become blameless and h Phil 2:15
for us, who is holy, h Heb 7:26
the harp, with h sound Ps 92:3
those who play the h Gen 4:21
with the lute and h Ps 150:3
Lamb, each having a h Rev 5:8
We hung our h upon the Ps 137:2
playing their h Rev 14:2
“Your words have been h Mal 3:13
but also to the h 1 Pet 2:18
seedtime and h Gen 8:22
to the joy of h Is 9:3
shall eat up your h Jer 5:17
“The h is past Jer 8:20
of her h will come Jer 51:33
h truly is plentiful Matt 9:37
pray the Lord of the h Matt 9:38
sickle, because the h Mark 4:29
already white for h John 4:35
the h of the earth is Rev 14:15
you shall eat it in h Ex 12:11
For I said in my h Ps 31:22
And they came with h Luke 2:16
“Zacchaeus, make h Luke 19:5
be multiplied who h Ps 16:4
Do not h in your Eccl 7:9
I, the LORD, will h Is 60:22
h the coming of the 2 Pet 3:12
and he sins who h Prov 19:2
with an evil eye h Prov 28:22
is near and h quickly Zeph 1:14
utter anything h Eccl 5:2
lay hands on anyone h 1 Tim 5:22
Do you see a man h Prov 29:20
‘You shall not h Lev 19:17
h all workers of Ps 5:5
h the righteous shall Ps 34:21
love the LORD, h evil Ps 97:10
h every false way Ps 119:104
h the double-minded Ps 119:113
I h and abhor lying Ps 119:163
love, and a time to h Eccl 3:8
h robbery for burnt Is 61:8
You who h good and Mic 3:2
either he will h Matt 6:24
Therefore I h life Eccl 2:17
h all my labor in Eccl 2:18
but Esau I have h Mal 1:3
And you will be h Matt 10:22
have seen and also h John 15:24
but Esau I have h Rom 9:13
For no one ever h Eph 5:29
and h lawlessness Heb 1:9
h woman when she is Prov 30:23
in malice and envy, h Titus 3:3
The h of the LORD Ps 81:15
backbiters, h of God Rom 1:30
six things the LORD h Prov 6:16
lose it, and he who h John 12:25
“If the world h John 15:18
h his brother is 1 John 2:11
Your eyes are on the h 2 Sam 22:28
bring down h looks Ps 18:27
my heart is not h Ps 131:1
h spirit before a fall Prov 16:18
A proud and h man Prov 21:24
Do not be h Rom 11:20
age not to be h 1 Tim 6:17
are full of the h Ps 74:20
shall dwell by the h Gen 49:13
to their desired h Ps 107:30
for Saul, he made h Acts 8:3
Anointed king of Syria by Elijah, 1 Kin 19:15–17
Elisha predicts his taking the throne, 2 Kin 8:7–15
Oppresses Israel, 2 Kin 8:28, 29; 10:32, 33; 12:17, 18; 13:3–7, 22
Scene of sedition of Miriam and Aaron, Num 11:35–12:16
Royal Canaanite city destroyed by Joshua, Josh 11:1–13
Rebuilt and assigned to Naphtali, Josh 19:32, 36
Army of, defeated by Deborah and Barak, Judg 4:1–24
He shall bruise your h Gen 3:15
my skin, and laid my h Job 16:15
return upon his own h Ps 7:16
h is covered with dew Song 5:2
The whole h is sick Is 1:5
it to bow down his h Is 58:5
could lift up his h Zech 1:21
you swear by your h Matt 5:36
having his h covered 1 Cor 11:4
and gave Him to be h Eph 1:22
For the husband is h Eph 5:23
His h and his hair Rev 1:14
men to ride over our h Ps 66:12
Him, wagging their h Matt 27:39
dragon having seven h Rev 12:3
I wound and I h Deut 32:39
O LORD, h me Ps 6:2
sent Me to h the Is 61:1
h your backslidings Jer 3:22
who can h you Lam 2:13
torn, but He will h Hos 6:1
H the sick Matt 10:8
so that I should h Matt 13:15
sent Me to h the Luke 4:18
Physician, h yourself Luke 4:23
His word and h them Ps 107:20
And return and be h Is 6:10
His stripes we are h Is 53:5
h the hurt of My Jer 6:14
When I would have h Hos 7:1
and He h them Matt 4:24
he had faith to be h Acts 14:9
that you may be h James 5:16
his deadly wound was h Rev 13:3
h shall spring forth Is 58:8
so that there is no h Jer 14:19
Your injury has no h Nah 3:19
shall arise with h Mal 4:2
and h all kinds of Matt 4:23
tree were for the h Rev 22:2
to another gifts of h 1 Cor 12:9
Do all have gifts of h 1 Cor 12:30
h all your diseases Ps 103:3
h the stroke of their Is 30:26
Jesus the Christ h Acts 9:34
to the soul and h Prov 16:24
and for a time of h Jer 8:15
no recovery for the h Jer 8:22
all things and be in h 3 John 2
I could h up words Job 16:4
sea together as a h Ps 33:7
ears, they will h 2 Tim 4:3
Though he h up silver Job 27:16
“H, O Israel Deut 6:4
Him you shall h Deut 18:15
H me when I call Ps 4:1
O You who h prayer Ps 65:2
h what God the LORD Ps 85:8
ear, shall He not h Ps 94:9
h the words of the Prov 22:17
h rather than to give Eccl 5:1
H, O heavens Is 1:2
H, you who are afar Is 33:13
Let the earth h Is 34:1
I spoke, you did not h Is 65:12
‘Hearing you will h Matt 13:14
if he will not h Matt 18:16
“Take heed what you h Mark 4:24
ears, do you not h Mark 8:18
h the sound of it John 3:8
that God does not h John 9:31
And how shall they h Rom 10:14
man be swift to h James 1:19
h what the Spirit says Rev 2:7
h the sound of the Gen 3:8
h their cry because of Ex 3:7
you only h a voice Deut 4:12
certainly God has h Ps 66:19
quietly, should be h Eccl 9:17
Have you not h Is 40:21
world men have not h Is 64:4
Who has h such a thing Is 66:8
h Ephraim bemoaning Jer 31:18
that they will be h Matt 6:7
h the word believed Acts 4:4
I say, have they not h Rom 10:18
not seen, nor ear h 1 Cor 2:9
h inexpressible 2 Cor 12:4
things that you have h 2 Tim 2:2
the things we have h Heb 2:1
the word which they h Heb 4:2
from death, and was h Heb 5:7
which we have h 1 John 1:1
Lord’s Day, and I h Rev 1:10
if anyone is a h James 1:23
is not a forgetful h James 1:25
for not the h of the Rom 2:13
impart grace to the h Eph 4:29
of the word, and not h James 1:22
and read in the h Ex 24:7
Book of Moses in the h Neh 13:1
Do not speak in the h Prov 23:9
‘Keep on h Is 6:9
h they do not Matt 13:13
h they may hear Mark 4:12
If the whole were h 1 Cor 12:17
or by the h of faith Gal 3:2
have become dull of h Heb 5:11
for Your servant h 1 Sam 3:9
out, and the LORD h Ps 34:17
He who h you h Me Luke 10:16
of God h God’s words John 8:47
And if anyone h John 12:47
who is of the truth h John 18:37
He who knows God h 1 John 4:6
And let him who h Rev 22:17
h was only evil Gen 6:5
for you know the h Ex 23:9
not let your h faint Deut 20:3
great searchings of h Judg 5:16
h rejoices in the LORD 1 Sam 2:1
God gave him another h 1 Sam 10:9
LORD looks at the h 1 Sam 16:7
his wives turned his h 1 Kin 11:4
prepared his h to seek Ezra 7:10
He pierces my h Job 16:13
How my h yearns within Job 19:27
For God made my h Job 23:16
My h is in turmoil and Job 30:27
My h also instructs me Ps 16:7
your h live forever Ps 22:26
h is overflowing Ps 45:1
My h is steadfast Ps 57:7
Thus my h was grieved Ps 73:21
my h and my flesh cry Ps 84:2
h shall depart from me Ps 101:4
look and a proud h Ps 101:5
with my whole h Ps 111:1
h is not haughty Ps 131:1
h makes a cheerful Prov 15:13
The king’s h is in the Prov 21:1
as he thinks in his h Prov 23:7
with a wicked h Prov 26:23
h reveals the man Prov 27:19
trusts in his own h Prov 28:26
The h of the wise is Eccl 7:4
and a wise man’s h Eccl 8:5
h yearned for him Song 5:4
and the whole h Is 1:5
h shall resound Is 16:11
the yearning of Your h Is 63:15
the mind and the h Jer 11:20
h is deceitful above Jer 17:9
I will give them a h Jer 24:7
therefore My h yearns Jer 31:20
and take the stony h Ezek 11:19
get yourselves a new h Ezek 18:31
uncircumcised in h Ezek 44:7
are the pure in h Matt 5:8
is, there your h Matt 6:21
of the h proceed evil Matt 15:19
pondered them in her h Luke 2:19
h will flow rivers John 7:38
“Let not your h John 14:1
believed were of one h Acts 4:32
Satan filled your h Acts 5:3
h is not right in the Acts 8:21
h that God has raised Rom 10:9
in sincerity of h Eph 6:5
refresh my h in the Philem 20
and shuts up his h 1 John 3:17
if our h condemns us 1 John 3:20
you do, do it h Col 3:23
God tests the h Ps 7:9
who seek God, your h Ps 69:32
let the h of those Ps 105:3
And he will turn the h Mal 4:6
h failing them from Luke 21:26
purifying their h Acts 15:9
will guard your h Phil 4:7
of God rule in your h Col 3:15
repetitions as the h Matt 6:7
him be to you like a h Matt 18:17
called the firmament H Gen 1:8
precious things of h Deut 33:13
LORD looks down from h Ps 14:2
word is settled in h Ps 119:89
For God is in h Eccl 5:2
“H is My throne Is 66:1
“If h above can be Jer 31:37
and the birds of the h Dan 2:38
come to know that H Dan 4:26
for the kingdom of h Matt 3:2
your Father in h Matt 5:16
on earth as it is in h Matt 6:10
H and earth will Matt 24:35
from Him a sign from h Mark 8:11
have sinned against h Luke 15:18
you shall see h John 1:51
one has ascended to h John 3:13
the true bread from h John 6:32
a voice came from h John 12:28
sheet, let down from h Acts 11:5
the whole family in h Eph 3:15
laid up for you in h Col 1:5
and the h gave rain James 5:18
there was silence in h Rev 8:1
sign appeared in h Rev 12:1
Now I saw a new h Rev 21:1
your h Father will Matt 6:14
h host praising God Luke 2:13
if I tell you h things John 3:12
are those who are h 1 Cor 15:48
blessing in the h Eph 1:3
and have tasted the h Heb 6:4
h things themselves Heb 9:23
a better, that is, a h Heb 11:16
the living God, the h Heb 12:22
I will make your h Lev 26:19
and the highest h Deut 10:14
h cannot contain 1 Kin 8:27
the LORD made the h 1 Chr 16:26
Till the h are no more Job 14:12
in the h shall laugh Ps 2:4
h declare the glory Ps 19:1
Let the h declare His Ps 50:6
h can be compared Ps 89:6
The h are Yours Ps 89:11
For as the h are high Ps 103:11
When He prepared the h Prov 8:27
h are higher than the Is 55:9
behold, I create new h Is 65:17
and behold, the h Matt 3:16
h will be shaken Matt 24:29
h are the work of Your Heb 1:10
h will pass away 2 Pet 3:10
and I am full of h Ps 69:20
My soul melts from h Ps 119:28
the bondage was h Neh 5:18
Term applied to:
Abram, Gen 14:13
Jews, Acts 6:1
Paul, Phil 3:5
Abram, Isaac, and Jacob dwell there, Gen 13:18; 23:2–20; 35:27
Visited by spies, Num 13:21, 22
Defeated by Joshua, Josh 10:1–37
Caleb’s inheritance, Josh 14:12–15
David’s original capital; sons born there, 2 Sam 2:1–3, 11; 3:2–5
Site of Absalom’s rebellion, 2 Sam 15:7–10
behold, I will h Hos 2:6
sharper than a thorn h Mic 7:4
a vineyard and set a h Mark 12:1
and whom God has h Job 3:23
You have h me behind Ps 139:5
He has h me in so that Lam 3:7
By taking h according Ps 119:9
if you h Me Jer 17:24
and let us not give h Jer 18:18
nor give h to fables 1 Tim 1:4
the more earnest h Heb 2:1
h counsel is wise Prov 12:15
you shall bruise His h Gen 3:15
took hold of Esau’s h Gen 25:26
has lifted up his h Ps 41:9
Me has lifted up his h John 13:18
“Is not God in the h Job 22:12
looked down from the h Ps 102:19
nor h nor depth Rom 8:39
length and depth and h Eph 3:18
Has he no h Jer 49:1
Now I say that the h Gal 4:1
if a son, then an h Gal 4:7
He has appointed h Heb 1:2
the world and became h Heb 11:7
if children, then h Rom 8:17
of God and joint h Rom 8:17
should be fellow h Eph 3:6
be rich in faith and h James 2:5
vessel, and as being h 1 Pet 3:7
shall be turned into h Ps 9:17
go down alive into h Ps 55:15
house is the way to h Prov 7:27
his soul from h Prov 23:14
H and Destruction are Prov 27:20
“H from beneath is Is 14:9
be in danger of h fire Matt 5:22
to be cast into h Matt 18:9
the condemnation of h Matt 23:33
power to cast into h Luke 12:5
it is set on fire by h James 3:6
Greek-speaking Jews, Acts 6:1
Hostile to Paul, Acts 9:29
Gospel preached to, Acts 11:20
a breastplate, and a h Is 59:17
And take the h of Eph 6:17
and love, and as a h 1 Thess 5:8
the shield of your h Deut 33:29
Is my h not within me Job 6:13
“There is no h Ps 3:2
May He send you h Ps 20:2
He is our h and our Ps 33:20
yet praise Him, the h Ps 42:11
A very present h Ps 46:1
Give us h from trouble Ps 60:11
God, make haste to h Ps 71:12
“I have given h Ps 89:19
the LORD had been my h Ps 94:17
there was none to h Ps 107:12
He is their h and Ps 115:9
Our h is in the name Ps 124:8
let no one h him Prov 28:17
h my unbelief Mark 9:24
tell her to h me Luke 10:40
and find grace to h Heb 4:16
far the LORD has h 1 Sam 7:12
fall, but the LORD h Ps 118:13
of salvation I have h Is 49:8
h His servant Israel Luke 1:54
I will make him a h Gen 2:18
Behold, God is my h Ps 54:4
give you another H John 14:16
“But when the H John 15:26
she has been a h Rom 16:2
“The LORD is my h Heb 13:6
all things are not h 1 Cor 6:12
the Spirit also h Rom 8:26
gifts of healings, h 1 Cor 12:28
and touched the h Matt 9:20
might only touch the h Matt 14:36
Composer of a Psalm, Ps 88
Then I said, “H am I Is 6:8
dissensions, h Gal 5:20
in destructive h 2 Pet 2:1
give it to you as a h Ex 6:8
have given me the h Ps 61:5
for that is his h Eccl 3:22
for it is his h Eccl 5:18
This is the h of the Is 54:17
of My people, My h Joel 3:2
The flock of Your h Mic 7:14
Paul acclaimed as, Acts 14:12
Highest mountain (9,166 ft.) in Syria; also called Sirion, Shenir, Deut 3:8, 9
— Herod the Great, procurator of Judea (37–4 B.C.), Luke 1:5
Inquires about Jesus’ birth, Matt 2:3–8
Slays infants of Bethlehem, Matt 2:12–18
— Herod Antipas, the tetrarch, ruler of Galilee and Perea (4 B.C.-A.D. 39), Luke 3:1
Imprisons John the Baptist, Luke 3:18–21
Has John the Baptist beheaded, Matt 14:1–12
Disturbed about Jesus, Luke 9:7–9
Jesus sent to him, Luke 23:7–11
— Herod Agrippa I (A.D. 37–44), Acts 12:1, 19
Imprisons Peter, Acts 12:3–11, 19
Slain by an angel, Acts 12:20–23
— Herod Agrippa II (A.D. 53–70); called Agrippa and King Agrippa, Acts 25:22–24, 26
Festus tells him about Paul, Acts 25:13–27
Paul makes a defense before, Acts 26:1–32
Join Pharisees against Jesus, Mark 3:6
Seek to trap Jesus, Matt 22:15–22
Jesus warns against, Mark 8:15
Granddaughter of Herod the Great; plots John’s death, Matt 14:3–12
Married her uncle, Mark 6:17, 18
Ancient Moabite city; taken by Moses, Num 21:23–34
Assigned to Reubenites, Num 32:1–37
Prophecies concerning, Is 15:1–4; 16:8–14; Jer 48:2, 34, 35
Son of Canaan, Gen 10:15
Abraham buys field from sons of, Gen 23:3–20
Esau marries daughters of, Gen 27:46
in a tomb that was h Luke 23:53
Righteous king of Judah; reforms temple and worship, 2 Chr 29–31
Wars with Assyria; prayer for deliverance is answered, 2 Kin 18:7–19:37
His sickness and recovery; thanksgiving, 2 Kin 20:1–11; Is 38:9–22
Boasts to Babylonian ambassadors, 2 Kin 20:12–19
Death, 2 Kin 20:20, 21
and I h myself Gen 3:10
Hebrew name of the river Tigris, Gen 2:14; Dan 10:4
and the LORD has h 2 Kin 4:27
It is h from the eyes Job 28:21
h Your righteousness Ps 40:10
and my sins are not h Ps 69:5
Your word I have h Ps 119:11
h riches of secret Is 45:3
there His power was h Hab 3:4
h that will not Matt 10:26
the h wisdom which God 1 Cor 2:7
bring to light the h 1 Cor 4:5
have renounced the h 2 Cor 4:2
rather let it be the h 1 Pet 3:4
give some of the h Rev 2:17
H me under the shadow Ps 17:8
You shall h them in Ps 31:20
O God, and do not h Ps 55:1
You h Your face Ps 104:29
darkness shall not h Ps 139:12
You are God, who h Is 45:15
h yourself from your Is 58:7
“Fall on us and h Rev 6:16
He h His face Ps 10:11
You are my h place Ps 32:7
A man will be as a h Is 32:2
Native of Bethel; rebuilds Jericho, 1 Kin 16:34
Fulfills Joshua’s curse, Josh 6:26
priest of God Most H Gen 14:18
For the LORD Most H Ps 47:2
h is Your right Ps 89:13
are on h forevermore Ps 92:8
the LORD is on h Ps 138:6
“I dwell in the h Is 57:15
know that the Most H Dan 4:17
whose habitation is h Obad 3
up on a h mountain by Matt 17:1
your mind on h things Rom 12:16
h thing that exalts 2 Cor 10:5
and faithful H Priest Heb 2:17
They are h than heaven Job 11:8
you, ‘Friend, go up h Luke 14:10
h than the heavens Heb 7:26
of the upright is a h Prov 15:19
in the desert a h Is 40:3
up, build up the h Is 62:10
h shall be elevated Is 49:11
go into the h Matt 22:9
Shallum’s son, 1 Chr 6:13
High priest in Josiah’s reign, 2 Chr 34:9–22
Oversees temple work, 2 Kin 22:4–7
Finds the Book of the Law, 2 Kin 22:8–14
Aids in reformation, 2 Kin 23:4
My King on My holy h Ps 2:6
h cannot be hidden Matt 5:14
and h brought low Luke 3:5
to the brow of the h Luke 4:29
of the everlasting h Gen 49:26
possess is a land of h Deut 11:11
of the h are His also Ps 95:4
up my eyes to the h Ps 121:1
settled, before the h Prov 8:25
takes away, who can h Job 9:12
all things lest we h 1 Cor 9:12
come to you (but was h Rom 1:13
Who h you from obeying Gal 5:7
prayers may not be h 1 Pet 3:7
Place near Jerusalem used for human sacrifice, 2 Kin 23:10; 2 Chr 28:3; Jer 7:31, 32; 19:1–15
socket of Jacob’s h Gen 32:25
King of Tyre; provided for David’s palace and Solomon’s temple, 2 Sam 5:11; 1 Kin 5:1–12; 9:10–14, 26–28; 10:11; 1 Chr 14:1
h laborers for his Matt 20:1
h man who eagerly Job 7:2
h servants have bread Luke 15:17
The h flees because John 10:13
One of seven Canaanite nations, Deut 7:1
Israelites intermarry with, Judg 3:5, 6; 1 Kin 11:1; Ezra 9:1, 2
One of seven Canaanite nations, Deut 7:1
Esau intermarries with, Gen 36:2
Gibeonites belong to, Josh 9:3, 7
h my eyelids open Ps 77:4
right hand shall h Ps 139:10
LORD your God, will h Is 41:13
I cannot h my peace Jer 4:19
h fast that word 1 Cor 15:2
h fast our confession Heb 4:14
h fast and repent Rev 3:3
“Foxes have h Matt 8:20
near me, for I am h Is 65:5
the way into the H Heb 9:8
to enter the H by the Heb 10:19
You, glorious in h Ex 15:11
has spoken in His h Ps 60:6
I have sworn by My h Ps 89:35
h adorns Your house Ps 93:5
the Highway of H Is 35:8
to the Spirit of h Rom 1:4
spirit, perfecting h 2 Cor 7:1
uncleanness, but in h 1 Thess 4:7
be partakers of His h Heb 12:10
where you stand is h Ex 3:5
priests and a h nation Ex 19:6
day, to keep it h Ex 20:8
distinguish between h Lev 10:10
the LORD your God am h Lev 19:2
“No one is h 1 Sam 2:2
to the Most H Place 1 Kin 8:6
h seed is mixed Ezra 9:2
h ones will you turn Job 5:1
God sits on His h Ps 47:8
God, in His h mountain Ps 48:1
my life, for I am h Ps 86:2
“H, h, h is the LORD Is 6:3
child of the H Spirit Matt 1:18
baptize you with the H Mark 1:8
who speak, but the H Mark 13:11
H Spirit will come Luke 1:35
H Spirit descended Luke 3:22
Father give the H Luke 11:13
H Spirit will teach Luke 12:12
H Spirit was not John 7:39
H Spirit has come Acts 1:8
all filled with the H Acts 2:4
apostles’ hands the H Acts 8:18
to speak, the H Spirit Acts 11:15
good to the H Spirit Acts 15:28
receive the H Spirit Acts 19:2
if the firstfruit is h Rom 11:16
peace and joy in the H Rom 14:17
one another with a h Rom 16:16
H Spirit teaches 1 Cor 2:13
that we should be h Eph 1:4
were sealed with the H Eph 1:13
partakers of the H Heb 6:4
Most H Place once for all Heb 9:12
has not entered the h Heb 9:24
H Spirit sent from 1 Pet 1:12
He who called you is h 1 Pet 1:15
it is written, “Be h 1 Pet 1:16
moved by the H Spirit 2 Pet 1:21
anointing from the H 1 John 2:20
says He who is h Rev 3:7
For You alone are h Rev 15:4
is h, let him be h Rev 22:11
LORD has brought me h Ruth 1:21
sparrow has found a h Ps 84:3
the stork has her h Ps 104:17
to his eternal h Eccl 12:5
said to him, “Go h Mark 5:19
into an everlasting h Luke 16:9
to him and make Our h John 14:23
took her to his own h John 19:27
let him eat at h 1 Cor 11:34
own husbands at h 1 Cor 14:35
that while we are at h 2 Cor 5:6
to show piety at h 1 Tim 5:4
and beaten, and h 1 Cor 4:11
be discreet, chaste, h Titus 2:5
we are h men Gen 42:11
“What is sweeter than h Judg 14:18
and with h from the Ps 81:16
My son, eat h because Prov 24:13
not good to eat much h Prov 25:27
h and milk are under Song 4:11
was locusts and wild h Matt 3:4
than honey and the h Ps 19:10
words are like a h Prov 16:24
fish and some h Luke 24:42
H your father and your Ex 20:12
both riches and h 1 Kin 3:13
the king delights to h Esth 6:6
earth, and lay my h Ps 7:5
A man who is in h Ps 49:20
Sing out the h of His Ps 66:2
will deliver him and h Ps 91:15
H and majesty are Ps 96:6
h have all His saints Ps 149:9
H the LORD with your Prov 3:9
before h is humility Prov 15:33
h is not fitting Prov 26:1
spirit will retain h Prov 29:23
Father, where is My h Mal 1:6
is not without h Matt 13:57
‘H your father and your Matt 15:4
h the Son just as they John 5:23
“I do not receive h John 5:41
but I h My Father John 8:49
“If I h Myself John 8:54
him My Father will h John 12:26
make one vessel for h Rom 9:21
to whom fear, h Rom 13:7
we bestow greater h 1 Cor 12:23
sanctification and h 1 Thess 4:4
alone is wise, be h 1 Tim 1:17
worthy of double h 1 Tim 5:17
and clay, some for h 2 Tim 2:20
no man takes this h Heb 5:4
H the king 1 Pet 2:17
from God the Father h 2 Pet 1:17
give glory and h Rev 4:9
of God, and he is an h 1 Sam 9:6
His work is h and Ps 111:3
It is h for a man to Prov 20:3
traders are the h Is 23:8
holy day of the LORD h Is 58:13
providing h things 2 Cor 8:21
Marriage is h among Heb 13:4
having your conduct h 1 Pet 2:12
desiring to live h Heb 13:18
h those who fear the Ps 15:4
‘This people h Me Mark 7:6
It is My Father who h John 8:54
will lament who cast h Is 19:8
spears into pruning h Mic 4:3
I should say I have h Ruth 1:12
are spent without h Job 7:6
so You destroy the h Job 14:19
where then is my h Job 17:15
h He has uprooted Job 19:10
also will rest in h Ps 16:9
heart, all you who h Ps 31:24
My h is in You Ps 39:7
For You are my h Ps 71:5
I h in Your word Ps 119:147
O Israel, h in the Ps 130:7
h will not be cut Prov 23:18
There is more h Prov 26:12
the living there is h Eccl 9:4
O the H of Israel Jer 14:8
good that one should h Lam 3:26
Achor as a door of h Hos 2:15
you prisoners of h Zech 9:12
I have h in God Acts 24:15
to h, in h believed Rom 4:18
and rejoice in h Rom 5:2
h does not disappoint Rom 5:5
were saved in this h Rom 8:24
h that is seen is Rom 8:24
But if we h for what Rom 8:25
And now abide faith, h 1 Cor 13:13
life only we have h 1 Cor 15:19
may know what is the h Eph 1:18
were called in one h Eph 4:4
h which is laid Col 1:5
Christ in you, the h Col 1:27
For what is our h 1 Thess 2:19
others who have no h 1 Thess 4:13
and as a helmet the h 1 Thess 5:8
Jesus Christ, our h 1 Tim 1:1
in h of eternal life Titus 1:2
for the blessed h Titus 2:13
to lay hold of the h Heb 6:18
of a better h Heb 7:19
us again to a living h 1 Pet 1:3
you a reason for the h 1 Pet 3:15
who has this h in Him 1 John 3:3
substance of things h Heb 11:1
Wicked son of Eli, 1 Sam 1:3; 2:12–17, 22–25
Prophecy against, 1 Sam 2:27–36; 3:11–14
Carries ark into battle; killed, 1 Sam 4:1–11
Mountain of Edom; scene of Aaron’s death, Num 20:22–29; 33:37–39
God appears to Moses at, Ex 3:1–22
Water flows from, Ex 17:6
Elijah lodged here 40 days, 1 Kin 19:8, 9
Inhabitants of Mt. Seir, Gen 36:20
Defeated by Chedorlaomer, Gen 14:5, 6
Driven out by Esau’s descendants, Gen 36:20–29; Deut 2:12, 22
my shield and the h Ps 18:2
h will be exalted Ps 112:9
goat had a notable h Dan 8:5
and has raised up a h Luke 1:69
h thing has been Jer 5:30
I have seen a h Hos 6:10
and behold, h and Gen 15:12
sorrow, the cup of h Ezek 23:33
you will become a h Ezek 27:36
The h and its rider He Ex 15:1
Have you given the h Job 39:19
h is a vain hope Ps 33:17
the strength of the h Ps 147:10
h is prepared for the Prov 21:31
and behold, a white h Rev 6:2
and behold, a black h Rev 6:5
and behold, a pale h Rev 6:8
and behold, a white h Rev 19:11
seen servants on h Eccl 10:7
h are swifter than Jer 4:13
Do h run on rocks Amos 6:12
we put bits in h James 3:3
H in the highest Matt 21:9
Son of Beeri, prophet of the northern kingdom, Hos 1:1
Original name of Joshua, the son of Nun, Deut 32:44; Num 13:8, 16
— Israel’s last king; usurps throne, 2 Kin 15:30
Reigns wickedly; Israel taken to Assyria during reign, 2 Kin 17:1–23
of good behavior, h 1 Tim 3:2
Be h to one another 1 Pet 4:9
who brings out their h Is 40:26
of the heavenly h Luke 2:13
Him who endured such h Heb 12:3
name of the LORD of h 1 Sam 17:45
As the LORD of h lives 1 Kin 18:15
The LORD of h is with Ps 46:7
LORD, all you His h Ps 103:21
praise Him, all His h Ps 148:2
word of the LORD of h Is 39:5
LORD of h is His name Is 47:4
against spiritual h Eph 6:12
of the LORD was h Judg 2:14
My heart was h within Ps 39:3
are neither cold nor h Rev 3:15
My enemies would h Ps 56:2
h what you should Matt 10:19
day and h no one knows Matt 24:36
Man is coming at an h Matt 24:44
Behold, the h is at Matt 26:45
But this is your h Luke 22:53
h has not yet come John 2:4
But the h is coming John 4:23
h has come that the John 12:23
save Me from this h John 12:27
“Father, the h John 17:1
will not know what h Rev 3:3
keep you from the h Rev 3:10
Are there not twelve h John 11:9
from your father’s h Gen 12:1
But as for me and my h Josh 24:15
h appointed for all Job 30:23
with them to the h Ps 42:4
the goodness of Your h Ps 65:4
For her h leads down Prov 2:18
Through wisdom a h Prov 24:3
better to go to the h Eccl 7:2
of the h tremble Eccl 12:3
to the h of the God of Is 2:3
to those who join h Is 5:8
h was filled with Is 6:4
‘Set your h in order Is 38:1
h shall be called a Is 56:7
and beat on that h Matt 7:25
h divided against Matt 12:25
h shall be called a Matt 21:13
h may be filled Luke 14:23
make My Father’s h John 2:16
h are many mansions John 14:2
publicly and from h Acts 20:20
in his own rented h Acts 28:30
who rules his own h 1 Tim 3:4
the church in your h Philem 2
For every h is built Heb 3:4
His own h, whose h Heb 3:6
him into your h 2 John 1:10
over the ways of her h Prov 31:27
If the h is worthy Matt 10:13
be those of his own h Matt 10:36
h were baptized Acts 16:15
saved, you and your h Acts 16:31
also baptized the h 1 Cor 1:16
those who are of the h Gal 6:10
who are of Caesar’s h Phil 4:22
h who brings out of Matt 13:52
h are safe from fear Job 21:9
Yet He filled their h Job 22:18
is that their h Ps 49:11
H and riches are an Prov 19:14
who has left h or Matt 19:29
you devour widows’ h Matt 23:14
Do you not have h 1 Cor 11:22
Spirit of God was h Gen 1:2
“H can this be Luke 1:34
H long do You keep John 10:24
h you turned to God 1 Thess 1:9
Wife of Shallum, 2 Kin 22:14
Foretells Jerusalem’s ruin, 2 Kin 22:15–17; 2 Chr 34:22–25
Exempts Josiah from trouble, 2 Kin 22:18–20
we have had h fathers Heb 12:9
man Moses was very h Num 12:3
h you and test you Deut 8:2
h themselves, and pray 2 Chr 7:14
who is proud, and h Job 40:11
the cry of the h Ps 9:12
Do not forget the h Ps 10:12
the desire of the h Ps 10:17
h He guides in justice Ps 25:9
h shall hear of it and Ps 34:2
LORD lifts up the h Ps 147:6
h spirit with the Prov 16:19
contrite and h spirit Is 57:15
a meek and h people Zeph 3:12
associate with the h Rom 12:16
gives grace to the h James 4:6
H yourselves in the James 4:10
gives grace to the h 1 Pet 5:5
h yourselves under the 1 Pet 5:6
h himself greatly 2 Chr 33:12
as a man, He h Himself Phil 2:8
h Himself to behold Ps 113:6
to plunder, and to h Ezra 9:7
h His justice was Acts 8:33
but the rich in his h James 1:10
By h and the fear of Prov 22:4
righteousness, seek h Zeph 2:3
the Lord with all h Acts 20:19
delight in false h Col 2:18
mercies, kindness, h Col 3:12
h correcting those 2 Tim 2:25
gentle, showing all h Titus 3:2
and be clothed with h 1 Pet 5:5
you, allowed you to h Deut 8:3
lack and suffer h Ps 34:10
They shall neither h Is 49:10
likely to die from h Jer 38:9
are those who h Matt 5:6
for you shall h Luke 6:25
to Me shall never h John 6:35
present hour we both h 1 Cor 4:11
They shall neither h Rev 7:16
bread from the h Job 22:7
and fills the h Ps 107:9
gives food to the h Ps 146:7
h soul every bitter Prov 27:7
your soul to the h Is 58:10
for I was h and you Matt 25:35
when did we see You h Matt 25:37
and one is h and 1 Cor 11:21
But if anyone is h 1 Cor 11:34
to be full and to be h Phil 4:12
Yet you h my life to 1 Sam 24:11
h the violent man Ps 140:11
h the souls of My Ezek 13:18
Nimrod the mighty h Gen 10:9
Esau was a skillful h Gen 25:27
Man of Judah; of Caleb’s house, 1 Chr 2:18–20
Supports Moses’ hands, Ex 17:10–12
Aids Aaron, Ex 24:14
Master craftsman of Solomon’s temple, 1 Kin 7:13–40, 45; 2 Chr 2:13, 14
h a woman with child Ex 21:22
who plot my h Ps 35:4
but I was not h Prov 23:35
another to his own h Eccl 8:9
They shall not h Is 11:9
of my people I am h Jer 8:21
Woe is me for my h Jer 10:19
it will by no means h Mark 16:18
shall not be h by the Rev 2:11
She also gave to her h Gen 3:6
“Surely you are a h Ex 4:25
h safely trusts her Prov 31:11
your Maker is your h Is 54:5
though I was a h Jer 31:32
now have is not your h John 4:18
woman have her own h 1 Cor 7:2
For the unbelieving h 1 Cor 7:14
you will save your h 1 Cor 7:16
betrothed you to one h 2 Cor 11:2
For the h is head of Eph 5:23
the h of one wife 1 Tim 3:2
them ask their own h 1 Cor 14:35
H, love your wives Eph 5:25
Let deacons be the h 1 Tim 3:12
Archite; David’s friend, 2 Sam 15:32–37
Feigns sympathy with Absalom, 2 Sam 16:16–19
Defeats Ahithophel’s advice, 2 Sam 17:5–23
False teacher excommunicated by Paul, 1 Tim 1:19, 20
they had sung a h Matt 26:30
praying and singing h Acts 16:25
in psalms and h Eph 5:19
you are full of h Matt 23:28
Pharisees, which is h Luke 12:1
Let love be without h Rom 12:9
away with their h Gal 2:13
and without h James 3:17
malice, all deceit, h 1 Pet 2:1
of the h shall perish Job 8:13
and the joy of the h Job 20:5
is the hope of the h Job 27:8
for everyone is a h Is 9:17
also played the h Gal 2:13
“But the h in heart Job 36:13
will I go in with h Ps 26:4
For you were h Jer 42:20
not be like the h Matt 6:5
do you test Me, you h Matt 22:18
and Pharisees, h Matt 23:13
Purge me with h Ps 51:7
sour wine, put it on h John 19:29
Judge of Israel; father of 60 children, Judg 12:8, 9
dark because of the i Job 6:16
Son of Phinehas, 1 Sam 4:19–22
City of Asia Minor; visited by Paul, Acts 13:51
Many converts in, Acts 14:1–6
Leader of Jews at Casiphia, Ezra 8:17–20
— Seer whose writings are cited, 2 Chr 9:29
For they are i Ex 5:8
i person will suffer Prov 19:15
i word men may speak Matt 12:36
saw others standing i Matt 20:3
they learn to be i 1 Tim 5:13
both i talkers and Titus 1:10
if he blesses an i Is 66:3
thing offered to an i 1 Cor 8:7
That an i is anything 1 Cor 10:19
or covetous, or an i 1 Cor 5:11
man, who is an i Eph 5:5
fornicators, nor i 1 Cor 6:9
immoral, sorcerers, i Rev 21:8
and murderers and i Rev 22:15
and abominable i 1 Pet 4:3
beloved, flee from i 1 Cor 10:14
i, sorcery Gal 5:20
stolen the household i Gen 31:19
of the peoples are i Ps 96:5
i are silver and gold Ps 115:4
land is also full of i Is 2:8
insane with their i Jer 50:38
in the room of his i Ezek 8:12
from their wooden i Hos 4:12
who regard worthless i Jon 2:8
i speak delusion Zech 10:2
things polluted by i Acts 15:20
You who abhor i Rom 2:22
This was offered to i 1 Cor 10:28
keep yourselves from i 1 John 5:21
worship demons, and i Rev 9:20
Name used by Greeks and Romans to designate Edom, Mark 3:8
that you did it in i Acts 3:17
i God overlooked Acts 17:30
sins committed in i Heb 9:7
to silence the i 1 Pet 2:15
I was so foolish and i Ps 73:22
though Abraham was i Is 63:16
not want you to be i 1 Cor 12:1
But if anyone is i 1 Cor 14:38
on those who are i Heb 5:2
because I did it i 1 Tim 1:13
then you are i Heb 12:8
after you were i Heb 10:32
and the earth was i Rev 18:1
for the glory of God i Rev 21:23
Paul preaches in, Romans 15:19
Us make man in Our i Gen 1:26
yourselves a carved i Deut 4:16
shall despise their i Ps 73:20
the king made an i Dan 3:1
to them, “Whose i Matt 22:20
since he is the i 1 Cor 11:7
He is the i of the Col 1:15
and not the very i Heb 10:1
the beast and his i Rev 14:9
who worshiped his i Rev 19:20
the proud in the i Luke 1:51
I urge you, i me 1 Cor 4:16
as I also i Christ 1 Cor 11:1
i those who through Heb 6:12
shall call His name I Is 7:14
shall call His name I Matt 1:23
i the Spirit Mark 1:12
hear, Satan comes i Mark 4:15
i forgets what James 1:24
I I was in the Spirit Rev 4:2
i woman is a deep pit Prov 22:14
murderers, sexually i Rev 21:8
except sexual i Matt 5:32
i as is not even named 1 Cor 5:1
abstain from sexual i 1 Thess 4:3
to the King eternal, i 1 Tim 1:17
glory, honor, and i Rom 2:7
mortal must put on i 1 Cor 15:53
who alone has i 1 Tim 6:16
and brought life and i 2 Tim 1:10
be steadfast, i 1 Cor 15:58
that by two i things Heb 6:18
see you, that I may i Rom 1:11
that it may i grace Eph 4:29
i heart you are Rom 2:5
with meekness the i James 1:21
and nothing will be i Matt 17:20
“With men this is i Matt 19:26
God nothing will be i Luke 1:37
without faith it is i Heb 11:6
i will grow worse 2 Tim 3:13
and of chains and i Heb 11:36
in stripes, in i 2 Cor 6:5
but he who is i Prov 14:29
a woman during her i Ezek 18:6
“Do not let my lord i 2 Sam 19:19
the LORD does not i Ps 32:2
the LORD shall not i Rom 4:8
bloodshed shall be i Lev 17:4
might be i to them Rom 4:11
alone that it was i Rom 4:23
but sin is not i Rom 5:13
i righteousness apart Rom 4:6
golden bowls full of i Rev 5:8
i your heart to the Josh 24:23
i my heart to any evil Ps 141:4
the glory of the i Rom 1:23
dead will be raised i 1 Cor 15:52
to an inheritance i 1 Pet 1:4
corruptible seed but i 1 Pet 1:23
it is raised in i 1 Cor 15:42
corruption inherit i 1 Cor 15:50
must put on i 1 Cor 15:53
if riches i Ps 62:10
the LORD give you i Ps 115:14
hear and i learning Prov 1:5
When goods i Eccl 5:11
Of the i of His Is 9:7
and knowledge shall i Dan 12:4
Lord, “I our faith Luke 17:5
He must i John 3:30
but God gave the i 1 Cor 3:6
grows with the i Col 2:19
for they will i 2 Tim 2:16
The waters i and Gen 7:17
i your mercy which you Gen 19:19
nation and i its joy Is 9:3
And Jesus i in wisdom Luke 2:52
i knowledge i Eccl 1:18
who have no might He i Is 40:29
should it be thought i Acts 26:8
My wound is i Job 34:6
‘Your affliction is i Jer 30:12
Your sorrow is i Jer 30:15
everyone who is i Luke 11:4
i it was very Gen 1:31
“But will God i 1 Kin 8:27
“Behold, an Israelite i John 1:47
Eastern limit of Persian Empire, Esth 1:1
the Holy Spirit i Heb 9:8
who was in them was i 1 Pet 1:11
saw it, they were i Matt 26:8
of His anger, wrath, i Ps 78:49
I has taken hold Ps 119:53
in whose hand is My i Is 10:5
For the i of the LORD Is 34:2
have filled me with i Jer 15:17
can stand before His i Nah 1:6
i which will devour Heb 10:27
into the cup of His i Rev 14:10
O LORD, You i me Jer 20:7
if the prophet is i Ezek 14:9
I the LORD have i Ezek 14:9
no value against the i Col 2:23
Therefore you are i Rom 2:1
Paradise and heard i 2 Cor 12:4
you rejoice with joy i 1 Pet 1:8
suffering by many i Acts 1:3
i who never saw Job 3:16
they also brought i Luke 18:15
another kingdom i Dan 2:39
that I am not at all i 2 Cor 11:5
“He Himself took our i Matt 8:17
boast, except in my i 2 Cor 12:5
and your frequent i 1 Tim 5:23
i yourselves with gods Is 57:5
the wicked will not i Prov 10:30
cities and i them Amos 9:14
Cry out and shout, O i Is 12:6
And the i will not say Is 33:24
He looks on all the i Ps 33:14
give ear, all i Ps 49:1
Let the i of Sela sing Is 42:11
Woe to the i of the Rev 12:12
rejoicing in His i Prov 8:31
‘You shall be i Is 44:26
who formed it to be i Is 45:18
i the iniquities Job 13:26
descendants shall i Ps 25:13
The righteous shall i Ps 37:29
The wise shall i Prov 3:35
love me to i wealth Prov 8:21
The simple i folly Prov 14:18
the blameless will i Prov 28:10
i the kingdom prepared Matt 25:34
I do that I may i Mark 10:17
unrighteous will not i 1 Cor 6:9
you may i a blessing 1 Pet 3:9
who overcomes shall i Rev 21:7
“You shall have no i Num 18:20
is the place of His i Deut 32:9
the portion of my i Ps 16:5
yes, I have a good i Ps 16:6
i shall be forever Ps 37:18
He will choose our i Ps 47:4
You confirmed Your i Ps 68:9
the tribe of Your i Ps 74:2
i gained hastily Prov 20:21
right of i is yours Jer 32:8
i has been turned Lam 5:2
will arise to your i Dan 12:13
And God gave him no i Acts 7:5
and give you an i Acts 20:32
For if the i is of the Gal 3:18
we have obtained an i Eph 1:11
be partakers of the i Col 1:12
receive as an i Heb 11:8
i incorruptible 1 Pet 1:4
How many are my i Job 13:23
i have overtaken me Ps 40:12
I prevail against me Ps 65:3
forgives all your i Ps 103:3
LORD, should mark i Ps 130:3
was bruised for our i Is 53:5
He shall bear their i Is 53:11
i have separated you Is 59:2
God, visiting the i of the Ex 20:5
He has not observed i Num 23:21
wicked brings forth i Ps 7:14
O LORD, pardon my i Ps 25:11
i I have not hidden Ps 32:5
was brought forth in i Ps 51:5
If I regard i in my Ps 66:18
Add i to their Ps 69:27
workers of i flourish Ps 92:7
i boast in themselves Ps 94:4
Shall the throne of i Ps 94:20
i have dominion Ps 119:133
i will reap sorrow Prov 22:8
a people laden with i Is 1:4
i is taken away Is 6:7
has laid on Him the i Is 53:6
will remember their i Hos 9:9
to those who devise i Mic 2:1
like You, pardoning i Mic 7:18
all you workers of i Luke 13:27
a fire, a world of i James 3:6
of truth and without i Deut 32:4
i shuts her mouth Job 5:16
i have your fathers Jer 2:5
us, written not with i 2 Cor 3:3
do so with paper and i 2 John 12
room for them in the i Luke 2:7
brought him to an i Luke 10:34
of my heart and i Gen 20:5
washed my hands in i Ps 73:13
do not kill the i Ex 23:7
a bribe to slay an i Deut 27:25
i will divide the Job 27:17
a bribe against the i Ps 15:5
because I was found i Dan 6:22
saying, “I am i Matt 27:24
this day that I am i Acts 20:26
i as the sand which is Heb 11:12
i company of angels Heb 12:22
children of Israel i Judg 20:27
Therefore David i 1 Sam 23:2
the LORD, nor i of Him Zeph 1:6
the prophets have i 1 Pet 1:10
shall make careful i Deut 19:18
images, and they are i Jer 50:38
the spiritual man is i Hos 9:7
Oh, that they were i Job 19:23
See, I have i you on Is 49:16
is given by i of God 2 Tim 3:16
good Spirit to i them Neh 9:20
I will i you and teach Ps 32:8
the LORD that he may i 1 Cor 2:16
Surely you have i Job 4:3
counsel, and who i Is 40:14
This man had been i Acts 18:25
are excellent, being i Rom 2:18
Moses was divinely i Heb 8:5
seeing you hate i Ps 50:17
despise wisdom and i Prov 1:7
Take firm hold of i Prov 4:13
Hear i and be wise Prov 8:33
Give i to a wise man Prov 9:9
i loves knowledge Prov 12:1
Cease listening to i Prov 19:27
Apply your heart to i Prov 23:12
for correction, for i 2 Tim 3:16
have ten thousand i 1 Cor 4:15
My heart also i Ps 16:7
He who i the nations Ps 94:10
to Him with an i Ps 33:2
on an i of ten strings Ps 92:3
i of cruelty are in Gen 49:5
with stringed i Ps 150:4
i of unrighteousness Rom 6:13
i of righteousness Rom 6:13
for the lawless and i 1 Tim 1:9
For there are many i Titus 1:10
of dissipation or i Titus 1:6
will be mocked and i Luke 18:32
i the Spirit of grace Heb 10:29
nor be afraid of their i Is 51:7
In the i of my heart Gen 20:5
he holds fast to his i Job 2:3
that God may know my i Job 31:6
I have walked in my i Ps 26:1
You uphold me in my i Ps 41:12
The i of the upright Prov 11:3
in doctrine showing i Titus 2:7
the LORD, who will i 1 Sam 2:25
of many, and made i Is 53:12
Spirit Himself makes i Rom 8:26
always lives to make i Heb 7:25
that there was no i Is 59:16
shall not charge him i Ex 22:25
men lent to me for i Jer 15:10
collected it with i Luke 19:23
Do all i 1 Cor 12:30
pray that he may i 1 Cor 14:13
in turn, and let one i 1 Cor 14:27
“This is the i Gen 40:12
to another the i 1 Cor 12:10
a revelation, has an i 1 Cor 14:26
of any private i 2 Pet 1:20
Do not i belong to God Gen 40:8
that you can give i Dan 5:16
seize the kingdom by i Dan 11:21
join with them by i Dan 11:34
of the world His i Rom 1:20
is the image of the i Col 1:15
eternal, immortal, i 1 Tim 1:17
as seeing Him who is i Heb 11:27
i part is destruction Ps 5:9
Both the i thought Ps 64:6
You have formed my i Ps 139:13
God according to the i Rom 7:22
i man is being renewed 2 Cor 4:16
i they are Matt 7:15
is a Jew who is one i Rom 2:29
He regards i as straw Job 41:27
i sharpens i Prov 27:17
and your neck was an i Is 48:4
its feet partly of i Dan 2:33
Promised heir of the covenant, Gen 17:16–21
Born and circumcised, Gen 21:1–7
Offered up as a sacrifice, Gen 22:1–19
Marries Rebekah, Gen 24:62–67
Prays for children; prefers Esau, Gen 25:21–28
Dealings with Abimelech, king of Gerar, Gen 26:1–31
Mistakenly blesses Jacob, Gen 27:1–28:5
Dies in his old age, Gen 35:28, 29
NT references to, Luke 3:34; Gal 4:21–31; Heb 11:9, 20
Prophet during reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, Is 1:1
Responds to prophetic call, Is 6:1–13
Prophesies to Hezekiah, 2 Kin 19; 20
Writes Uzziah’s biography, 2 Chr 26:22
Writes Hezekiah’s biography, 2 Chr 32:32
Quoted in NT, Matt 1:22, 23; 3:3; 8:17; 12:17–21; Luke 4:17–19; Acts 13:34; Rom 9:27, 29; 10:16, 20, 21; 11:26, 27; 15:12; 1 Pet 2:22
Listed among the Twelve, Mark 3:14, 19; Luke 6:16
Criticizes Mary, John 12:3–6
Identified as betrayer, John 13:21–30
Takes money to betray Christ, Matt 26:14–16
Betrays Christ with a kiss, Mark 14:43–45
Repents and commits suicide, Matt 27:3–10
His place filled, Acts 1:15–26
One of Saul’s sons; made king, 2 Sam 2:8–10
Offends Abner, 2 Sam 3:7–11
Slain; his assassins executed, 2 Sam 4:1–12
Abram’s son by Hagar, Gen 16:3, 4, 11–16
Circumcised, Gen 17:25
Scoffs at Isaac’s feast; exiled with his mother, Gen 21:8–21
His sons; his death, Gen 25:12–18
— Son of Nethaniah; kills Gedaliah, 2 Kin 25:22–26
Settle at Havilah, Gen 25:17, 18
Joseph sold to, Gen 37:25–28
Sell Joseph to Potiphar, Gen 39:1
Used to refer to:
Jacob, Gen 32:28
descendants of Jacob, Gen 49:16, 28
ten northern tribes (in contrast to Judah), 1 Sam 11:8
restored nation after exile, Ezra 9:1
true church, Gal 6:16
be called Jacob, but I Gen 32:28
“Hear, O I Deut 6:4
shepherd My people I 2 Sam 7:7
Truly God is good to I Ps 73:1
helped His servant I Luke 1:54
For they are not all I Rom 9:6
and upon the I of God Gal 6:16
Afflicted in Egypt, Ex 1:12–22
Escape from Egypt, Ex 12:29–42, 50; 13:17–22
Receive law at Sinai, Ex 19
Idolatry and rebellion of, Ex 32; Num 13; 14
Wander in the wilderness, Num 14:26–39
Cross Jordan; conquer Canaan, Josh 4; 12
Ruled by judges, Judg 2
Saul chosen as king, 1 Sam 10
Kingdom divided, 1 Kin 12
Northern kingdom carried captive, 2 Kin 17
Southern kingdom carried captive, 2 Kin 24
70 years in exile, 2 Chr 36:20, 21
Return after exile, Ezra 1:1–5
Nation rejects Christ, Matt 27:20–27