 110, 113, 126, 131; marries Russell, 134; toothache, 113, 123
Wright, William T.: 91; portrait, 93; death, 92, 134; ill, 127; obituary, 133–34; mentioned, 100, 107–8, 110, 112, 117, 119, 124, 132–34
Wyoming: Annals of, 178; emigrants to, 34–43, 177
Wyoming State Archives: 177n