acceptance criteria see quality criteria

acceptance testing 1213

accountability 22, 137


change control 79

effort spent on 41

estimating 10810, 117

monitoring and control 59, 65, 67, 712

networks 22, 3945

project organisation 142, 152, 1546

project planning 37, 456, 49, 51

project work 6, 10, 29, 323

quality 867, 94, 1014

risk 122, 128, 1324

activity on node 39

activity spans 435

activity-based projects 35

Agile 16, 212, 93

backlogs 21, 62

baselines 66, 745

benchmarking 110

brainstorming 121, 125

build versus buy 7

business analysts 10

business as usual (BAU) 1

business cases

amended 64

and benefits management 268

identification of 9

project planning 34

projects 2

reports 9

Canal Dreams see Water Holiday Company

capability maturity model (CMM) 99

cash flows 278

change 5, 29

change control

boards (CCB) 769

definition of 15, 745

introduction 734

process 769

roles and responsibilities 756

checkpoint meetings 62

communication 5, 24, 26, 1502

configuration management

control 801

databases (CMDBs) 80

introduction 73, 79

items (CIs) 80

configuration management system (CMS) 80

contingency pools 63


application of 601

cycles 119

and monitoring 5772

of projects 15, 578

corrective action 58, 635

COSMIC FP counting (CFP) 11314

cost performance indicators (CPI) 69

costs 27, 59, 84

critical paths (CP) 43

Crosby, Philip 83

cumulative resource charts 68

customisation 7, 12

dashboards 60

database management systems (DBMS) 95

deadlines 5, 58

defect removal process 903

defects 8994

deliverables 2, 6, 589


internal physical 11

logical 11

physical 11

desk checking 91


changes 75

methods 5

process models 1619, 212

project risks 118

sources of staff 25

DevOps technologies 29, 81

direct changeover 29

discounted cash flow (DCF) 28

document reviews 912


effort 109

productivity 111

size 10913

dry-runs 92

dynamic analysis 95

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) 21, 97

earned value analysis (EVA) 69

effort drivers see size

elapsed time 414

end-users 32


activity-based approach 108

analytical see estimating: activity-based approach

bottom-up approach 1089, 115

by analogy 11415

Delphi approach 108, 125

introduction 105

parametric method 10914

and planning 15

and targets 106

top-down 10915

evolutionary approach see iterative models

Extreme Programming (XP) 21

facilitators see workshops

feasibility studies see business cases

feedback loops 17

finances see costs

finish date

earliest (EF) 424

latest (LF) 424

fitness for purpose 85

float 43, 50

function points analysis (FPA) 112

function size measurement (FSM) 11114

Gantt charts 22, 4951, 56, 657, 72

histograms 468

home delivery services 3

incremental model 1819

inspections 83, 913, 1001

installation 9, 13, 37, 59, 71, 114, 136

insurance 75, 7780, 82, 109, 123

integration testing 73, 79

intermediate products 35

invitations to tender 96

ISO 8402:1994 (international standard on quality) 84

ISO 9001 (quality management system (QMS) 989

ISO 15504:2102 (assessment of IT process quality) 99

ISO 90003 98


logs 62

management 15

iterative models 1921, 45

Java 46, 122, 127

lessons learnt reports 13, 30

lines of code 111

maintenance 78, 13, 21, 32, 59, 97, 118

management 14950

autocratic versus democratic 14950

directive versus permissive 14950

marketing 4, 32, 150, 154

matrix management 1457

maturity models 99

meantime between failure (MTBF) 102

meantime to repair (MTTR) 102


checkpoint 62

project organisation 144

project sponsors 62

Microsoft Project 39, 51

milestones 6, 24, 40, 58

Minotours see Water Holiday Company

monitoring 15, 5772

net present value 28

objectives 2, 5

one-shot/once through approach 17

Oracle Primavera 51

outsourcing 25

pair programming 91, 93

parallel running 29, 134

payback periods 26, 28

peer review 83, 913, 102, 128

phased take-on 29

phases see stages


acceptance tests 36

approaches 357

communication 26

creating 245

and estimating 15

exception 64

projects 226, 3456

quality 26

resource 25

software tools used 51

‘planning poker’ 108

portfolio management 143

post-implementation reviews (PIR) 13, 30

PRINCE2 5, 97, 118, 138

prioritising 126

probability impact grids 126

process quality 97, 99

product breakdown structures (PBS) 357

product flow diagrams (PFD) 378

product-based projects 357

productivity 11011

programme management offices (PMO) 143

programmes 2, 9, 63, 136

progress reporting 35

project assurance 139, 141

project closure 13

project evaluation reviews see post-implementation reviews (PIR)

project initiation documentation (PID) 224

project issues 119

project life cycles 89

project management boards see steering committees

project organisation

communication 1502

conclusions 1523

framework 13742

introduction 1356

and matrix management 1457

programmes 136

and project managers 140, 1423

stakeholders 1367

styles of management 14950

team building 1478

team dynamics 1489

project repositories 79

project sponsors 137, 140

project support offices (PSO) 1434

project teams 1445

project triangle 4


assurance 16

cost requirement 5

definition and purpose of 1, 24

deliverables 35

governance 22

managers 5, 76

milestones 24

organisation 16

planning 2226, 3456

scope 65

set-up 910

sponsors 5

prototypes 10

qualitative/quantitative criteria 26


characteristics of 856

control versus assurance 868, 97

criteria 36, 86

definition of 845

detecting defects 8994

introduction 834

management systems (QMS) 87, 98

planning 889

processes 58

regression testing 79


checkpoint 62

and communication 5

cycles 60

exception 634

highlight 61

lessons learnt 13, 30

progress 35

purpose/types of 613

signing-off 24

structure 61

summary 62

requests for change (RFCs) 769, 144


allocation 456

clashes 49

constraints 39

histograms 468

increasing 64

monitoring of 59

responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) 25

return on investment (ROI) 278

reviews 13, 92


appropriate actions 1278

assessing 122

identification process 1202

introduction 118

management 1516, 11920

planning, monitoring, control 129

qualitative 1236

quantitative 1236

registers/logs 12930

summary 1301

risks 24

S-curve charts 68

sample questions 301, 512, 701, 81, 100, 11516, 131, 153

schedule performance indicators (SPI) 69

Scrum 21

show-stoppers 128

situational management style 150

size 589


Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University 99

software maturity 85

solutions see technical strategy

sprints 21

SQuaRE (Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation) 85

staff resourcing 456

stages 14, 24


and Agile practices 21

and communication planning 26

definition 3

engagement 16

and management plans 23

most important participants 27

and project organisation 1367, 142

and risk 121, 125

terms of reference 9

and unfamiliar products 356

and the Water Holiday Company 154

and workshops 10

stand-up meetings 21

start date

earliest (ES) 414

latest (LS) 414

static testing 93

steering committees 9, 1389, 146

success criteria see objectives

suppliers 967

system development life cycles (SDLC) 67

systems design 90


building 1478

dynamics 1489

leaders 78, 1401

meetings 612

projects 1445

technical constraints 9

technical strategy 9

temporary staff 25, 48

terms of reference 910

test harnesses 95


dynamic 946

integration 95

management of 96

regression 96

systems 95

unit 94

user acceptance 956

TickITplus scheme 99


boxes 18

constraints 9

recording 143

scales 645

sheets 60

tolerances 634, 74, 95, 140

total cost of ownership (TCO) 27

transitional strategies 29

Trello 152

Tuckman–Jensen model 147

user experience design (UXD) 11

V model 89, 9394

vendors 6, 8

walkthrough 92

Water Holiday Company

activity breakdown in 46

booking system of 846, 113

the deliverables 35, 378

and holiday insurance 75, 79

integration project 65, 73, 75, 789

integration scenario 45, 1014, 29

and ISO 9001 98

and management of testing 96

new booking system for 59

planned new website 1501

risks to 1212, 1314

size and effort drivers in 110, 11213

slump in demand 119

stakeholders in 137, 1545

value of managing change 136

and VAT on canal holiday bookings 75

and work breakdown structure (WBS) 37

waterfall model 1718

work breakdown structures (WBS) 37

work packages 24

workshops 10