Adobe buildings: 35
Agency City (IA): 118
Albuquerque (NM): 116
Alcoholism: see liquor
Alder Springs (WY): 136
Alvord, Gen. Benjamin: 56
American Ranch Station (CO): 90
Andrews, Thomas: 189
Anthrax (Murrain, hollow horn): 216
Arapaho Indians: 77
Arkansas River: 250
Ash Hollow (NE): 212
Auburn (OR): 56
Austin (NV): 189–94, 100–01, 228–29
Badger: 240
Bannock cut-off: 138
Barlow’s Gate (OR): 158
Barron, Maj.: 223–24
Bartlett Springs and Bear Valley Toll-Road Co.: 164
Bear Creek (CO): 245
Bear River (UT/ID): 181
Bear River Mts. (ID/UT): 145
Bears: in CO, 251, 253; meat of, 105–06; track of, 147
Beaver: 171
Beaver Creek Station (CO): 90
Beckwourth Pass route (CA): 164, 197
Bedford, Ben: 191
Bell, William Duffield: 59
Benton County (OR): 109–10, 114
Berkeley (CA): 234
Berries and nuts: 258; see also currants, huckleberries, raspberries, strawberries
Big Lake (WY): 146
Big Meadows: in WY, 146
Big Timbers Creek (WY): 51
Bijou Creek (CO): 76
Bijou Station (CO): 90
Bingham, Edwin and Phoebe: 96, 101, 108
Birds: 66–67, 75, 192, 236; magpie, 78
Black Hawk (CO): 259
Black Hills (WY): 20, 46, 135, 175, 215, 230
Blacks Fork River (WY): 52, 180, 222
Blue Mts. (OR): 156
Blue River (KS/NE): 31–33, 206, 237
Boats: on Platte R., 210–11
Boise (ID): 152–53
Boise River (ID): 153
Boxelder Creek (WY): 47
Bradford Mountain (CO): 245
Bridgers cut-off: 139
Bridges: 119, 177; tolls, 48, 123, 178, 181
Buffalo (Bison): 33; bones, 127, 170, 207; hunting of, 206; meat of, 32, 206
Burke, Mrs. Stella: 27
Butte County (CA): 163
Butte Springs (NV): 187
Butter Creek (OR): 157
Cactus: 74–75, 102, 127, 137, 169, 207–08, 241
California: overland parties to, 163, 199
Camas Prairie (ID): 150
Camels: 195
Campbell, William and Harriet: 116
Canada (river steamer): 98
Carson River (NV): 196
Cascades: of Columbia R., 159; railroad at, 159
Cassidy, David: 17
Castle Rocks (NE): 44
Cattle: die, 70, 104, 141, 216; drovers, 233; milk cows, 51, 101, 105, 139; price of, 19; rustling of, 203
Cedar trees and wood: 209
Census taking: 238
Central City (CO): 79–81, 259; hotels of, 80
Chalmers, A.C.: 195
Cheese: 223, 243; see also milk
Cherries: 92
Chickens: see sagehens
Chiles, Joseph B.: route of, 47
Chimney Rock (NE): 43, 132–33, 174, 213
Chinese: in NV, 193
Chivington, Col. John M.: 9, 260
Church Buttes (WY): 222
Circus: 153
Civil War: 8, 46, 55–56, 100, 123, 134, 140
Clear Creek: in CO, 258; in KS, 205
Clothing: of emigrants, 66
Coal: 120
Coleman, Thornton and wife: 179–85
Colorado: 75–90; Cavalry, 260; gold rush to, 59, 233; middle park, 247; mines, towns in, 60
Colorado City (Springs): 84–85
Columbia River: 159–61; steamer fare, 159
Columbus (NE): 123
Commonwealth Bldg. (Denver): 260
Congregational Church: 233–34
Conner, Patrick E.: 183
Cook, Louisa: 45; death, 28; family, 27; letters of, 30–57; marriages, daughter, 27–28
Cook, Mary: 27–28, 36, 41, 54, 55
Cooking: see stoves
Copperheads (political): 121
Corn: for feed, 120; in NE, 92, 122–23; in UT, 223
Cottonwood Spring: in NE, 71, 209, 240, 263
Cottonwood trees: 137
Court House Rock (NE): 43, 103, 132–33, 174, 213
Coyotes: see wolves
Cushing, Mattie Bell (Ringo): 199, 202, 228; son Frank, 202; see also Ringo
Dalles: fee The Dalles
Davenport, William: 215, 218, 220, 222, 230–31; letter of, 230–31
Deaths on trails: 102, 111–13, 200, 206, 262–63; in OR, 25
Deep Creek: in UT, 227
Deer: 216
Deer Creek: in UT, 187; in WY, 177, 230
Delashmutte, J. and Phoebe: 161
Denver (CO): 60, 77, 233, 244, 259
Des Moines (IA): 264
Des Moines River: 166
Deschutes River (OR):, 159
Devil’s Back Bone: 104
Devil’s Gate (WY): 48, 104, 111, 140, 79, 220
Diamond Mountain (NV): 227
Diamond Springs: in NV, 188
Diaries and journals: sources of, 16, 27, 29, 60, 97, 109, 115, 164, 202, 234–35
Diseases: fee cholera, dropsy, illnesses, malaria, smallpox, whooping cough
Doctors: fee medicine
Dogs: 73, 136, 188, 190, 198, 238; of Indians, 73
Dropsy: 112
Duniway, Abigail Scott: portrait, 115
Ead, Mr. and Mrs.: 197
“Elephant, Seeing the”: 53
Elliott, Elizabeth: birth, death, 109–10; children, 109, 111–13; ill, 111; letter of, 111–14
Elliott, William H.: 109
Elm Creek (NE): 169
Elm Springs (NE): 126
Emigrants: number of, 101; returning parties, 66, 190
Emilie (river steamer): 100
Episcopal Church: 77
Epperson, Brutus Clay: 163, 175, 177, 179–80, 184–98; ill, 174–75, 180
Epperson, C.C.: 163, 183, 192, 198
Epperson, Charles: 163, 175, 177, 184, 188, 190, 194
Epperson, Lucretia Lawson: portrait, 165; children, 163–64; journal of, 165–98; ill, 187, 192, 197
Evans, Gov. John (of CO): 78
Evans, John W.: 16
Fanny Ogden (river steamer): 99
Far West (MO): 96
Farley, W.J.: 126–27
Fanning: in OR, 155, 162; in UT, 223
Featherbed: 153
Feed for livestock: see com, grass
Feminist movement: 115; see also women
Ferries: fees, 51, 149, 154; on Green R., 51; on Loup Fork, 167; on Missouri R., 121, 204; on Snake R,. 114, 148, 154
Firearms: see guns
Fish: in CO, 250, 252, 256– 57; in trail streams, 35, 44, 46, 145, 147, 206, 219; in UT, 182; see also salmon
Fish Creek (WY): 219
Fish Springs Station (UT): 226
Flour: price of, 121, 184; emigrants sell, 153
Flowers: 36, 47, 66, 78, 84, 102, 123, 127, 146, 169, 179, 212, 249
Food: 34, 36, 39, 64, 79; see also potatoes, provisions
Forest Grove (OR): 147n
Fort Bridger (WY): 106, 111, 147, 180, 223
Fort Douglas (UT): 183
Fort Hall (ID): 21, 23–24, 148
Fort Kearney (new, NE, on Platte R.): 31, 35, 69, 92, 125, 168–69, 207, 238, 263
Fort Laramie (WY): 20, 46, 134, 175, 215
Fort Lupton (CO): 261
Fort Vancouver (WA): 161
Fort Walla Walla (WA): 24–26, 28–29, 55
Fountains qui Bouille Creek (CO): 84
Fremont Lake (NE): 209
Fremont Peak (WY): 143
French Corral (CA): 198
Frenchmen: 40
Fuel for fires: see buffalo chips, sagebrush, wood
Gaithe, Joe: 165
Game, wild: see buffalo, deer, elk, sagehens
Garden of the Gods (CO): 86
Gatty, D.: 205
Geese: 146
Gilman’s Station (NE): 91
Glenn, Isaac: 19
Glenn, Nancy C.: portrait, 14; children, 15; death, 16; letter of, 19–26
Glenn, Tolbert: 15, 18, 23; death, 16
Glenn, Woodrow: 16
Glenrock (WY): 201
Gold: mines, in N V, 187; mines, in OR, 24–25, 254–55; mining methods, 80–81; prospectors, 23–24; quartz mills, 259; rush to Pikes Peak, and CO, 79–85, 233–64; washers for, 142, 253
Golden (CO): 78
Goose Creek (ID/UT): Indians, 181
Government Springs (UT): 226
Grand Island (NE): 124–25
Grand Prairie (IL): 166
Grande Ronde River and Valley (OR): 15, 19, 25, 156
Grant, Gen. U.S.: 134;
Grass: passim; buffalo grass, 143; bunch grass, 142, 184; scarcity on trails, 103
Grasshopper River (KS): 205
Graves: on trails, 23–24, 49, 103, 114, 124, 128, 132, 136, 170–71, 212
Greasewood: 195
Green River (WY): 106, 143–44, 180, 221–22
Gregory mines (CO): 80–81
Hailstorms: 126, 137, 175, 181
Hanson, William P. and Lydia: 198
Hares: fee rabbits
Harkleroad, Samuel and Henry: 155
Hay: 228
Henderson, Harvey and Martha: 116
Hilles, Jefferson and Esther 17
Hitchcock, Bell: 233, 235, 239, 244–45, 259–60; as school teacher, 251–52, 257
Hitchcock, Harriet Adelle: 9; called “Eda, ” 242; family, marriage, children, 233–34; journal of, 235–64
Hitchcock, Lucy: 233, 235–36, 239, 245–46, 251, 254, 259–60
Hoggard, Mrs. Lois: 27–29
Hollow horn: cattle disease, fee anthrax
Home Creek: in WY, 219
Horseflies: 87
Horses: passim; die, 242; emigrant use, 98–99, 141, 166, 236; of Indians, 150, 245, 256, 263; stampede, 242
Howell, George and Margaret: 110–11
Huckleberries: 156
Hungate, J.D.P.: 147, 150, 155
Idaho: 121; miners to, 124, 129, 231; mining region, 153; road to, 138
Illnesses: see canker, cholera, diarrhea, diseases, medicine, mountain fever, smallpox
Independence (MO): 100
Independence Rock (WY): 48, 140, 178, 220
Independence Valley (ID): 146
Indian Springs (UT): 226
Indians: 150–51, 210; atrocities of, 20–21, 214, 217, 230, 261–62; burials, 46, 72, 138, 208, 239; Civil War effect on, 8; fear of, 8; friendly, 239; horses of, see horses; kill emigrants, 23–24, 49, 128, 135; killed by emigrants, 151; removal of, 100; Sand Creek affair, 9, 260; steal livestock, 128; transport of, 73; war dance, 46; see also women, squaw wives
Injuries: 200, 217 104, 206; see also deaths
Iowa: 15, 17–18, 109, 116, 118–21, 165–67, 233
Irrigation: see farming
Jackrabbits: see rabbits
John Day River (OR): 158
Jones, J.D.: 142
Jordan River (UT): 184
Josephine County (OR): 21
Julesburg (CO): 39–41, 73, 241, 263
July Fourth: recognized, 8, 144, 184, 244
Kansas City (MO): 100
Kay-Pitts, Elizabeth: 109
Kearney City (NE): 35, 207, 237
Kelly’s Station (CO): 90n
Kimball, W.: 107
Knoxville (IA): 119
La Grande (OR): 156
Lander, Frederick West: road of, 16, 20, 142, 148
Laramie Peak (WY): 47
Latter-Day Saints, Church Historical Dept: see Mormons
Lawrence, Mr.: of Epperson party, 169–70
Leavenworth Road: 30n, 34, 200, 204n
Lee, John: 157n
Lewis River (ID): see Snake R.
Lexington (MO): 100
Liberty (MO): 199–200
Lightner, Adam: 95–96
Lightner, Charles: 98
Lightner, Elizabeth: 104
Lightner, John: 99
Lightner, Mary Elizabeth (Rollins): birth, death, 95; children, 96; ill, 106; joins Mormons, 95; journal of, 97–108
Linkous, Rod: 16
Liquor and temperance: 35, 64, 252
Livestock: death by snake bite, 174; droves to CA, 128, 163–64; stampede, 130–31, 172; see also cattle, mules, oxen
Lodgepole Creek (NE): 42
Logan, Herschel C.: 202
Logsdon, Charles and Margaret: 110–11
Logsdon, Thomas B. and Mary: 110–11
Lombard Feny (WY): 51n
Look-out (UT): 226
Lost River: in ID, 149
Loughary, Harriet A. (Buxton): birth, death, 116–17; children, 116; diary of, 118–62; feminist, 115
Loughary, John B.: 116
Loughary, Laura L.: 116
Loughary, William J.: 116, 159
Loup Fork River (NE): 123, 168n
Lucas, Oramel William: 233–34, 251
McAllister, C.: 126
McMinnville (OR): 115–16
Mail: carriers, 7, 38, 125, 134, 207, 223, 261 received in S.L.C., 224
Malaria: 122
Malheur County (OR): 16
Manning, J.N.: 128
Marshall County (IA): 109
Maryland: 59
Marysville (CA): 163; Buttes, 163, 198
Mason, O.S.: 194–95n
Mason County (TX): 203
Massacre Creek (ID): 152
Massacre Rocks (ID): 24n
Medicine and doctoring: Blue Mass, 52; quinine, 52; spikenard, 41
Melons: 92; see also watermelons
Middle Water Creek (CA): 198
Military: at forts, 7, 181; Ohio 6th Cavalry, 48; station and store, 138–40; trail guards, 48, 218, 261–62; on trails, 103, 209; in UT, 183
Milk and butter: 31, 69–70, 182, 196, 243, 257
Minnesota: 96
Mirages: 76
Missouri River crossing of, 93, 167, 263
Moccasins: 175
Money, paper: Confederate, 229; Greenbacks, 123, 136, 154, 159
Monument Creek (CO): 84
Moran (or Maran or Munran), William: 177, 181, 190, 192, 197
Monnons: from Australia, 102; converts to, 95; as diarists, 97; emigrant numbers, 101; polygamy, 95, 182; preacher, 105; returning east, 178, 181–82
Mosquitoes: 47, 71, 90, 92, 181, 211, 242
Mount Hood (OR): 158
Mt. Pleasant (IA): 118
Mt. Pleasant (KS): 205
Mountain Meadows Massacre: 152n, 183
Muddy Fork River (WY): 223
Muddy Springs: in NE, 43
Mules: 24, 30, 40, 60, 74, 99, 128, 136–37, 202; as pack animals, 151, 177, 248; speed of, 60
Murders: 49, 169, 206 Murdock, John Riggs: 97, 102
Murdock, Robert C.: 193
Murrain: see anthrax
Music: see recreation
Mustard, wild: 182
Nebraska City (NE): 263
Nemaha River (NE/KS): 263
Nevada County (CA): 189
New York: state, 95
Nicklin, John J. and Laura: 116
North Bend (NE): 122
Oakland (CA): 234
Oats: crop in NE, 169
Oberlin College (OH): 233–34
O’Fallons Bluffs (NE): 72, 209
Oregon: overland parties to, 15, 27, 109, 115, 234
Oregon City (OR): 234
Oxen: 38; death of, 38, 139,. 141, 214, 242, 248; as draft animals, 237–38; price of, 75; for sale, 228; strayed, 103; traded, 103
Pacific Grove (CA): 234
Pacific Spring (WY): 50, 179, 221
Panthers: 157
Parker, Wiliam: 172
Pawnee Springs (NE): 102, 128–29
Payette River (ID): 153
Peaches: 225
Pendleton (OR): 234
Petaluma (CA): 147n
Peters, Charley: 228
Peterson, Ziba: 97
Petrified trees: 88
Pikes Peak (CO): 85; gold rush, 83
Platte Bridge (WY): 47–48, 104, 218
Platte River (NE/WY): 34–47, 65–73, 122–39, 168–78, 208–18, 237–43; crossing of, 37, 42, 242; fees for crossing, 42, 242; islands in, 68; South Fork, 73–78, 243–44, 246, 248
Pole Creek: see Lodgepole Creek
Portland (OR): 161
Powder River (OR): 21, 24, 155–56
Prairie Creek (NE): 122
Prairie dogs: 73, 77, 102, 124–25, 174, 240–41, 256–57
Prairie schooners: 153; see also wagons
Prices: of crops, 120, 168, 225; of farm products, 121–24, 223; of provisions, 70, 188; in OR, 25
Prospect Hill (WY): 139
Provisions for the trail: see flout, milk, potatoes, prices
Quaking Asp Grove (ID): 151
Quicksand: 170
Rabbits and jackrabbits: 74, 103, 105, 129, 132, 177, 262
Ragtown (NV): 196
Ranches on trails: 68
Raspberries: 254
Raw Hide Creek (WY): 133
Recreation: 43, 57, 102, 134, 195, 206
Red Buttes (WY): 48
Reed, George: 166
Reed, Henry: 163, 165, 172–73, 179’
Reed, James: 230
Reese River (NV): 195
Rinehart, Amanda Glenn: 16
Ringo, John Peters “Johnny”: 199, 204, 209, 223; quarrelsome alcoholic, 203; death, 203–04; injured, 206–07; ill, 208; note re, 202–04; as outlaw rustler, 203
Ringo, Martin: 199, 204, 209, 213; death, 200, 217–18, 230–31; grave marker illus., 201
Ringo, Martin Albert “Allie”: 199, 209, 218
Ringo, Mary Peters: marriage, children, 199; stillborn child, 202, 229; journal of, 204–29
Rivers and creeks: crossing of, 40, 119, 143–44, 167; see also bridges, ferries, river names
Roads: in CO mountains, 249; dusty, 103; muddy, 166; rocky, 149; rough, 46–47; sandy, 40, 45, 129–30, 169–70, 241
Robinson, George: 36
Rock Creek: in ID, 206; in OR, 158
Rock Island (IL): 98
Rollins, James Henry and Evalina: 96–97, 107
Rooker, James: 194
Russell, Edward: 167
St. Joseph (MO): 59–60, 93, 100, 230, 233
St. Louis (MO): 99
Salmon: 158
Salmon Falls (ID):, 24
Saloons: see liquor
Salt Creek: in KS, 93
Salt Lake City: 107, 183, 187, 224–25
Salt Springs: in CA, 146
Salt Wells (NV): 195
San Juan (CA): 198
Sandy River: in KS, 32; in WY, 51, 111, 178–80, 221
Schools: in CO mts., 251–52, 257; in ID, 28; in OR, 28
Scott, John: 49
Scotts Bluff (NE): 214
Shaddock, J.W.: 178
Silver Creek: in IA, 121;in UT, 224
Sioux Indians: 37, 39, 70–71, 100, 125, 128–30, 170–73
Smith, Hiram: 28, 37, 42–43, 45, 48, 51, 54; wife ill, 52
Snake Indians: 181
Snake (or Lewis) River (ID/OR): 23–24; crossing of, 114, 154
Snakes: 125, 155, 207–08; see also rattlesnakes
Sorgum: 62
Split Rock (WY): 220
Springville (UT): 107
Squaw Creek: in ID, 152
Squaw wives: 173; Indian dress, 70–71
Stagecoaching: 106, 223, 240; robberies, 255; stations on trails, 11–12, 34, 42–43, 69, 73, 127, 186, 190; supplies at stations, 7; see also omnibus
Steamboats: 99–100, 159, 161; fares on, 159
Steptoe (NV): 187
Stickley, Gabriel: 190–91, 193–94
Stoller, Mrs. Ruth: 117
Strawberry Creek (WY): 220
Summerville (OR): 16–18
Sunday observance: 31, 124, 142, 150, 155, 209, 223, 244, 259
Sweetwater Bridge (WY): 48
Sweetwater River (WY): 20, 48–50, 139–42, 178–79, 219–20
Talbot, Bishop Joseph C.: 77
Talcott, William M.: 189n
Tar springs (WY): 106
Telegraph, overland: 7, 103–04, 123, 127, 140, 214, 241
Tents: 118
Terwilliger, Alpheus and Jane: 18, 24
Texas: 203
Thomson, George W.: 193
Thunder, lightning: 35, 101, 126, 238, 255
Timber: in OR, 162
Titus, Andres and Mary: 18, 25
Toledo-Lucas Co. Pub. Library (OH): 29, 53
Tombstone (AZ): 203–04
Toothache: 104
Tootle, Ellen D.: birth, marriage, children, death, 59–60; diary of, 61–93
Tootle, Thomas Eggleston: 59, 63–64, 66, 74, 85, 91, 93
Truckee Meadows (NV): 196
Truckee River (NV): 196
Tuttle, Terry and Maria: 18, 25
Twin Lakes (CO): 254
Umatilla Indian Agency: 157
Vale (OR): 16
Valley Station (CO): 263
Van Benthuysen, Keziah K.: 96
Vermillion Creek (CO): 72
Vermont: 166
Wagons: numbers of, 40, 114, 121, 230, 236; repairs on, 126, 143, 212, 219; sale of, 228; traded, 181; upset, 102, 157; wheels locked, 212; see also prairie schooner, omnibus
Walker, Joseph R.: 47n
Wallace, E.W. and Susan: 116
Walnut Creek: in KS, 205
Walters, D.M.: 28
Ward, Henry and Joseph: 155n
Washington Territory: emigrants to, 27
Water: passim; scarcity on trails, 67, 147–50, 241
Watermelons: 196
Weather: in CA, 50; see also hail, rain, snow, thunder, winds
Webb, Catherine J.: 234–35
Webber, Dr. David Gould: 164, 97
Webber Lake (CA): 197
Weber (UT): 107
Weber River (UT): 182
West Wind (steamer): 61
Wheat: river cargo, 98–99
Whirlwind: 76
Whooping cough: 111
Wigwams: 71; transporting of, 73
Willamette River (OR): 19, 161
Willamette Univ.: 116
Willamette Valley (OR): 117, 162
Williams, Charles: 51
Willow Creek: in OR, 157; in WY, 223
Winds: 34, 180; see also weather
Winterset (IA): 120
Wisconsin: 96
Wolves and coyotes: 157, 212, 217, 219, 256
Women: ratio to men emigrants, 57; see also feminist movement, squaw wives
Wood, John S.: 125n
Wood: on islands, 67; lack of, 31, 36, 67, 127, 169–70, 240–41; ox yoke for, 131; price for, 67, 75; willow, 127, 171; see also cedar, fuel, greasewood, sagebrush
Wood River (NE): 167
Yale University, Beinecke Library: 29
Yamhill County (OR): 116–17
Young, Brigham: 183–84
Young America gulch (CO): 250, 257
Younger, Coleman and Augusta: 200, 202, 229
Yuba City (CA): 198
Yuba County (CA): 165
Yuba River (CA): 198