

2.4 GHz band, 485

3DES (Triple DES), 447

5 GHz band, 486

802.1D STP, 36, 79

port states, 37

port types, 37

802.1Q standard, 13

802.1x, 727729


AAA (Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting), 770771

configuring for network device access control, 773776

RADIUS, 772773

TACACS+, 771772

verifying, 776

ABRs (area border routers), 197199

absolute power values, 491492

decibel (dB), 492494

absolute-timeout command, 770

access layer, 599600

Layer 2, 606607

Layer 3, 607

access ports, 11

configuring, 1112

ACLs (access control lists), 749750

BGP network selection, 292293

configuring for CoPP, 785

controlling access to vty lines, 764765

extended, 292

IGP network selection, 292

named, 752753

numbered, 750751

numbered extended, 751752

PACLs, 753754

AS Path ACL filtering, 305306

standard, 291292

VACLs, 754755

Active state, 250

AD (administrative distance), 131132

address families, 244

address-family unicast command, 228

addressing. See also NAT (Network Address Translation)

multicast, 332

administratively scoped block, 333

GLOP block, 333

IGMP, 335336

IGMP snooping, 337339

IGMPv2, 335

IGMPv3, 337

internetwork control block, 332

Layer 2, 333335

local network control block, 332

SSM block, 333

well-known reserved addresses, 333


debugging, 656662

requirements for, 175

verification of, 179180

adjacency table, 28

Adj-RIB-In table, 257

Adj-RIB-Out table, 257258, 260

administratively scoped block, 333

advanced configurations, LACP

interface priority, 116

LACP fast, 113

maximum number of port-channel member interfaces, 114115

minimum number of port-channel member interfaces, 113114

system priority, 115116


BGP, 255257

default route, 181182

from indirect sources, 261263

LSAs, 127128, 166, 201202, 226227

VTP, 95

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 447

agent-based automaton tools

Chef, 868873

Puppet, 866868

SaltStack, 873875

agentless automation tools

Ansible, 876886

Puppet Bolt, 886887

SaltStack SSH, 887888

aggregate-address command, 267, 270

AIGP (Accumulated Interior Gateway Protocol), 317318

allowed VLANs, 14

AMP (Cisco Advanced Malware Protection), 713714

amplitude, 490491

Ansible, 876886

antennas, 34, 484

beamwidth, 529530

directional, 534537

free space path loss, 497499

gain, 526, 529

isotropic, 495

leveraging for wireless coverage, 526

measuring power levels along the signal path, 495497

omnidirectional, 531534

polarization, 530531

radiation patterns, 526529

Yagi, 535536

AnyConnect, 714715

APIs, 819. See also Postman

Cisco DNA Center, 826831

Cisco vManage, 831834

Northbound, 819

REST, 820

Southbound, 820

tools and resources, 821

applets, EEM, 859863


autonomous, 514516

Cisco AP modes, 525526

compatibility with clients, 503505

lightweight, 516520

maximizing the AP-client throughput, 508509

radiation patterns, 526529

roaming, 542

between autonomous APs, 542544

intracontroller, 545547

Layer 2, 547549

Layer 3, 549551

states, 521523

troubleshooting connectivity problems, 588592

Area 0, 167168, 197

discontiguous networks, 209210

area filtering, 218220

area filter-list command, 219

area ID, 199

areas, 196197

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 19

ASICs, 4, 29

ASNs (autonomous system numbers), 242243

private, 242

AS_Path attribute, 243

AS_SET path attribute, 270273

associations, viewing, 398399

Assured Forwarding PHB, 373374

atomic aggregate, 269270


with EAP, 563565

line local password, 758759

line local username and password, 760761

Open Authentication, 561563

Pre-Shared Key, 563565

username and password, 758

with WebAuth, 571574

authentication header, 446

auto-cost reference-bandwidth command, 182

automation tools

Ansible, 876886

Chef, 868873

Puppet, 866868

Puppet Bolt, 886887

SaltStack, 873875

SaltStack SSH, 887888

autonomous APs, 514516

roaming between, 542544

AS (autonomous system), 125, 151


candidate RPs, 355

mapping agents, 355356

aux lines, 756, 770

availability, of WLCs, 524525


backbone, 167

backward compatibility, EIGRP metrics, 157

bandwidth, 487488

bandwidth command, 441

bare-metal servers, 794

base-10 logarithm function, 492

basic BGP configuration, 251253

Bc (Committed Burst Size), 379

BDR (backup designated router), 170172

beamwidth, 529530

best-effort service, 375

best-path algorithm, 315316

AIGP, 317318

eBGP over iBGP, 321

LOCAL_PREF attribute, 316317

lowest IGP metric, 321

lowest neighbor address, 323

MED attribute, 320321

minimum cluster list length, 322

origin type, 319320

prefer the oldest eBGP path, 322

router ID, 322

shortest AS path, 318319

weight attribute, 316

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 128, 240. See also BGP multihoming

address families, 244

ASNs, 242243

attributes, AS_Path, 243

basic configuration, 251253

conditional matching, multiple conditions, 299

dynamic route summarization, 264

eBGP sessions, 247

fields, 259

iBGP sessions, 245247

inter-router communication, 244245

IPv6 configuration, 274278

IPv6 summarization, 278280

loop prevention, 243244

messages, 247248

neighbor states, 248249

Active, 250

Connect, 250

Established, 251

Idle, 249

OpenConfirm, 251

OpenSent, 250251

neighbors, 245

network statement, 255256

PAs, 244

path attributes, 243

AS_SET, 270273

prefix advertisement, 255257

route advertisements from indirect sources, 261263

route aggregation, 264269

with AS_SET, 270273

atomic aggregate, 269270

route summarization, 263264

sessions, 245

verifying, 253255

summary fields, 253

tables, 257260

viewing, 276277

BGP multihoming, 287

best-path algorithm, 315316

AIGP, 317318

eBGP over iBGP, 321

LOCAL_PREF attribute, 316317

lowest IGP metric, 321

lowest neighbor address, 323

MED attribute, 320321

minimum cluster list length, 322

origin type, 319320

prefer the oldest eBGP path, 322

router ID, 322

shortest AS path, 318319

weight attribute, 316

branch transit routing, 289290

clearing BGP connections, 308309

communities, 309

conditionally matching, 310312

enabling support, 310

extended, 309

private, 309, 312313

well-known, 309

conditional matching, 298299

ACLs, 291293

complex matching, 299300

continue keyword, 301

distribute list filtering, 303304

optional actions, 300301

AS Path ACL filtering, 305306

prefix list filtering, 304305

prefix lists, 295296

prefix matching, 293295

regular expressions, 296297

route filtering, 301303

route maps, 297298, 306308

set actions, 300301

deterministic routing, 289

Internet transit routing, 288289

path selection, using longest match, 314315

resiliency in service providers, 287288

blocked designated switch ports, modifying location, 6163

blocking port, 37

BPDU filter, 7071

BPDU guard, 6770

BPDUs (bridge protocol data units), 38

branch security, 708

branch transit routing, 289290

broadcast domains, 6

broadcast networks, 188

broadcast traffic, 6

BSR (bootstrap router), 356357

BSS (basic service set), 521, 560

BSS (business support system), 801


CAM (content addressable memory), 16

campus design, 607609

security, 708

candidate RPs, 355, 357


carrier signals, 501503

CCKM (Cisco Centralized Key Management), 547

CEF (Cisco Express Forwarding), 2526

hardware, 29

software, 2829

Central Web Authentication, 572

centralized forwarding, 27

centralized wireless topology, 516517

channels, 487

checkpointing, 2930

Chef, 868873

CIR (Committed Information Rate), 379

Cisco AnyConnect, 714715

Cisco DevNet, 841842

Community page, 843

Discover page, 842

Events page, 844

Support page, 843

Technologies page, 842

Cisco DNA Center Assurance, 696

Client 360 page, 699703

main page, 691698

search page, 698699

Cisco ENFV (Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization), 807808

MANO, 808810

VNFs and applications, 810

x86 hosting platforms, 812

Cisco FlexVPN, 456

Cisco IBNS (Identity-Based Networking Service), 735

Cisco IOS

password types, 757

privilege levels, 761764

Cisco ISE (Identity Services Engine), 725727

Cisco SAFE, 708, 710711

Cisco SD-WAN, 632. See also SD-WAN

architecture, 633634

Cloud OnRamp, 636

for IaaS, 639

for SaaS, 636

routers, 634635

Cisco Stealthwatch, 722723

Cloud, 724725

Enterprise, 723724

Cisco Threat Grid, 712713

Cisco Umbrella, 715

class maps, configuring for CoPP, 785

Class Selector PHB, 372

classic metrics, 154155

classification, Layer 7, 369

clear ip bgp command, 308


BGP connections, 308309

NAT translations on pooled NAT, 429

CLI (command-line interface), 818819

client requests, 95

Cloud OnRamp, 636

for IaaS, 639

for SaaS, 636639

cloud security, 709

collision domains, 57


show vlan, 89


absolute-timeout, 770

address-family unicast, 228

aggregate-address, 267, 270

area filter-list, 219

auto-cost reference-bandwidth, 182

bandwidth, 441

clear ip bgp, 308

crypto ipsec profile, 459

crypto isakmp policy, 457

crypto map, 458

default-information originate, 181

distribute-list, 221

exec-timeout, 770

interface tunnel, 441

interface vlan, 22

ip access-list standard, 291

ip address secondary, 21

ip mtu, 441

ip nat outside, 421

ip ospf, 174

ip ospf cost, 182

ip prefix list, 295

ip route, 135

ipv6 prefix list, 295

ipv6 unicast routing, 142

keepalive, 441

keywords, 14

lacp max-bundle, 114115

lacp port-priority, 116

lacp system-priority, 115116

mac address-table static mac-address vlan, 16

maximum-paths, 212

neighbor route-map, 306

network area, 172

no switchport, 22

ntp master, 397

ntp peer, 400

ospfv3 ipv4, 235

ospfv3 network, 235

passive, 174

ping, 645650

port-channel min-links, 113114

privilege levels, 761764

route-map, 297

router ospfv3, 228

sdm prefer, 30

show bgp, 258

show bgp ipv4 unicast summary, 260

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary, 276

show bgp summary, 253

show etherchannel port, 108110

show etherchannel summary, 106107

show glbp, 416417

show glbp brief, 414

show interface status, 1718

show interface tunnel, 443

show interfaces switchport, 1617

show interfaces trunk, 1213, 100101

show ip nat translations, 422, 426

show ip ospf database summary, 207

show ip ospf interface brief, 184

show ip ospf neighbor, 231

show ip route ospf, 180

show ipv6 interface, 24

show ipv6 route ospf, 232

show lacp counters, 112

show lacp neighbor, 111

show mac address-table dynamic, 1416

show ntp associations, 398399

show ntp status, 397

show ospfv3 interface, 231232

show ospfv3 interface brief, 232

show pagp counters, 112

show pagp neighbor, 111

show sdm prefer, 31

show spanning-tree, 8384

show spanning-tree interface, 4647

show spanning-tree mst, 8485

show spanning-tree mst configuration, 83

show spanning-tree root, 4041, 43

show spanning-tree vlan, 5960, 6264

show standby, 407

show track, 402403

show udld neighbors, 7374

show vrrp, 410, 412

show vtp status, 9798

spanning-tree mode mst, 82

spanning-tree portfast, 66

standby track decrement, 408

switchport access, 11

switchport mode access, 11

switchport mode trunk, 12

switchport negotiate, 101

switchport trunk allowed, 14

switchport trunk native vlan, 13

traceroute, 650

track ip route reachability, 402

tunnel destination, 441

tunnel protection, 459

vlan, 8

vtp domain, 96


OSPFv3, 227228

VTP, 95

communities (BGP), 309

conditionally matching, 310312

enabling support, 310

extended, 309

private, 309, 312313

well-known, 309

comparison of IKEv1 and IKEv2, 452453

complex conditional matching, 299300

components, EtherChannel, 103

conditional debugging, 662665

conditional matching, 298299


extended, 292

standard, 291292

BGP communities, 310312

complex matching, 299300

continue keyword, 301

distribute list filtering, 303304

GLBP, 413414

multiple conditions, 299

optional actions, 300301

AS Path ACL filtering, 305306

prefix list filtering, 304305

prefix lists, 295296

prefix matching, 293295

regular expressions, 296297

route filtering, 301303

route maps, 297298, 306308

set actions, 300301


access ports, 1112

BGP, 251253

DTP, 100

EtherChannel, 105106

GRE tunnels, 440442

hierarchical VRRP, 411412

legacy VRRP, 410411

MST, 82

NTP, 397398

peers, 400

OSPF, 176177

interarea summarization, 215217

interface-specific, 174

network statement, 172174

OSPFv3, 228231

PAT, 429430

pooled NAT, 426427

routed switch ports, 23

trunk ports, 12

VTP, 9596

ZBFW, 778784

Connect state, 250

containers, 796797

continue keyword, 301

control messages, 345

control plane

LISP, 466

SD-Access, 619620

convergence, EIGRP, 159161

CoPP (Control Plane Policing), 784

applying the policy map, 786

configuring ACLs for, 785

configuring class maps for, 785

configuring policy map for, 786

verifying, 787789

core layer, 601602


SVIs, 22

VLANs, 8

on VTP domain server, 9798

VRF instances, 144145

crypto ipsec profile command, 459

crypto isakmp policy command, 457

crypto map command, 458

crypto maps, 457

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect), 56

CST (Common Spanning Tree), 7980

cty lines, 756

CWA (Centralized Web Authentication), 734735


data center, security, 708

data link layer, 4

data models, YANG, 834836

data path, LISP

PETR, 471472

PITR, 472473

data plane

LISP, 467476

SD-Access, 620621

dBd (dB-dipole), 496

dBm (dB-milliwatt), 494495

dead interval timer, 183


adjacencies, 656662

conditional, 662665

decibel (dB), 492494

computing with simple rules, 494

de-encapsulation, 439

Default Forwarding PHB, 373

default route advertisement, OSPF, 181182

default zone, 777778

default-information originate command, 181

DEI (Drop Eligible Indicator) field, 7

DEI field, 371

delay variation, 365366

demodulation, 502

DES (Data Encryption Standard), 447

deterministic routing, 289


hardening, 789790

locating in a wireless network, 552555

DevNet, 841842

Community page, 843

Discover page, 842

Events page, 844

Support page, 843

Technologies page, 842

DFZ (default-free zone), 464

DH (Diffie-Hellman), 448

DiffServ model, 367368

Dijkstra algorithm, 128, 166, 226

directional antennas, 534537

directly attached static routes, 135136

disabling, trunk port negotiation, 101

discontiguous networks, OSPF, 209210

discovering WLCs, 523


BGP tables, 258

interface status, 1718

MAC address table, 1416

switch port status, 1617

distance vector routing protocols, 126

distribute lists, 220222

route filtering, 303304

distributed forwarding, 27

distribute-list command, 221

distribution layer, 600601

DMVPN (Cisco Dynamic Multipoint VPN), 455

downstream, 344

DP (designated port), 37

DR (designated router), 170172, 183184, 186187

elections, 184

placement, 185186


DRS (dynamic rate shifting), 508510

DSCP (Differentiated Services Code Point) per-hop behaviors, 372

Assured Forwarding, 373374

Class Selector, 372

with decimal and binary equivalents, 375

Default Forwarding, 373

Expedited Forwarding, 374375

DSSS (Direct sequence spread spectrum), 503

DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol), 99100

configuring, 100

disabling trunk port negotiation, 101

verifying, 100101

DUAL (diffuse update algorithm), 127, 150151

Dynamic Link Aggregation Protocols

LACP, 110112

interface priority, 116

LACP fast, 113

maximum number of port-channel member interfaces, 114115

minimum number of port-channel member interfaces, 113114

port modes, 104105

system priority, 115116

viewing neighbor information, 111

PAgP, 111112

port modes, 104

dynamic routing protocols. See routing protocols


E plane, 527

EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol), 563565, 729732

configuring with external RADIUS servers, 566568

configuring with Local EAP, 568571

verifying configuration, 571

eBGP (exterior BGP) sessions, 125, 246247

EEM (Embedded Event Manager), 858859

applets, 859863

and Tcl scripts, 863865

EGPs (Exterior Gateway Protocols), 125

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol), 127, 148

AS, 151

convergence, 159161

DUAL, 150151

failure detection, 159

FD, 152, 158

feasibility condition, 152

feasible successors, 152

K values, 154

load balancing, 157158

metrics, 154156

backward compatibility, 157

classic, 154155

wide, 156157

neighbors, 154

RD, 152

route summarization, 161162

successor routes, 152

successors, 152

timers, 159

topology table, 153154

unequal-cost load balancing, 158

variance multiplier, 157

EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power), 496

electromagnetic waves, 483

embedded wireless networks, 518

EMs (element managers), 801

enabling, BGP community support, 310

encapsulation, 439


IPsec supported methods, 447448

password, 757758

endpoints, 711

ENFV (Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization), 807808

MANO, 808810

VNFs and applications, 810

x86 hosting platforms, 812

enhanced distance vector routing protocols, 127

enterprise network architecture

hierarchical LAN design, 596598

access layer, 599600

core layer, 601602

distribution layer, 600601

Layer 2 access layer, 606607

Layer 3 access layer, 607

SD-Access design, 610

simplified campus design, 607609

three-tier design, 604605

two-tier design, 602604

equal cost multipathing, 132133, 157

OSPF, 212

Error Recovery, 69

ERSPAN (encapsulated remote SPAN), 690692

ESA (Cisco Email Security Appliance), 718719

ESP (Encapsulating Security Payload), 446448

Established state, 251

EtherChannel, 101102. See also Dynamic Link Aggregation Protocols

components, 103

configuring, 105106

load balancing traffic, 117118

logical interface status fields, 107

member interface status fields, 107108

member interfaces, 102

neighbors, viewing, 108110

PAgP, 105

static, 105

troubleshooting, 116117

verifying, packets, 111

verifying port-channel status, 106

viewing port-channel interface status, 108


broadcast domains, 6


MAC addresses, 4

exam, final preparation for, 890894

exchanges, 452

EXEC timeout, 770

exec-timeout command, 770

Expedited Forwarding PHB, 374375

extended ACLs (access control lists), 292

extended BGP communities, 309


fabric technologies, 612

SD-Access, 612, 615616

Cisco DNA Assurance workflow, 631632

Cisco DNA design workflow, 628629

Cisco DNA policy workflow, 629630

Cisco DNA provision workflow, 630631

components, 616

control plane, 619620

controller layer, 626628

fabric border nodes, 624

fabric control plane node, 624

fabric data plane, 620621

fabric edge nodes, 623624

fabric policy plane, 621622

fabric roles and components, 622623

fabric WLC, 624625

management layer, 628

network layer, 617618

overlay network, 619

physical layer, 617

technologies used in, 626

underlay network, 618619

SD-WAN, 612, 632633

architecture, 633634

vAnalytics, 636

vBond Orchestrator, 635

vManage NMS, 634

vSmart controllers, 634

failure detection, 159

OSPF, 183

fast switching, 25

FD (feasible distance), 152, 158

feasibility condition, 152

feasible successors, 152

FHR (first hop router), 344

FHRP (First-Hop Redundancy Protocol), 401402

object tracking, 402404

FIB (forwarding information base), 28, 130


BGP tables, 259

IGMP packets, 335336

OSPF packets, 169

file dispositions, 713

final preparation for the exam, 890894

FlexAuth, 735

Flexible NetFlow, 678684

FLexVPN, 456

floating static routes, 138140

FMC (Cisco Firepower Management Center), 722

forward delay, 38

forwarding architectures, 25

CEF, 26

centralized forwarding, 27

distributed forwarding, 27

SDM templates, 3031

software CEF, 2829

stateful switchover, 2930

free space path loss, 497499

frequency, 484488

2.4 GHz band, 485

5 GHz band, 486

bandwidth, 487488

channels, 487

non-overlapping channel spacing, 488

radio, 485

ranges, 485

unit names, 485

fully specified static routes, 137138

functions, 852


gain, 526, 529

GET (Cisco Group Encrypted Transport) VPN, 455

GitHub, 844846

basic Python components and scripts, 846853

functions, 852

GLBP (Global Load Balancing Protocol), 413

configuring, 413414

load balancing methods, 416

roles, 413

viewing status of, 414415

weighted load balancing, verifying, 416417

GLOP block, 333

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation), 439

configuration, 440442

encapsulation, 439

encapsulation overhead, 442

site-to-site over IPsec, 457462

verifying, 443444


H plane, 527

hardware CEF, 29

hello packets, OSPF, 169

hello time, 38

hertz (Hz), 485

hierarchical configuration, viewing status of, 412413

hierarchical LAN design

access layer, 599600

core layer, 601602

distribution layer, 600601

hierarchical VRRP configuration, 411412

HSRP (Hot Standby Router Protocol), 404, 409

configuration, 406

linking object tracking to priority, 408

verifying status of, 407408

versions, 404

VIP gateway instance configuration, 405406

HTTP status codes, 826

hubs, collision domains, 56

hybrid routing protocols, 127

hypervisors, 794795


IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 242

multicast addresses, 332

iBGP (internal BGP) sessions, 245247

idealistic antenna, 484

Idle state, 249

I/G (individual/group) bit, 334

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol), 329, 335

packets, 335336

IGMP snooping, 337339

IGMPv2, 335337

IGMPv3, 337

IGPS (Interior Gateway Protocols), 125

IIF (incoming interface), 344

IKE (Internet Key Exchange), 449

IKEv1, 449452

aggressive mode, 451

versus IKEv2, 452453

main mode, 450451

PFS, 451

phases of key negotiation, 450

quick mode, 451


exchanges, 452

versus IKEv1, 452453

improvements to, 453454

indirect link failures, 5152

inside static NAT, 420423

inter-area routes, 199

interarea routes, 211212

interarea summarization, 214217

interface priority, 116

interface STP cost, 39

interface tunnel command, 441

interface vlan command, 22

interface-specific OSPF configuration, 174

Internet transit routing, 288289

internetwork control block, 332

inter-router communication

BGP, 244245

OSPF, 168

intra-area routes, 199, 210211

intracontroller roaming, 545547

IntServ model, 366

ip access-list standard command, 291

IP address assignment, 2021, 144145

to routed subinterfaces, 2122

to routed switch ports, 22

to switched virtual interfaces, 22

verification, 2324

ip address secondary command, 21

ip mtu command, 441

ip nat outside command, 421

ip ospf command, 174

ip ospf cost command, 182

ip prefix list command, 295

ip route command, 135

IP SLA, 692696

IPP (IP Precedence), 371

IPsec, 445

authentication header, 446

ESP, 446448

IKE, 449

IKEv1, 449452

aggressive mode, 451

main mode, 450451

PFS, 451

phases of key negotiation, 450

quick mode, 451


exchanges, 452

improvements to, 453454

security services, 446

site-to-site configuration, 456

site-to-site VPNs

GRE, 457462

verifying, 461462

VTI, 462464

supported encryption methods, 447448

transform sets, 448449

transport mode, 447

tunnel mode, 447

VPNs, 454455

Cisco FlexVPN, 456

DMVPN, 455

GET VPN, 455

site-to-site, 455

IPv4, 21

address verification, 2324

OSPFv3 support for, 235237

IPv6, 20

address verification, 24

BGP configuration, 274278

OSPFv3 configuration, 229231

prefix lists, 295296

route summarization, 234

static routes, 142143

ipv6 prefix list command, 295

ipv6 unicast routing command, 142

ISAKMP (Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol), 449

ISE (Identity Services Engine), 725727

isotropic antenna, 495

IST (internal spanning tree), 81

VLAN assignment to, 87


jitter, 365366

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation), 825826

K values, 154

keepalive command, 441

key caching, 547

keywords, 14

continue, 301

show mac address-table dynamic command, 15

show vlan command, 911


LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), 110112

advanced configurations

interface priority, 116

LACP fast, 113

maximum number of port-channel member interfaces, 114115

minimum number of port-channel member interfaces, 113114

system priority, 115116

port modes, 104105

viewing neighbor information, 111

lacp max-bundle command, 114115

lacp port-priority command, 116

lacp system-priority command, 115116


delay variation, 365366

propagation delay, 364365

serialization delay, 365

Law of 3s, 492493

Law of 10s, 493

Law of Zero, 492

Layer 2 forwarding, 45

access ports, 11

configuring, 1112

collision domains, 57

diagnostic commands, 14

interface status, displaying, 1718

MAC address table, displaying, 1416

switch port status, 1617

troubleshooting, 16

trunk ports, 12

configuring, 12

VLANs, 78

allowed, 14

creating, 8

native, 1314

viewing assignments to port mapping, 89

Layer 2 marking, 370

Layer 2 multicast addresses, 333335

Layer 2 roaming, 547549

Layer 3 forwarding, 18

IP address assignment, 2021

to routed subinterfaces, 2122

to routed switch ports, 22

to switched virtual interfaces, 22

local network forwarding, 19

packet routing, 1920

verification of IP addresses, 2324

Layer 3 marking, 371

Layer 3 roaming, 549551

Layer 7 classification, 369

legacy VRRP configuration, 410411

leveraging antennas for wireless coverage, 526

LHR (last hop router), 344, 348

lightweight APs, 516520

line local password authentication, 758759

line local username and password authentication, 760761

line protocols, tracking, 402403

link budget, 496

link costs, optimizations, 182183

link-state routing protocols, 127128

LISP (Cisco Location/ID Separation Protocol), 436, 464465

architecture components, 465466

control plane, 466

data path, 470471

PETR, 471472

PITR, 472473

data plane, 467476

map registration and notification, 468469

map request and reply, 469470

routing architecture, 466

LLQ (low-latency queueing), 366

load balancing. See also GLBP (Global Load Balancing Protocol)

EIGRP, 157158

EtherChannel, 117118

local bridge identifier, 38

local filtering, 220222

local network control block, 332

local network forwarding, 19

local SPAN, 685688

LOCAL_PREF attribute, 316317


blocked designated switch ports, 4346

devices in a wireless network, 552555

root ports, 4243

Loc-RIB table, 257

long mode, 39

longest match, BGP path selection, 314315

loop guard, 7172

loopback networks, 189190

loops, 34, 129, 140141

BGP, 243244

LSAs (link-state advertisements), 127128, 166, 201202

age and flooding, 202

OSPFv3, 226227

sequences, 202

Type 1, 202204

Type 2, 205206

Type 3, 207209

LSDB (link-state database), 128, 166

LWA (Local Web Authentication), 733734


MAB (MAC Authentication Bypass), 732733

MAC (media access control) addresses, 4

OUIs, 5

MAC address table, 5

displaying, 1416

mac address-table static mac-address vlan command, 16

MACsec, 741743

maintaining AP-client compatibility, 503505

MANO (management and orchestration), 801

map registration and notification, LISP, 468469

markdown, 378379

marking, 369

Layer 2, 370

Layer 3, 371

single-rate three-color, 382

two-rate three-color, 384386

MAs (mapping agents), 355356

max age, 38

maximal-ratio combining, 508

maximizing the AP-client throughput, 508509

maximum-paths command, 212

MD5 (Message Digest 5), 448

MDT (multicast distribution tree), 330


power levels along the signal path, 495497

wavelength, 489490

MED (multiple-exit discriminator) attribute, 320321

member interfaces, 102

Meraki SD-WAN, 632

messages, BGP, 247248

metrics, 132

EIGRP, 154156

backward compatibility, 157

classic, 154155

wide, 156157

equal-cost multipathing, 132133

unequal-cost load balancing, 133134

MFIB (multicast forwarding information base), 344

MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) system, 505

misconfigurations, MST

trunk link pruning, 88

VLAN assignment to the IST, 87

MLSs (multilayer switches), 4

Mobility Express topology, 520

mobility groups, 551552

modulation, 502

MP-BGP (Multi-Protocol BGP), 244, 273

MQC (Modular QoS CLI), 369

MRIB (multicast routing information base), 344

MST (Multiple Spanning Tree)

configuring, 82

IST, 81


trunk link pruning, 88

VLAN assignment to the IST, 87

region boundary, 8889

regions, 81

not a root bridge for any VLAN, 89

as root bridge, 89

tuning, 86

changing MST interface cost, 86

changing MST interface priority, 8687

verifying configuration, 8385

viewing interface-specific settings, 85

MSTIs (Multiple Spanning Tree instances), 8081

multicast. See also PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast)

addressing, 332

administratively scoped block, 333

GLOP block, 333

IGMPv2, 335

internetwork control block, 332

Layer 2, 333335

local network control block, 332

SSM block, 333

well-known reserved addresses, 333

broadcast traffic, 330

IGMP, 329, 335336

IGMP snooping, 337339

IGMPv2, 335337

IGMPv3, 337

PIM, 329, 340

control messages, 345

dense mode, 345347

shared trees, 341342

source trees, 340341

sparse mode, 347351, 354

PIM forwarder, 351353

RPF, 351

streams, 330

unicast traffic, 329

video feed example, 330331


NAC (network access control)

802.1x, 727729

EAP, 729732

MAB, 732733

WebAuth, 733735

named ACLs, 752753

NAT (Network Address Translation), 417418. See also PAT (Port Address Translation); static NAT

pooled, 426429

topology, 418420

native VLANs, 1314

NBAR2 (Network-Based Application Recognition), 369

need for QoS, 363

neighbor route-map command, 306

neighbor states, 248249

Active, 250

Connect, 250

Established, 251

Idle, 249

OpenConfirm, 251

OpenSent, 250251


BGP, 245

EIGRP, 154

OSPF, 169170

requirements for adjacencies, 175

verification of adjacencies, 179180

NETCONF (Network Configuration Protocol), 836840

NetFlow, 675677

network area command, 172

network diagnostic tools

Flexible NetFlow, 678684

IP SLA, 692696

NetFlow, 675677

ping, 645650

SNMP, 665670

SPAN, 684685

encapsulated remote, 690692

local, 685688

remote, 689690

syslog, 670675

traceroute, 650

network statement, 172174, 255256

network types

OSPF, 187188

broadcast, 188

loopback, 189190

point-to-point, 188189

OSPFv3, 234235

NFV (network functions virtualization), 792, 799800

BSS, 801

EMs, 801

ENFV, 807808

MANO, 808810

VNFs and applications, 810

management and orchestration, 801

OSS, 801

VIM, 800801

VNF, 800, 802804

NFVI (NFV infrastructure), 800

NFVIS (Network Function Virtualization Infrastructure Software), x86 hosting platforms, 812

NGFW (Next-Generation Firewall), 721722

NGIPS (Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System), 719721

NLRI (Network Layer Reachability Information), 243, 273

no switchport command, 22

non-overlapping channel spacing, 488

Northbound APIs, 819

NSF (nonstop forwarding), 2930

NSR (nonstop routing), 2930

NTP (Network Time Protocol), 396

associations, viewing, 398399

configuration, 397398

peers, 400

stratums, 396397

preferences, 399

viewing status of, 398399

ntp master command, 397

ntp peer command, 400

null interfaces, 140141

number of edges formula, 170

numbered ACLs, 750751

numbered extended ACLs, 751752


object tracking, 402404

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing), 503

OIF (outgoing interface), 344

omnidirectional antennas, 531534

OpenConfirm state, 251

OpenSent state, 250251

order of processing, route maps, 300

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model, 34

data link layer, 4

OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), 164. See also OSPFv3

ABRs, 197199

adjacencies, debugging, 656662

Area 0, 167168, 197

area filtering, 218220

area ID, 199

areas, 196197

BDR, 170172

configuration, 176177

interface-specific, 174

network statement, 172174

dead interval timer, 183

default route advertisement, 181182

discontiguous networks, 209210

distribute lists, 220222

DR, 170172, 183184, 186187

elections, 184

placement, 185186


equal cost multipathing, 212

inter-area routes, 199

interfaces, 178179

confirmation, 177

output in brief format, 178

output in detailed format, 177178

inter-router communication, 168

intra-area routes, 199

local filtering, 220222

LSAs, 166, 201202

age and flooding, 202

sequences, 202

Type 1, 202204

Type 2, 205206

Type 3, 207209

LSDB, 166

multi-area topology, 198199

multicast addresses, 168

neighbors, 169170

requirements for adjacencies, 175

verification of adjacencies, 179180

network types, 187188

broadcast, 188

loopback, 189190

point-to-point, 188189

number of edges formula, 170


failure detection, 183

link costs, 182183

packets, 168

hello, 169

passive interfaces, 174175

path selection, 210

interarea routes, 211212

intra-area routes, 210211

pseudonodes, 171

recursive routing, 444445

RID, 169

route filtering, 217

with summarization, 217218

route summarization, 212214

interarea, 214217

route types, 199201

routes, verification, 180181

SPTs, 166

statistically setting the router ID, 174

timers, 183

OSPFv3, 224

communication, 227228

configuration, 228231

IPv6 configuration, 229231

LSAs, 226227

network types, 234235

versus OSPFv2, 225226

passive interfaces, 233

route summarization, 233234

support for IPv4, 235237

verification, 231232

ospfv3 ipv4 command, 235

ospfv3 network command, 235

OSS (operations support system), 801

OUI (organizationally unique identifier), 5

outside static NAT, 423426

overlay networks, 436. See also fabric technologies

recursive routing, 444445

SD-Access, 619



packet loss, 366

packet routing, 1920


EtherChannel, verifying, 111

IGMP, 335336

OSPF, 168

hello, 169

OSPFv3, 227228

PACLs (port ACLs), 753754

processing order, 755756

PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol), 111112

port modes, 104

viewing packet counters, 112

pairing, lightweight APs and WLCs, 521

PAs (path attributes), 244

passive command, 174

passive interfaces

OSPF, 174175

OSPFv3, 233


authentication, 758

in Cisco IOS, 757

encryption, 757758

PAT (Port Address Translation), 418, 429432

configuring, 429430

generating network traffic, 430431

patch antennas, 534537

AS Path ACL filtering, 305306

path attributes, 243

path selection

AD, 131132

BGP using longest match, 314315

metrics, 132

equal cost multipathing, 132133

unequal-cost load balancing, 133134

OSPF, 210

interarea routes, 211212

intra-area routes, 210211

prefix length, 130131

path vector routing protocols, 128129

PCI passthrough, 805806

PCP (Priority code point) field, 7, 370371

peers, NTP, 400

PETR (proxy ETR), 471472

PFS (perfect forward secrecy), 450451

phase, 489

PHBs (per-hop behaviors), 372

Assured Forwarding, 373374

Class Selector, 372

Default Forwarding, 373

Expedited Forwarding, 374375

PIM (Protocol Independent Multicast), 329, 340

BSR, 356357

control messages, 345

dense mode, 345347

shared trees, 341342

source path trees, 348

source trees, 340341

sparse mode, 347

designated routers, 350351

RPs, 354

shared tree join, 348349

shared trees, 348

source registration, 349

SPT switchover, 349350

terminology, 343344

PIM forwarder, 351353

ping command, 645650

PITR (proxy ITR), 472473

playbooks, 877879

point-to-point networks, 188189

polar plots, 528

polarization, 530531

policers, 377378

single-rate three-color, 382383

two-rate three-color, 384386

pooled NAT, 418, 426429

clearing NAT translations, 429

configuring, 426427

viewing NAT table, 427428

port channel, 102. See also EtherChannel

port modes

LACP, 104105

PAgP, 104

port states

802.1D STP, 37

RSTP, 52

port-channel min-links command, 113114

port-channel status, verifying, 106

portfast, 6667


Cisco DNA Center APIs, 826831

dashboard, 821824

HTTP status codes, 826

JSON, 825826

XML, 824825

power levels

amplitude, 490491

comparing between transmitters, 491

comparing using dB, 493

dB laws, 492493

dBm (dB-milliwatt), 494495

measuring along the signal path, 495497

orders of magnitude, 491492

at the receiver, 499501

prefix advertisement, 255257

prefix length, 130131

prefix lists, 293, 295296

route filtering, 304305

prefix matching, 293295

Pre-Shared Key, 563565

pre-shared key, 448

private ASNs, 242

private BGP communities, 309, 312313

privilege levels, 761764

process switching, 2526

CEF, 26

centralized forwarding, 27

propagation delay, 364365

Protocol Discovery, 369

pseudonodes, 171

Puppet, 866868

Puppet Bolt, 886887

PVST (Per-VLAN Spanning Tree), 80

simulation check, 89

Python scripts, 846853


QoS (Quality of Service)

causes of quality issues

lack of bandwidth, 363364

latency, 364366

packet loss, 366

classification, 368

Layer 7, 369

congestion management, 386387

queuing algorithms, 387388

DiffServ model, 367368

DSCP PHBs with decimal and binary equivalents, 375

IntServ model, 366367

markdown, 378379

marking, 369

Layer 2, 370

Layer 3, 371

need for, 363

PHBs, 372

Assured Forwarding, 373374

Class Selector, 372

Default Forwarding, 373

Expedited Forwarding, 374375

policers, 377378

single-rate three-color, 382383

two-rate three-color, 384386

RSVP, 366367

scavenger class, 375

shapers, 377378

token bucket algorithms, 379381

trust boundaries, 376377

wireless, 377

quality issues, causes of

delay variation, 365366

lack of bandwidth, 363364

packet loss, 366

propagation delay, 364365

serialization delay, 365

query modifiers, regular expressions, 296


radiation patterns, 526529

radio frequency, 485

RADIUS, 772773

RD (reported distance), 152

receivers, power levels, 499501

recursive routing, 444445

recursive static routes, 136137

RED (random early detection), 390

refractive index, 364

region boundary, 8889

regions, 89

MST, 81

as root bridge, 89

register message, 349

regular expressions, 296297

remote SPAN, 689690

resiliency, network, 401

REST (Representational State Transfer) APIs, 820

RESTCONF, 840841

RF fingerprinting, 554

RF signals

absolute power values, 491492

amplitude, 490491

carrier signals, 501503

demodulation, 502

DRS, 508510

free space path loss, 497499

maximal-ratio combining, 508

maximizing the AP-client throughput, 508509

measuring power levels along the signal path, 495497

measuring wavelength, 489490

modulation, 502

phase, 489

power levels, 491493

power levels at the receiver, 499501

spatial multiplexing, 504507

transmit beamforming, 507508

RIB (Routing Information Base), 26

RID (router ID), 169

statistically setting, 174

roaming, 542

between autonomous APs, 542544

intracontroller, 545547

Layer 2, 547549

Layer 3, 549551

root bridge, 37

election, 4042

MST region as, 89

placement, 5861

root bridge identifier, 38

root guard, 66

root path cost, 38

root ports

locating, 4243

modifying location, 6163

route aggregation

BGP, 264269

with AS_SET, 270273

atomic aggregate, 269270

IPv6, 278280

route filtering, 217, 301303

distribute lists, 303304

AS Path ACL filtering, 305306

prefix lists, 304305

with summarization, 217218

route maps, 297298, 306308

order of processing, 300

route summarization

BGP, 263264

EIGRP, 161162

IPv6, 278280

OSPF, 212214

interarea, 214217

OSPFv3, 233234

routed subinterfaces, IP address assignment, 2122

routed switch ports

configuring, 23

IP address assignment, 22

route-map command, 297

router ospfv3 command, 228


Cisco SD-WAN, 634635

OSPF, verification of, 180181

VRF, 143146

routing protocols, 124. See also BGP (Border Gateway Protocol); EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol); OSPF (Open Shortest Path First); OSPFv3

AS, 125

distance vector, 126

EGPs, 125

enhanced distance vector, 127

hybrid, 127

IGPs, 125

link-state, 127128

path selection, 130

AD, 131132

metrics, 132134

prefix length, 130131

path vector, 128129

static routes, 134

floating, 138140

fully specified, 137138

IPv6, 142143

null interfaces, 140141

recursive, 136137

routing tables, 130

order of processing, 132

OSPF, 199201

RP (root port), 37

RPF (Reverse Path Forwarding), 343, 351

RPs (rendezvous points), 354

Auto-RP, 355

candidate RPs, 355

mapping agents, 355356

static RP, 354355

RPs (route processors), 29

RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol), 52

building the topology, 5354

port roles, 5253

port states, 52

port types, 53

RTLS (real-time location services), 553


SaltStack, 873875

SaltStack SSH, 887888

SAs (security associations), 449

scavenger class, 375

SD-Access, 610, 612, 615616

Cisco DNA Assurance workflow, 631632

Cisco DNA design workflow, 628629

Cisco DNA policy workflow, 629630

Cisco DNA provision workflow, 630631

components, 616

control plane, 619620

controller layer, 626628

fabric border nodes, 624

fabric control plane node, 624

fabric data plane, 620621

fabric edge nodes, 623624

fabric policy plane, 621622

fabric roles and components, 622623

fabric WLC, 624625

management layer, 628

network layer, 617618

overlay network, 619

physical layer, 617

technologies used in, 626

underlay network, 618619

SDM (Switching Database Manager) templates, 3031

sdm prefer command, 30

SD-WAN, 612, 632633

architecture, 633634

vAnalytics, 636

vBond Orchestrator, 635

vManage NMS, 634

vSmart controllers, 634

security. See also IPsec

AMP, 713714


with EAP, 563565

Open Authentication, 561563

with Pre-Shared Key, 563565

with WebAuth, 571574

branch, 708

campus, 708

Cisco AnyConnect, 714715

Cisco IBNS, 735

Cisco ISE, 725727

Cisco SAFE, 710711

Cisco Stealthwatch, 722723

Cloud, 724725

Enterprise, 723724

Cisco Umbrella, 715

cloud, 709

data center, 708

endpoints, 711

ESA, 718719

FMC, 722

IPsec, 445

authentication header, 446

Cisco FlexVPN, 456

DMVPN, 455

ESP, 446448

GET VPN, 455

IKE, 449

IKEv1, 449452

IKEv2, 452454

site-to-site VPNs, 455

transform sets, 448449

VPNs, 454455

MACsec, 741743


802.1x, 727729

EAP, 729732

MAB, 732733

WebAuth, 733735

NGFW, 721722

NGIPS, 719721

privilege levels, 761764

Talos, 711712

TrustSec, 735743

WSA, 716718

security services, IPsec, 446

selecting, WLCs, 524

self zone, 777

serialization delay, 365

server virtualization, 792, 794

containers, 796797

virtual switching, 797799

VMs, 794796

sessions, BGP, 245

verification, 253255

set actions, 300301

SGT (Security Group Tag) tags, 735743

SHA (Secure Hash Algorithm), 448

shapers, 377378

shared trees, 341342, 348

show bgp command, 258

show bgp ipv4 unicast summary command, 260

show bgp ipv6 unicast summary command, 276

show bgp summary command, 253

show etherchannel load-balance command, 118

show etherchannel port command, 108110

show etherchannel summary command, 106107

show glbp brief command, 414

show glbp command, 416417

show interface status command, 1718

show interface tunnel command, 443

show interfaces switchport command, 1617

show interfaces trunk command, 1213, 100101

show ip nat translations command, 422, 426

show ip ospf database summary command, 207

show ip ospf interface brief command, 184

show ip ospf neighbor command, 231

show ip route ospf command, 180

show ipv6 interface command, 24

show ipv6 route ospf command, 232

show lacp counters command, 112

show lacp neighbor command, 111

show mac address-table dynamic command, 1416

show ntp associations command, 398399

show ntp status command, 397

show ospfv3 interface brief command, 232

show ospfv3 interface command, 231232

show pagp counters command, 112

show pagp neighbor command, 111

show sdm prefer command, 31

show spanning-tree command, 8384

show spanning-tree interface command, 4647

show spanning-tree mst command, 8485

show spanning-tree mst configuration command, 83

show spanning-tree mst cost command, 86

show spanning-tree root command, 4041, 43

show spanning-tree vlan command, 5960, 6264

show standby command, 407

show track command, 402403

show udld neighbors command, 7374

show vlan command, 89

keywords, 911

show vrrp command, 410, 412

show vtp status command, 9798

simplified campus design, 607609

single-rate three-color markers, 382383

SISO (single-in, single-out) system, 505

site-to-site VPNs, 455

configuring, 456

GRE, 457462

verifying, 461462

VTI, 462464

SLA (service-level agreement), 364

slow path. See process switching

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 665670

software CEF, 2829

software switching. See process switching

source path trees, 348

source trees, 340341

Southbound APIs, 820

SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer), 684685

encapsulated remote, 690692

local, 685688

remote, 689690

spanning-tree mode mst command, 82

spanning-tree portfast command, 66

spatial multiplexing, 504507

SPF (shortest path first), 128, 166

split-MAC architecture, 516

spread spectrum, 502503

SPs (service providers), BGP multihoming, 287288

SPTs (SPF trees), 166

SSH (Secure Shell), vty access, 768769

SSIDs (service set identifiers), 514515

SSM (source specific multicast) block, 333

SSO (stateful switchover), 2930

standard ACLs (access control lists), 291292

standby track decrement command, 408

stateful switchover, 2930

static EtherChannel, 105

static NAT, 418

inside, 420423

outside, 423426

static routes, 134

directly attached, 135136

floating, 138140

fully specified, 137138

IPv6, 142143

null interfaces, 140141

recursive, 136137

static RP, 354355

statistically setting the router ID, 174

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 81. See also MST (Multiple Spanning Tree); RSTP (Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol)

802.1D, 36

port states, 37

port types, 37

BPDU filter, 7071

BPDU guard, 6770

BPDUs, 38

Error Recovery, 69

forward delay, 38

hello time, 38

local bridge identifier, 38

locating blocked designated switch ports, 4346

loop guard, 7172

max age, 38

path cost, 39

portfast, 6667

protection mechanisms, 6566

root bridge, 37

root bridge election, 4042

root bridge identifier, 38

root guard, 66

root path cost, 38

root ports, locating, 4243

system priority, 38

topology changes, 4748

convergence with direct link failures, 4851

indirect failures, 5152

topology tuning

modifying port priority, 6465

modifying STP root port and blocked switch port locations, 6163

root bridge placement, 5861

UDLD, 7274

unidirectional links, 71

verifying VLANs on trunk links, 4647

stratums, 396397

preferences, 399

streams, 330

strings, 848

subset advertisements, 95

successor routes, 152

successors, 152


BGP, 263264

EIGRP, 161162

IPv6, 278280

OSPF, 212214

interarea, 214217

OSPFv3, 233234

summary advertisements, 95

SVIs (switched virtual interfaces)

creating, 22

IP address assignment, 22

switch port status, viewing, 1617

switches, 5

access ports, 11

collision domains, 56

TCAM, 2627

unknown unicast flooding, 6

switchport access command, 11

switchport mode access command, 11

switchport mode trunk command, 12

switchport negotiate command, 101

switchport trunk allowed command, 14

switchport trunk native vlan command, 13

syslog, 670675

system priority, 38, 115116


tables, BGP, 257260

TACACS+, 771772

Talos, 711712

Tc (Committed Time Interval), 379

TCAM (ternary content addressable memory), 2627

TCI (Tag Control Information) field

DEI field, 371

PCP field, 370371

VLAN ID field, 371

Tcl scripts, 863865

TCNs (topology change notifications), 4748

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)., 20

terminal lines, 756757

testing a wireless client, 585588

Thinnet, 5

three-tier design, 604605

time synchronization, 396. See also NTP (Network Time Protocol)


EIGRP, 159

OSPF, 183

token bucket algorithms, 379381

topology changes, 4748

convergence with direct link failures, 4851

indirect failures, 5152

topology table, 153154

topology tuning

modifying STP port priority, 6465

modifying STP root port and blocked switch port locations, 6163

root bridge placement, 5861

TPID (Tag protocol identifier) field, 7

traceroute command, 650

track ip route reachability command, 402

transform sets, 448449

transmit beamforming, 507508

transmitters, measuring power levels along the signal path, 495497

transport input, controlling access to vty lines, 765768


adjacencies, 656662

connectivity problems at the AP, 588592

EtherChannel, 116117

Layer 2 forwarding, 16

unidirectional links, 71

wireless networking, client connectivity, 579581

trunk link pruning, 88

trunk port negotiation, disabling, 101

trunk ports, 12

configuring, 12

trust boundaries, 376377

TrustSec, 735743

TTL (time-to-live) field, 2829


MST, 86

changing MST interface cost, 86

changing MST interface priority, 8687


failure detection, 183

link costs, 182183

tunnel destination command, 441

tunnel protection command, 459

tunneling, 436. See also VXLAN (Virtual Extensible Local Area Network)

GRE, 439

configuring, 440442

encapsulation, 439

encapsulation overhead, 442

site-to-site over IPsec, 457462

verifying, 443444

two-rate three-color markers, 384386

two-tier design, 602604

Type 1 LSAs, 202204

Type 2 LSAs, 205206

Type 3 LSAs, 207209


UDLD (Unidirectional Link Detection), 7274

Umbrella, 715

unequal-cost load balancing, 133134, 158

unidirectional links, 71

unified wireless topology, 516517

unique global unicast addressing, 274

unknown unicast flooding, 6

upstream, 344

username and password authentication, 758


VACLs (VLAN ACLs), 754755

processing order, 755756

vAnalytics, 636

variance multiplier, 157

vBond Orchestrator, 635


AAA configuration, 776

BGP sessions, 253255

CoPP, 787789

DTP, 100101

EAP configuration, 571

EtherChannel packets, 111

GRE tunnels, 443444

HSRP status, 407408

IP address assignment, 2324

IPsec site-to-site VPNs, 461462

IPv4 route exchange with OSPFv3, 236237

MST configuration, 8385

OSPF adjacencies, 179180

OSPF routes, 180181

OSPF timers, 183

OSPFv3 configuration, 231232

port-channel status, 106

VLANs on trunk links, 4647

VTP, 9799

versions, of HSRP, 404

VID (VLAN identifier) field, 7


BGP tables, 276277

EtherChannel neighbors, 108110

GLBP status, 414415

hierarchical VRRP status, 412413

interface status, 1718

interface-specific MST settings, 85

LACP neighbor information, 111

MAC address table, 1416

NTP associations, 398399

NTP status, 398399

PAgP packet counters, 112

port-channel interface status, 108

switch port status, 1617

VLAN assignments to port mapping, 89

VRRP status, 410411

VIM (NFVI Virtualized Infrastructure Manager), 800801

virtual switching, 797799

virtualization, 12. See also NFV (network functions virtualization); server virtualization

vlan command, 8

VLAN ID field, 371

VLANs (virtual LANs), 78

access ports, 11

allowed, 14

assignment to the IST, 87

creating, 8

on VTP domain server, 9798

native, 1314

packet structure, 78

regions, 89

trunk ports, 12

configuring, 12

verifying on trunk links, 4647

viewing assignments to port mapping, 89

VLSM (variable-length subnet masking), 164

vManage NMS, 634

VMs (virtual machines), 794796

VNF (virtual network function), 800


PCI passthrough, 805806

performance, 802804

SR-IOV, 806807

VNIs (VXLAN network identifiers), 474

VPNs (virtual private networks), 436. See also IPsec

IPsec, 445, 454455

authentication header, 446

Cisco FlexVPN, 456

DMVPN, 455

ESP, 446448

GET VPN, 455

IKE, 449

IKEv1, 449452

IKEv2, 452454

security services, 446

site-to-site, 455

transform sets, 448449

vQoE (Viptela Quality of Experience) score, 639

VRF (virtual routing and forwarding), 143146

VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol), 409

hierarchical configuration, 411412

viewing status of, 412413

legacy configuration, 410411

viewing status of, 410411

vSmart controllers, 634

vSwitches, 797799

VTEPs (virtual tunnel endpoints), 474

VTI, enabling over IPsec, 462464

VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol), 9495

advertisements, 95

configuring, 9596

verifying, 9799

VLANs, creating on VTP domain server, 9798

vtp domain command, 96

vty lines, 756

controlling access to, 764768

enabling SSH access, 768769

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible Local Area Network), 436, 473

VNIs, 474

VTEPs, 474


WANs, 612

wavelength, measuring, 489490

WebAuth, 571574, 733735

weight attribute, 316

well-known BGP communities, 309

well-known reserved multicast addresses, 333

wide metrics, 156157

wireless communication, troubleshooting connectivity problems at the AP, 588592

wireless networking. See also antennas; RF signals; wireless theory


autonomous, 514516

Cisco AP modes, 525526

lightweight, 516520

states, 521523


with EAP, 565571

Open Authentication, 561563

with Pre-Shared Key, 563565

with WebAuth, 571574


conditions for successful wireless association, 579

DRS, 508510

embedded wireless networks, 518

leveraging antennas for wireless coverage, 526

locating devices in a wireless network, 552555

maintaining AP-client compatibility, 503505

maximal-ratio combining, 508

maximizing the AP-client throughput, 508509

Mobility Express topology, 520

pairing lightweight APs and WLCs, 521

spatial multiplexing, 504507

testing a wireless client, 585588

transmit beamforming, 507508


availability, 524525

discovering, 523

selecting, 524

wireless QoS, 377

wireless theory, 482483. See also antenna; power levels

decibel (dB), 492494

free space path loss, 497499

frequency, 484488

measuring wavelength, 489490

phase 489

RF power, 490491


availability, 524525

checking client association and signal status, 582584

checking client connection status from the GUI, 582

checking client mobility status, 584585

checking client wireless policy, 585

client connectivity, troubleshooting, 579581

discovering, 523

mobility groups, 551552

SD-Access, 624625

selecting, 524

WRED (weighted RED), 390

WSA (Cisco Web Security Appliance), 716718

web reputation filters, 716


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 824825


Yagi antenna, 535536

YAML (Yet Another Markup Language), 879880

YANG (Yet Another Next Generation) models, 834836


ZBFW (Zone-Based Firewall), 777

configuring, 778784

default zone, 777778

self zone, 777