Abwehr (German Military Intelligence), 143
Action Party (Italy), 3, 120–1
Afghanistan, 185
Africa, 21–2, 26, 79, 113, 130, 139
AFŽ (Antifašistički front žena—Women’s Anti-fascist Front, Yugoslavia), 229
AK (Armia Krajowa—Home Army, Poland), 28, 156–61, 205
AL (Armia Ludowa—Communist People’s Army, Poland), 156
Alba, Partisan Republic of, 124
guerrilla warfare in, 103, 235
territorial expansion of, 217
Albanians (ethnic group), 224, 228, 232, 237
Alexander, King (Yugoslavia), 213, 214
Alsace, 79
Altenbourg, G., 99
AMGOT (Allied Military Government of Occupied Territory), 90
Amsterdam, 113, 138, 141–2, 145
ANCC (Anglo-Norwegian Collaboration Committee), 179
Appel, J., 58
Arbeitseinsatz (labour deployment in Germany) from Belgium 35–6, 39, 42
from France, 84
from Italy, 117
from Netherlands, 137, 139–40, 142, 145–6
from Soviet Union, 197, 199, 209
Ardeatine caves (Rome), 127
Ardennes, 33, 35, 78, 176, 181–2
Arendal, 180
Armstrong, J., 208
Arnhem, 144
Arup Seip, D., 176
Aryan Declaration, 138
AS (Secret Army, Belgium), 39–40, 43–4, 48
and Axis invasion of Greece (1941), 97
fighting between British and EAM/ELAS in, 29, 108–9
Aubrac, R., 93
Aufsichtsverwaltung (Supervisory Civil Administration—Netherlands), 134
Auschwitz, 92
Auvergne, 89
Avala (partisan group, Czech lands), 66
AVNOJ (Anti-fascist Council of the People’s Liberation of Yugoslavia—Antifašističko vijeće narodnog oslobodjenja Jugoslavije), 230, 233
Bach-Zelewski, E. von dem, 163
Badoglio, P., 114
Bahnschutz (Railway Police), 153
Bakarić, V., 228
Balitskii, G., 205
Axis invasion of (1941), 17
Balkan Wars (1912–13), 96, 102
German withdrawal from, 233
potential Allied invasion of, 104
Balli Kombëtar (Albania Nationalist Movement), 218
Bandouvas, M., 103
Banija (massacre), 221
Banovina Hrvatska (autonomous Croatian partisan group), 216
Banská Bystrica, 27
Baranja Region, 217
Barletta, 118
Bassano del Grappa, 127
Bataille du rail (La), 91
Bayard (information network—Belgium), 40
BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), 17, see also propaganda
and Czech resistance, 57, 58, 63, 69
and Danish resistance, 177
and Dutch resistance, 137, 139
and French resistance, 82, 84, 87–8
De Gaulle broadcasts on, 80
and Yugoslav resistance, 219
Bela garda (White Guard—Yugoslavia), 218
Belarus/Belorussia, 18
partisan movement in, 19, 189, 191–3, 197–8, 200, 202–7
Belgian Partisan Army, 41
Belgium, 4, 7, 28, 33–51 (main chapter), 63, 137, 172
Belgrade, 17, 27, 214–16, 221, 223, 234–6
Belorussia, see Belarus
Beneš, E., 54–5, 57–8, 61–2, 64–6, 69, 71–2
Benson, M.O., 232
Bergen, 180
Beria, L., 193
Berlusconi, S., 3
Bernhard, Prince (Netherlands), 135, 144
Bernières, L. de, 4
Berzin, J., 191
Biha, 230
Black Legion, 229
Bláha, F., 65
Blukher, V., 191
Boellaard, P., 141
Bolzano, 127
Bomber Command, 16
BOPA (Borgerlige Partisaner—Bourgeois Partisans), 182
B-org (Bedriftsorganisajonen—Industrial Organization, Norway), 176
Borghese, J.V., Prince, 126
Boričevac, 222
Bosanska Krajina, 223
Bosnia-Herzegovina, 214, 217, 221–2, 225–7, 229–31, 233
Botteghe di Albinea, 130
Bousquet, R., 92
Boves, 119
Brezovica forest, 221
Briansk, 202
Brindisi, 114
Britain, see Great Britain
British Army, formations of Second Army, 182
Brittany, 27
Broz, J., see Tito
Bruhn, C., 181
Brussels, 36, 39, 41, 43–5, 145
BS (Nederlandsche Binnenlandsche Strijdkrachten—Dutch Forces of the Interior), 144
Bucine, 127
occupation of Greece by, 98–9, 103–4
occupation of Yugoslavia by, 216–17, 219, 230–1
Bureau d’information et de presse, 86
Bush, G.W., 234
Cadorna, R., 120
Caluire, 87
Calvinists, 136
Cammaerts, F., 85
Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, 4
Carnia, Partisan Republic of, 124
Carpathian Mountains, 27, 205, 207
Cassino, 128
Castiglione di Sicilia (Catania), 127
Catholics Catholic Party (Belgium), 33
partisans (Italy), 120
trade unions (Belgium), 43
CDJ (Committee for the Defence of the Jews, Belgium), 43
Cervi brothers’ partisan group, 119
Č etniks, 217, 219–26, 228–32, 235–6
Ceux de la Libération (The Men of the Liberation), 81, 87
Ceux de la Résistance (The Men of the Resistance), 81, 87
Le Chagrin et la Pitié, 92
Channel Islands, 5
Charleroi, 39
Chartres, 86
Chauvy, G., 93
Chernigov province, 194
Chetniks, see Četniks China, 11
Churchill, W.
and detonator strategy, 16
and Soviet Union, 25
and Tehran Conference, 63
Ciano, G., 114
Cichociemny (‘Silent and Unseen’ operatives—Poland), 160, 167
Cinquale, 128
Circle, the, see Kresten
Císař, J., 66
Civitella Val di Chiana (massacre), 127
Clarence (information network—Belgium), 40
Clausen, F., 174
Clement, R., 191
Cleveringa, R., 138
CLN (Committee of National Liberation—Italy), 120, 123, 129
CLNAI (Committee of National Liberation for Upper Italy), 120
CLS (Committees for Trade Union Struggle—Belgium), 42–3
CNR (Conseil National de la Résistance, National Council of the Resistance—France), 87
Colijn, H., 138
College van Vertrouwensmannen (College of Trustees, Netherlands), 145
Colonel Fabien, see Georges, P. Combat (Resistance network, France), 80, 81, 85, 87
Combattant volontaire de la Résistance, 85
Comet (escape line, Belgium), 40–1
Comintern, 19–20, 23, 25–6, 220, 228
Comité française de la Libération nationale (French Committee of National Liberation), 90
Comité général d’études (General Study Committee—France), 86
Commissars, 102, 121, 193, 201–2, 224
Communists, see also Soviet Union, Yugoslavia Belgian, 34, 40–1
French, 3, 23, 26, 77, 82–4, 87
Greek, 4, 29, 96, 100, 103, 108–9
Italian, 3, 26, 120–1, 125, 131
Company 1, see Linge Company Compiègne forest, 79
Confédération générale du travail (communist trade union—France), 87
Conseil national de la Résistance (National Resistance Council—France) Constantine, King (Greece), 96
Copenhagen, 172, 177–8, 182, 184
COS (Chiefs of Staff), 15
Cossacks, 195
Croatian Peasant Party, 214, 216
Croats (ethnic group), 213–14, 216, 218, 220–3, 226, 235–8
Cuneo, 124
Cvetković, D., 216
Cvetković, M., 221
Cvetković-Maček Agreement, see Sporazum CVL (Volunteer Corps for Liberty—Italy), 120, 130
Czech National Council, 70–1, 76
Czechoslovakia, 17, 21, 26, 52–76 (main chapter), 207
Czechs (ethnic group), 5, 7, 11, 52–3, 55–76
Czernin Palace, 72
Dahl, H.F., 185
Dalton, H., 16
Danish Free Corps, 175
Danish Nazi Party, 174
D’Astier de la Vigerie, E., 81
D-Day, 27, 48, 65, 83, 88, 181
Decree on Land, 188
Défense de la France (France’s Defence—Resistance group), 81
De Jong, L., 136
Delegatura (Government Delegacy—Poland), 155–6
Delestraint, C., 86
Delft University, 138
Denmark, 5, 10, 171–2 (main chapter), 174–5 (main chapter), 181–7 (main chapter), see also Scandinavia
Dietl, E., 172
Divci, 225
Djuić, M., 220
DNSAP (Nationalsocialistike Arbejderparti—Danish National Socialist Workers’ Party), 174
Dodecanese, 96
Domobrani (Home Guard, NDH), 217, 221–2, 226, 228, 230
Dongo, 129
Drachovký, J., 65
Duclos, J., 23
Dunkirk, 16
EAM (National Liberation Front—Greece), 29, 99–101, 103, 106–9
EAM (Workers’ National Liberation Front—Greece), 100
Eastern Front, 160, 177, 208–9
effect upon German troops subsequently serving in France, 78, 88
European volunteers serving on, 175
partisan warfare on, 193, 199, 202, 207
Eastern Front (1914–18), 220
EDES (National Democratic Greek League—Greece), 99–103, 105–8
Eindhoven, 139
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 27, 71, 114
EKKA (National and Social Liberation—Greece), 102–3
ELAS (Greek People’s Liberation Army—see also EAM), 4, 29, 99–100, 102–3, 105–9
Elefhteri Ellada (Free Greece), 107, see also EAM
Elefhteri Oreini Ellada (Free Mountainous Greece), 107, see also EDES
England, see Great Britain
Englandspiel, 143
EPON (Eniaia Panelladiki Organosi Neon—Youth Movement, Greece), 103
Estonian Omakaitse militia, 207
Ethiopia, 131
Ethniki Allilleggii (National Solidarity—Greece), 100
Euboia, 108
European Court of Human Rights, 4
Evritania, 102
Facchini, E., 125
Falkenhausen, E. von, 35
Falkenhorst, N. von, 172
Fascism (Italian), 113–14, 116, 121, 125–6, 129–30, see also RSI
Fedorov, A., 194
Feldgendarmerie, 128
Feltre, 113
FI (Independence Front—Belgium), 37, 39–44, 48
Fierlinger, Z., 72
Fight (French resistance group), see Combat
Final Solution
in Czech lands, 70
in Denmark, 10
in Poland, 151
in Scandinavia, 184
in Soviet Union, 205
First Naval Detachment (Yugoslavia), 232
Florence, 123
FO IV (Forsvarets Overkommando—Department IV, Norway), 179–80
Foggia, 113
Foot, M.R.D., 180
Fosdalen, 180
Fossacesia, 128
France, 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 33–4, 52, 77–95 (main chapter), 116
collaboration with Germany, 17, 56
defeat by Germany, 8, 15, 17, 58, 172
development of resistance in, 23, 68
and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 54–5
German occupation of, 64
government-in-exile of, 28
and Greece, 96
and Netherlands, 137
Soviet relations with resistance in, 25, 26
France Liberté (France Freedom), 81
Franco-Prussian War, 7
Frank, H., 151
Free French, 17, 24, 80, 82, 85, 87
BBC broadcasts of, 84
post-war image of, 91
Free Greece, see Elefhteri Ellada
Free Mountainous Greece, see Elefhteri Oreini Ellada
Free Shooters, see Franc-Tireurs
Free University of Brussels, 43
Free Wallonia Movement, 50
Freedom Council (Denmark), 178, 181
Freyberg, B., 97
Friang, B., 80
Friheddmusett, 184
Frihedsradet, see Freedom Council Frit Danmark, 178
Frits de Zwerver (‘Frits the Nomad’), see Slomp, F.
Friuli, 124
Front national (National Front—France), 81, 87
Fucecchio, 127
GAC (Grote Advies-commissie der Illegaliteit, Central Advisory Council of Underground Groups), 143
GAP (Groups of Partisan/Patriotic Action—Italy), 125
Galicia, 205
Gasperi, A. de, 130
Gattatico, 119
BBC broadcasts of, 80
relations with domestic resistance in France, 85–6
General Staff of the People’s Liberation Partisan Detachments of Yugoslavia (Glavni štab narodnooslobodilačkih partizanskih odreda Jugoslavije), 221
Generalgouvernement (Poland), 151
Geneva, 62
George II, King (Greece), 96, 103
Georges, P., 82
Gerbrandy, P., 144
Gerhardsen, E., 176
German Army, 17, 18, 62, 69, see also Germany, ground forces, formations of
in Belgium, 44
in Italian campaign, 113, 116–17, 119, 126–9
in Netherlands, 134
in Soviet Union, 208
Germany/Third Reich, 1, 5, 8, 14, 16–17, 19, 33, 43, 63, 166, 205, 214, 221
anti-Nazi resistance in, 5, 82
dismemberment of Czechoslovakia by, 53–6
economic relations with occupied Europe, 175–6, 208
exploitation of European labour by, see Arbeitseinsatz invasion of Italy by, 113, 116, 129
invasion of Low Countries and France by, 34, 78–9
invasion of Scandinavia by, 171–2
occupation of Poland by, 151, 153–4
occupation of Yugoslavia by, 216–17
relations with Belgium, 35, 37
relations with Scandinavia, 175, 177–8, 183
and war against Soviet Union, 17, 19–20, 37, 159–60, 234
Germany, ground forces, formations of
army groups
E, 104
Ninth, 163
XXII, 104
LI Motorized, 130
1st Mountain ‘Edelweiss’, 104–5
5th Mountain, 97
6th Mountain, 99
7th Mountain Prinz Eugen, 229
117th Infantry, 105
Hermann Göring, 128
SS Leibstandarte Panzer Division ‘Adolf Hitler’, 88, 119
SS Panzer Division Das Reich, 88
SS Prinz Eugen Division, 218
SS Skanderbeg Division, 218
500th SS Parachute Battalion, 234
Dirlewanger Regiment, 165
in France, 92
Geuzen, 138
Gibraltar, 161
Giulino di Mezzegra, 129
Glina, 221
Globus factory, 182
Glomford power station, 180
GNR (National Republican Guard—Italy), 117, 125–6, 128
Goebbels, J., 116
Gogun, A., 208
Gorgopotamos bridge/viaduct, 26, 101
Gouvernement provisoire de la République française (Provisional Government of the Republic of France), 90
Gran Sasso, 116
Grand Council of Fascism, 113–14
Grande Armée, 188
Grandi, D., 114
Graziani, R., 126
Great Britain, see also London, links to resistance in; SOE; supplies to resistance; and national chapters and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 54–5
support for European resistance by, 15–21, 25–6, 29
Greco-Turkish War, 100
Greece, 5, 7, 77, 96–112 (main chapter), 219, 235
Axis invasion of (1941), 6
British involvement, in, 22, 26, 29
conflict between resistance groups in, 1, 12, 29, 83
German operations against Italian troops in, 116, 118
Greek Mountain Brigade, 107
Grenzschutz (Border Guard), 153
Grňa, J., 62
GRU (Red Army Intelligence Section), 19, 135, 145
Gudovac, 221
Guidi, B., 126
Guingouin, G., 82
Gustav Line, 128
Gwyer, J.M.A., 15
Haakon VII, King (Norway), 171–4, 179, 186
Hácha, E., 55
Hamburg, 157
Hardeveld, A. van, 145
Hauge, J.C., 180
Hazelhoff Roelfzema, E. (the ‘Soldier of Orange’), 138, 147
Heidrich, A., 62
Henlein, K., 54
Hermans, W.F., 148
Het Parool, 137
Heusden, 145
Himmler, H., 116
Hitler, A., 1, 52, 56, 60, 213, 237
assassination attempt on, 5
attitude towards Italy, 97, 116
and Axis of Yugoslavia, 216
death, 70
and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 53–5
Dutch view of, 137
French view of, 78
and German invasion of Poland, 57
and German invasion of Soviet Union, 221
policy towards Czech lands, 59, 61, 63
policy towards Greece, 98, 104
policy towards Scandinavia, 172–3
policy towards Soviet Union, 197, 200
policy towards Yugoslavia, 217
Hoare, M.A., 222
Holger Danske, 182
Holocaust, see Final Solution
Holy Cross Mountains (Góry Świętokrzyski), 160
Home Army, see AK
Hoxha, E., 235
Hutter, J., 64
Iakir, I., 191
IJzerdraat, B., 138
IKKI (Executive Committee of the Comintern), 20
IMI (Italian military internees), 116
L’Insurgé, 81
Iraq, 185
Italian Army, formations of
37th Modena Division, 101
Pinerolo Division, 106
Second Army, 220
Italy, 1, 3, 5, 113–33 (main chapter)
Allied support for partisans in, 24, 25–6, 29
and Axis invasions of Balkans, 97
development of partisan warfare in, 7, 14
and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 55
occupation policy of, 6, 216–17
Jablanica, 231
Jackson, J., 91
Jahn, G., 176
Jajce, 233
Janjić-Capo, V., 221
Japan, 130
Jernbaneorganisajonen, 176, see also J-Org Jespersen, K., 182
in Greece, 99
in Netherlands, 135–6, 138–9, 141, 146–7
in Scandinavia, 178
in Soviet Union, 200, 205, 208–9
JOCKEY (network), 85
J-Org (Jernbaneorganisajonen—Railway Organization (Scandinavia)), 176
JPS (Joint Planning Staff), 15
Jugoslavenska armija, 235
Justice and Liberty Brigades (Italy), 120–1
Kadolec, 60
Kalambaka, 105
Kalavryta, 105
Kalinin, P., 194
Kamil, K., 64
Kaminski, B., 165
Karadjordjević, A. King, 213–14
Karambinas, S., 102
Karel-Finn Republic, 201
Karski, J., 158
Kedyw (Kierownictwo Dywersji—Diversionary Command, Poland), 159
Keitel, W., 197
KGSA (Greek Partisans HQ), 103
Khania, 98
Khoutas, S., 102
Kiev, 194
KK (Korordinasjonskomiteen—Coordination Committee), 176
KKE (Kommounistikó Kómma Elládas—Greek Communist Party), 96–7, 99–100, 106
Klaras, A., 100
Klima Doridas, 107
Knin, 220
Kobylka, J., 60
Koch, P., 126
Koliada, N., 202
Koliodimitraioi family, 102
Kommeno, 105
Komorowski, T., see Bór-Komorowski, T. Kononov, V., 4
Korbonski, S., 155
Kordun, 221
Koryzis, A., 97
Kotor Bay, 217
Kozara Mountain, 229
KPH (Komunisticka partija Hrvatske—Communist Party of Croatia), 228
KPJ (Komunisticka Partija Jugoslavije—Communist Party of Yugoslavia), 214, 220–3, 227–8, 230, 233
KPS (Komunistička partija Slovenije—Communist Party of Slovenia), 228
Kragujevac, 219
Kraljevo, 219
Krátký, J., 64
Krátký, Y. (‘Zdena’), 64
Kratochvil, J., 64
Kresten (the Circle), 176
Kresy, 151
Križni put (Way of the Cross), 235
Krofta, K., 64
Krupanj, 223
KSČ (Czech Communist Party), 57
Kudria, I., 194
Kuipers-Rietberg, H. (‘Aunt Riek’), 140
Kutlvašr, K., 70
Kvapil, J., 64
KWC (Directorate of Civil Resistance—Kierownictwo Walki Cywilnej), 155
Lake Como, 129
Lake Garda, 117
Land og Folk, 177
Laný, E., 64
Lanz, H., 104
Laporte, B., 4
Laqueur, W., 237
Lausanne Treaty, 96
Lazo, S., 189
Le Havre, 89
Lebanon, 107
Leiden University, 138
Leopold III, King (Belgium), 34
Leros, 118
Le Suire, K., 105
Levy, J.-P., 81
Dutch, 136
Liberation Front (Osvobodilna fronta), 230
Libération Nord (Liberation-North), 81
Libération Sud (Liberation-South), 81
Libya, 131
Lidice, 61
Liège, 37
Lille, 89
Livorno, 69
Ljotić, D., 217
Ljubljana, 217
LKP (Landelijke Knokploegen—National Federation of Assault Groups), 142–4
LO (Landelijke Organisatie voor Hulp aan Onderduikers—national organization of assistance to people in hiding), 104, 133, 140–3
Lobov, M., 194
Lofoton Islands, 179
Logothetopoulos, K., 106
Löhr, A., 104
London, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 29, 39, 57, 62, 69, 143
London, governments-in-exile in
Czechoslovak, 21, 55, 58, 61, 64–7, 70
Yugoslav, 219
London, links to resistance in
Dutch, 145
Longchamps, 80
Longo, L., 121
Lorraine (Cross of), 80
Luc-Marc (Network), 40
Luftwaffe, 83, 89, 153, 163, 172
Luxembourg, 4
Maastricht, 144
Greek partisan warfare in, 99–102, 105–6
security battalion operations in, 108
Yugoslav partisan warfare in, 218, 222, 230–1
Mackenzie, W., 19
Maclean, Sir F., 232
Maginot Line, 78
Mainer, J., 64
Makhno, N., 188
Mao Tse-tung, 11
maquis, 7, 33, 68, 84–5, 88–9, see also partisans
Maribor, 217
Marseillaise, 84
Masaryk, J., 72
Massa, 128
Matera, 118
Matteotti Brigades, 120
Mauthausen, 138
Mazower, M., 16
Mazzini Brigades, 120
Mediterranean, 14, 22, 26, 97, 142
Medjimurje, 217
Meleto, 127
Mel’nik, I., 201
memory, 1, 3–4, 12, see also national chapters
Metaxas, I., 96
Metsovo, 105
Mezník, J., 58
MG (Militair Gezag—Military Authority, Netherlands), 146
Michelet, E., 80
Mihailović, D., 219, 224–5, 230, 232, 234
Mikołajczyk, S., 161
Milan, 3, 15, 17, 113, 120, 129
Milanović, K., 217
Militärverwaltung (Military Administration, Belgium), 35
Milne, S., 4
Milorg (Militærorganisjonen—Military Organization), 178
Ministry of Economic Warfare (Great Britain), 21
Minturno, 128
MNB (Belgian National Movement), 41
Modena, 129
Mogilev, 199
Mokrousov, A., 194
Moldavia, 18
Moldovan Communist Party, 196
Monaco, 5
monarchists, see royalists
Le Monde, 92
Mont Mouchet, 89
Montbéliard, 83
Monte Sole (massacre), 128
Montefiorino, 124
Montenegro, 214, 217–18, 222, 224–7, 230–2
Montpellier, 84
Moquet, G., 3
Moravec, E., 56
Moravia, 5, 53, 55, 58, 66, 70, 72
Moscow, see also Soviet Union
and Belgian resistance, 48
and Czech resistance, 57, 63, 67, 70–1
and European resistance generally, 19–20, 22, 25, 29
and French resistance, 82, 87, 90
and Polish resistance, 156, 166
and Russian Civil War, 188
and Scandinavian resistance, 178
and Soviet partisan movement, 18, 22, 25, 203
and Warsaw Uprising, 166
and Yugoslav Partisans, 221, 233–4
Mulder-Gemmeke, J., 145
MUR (Mouvements Unis de la Résistance—United Resistance Movements), 86–7
Musée de l’homme (Resistance Group), 81, 85
Musil, C., 60
Mussolini, B., 214
and Italian invasion of Greece (1940), 97
MVAC (Milizia volontaria anticomunista—Anti-Communist Volunteer Militia), 218
Myers, E., 101
Nandrin, J.-P., 4
Napoleon Bonaparte, 188
Narvik, 172
NATO, 184
NDH (Nezavisna Država Hrvatska, Independent State of Croatia), 10, 18, 235, 237
formation of, 217–22, 224, 227–30
resistance warfare in, 220–3, 226–9, 232–3
Netherlands, 27, 28, 77, 134–49 (main chapter) Neurath, K. von, 55, 56, 59
New Flemish Alliance, 4
Niccioleta, 127
Nijmegen, 144
NKID (People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, Soviet Union), 20
NKVD (Narodnyy komissariat vnutrennikh del—The People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs, Soviet Union), 19–20
and Polish resistance, 28, 154
and Soviet partisan movement, 189, 191–3, 196, 199, 201, 203, 206
Nord, 35
Norges Hjemmefrontmuseum, 184
Normandy, 27, 40, 44, 46, 65, 88, 128, 144
Norsk Hydro heavy water plant, 180
Northern Epirus, 99
Norway, 5, 23, 171–87 (main chapter), 28, 56, 136, see also Scandinavia
British support of resistance in, 26
German invasion of, 17, 26, 28, 56, 136
Novák, Z., 57, 64–5, 67, 70, 72
NS (Nasjonal Samling—National Unity), 172, 174–7, 183
NSB (Dutch National Socialist Movement), 138
Oberschlesien Province, 151
OD (Orde Dienst—Order Service, Netherlands), 138, 141, 144
Odessa, 194
Office of Strategic Services, see OSS
Oignies, 78
OKL (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe), 163
Omakaitse militia, 207
OMI (International Information Department), 25
ON (Obrana Národa—Defence of the Nation, Czechoslovakia), 56
Onderdrukking en Verzet, 147
Bagration, 24
Cadillac, 83
Concert, 204
Dragoon, 88
Fan operations, see Wachlarz
Gunnerside, 180
Harlin, 101
Lampa, 24
Marita, 97
Market Garden, 144
Mercury, 97
Pickaxe, 20
Punishment, 216
Rösselsprung, 233
Schwarz, 231
Tannenberg, 153
Torch, 22
Vel d’Hiv, 92
Wachlarz, 159
Weserübung, 172
Ophuls, M., 92
oplarhighoi (warlords), 102
Opletal, J., 59
Oradour-sur-Glane (massacre), 88
Orange, House of, 138
Orel Province, 199
Orešković, M., 223
Organisation civile et militaire, 81
Organisational Directive No. 1, 158
Orkla, 180
Orpo (Ordnungspolizei—Order Police), 135, 153
Oslo Gang, 181
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), 21, 26
Ossola, Partisan Republic of, 124
Ostashkov, 151
OT (Organization Todt), 117
Otrić, 222
OUN (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists), 205
Ouředník, J., 66
Palivec, J., 64
Pangalos, T., 100
Pantheon (France), 91
Papadopoulos, A., 102
Papon, M., 92
Paris, 157
and German invasion of France, 78–9
and Polish government-in-exile, 154, 155
Le Parisien, 4
partisans, see also maquis; national chapters for Greece, Italy, Soviet Union, Yugoslavia
Pas-de-Calais, 35
Patriotic Militias (Belgium), 41, 42
Patton, G., 71
Paul, Prince (Yugoslavia), 215, 216
Paxton, R., 92
PBC (Persoons Bewijzen Centrale—Identity Cards Centre, Netherlands), 141
PCB (Belgian Communist Party), 34, 37, 41–3, 48
PCF (French Communist Party), 23, 26, 81–2, 86–7, 91–2
PCI (Italian Communist Party), 26
Peasant Party (Poland), 161
Peenemünde, 84
Peli, S., 127
Pertouli, 103
Pesaro, 128
Pescara, 114
Petacci, C., 129
Peter II (Yugoslavia), 216, 233
Petrakogiorgis, 103
Peugeot, 83
Philips factories, 139
Phoney War, 78
Pierlot, H., 34
Pilsen, 64
Pindus Mountains, 99–100, 102, 104–5
Pinsk, 193
Pius XII, 113
Piwnik, J., 160
PKP (Consultative Political Committee—Polityczny Komitet Porozumiewawczy), 154
Plastiras, N., 109
POB (Belgian Workers’ Party), 33
Poitrenaud, C., 4
Poland, 5, 18, 26, 150–70 (main chapter), 184, 207
British support of resistance in, 17
and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 55
Final Solution in, 139
German invasion of, 57
German occupation of, 6, 9, 63, 78
Poles (ethnic group), 25, 205–6
Polish forces in exile, 172
Polish nationalist guerrillas (on Eastern Front), 202
Polissia, 206
Ponomarenko, P., 198
‘Ponury’, see Piwnik, J.
Popudrenko, N., 194
Porta Lame, Bologna, 129
Post, J., 142
Potsdam Conference, 129
Heydrich’s assassination in, 21
press (clandestine)
in France, 84
in Poland, 15
Primakov, V., 191
PRNC (Preparatory Revolutionary Nation Committee), 64
Proletarian Brigades
First, 225
Second, 229
by Belgian resistance, 42, 46–7
by Italian resistance, 122
by Nazi regime, 53, 137, 146, 155
by RSI, 126
by SOE, 21
by Soviet regime/Soviet partisans, 19, 21–2, 198, 201–2
by Yugoslav resistance groups, 220, 222, 227
Prussia, 171
Przegląd Wojskowy, 157
PU (Political Centre), 57
Putivl, 194
Putten, 145
PVVZ, 57
Pyrenees, 83
Quisling, V., 56, 155, 172, 174–7, 183, 217
RAF (Royal Air Force), 16, 20, 83
Rakoń, see Rowecki, S. Rallis, I., 105
Ravensbrück, 140
and fighting on Eastern Front, 24–5, 63, 160–1, 191, 199, 202, 207
march into Eastern Europe by, 27, 69, 71, 152, 234, 236
and partisan warfare in Soviet Union, 18–20, 23, 188, 192–5, 198, 203, 205, 207–9
and resistance warfare in Eastern Europe, 66, 68, 221
and Russian Civil War, 189
and Warsaw Uprising, 28, 67, 161–2, 165–6
North-Western Front, 193
Third Ukrainian Army Group, 28
Red Flag (partisan group, Italy), 120
Reé, H., 83
Reggio Emilia, 120, 124–5, 129
Regiment 5/42 Evzonoi, 102, 103, 107
Registry Office Raid (Amsterdam), 142
Reichsgau Dantzig-Westpreussen, 151
Reichsgau Wartheland, 151
Reichskommissariat Ostland, 152
Reichskommissariat Ukraine, 153
Renthe-Fink, C. von, 174
Resega, A., 125
Rexists, 37
Reynaud, P., 79
Ribbentrop-Molotov Agreement, 151, 221
Ribbentrop-Molotov Line, 151
Richter, F., 64
Rijeka, 235
Ringen, 178
Árakthos, 107
Dneister, 63
Dvina, 159
Meuse, 34
Moselle, 9
Neretva, 231
Rhine, 144
Sava, 218
Sutjeska, 231
Vistula, 163
RJN (Rada Jedności Narodowej—Council of National Unity, Poland), 154
Rjukan, 180
Robert, H., 90
Roccaraso, 128
Roelfzema, H., see Soldier of Orange
Rokossovskii, K.K., 28
Roma/Roma and Sinti, 200, 205, 208, 209, 217–18, 228
Romania, 5, 97, 194, 207, 217, 234
Rome, 113–14, 118, 123, 127, 217
RONA Brigade, 165
Rønneberg, J., 180
Rostov, 22
Rousso, H., 91
Royal Air Force, see RAF
royalists, 83
Italian, 26
Yugoslav, 236
RSI (Repubblica Sociale Italiana, Italian Social Republic), 117, 120, 125–6, 129, 131
Rudo, 225
Ruge, O., 172
Rukavina, I., 228
Russia, see Soviet Union
Russian Civil War, 188
RVV (Raad van Verzet—Council of Resistance), 143–4
Saburov, A., 203
Sachsenhausen concentration camp, 138
Salminger, J., 105
San Marino, 5
Sandžak Region, 225
Sant’Anna di Stazzema (massacre), 127
SAP (Squad of Partisan Action), 125
Sarafis, S., 103
Sarajevo, 217
Sarkozy, N., 3
SAS, 130
Sauckel, F., 117
Scandinavia, 14, 171–87 (main chapter), see also Denmark, Norway
Schaft, H., 143
Schleswig-Holstein, 171
Scobie, R., 108
SD (Sicherheitsdienst—German Security Service), 135, 140
Sedan, 78
Seip, D., 176
Selborne, Lord, 21
Septembrisards, 88
Axis occupation of, 217
national uprising (1941), 8, 104, 218–26
position in Yugoslavia pre-1939, 214–16
Serbian Volunteer Detachment, 217
Serbs (ethnic group), 8, 213–16, 218–26, 228, 235
Sergii (Patriarch), 198
Sevastopol, 22
Seyss-Inquart, A., 134
SFRY (Socialist Federated Republic of Yugoslavia), 213, 222, 224, 226–7, 233, 235, 237
SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force), 88, 180–2, 186
Shchors, N., 189
Sicherheitsdienst, see SD
Sicherheitspolizei, see Sipo
Sikorski-Maisky Pact, 151
Simovic, D., 216
Sipo (Sicherheitspolizei—German Security Police), 135, 153
SIS, 38
Sisak, 221
Skinner Wilson, J., 179
SKOJ (Savez komunističke omladine Jugoslavije—Young Communist League of Yugoslavia), 220
Slavs, 200
in Crimea, 195
Nazi view of, 6
in Soviet borderlands, 198, 202, 206
Slepyan, K., 189
Slezák Group, 62
Slomp, F. (‘Frits the Nomad’), 140
Slovakia, 58
and dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, 55
links with Czech resistance in, 62, 64
Soviet partisans in, 207
Slovenes (ethnic group), 213, 232, 235
partisans in, 123, 217, 218, 230
Smyrna, 96
SNM (Secret National Movement), 180
SNOF (Macedonian Popular Liberation Front), 101
Socialists (Belgium), 33, 37, 39, 43, 48
and Belgian resistance, 38
curtailment of functions, 21
and detonator strategy, 15–17, 21
and French resistance, 82–3, 85, 88, 89, 92
and Greek partisans, 99
and Polish resistance, 160
relations with British Chiefs of Staff, 21
and Scandinavian resistance, 179–80, 181, 182, 184
and Yugoslav partisans, 22, 28
Sokol, 58
Sonsterby, G., 181
Sorbonne, 81
Sosnkowski, K., 155
South Jutland, 175
Soviet Union, 4–12, 77, 85, 119, 139, 188–212 (main chapter), 220, see also Moscow; supplies to resistance
German invasion of, 37, 98, 150, 159, 175, 177, 219, 221
German occupation of, 78
invasion of Yugoslavia by, 234
and Katyn massacre, 160
occupation of Poland by (1939–41), 150–4
support for resistance by, 17–20, 22–5, 28–9, 67, 161–2, 230, 236
takeover of Eastern Europe by, 69, 72
takeover of Poland by (1944–5), 161
and Warsaw Uprising, 163, 165–7
Spanish Civil War, 121, 137, 215, 222
Yugoslav veterans of, 220, 222–3, 225, 235
Special Operations Executive, see SOE Speidel, W., 104
Sporazum, 216
Srb, 222
Sremski Front, 235
SS (Schutz-Staffel), 9, see also Gestapo; Orpo; SD; Sipo
and Czech lands, 64
foreign recruitment into, 206–7
and France, 87
and Greece, 104
and Netherlands, 135
attitude towards European resistance movements, 71, 109, 166, 234–6
and development of partisan warfare in Soviet Union, 19, 20, 22
and disbanding of Comintern, 25
and German invasion of Soviet Union, 17
plans for post-war Europe of, 26
and purges, 220
relations with Western Allies, 57, 63, 166
Stalingrad, 22, 24, 40, 139, 142, 194, 198
Stalinism, 189, 191, 198, 209, 227
Staller, K., 62
Starbelsk, 151
State Security Service (Belgium), 38
Stauning, T., 174
Stavka (General Headquarters of the Red Army), 19, 192–204, 206–7, 209
Stella Rossa Partisan Brigade, 128
Stettner, W. von, 104
STOCKBROKER circuit, 83
Stord, 180
Storting (Norwegian Parliament), 173–4
strikes, 7
in Greece, 103
in Netherlands, 135, 136, 139, 141
Strokach, T., 191
students, 59, 81, 136, 138, 142, 146
Studium Polski Podziemnej, 167
Sudeten Mountains, 53
Suire, K. le, 105
Sumy Province, 194
supplies to resistance
in Soviet Union, 19, 193–4, 202–3
Supreme Command (Yugoslavia), 216
Supreme Court (Norway), 175–6, 183
Svatoň, J., 66
Svaty, P., 58
Svenningsen, N., 178
Syrmian Front, 235
Syromolotnyi, I., 195
SZP (Słužba Zwycięstwu Polski—Service for Poland’s Victory), 156
Tagmata Asfaleias (Greek Security Battalions), 105
Tallinn, 157
Tante Riek (see Kuipers-Rietberg, H.), 87, 91, 140
Tatars, 195
Tatra Mountains, 207
Tau, 62
Teachers’ Corporation, 177
Televåg, 180
Terboven, J., 174
Teschen, 55
Thorez, M., 26
Tillon, C., 82
Time Magazine, 4
Tito, 3, 28, 103, 109, 213–14, 217, 220–37
Togliatti, P., 26
Tolstoy, L., 188
Tomasevich, J., 216
Torp, O., 179
Toulon, 84
Touvier, P., 93
Transcarpathian mountains, 206
Tripartite Pact, 216
Tromsø, 172
Trøndelag, 180
Trondheim, 180
Tsouderos, E., 107
TsShPD (Central Staff of the Partisan Movement), 19
Tur (Rowecki, S.), 157
Turin, 113, 120, 125, 129, 132–3
Turnbull, R., 181
Twente, 139
Tyrš, M., 67
Tzimas, A., 103
Uborevich, I., 191
Udine, 124
German occupation of, 152, 192
partisan warfare in, 18, 189, 191, 193, 195–7, 199–200, 203–7
resistance to Soviet rule in, 25, 202, 205
Ukrainians (ethnic group), 151
collaboration with Germans by, 153
participation in Russian Civil War by, 188
United States, 6, 14, 16–17, 19, 56, 139, see also OSS; supplies to resistance; Washington DC
support for European resistance by, 21, 24, 29–30
UPA (Ukrainian Insurgent Army—Ukrains’ka Povstans’ka Armia), 205
Upper Silesia, 151
US Army, formations of
Third Army, 71
Eighth USAAF (United States Army Air Force), 83
Ustaša/e, 10, 214, 217–23, 227–9, 231–2, 236
Ú VOD, 57
Vacek, R., 64
Vågsøy, 179
Vakuf, K., 222
Val d’Ossola, Partisan Republic of, 124
Valerio Borghese, Prince J., 126
Valtos, 101
Varkiza Agreement, 109
Vatican, 113
Veljun (massacre), 221
Veloukhiotis, A., see Klaras, A.
Vemork (heavy water plant), 180
Versailles (Treaty), 53
Vershigora, P., 205
Verviers, 33
Verzet, R. van, 143
Vestdijk, S., 148
Vichy, 4, 77–9, 81, 84, 86, 92
cultivation by Western Allies, 20
persecution of Jews by, 78
‘Vichy Syndrome’, 91
Vigerie (Emanuel d’Astier de la Vigerie), 81
Vis, 234
Vitebsk, 199
VNV (Vlaamsch National Verbond), 33
Voidaros, K., 102
Volksdeutsche, 218
Voronezh, 22
Vrij Nederland, 137
Vught, 140
Vukmanović-Tempo, S., 231
WA (Weer Afdeling—militia of the Dutch National Socialist Movement), 138
Waffen-SS, see SS
industrial base in, 33–4, 37, 41, 43
Walloons (ethnic group), 42, 45
Warsaw, 28–9, 31, 32, 67, 157, 161–7
Warsaw Armoured-Motorized Brigade, 157
Warsaw Uprising, see Warsaw
Washington DC, 19, 72, 178, see also United States
Washington Conference, 16
Wehrmacht, 20, see also German Army; Germany, ground forces, formations of
in France, 83
in Italy, 128
in Netherlands, 145
in Poland, 153
in Soviet Union, 22, 204, 208, 221
Werkschutz (Factory Police), 153
Westerbork, 141
Wever, B. de, 4
White Volunteer Army, 188
Whitehall, 30
Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlands), 134–5
Wilno, 161
Winterswijk, 140
Xirovouni Regiment, 105
Young Christian Workers, 39
Young Communist League of Yugoslavia, 220
Youth League (Scandinavia), 177
Yugoslavia, 5, 7, 17, 101, 184, 211–42 (main chapter)
conflict between resistance movements in, 12, 89
national uprising (Serbia), 8, 68
support by Allies of resistance in, 22, 25–8, 83
ZAVNOBiH (National Anti-fascist Council of the People’s Liberation of Bosnia-Herzegovina), 233
ZAVNOH (National Aanti-fascist Council of the People’s Liberation of Croatia), 233
Zbor movement, 217
‘Zdena’, 64, see Krátký, J.
Zenkl, P., 72
Zero (resistance network, Belgium), 40
Zhelezniakov, A., 189
Zionists, 43
ZO (Związek Odwetu—Union for Retaliation, Poland), 159
ZPP (Związek Patriotów Polskich—Union of Polish Patriots), 161
ZWZ (Związek Walki Zbrojnej—Union for Armed Struggle, Poland), 156–7