§1 The Word of Life (John 1:1–18)
§2 The First Two Days: John the Baptist’s Message (John 1:19–34)
§3 The Next Two Days: The Call of the Disciples (John 1:35–51)
§4 The Last Two Days: A Wedding in Galilee (John 2:1–12)
§5 The First Passover (John 2:13–25)
§6 Jesus and Nicodemus (John 3:1–21)
§7 Jesus and John the Baptist (John 3:22–30)
§8 He Who Comes from Heaven (John 3:31–36)
§9 Jesus and the Samaritan Woman (John 4:1–42)
§10 Jesus and the Official’s Son (John 4:43–54)
§11 The Healing at the Pool (John 5:1–18)
§12 The Father and the Son (John 5:19–29)
§13 Witnesses to Jesus (John 5:30–47)
§14 The Feeding of the Five Thousand (John 6:1–15)
§15 Jesus Walks on the Water (John 6:16–25)
§16 Jesus the Bread of Life (John 6:26–59)
§17 The Words of Eternal Life (John 6:60–71)
§18 Jesus and His Brothers (John 7:1–13)
§19 Jesus at the Feast of Tabernacles (John 7:14–27)
§20 “I Am from Him and He Sent Me” (John 7:28–36)
§21 The Last Day of the Feast (John 7:37–8:20)
§22 Jesus and the Unbelievers (John 8:21–29)
§23 Jesus and Those Who “Believed” (John 8:30–59)
§24 The Man Born Blind (John 9:1–12)
§25 The Investigation (John 9:13–34)
§26 Spiritual Blindness (John 9:35–41)
§27 Jesus the Good Shepherd (John 10:1–21)
§28 Jesus Is Rejected (John 10:22–39)
§29 From Bethany to Bethany (John 10:40–11:16)
§30 The Raising of Lazarus (John 11:17–44)
§31 The Verdict Against Jesus (John 11:45–54)
§32 The Last Passover (John 11:55–12:11)
§33 The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (John 12:12–19)
§34 Jesus Speaks of His Death (John 12:20–36)
§35 Unbelief or Belief? (John 12:37–50)
§36 Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet (John 13:1–20)
§37 Jesus Predicts His Betrayal (John 13:21–30)
§38 Three Decisive Pronouncements (John 13:31–35)
§39 The Impending Departure I (John 13:36–14:31)
§40 Jesus’ Love and the World’s Hatred (John 15:1–16:4a)
§41 The Impending Departure II (John 16:4b–33)
§42 Jesus Prays for His Disciples (John 17:1–26)
§43 The Arrest of Jesus (John 18:1–14)
§44 Jesus and the High Priest (John 18:15–27)
§45 Pilate and the Condemnation of Jesus (John 18:28–19:16a)
§46 Crucified, Dead, and Buried (John 19:16b–42)
§47 The Empty Tomb and the First Appearance (John 20:1–18)
§48 The Second Appearance and Its Sequel (John 20:19–31)
§49 The Third Appearance (John 21:1–14)