Page numbers in bold indicate tables.
Absences (human), 24–26, 314–16
Abyssinians, 45–46, 103, 141, 266–67, 302
acne, 238–40
affection, 19–21
age, influence on sleep, 6
agility competitions, 40, 276, 282, 284–85, 302–3
Alley Cat Allies, 54–55
aloof cats, 290
American Shorthair, 46
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), 254, 255
American Wirehair, 11
anemia and eating litter, 172–73
anthropomorphization, 24
antifreeze caution, 50
athletes, 40, 160–61, 276, 282, 284–85, 302–3
attacks in litter box, 196–97
automatic drinking faucets, 129
Balance, sense of, 34–35
bathtime (your) and cats, 135–36
Becker, Marty, 70
bed, peeing on owner’s, 186–87
begging for food, 213–15
anatomical disorder and, 142–43
medical condition and, 236–37
belly, touching, 87–88
Bengals, 25
bile acid test, 142
birds living in harmony with cats, 58–59
Birmans, 46
bite wounds, 28
biting (nipping) and petting, 90–92
bladder infection, 178
bluff pose, 74–75
boarding vs. pet sitters, 308–11
boat living with cats, 57, 304
body language, 63–64, 65, 77, 91, 93
body-shape theory, 14–17
bolting cats, 261–63
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 124
bones, cats vs. humans, 297
boredom vs. contentment, 6
bouncing and pouncing, 80–82
Boundary Spray, 195
bowls (feeding), 128
breeds, 44–47
bully cats, 92–94
bunting (head bonks), 20
Burmese, 15
Cabinets caution, 50
cackle, 69
Caesar, Julius, 124
calming cats with music, 133–35
car caution, 51
casein, 223
Cat-Book Poems, 56
Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), 40, 44, 86, 162, 254–55, 302
Catnip magazine, 164, 257, 275
catnip (Nepeta cataria), 146–49
cat-proofing your house, 50–51, 138, 259, 276
Cats’ House, The (Walker and Mooney), 273
cat show (first), 288
cat shows, insights into, 40–43
“cat’s pajamas, the,” 80
communication, 76–77
mutual grooming, 121–22, 204–6
tail wrapping, 74
cat trees, 132–33, 140, 256–58, 274
cautious cats, 290
Championship classes, 41
Charles XI, 124
chatting with your cat, 61–116. See also chowing and grooming; feline, being; litter box issues; living with cats, ins and outs of; quirks
belly, touching, 87–88
biting (nipping) and petting, 90–92
body language, 63–64, 65, 77, 91, 93
bouncing and pouncing, 80–82
cackle, 69
cat-to-cat communication, 76–77
chirp, 68
color and personality, 86
dating and cats, 111–12
deafness, 82–84
doorbell, dreaded, 97–99
feuding felines, 94–96
good-bye, knowing when, 115–16
Halloween pose, 74–75
healing power of purring, 70–71
hiss, 69
houseguests and cats, 108–10
howling, 69, 88–90, 100–101, 113, 114, 190–91
ignoring cats, attention from, 64–66
kids and cats, 102–5
kitten-garten (socialization), 78
marking domain, 29–30, 76, 79–80, 179–83
meow/mew, 68
moan, 69
rubbing against you, 79–80
senility, 112–15
stress, signs of, 102
tail, mood barometer, 20, 72–74
talkative, degrees of, 63–64
talking to cats, 84–85
whiskers, 39
yowling, 69, 88–90, 100–101, 113, 114
cheetahs, 285
chewing on bones, 216–17
children and cats, 102–5
chirp, 68
choices of litter, 169–71
chowing and grooming, 201–44. See also chatting with your cat; feline, being; litter box issues; living with cats, ins and outs of; quirks
acne, 238–40
begging for food, 213–15
chewing on bones, 216–17
dead hair removal tip, 80, 105
falls, grooming after, 203–4
food as toys, 274–75
free vs. scheduled feeding, 221–22
greens, eating, 60, 125, 217–18
longhaired cats, 206–10, 224–25
mats, 206–10
mutual grooming, 204–6
nail trimming, 210–12
overgrooming, 226–27
overweight, 60, 221–22, 228–31
petting with purpose, 105, 241–44
pills, administering, 233–35, 238
plastic eating, 60, 125, 236–37
protein, power of, 215
Christmas tree, climbing, 136–38
Churchill, Sir Winston, 110
circles, massage, 243
claw trimming, 210–12
cleaning litter box, 169, 181, 185
clowder, 264
cognitive dysfunction, 112–15
color and personality, 86
communication. See chatting with your cat
computers and cats, 150–52
contentment vs. boredom, 6
coordination, 34–35
countertop surfing, 130–33
crates for cats, 90
crepuscular, 88
crinkle-cat connection, 155
cross-country road trips, 304–7
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, 134
curious cats, 290
curtain climbing, 139–40
Dairy products, 223
dating and cats, 111–12
da Vinci, Leonardo, 110
dead “gifts,” 144–45
dead hair removal tip, 80, 105
deafness, 82–84
declawing, 254–55
deep sleep (non-REM sleep), 8, 9
dental problems, 127
deterrents, 125, 132, 139, 141, 195. See also specific behavior
Devon Rex, 11
Dickens, Charles, 110
dignity, restoring, 203–4
dirt, rolling in, 145–46
disappearing cat, finding, 288–91
DISH (disorientation, interactions, sleep, housetraining), 113–14
eating litter, 179
domain marking, 29–30, 76, 79–80, 179–83
domestic long/short hair (DLH/DSH), 46
donor cat adoptions, 53
door, dashing out the, 261–63
doorbell, dreaded, 97–99
double-sided tape, 132
dreaming, 8–9
drinking faucets, automatic, 129
drooling, 129–30
dryer caution, 51
duplicating owners’ actions, 4
Earlobe licking, 121–22
eating. See chowing and grooming
effleurage massage stroke, 242–43
electroencephalograms (EEGs), 8
elevator butt, 158
emotions, 19–21
enclosures for outdoors, 252, 268–69
enzymatic products, pet stains, 199–200
equipping a cat, 258–59
euthanasia, 115–16
evolution and behavior, 44
extrahepatic shunt, 143
eyelashes, 278
glow in the dark, 18–19
shapes of, 234
Face shape, personality, 14–17
falls, grooming after, 203–4
fat cats as happy (myth), 60
fearful behavior, 97–99
Febreze products, safety, 275
feline, being, 1–60. See also chatting with your cat; chowing and grooming; litter box issues; living with cats, ins and outs of; quirks
birds living in harmony with cats, 58–59
breeds, 44–47
cat-proofing your house, 50–51, 138, 259, 276
cat shows, insights into, 40–43
dreaming, 8–9
face shape, personality, 14–17
glow in the dark eyes, 18–19
guilt-ridden vs. boredom, 24–26
gymnasts, 34–35
humor, 22–23
kitten vs. cat, adopting, 48–49
love, 19–21
mice living in harmony with cats, 58–59
myths, 60
predator/prey, 12–13, 58–59, 144–45
scared cats, helping, 32–33
scratching, 29–30
stray vs. feral cats, 32–33, 52–55
therapy cats, 36–37
feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), 190
Feliway, 182
fencing for cats, 252
feral vs. stray cats, 32–33, 52–55
feuding felines, 94–96
fight-or-flight mind-set, 13, 74
lost cats, 288–91
old stains, 200
flashing light for deaf cats, 84
flavored liquids, pills as, 238
flea comb, 240
Flehmen response, 152–53
flicking, massage, 243
fluorescein, 189
FLUTD (feline lower urinary tract disease), 190
flying-low tail, 73
food as toys, 274–75
free vs. scheduled feeding, 221–22
frequency (Hz) of sound, 10
funny-faced feline, 152–53
Genetics and fearful behavior, 97
glide massage stroke, 243
glow in the dark eyes, 18–19
golden eyes, 19
good-bye, knowing when to say, 115–16
grass eating when sick (myth), 60
green eyes, 19
greens, eating, 60, 125, 217–18
grooming. See chowing and grooming
guilt-ridden vs. boredom, 24–26
Guinness Book of World Records, 212, 220
gymnasts, cats as, 34–35
Halloween pose, 74–75
hard to reach areas caution, 51
harp music for calming cats, 133–35
Harris, Dena, 22–23
head bonks (bunting), 20
Healing Power of Pets (Becker), 70
healing power of purring, 70–71
hearing sense, 9–10
heart beats, cat vs. human, 113
heart disease, 229
heaviest cat (Himmy), 220
“Hemingway cats,” 162
Henri II, 124
hepatic encephalopathy, 142–43
“herding dogs of the cat world,” 16
hiss, 69
homes (losing their), reasons why, 166
honeysuckle vs. catnip, 149
hooded litter boxes, 175–76
horizontal scratching, 257, 258
house, cat-proofing your, 50–51, 138, 259, 276
houseguests and cats, 108–10
Household Pet classes, 41
household veterinarians, 297–98
howling, 69, 88–90, 100–101, 113, 114, 190–91
Humane Society of the U.S., 253
human years vs. cat years, 312, 312
humor, 22–23
hyperesthesia, 119–20
hyperthyroidism, 113, 190, 238, 239
hypervocalization, 89, 100–101, 113
Identification for cats, 292–93
identifying culprit, litter box issues, 189
ignoring cats, attention from cats, 64–66
Indoor Cat Initiative, 253
indoors vs. outdoors, 246, 253
infections, 239
insomnia from pets, 247–48, 249
interior design for cats, 264–65, 272–73
introducing new cats, 266–67
IQ, testing cat’s, 7
itchy skin, 239
Jacobson’s organ, 153
Jenkins, Kit, 14–16
jumping ability, 133
jungle gym for cats, 272–73
Katz, E. B., 80
keyboards and cats, 150–52
kids and cats, 102–5
kindle, 264
Kitten classes, 41
kitten-garten (socialization), 78
kittens (most litters), 291
kitten vs. cat, adopting, 48–49
knead, massage, 243
Korat (Si-Sawat, “Good Luck” cats), 56–57
language. See chatting with your cat “lap dogs of the cat world,” 15
laps for cuddling, 153–54
L-carnitine, 231
leash training, 263, 278, 293–96
Lessons in Stalking: Adjusting to Life with Cats (Harris), 22–23
licking earlobes, 121–22
lid on litter box, 175–76
Lincoln, Abraham, 110
litter box issues, 163–200. See also chatting with your cat; chowing and grooming; feline, being; living with cats, ins and outs of; quirks
anemia and eating litter, 172–73
attacks, 196–97
avoiding litter box, 184–85
bed, peeing on owner’s, 186–87
choices of litter, 169–71
howling in the litter box, 190–91
identifying the culprit, 189
lessons on potty training, 165–68
lid on litter box, 175–76
number of, 77, 174, 177, 196–97
odors, eliminating, 198–200
plastic, peeing on, 194–95
pooping outside of litter box, 187–89
senility and, 115
stains, eliminating, 198–200
stopping use, reasons for, 174, 178
toilet-training, 191–94
living trust, including your cat in, 279
living with cats, ins and outs of, 245–312. See also chatting with your cat; chowing and grooming; feline, being; litter box issues; quirks
athletes, 40, 160–61, 276, 282, 284–85, 302–3
cat-proofing your house, 50–51, 138, 259, 276
declawing, 254–55
disappearing cat, finding, 288–91
door, dashing out the, 261–63
equipping a cat, 258–59
identification for cats, 292–93
indoors vs. outdoors, 246, 253
introducing new cats, 266–67
jungle gym for cats, 272–73
leash training, 263, 278, 293–96
living trust, including your cat in, 279
moving strategies, 299–301
one-cat households, 286–88
outdoor cat to indoor cat, 250–53
outdoors, bringing in, 252, 268–69
pillow-hogging cats, 247–49
road trips, 304–7
shadow walking, 277–78
toys, 25–26, 141, 148, 251, 259, 271, 274–76
training cats, 276, 280–82, 283
vacations and boarding vs. pet sitters, 308–11
veterinary visits, 296–98
views, window ledges, 50, 260–61
will, including your cat in your, 279
location, litter box(es), 176–79, 184, 195
longhaired cats, 206–10, 224–25
long-term memories, 3
lost cats, finding, 288–91
love, 19–21
low tail, 73
Madison Square Garden (NY), 288, 302
Maine Coons, 15, 36, 44, 63, 303
“making biscuits,” 30–31
manipulation by cats, 4–5
marking domain, 29–30, 76, 79–80, 179–83
Masters of the Ring, 40, 276, 282, 284–85, 302–3
mats, 206–10
Mayo Clinic Sleep Disorders Center, 247–48, 249
medicine, administering, 233–35, 238
Melese, Patrick, 134
meow/mew, 68
mice living in harmony with cats, 58–59
microchipping, 292–93
microcytosis, 142
Miller, Joan, 313
Abyssinian introductions, 266–67
color and personality, 86
feline agility, 302–3
Korat, 56–57
scared cats and, 32–33, 56–57, 86
Miscellaneous classes, 41
“mitten cats,” 162
moan, 69
Moon-Fanelli, Alice, 313
feline hyperesthesia, 119
hypervocalization, 100–101
litter box issues, 184–85, 265
overgrooming, 226–27
“mooning,” 158
mothers and fearful behavior, 97–98
motion detectors, 132
moving strategies, 299–301
Munchkins, 155
music for calming cats, 133–35
mutual grooming, 121–22, 204–6
myths, 60
Nail caps, 255
nail trimming, 210–12
Napoleon, 124
National Association of Professional Pet Sitters, 309
National Council on Pet Population Study and Policy, 166
needles and thread caution, 50
needs (your) and adopting a cat, 48–49
Nepeta cataria (catnip), 146–49
new cats, introducing, 266–67
new house, litter box, 179–82, 301
newspaper curiosity, 159
Nightingale, Florence, 110
nonregenerative anemia, 172
non-REM sleep (deep sleep), 8, 9
number of cats, number of litter boxes, 77, 174, 177, 196–97
Object permanence, ability to discern, 7
object play, 271
odors, eliminating, 198–200
Ohio State University’s School of Medicine, 253
oldest cat, 311
one-cat households, 286–88
orange gene and personality, 86
outdoor cat to indoor cat, 250–53
outdoor enclosures, 252, 268–69
outgoing cats, 290
overgrooming, 226–27
overweight, 60, 221–22, 228–31
PawSense, 151–52
Persians, 15, 36, 44, 63, 73, 196, 303
personality types and
color, 86
face shape, 14–17
finding lost cats, 289–91
pet insurance, 259
“pet prescriptions,” 71
Pet Sitters International, 309
pet sitters vs. boarding, 308–11
PetSmart Charities, 14
“Pets Rule” at Sea World, 160–61
biting (nipping) and, 90–92
pica, 125
pig, cat acting like a, 145–46
pillow-hogging cats, 247–49
pills, administering, 233–35, 238
plants caution, 51
peeing on, 194–95
playing with cats, 104–5, 270–71
Plotnick, Arnold, 313
anemia and eating litter, 172–73
hepatic encephalopathy, 142–43
plastic eating, 236–37
polydactyl cats, 162
pooping outside of litter box, 187–89
portosystemic shunt (PSS), 142–43
potty training lessons, 165–68
pouncing and bouncing, 80–82
PRCA (pure red cell aplasia), 172–73
predator or prey, 12–13, 58–59, 144–45
Premiership classes, 41
protein, power of, 215
Provisional classes, 41
Pryor, Karen, 280
PSS (portosystemic shunt), 142–43
psychogenic alopecia, 227
psychosexual response to catnip, 148
puffed-up tail, 73
pupils, 18–19
pure red cell aplasia (PRCA), 172–73
Quality of life, importance of, 116
question mark tail, 73
quirks, 117–62. See also chatting with your cat; chowing and grooming; feline, being; litter box issues; living with cats, ins and outs of
bathtime, 135–36
catnip (Nepeta cataria), 146–49
Christmas tree, climbing, 136–38
computers and cats, 150–52
countertop surfing, 130–33
crinkle-cat connection, 155
curtain climbing, 139–40
dead “gifts,” 144–45
drooling, 129–30
earlobe licking, 121–22
elevator butt, 158
funny-faced feline (Flehmen), 152–53
hepatic encephalopathy, 142–43
honeysuckle vs. catnip, 149
laps for cuddling, 153–54
music for calming cats, 133–35
newspaper curiosity, 159
pig, cat acting like a, 145–46
plastic cuisine, 60, 125, 236–37
strays turned stars, 160–61, 282
tail-chasing, 119–20
toilet paper, tissues as toys, 140–41
wool-sucking, 122–24
Ragdoll, 46
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 8–9
red tabbies (female), 86
regenerative anemia, 172
repellents. See deterrents
resources, 314–16
“retrievers of the cat world,” 15
road trips, 304–7
round face, personality, 15, 17
routines, importance of, 108–9
rubbing against you, 79–80
Safe (feeling) influence on sleep, 6
scared cats, helping, 32–33
scheduled vs. free feeding, 221–22
Schoen, Allen, 71
Scottish Folds, 73
scratching, 29–30, 255, 256–58
Seksel, Kersti, 78
senility, 112–15
shadow walking, 277–78
shedding comb, 208–9
shiny objects-cat connection, 50, 155
short-term memories, 3
Siamese, 16, 45, 63, 82, 89, 123, 284, 303
sky-high tail, 158
Slaven, Joel, 161
sleeping with cats, 247–49
smell, sense of, 10–11, 152-53, 171
sniffing, 152–53
social play, 270–71
solo cats, 286–88
space importance to cats, 77
speed of cats, 285
splashing, 126–29, 135–36, 233
spraying vs. marking, 183
square face, personality, 15, 17
stains, eliminating, 198–200
staring contests, 76
Sticky Paws, 195
stress, signs of, 102
styptic powder, 211
sweet treats, 223
swishing tail, 73
Tag, game of, 80–82
tail, mood barometer, 20, 72–74
tail-chasing, 119–20
talkative, degrees of, 63–64
talking to cats, 84–85. See also chatting with your cat tapetum lucidum, 18–19
taste sense, 11
temperature of healthy cat, 222
tendonectomy surgery, 255
Thailand and Korats, 56
therapy cats, 36–37
“thumb cats,” 162
“time-sharing” favorite locations, 95
TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Return), 55
toes, number of, 162
toes (most), Tiger, 212
toilet paper and tissues as toys, 140–41
toilet-training, 191–94
Tonkinese, 36–37
tortoiseshells, 86
touch, power of, 241–44
touch sense, 11
toys, 25–26, 141, 148, 251, 259, 271, 274–76
training cats, 276, 280–82, 283
Trap, Neuter, and Return (TNR), 55
trauma and fearful behavior, 98
traveling with cats, 304–7
treats (healthy), 214
triangular face, personality, 16, 17
trichobezoars (hairballs), 60, 218, 224–25
trimming claws, 210–12
tucked away tail, 73
Tufts University, 134
Turkish Vans, 303
UC-Davis, 134
University of Bristol (England), 64
University of California, San Diego, 134
urinary tract infection, 113, 174, 178, 190
urine marking, 179–83
Vacations and boarding vs. pet sitters, 308–11
Veteran classes, 41
Veterinary Institute for Therapeutic Alternatives (CT), 71
veterinary visits, 296–98
views, window ledges, 50, 260–61
vision sense, 11–12
visiting veterinarians, 297–98
visitors and fearful behavior, 97–99
vomeronasal organ, 153
walking cats, 263, 278, 293–96
wave (massage stroke), 243
weather influence on sleep, 6
weight, 60, 220, 221–22, 228–31
what’s-in-it-for-me philosophy, 3–4
whipping tail, 73
white gene and deafness, 82, 83
will, including your cat in your, 279
wool-sucking, 122–24
Xenophobic cats, 289–90