List of figures, maps, and tables


4.1Eve spinning and Adam delving. Hunterian Psalter, c. 1170. Glasgow, University of Glasgow Library, MS Hunter U.3.2 229, fol. 8r. By permission of the University of Glasgow Library, Special Collections.

4.2Weavers using vertical and horizontal looms. Reiner Musterbuch, c. 1200–20. Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS 507, fol. 2r. By permission of the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.

4.3Men dyeing, from a Flemish manuscript of the Liber de natura rerum, c. 1482. London, British Library, MS Royal 15 E III, fol. 269r. © The British Library Board.

4.4Virgin Mary tablet weaving in a domestic setting. Book of Hours, Paris, France, c. 1425–30. New York, The Pierpont Morgan Library, MS M.453, fol. 24r. By permission of The Morgan Library & Museum, New York. Purchased by J. Pierpont Morgan (1837–1913) in 1911. Photographic credit: The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.

4.5Israhel van Meckenhem, ‘The Quarrelsome Couple’, c. 1465–1500. London, British Museum, No. 1873, 0809.651. © The Trustees of the British Museum.

4.6Woman spinning. Smithfield Decretals, bas-de-page, c. 1300–40. London, British Library, MS Royal 10 E IV, fol. 139r. © The British Library Board.

4.7Man carding. Smithfield Decretals, bas-de-page, c. 1300–40. London, British Library, MS Royal 10 E IV, fol. 147r. © The British Library Board.

4.8Man spinning. Smithfield Decretals, bas-de-page, c. 1300–40. London, British Library, MS Royal 10 E IV, fol. 147v. © The British Library Board.

5.1Christine de Pizan kneels and offers her prayer to the Virgin seated with the Christ-child. Oroison de Nostre Dame in the ‘Book of the Queen’, c. 1410–14. London, British Library, MS Harley 4431, fol. 265r. © The British Library Board.


9.1Clair III Jacquemin, Plan géométral et proportionnel de la ville de Lyon, 1747. Photograph by J. Gastineau. Lyon, Archives municipales de Lyon, 3 S 693.


2.1Foliation of Clm 19411.

2.2Tegernseer Liebesbriefe overview.

8.1Ages at which vagrants were liable for service.

8.2Number of persons who received weekly alms of 6d or greater.