Boldface page references indicate charts, illustrations, and photographs. Underscored references indicate boxed text.
- Acesulfame potassium (acesulfame-K), 1
- Additives, food. See specific type
- Adipogenesis, 1
- Adipokines, 1
- Adiponectin, 1, 2
- Aerobic training, 1, 2
- Alcohol, 1, 2
- Alkylphenols, 1
- Almonds
- Apple and Almond Bake, 1
- best, 1
- health benefits of, 1
- Honey Granola, 1
- Oatmeal with Ricotta, Fruit, and Nuts, 1
- Tarragon Lime Chicken Salad, 1
- Toasted Almond Fruit Salad, 1
- Toasted Oats with Fruit and Sunflower Seeds, 1
- Alpha-tocopherol, 1
- Angiotensinogen, 1
- Antibiotics in chicken, 1
- Applebee’s restaurant, 1
- Apple cider
- Apple and Almond Bake, 1
- Oatmeal with Ricotta, Fruit, and Nuts, 1
- Apples
- Apple and Almond Bake, 1
- dark chocolate with, 1
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in, 1
- in diet, 1
- as Superfood, 1
- Apricots
- Apricots with Yogurt and Honey, 1
- Arby’s restaurant, 1
- Arginine, 1, 2
- Artichokes
- selecting, 1
- Wild Salmon and Artichoke Hash, 1
- Artificial flavoring, 1
- Artificial sweeteners, 1. See also specific type
- Arugula
- Grilled Roast Beef with Tomato and Dijon, 1
- Ascorbic acid, 1. See also Vitamin C
- Asparagus
- Organic Green Scramble, 1
- selecting, 1
- Aspartame, 1
- Atrazine, 1
- Au Bon Pain restaurant, 1
- Avocados
- Grilled Roast Beef with Tomato and Dijon, 1
- The New American Burger, 1
- selecting, 1
- as Superfood, 1
- Tomato and Avocado Open-Face Sandwich, 1
- tomatoes with, 1