
Abaza, Aleksei, 113n18, 115

Aberdeen, Lord, 34950, 35354, 362, 36971

Acheson, Dean, 20810, 27275, 273n39, 280

Africa, 63, 133, 248, 253, 269, 327, 352, 357, 359, 41011, 438, 44041, 444. See also Fashoda Crisis of 1898; South African (Boer) War; and individual cases for new imperialism, 1878–85

Alexander I, 324, 328

Alexander II, 102

Alexander III, 1023

Alexseev, Yevgeni, 11213, 116, 119, 121

Ali, Mohammed, 33135

alliances, 910, 40, 290, 360, 366, 382, 430, 436, 442; Anglo-Japanese, 101, 11011, 117, 126; Chinese-Russian (1896), 107; Dual, 91, 382; French-Italian (1859), 377; Holy, 327; North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 31517; Russo-Turkish (1833), 333, 336; Sino-Soviet (1950), 27275, 273n38; Soviet-Iranian (1921), 234, 281; Three Emperors’ League, 382; Tripartite Pact, 17879, 181, 185, 18992, 194, 19798, 197n8, 203, 2067, 21516, 22122, 22831; Triple Alliance, 382; Triple Entente, 92n37, 126; US-Soviet (1941–45), 221, 234; United States and “Western Allies” (1945), 259, 262, 271

anarchy: definition of, 7; implications of, 7, 14, 17, 2122, 37, 4143, 386, 389, 423, 440; survival in, 21, 28, 31; trust within, 42, 42n46. See also military-security dilemma; spiraling; trade-security dilemma; trust and mistrust

Anderson, Matthew, 32728

Andropov, Yuri, 31011

Arabi, Pasha, 39697

Arbatov, Georgi, 313

Arita, Hachiro, 177

arms spending, increases in, 10, 122, 128, 15354, 29192, 29798, 301, 305, 31213, 436. See also balance of power; balancing behavior; neorealism; offensive realism; trade expectations theory

Auckland, Lord, 334

Austria, 76n30, 91, 336, 354, 36162;

Austrian intervention in Spain (1821), 80, 327, 373; German Confederation and, 379; Holy Roman Empire and, 379; war with France (1859), 82, 375, 377. See also Austro-Prussian War (1866); Crimean War; Germany (Prussia); Russia

Austro-Prussian War (1866), 82, 375, 37879, 381, 427; Danish-Prussian War as precursor to, 379. See also Austria; Germany (Prussia)

autarky, 3133, 133, 13637, 14041, 269; moving away from, 89, 3536. See also international political economy

authoritarianism, 1, 14, 34, 5558, 13536, 252, 269, 43233, 435. See also democracy, as cause of war or peace

Baker, James, 315

balance of power, 12, 18n2, 150, 229, 243, 269, 278, 300, 3034, 322, 32627, 336

balancing behavior, 910, 92n37, 254, 360, 429, 436

Ball, George, 302

Ballin, Albert, 12931

Barbieri, Katherine, 24, 5456

bargaining model of war, 1213, 21, 38, 3941, 184n1, 360, 430; bargaining and diplomacy, 9, 29, 38, 40, 4748, 142, 148, 189, 216, 229, 253, 257, 26768, 272, 293, 297, 299, 302, 304, 339, 351, 430; bargaining and signaling, 16, 2021, 20n6, 21n7, 21n9, 38, 3943, 110, 430, 43839; bargaining space, 40, 47, 339, 351, 430. See also commitment problem; costly signaling; diplomacy, role of; leveraging; signaling arguments

Barnhart, Michael, 177, 213, 217n21

Basserman, Manfred von, 130

Bearce, David, 6263

Belgium, 76n30, 96, 131, 260, 264, 333, 358, 380, 405, 406n23, 414; British-French crisis over (1831), 81, 331n11

Benedetti, Edouard, 380

Benson, Michelle, 68n20

Beria, Lavrenty, 256

Berlin Crisis (1948), 88, 92, 26970; liberalism and, 270, 435; trade expectations theory and, 271. See also Stalin, Joseph; Truman, Harry S.

Berlin Crisis (1961), 89, 3013. See also Cold War (1956–62); Kennedy, John F.; Khrushchev, Nikita

Bezobrazov, Alexander, 11216, 121

Bismarck, Herbert, 400

Bismarck, Otto von, 38, 93, 376, 37883, 385, 388, 39192; dislike of colonies, 385, 399407, 432

Bix, Herbert, 146, 163, 201

Boer War. See South African (Boer) War

Bourne, Kenneth, 343

Brezhnev, Leonid, 3058, 312

Britain, 4, 102, 152, 292, 296, 298, 310, 321; and Afghanistan, 33234, 34344; Anglo-Japanese alliance, 101, 11011, 117; Belgian Crisis (1831), 81, 331n11; British-Chinese trade, 101, 103, 107, 11415, 334, 33747; British-German naval race, pre-1914, 125n32, 41819, 419n37, 442n15; British-German trade relations, 29, 12426, 12829, 14041; British-Japanese relations, 101, 108, 11011, 11617, 147, 150, 15253, 156, 158, 16061, 165, 168, 175, 17782, 185, 188, 200204, 209, 222, 233; British-Russian competition over Near East and Central Asia, 31920, 327, 330, 33234; Cape to Cairo railway, 410; Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, 37778, 385; Corn Laws, 355; fear of Germany, pre-1914, 12829; free trade, switch to, 355, 358; Great Game with Russia, 101, 1034, 110, 334; gunboat diplomacy and, 33435, 385, 394; imperial preference and, 29, 12425, 12829, 135, 13738, 141, 147, 160, 412; mercantilism and, 32223; open door and, 108, 11617; and the Suez Canal, 277, 28288, 282n48, 394, 39798; and tariff reform, pre-1914, 12425, 12829, 129n42, 41214; and trade growth, post-1750, 322, 325; and Turkey, propping up of, 32233, 335, 35557, 373. See also Crimean War; Fashoda Crisis of 1898; India; Japan; Opium War (1839–41); South African (Boer) War; Venezuela Crisis (1895); and Britain, individual case periods

Britain (1823–30 case period), 80, 327, 33031; liberalism and, 331; trade expectations theory and, 33031, 373

Britain (1830–40 case period), 15, 81, 91n35, 33137, 343; economic realism and, 33637; trade expectations theory and, 33637, 373, 435

Britain (1878–85, and new imperialism), 45, 83, 91n35, 37576, 385, 39499, 435; British-French spiral over West Africa, 83, 378, 385, 388, 391, 394n18; British trade expectations and, 396, 39899; and concern for French expansionism, 38788, 393n16, 399; Cyprus and, 392, 394; domestic politics and, 395; Dual Control system, 39697; economic realism and, 426; Egypt and, 44, 394n18, 39599; Fiji and, 385, 4034; “gentlemanly elite” and, 39596; and India-China trade, importance of, 39899; liberalism and, 395, 426; Malaya and, 385, 395; neo-Marxism and, 39596; Suez Canal and, 394, 39798; trade expectations theory and, 399, 426; trade-security spiral and, 387, 391, 42627; Turkey and, 39698. See also France (1878–85, and new imperialism); Germany (1878–85, and new imperialism)

Britain (1876–78, and Eastern Question Crisis), 83, 38384. See also Bismarck, Otto von; Disraeli, Benjamin

Brooks, Stephen, 19n3

Brunnow, Philip, 362

Bulgaria, 250, 261, 266n30, 38384, 395

Bulgarin, Nikolai, 283

Bullitt, William, 253n11

Burke, Arleigh, 285

Bush, George H. W., 31416

Buzan, Barry, 29n24

Byrnes, James, 267

Cain, Peter, 395

Canada, 12425, 322, 385, 415, 420

Canning, Stratford, 351, 36667, 370

capitalism, 20, 2224, 26, 6364, 248, 312, 317, 338, 38586, 392, 395, 408, 417, 426, 433

Caprivi, Georg, 124, 401

Caribbean, 32223, 440n12

Cavour, Camille de, 377

Chamberlain, Joseph, 124, 129, 41127

Chevalier, Michel, 37778

Chiang, Kai-shek, 86, 95n45, 139, 14749, 15562, 164, 16774, 177, 179, 186, 19196, 215, 229, 23841, 243, 245, 258, 266

China, 1, 4, 6, 8, 32, 41, 97, 103; Boxer Rebellion, 1078; Britain and, 103, 115, 355; Chinese Eastern Railway, 1078, 118, 150, 159; Korean War and, 27275; Liaodong Peninsula, 100101, 1057, 111, 121, 148, 150, 159, 258; as market for other great powers, 1014; open door and, 1012, 108, 110, 15152, 17677, 179, 190, 21516, 221, 439; Treaty of Shimonoseki, 1067. See also Chiang Kai-shek; Cold War (1942–45, origins of); Korean War; Kuomintang Party; Manchuria; Opium War (1839–41); Sino-American relations, contemporary; Sino-Japanese War (1894); Sino-Japanese War (1937)

Churchill, Winston, 20712, 235, 23840, 255, 265, 279

Clarendon, Lord, 335, 356, 36971

Clayton, William, 262

Cleveland, Grover, 4089, 411

Cobden, Richard, 19n3, 356, 37778, 395

coercive diplomacy, use of, 2, 7, 9, 11, 2021, 23, 29, 32, 42, 57, 62, 102, 1078, 144, 153, 166, 174, 17980, 188, 198, 218, 228, 267, 269, 271, 282, 300, 329, 348, 351, 36870, 397, 416, 419, 42225, 427. See also diplomacy, role of; leveraging

Cold War, 5, 26, 29, 38, 66, 105, 431, 438, 442. See also Berlin Crisis (1948); Berlin Crisis (1961); Iran (Crisis of 1944); Iran (Crisis of 1946); Iran (Crisis of 1950–53); Korean War; Russia; Suez Crisis (1956); and Cold War, individual case periods

Cold War (1942–45, origins of) 5, 4445, 87, 246, 24766; China and, 252, 258; Eastern Europe and, 250, 253, 25860, 266, 266n30; German reintegration and, 25859, 26465; Germany and, 258, 26466; liberalism and, 24748, 250; neoclassical realism and, 248n3; neo-Marxism and, 248; Poland and, 250, 26063, 260n22, 263n26; Potsdam and, 258n17, 265; and power preponderance, importance of, 249, 251; realism and, 24748, 250; responsibility for, 25152, 252n9, 266; Soviet loan requests and, 25859; and Soviet trade expectations, 5, 249, 25657, 259, 26364, 266; trade expectations theory and, 24952, 26166; trade-security spiral and, 251; Truman Doctrine, 251, 26869; US efforts to prevent Soviet growth, 25052, 431, 435; US fear of loss of periphery, 5, 24952, 269; US fear of Western Europe going Communist, 4, 25051, 25859; 264–65, 430; US trade expectations, 24952, 266. See also Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Stalin, Joseph; Truman, Harry S.

Cold War (1956–62), 38, 89, 91n36, 250; bargaining strategy of Eisenhower and, 29394, 297; CoCom and, 290, 290n52; and missile gap, potential of, 291; and mutually assured destruction, absence of, 89, 294, 300, 3034; potential détente and role of trade, 295304; power oscillations and, 303; puzzles of, 289; Soviet desire for détente, 289, 292, 29699; Soviet economic offensive and, 28990; Soviet fear of decline, 3013; Soviet oil exports and, 29495; Soviet strategic vulnerability and, 29091, 29899; strategic nuclear balance and, 89, 291, 297, 300, 3034; trade expectations theory and, 89, 289; trade-security dilemma and, 294; US desire for détente, 291, 295, 300; US economic restrictions and, 28990, 293; US fear of decline, 291, 29395, 301, 303; U 2 Crisis, 299300; Western Europe and, 290, 290n52. See also Berlin Crisis (1961); Cuban Missile Crisis; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Khrushchev, Nikita; third world, US-Soviet struggle over the

Cold War (1963–83, détente and aftermath), 5, 9, 38, 90, 92n37, 249, 289, 30410; arms control and, 305; breakdown of cooperation, 46, 90, 431; importance of US-Soviet trade to Russian growth, 9, 3056; Jackson-Vanik Amendment and, 3089; liberalism and, 310; linkage strategy and, 46, 3045; moderation of Soviet behavior and, 3068; and mutually assured destruction, role of, 90, 294, 304; Soviet economic decline and, 304; and Soviet trade expectations, 38, 306, 309, 431, 434; trade expectations theory and, 289, 310; US domestic politics and, 90, 306, 308, 431; Vietnam and, 3047, 309; Watergate and, 46, 90, 306, 3089, 310, 431; Yom Kippur War and, 3078. See also Brezhnev, Leonid; Egypt; Israel; Kissinger, Henry A.; Nixon, Richard M.

Cold War (1984–91, end of), 5, 38, 90, 92n37, 247, 249, 31018; arms control and, 31314; G7 summit and, 317; ideational arguments for, 310; importance of US-Soviet trade to Russian growth, 90, 31216; moderation in Soviet behavior, 31417; Soviet economic decline and, 90, 31112; Soviet trade expectations and, 5, 311, 31418, 434; trade-security spiral and 317–18; trade expectations theory and, 289, 310. See also Bush, George H. W.; Gorbachev, Mikhail; Reagan, Ronald

commitment problem, 1213, 4043, 47, 60, 62, 121n22, 233, 325, 351; efforts to signal commitment, 38, 60, 6263, 248, 27375, 280, 303, 327, 351, 366, 368, 43334, 43940, 445; trade-security spiral and, 4748. See also bargaining model of war; costly signaling; signaling arguments; trade expectations theory

Congress of Vienna, 325

constructivism, 19n3

contract-intensive economies, 60, 62, 433

costly signaling, 20n6, 21, 25, 40, 6364, 64n16, 366n37

Crescenzi, Mark, 19n3

Crimean War, 4, 44, 320, 330, 34772, 383, 435; British-French antagonism and, 352, 362, 365, 369; British-Russian cooperation (1839–1853), 336, 35254, 36263; British-Russian trade, 349n26; British-Russian trade competition, 35758; British-Russian understanding of trade-security dilemma, 35152, 358; British trade dependence and, 35557, 355n30; Constantinople, role of, 35253, 358, 36364; Danubian Principalities and, 368; differing British-Russian estimates of Turkey’s collapse, 354, 361, 36365; domestic politics and, 34950, 360, 369, 388n13; French motives, 360; Holy Lands dispute, 348, 35051, 35961, 367; importance of formalized agreement and, 35051, 36668; as inadvertent war, 347, 34950, 370; Montenegran revolts and, 361, 364; Nesselrode memorandum, 354; Orthodox Christians in Balkans and, 348, 350, 359, 361, 363, 365; Russian-Austrian antagonism, 36162, 364; Russian fear of Turkish collapse, 348, 35051, 353, 36166, 368; Russian-French antagonism, 35253, 35961, 36466; Russian preference for Turkey’s continued existence, 32930, 333, 336, 348, 35055, 35868, 373; Russian trade dependence and, 348, 35759; Turkey’s commitment problem and, 35051, 353, 36667; Turkish instability and, 35152, 354, 361; Turkish Straits and, 348, 35253, 364, 368, 372; Vienna Note, 368, 371. See also Aberdeen, Lord; Napoléon III; Nicholas I

crisis escalation, 11, 38, 40, 122, 147, 171, 174, 257, 276, 281, 34951, 366, 370, 373. See also military-security dilemma; spiraling; trade-security dilemma

Cuban Missile Crisis, 89, 3012. See also Berlin Crisis (1961); Cold War (1956–62)

Cutler, Robert, 293

Dafoe, Allan, 64n18

Dallek, Robert, 252

Darby, Philip, 396

Davis, James, 126n34

decline, 2, 5, 4041, 4749, 66, 84, 87, 12223, 271, 276, 318; causes of, 3, 3n4; commitment problem and, 13, 121n22; as exogenous force leading to conflict, 23, 11, 45, 48, 429, 435; and fear of future intentions, 40, 109, 252, 377, 440. See also dynamic approaches to theory; preventive war; trade expectations theory; and individual cases

defensive realism, 910, 12; insights of, 10, 12, 43, 429, 436; weaknesses of, 10, 436. See also economic realism; neorealism; offensive realism

Delbruck, Clemens von, 132

democracy, as cause of war or peace, 2526, 43n48, 52, 5467, 100, 145, 152, 154, 181, 349, 411, 427, 43335

democratic peace, 25, 52, 5467, 411, 427, 43335

democratization, as cause of war, 100, 349

Deng, Xiao-ping, 439

dependent variable of study, vii, 1, 3, 3n2, 77

deterrence, use of, 11, 148, 158, 167, 175, 178, 180, 188, 2024, 21112, 23336, 273, 290, 303, 308, 37071, 383, 393, 421, 438

development, and tie to peace, 2425, 52, 5863

Dillon, Douglas, 292, 29596, 29899

diplomacy, role of, 9, 11, 29, 3839, 63, 99100, 11011, 11722, 14546, 15056, 15960, 166, 170, 17782, 18687, 18998, 2047, 21116, 219, 22129, 23637, 240, 240n46, 24148, 241n48, 242n50, 244, 25960, 26266, 27980, 287, 291300, 3058, 31217, 320, 33233, 336, 348, 35254, 36268, 371, 38081, 38385, 39394, 387, 4035, 40811, 41618, 42227, 434, 43839. See also bargaining model of war; coercive diplomacy, use of; crisis escalation; endogeneity; spiraling

Disraeli, Benjamin, 38384, 39495

diversionary motives, as cause of war, 81, 86, 95n45, 12324, 16870, 38889, 388n13, 432n2. See also Sino-Japanese War (1937)

domestic support, as facilitating factor for war, 7273, 75, 83, 85, 383

Dulles, Allen, 284, 286

Dulles, John Foster, 276, 281, 28384, 28687, 287n51

dynamic approaches to theory, 3, 1718, 17n1, 2728, 3338, 4042, 50, 97, 101, 123, 310, 444; role of the future in building, 218, 2750, 42834, 44445; role of the future in testing, 5253, 5758, 60, 6263, 6869, 7475

Eastern Question Crisis (1875–78), 83, 38284; economic realism and, 384; offensive realism and, 384; trade expectations theory and, 384, 435

economic containment, 123, 429, 431, 438, 440, 44344

economic realism: assumptions of, 23; conceptualization of dependence in, 3334; conceptualization of the future in, 17, 37; core argument of, 2, 1416, 2122, 46, 428; costs of adjustment in, 9, 24, 333, 429; costs of expansionism in, 22, 22n11, 429; downplaying of security dilemma in, 810, 436; hypothesis testing and, 50; insights of, 6, 1415, 24, 46, 98, 318, 43132; neo-Marxism versus, 23; opportunism of, 67, 10, 37, 42, 50, 42829; problem of trade-offs in, 8, 29; quantitative work supporting, 54; vulnerability and, 2, 6, 79, 1416, 2122, 24, 29, 33, 37, 50; weaknesses of, 6, 89, 13, 1517, 24, 2930, 3435, 37, 42, 54, 248, 318, 42829, 43132, 438, 44445; worst-case assumption and, 7, 22, 27, 42; See also offensive realism; relative gains concerns

Eden, Anthony, 282

Egypt, 44, 27678, 28288, 3078, 323, 33137, 34344, 351, 362, 374, 38788, 39599, 430, 410, 42627, 430. See also Britain (1878–85, and new imperialism); Nasser, Gamal Abdel; el-Sādāt, Anwar; Suez Canal

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 5, 38, 27678, 280301, 303, 441

Elliot, Charles, 34244

el-Sādāt, Anwar, 307

endogeneity, 1112, 3943, 4849, 7475, 42930. See also crisis escalation; spiraling; trade expectations theory; trade-security dilemma

expectations of future trade, 26, 3638, 4049, 42829, 445; contract-intensive economies and, 6062, 433; democratic regime type and, 43n48, 52, 5758, 43435; development and, 5862, 43n48; exogenous factors and, 39, 4348, 43041, 445; importance of expectations when trade is low, 5, 1617, 35n36, 3738, 52, 6263, 6668, 248, 433; as independent variable, 2, 6, 42829; institutions and, 6263, 43334, 439; polarity and, 30n26, 45, 45n49, 92n37; preferential trading arrangements and, 43n48, 6263; and problem of the future, 4143, 440; problem of future intentions and, 4041, 43940; trend lines and, 68n20. See also bargaining model of war, bargaining and signaling; costly signaling; reputation; trade expectations theory; trade-security dilemma

Falkenhausen, Alexander von, 133

Fashoda Crisis of 1898, 4, 84, 407, 40911, 427; British trade expectations and, 41011; economic realism and, 411, 427; liberalism and, 411; trade expectations theory and, 41011, 427

Ferry, Jules, 388, 39194, 392n15

Fischer, Fritz, 12324, 125, 13031

France, 4, 15, 29, 76n30, 8084, 8687, 98, 102, 1056, 110, 124, 12627, 13134, 160, 177, 179, 182, 250, 260, 264, 269, 27677, 282, 288, 298, 319, 39697, 399400, 402, 405, 407, 41013, 418, 423, 427, 431, 435; Belgian Crisis (1831), 81, 331n11; British-French competition over Levant trade, 319, 332; Cobden-Chevalier Treaty, 37778, 378n3, 385; Crimean War and, 34849, 352, 35961; intervention in Mexico, 378; intervention in Spain (1823), 80, 327, 373; loans to Russia before First World War, 128n39; war with Austria (1859), 82, 375, 377; wars of the French Revolution, 7980, 321, 373. See also Napoléon III; Napoléonic Wars; and France, individual case periods

France (1830–40 case period), 94, 33237; economic realism and, 337, 373; French support for Ali, 335; liberalism and, 337, 373; trade expectations theory and, 337, 373

France (1878–85, and new imperialism), 83, 91n35, 37576, 387, 38994; Algeria and, 393; Alsace-Lorraine and, 388, 392; British-French spiral over West Africa, 83, 378, 385, 388, 391, 394n18; declining competitiveness of, 83, 39091, 394n18; declining economic power of, 390; demographic decline of, 390; domestic politics and, 388, 39194, 394n18, 397, 398n20; economic realism and, 426; European protectionism and, 39091; French trade expectations and, 39192, 394, 399, 426; involvement in Egypt of, 39699; liberalism and, 394, 426; Madagascar and, 388, 394n18; neo-Marxism and, 392; trade expectations theory and, 394; trade-security spiral and, 391, 42627; Tunisia and, 39294, 392n15; Vietnam and, 385, 388, 394n18

Franco-Prussian War (1870), 82, 375, 37981, 427; preventive origins of, 38081

Fraser, Edmund, 423

Freycinet, Charles, 393, 397, 398n20

Gambetta, Léon, 397

Gartzke, Erik, 20n6, 24, 6365, 64n16, 64n17, 64n18

Gelpi, Christopher, 25, 5558

Germany (Prussia), 34, 39, 41, 4445, 1023, 1056, 10911, 152, 170, 17879, 181, 187, 198, 250, 258, 378, 390, 42728, 432, 441; and Cold War, 250, 25860, 26466, 26971, 3012, 31517. See also Austro-Prussian War (1866); Franco-Prussian War (1870); and Germany, individual case periods

Germany (1878–85, and new imperialism), 38, 83, 91n36, 93, 93n41, 37476, 399407; Berlin Conference and, 400, 402, 406n23; domestic politics and, 38889, 399402, 4067, 406n23; economic realism and, 426; German trade expectations and, 38, 45, 376, 387, 389, 399, 4027; liberalism and, 426, 432; neo-Marxism and, 38889; spiral over West Africa, 4027, 42627; trade expectations theory and, 38, 42627

Germany (1890–1914, and World War I), 45, 29, 38, 86, 91, 97; Balkans and, 91n36, 123; British-French fears of German growth, 45, 124, 431; and British-German trade treaty, end of, 12425; domestic politics and, 12324, 388n13; economic realism and, 97, 133, 142; food dependence and, 12728; German fears of decline and, 45, 97n1, 123, 131, 133; German navy and Weltpolitik, 12526, 128, 41819, 419n37; German trade expectations and, 38, 98, 12428, 130–33, 142, 431; iron and rye coalition and, 124n29; liberalism and, 9798, 133, 142; Mittelafrika and, 132n47, 423; Morocco and, 12627, 126n34, 130; oil dependence and, 12627, 127n37, 133; raw materials dependence and, 12628, 127n38, 131, 133; trade expectations theory and, 38, 9798, 123, 133, 14243

Germany (1919–39, and World War II), 45, 38, 87, 97; China and, 139, 139n37; competing explanations for, 13334; economic realism and, 98, 134, 141, 143; expectations of long war, 141n62; food dependence and, 135, 13741, 138n54; Four Year Plan and, 13738; German fears of decline and, 45, 97n1, 98, 135, 136n53, 137, 141, 163; German trade expectations and, 98, 13641, 143; liberalism and, 98, 13435, 14143, 428, 432; living space and, 135, 136n52, 141; Nazi ideology and, 14, 14142, 435; oil dependence and, 138; raw materials dependence and, 135, 13741, 138n54, 138n55; Romania and, 139; Spain and, 139, 139n58; traditional military and, 136, 14143

Gilpin, Robert, 30, 30n26

Gladstone, William, 345, 376, 388, 39599, 400, 404, 423

glory, as motive for war, 6, 80, 82, 95, 109, 112, 172, 321, 338, 346, 37677, 386, 392, 428

Goddard, Stacie, 379

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 298, 31017

Gowa, Joanne, 30n26

Graham, John, 345

Granville, Lord, 398, 404

Gray, Gordon, 295

greed, as motive for war, 2223, 95, 109, 112, 116, 130, 134, 172, 248, 27071, 276, 392, 42728

Grenville, C. F., 36971

Grew, Joseph, 175, 177, 194, 202, 2046, 21516, 218, 221, 236, 262, 264

Grieco, Joseph, 21, 25, 29n24, 5558

Haas, Mark, 95n44, 321

Haggard, Stephan, 75n29

Haiti, 323, 325

Halifax, Edward, 209, 218, 235, 238, 240, 242n50

Hamaguchi, Yuko, 154n7

Hamilton, Maxwell, 175, 193, 19596, 2034, 206

Hara, Kei, 152

Hara, Yoshimichi, 152, 201, 224, 22930

Harriman, Averell, 253n11, 25960, 262, 264, 267, 279

Hashimoto, Toranosuke, 171

Haushofer, Karl, 135

Hay, John, 108, 111, 111n14

Hegre, Havard, 24, 5861, 58n10

Higashikumi, Naruhiko, 225

Hildebrand, Klaus, 133

Hillenkoetter, H. N., 279

Hillgruber, Andreas, 133

Hirohito, 14546, 148, 154n7, 16364, 170n17, 17879, 192, 2012, 207, 21819, 22225, 22830, 245

Hitler, Adolf, 44, 91n36, 134n49, 13443, 152, 198, 246

Hobshouse, Lord, 343

Hobson, John, 22n12, 385

Hohenlohe, Choldwig von, 125

Holland, Lord, 334n14, 335

Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 28485

Hopkins, Anthony, 395

Hopkins, Harry, 199, 221, 26061, 263, 263n26

Hornbeck, Stanley, 162, 17577, 191, 204

Hull, Cordell, 6, 145, 17677, 17980, 183, 2026, 20811, 214n20, 220n25, 222n27, 225, 229, 229n35, 23132, 23745, 239n45, 241n48, 242n50, 243n52, 249, 253, 255, 257; and penchant for dissimulation, 217n22, 240n47

Hurley, Patrick, 255

Ickes, Harold, 202, 208

ideological distance, as cause of war, 80, 89, 95, 95n44, 252, 32627, 373

ideological motives, as cause of war, 6, 34, 95n44, 57, 98, 123, 134, 141, 14446, 158, 181, 192, 227, 247, 250, 27071, 276, 321, 338, 346, 373, 376, 386, 389, 395, 399, 42728, 43940, 442

Ikawa, Tadao, 189

India, 1, 155, 162, 27879, 283, 320, 32223, 332, 33435, 33839, 34142, 34446, 355, 373, 38385, 394, 39899, 405, 415, 426; Indian Ocean, 438, 441

information problems, 12, 21; incomplete information, 3943. See also bargaining model of war; resolve; signaling arguments; trade-security dilemma

international political economy: balance of payments, 137, 342; balance of trade, 340, 390, 414; causes of trade between great powers, 2832, 32n29; connection to security studies, vii, 3, 3n5; depletion of resources and, 41, 46, 46n50, 4849; diminishing marginal returns and, 30; and economies of scale, 30, 41, 103, 35758, 37677; and extensive production, 304; and industrialization of the great powers, 3031, 80, 1013, 121, 135, 14041, 163, 278, 295, 317, 322, 326, 328, 347, 349, 351, 35558, 376, 391, 427, 445; and labor productivity, 3032; polarity, trade, and, 30, 30n26, 45n49; realist foundations for trade in, 9, 2832; S-curve, 31; unit-level assumptions of modern, 9

Inukai, Tsuyoshi, 160

Iran (Crisis of 1944), 46, 79, 87, 25258; Anglo-American oil agreement, 256; Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 254; decline in US oil reserves and, 254; economic realism and, 25758; Soviet economic concerns and, 256; Tehran summit, 255; trade expectations theory and, 257; trade-security spiraling and, 25758; Tudeh Party and, 257; US assistance to Iranian government, 25455

Iran (Crisis of 1946), 88, 26768; economic realism and, 268; occupation of Japan and, 26667; Saudi Arabia and, 268; Soviet-Iran oil agreement, 26768; Soviet trade expectations and, 268; trade expectations theory and, 268; US motives, 268

Iran (Crisis of 1950–53), 89, 27682, 288; Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 276, 278; coup planning and, 28081; decolonization, implications of, 278; domestic instability and, 277, 27980; economic realism and, 278, 282; liberalism and, 278, 282; risk of war, 281; trade expectations theory and, 282; US fear of loss of Iran, 277, 27981; US trade expectations and, 28182

Iriye, Akira, 15354, 157, 160

irrationality, as cause of war, 8, 17n1, 34, 12223, 14445, 168, 288, 325, 365

Ishihara, Kanji, 16465, 17072

Ishii, Kikujiro, 152

isms, question of, 18, 18n2, 433n4

Israel, 277, 28284, 288, 3078

Israelyan, Victor, 307

Italy, 128, 131, 138, 140, 250, 258, 264, 344, 390, 414; intervention of Austria in (1821), 4, 80, 327, 373; Italian moves against Tunisia (1880–82), 4445, 376, 381, 39294, 426, 430; wars of Italian reunification (1859), 4, 82, 37475, 377, 381, 427

Ito, Hirobumi, 1045, 11617, 151

Iwakuro, Hideo, 189, 19596

Jackson, Henry, 3089

Japan, 2, 4, 6, 810, 1415, 32, 39, 44, 46, 48, 66, 69, 97, 253, 26264, 26667, 27275, 388, 428, 43132, 43739, 441, 443. See also alliances; China; Manchuria; Pacific War; and Japan, individual case periods

Japan (1880–1904). See Russo-Japanese War (1904); Sino-Japanese War (1894)

Japan (1905–22 case period), 85, 145, 15053; economic realism and, 152, 18182; intervention into Siberia and, 152; liberalism and, 152; Root-Takahira agreement and, 151; Taisho democracy and, 145, 150, 152, 181; trade-security dilemma and, 137; Twenty-One Demands and, 152; US-Japanese diplomacy and, 15052; Washington conferences and, 15253

Japan (1922–31 case period), 85, 93, 95n45, 145, 14748, 15362; domestic politics and, 154, 154n7, 157, 432; economic realism and, 15859, 182; Japanese trade expectations and, 15960; Kwantung army and, 154, 15758; liberalism and, 154, 159, 182n24, 432; Manchuria’s value to Japan, 155, 158, 161; puzzles for, 154; Russian threat and, 15859; Shidehara diplomacy and, 145, 150, 154, 160; trade expectations theory and, 15758, 182; trade-security dilemma and, 15859; US-Japanese naval treaty of 1930, 154n7

Japan (1931–37). See Sino-Japanese War (1937)

Japan (1938–41). See Pacific War

Johnston, Alistair Iain, 440n12

Kagan, Korina, 327

Kanin, Kotohiro, 171

Kato, Tomosaburo, 154

Kaufman, Robert, 75n29

Kaya, Okinori, 22527, 229

Kennan, George, 253n11, 26869

Kennedy, John F., 38, 291, 3012

Kennedy, Paul, 401

Keohane, Robert, 19n3, 30n26, 33n32, 37n40

Khrushchev, Nikita, 5, 28283, 289305, 443

Kido, Koichi, 225n32

Kim, Il Sung, 27475

Kimball, Warren, 252

Kirshner, Jonathan, 19

Kissinger, Henry A., 46, 29394, 30410, 308n87, 308n88, 431

Knorr, Klaus, 30

Knox, Frank, 237

Komura, Jutaro, 117

Konoe, Fumimaro, 171, 174, 17677, 180, 189, 200, 2057, 21213, 215, 219, 222, 22425

Korean War, 88, 27176; Acheson’s speech and, 27274, 273n39, 274n41; congressional aid to South Korea, 275; and economic realism, 278, 288; increasing US support for South Korea, 27576; liberalism and, 271, 276, 428, 432; origins of, 27576, 435; Soviet defensive motives and, 27376; trade expectations theory and, 271, 276; US-Japanese relations and, 27274, 273n38. See also Kim Il Sung; Mao Ze-dong; Stalin, Joseph

Kosygin, Alexei, 305

Krasner, Stephen, 23n15, 26n20

Kruger, Paul, 41618, 42125,

Kuomintang Party, 14749, 15459, 17174, 179, 187, 258; struggle with Chinese Communist Party, 15557, 159, 16263, 167, 169. See also Chiang Kai-shek; China; Mao Ze-dong

Kuropatkin, Alexsei, 10910, 11415, 121

Kusserow, Heinrich von, 4023, 405

Kydd, Andrew, 42n46

Lake, David A., 18n2

Lamsdorf, Vladimir, 109, 11415, 121

Langer, William, 41617

Lansing, Robert, 152

Latin America, 127, 139, 195, 283, 327, 444, 440n12

League of Nations, 138, 161

Leffler, Melvyn, 248n3, 249, 269

Lenin, Vladimir I., 22, 312, 385

leveraging, 9, 11, 27, 29, 32, 42, 159, 180, 186, 148, 159, 180, 186, 191, 257, 26769, 296, 304, 315, 386, 422, 438, 439, 441. See also bargaining model of war; coercive diplomacy, use of; diplomacy, role of; signaling arguments

Levitsky, Steven, 75n29

Levy, Jack, 19n3, 347

Li, Quan, 64n16

liberalism (commercial): assumptions of, 67, 9, 428; conceptualization of dependence, 3334; conceptualization of the future in, 17, 37; core argument of, 12, 1314, 16, 1821, 428; democracy and, 25, 52, 5467, 100, 145, 152, 154, 181, 269, 310, 34547, 349, 411, 427, 43335; domestic variables as propelling factors for war in, 7, 14, 16, 17n1, 34, 50, 52, 135, 14445, 159, 184, 186, 244, 27071, 276, 325, 346, 349, 378, 392, 395, 42629, 432, 43536, 44546; downplaying of costs of adjustment in, 3334; hypothesis testing and, 50; insights of, 2, 24, 27, 428; institutions and, 43n48, 6263, 43334; interest groups and, 1920, 20n5; opportunity costs and, 1821, 25, 3334, 429; signaling arguments in, 2021, 20n6, 64n16. See also democracy, as cause of war or peace; democratic peace; and individual cases

liberalism (regulatory). See liberalism (commercial), institutions and; Keohane, Robert

Liberman, Peter, 30n26, 61

Lin, Zexu, 34243, 346

linkage, 46, 260, 29394, 299, 3045, 310, 431. See also Cold War (1956–62); Cold War (1963–83, détente and aftermath); Kissinger, Henry A.

Louis Philippe, 331n11, 352

Lovett, Robert, 280

Lüderitz, F.A.E., 4045

Luthringer, George, 20910

MacArthur, Douglas, 27273

Macaulay, Thomas, 343

MacMillan, Harold, 296

Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 253, 409n26, 419n37

Mahoney, James, 75n29

Malet, Edward, 41718

Manchuria, 4, 99101, 103, 10722, 142, 145, 14779, 182, 187, 18993, 195, 202, 214n20, 216, 220, 225, 229, 23136, 252, 258, 266, 43132; Japanese Kwantung Army, 154, 15758, 23536

Mansfield, Edward D., 19n3, 25, 30n26, 62

Mao, Ze-dong, 32, 16769, 27275

Marchand, Jean Baptiste, 409

Marschall, Adolf, 41718

Marshall, George, 231, 233, 237, 237n42, 237n43, 242n49, 251, 259

Marshall Plan, 251, 259, 266, 26869

Mason, Tim, 134

Mastanduno, Michael, 271

Matsuoka, Yosuke, 189, 192, 194, 197, 198n9, 199200, 203, 2057, 215

McCloy, John, 259

McDonald, Patrick, 20, 24, 58, 6369, 66n19, 408, 433

Mearsheimer, John, 2122, 22n11, 387

Melbourne, Lord, 336

Menshikov, Alexsandr, 36668

Menzies, Robert, 287

mercantilism, 20, 22, 31, 31n28; British discussions on return to (1890–1914), 12425, 12829, 129n42, 133, 41214; British eighteenth-century, 32223; British-French eighteenth-century economic struggle and, 32122; colonies and, 31, 44; neomercantilism and Cold War, 250, 252, 269; French nineteenth-century neomercantilism, 391. See also international political economy

Mexico: French intervention in, 378; Mexican-American War of 1846–48, 93n42

Middle East, 5, 46, 6263, 12627, 133, 143, 25158, 26769, 27689, 3078, 319, 333, 337, 346, 384, 43841. See also Saudi Arabia; Suez Crisis (1956); and Iran, individual case periods

Mikoyan, Anatas, 29596

Miles, Sherman, 233n39

military-security dilemma, 910

Millspaugh, Arthur, 255

Milner, Alfred, 419, 421, 42425

Molotov, Vyacheslav, 25960, 265, 267, 27274

monarchialism, versus republicanism, 80, 95, 321, 32627, 373, 392

Montesquieu, Baron, 19n3

Moravcsik, Andrew, 19n3

Morgenthau, Henry, 175, 239, 240n46, 242, 242n50, 243, 243n51, 258

Morrow, James, 19n3, 21n9

Mossadeq, Mohammed, 27681

Mousseau, Michael, 24, 5862

Münster, Georg, 404, 406

Muraviev, Mikhail, 108

Mutsu, Munemitsu, 105

Nagano, Osami, 201, 219, 223, 22627, 230

Napoléon I, 4, 80, 32126

Napoléon III, 82, 34849, 35960, 362, 37778, 380, 385

Napoléonic Wars, 4, 7980, 91, 32126; Continental System in, 324; economic realism and, 325; French commitment problem, 32526; French decline versus Britain, 32122, 32526; French trade expectations and, 322, 32425, 373; Haiti and, 32223; liberalism and, 325; Louisiana and, 32223; Napoléon’s geopolitical logic and, 321; Napoléon’s personal motives and, 321, 324, 324n6; plans for invasion of Britain, 32324; trade expectations theory and, 32526, 373; trade-security spirals and, 325

Narizny, Kevin, 23n14

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 27778, 28288

neoclassical realism, 9n9, 248n3. See also domestic support, as facilitating factor for war; economic realism; liberalism (commercial)

neo-Marxism, 14; core arguments of, 2223; new imperialism and, 38586, 39596; Opium War and, 33847; South African War and, 426; structural Marxism, 23n15; weaknesses of, 2627, 93n41, 376, 426. See also capitalism

neorealism, 78, 248, 386; international political economy and, 2930; salience of power versus interdependence, 22n11, 2829, 24748. See also economic realism; offensive realism; trade expectations theory

Nesselrode, Karl, 334, 336, 35354, 359, 362n34, 36566

Nicholas I, 102, 32830, 333, 336, 34954, 35772, 383

Nicholas II, 109, 11316, 121

Nish, Ian, 113n17

Nixon, Richard M., 46, 294, 30410, 431

Nomura, Kichisaburo, 18990, 19295, 2034, 206, 21116, 214n20, 220n25, 222n27, 225, 225n31, 23637

Nye, Joseph, 33n32

offensive-defensive balance, 27n22, 36n39, 75

offensive realism, 78, 14, 430, 436; costs of expansionism, 22n11, 429; downplaying of trade-offs, 7, 29, 42; future intentions, role of, 7, 22, 41, 43; insights of, 1415, 4243, 436; pessimism of, 78; relative gains and, 89, 29; vulnerability and, 78, 1415, 29; weaknesses of, 710, 29, 42, 389, 436; worst-case assumption of, 7, 22, 4243. See also anarchy; neorealism; trade expectations theory

Oikawa, Kojiro, 166

Oikawa, Koshiro, 200, 224

oil dependence, 4, 21, 29, 3132, 35, 39, 46, 12627, 13739, 158, 178, 180, 18691, 197, 200, 202, 20713, 21719, 22223, 226, 229, 231, 234, 237, 24245, 250, 25257, 26768, 27688, 290, 29495, 306, 43741. See also international political economy; resources, vital

Olney, Richard, 409

Oneal, John, 19, 24, 33n32, 5456

Opium War (1839–41), 4, 81, 93n41, 31920, 33747, 355, 388, 435; Britain’s silver problem and, 33840, 246; British fears of decline and, 339, 347; China’s silver problem and, 34041, 346; Chinese fears of decline and, 339, 346; domestic politics and, 34445; economic realism and, 33839, 346, 37273; importance of China to running of British government, 339, 341, 34546; liberalism and, 338, 34647, 372; merchants and, 340, 34244, 344n24; neo-Marxism and, 338, 34344, 347, 373; trade expectations theory and, 33839, 34647, 37273; triangular trade and, 338, 34142. See also China; India; neo-Marxism

Oregon Crisis (1844–45), 69n21

Otori, Keisuke, 105

Ottoman Empire. See Turkey

Owen, John, 19n3

Oyama, Iwao, 117

Pacific War, 4, 44, 86; backdoor-to-war argument, 232, 232n37, 236, 245; China’s role in pinning down Japanese forces, 185, 191, 204, 220, 23334; Chinese-connection argument, 23841; competing explanations of, 14445, 18485, 24445; domestic politics and, 145, 179, 2067, 22728, 244, 388n13, 435; Dutch East Indies and Japan, 17880, 182, 188, 200201, 203, 222, 208, 244; economic realism and, 146, 18687, 244; Imperial Conferences and, 201202, 22224, 22830; Indochina and, 17980, 201, 207, 21112, 21415, 22829, 237, 239; issue of troops in northern China, 187, 189, 19397, 215, 228; Japanese alliance with Germany, 178, 181, 192, 199200, 203, 21516, 22829; Japanese army and, 146, 16367, 17881, 192, 200, 2067, 213, 221, 22728; Japanese concern for rise of Russia, 148, 16465, 18183, 185, 202, 223, 225, 24445; Japanese concern for Soviet Communism, 176, 178, 19396, 201; Japanese decline versus United States, 18081, 213, 219, 22224, 22627, 22930, 236, 245; Japanese dependence on United States, 17381, 178, 180, 188, 213, 217, 222; Japanese desire for a summit, 21215; Japanese desire to end Sino-Japanese War, 18889, 19192, 19698, 199200, 21516, 221, 228, 228n34, 230, 224; Japanese navy and, 146, 17881, 188n3, 192, 200, 2067, 213, 225; Japanese pessimism regarding chances of victory, 144, 184, 219, 22324, 230; Japanese reaction to imperial preference systems, 48, 15960; Japanese-Russian clashes (1938–39), 174, 178, 189; Japanese temporary military superiority, 144, 230, 23744; Japanese trade expectations and, 17677, 182, 186, 213, 217, 220, 222, 229, 24546; Japanese uncertainty regarding future intentions of the United States, 22627; Liaison Conferences, 199200, 218–19, 22528, 228n34; liberalism and, 14546, 149n4, 18486, 24445, 428, 432; New Order speech, 17677, 189; Proposal A, 228, 230; Proposal B (modus vivendi), 22830, 233, 23744; puzzles of, 14445, 18485, 187; Southeast Asia’s raw materials and Japanese security, 176, 179, 18182, 188, 211, 213, 217; trade expectations theory and, 146, 14950, 18283; US acceptance of Manchuria, 190, 193; US desire to buy time, 220, 231, 233, 237, 237n42; US desire for modus vivendi, 233, 23644; US desire for summit, 21314; US efforts to get Japan to ignore Tripartite Pact, 185, 190, 194, 19798, 197n8, 21516, 22831; US efforts to get Japan to not attack Russia, 185, 19091, 2026, 2089, 21114, 218, 22022, 23136, 24144; US fear of fall of Moscow, 24143, 242n49, 243n51; US importance attached to Russia as ally against Hitler, 18586, 19899, 24143, 24446; US-Japanese near-agreements (1941), 19798, 198n9, 21415; US oil embargo (1941), 186, 207211, 217; US preference orderings (1941), 23233, 236, 244; US recognition of Japan’s likely attack on Russia, 187, 2025, 205n13, 206n14, 21112, 23436, 24243, 242n49, 243n51; US trade expectations and, 175, 198, 21516; US trade restrictions and 177, 180, 18586, 188, 20711, 217, 219, 222, 224, 245. See also alliances; Chiang Kai-shek; Hull, Cordell; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; United States

Palmerston, Lord, 33336, 338, 34247, 344n24, 34950, 35557, 36971, 371n39, 373, 395

Peck, Willys, 204

Peel, Robert, 345, 35354

personality, as cause of war, 80, 82, 87, 95, 141, 321, 349

Pevehouse, Jon, 25, 62

Philippines, 151, 233, 237, 240, 244n54, 27273

Plato, 34n33, 428

Plehve, Vyacheslav, 114

polarity, implications of, 30, 30n26, 45n49, 123, 246, 441

Portugal, 340, 344, 399, 403, 405, 415, 417, 42023

Powell, Robert, 41

Power, Thomas, 393

preferential trading arrangements (PTAs), 43n48, 6263

preventive war, 25, 7, 62, 9899, 123, 131, 142, 148, 172, 182, 185, 224, 282, 303, 326, 38081, 382, 426. See also decline, individual cases

problem of the future, 4143, 440. See also dynamic approaches to theory; expectations of future trade

Prussia. See Germany (Prussia)

Puryear, Vernon John, 335, 355n30, 358

qualitative analysis: accumulation of knowledge via, 9496; causal salience and, vii, 28, 5051, 71, 78, 92n38, 245, 247, 271, 276, 318, 321, 332, 375, 427, 435, 445; complex conjunctural causality and, 7174, 7778, 78n34; constraining factors in, 73; criteria for case periods and, 79, 91; documentary process tracing, 13, 7475, 77n33; endogeneity problem in, 7475; equifinality (multiple causal pathways) and, 71n25, 77; and essential universe of cases, use of, 23, 70, 7677, 78; facilitating factors in, 73; frequency of a theory’s success as criterion in, 71, 7778, 78n34; functional role of independent variables in, 7274, 78, 93; generalizability problem and, 53, 7071, 75; and hard periods, use of, 76, 96; INJS, 71; interactive variables in, 72, 72n26; INUS, 71n25; lagged variables and, 75n28; middle-N in, 75n29; omitted variables and, 75n28; propelling factors in, 73, 93; rare events research in, 5253, 7178; reinforcing factors in, 73; selection bias and, 3, 53, 7071, 75; sudden unexplained death and, 78n34; testing for noncommercial variables using, vii, 9495. See also quantitative (large-N) methods

quantitative (large-N) methods, vii, 5169; application of to interdependence question, 2425; capitalism and, 1, 20, 24, 6369, 64n18, 433; control variables and, 5354, 77; lagged variables and, 75n28; limitations of, 13, 50, 6970, 72, 74, 75n28; implications of for democratic peace, 52, 5565; interactive variables and, 5455, 72, 72n26; omitted variables and, 75n28; value of, 1, 49, 5152; preferential trading arrangements and, 6263. See also qualitative analysis

Randall, Clarence, 295, 296n66

Rathenau, Walter, 13132

Razmara, Ali, 279

Reagan, Ronald, 31314, 317

realism, general position of, 6, 2122, 27. See also anarchy; defensive realism; economic realism; neoclassical realism; neorealism; offensive realism

relative gains concerns, 89, 11, 29, 3940, 4243, 45, 304. See also neorealism; offensive realism

reputation, 9, 12, 43, 8183, 210, 277, 308, 348, 410, 445

resolve, 12, 16, 20n6, 21, 25, 4041, 6364, 64n16, 81, 84, 110, 397. See also bargaining model of war; costly signaling; signaling arguments

resources, vital, 12, 4, 68, 10, 1213, 2122, 29, 31, 35, 3839, 41, 4649, 57, 62, 69, 87, 9799, 1013, 110, 12223, 12527, 13042, 146, 14850, 152, 158, 16063, 16768, 17477, 17983, 18688, 191, 198, 200, 207, 21113, 21929, 232, 245, 24849, 251, 25354, 269, 278, 292, 294, 311, 318, 32225, 335, 354, 376, 38687, 403, 4079, 41213, 42628, 430, 432, 43536, 43740, 44445. See also economic realism; international political economy; oil dependence; trade expectations theory

Reston, James, 272

Rhodes, Cecil, 416

Ricardo, David, 19, 76

Richardson, James, 347

Romania, 250, 261, 266n30, 355

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 24243

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 5, 44, 46, 175, 177, 17980, 183, 18599, 202, 20722, 208n17, 217n22, 225, 22946, 240n46, 242n50, 243n51, 243n52, 25159, 265, 268, 278, 324n6

Roosevelt, Kermit, 28081

Roosevelt, Theodore, 15051, 161, 190, 280

Root, Elihu, 151

Root-Takahira agreement, 151

Rose, Hugh, 356

Rosebery, Lord, 41516

Rosecrance, Richard, 19n3, 3334, 37n40, 64n18

Rusk, Dean, 302

Russell, Lord, 36364, 369, 371

Russett, Bruce, 19, 24, 33n32, 5456

Russia, 1, 5, 1415, 29, 44, 8083, 8590, 324, 327; Balkans and, 44, 123, 35152, 354, 35961, 383; Black Sea grain exports of, 319, 32728; commercial access through Korean Straits for, 100, 110, 116, 11819, 121; commercial access through Turkish Straits and, 44, 82, 109, 319, 32834, 336, 348, 350, 35259, 36162, 37273, 383, 393; economic growth of, in nineteenth century, 1024; economic needs of (1944–45), 248, 250, 258, 26064; and ice-free port, importance of, 100, 107, 348; Iran and, 250, 25458; and Japan, relations with (1890–1904), 97, 99101, 10622; and Japan, relations with (1905–22), 94, 137, 15051; and Japan, relations with (1922–41), 14750, 15989, 198239, 24146; oil needs of (1944–46), 250, 25657; and reparations, need for (1945), 250, 258, 265; Russian-British cooperation (1825–52), 320, 328, 332, 336, 35254, 36263; Russo-Turkish wars, 32830, 38384; trade expansion of (1815–53), 319, 32728, 335; and Turkey, Russian desire to sustain (1826–53), 32930, 333, 336, 348, 35055, 35868, 373; US trade and aid to, 5, 9, 2930, 32, 38, 45, 90, 24751, 25865, 27071, 276, 289318; Vladivostok and, 103, 1079, 121, 204, 235. See also Crimean War; linkage; Manchuria; third world, US-Soviet struggle over the; and Cold War, individual case periods; and Russia, individual case periods

Russia (1823–30 case period), 80, 32731, 373

Russia (1830–40 case period), 4, 81, 93, 33137; liberalism and, 33637, 373, 432; trade expectations theory and, 33637, 373

Russo-Japanese War (1904), 4, 14, 85, 91, 97, 99122; economic realism and, 97, 101, 122; Japanese domestic politics and, 100; liberalism and, 97, 100, 122; neo-Marxism and, 122; Niuchuang and, 11112, 120; open door and, 108, 11011, 150; Russian domestic politics and, 14, 100, 109, 11216, 431; Russian rising power and, 103, 1079; Russian strategic concerns and, 100101, 1034, 10710, 11316, 11822; trade expectations theory and, 9799, 101, 122; trade-security dilemma and, 101, 122

Salisbury, Lord, 385, 408, 41112, 41617, 425

Samuels, Richard, 102

Saudi Arabia, 25455, 268, 276, 278, 281

Schmidt, Max, 203

Schmoller, Gustav, 130

Schumpeter, Joseph, 386

Schweller, Randall, 30n26

security dilemma. See anarchy; military-security dilemma; spiraling; trade-security dilemma; trust and mistrust

Selborne, Lord, 41921, 424

Seymour, Hamilton, 36266

Shevardnadze, Edvard, 315

Shidehara, Kijuro, 150, 153, 15457, 15960

Shidehara diplomacy, 145, 150, 154

Shimada, Shigetaro, 227

signaling arguments, 16, 2021, 20n6; critique of, 25, 25n18, 64n16. See also bargaining model of war; coercive diplomacy, use of; costly signaling; diplomacy, role of; information problems; trade expectations theory

Simmons, Beth, 19, 19n3

Sino-American relations, contemporary, 1, 8, 13, 32, 43637; Africa and, 44041; China’s hedging strategy, 44041; China’s increasing oil dependence, 43739, 441; China’s recent growth, 32, 43637; China’s signaling of good intentions, 43940; Chinese navy, 438, 441; Chinese trade expectations, 44244; dual standards of US analysts, 440n12; East China Sea and, 440n12; Malacca problem and, 438, 441; Middle East oil and, 44041; mutual recognition of trade-security dilemma, 43843; nuclear weapons, role of, 440n11; potential for trade-security spiral in, 444; prerequisites of sustained Chinese growth, 437n6; reasons for caution regarding, 44344; reasons for optimism regarding, 44243; and symmetry of dependence, importance of, 35n35, 439; South China Sea and, 440n12; Taiwan and, 432, 43738, 444; twenty-four-character speech of Deng Xiao-ping and, 439; US concern for China’s future intentions and, 440; US decline and, 43637, 440; US moderation, reasons for, 44243; Western allies and, 443. See also Korean War; oil dependence

Sino-Japanese War (1894), 85, 9899, 1046; economic realism and, 15, 9899, 106, 122, 122n24, 427; trade expectations theory and, 98, 106; Treaty of Shimonoseki, 1067; Triple Intervention and, 106. See also Korean War; Russia

Sino-Japanese War (1937), 86, 94, 95n45, 122n24, 14849, 16273; Chiang Kai-shek, role of, 16873; Chinese domestic politics and, 16869; competing explanations, 168; diversionary origins of, 16871, 95n45, 388, 432n2; economic realism and, 173; Japanese desire for peace, 17072; Japanese domestic politics and, 16365; Japanese focus on preventive war against Russia, 16367; Japanese navy and, 16467; and Japan’s relationship with the United States, 16667; liberalism and, 17273; National Salvation Association, 169; puzzle of, 168; and Russia’s rising power, 16364, 172; Sino-Japanese truces, 162, 167, 16970; trade expectations theory and, 173; Xian Incident, 169. See also Chiang Kai-shek; Russia

small states, 11, 31, 44, 48, 430; method of study of, vii, 3, 3n3, 76

Smith, Adam, 19, 76

Smith, Walter, 270

Smith, Woodruff, 126

Smoke, Richard, 347

Smoot-Hawley tariffs, 46, 137, 147, 159. See also Germany (Prussia); Japan; United States

Smuts, Jan, 423

Snyder, Jack, 164, 179, 223n28, 244, 347, 349, 349n26, 369

Song, Zhe-yuan, 170

Soong, T. V., 239, 240n46, 242n50

South African (Boer) War, 4, 44, 84, 124, 374, 377, 4079, 41127, 435; British fear of decline and, 41214, 41920, 423, 42526; British financial dominance and, 413; British trade expectations and, 377, 407, 413, 41516, 42526; Delagoa Bay and, 41517, 42023; Drifts Crisis, 41617; economic realism and, 426; expected costs of war, 419; German economic competitiveness and, 41214, 414n32; German trade expectations, 417; importance of South Africa to British economy, 413, 415; Jameson Raid, 412, 41619; Kruger telegram, 418; liberalism and, 426; neo-Marxism and, 426; threat of Transvaal-controlled Republic of South Africa, 412, 415, 420, 423, 425; trade expectations theory and, 407, 42627; and Transvaal, increasing power of, 41113, 41516; uitlanders, issue of, 416, 41925; and Weltpolitik, link to, 41819, 419n37. See also Chamberlain, Joseph; Venezuela Crisis (1895)

Soviet Union. See Russia

Spain, 32223, 380; French intervention in (1823), 4, 80, 327, 373; Spanish-American War of 1898, 93n42

spheres of influence, 80, 99, 115, 118, 126, 153, 248, 253, 256, 334, 431

spiraling, 3, 5, 912, 21, 4249, 57, 101, 122, 147, 15051, 158, 162, 176, 182, 232, 244, 248, 25152, 256, 258, 261, 282, 300, 317, 325, 330, 347, 350, 370, 376, 387, 391, 418, 42930, 436, 438, 440, 44245. See also crisis escalation; military-security dilemma; trade-security dilemma; trade expectations theory

spiral model, 370

Stalin, Joseph, 163, 169, 173, 178, 18587, 19899, 218, 221, 242, 25152, 25558, 258n17, 26061, 26367, 263n26, 27176, 282, 439

Stark, Harold, 205n13, 231, 233, 235, 237, 237n42

Stein, Arthur, 19n3, 21n9

Stettinius, Edward, 259, 262

Stimson, Henry, 22021, 231, 235, 23738, 243n52, 259, 262, 26465

Strauss, Lewis, 295

Stresemann, Gustav, 130

Suez Canal, 276, 28288, 383, 394, 39698

Suez Crisis (1956), 89, 27678, 28288; economic realism and, 278, 288; liberalism and, 278, 288; Suez Canal Company and, 276; third world competition and, 28384, 28990; trade expectations theory and, 288; US fear of decline and, 284, 288; US trade expectations and, 28588

Sugiyama, Hajime, 171, 200, 202, 21920, 223, 225, 227. 229–30

Sun, Yat-sen, 155

Suzuki, Teiichi, 224, 226, 229

systemic versus unit-level causes of war, vii, 12, 1316, 27, 34, 43, 45, 50, 95n43, 12223, 37576, 38586, 427, 429, 43236, 44546; unit level, definition of, 7. See also authoritarianism; democracy, as cause of war or peace; democratic peace; democratization, as cause of war; diversionary motives, as cause of war; expectations of future trade; ideological distance, as cause of war; ideological motives, as cause of war; irrationality, as cause of war; liberalism (commercial); trade expectations theory

Taft, William Howard, 15052

Takahira, Kogoro, 151

Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de, 324

Tanaka, Giichi, 154, 15658

third parties, importance of, 42, 4446, 4849, 261, 376, 43031, 44345. See also individual cases

third world, US-Soviet struggle over the, 278, 28384, 28990, 3056, 30910, 431. See also India; Korean War; Middle East; and Iran, individual case periods

Tirpitz, Alfred von, 41819

Togo, Shigenori, 22530

Tojo, Hideki, 201, 22530

Toyoda, Teijiro, 207, 21516, 221

Trachtenberg, Marc, 231n36, 248n3

trade expectations. See expectations of future trade

trade expectations theory: added value of, 23, 1517, 9394, 42832; alternative trade partners and, 36n37; arms spending and, 10, 436; assumptions of, 67, 14, 17n1, 23, 2728, 27n22, 28n23, 43, 429; authoritarianism and, 5558, 43233, 435; capitalism and, 6369; character type and, 10, 3940, 4243, 48; commitment problem and, 1213, 4043, 47, 62; conceptualization of dependence in, 3536; core argument of, 2, 1617, 2728, 3638, 4749, 44445; costs of adjustment and, 35, 47, 429; democratic peace and, 43n48, 52, 5758, 43335; dependent variable of, 3, 3n2, 77; development and, 5862; discount factors and, 36n38; domestic-level variables and, 7, 27, 28n23, 4346, 46n51; endogeneity and, 1112, 3943, 4849, 7475, 317, 42930; expected value of conflict and, 36, 36n39; feedback loops and, 3943, 4849, 294, 429; hypothesis testing of, 50; neo-Marxism versus, 23; offensive realist baseline and, 4243, 436, 445; opportunity costs and, 429; political economic foundations of, 2832; potential weaknesses of, 27071, 276, 318; problem of the future and, 4143, 440; puzzle of ongoing moderate behavior and, 12, 29, 4041, 43, 430; quantitative findings and, 3, 5569, 9293, 43132, 432n3; rational expectations theory and, 17n1; realist foundations of, 67, 2728, 47, 445; rejection of neorealist pessimism, 910, 2932; rejection of offensive realism’s worst-case assumption, 78, 4243; reputation and, 9, 12, 4243, 3940, 445; research agenda of, 44546; signaling and, 5, 10, 3943, 48, 63, 124, 175, 190, 208, 21011, 215, 299, 305, 313, 317, 366, 434; spiraling and, 3, 5, 912, 4247, 57, 370, 429, 436; symmetry of dependence and, 35, 35n35, 41n43, 45n49; third parties and, 42, 4446, 4849, 261, 376, 43031, 44345; trade-offs and, 811, 29, 32, 3940, 4243, 439; vulnerability and, 28, 3233, 37; unit-level characteristics of “other” and, 28n23, 45, 46n51, 4849, 95, 95n43, 43536, 44546. See also bargaining model of war; diplomacy, role of; dynamic approaches to theory; expectations of future trade; problem of the future; spiraling; systemic versus unit-level causes of war; trade-security dilemma

trade-offs, 811, 2829, 32, 4243, 439; relative gains versus vulnerability, 9, 29, 32; relative loss versus leverage, 9, 11, 29; reputation for reasonableness versus relative power, 911, 3940, 430. See also offensive realism; trade expectations theory; trade-security dilemma

trade-security dilemma, 1012, 3940, 4546, 4849, 147, 176, 42930, 436, 445; awareness of trade-security dilemma and moderation of behavior, 1012, 38, 4041, 43, 48, 430, 436, 43842; causes of intense, 1011, 4042; endogeneity and, 1112, 4243, 42930; nature of, 1012, 3943, 445; puzzle of why cooperation breaks down, 1213, 4347, 430; reputation and, 9, 12, 3940, 4243, 445; spiraling within, 3, 5, 1011, 4243, 4549, 57, 101, 122, 147, 158, 176, 182, 244, 25152, 256, 258, 317, 330, 350, 376, 387, 391, 418, 42930, 436, 438, 440, 44245; third parties and, 4344, 43031, 44345. See also coercive diplomacy, use of; crisis escalation; diplomacy, role of; expectations of future trade; military-security dilemma; spiraling; trade expectations theory

Truman, Harry S., 5, 25152, 258n17, 25966, 26875, 277, 27982; liking of Stalin, 251

Truman Doctrine, 251, 26869

trust and mistrust, 9, 212, 42, 47, 57, 60, 6263, 100101, 106, 114, 12022, 147, 194, 223, 249, 28990, 298300, 310, 313, 326, 347, 370, 391, 399, 418, 426, 429, 436, 445; definition of, 42n46. See also anarchy; commitment problem

Tsukada, Osamu, 227

Turkey, 44, 127, 268, 319, 32737, 343, 34874, 38384, 392, 39597, 430, 435, 440; Turkish decline, 319, 33237, 352; Turkish Straits, 44, 82, 109, 319, 32831, 334, 348, 35253

Turner, Henry, 4023

Tyrtov, Pyotr, 108

Ugaki, Kazunari, 174

United States: Congress of, 46, 177, 180, 205, 221, 250, 260, 266, 275, 284, 298, 3089, 316, 408, 431; dollar diplomacy, 152; fear of decline (1945), 24953, 259266; high tariffs of, in 1930s, 46, 137–38, 147, 15960, 166; Hitler’s expansionism and, 18586, 192, 19899, 2025, 21112, 23134, 234n40; lend lease, 199, 204, 221, 235, 242, 24950, 254, 26164, 270, 296, 299; Magic, 199, 202, 205, 209, 21819, 237; Marshall Plan, 251, 259, 266, 26869; Mexican-American War (1846), 93n42; naval bills (1940), 180; open door and, 1012, 108, 15052, 17677, 179, 19091, 196n7, 21516, 221, 228, 439; Spanish-American War (1898), 93n42; War of 1812, 93n42. See also Korean War; Pacific War; Sino-American relations, contemporary; and Cold War, individual case periods; and individual presidents unit-level factors. See systemic versus unit-level causes of war

Venezuela Crisis (1895), 4, 69n21, 84, 4079, 427, 435; economic importance of Orinoco River, 4078, 408n24; economic realism and, 4089, 428; liberalism and, 409, 409n26; neo-Marxism and, 409n26; role of South African crisis in, 4089, 409n25; trade expectations theory and, 409, 435; US trade expectations and, 4089, 409n25. See also South African (Boer) War

von Stein, Jana, 64n16

Walt, Stephen, 95n43, 321

Waltz, Kenneth, 2122, 3132, 387

“War in Sight” Crisis (1875), 38283

Way, Lucan, 75n29

Welles, Sumner, 199, 2045, 205n13, 21011

Wendt, Alexander, 19n3, 42n46

White, John Albert, 114

Wilhelm I, 38081, 399400

Wilhelm II, 125, 41819

Wilson, Woodrow, 145, 15153, 249, 25253

Witte, Sergei, 103, 107, 111, 11314, 121n23

Woermann, Adolf, 403

World War I. See Germany (1890–1914, and World War I)

World War II. See Germany (1919–39, and World War II)

Yalta Conference, 25760, 26566

Yonai, Mitsumasa, 178, 180

Yoshida, Shigeru, 15758

Yuan, Shi-kai, 155

Zhang, Xue-liang (“Young Marshall”), 15860, 169

Zhang Zuo-lin (“Old Marshall”), 15658

Zhou, En-lai, 169