Through the knowledge received in past lessons, you now know and can realize more than any naturopath that there is no principal difference between any one kind of disease or another.
In this particular case, however, we find an exception, but only in so far as the symptoms of syphilis are concerned. Venereal diseases can be healed by diet and fasting easily for the simple reason that the patient is generally young in years. The cure becomes more aggravated, made more difficult, if drugs have been used. This, of course, has unfortunately happened in almost every case.
The so-called, characteristic symptoms of any kind of syphilitic disease are due to drugs of one or several kinds.
Nothing is easier to heal than this "cold" or "catarrh" at the sex organ, if untouched by drugs or injections. Doctors must admit that this condition may exist without actual sex intercourse , and therefore the germ can hardly be blamed. Gonorrhea is simply an elimination through this natural elimination organ. One-sided meat eaters are very susceptible to this disease. Should a society girl contract it, they call it Leucorrhea.
If drug injections are used for any continued length of time, the mucus and pus are thrown back into the prostatic gland, bladder, etc. In case of the female, the entire womb—uterus—becomes inflamed, producing all kinds of typical woman diseases.
I had hundreds of such cases where naturopathy failed to heal. Only fasting and this diet can help. Roseola or rose rash, a syphilitic eczema, characterized by its "ham-gray" shade, the gray shade of the whites of the eye, is due to saltpeter acid, silver oxide injections. This also is the cause if gonorrhea enters the bone. All three are called syphilitic symptoms. Mercury is to blame for the hard chancre, secondary, and tertiary syphilis.
The so-called "syphilis" does not exist in the animal kingdom or among uncivilized people. Drugs are to blame for these destructive diseases, together with the diet of civilization. Sexual excesses are, of course, also to be blamed, but knowing exactly what disease is, you may agree if I expose the "mystery" of this disease with one stroke, i.e., drugs and extreme meat diet of civilization are far more to blame than all sexual excesses together.
For a patient poisoned especially by mercury, a very careful and long transition diet is necessary. 102 A radical fruit diet or fast may become harmful, not through it, but caused by the drugs when they are dissolved and are back in the bloodstream for elimination.
This condition requires so careful a control of the elimination that under all circumstances an expert with previous experience is required.
The so-very-common disease of dislocation, or falling of the womb, can be healed, and only by this diet, together with long fastings combined with short fasts and with a long preparative diet.
I have saved hundreds of patients suffering from prostatic gland inflammation, stricture, bladder disease, from the tortures of doctors. I have facilitated cures even after naturopathy had failed by natural methods of elimination through a new and perfect blood composition resulting from a mucusless diet.
Sex Psychology
It is significant for our civilization that sexual intercourse is seen as an immoral act. It is yet in the shade of a mystery. From a natural moral standpoint, says a philosopher, an unclean person has no right to produce a new being. "You shall not only generate, but reproduce yourself," says that great thinker, Nietzsche.
The fact is that we are all, with a very few exceptions, the cause of stimulants instead of love vibrations exclusively. Procreation is the most holy and divine act and charged with the highest responsibility, especially on the part of the father. A germ with the slightest defect is a generation not forward but backward. In ancient classical civilizations, "sex" was a cult, a religion, and in most mythological poetry of all civilized people, love is the great, main, and general subject with the conscious or unconscious goal to reproduce their kind.
The fact is proven by statistics that every family of the city's population dies out, disappears with the third or fourth generation. In other words, the "sins" of the fathers and of the mothers produce diseased children and children's children degenerating into death with the third generation. What are these "sins?" You shall "love thy neighbor," and you do, perhaps, but you kill your own child, partly at least before it is born. Latent disease is general and universal. How can a defective germ grow into a perfect being between a filthy, mostly constipated colon and an unclean bladder of a civilized mother? And one of the worst tragedies of ignorance is the expectant mother who eats twice as much decayed "cadavers" of animals killed years ago in the stock yards of Chicago, because she is advised to "eat for two "—herself and the growing embryo.
Natural Control of Sex
"Nothing above the truth!—Confess your sins to your own heart." It is a blasphemic paradox, tragic (there is no word strong enough) condition to stimulate a function continually with enforcement ignorantly expecting thereby to grow healthy and happy, believing you can suppress or control this function by preaching morals.
Nature does not listen to you, but you must listen to Nature if you want to be happy. We are the product of stimulations, and not of natural love vibrations, which eventually leads to impotence.
The only way to heal impotence is through fasting and this diet. (See Lesson V ) Sex is a part of vitality; it is even, so to say, the barometer of regeneration, rejuvenation, youth, health, and happiness.
I have seen sterility of the female healed, and every patient who earnestly took up this system for any kind of disease "rejuvenated."
No one of western civilization knows what genuine "love vibrations" mean from a body with clean blood composed of such ingredients that produce electric currents and static electricity sent out and received by "wireless"—hair. See what I have to say about hair in my Rational Fasting . The beard of man is a secondary sex organ. Beardless and hairless and bald makes for a "second-rate" sex quality in every respect. See Judges 16:13-18. 103
If you could believe how easy it is to control sex by this diet, you would soon quit your steaks and eggs.
Masturbation, night emissions, prostitution, etc., are all eliminated from the sex life of anyone living on a mucusless diet after their body has become clean and powerful.
That saying, "keeping the germ (an idea of modern experts) will nourish a person's brain (high protein substance)" is absurd. Love is the greatest power and it is, if natural, the highest "invisible food" from the infinite for soul and body.