I will make you a t Jer 20:4

but a great t fell Dan 10:7


the t of God are Job 6:4

T frighten him on Job 18:11

before the king of t Job 18:14

T overtake him like a Job 27:20

consumed with t Ps 73:19


Orator who accuses Paul, Acts 24:1–8


God has come to t you Ex 20:20

t him with hard 1 Kin 10:1

behold, His eyelids t Ps 11:4

t them as gold is Zech 13:9

said, “Why do you t Matt 22:18

t the Spirit of the Acts 5:9

why do you t God by Acts 15:10

and the fire will t 1 Cor 3:13

T yourselves 2 Cor 13:5

T all things 1 Thess 5:21

but t the spirits 1 John 4:1


where there is a t Heb 9:16

For a t is in force Heb 9:17


be the death of the t Heb 9:16


that God t Abraham Gen 22:1

You have t my heart Ps 17:3

And they t God in Ps 78:18

t you at the waters of Ps 81:7

When your fathers t Ps 95:9

t them ten days Dan 1:14

also first be t 1 Tim 3:10

Where your fathers t Heb 3:9

though it is t by fire 1 Pet 1:7

t those who say they Rev 2:2


Yet the LORD t against 2 Kin 17:13

he who has seen has t John 19:35

for as you have t Acts 23:11

t beforehand the 1 Pet 1:11

of God which He has t 1 John 5:9


and heard, that He t John 3:32

that the Holy Spirit t Acts 20:23


yes, your own lips t Job 15:6

You, and our sins t Is 59:12

T against Me Mic 6:3

t what We have John 3:11

these are they which t John 5:39

t that the Father 1 John 4:14

sent My angel to t Rev 22:16


was righteous, God t Heb 11:4

t that this is 1 Pet 5:12


those who keep His t Ps 119:2

for I have kept Your t Ps 119:22

t are my meditation Ps 119:99

I love Your t Ps 119:119

t are wonderful Ps 119:129


two tablets of the T Ex 31:18

For He established a t Ps 78:5

that I may keep the t Ps 119:88

Bind up the t Is 8:16

under your feet as a t Mark 6:11

Now this is the t John 1:19

no one receives His t John 3:32

who has received His t John 3:33

in your law that the t John 8:17

and we know that his t John 21:24

declaring to you the t 1 Cor 2:1

obtained a good t Heb 11:2

he had this t Heb 11:5

not believed the t 1 John 5:10

And this is the t 1 John 5:11

For the t of Jesus is Rev 19:10


came to Him, t Him Matt 19:3

knowing that the t James 1:3


the righteous God t Ps 7:9

gold, but the LORD t Prov 17:3

men, but God who t 1 Thess 2:4


One of the Twelve, Mark 3:18


“I t You and praise Dan 2:23

“I t You, Father Matt 11:25

t that servant because Luke 17:9

t You that I am not Luke 18:11

First, I t my God Rom 1:8

t Christ Jesus our 1 Tim 1:12


Be t to Him Ps 100:4

Him as God, nor were t Rom 1:21


Felix, with all t Acts 24:3


the cup, and gave t Matt 26:27

t He distributed them John 6:11

for he gives God t Rom 14:6

T be to God for His 2 Cor 9:15

giving t always for Eph 5:20

t can we render 1 Thess 3:9


with the voice of t Ps 26:7

Offer to God t Ps 50:14

His presence with t Ps 95:2

into His gates with t Ps 100:4

the sacrifices of t Ps 107:22

supplication, with t Phil 4:6

vigilant in it with t Col 4:2

to be received with t 1 Tim 4:3


and rushed into the t Acts 19:29


Luke addresses his writings to, Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1


Paul preaches in, Acts 17:1–13

Paul writes letters to churches of, 1 Thess 1:1


When you saw a t Ps 50:18

do not despise a t Prov 6:30

t hates his own life Prov 29:24

t is ashamed when he Jer 2:26

the windows like a t Joel 2:9

t shall be expelled Zech 5:3

known what hour the t Matt 24:43

t approaches nor moth Luke 12:33

way, the same is a t John 10:1

because he was a t John 12:6

Lord will come as a t 2 Pet 3:10

upon you as a t Rev 3:3


And companions of t Is 1:23

destroy and where t Matt 6:19

before Me and t John 10:8


them hip and t with a Judg 15:8

good piece, the t Ezek 24:4


in heaven give good t Matt 7:11

evil, speak good t Matt 12:34

kept all these t Luke 2:51

Lazarus evil t Luke 16:25

the Scriptures the t Luke 24:27

share in all good t Gal 6:6


nor does his heart t Is 10:7

t that they will be Matt 6:7

t you have eternal John 5:39

not to t of himself Rom 12:3

of ourselves to t 2 Cor 3:5

all that we ask or t Eph 3:20


yet the LORD t upon me Ps 40:17

for as he t in his Prov 23:7

t that he knows 1 Cor 8:2

t he stands take heed 1 Cor 10:12

For if anyone t Gal 6:3

t he is religious James 1:26


tongues fail for t Is 41:17

those who hunger and t Matt 5:6

in Me shall never t John 6:35

said, “I t!”John 19:28

we both hunger and t 1 Cor 4:11

anymore nor t anymore Rev 7:16


My soul t for God Ps 42:2

saying, “If anyone t John 7:37

if he t Rom 12:20

freely to him who t Rev 21:6

And let him who t Rev 22:17


and if he is t Prov 25:21

as when a t man dreams Is 29:8

the drink of the t Is 32:6

t land springs of Is 35:7

on him who is t Is 44:3

but you shall be t Is 65:13

I was t and you gave Matt 25:35

we see You hungry or t Matt 25:44


t grow instead of Job 31:40

or figs from t Matt 7:16


Apostle of Christ, Matt 10:3

Ready to die with Christ, John 11:16

Doubts Christ’s resurrection, John 20:24–29


t that goes into the Prov 26:9

t shall come up the Is 55:13

a t in the flesh was 2 Cor 12:7


gather grapes from t Matt 7:16


Both t and thistles it Gen 3:18

T and snares are Prov 22:5

all overgrown with t Prov 24:31

the crackling of t Eccl 7:6

Like a lily among t Song 2:2

and do not sow among t Jer 4:3

wheat but reaped t Jer 12:13

And some fell among t Matt 13:7

wearing the crown of t John 19:5


t is that their houses Ps 49:11

You t that I was Ps 50:21

Both the inward t Ps 64:6

I t about my ways Ps 119:59

You understand my t Ps 139:2

“Surely, as I have t Is 14:24

to man what his t Amos 4:13

perceiving the t Luke 9:47

And he t within Luke 12:17

I t as a child 1 Cor 13:11


the intent of the t 1 Chr 28:9

is in none of his t Ps 10:4

t toward us Ps 40:5

t are very deep Ps 92:5

The LORD knows the t Ps 94:11

t will be established Prov 16:3

unrighteous man his t Is 55:7

For My t are not your Is 55:8

long shall your evil t Jer 4:14

they do not know the t Mic 4:12

Jesus, knowing their t Matt 9:4

heart proceed evil t Matt 15:19

futile in their t Rom 1:21

The LORD knows the t 1 Cor 3:20


put ten t to flight Lev 26:8

you shall chase a t Josh 23:10

cattle on a t hills Ps 50:10

Your courts is better than a t Ps 84:10

A t may fall at your side Ps 91:7

one day is as a t years 2 Pet 3:8

bound him for a t years Rev 20:2


shall flee at the t Is 30:17


suffered, He did not t 1 Pet 2:23


to them, giving up t Eph 6:9


Lord, look on their t Acts 4:29

still breathing t Acts 9:1


you will deny Me t Matt 26:34

hope, love, these t 1 Cor 13:13

and these t are one 1 John 5:7


he does not t it Is 28:28

t the mountains Is 41:15

it is time to t her Jer 51:33

“Arise and t Mic 4:13


t shall last till the Lev 26:5

like the dust at t 2 Kin 13:7

Oh, my t and the grain Is 21:10


t is an open tomb Ps 5:9

put a knife to your t Prov 23:2

unshod, and your t Jer 2:25

t is an open tomb Rom 3:13


LORD sitting on His t 1 Kin 22:19

He has prepared His t Ps 9:7

temple, the LORD’s t Ps 11:4

Your t, O God, is Ps 45:6

has established His t Ps 103:19

he upholds his t Prov 20:28

Lord sitting on a t Is 6:1

“Heaven is My t Is 66:1

shall be called The T Jer 3:17

do not disgrace the t Jer 14:21

A glorious high t Jer 17:12

t was a fiery flame Dan 7:9

sit and rule on His t Zech 6:13

for it is God’s t Matt 5:34

will give Him the t Luke 1:32

“Your t, O God, is Heb 1:8

come boldly to the t Heb 4:16

where Satan’s t Rev 2:13

My Father on His t Rev 3:21

I saw a great white t Rev 20:11


t are set there Ps 122:5

also sit on twelve t Matt 19:28

mighty from their t Luke 1:52

invisible, whether t Col 1:16

t I saw twenty-four Rev 4:4


house of God in the t Ps 55:14


of your land and t Mic 5:11

t Yourself down Matt 4:6

children’s bread and t Matt 15:26


their slain shall be t Is 34:3

neck, and he were t Mark 9:42


and rose up and t Luke 4:29


But the t of His power Job 26:14

The voice of Your t Ps 77:18

the secret place of t Ps 81:7

t they hastened away Ps 104:7

that is, “Sons of TMark 3:17

the voice of loud t Rev 14:2


“The LORD t from 2 Sam 22:14

The LORD t Ps 18:13


people witnessed the t Ex 20:18

the sound of mighty t Rev 19:6


t marvelously with His Job 37:5

The God of glory t Ps 29:3


Residence of Lydia, Acts 16:14

Site of one of the seven churches, Rev 2:18–24


Sea of Galilee called, John 6:1, 23


be afraid of evil t Ps 112:7

I bring you good t Luke 2:10

who bring glad t Rom 10:15


Powerful Assyrian king who invades Samaria, 2 Kin 15:29


no man to t the ground Gen 2:5


but Cain was a t Gen 4:2


t his land will be Prov 12:11

t his land will have Prov 28:19


pray to You in a t Ps 32:6

ashamed in the evil t Ps 37:19

how short my t is Ps 89:47

A t to be born Eccl 3:2

but t and chance Eccl 9:11

your t was the t Ezek 16:8

you did not know the t Luke 19:44

t has not yet come John 7:6

I have a convenient t Acts 24:25

for the t is near Rev 1:3


understanding of the t 1 Chr 12:32

t are not hidden Job 24:1

t are in Your hand Ps 31:15

the signs of the t Matt 16:3

Gentiles until the t Luke 21:24

not for you to know t Acts 1:7

their preappointed t Acts 17:26

last days perilous t 2 Tim 3:1

God, who at various t Heb 1:1


One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:1–5


Paul’s companion, Acts 16:1–3; 18:5; 20:4, 5; 2 Cor 1:19; Phil 1:1; 2 Tim 4:9, 21

Ministers independently, Acts 17:14, 15; 19:22; 1 Cor 4:17; Phil 2:19, 23; 1 Thess 3:1–6; 1 Tim 1:1–3; 4:14


Seat of Jeroboam’s rule, 1 Kin 14:17

Capital of Israel until Omri’s reign, 1 Kin 16:6–23


And he gave him a t Gen 14:20

LORD, a tenth of the t Num 18:26

“You shall truly t Deut 14:22

shall bring out the t Deut 14:28

laying aside all the t Deut 26:12

in abundantly the t 2 Chr 31:5

Judah brought the t Neh 13:12

For you pay t of mint Matt 23:23


to redeem any of his t Lev 27:31

t which you receive Num 18:28

and to bring the t Neh 10:37

firstfruits, and the t Neh 12:44

the articles, the t Neh 13:5

Bring all the t Mal 3:10

I give t of all that I Luke 18:12

to receive t from the Heb 7:5

mortal men receive t Heb 7:8

Levi, who receives t Heb 7:9


the year of t Deut 26:12


Now Pilate wrote a t John 19:19


away, one jot or one t Matt 5:18


Ministers in Crete, Titus 1:4, 5

Paul’s representative in Corinth, 2 Cor 7:6, 7, 13, 14; 8:6–23


Ammonite servant; ridicules the Jews, Neh 2:10


t I have begotten You Ps 2:7

of the field, which t Matt 6:30

the grass, which t Luke 12:28

t you will be with Me Luke 23:43

t I have begotten You Heb 1:5

T, if you will hear Heb 3:7

the same yesterday, t Heb 13:8


t you shall eat of Gen 3:17

they neither t nor Matt 6:28

our labor and t 1 Thess 2:9


“Master, we have t Luke 5:5


Behold, I have t Matt 28:7

things which were t Luke 2:18

t me all things that I John 4:29

t you the truth which John 8:40

so, I would have t John 14:2

“And now I have t John 14:29


you, it will be more t Matt 10:15


throat is an open t Ps 5:9

in the garden a new t John 19:41

throat is an open t Rom 3:13


like whitewashed t Matt 23:27

you build the t Matt 23:29

For you build the t Luke 11:47


drink, for t we die Is 22:13

t will be as today Is 56:12

t is thrown into the Matt 6:30

do not worry about t Matt 6:34

drink, for t we die 1 Cor 15:32

what will happen t James 4:14


the scourge of the t Job 5:21

hides it under his t Job 20:12

Keep your t from evil Ps 34:13

t shall speak of Your Ps 35:28

lest I sin with my t Ps 39:1

to you, you false t Ps 120:3

laughter, and our t Ps 126:2

remember you, let my t Ps 137:6

is not a word on my t Ps 139:4

but the perverse t Prov 10:31

forever, but a lying t Prov 12:19

A wholesome t is a Prov 15:4

t keeps his soul Prov 21:23

t breaks a bone Prov 25:15

t shall take an oath Is 45:23

GOD has given Me the t Is 50:4

t should confess that Phil 2:11

does not bridle his t James 1:26

t is a little member James 3:5

And the t is a fire James 3:6

no man can tame the t James 3:8

love in word or in t 1 John 3:18

every nation, tribe, t Rev 14:6


From the strife of t Ps 31:20

speak with new t Mark 16:17

to them divided t, as of fire Acts 2:3

speak with t and magnify Acts 10:46

and they spoke with t Acts 19:6

I speak with the t 1 Cor 13:1

Therefore t are for a 1 Cor 14:22

do not forbid to speak with t 1 Cor 14:39


eye for eye, t Ex 21:24

is like a bad t Prov 25:19

eye for an eye and a t Matt 5:38



T was established Is 30:33

the high places of T Jer 7:31

make this city like T Jer 19:12

like the place of T Jer 19:13


and like a fiery t Zech 12:6


When he had set the t Judg 15:5

his eyes like t Dan 10:6

come with flaming t Nah 2:3


“How long will you t Job 19:2

shall lie down in t Is 50:11

You come here to t Matt 8:29

to this place of t Luke 16:28

fear involves t 1 John 4:18

t ascends forever Rev 14:11


for I am t in this Luke 16:24

And they will be t Rev 20:10


And being in t Luke 16:23


aside my ways and t Lam 3:11

for He has t Hos 6:1

of the temple was t Matt 27:51


Others were t Heb 11:35


t with tempest Is 54:11

t to and fro and Eph 4:14


drunkard, and shall t Is 24:20


seven no evil shall t Job 5:19

t no unclean thing Is 52:11

“If only I may t Matt 9:21

that they might only t Matt 14:36

a man not to t a woman 1 Cor 7:1

wicked one does not t 1 John 5:18


whose hearts God had t 1 Sam 10:26

t my mouth with it Is 6:7

hand and t my mouth Jer 1:9

mountain that may be t Heb 12:18


He t the hills Ps 104:32

t you t the Zech 2:8


t whose top is in the Gen 11:4

for me, a strong t Ps 61:3

my fortress, my high t Ps 144:2

like an ivory t Song 7:4

a watchman in the t Is 21:5

in it and built a t Matt 21:33


t our steps so that we Lam 4:18


are princes, whose t Is 23:8


transgress the t Matt 15:2

of no effect by your t Matt 15:6

according to the t Col 2:8

t which he received 2 Thess 3:6

conduct received by t 1 Pet 1:18


zealous for the t Gal 1:14

t which you were 2 Thess 2:15


T up a child in the Prov 22:6

t of His robe filled Is 6:1


who is perfectly t Luke 6:40

those who have been t Heb 12:11


bring them up in the t Eph 6:4


t my hands for war Ps 144:1


also became a t Luke 6:16


t, headstrong 2 Tim 3:4


Your name we will t Ps 44:5

serpent you shall t Ps 91:13

hand, to t My courts Is 1:12

You shall t the wicked Mal 4:3

swine, lest they t Matt 7:6

you the authority to t Lk 10:19


t them in My fury Is 63:3

now she will be t Mic 7:10

t the nations in anger Hab 3:12

Jerusalem will be t Luke 21:24

t the Son of God Heb 10:29

the winepress was t Rev 14:20


he fell into a t Acts 10:10

t I saw a vision Acts 11:5


and was t before them Matt 17:2


this world, but be t Rom 12:2

the Lord, are being t 2 Cor 3:18


t the command of the Num 14:41

the LORD’s people t 1 Sam 2:24

my mouth shall not t Ps 17:3

his mouth must not t Prov 16:10

of bread a man will t Prov 28:21

do Your disciples t Matt 15:2


t My covenant Josh 7:11

your mediators have t Is 43:27

the rulers also t Jer 2:8

their fathers have t Ezek 2:3

Yes, all Israel has t Dan 9:11

t your commandment Luke 15:29


“Indeed, because he t Hab 2:5

Whoever t and does not 2 John 9


iniquity and t and sin Ex 34:7

Make me know my t Job 13:23

t is sealed up in a Job 14:17

be innocent of great t Ps 19:13

because of their t Ps 107:17

He who covers a t Prov 17:9

He who loves t loves Prov 17:19

tell My people their t Is 58:1

at Gilgal multiply t Amos 4:4

my firstborn for my t Mic 6:7

and passing over the t Mic 7:18

no law there is no t Rom 4:15

deceived, fell into t 1 Tim 2:14

steadfast, and every t Heb 2:2


if I have covered my t Job 31:33

“I will confess my t Ps 32:5

me from all my t Ps 39:8

mercies, blot out my t Ps 51:1

For I acknowledge my t Ps 51:3

has He removed our t Ps 103:12

who blots out your t Is 43:25

was wounded for our t Is 53:5

for the t of My people Is 53:8

from you all the t Ezek 18:31

was added because of t Gal 3:19

redemption of the t Heb 9:15


and were called a t Is 48:8

I make myself a t Gal 2:18


Then I will teach t Ps 51:13

to any wicked t Ps 59:5

numbered with the t Is 53:12

numbered with the t Mark 15:28


of Israel, as a t Is 8:14

where there is no t Amos 3:5


they have set t Ps 140:5

for me, and from the t Ps 141:9


For you t land and sea Matt 23:15


t who turns aside Jer 14:8


the t dealer deals Is 21:2

an assembly of t men Jer 9:2

are insolent, t Zeph 3:4


and you who deal t Is 33:1

happy who deal so t Jer 12:1

even they have dealt t Jer 12:6

They have dealt t Hos 5:7

Why do we deal t Mal 2:10

that you do not deal t Mal 2:16

This man dealt t Acts 7:19


t down the wicked in Job 40:12

it is He who shall t Ps 60:12

You shall t upon the Ps 91:13

shout, as those who t Jer 25:30

will come down and t Mic 1:3

And they will t Rev 11:2


like one who t in the Is 63:2

t the high places Amos 4:13

an ox while it t 1 Tim 5:18

t the winepress Rev 19:15


to you His good t Deut 28:12

one who finds great t Ps 119:162

for His special t Ps 135:4

there is much t Prov 15:6

There is desirable t Prov 21:20

of the LORD is His t Is 33:6

For where your t Matt 6:21

t brings forth evil Matt 12:35

t things new and old Matt 13:52

and you will have t Matt 19:21

So is he who lays up t Luke 12:21

But we have this t 2 Cor 4:7

You have heaped up t James 5:3


t the words of His Job 23:12


Erastus, the t of the Rom 16:23


sealed up among My t Deut 32:34

it more than hidden t Job 3:21

her as for hidden t Prov 2:4

t of wickedness profit Prov 10:2

Getting t by a lying Prov 21:6

is no end to their t Is 2:7

I will give you the t Is 45:3

Are there yet the t Mic 6:10

for yourselves t Matt 6:19

are hidden all the t Col 2:3

riches than the t Heb 11:26


Now Solomon made a t 1 Kin 3:1


but of the t Gen 2:17

you eaten from the t Gen 3:11

there is hope for a t Job 14:7

t planted by the Ps 1:3

like a native green t Ps 37:35

t falls to the south Eccl 11:3

Like an apple t Song 2:3

for as the days of a t Is 65:22

t planted by the Jer 17:8

t bears good fruit Matt 7:17

His own body on the t 1 Pet 2:24

give to eat from the t Rev 2:7

the river, was the t Rev 22:2


t once went forth Judg 9:8

Also he spoke of t 1 Kin 4:33

Then all the t of the Ps 96:12

The t of the LORD are Ps 104:16

all kinds of fruit t Eccl 2:5

they may be called t Is 61:3

and on beast, on the t Jer 7:20

so that all the t Ezek 31:9

“I see men like t Mark 8:24

late autumn t without Jude 12

the sea, or the t Rev 7:3


T before Him 1 Chr 16:30

have made the earth t Ps 60:2

let the peoples t Ps 99:1

who made the earth t Is 14:16

That the nations may t Is 64:2

‘Will you not t Jer 5:22

wrath the earth will t Jer 10:10

they shall fear and t Jer 33:9

my kingdom men must t Dan 6:26

made me t on my knees Dan 10:10


of Edom, the earth t Judg 5:4

for his heart t 1 Sam 4:13

Then everyone who t Ezra 9:4

the earth shook and t Ps 18:7

and indeed they t Jer 4:24


the earth sees and t Ps 97:4


it was a very great t 1 Sam 14:15

your water with t Ezek 12:18

in fear, and in much t 1 Cor 2:3

t you received 2 Cor 7:15

flesh, with fear and t Eph 6:5

with fear and t Phil 2:12


and he made a t 1 Kin 18:32


still goes on in his t Ps 68:21

forgive men their t Matt 6:14

not imputing their t 2 Cor 5:19

who were dead in t Eph 2:1

forgiven you all t Col 2:13


as in the day of t Ps 95:8

in the day of t Heb 3:8

concerning the fiery t 1 Pet 4:12

t which shall come Rev 3:10


of old, the t of Your Ps 74:2

belongs to another t Heb 7:13

the Lion of the t Rev 5:5

blood out of every t Rev 5:9


where the t go up Ps 122:4

to raise up the t Is 49:6

promise our twelve t Acts 26:7

t which are scattered James 1:1


there will be great t Matt 24:21

world you will have t John 16:33

in hope, patient in t Rom 12:12

joyful in all our t 2 Cor 7:4

that we would suffer t 1 Thess 3:4

t those who 2 Thess 1:6

and you will have t Rev 2:10

with her into great t Rev 2:22

out of the great t Rev 7:14


t enter the kingdom Acts 14:22

but we also glory in t Rom 5:3

not lose heart at my t Eph 3:13

t that you endure 2 Thess 1:4


You have t me and have Ps 17:3

a t stone, a precious Is 28:16


and t their lamps Matt 25:7


Let not my enemies t Ps 25:2

I will t in the works Ps 92:4

always leads us in t 2 Cor 2:14


the LORD, for He has t Ex 15:1


Paul receives vision at, Acts 16:8–11


t the winepress alone Is 63:3


that they were in t Ex 5:19

no rest, for t comes Job 3:26

few days and full of t Job 14:1

for the time of t Job 38:23

have increased who t Ps 3:1

under his tongue is t Ps 10:7

from Me, for t is near Ps 22:11

t He shall hide me Ps 27:5

O LORD, for I am in t Ps 31:9

not in t as other men Ps 73:5

will be with him in t Ps 91:15

walk in the midst of t Ps 138:7

is delivered from t Prov 11:8

of the wicked is t Prov 15:6

t they have Is 26:16

also in the time of t Is 33:2

and there was t Jer 8:15

Savior in time of t Jer 14:8

such will have t 1 Cor 7:28

there are some who t Gal 1:7


Your face, and I was t Ps 30:7

Your face, they are t Ps 104:29

wicked are like the t Is 57:20

You are worried and t Luke 10:41

to give you who are t 2 Thess 1:7

shaken in mind or t 2 Thess 2:2


“What t the people 1 Sam 11:5

deliver you in six t Job 5:19

The t of my heart have Ps 25:17

out of all their t Ps 25:22

my soul is full of t Ps 88:3

because the former t Is 65:16

will be famines and t Mark 13:8

him out of all his t Acts 7:10


spirit from God is t 1 Sam 16:15

wicked cease from t Job 3:17


and Your words are t 2 Sam 7:28

But the LORD is the t Jer 10:10

“Let the LORD be a t Jer 42:5

we know that You are t Matt 22:16

He who sent Me is t John 7:28

about this Man were t John 10:41

Indeed, let God be t Rom 3:4

whatever things are t Phil 4:8

may know Him who is t 1 John 5:20

is holy, He who is t Rev 3:7

“These are the t Rev 19:9

for these words are t Rev 21:5


Blow the t at the time Ps 81:3

“Blow the t in the Jer 4:5

deed, do not sound a t Matt 6:2

t makes an uncertain 1 Cor 14:8

For the t will sound 1 Cor 15:52

loud voice, as of a t Rev 1:10


If God puts no t Job 15:15

T in the LORD Ps 37:3

You are my t from my Ps 71:5

T in the LORD with all Prov 3:5

my salvation, I will t Is 12:2

Let him t in the name Is 50:10

Do not t in these Jer 7:4

Do not t in a friend Mic 7:5

those who t in riches Mark 10:24

committed to your t 1 Tim 6:20


“He t in the LORD Ps 22:8

He t in God Matt 27:43

that we who first t Eph 1:12

the holy women who t 1 Pet 3:5


But he who t in the Ps 32:10

He who t in his own Prov 28:26


led me in the way of t Gen 24:48

justice, a God of t Deut 32:4

and speaks the t Ps 15:2

t continually preserve Ps 40:11

Behold, You desire t Ps 51:6

T shall spring out of Ps 85:11

t shall be your shield Ps 91:4

t utterly out of my Ps 119:43

and Your law is t Ps 119:142

of Your word is t Ps 119:160

t is fallen in the Is 59:14

not valiant for the t Jer 9:3

“There is no t Hos 4:1

called the City of T Zech 8:3

speak each man the t Zech 8:16

t was in his mouth Mal 2:6

you shall know the t John 8:32

“I am the way, the t John 14:6

He, the Spirit of t John 16:13

to Him, “What is t John 18:38

speak the words of t Acts 26:25

who suppress the t Rom 1:18

of sincerity and t 1 Cor 5:8

but, speaking the t Eph 4:15

your waist with t Eph 6:14

in the word of the t Col 1:5

the love of the t 2 Thess 2:10

I am speaking the t 1 Tim 2:7

they may know the t 2 Tim 2:25

the knowledge of the t 2 Tim 3:7

in the present t 2 Pet 1:12

way of t will be 2 Pet 2:2

that we are of the t 1 John 3:19

the Spirit is t 1 John 5:6

t that is in you 3 John 3


t my mind and my heart Ps 26:2

refine them and t them Jer 9:7

t Me now in this Mal 3:10

which is to t you 1 Pet 4:12


Son of Japheth, Gen 10:2

— Tribe associated with Javan and Meshech, Is 66:19

In Gog’s army, Ezek 38:2, 3

Punishment of, Ezek 32:26, 27


Son of Lamech, Gen 4:19–22


their waves, and the t Ps 65:7

Your enemies make a t Ps 83:2


Also he made him a t Gen 37:3

and take away your t Matt 5:40


the LORD God made t Gen 3:21

not to put on two t Mark 6:9

weeping, showing the t Acts 9:39


like a robe and a t Job 29:14

“Remove the t Ezek 21:26


you shall not t Deut 17:11

Then we will not t Ps 80:18

but let them not t Ps 85:8

yet I do not t Ps 119:51

T at my rebuke Prov 1:23

not let your heart t Prov 7:25

T now everyone from Jer 35:15

“Repent, t away from Ezek 14:6

yes, let every one t Jon 3:8

T now from your evil Zech 1:4

on your right cheek, t Matt 5:39

t the hearts of the Luke 1:17

you that you should t Acts 14:15

t them from darkness Acts 26:18

Let him t away from 1 Pet 3:11


kept His way and not t Job 23:11

The wicked shall be t Ps 9:17

let them be t back and Ps 70:2

t my feet to Your Ps 119:59

of Israel, they have t Is 1:4

number believed and t Acts 11:21

and how you t to God 1 Thess 1:9


marvel that you are t Gal 1:6

or shadow of t James 1:17


of the wicked He t Ps 146:9

A soft answer t Prov 15:1

but no one t back Nah 2:8

that he who t James 5:20


the life of Your t Ps 74:19

t is heard in our land Song 2:12


the law was our t Gal 3:24

no longer under a t Gal 3:25


All day they t my Ps 56:5

unstable people t to 2 Pet 3:16


the ark to Noah, t Gen 7:15

t young pigeons Lev 12:8

T are better than one Eccl 4:9

t he covered his Is 6:2

t shall become one Matt 19:5

t young pigeons Luke 2:24

new man from the t Eph 2:15


Paul’s companion, Acts 20:1, 4

Paul’s messenger, Eph 6:21, 22; Col 4:7–9; 2 Tim 4:12


of Adam, who is a t Rom 5:14


Scene of Daniel’s visions, Dan 8:2–16


Do you want to be u Rom 13:3


because of their u Matt 13:58

help my u Mark 9:24

and He rebuked their u Mark 16:14

did it ignorantly in u 1 Tim 1:13

you an evil heart of u Heb 3:12

enter in because of u Heb 3:19


who believe but to u 1 Cor 14:22

are uninformed or u 1 Cor 14:23

yoked together with u 2 Cor 6:14


Do not be u John 20:27

u Jews stirred up the Acts 14:2

For the u husband is 1 Cor 7:14

u nothing is pure Titus 1:15

But the cowardly, u Rev 21:8


You stiff-necked and u Acts 7:51

not the physically u Rom 2:27

by faith and the u Rom 3:30

u had been committed Gal 2:7


of animals that are u Gen 7:2

who touches any u Lev 7:21

I am a man of u lips Is 6:5

u shall no longer come Is 52:1

He commands even the u Mark 1:27

He rebuked the u Mark 9:25

any man common or u Acts 10:28

there is nothing u Rom 14:14

Do not touch what is u 2 Cor 6:17

that no fornicator, u Eph 5:5


men’s bones and all u Matt 23:27

members as slaves of u Rom 6:19

did not call us to u 1 Thess 4:7

flesh in the lust of u 2 Pet 2:10


from all your u Ezek 36:29


we want to be u 2 Cor 5:4


skirt, u the thigh Is 47:2


u deep things out of Job 12:22


Blessed are the u Ps 119:1

all, and the bed u Heb 13:4

incorruptible and u 1 Pet 1:4


And you u your friend Job 6:27


u one another’s speech Gen 11:7

if there are any who u Ps 14:2

in Egypt did not u Ps 106:7

is to u his way Prov 14:8

Evil men do not u Prov 28:5

hearing, but do not u Is 6:9

and quick to u Dan 1:4

set your heart to u Dan 10:12

u shall instruct many Dan 11:33

of the wicked shall u Dan 12:10

people who do not u Hos 4:14

Let him u these things Hos 14:9

Why do you not u John 8:43

u what you are reading Acts 8:30

lest they should u Acts 28:27

u all mysteries 1 Cor 13:2

some things hard to u 2 Pet 3:16


asked for yourself u 1 Kin 3:11

He has counsel and u Job 12:13

is the place of u Job 28:12

depart from evil is u Job 28:28

Almighty gives him u Job 32:8

not endow her with u Job 39:17

my heart shall give u Ps 49:3

Give me u Ps 119:34

Your precepts I get u Ps 119:104

His u is infinite Ps 147:5

apply your heart to u Prov 2:2

lean not on your own u Prov 3:5

u He established Prov 3:19

and go in the way of u Prov 9:6

of the Holy One is u Prov 9:10

a man of u has wisdom Prov 10:23

U is a wellspring Prov 16:22

u will find good Prov 19:8

and instruction and u Prov 23:23

but the poor who has u Prov 28:11

Spirit of wisdom and u Is 11:2

His u is unsearchable Is 40:28

the heaven by His u Jer 51:15

also still without u Matt 15:16

And He opened their u Luke 24:45

also pray with the u 1 Cor 14:15

five words with my u 1 Cor 14:19

and spiritual u Col 1:9

the Lord give you u 2 Tim 2:7

Who is wise and u James 3:13

and has given us an u 1 John 5:20


all plain to him who u Prov 8:9

is easy to him who u Prov 14:6

there is none who u Rom 3:11


Then I u their end Ps 73:17

My heart has u great Eccl 1:16

Have you not u from Is 40:21

u all these things Matt 13:51

clearly seen, being u Rom 1:20


gather together, O u Zeph 2:1


I will be even more u 2 Sam 6:22


u, untrustworthy Rom 1:31


“Woe is me, for I am u Is 6:5

leaving the others u Matt 23:23


that they were u Acts 4:13


u will be uprooted Prov 2:22

way of the u is hard Prov 13:15


back and acted u Ps 78:57


unloving, u Rom 1:31


substance, being yet u Ps 139:16


and it becomes u Mark 4:19

that they may not be u Titus 3:14


u made me afraid Ps 18:4

heaven against all u Rom 1:18

He will turn away u Rom 11:26


delivered me to the u Job 16:11

u shall not stand Ps 1:5

of the u shall perish Ps 1:6

my cause against an u Ps 43:1

u man digs up evil Prov 16:27

who justifies the u Rom 4:5

Christ died for the u Rom 5:6

and perdition of u men 2 Pet 3:7

convict all who are u Jude 15


the holy and u Ezek 22:26

for sinners, for the u 1 Tim 1:9


the place of the u 1 Cor 14:16


kills his neighbor u Deut 4:42


U my heart to fear Ps 86:11


to dwell together in u Ps 133:1

to keep the u of the Eph 4:3

we all come to the u Eph 4:13


hope of the u perishes Prov 11:7

u knows no shame Zeph 3:5

commended the u Luke 16:8

extortioners, u Luke 18:11

of the just and the u Acts 24:15

u who inflicts wrath Rom 3:5

For God is not u Heb 6:10

the just for the u 1 Pet 3:18

let him be u still Rev 22:11


long will you judge u Ps 82:2

he will deal u Is 26:10


not stand before u Prov 22:29

To The U God Acts 17:23

And I was u by face to Gal 1:22


the Feast of U Bread Ex 12:17

the Feast of U Bread Mark 14:1

since you truly are u 1 Cor 5:7


untrustworthy, u Rom 1:31


unforgiving, u Rom 1:31


with me and find you u 2 Cor 9:4


u parts have greater 1 Cor 12:23


And cast the u Matt 25:30

‘We are u servants Luke 17:10

have together become u Rom 3:12

who once was u to you Philem 11

for that would be u Heb 13:17


of its weakness and u Heb 7:18


wicked will not go u Prov 11:21

be rich will not go u Prov 28:20


up the chaff with u Matt 3:12

He will burn with u Luke 3:17


that the people were u Ex 32:25


u man his thoughts Is 55:7

been faithful in the u Luke 16:11

u will not inherit the 1 Cor 6:9


and there is no u Ps 92:15

builds his house by u Jer 22:13

Him is true, and no u John 7:18

all ungodliness and u Rom 1:18

the truth, but obey u Rom 2:8

Is there u with God Rom 9:14

cleanse us from all u 1 John 1:9

All u is sin 1 John 5:17


those who are u 1 Thess 5:14

It is an u evil James 3:8


heart of kings is u Prov 25:3

u are His judgments Rom 11:33


only of milk is u Heb 5:13


to keep oneself u James 1:27


U as water Gen 49:4


of the deaf shall be u Is 35:5


which u and unstable 2 Pet 3:16


undiscerning, u Rom 1:31


eat bread with u hands Mark 7:5


He is an u son Hos 13:13

Therefore do not be u Eph 5:17


and judge yourselves u Acts 13:46

u manner will be 1 Cor 11:27


u the evildoers Job 8:20

U me according to Ps 119:116

My Servant whom I u Is 42:1

there was no one to u Is 63:5


u all things by the Heb 1:3


Your right hand u Ps 63:8

LORD u all who fall Ps 145:14


show you a large u Mark 14:15

went up into the u Acts 1:13

many lamps in the u Acts 20:8


righteous and u is He Deut 32:4

where were the u Job 4:7

Good and u is the LORD Ps 25:8

u shall have dominion Ps 49:14

u will be blessed Ps 112:2

u there arises light Ps 112:4

is strength for the u Prov 10:29

u will guide them Prov 11:3

u will deliver them Prov 11:6

u will flourish Prov 14:11

u is His delight Prov 15:8

of the u is a highway Prov 15:19

that God made man u Eccl 7:29

and there is no one u Mic 7:2

his soul is not u Hab 2:4


to show man His u Job 33:23

me in the land of u Ps 143:10

princes for their u Prov 17:26

of the just is u Is 26:7

land of u he will deal Is 26:10


then I will u 2 Chr 7:20

u you from the land Ps 52:5

u the wheat with Matt 13:29


City of Abram’s early life, Gen 11:28–31; 15:7

Located in Mesopotamia by Stephen, Acts 7:2, 4


Hittite; one of David’s warriors, 2 Sam 23:39

Husband of Bathsheba; condemned to death by David, 2 Sam 11:1–27


High priest in Ahaz’s time, 2 Kin 16:10–16

— Prophet in Jeremiah’s time, Jer 26:20–23


of judgment of U Ex 28:30

Thummim and Your U Deut 33:8


“God with u Matt 1:23

who is not against u Mark 9:40

If God is for u Rom 8:31

They went out from u 1 John 2:19

of them were of u 1 John 2:19


who spitefully u you Matt 5:44

leaving the natural u Rom 1:27

u this world as not 1 Cor 7:31

u liberty as an Gal 5:13

u a little wine 1 Tim 5:23

reason of u have their Heb 5:14


all of them are u Is 44:9

are unprofitable and u Titus 3:9

one’s religion is u James 1:26


if one u it lawfully 1 Tim 1:8


u no figure of speech John 16:29

perish with the u Col 2:22

u liberty as a 1 Pet 2:16


Take no u or Lev 25:36

put out his money at u Ps 15:5


u pure knowledge Job 33:3

u dark sayings of old Ps 78:2

let not your heart u Eccl 5:2

lawful for a man to u 2 Cor 12:4


the Spirit gave them u Acts 2:4

u may be given to me Eph 6:19


The deep u its voice Hab 3:10

which cannot be u Rom 8:26

the seven thunders u Rev 10:4


upon them to the u 1 Thess 2:16

u those who come Heb 7:25


Day unto day u speech Ps 19:2

u His voice from Amos 1:2

and the great man u Mic 7:3


Son of Abinadab, struck down for touching the ark of the covenant, 2 Sam 6:3–11


King of Judah, called Azariah, 2 Kin 14:21; 15:1–7

Reigns righteously, 2 Chr 26:1–15

Usurps priestly function; stricken with leprosy, 2 Chr 26:16–21

Life of, written by Isaiah, 2 Chr 26:22, 23


v you shall be on the Gen 4:12


the people plot a v Ps 2:1

v life which he passes Eccl 6:12

‘I have labored in v Is 49:4

you believed in v 1 Cor 15:2


Only be v for me 1 Sam 18:17

They are not v for the Jer 9:3

v men swept away Jer 46:15


while Israel does v Num 24:18

God we will do v Ps 60:12

of the LORD does v Ps 118:15


I walk through the v Ps 23:4

pass through the V Ps 84:6

the verdure of the v Song 6:11

v shall be exalted Is 40:4

in the midst of the v Ezek 37:1

v shall be filled Luke 3:5


a mighty man of v 1 Sam 16:18


does not know its v Job 28:13

of more v than they Matt 6:26

they counted up the v Acts 19:19


It cannot be v in the Job 28:16


when it is hot, they v Job 6:17

For the heavens will v Is 51:6

knowledge, it will v 1 Cor 13:8

old is ready to v away Heb 8:13


and He v from their Luke 24:31


of vanities, all is v Eccl 1:2


best state is but v Ps 39:5

surely every man is v Ps 39:11

It is even a v that James 4:14


whom there is no v James 1:17


Queen of Ahasuerus, deposed and divorced, Esth 1:9–22


and let them give us v Dan 1:12

is weak eats only v Rom 14:2


of fire, a most v Song 8:6


he put a v on his face Ex 34:33

v of the temple was Matt 27:51

Moses, who put a v 2 Cor 3:13

Presence behind the v Heb 6:19


You shall not take v Lev 19:18

V is Mine Deut 32:35

spare in the day of v Prov 6:34

God will come with v Is 35:4

on the garments of v Is 59:17

let me see Your v Jer 11:20

are the days of v Luke 21:22

written, “V is Mine Rom 12:19

flaming fire taking v 2 Thess 1:8

suffering the v Jude 7


It becomes cobra v Job 20:14


like a potter’s v Ps 2:9

v that he made of clay Jer 18:4

like a precious v Jer 25:34

been emptied from v Jer 48:11

for he is a chosen v Acts 9:15

lump to make one v Rom 9:21

to possess his own v 1 Thess 4:4

to the weaker v 1 Pet 3:7


longsuffering the v Rom 9:22

treasure in earthen v 2 Cor 4:7

like the potter’s v Rev 2:27


grieved, and I was v Ps 73:21


as a cloak for v 1 Pet 2:16


and plucked the v Job 29:17


who gives us the v 1 Cor 15:57

v that has overcome 1 John 5:4


“Go, v the land Josh 2:1


in prayer, being v Col 4:2

Be sober, be v 1 Pet 5:8


nor his natural v Deut 34:7


sons made themselves v 1 Sam 3:13

“Behold, I am v Job 40:4

them up to v passions Rom 1:26


know that I shall be v Job 13:18


Let my v come from Ps 17:2


to the choice v Gen 49:11

their v is of the v Deut 32:32

You have brought a v Ps 80:8

planted you a noble v Jer 2:21

grapes shall be on the v Jer 8:13

Israel empties his v Hos 10:1

shall sit under his v Mic 4:4

of this fruit of the v Matt 26:29

“I am the true v John 15:1


and My Father is the v John 15:1


As v to the teeth and Prov 10:26

weather, and like v Prov 25:20


foxes that spoil the v Song 2:15

nor fruit be on the v Hab 3:17


v which Your right Ps 80:15

laborers for his v Matt 20:1

Who plants a v and 1 Cor 9:7


was filled with v Gen 6:11

You save me from v 2 Sam 22:3

the one who loves v Ps 11:5

such as breathe out v Ps 27:12

from oppression and v Ps 72:14

v covers the Prov 10:6

He had done no v Is 53:9

and v in the land Jer 51:46

cause the seat of v Amos 6:3

way and from the v Jon 3:8

rich men are full of v Mic 6:12

For plundering and v Hab 1:3

one’s garment with v Mal 2:16

of heaven suffers v Matt 11:12


me from the v man Ps 18:48

let evil hunt the v Ps 140:11

violence, and the v Matt 11:12

haters of God, v Rom 1:30

given to wine, not v 1 Tim 3:3


and stings like a v Prov 23:32

will come forth a v Is 14:29

which is crushed a v Is 59:5


to them, “Brood of v Matt 3:7


v shall conceive Is 7:14

O you oppressed v Is 23:12

v daughter of my Jer 14:17

The v of Israel has Amos 5:2

“Behold, the v shall Matt 1:23

between a wife and a v 1 Cor 7:34

you as a chaste v 2 Cor 11:2


v who took their lamps Matt 25:1

women, for they are v Rev 14:4


if there is any v Phil 4:8

us by glory and v 2 Pet 1:3

to your faith v 2 Pet 1:5


you are a v woman Ruth 3:11

a v wife Prov 31:10


v was marred more than Is 52:14


that are on earth, v Col 1:16

of things which are v Heb 11:3


chased away like a v Job 20:8

Then You spoke in a v Ps 89:19

the Valley of V Is 22:1

a dream of a night v Is 29:7

her prophets find no v Lam 2:9

Daniel, had seen the v Dan 8:15

have night without v Mic 3:6

Write the v Hab 2:2

they had also seen a v Luke 24:23

in a trance I saw a v Acts 11:5

v appeared to Paul in Acts 16:9

to the heavenly v Acts 26:19


thoughts from the v Job 4:13

young men shall see v Joel 2:28

I will come to v 2 Cor 12:1


but God will surely v Gen 50:24

in the day when I v Ex 32:34

v the earth and water Ps 65:9

Oh, v me with Your Ps 106:4

v orphans and widows James 1:27


the time of your v Luke 19:44

God in the day of v 1 Pet 2:12


he will not be v Prov 19:23

Israel, for He has v Luke 1:68

how God at the first v Acts 15:14


v the iniquity of the fathers Ex 20:5


am a foreigner and a v Gen 23:4


v was turned into the Ps 32:4


“I heard Your v Gen 3:10

v is Jacob’s v Gen 27:22

I should obey His v Ex 5:2

fire a still small v 1 Kin 19:12

and my flute to the v Job 30:31

you thunder with a v Job 40:9

He uttered His v Ps 46:6

He sends out His v Ps 68:33

have lifted up their v Ps 93:3

if you will hear His v Ps 95:7

word, heeding the v Ps 103:20

for your v is sweet Song 2:14

The v of one crying in Is 40:3

the v of weeping shall Is 65:19

A v from the temple Is 66:6

v was heard in Ramah Jer 31:15

who has a pleasant v Ezek 33:32

v was heard in Ramah Matt 2:18

“The v of one crying Matt 3:3

And suddenly a v Matt 3:17

will anyone hear His v Matt 12:19

and suddenly a v Matt 17:5

for they know his v John 10:4

v did not come because John 12:30

the truth hears My v John 18:37

the v of an archangel 1 Thess 4:16

whose v then shook the Heb 12:26

glory when such a v 2 Pet 1:17

If anyone hears My v Rev 3:20


shall lift up their v Is 52:8

And there were loud v Rev 11:15


they are a nation v Deut 32:28

the LORD had made a v Judg 21:15

regarded Your law as v Ps 119:126

Do we then make v Rom 3:31

heirs, faith is made v Rom 4:14

make my boasting v 1 Cor 9:15


in the v of the book Heb 10:7


Your people shall be v Ps 110:3


lest the land v Lev 18:28

man staggers in his v Is 19:14

returns to his own v 2 Pet 2:22


Then Jacob made a v Gen 28:20

And Jephthah made a v Judg 11:30

he carried out his v Judg 11:39

v shall be performed Ps 65:1

When you make a v Eccl 5:4

not to v than to v Eccl 5:5

for he had taken a v Acts 18:18

men who have taken a v Acts 21:23


you will pay your v Job 22:27

I will pay My v Ps 22:25

V made to You are Ps 56:12

Make v to the LORD Ps 76:11

today I have paid my v Prov 7:14

to reconsider his v Prov 20:25

And what, son of my v Prov 31:2

to the LORD and took v Jon 1:16


those who exploit w Mal 3:5

w the good warfare 1 Tim 1:18


I will give you your w Ex 2:9

the w of the wicked Prov 10:16

w will be troubled Is 19:10

and he who earns w Hag 1:6

to you, give me my w Zech 11:12

and give them their w Matt 20:8

be content with your w Luke 3:14

is worthy of his w Luke 10:7

him who works, the w Rom 4:4

For the w of sin is Rom 6:23

is worthy of his w 1 Tim 5:18

Indeed the w of the James 5:4


My heart shall w Jer 48:36

“Son of man, w Ezek 32:18


w is heard from Zion Jer 9:19

of heart and bitter w Ezek 27:31

There will be w Matt 13:42


hard service I will w Job 14:14

If I w for the grave Job 17:13

W on the LORD Ps 27:14

w patiently for Him Ps 37:7

my eyes fail while I w Ps 69:3

These all w for You Ps 104:27

And I will w on the Is 8:17

the LORD will w Is 30:18

those who w on the Is 40:31

not be ashamed who w Is 49:23

w quietly for the Lam 3:26

I will w for the God Mic 7:7

be like men who w Luke 12:36

see, we eagerly w Rom 8:25

w for one another 1 Cor 11:33

the Spirit eagerly w Gal 5:5