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Agate Pass Petroglyph carved over 2,000 years ago, viewable at low tide. STA. |
page 12 |
Salish summer camping site, c. 1900. STA 1372. |
page 15 |
Modern day Seattle from Bainbridge Island, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C1. |
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Chief Seattle’s grave stone, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C2. |
page 17 |
Mount Rainier, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C3. |
page 18 |
Forest on grounds of Suquamish Tribal Center, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C4. |
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Carving at Suquamish tribal center, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C5. |
page 20 |
Skokomish woman named Kalasetsah, by E.S. Curtis, 1912. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #099. STA 1125. |
page 21 |
Unloading halibut, Neah Bay, by S.G. Morse. Tacoma Public Library, #019. STA 1264. |
page 22 |
Klallam man standing in dugout canoe. Smithsonian Institute Archives, #44,834C. STA 0881. |
page 23 |
Indian girl with clam harvest. STA 1015. |
page 25 |
Map indicating Suquamish land. STA (slide no number). |
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Map greater Puget Sound area. STA (slide no number). |
page 27 |
Puget Sound, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C6. |
page 30 |
Native gathering at a potlatch house. STA 1413. |
page 32 |
Modern totem pole carvers at the Port Gamble S’Klallam tribe reservation. Left to right, Bill Jones, Ben Ives, Lloyd Fulton, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C7. |
page 35 |
Suquamish village at Eagle Harbor on Bainbridge Island, 1905. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #003. STA 0839. |
page 36 |
Exhibit at site of Old Man House showing roof boards, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C8. |
page 38 |
Original potlatch house near Coupeville, WA, by E.G. Earle, c. 1899. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #045. STA 1071. |
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A Skokomish mat house, by E.S. Curtis, c. 1912. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #083. STA 1109. |
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Joe Hillaire carving a canoe with children watching. Tacoma Public Library, #003. STA 1248. |
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Suquamish ocean sailing canoe. STA. |
page 47 |
Chief Seattle’s grave site with symbolic burial canoes, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C10. |
page 48 |
Woman & child with baskets. STA 1486. |
page 49 |
Woman with burden basket. STA (slide no number). |
page 51 |
William Shelton carving a totem pole. Tulalip, Washington, by Brady. Special collections, University of Washington Library #Ec-1. STA 1082 |
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Skokomish baskets, by E.S. Curtis, c. 1912. Special collections, University of Washington Library. STA 1138. |
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Clams in clam basket. STA (slide no number). |
page 55 |
Depiction of Ole-Man-House by Raphael Coombs, c. 1894. STA 0700. |
page 59 |
On the shore of Miller’s Bay, Holmes estate. Tacoma Public Library #017. STA 1468. |
page 61 |
Port Gamble Mill. STA 1262. |
page 62 |
Lake Union John and his wife Madelline, c. 1910. STA 0026. |
page 63 |
Lighthouse Joe of the Makah tribe, by A. Curtis, c. 1910, #19,217. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #020. STA 1014. |
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Temporary camp on the shore of Puget Sound. STA 1406. |
page 65 |
Indian girl, White River hop fields, by A. Curtis, c. 1902, #440. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #059. STA 1085. |
page 67 |
Welcoming dance, Chief Seattle Days at Suquamish, c. 1912. STA 0145. |
page 68 |
Swinomish Indian Racing Canoe, by Wingren. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #034. STA 1060. |
page 70 |
On the shore of Agate Pass at the site of Old Man House, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C11. |
page 71 |
Statue of Chief Seattle in Pioneer Square, downtown Seattle, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C12. |
page 77 |
Indians making baskets, by Boland, c. 1928, #B17,959. Tacoma Public Library, Northwest Room, #022. STA 1267. |
page 80 |
Indians in temporary camp in Port Townsend watching steam boats and sailing boats pass, c. 1894. Special collections, University of Washington Library, #050. STA 1076. |
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Indians gathered for a treaty protest at Olympia, c. 1864. STA 1897. |
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Man and woman drying fish. STA (slide #0833). |
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Indian woman drying fish. STA (slide #0852). |
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Modern totem carvings at the Port Gamble S’Klallam tribe reservation, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C13. |
page 104 |
Suquamish Indians waiting steamer to return to Bainbridge Island after attempting to collect payments for land bought by the government at the original site of Old Man House Village and the surrounding area. STA 0837. |
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Princess Angeline, Chief Seattle’s daughter, by A. Curtis. STA 1361. |
page 109 |
Cushman Trade School, Tacoma WA, c. 1905. STA 0051. |
page 110 |
Indian girls at boarding school. STA 0835. |
page 114 |
Young dancers visiting at Suquamish special event. STA (color slide no number). |
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The Suquamish tribal center, by Warren Jefferson, 1999. C14. |
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Indian woman in front of mat house. STA (slide #0639). |
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Sailing canoe. STA (slide #0843). |
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Village on shore. STA (slide #0838). |