Subject Index

Abraham, 130, 151–58

Acts, Book of, 349, 356

Acts of Thomas, 199

Adam, 346

Adulteress, 146

Aenon, 35, 63, 65, 76, 211

Ain Samniya, 212

Alexander the Great, 211

Aloes, 335

Amen, amen formula, 43, 60

‘Am ha-’aretz, 132, 141

Amos, 74

Andrew, 1–3, 5, 7, 37–39, 43, 100, 103, 223, 229

Angels, 42–43, 226, 338–39

Annas, 308, 312

Anti-Marcionite Prologues, 7

Antonia Fortress, 322, 324

Apostolic authority, 277

Appendix to John’s Gospel, 9, 351

Arimathea, 334

Aristion, 5

Asclepius, 88–89

Asia Minor, 5–6

Askar, 76

Balaam, 209

Balatah, 76

Baptism, 56–57, 63–64, 162, 234, 239, 246–47

Barabbas, 317

Barnabas, 5

Barnabas, Epistle of, 364

Baruch, Second, 49

Bauer, W., 89, 190

Beelzebul, 227

Bethabara, 35

Bethany east of the Jordan, 35, 37, 39, 45, 63, 192–93, 200

Bethany near Jerusalem, 35, 193, 200–201, 213–14, 216, 218, 221

Bethel, 211

Bethesda, 85–86, 88, 130–31, 324

Bethlehem, 133, 140, 142, 146

Bethsaida, 39, 104, 108

Beth-shan, 65

Betrayal, 122, 238, 240, 244–48, 302

Bishop, E.F.F., 248

Blasphemy, 87, 155

Blindness, 159–60, 172–73, 232

Blood of Jesus, 115–17, 331

Boanerges, 1

Book of glory, 14, 50

Book of judgment, 14, 50

Bread, metaphor of, 101–2, 111–16, 355–56

Bread of life, Jesus as, 100, 111–16

Bridegroom, metaphor of, 47, 64

Brothers of Jesus, 48, 124–26

Brown, R. E., 30, 53, 137

Bultmann, R., 60

Caesar, 321, 323

Caesarea, 313, 322

Caiaphas, 209–11, 216, 221, 297, 307, 308, 312, 319, 320, 323

Cain, 152

Cana, 15, 39, 43, 45–48, 79–82, 332, 347, 353, 357

Capernaum, 40, 47–48, 80–82, 104, 106, 108, 111, 120, 123–25, 309

Centurion’s servant, 79

Cephas, 38

Cerinthus, 7–8

Chief priests, 141, 214, 216, 218

Children of God, 23, 211

Chosen One of God, Jesus as, 36

Church of the Flagellation, 324

Church of the Holy Sepulchre, 335

Clement of Alexandria, 7, 9–10

Coming One, the, 30–33, 36, 66, 201

Counselor, or Paraclete, 10–11, 263–65, 268–69, 276–77, 279, 282–84, 300, 345

Crowds, the, 100–101, 106–7, 109–10, 112

Darkness, 19, 22

David, 29, 142, 145, 230

Death, 151, 157, 202

Dedication, Festival of, 84, 185, 192

Demetrius, 330

Devil, the, 33, 122, 152, 156–57, 227, 237–38, 246, 249–50, 266, 269, 319

Diaspora, 136

Didache, 78, 101, 211, 222, 355

Disciple whom Jesus loved, 1–4, 7–10, 17, 37, 249–51, 308, 327, 330, 333, 336–37, 341, 352, 357, 361–64

Disciples, the, 37–38, 46–47, 120–22, 124–25, 195–97, 225, 238–40, 244, 272–73, 288–90, 294–95, 305–6, 340

Discipleship, 37, 99, 116, 272, 361–62

Divisions among Jesus’ hearers, 122, 126, 134–35, 140, 163, 165, 182, 208–9

Dodd, C. H., 28, 35, 92

Dualism, 60

Ebal, Mount, 76

Egeria, 65

Elders, 146

Election, 60, 160, 232

Elijah, 29–31, 34–35

Elisha, 101

Embalming of Jesus, 216, 332

Emmaus, 337

Enoch, First, 35, 49

Ephesus, 5–9

Ephraim, 48, 193, 210, 211–12

Eusebius, 5–6, 17, 65, 211, 311, 314, 334

Exorcism, 227

Extravagance in Jesus’ ministry, 49

Eyewitness testimony, 329–30

Faith, 51–53, 57, 75, 80–81, 95–97, 112–13, 231, 233–34

Felix, 283

Fellowship meals, 355–56

Fig tree, 41

Finegan, J., 65, 76, 88

Fire, charcoal, 311, 354

Florinus, 6

Forgiveness, 71, 241–42, 246

Friendship, 273–74

Fruit, metaphor of, 271, 274, 278

Gabbatha, 321, 324

Galatians, Epistle to, 5

Galilee, 39, 45, 68–69, 78–81, 99, 124, 145–46, 351–53

Galilee, Lake of, 99, 102, 351

Garden Tomb, the, 335

Gate, Jesus as the, 178, 183

Genesis, Book of, 21

Gentiles, mission to the, 75, 136, 181, 183, 223, 316–17

Gerizim, Mount, 69, 71–72

Gethsemane, 226, 304

Glory, 14, 23–24, 26, 47–48, 96, 125, 198, 204, 206–7, 225–27, 232–33, 236, 254, 256, 293–95, 317–18, 321, 361

Gnostics, 6, 157, 183–84

God, Jesus as, 87, 154, 188–89, 318, 346, 348

Golgotha, 325–26, 332

Good deeds, 59–60, 93, 187–88

Good Shepherd, Jesus as, 175, 179–81, 186–88, 242, 297, 306, 339, 360

Gordon’s Calvary, 335

Gospel of Peter, 323

Gospel of Philip, 184

Gospel of Thomas, 199

Greeks, 136, 229

Harvest, metaphor of, 74–75

Hatred, 275, 277

Heaven, 58, 61, 64, 66, 109–11, 115, 117, 119, 121, 267

Hebrews, Epistle to the, 21

Herod Agrippa I, 4

Herod Antipas, 39

Herod the Great, 54

Hierapolis, 5

Holy One of God, Jesus as, 122–23

Holy Spirit, 10–12, 24, 33–34, 55–57, 61, 70–74, 77, 121, 137–39, 263–65, 268–69, 276–77, 279, 282–84, 300, 334, 345

Holy Spirit, baptism in, 24, 70–71

Hosanna, 222

Hosea, 41

Human praise, 53, 96, 98, 233, 236

Hymn, John’s prologue as a, 20

Hymn, “Work, for the Night Is Coming,” 164

Hyssop, 333–34

“I am” formula, 13, 77, 105, 111, 140, 149, 154, 164, 177–79, 202, 245, 268, 270, 302, 305

Ignatius, 116–17

Indwelling, mutual, 119, 189, 264, 272–73

Inspiration, 11–12

Irenaeus, 5–6, 17, 49, 158, 161–62

Isaac, 154

Isaiah, 23, 36, 232–33

Israel, 23, 34, 40–42, 48, 245, 270

Jacob, 40, 42–44, 69, 76, 153–54

Jaddua, 211

Jairus’ daughter, 2

James, brother of Jesus, 5, 314

James, son of Zebedee, 1, 2, 4

Jerome, 358

Jerusalem, 47, 50, 52, 71–72, 79, 84, 124, 127, 131, 145, 185, 192–93, 200, 213, 216, 220, 222, 304, 322, 324, 335, 343, 353

Jesus: ascension, 58, 121, 339–40; baptism, 33–34, 66–67; baptizing activity, 63, 68–69; cleansing of the temple, 14, 50; commandments, 262–63; dependence on the Father, 90–91, 93; equality with God, 86–87; incognito, 131–32; itinerary, 68–69, 76, 78–79, 81, 84, 99, 124; priesthood, 290, 297; trial before the Sanhedrin, 208, 309–10, 314

Jews, the, 110, 118, 120, 136, 152, 184, 233–34, 259, 311, 322

Johannine community, 9

John the Baptist, 14–15, 22–24, 28–34, 63–65, 66, 94–95, 192, 194, 239, 320, 330

John Hyrcanus, 211

John, Gospel of: authorship, 1–11; date, 16–17; purpose, 16; relation to the Synoptics, 11–16; theories of composition, 9

John the Presbyter, 5–6

John, Second Epistle of, 6

John, son of Zebedee, 1–4, 8, 249

John, Third Epistle of, 6

Jonah, 58, 110

Jordan River, 35, 63

Joseph of Arimathea, 331–32, 334

Josephus, 39, 54, 89, 102, 145, 190, 211, 314, 323, 327

Joy, 284–86

Judah, or Jude (not Iscariot), 3, 257, 263–64

Judas Iscariot, 122–23, 214–15, 217, 238, 240, 244, 246–48, 250–51, 269, 278, 302, 305, 319, 323, 350

Judas Maccabaeus, 185

Jude, brother of Jesus, 263

Judea, 63, 68, 78, 81, 122, 124, 198, 311

Judgment, 14, 59–60, 90–91, 93, 227, 235, 282–83, 291

Justice, 282–83, 291

Justin Martyr, 35, 133, 145, 323

Kerioth, 123

Kidron, Brook of, 255, 270, 306–7

King, Jesus as, 41–42, 219–20, 222, 315–18, 320–21, 325–26, 332

Kingdom of God, 13, 55, 57, 59, 315–16

Lamb of God, Jesus as, 32–33, 35–36, 37

Last Supper, the, 114, 214, 237–38, 245–46

Lattimore, R., 26

Law, 24, 130–31, 141, 146, 166, 188

Lazarus, 3, 194–97, 199, 200–205, 208–9, 214, 216, 218, 337

Light, 19, 22–23, 25–26, 59, 140, 142, 160, 164, 228, 230, 235, 250–51

Life, or eternal life, 21, 25, 58–59, 70, 74, 81–82, 90–92, 93, 110–13, 115–16, 119, 121, 138–39, 154, 183, 186–87, 202, 225, 264, 294, 346, 348

Lord’s Prayer, 226, 297

Lord’s Supper, 100–102, 113–14, 117, 121, 237, 247–48, 355, 358

Lord, Jesus as, 238, 240–41, 246

Love, 238, 241–42, 254–55, 262, 265, 272–74, 301, 327, 359–60

Luke, Gospel of, 1, 10, 15, 146, 349

Maccabees, the, 185

Mackowski, R. M., 89, 164, 322

Madeba map, 65, 76, 211

Magdala, 82, 341

Malchus, 307, 309

Manna, 109–11, 113, 119

Mark, Gospel of, 1, 10, 15

Martha, 194–95, 197–98, 201–206, 214

Martyrdom, 116, 277, 299, 361

Mary of Bethany, 194–95, 197–98, 201, 205–6, 214–18

Mary Magdalene, 333, 336–42, 343, 346, 352, 354

Mary, wife of Clopas, 333

Matthew, Gospel of, 1, 10, 15

Melito of Sardis, 153

Men of Thunder, 1

Messiah, 29–31, 39–42, 64–65, 72–73, 77, 102, 123, 132–33, 134, 136, 140, 145–46, 166, 168–69, 171–72, 176, 178, 185–86, 203, 205, 228, 230–31, 233, 347–48

Michaels, J. R., 26, 128

Midrash Rabbah, 158, 163, 205, 217

Miracles, 46, 49, 52, 80, 82–83, 85, 91, 102, 109–10, 124, 130, 136, 161, 186, 194, 204–5, 209, 231, 347, 351

Mishnah, 76, 89, 97, 126, 130, 140–42, 145, 147, 161, 164–65, 205

Moses, 24, 30, 40, 58, 95–98, 102, 109–10, 119, 133, 167, 169, 231, 364

Mother of Jesus, 46, 48–49, 124–25, 327, 333, 352

Muratorian Canon, 7

Myrrh, 335

Nablus, 65, 76

Name of God, given to Jesus, 302, 305

Nard, 217

Nathanael, 3, 37–43, 45, 47, 53, 203, 353, 357

Nazareth, 39–40, 82, 132, 357

New birth, 23, 55–57, 60–61, 160, 162, 168, 170

New commandment, 254–55

New race, Christians as, 72

New World Translation, 25, 26

Nicodemus, 23, 55, 57–59, 60–61, 64, 141–42, 233, 332

Odeberg, H., 56

Olives, Mount of, 128, 146, 304

One and Only, Jesus as the, 23, 26, 27

Origen, 17, 26, 35

Palace, governor’s, 313, 322, 326

Papias, 5–6, 49

Parables, 175, 224, 231–32, 270

Parallelism, Hebrew, 327

Parker, Pierson, 35

Passover, 15, 47, 50, 52, 84–85, 88, 96, 99–100, 213, 216, 219, 221, 229, 234, 237, 245, 251–52, 313, 321, 322, 324, 334, 351

Passover Haggadah, 251

Patmos, Island of, 4, 7

Paul, the Apostle, 24, 102, 231, 254, 276, 346

Pentecost, Festival of, 84–85, 349

Persecution, 244–45, 277, 279

Pesikta de-Rab Kahana, 145

Peter. See Simon Peter

Pharisees, 28, 34, 60, 141–44, 167, 169–70, 173, 175–76, 214, 221, 275

Philip, 3, 5, 38–39, 100, 102–3, 223, 229, 259–60, 268

Philo, 87, 334

Pilate, 313–24, 325–26, 331

Pliny, 20

Polycarp, 6

Polcrates, 5

Prayer, 261, 268, 272, 278, 285, 287, 289–90, 291, 293, 295–97

Prophecy, 211

Prophet, the, 29–31, 73, 95–96, 102, 140, 145–46, 166, 236

Ptolemy, 6–7, 62

Questions, 257, 261, 265, 280–81, 288, 291

Qumran community, 34

Qumran literature, 56, 62, 88, 254

Realized eschatology, 92

Resurrection of the dead, 92, 112, 117, 121–22, 154–55, 201–2, 258, 269

Revelation, Book of, 5, 7

Robe of Jesus, 326–27

Robinson, J. A. T., 183

Sabbath, 86–87, 130, 161, 188, 334

Salim, 63, 65

Samaria, 65, 68–69, 76, 78

Samaritans, 69, 73, 75–76

Sanhedrin, 208, 210, 216, 310, 314

Savior, Jesus as, 33, 75

Scripture, 94–98, 129, 133, 138, 145, 188

Second Coming, Jesus’, 164, 265, 285, 362–63

Second generation of Christians, 80, 295, 348

Sejanus, Aelius, 323

Servanthood, 215, 225, 241, 243, 255, 273

Shechem, 76

Sheep Gate in Jerusalem, 88

Sheep and Shepherds, 175–80

Shema, 263

Shepherd of Hermas, 281

Signs Source, 48, 82–83, 347

Siloam, pool of, 140, 161, 164, 171

Simon Bar Cochba, 98

Simon of Cyrene, 326

Simon Peter, 1–4, 7–8, 38–39, 122, 238–40, 249, 257–58, 289, 304, 307, 308–9, 336–37, 340–41, 351, 354, 359–62

Sin, 71, 159, 163, 170, 173, 276, 282, 349–50

Sinai, Mount, 95, 191

Sisters of Zion, 324

Slavery, metaphor of, 151, 156, 273

Soldiers, Roman, 305, 325–27, 329–30

Son of God, Jesus as the, 33, 36, 41, 59, 66, 87, 90–93, 112, 156, 180–81, 186–89, 194, 198, 203, 226, 236, 256, 259, 293, 318, 348

Son of Man, Jesus as the, 42–44, 58, 61, 90, 93, 116, 121, 148–49, 172, 223, 228, 317–18

Spear thrust, 329

Stephen, 24, 210, 314

Stone Pavement, the, 321, 324

Suffering Servant, Jesus as the, 232–33

Sychar, 74–76, 78–79

Synagogue, 99, 111, 120, 129, 166, 168–69, 171, 233–34, 279, 309

Syro-Phoenician woman, 79

Tabernacles, Festival of, 84, 88, 125–26, 128–29, 137, 145, 155, 164, 166, 185

Tabgha, 108

Tacitus, 323

Taheb, 73

Taiybe, 212

Talmud, 126, 130, 145, 161, 191

Teacher, Jesus as, 206, 240–41

Temple, 50–54, 71, 77, 86, 126, 128–29, 137, 140, 144, 155, 185, 211, 213, 267, 309; Beautiful Gate, 4; Court of Women, 144, 147; Solomon’s Colonnade, 190, 192

Temple guards, 141, 304

Tertullian, 356

Testament of Abraham, 157

Testament of Joseph, 35

Thanks, giving of, 103

Theophilus of Antioch, 6, 17

Thirst, Jesus’, 70, 328–29

Thomas, 3, 196–97, 199, 258–59, 342, 346–47

Thompson, Francis, 39–40, 42

Tiberias, 106, 108

Tiberias, Lake of, 102, 351

Time reckoning, 43, 76, 82, 324

Titles of Jesus, 42, 188–89, 202, 288

Tomb of Jesus, 332, 335, 336–37

Trajan, 5

Transfiguration, 2, 23

Trial, Jesus’ public ministry as a, 14, 94–96, 142–44, 208, 309–10

Truth, 155–56, 316

Twelve, the, 23, 99, 122, 350, 352

Unbelief, 59, 231–32

Unity, 181, 209, 299, 302–3

Via Dolorosa, 322, 326

Vine, Jesus as the, 270–71

Water, symbolism of, 47, 55–57, 61, 70–71, 118, 137–40, 161–62, 164, 331

Westcott, B. F., 49

Westcott and Hort, 26

Wilkinson, J., 89, 322

Word, Jesus as the, 19–21, 25

World, the, 22–23, 245, 264–65, 275–76, 282–83, 285–87, 295–300, 311, 315–16

Worship, 72, 77, 279

Zebedee, sons of, 1–3, 353