Chapter 5


Youth-Boosting Nutrients to Protect and Repair Your Cells

When I was a little girl, my mother would lay out my breakfast of eggs and berries with a side of cod liver oil. I know, you might think, Ewww, cod liver oil, but the truth is I liked it better than bacon! I would let the oil linger in my mouth and savor the flavor. I’m not saying I was an odd child—at least I hope I wasn’t—but I truly enjoyed the taste of what I later learned had the benefit of being anti-inflammatory. And today, I am just as enthusiastic about supplementing my diet with nutrients to stay healthy and reduce the effects of aging, from disease to wrinkles to weight gain.

I think nature’s pharmacy should always be the first place we turn for wellness, as throughout history plants have been shown to promote vitality and restore health. Modern science is born out of this theory, showing that plants can be used to prevent disease and promote healing and wellness.

That’s the reason I was, and still am, so passionate about discovering the ability of plant extracts to activate autophagy. The first botanical I learned about was bergamot, the fruit Dr. Janda touted for its youth-boosting benefits. Since then, Dr. Janda has become an inspiration in the development of Glow15. She recently shared an article published in the Journal of Pharma Nutrition citing her findings that protein activation in association with upregulation of autophagy can be achieved by supplementing with bergamot. Dr. Janda was able to show that this powerful plant could help protect and repair your cells to change the way you age. She attributed this to the concentration of polyphenols in the pith of the fruit.

Dr. Janda helped me discover that polyphenols—naturally occurring compounds that give plants color and protect them from disease and other environmental threats—are the most efficient and effective nutritional supplements to defy cellular aging. As you may remember from the Glow15 diet guidelines, autophagy-activating polyphenols like red wine, cocoa, berries, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens can promote your well-being; but I want to introduce you to the mightiest superhero of all polyphenols: Powerphenols.


pou ˊ ə r- f ē ˊ n ô l ˊ ,-n ō l ˊ ,-n ǒ l ˊ / (noun) an autophagy-activating polyphenol in a nutrient-dense form with an ability to defy aging and improve health

I coined the word Powerphenol because I’ve found that a high potency of the active nutrient polyphenol is one of the best ways to take years off your age.

These are specific, potent antioxidants that not only protect your cells but also activate autophagy to repair them, for the ultimate youth-boosting benefits. It’s a one-two power punch—protect and repair, as both of these functions can reduce the risk of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders. In addition, this unique combination of antioxidant plus autophagy activator has been shown to optimize metabolism so you maintain high energy levels using fewer calories, increase beneficial bacteria in your gut, boost longevity, and improve your overall health and appearance.

In this chapter, I’ll reveal my Powerphenols and how you can take full advantage of their youth-restoring value.

The Powerphenol Purpose

The “upgrade” is a powerful tool in science and tech—and, really, all of life. Just think about all the ways that performance and experiences can be improved with power-packed add-ons: You can add memory to a computer, horsepower to an engine, data to a phone plan, legroom to an airline ticket. These bonuses are designed to give you more than what you can get from the basics. That’s exactly what Powerphenols do. They upgrade your health and wellness by acting as a nutritional advantage—allowing you to not just survive, but thrive. Here are four reasons you should incorporate Powerphenols into your life.

1. Food Production Is Flawed

Modern food production practices optimize for quantity, not quality, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies. Water and soil are both necessary for plants to grow, but both have been degraded over time. Soil is increasingly depleted of essential nutrients. And water is also robbed of its nutrient value through modern filtration, draining it of important minerals like magnesium, according to the Journal of Environmental Health Perspectives. In addition, it is much more likely for water today to be contaminated with potentially harmful chemicals. All this can have an impact on your food, potentially leaving you lacking important nutrients.

2. Nutrient Levels Are Dropping

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition revealed nutritional data from 1950 and 1999 for forty-three different vegetables and fruits, and found that the amount of protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and vitamin C they contained had declined over the past fifty years. This is not an isolated study, as research shows nutrient levels have dropped over the past two decades. According to Scientific American, you would have to eat eight oranges today to derive the same amount of vitamin A that your grandparents would have gotten from one orange. Scientists speculate that one reason for this decline is pesticides.

For example, higher amounts of polyphenols are found in organic and sustainably grown fruits and vegetables. This is because plants produce polyphenols to protect themselves against insects and viruses. When pesticides are used, there is no reason for plants to naturally defend themselves. So even if you follow a healthy diet and eat fruits and vegetables, you can’t always rely on the quality of your food. This may put you at risk for nutrient deficiencies that can damage DNA and make you age faster.

3. Absorption Declines with Age

It’s a biological fact that, as you get older, it becomes more difficult for your body to break down and absorb nutrients from food. There are a variety of reasons for this, including a reduction in saliva, which helps break down food, a decrease in gastrointestinal enzymes, and hormonal changes. As a result of this malabsorption, we need more nutrients as we age, from the most bioavailable sources possible.

4. Your Nutritional Insurance Policy

While getting nutrients from food should always be your focus, it is not always realistic. Soil and water depletion, pesticides, and Accelerated Agers like environmental toxins, lack of sleep, and poor absorption can all cause nutrient deficiencies. Relying on food alone puts your body and brain at an unnecessary disadvantage—making you susceptible to age-related disease.

A study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition titled “Food Alone May Not Provide Sufficient Macronutrients for Preventing Deficiency” showed that every single one of the seventy athletes who participated in the study was deficient in more than two nutrients.

But nutritional supplements like Powerphenols can give you a great advantage and work as an insurance policy to protect you and help prolong your life.

Your Shield of Wellness

In nature, polyphenols have a clearly defined role: protecting plants against aggressors like UV rays, insects, and disease. And when you ingest these botanical allies by taking Powerphenol nutritional supplements, you not only get similar protective benefits, you also create a shield of wellness that both defends and fights against the visible and invisible signs of aging. Think of them as the botanicals you need in the battle for beauty, youth, and vibrancy.

This wellness shield defends your cells by preventing cell oxidation and fights cellular aging. Potent polyphenols have been shown to defend against long-term complications from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, and neurodegenerative diseases.

I believe these nutritional superstars are the ideal weapons in the battle to boost our youth. And I’ve identified four Powerphenols to help you look and feel younger: resveratrol-trans, organic curcumin, berberine, and EGCG.

Youth-Restoring Powerphenols

Powerphenols can give you a biological youth boost when used to supplement your Glow15 diet. Take these nutrient-dense superstars on High days, as they can produce the same effects on metabolism as fasting. Powerphenols are fat soluble, meaning that to ensure absorption, you should take them with fat. Try them with an AvocaGlow, Egg15, or AutophaTea in the morning. These fats will help your body absorb more polyphenols.

And while the higher levels of the concentrated active ingredients in Powerphenol supplements can boost protection and repair your cells, you should check with your doctor before taking them if you are pregnant or taking prescription medication.


Enjoy a glass of red wine. Indulge in some dark chocolate. Eat a tablespoon or two of peanut butter. They contain a Powerphenol called resveratrol.

Yes, if you remember—that same resveratrol that I discovered during an indulgent dinner with my cousin in France. It was then that we spoke of the French Paradox, the relationship between the amount of wine commonly consumed and the evidence of a lowered risk of heart disease among the French. The explanation for this phenomenon, according to scientists: resveratrol, a Powerphenol found in grape skins and other plant sources, including peanuts and berries.

There are thousands of studies showing that resveratrol helps slow the aging process. It does this by promoting longevity via a class of proteins called sirtuins. I had the opportunity to spend time with and learn from Dr. David Sinclair, the foremost researcher on resveratrol, who discovered that it was the most powerful sirtuin 1 activator of all the natural compounds he tested.

Resveratrol-trans is the best type of resveratrol to enhance autophagy. It has been clinically proven to provide antiaging benefits. The other type of resveratrol, called resveratrol-cis, has been shown to be much less stable and effective than resveratrol-trans. The benefits of resveratrol-trans have been linked to nearly every category of antiaging.

Younger Brain: Resveratrol-trans has been shown to increase cerebral blood flow. One Georgetown University study found that resveratrol-trans can help by reducing molecules that enter the brain and can contribute to cognitive decline; it does this by restoring the integrity of the blood-brain barrier. The study showed that resveratrol-trans worked by reducing inflammation in the brain, thus slowing down the decline in brain function among patients. This was the largest nationwide study done on people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease testing pure high-dose resveratrol-trans.

Healthy Weight: Resveratrol enhances mitochondrial function—through sirtuin activation—which can improve metabolism. Also, resveratrol has been shown to reduce body weight and fat mass by helping to control appetite. In addition, it helps reduce the proliferation of fat cells and decrease the production of stored fat. A review of studies in the journal Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences found that the anti-obesity effects can come from various mechanisms, including the ability of resveratrol to prevent the development of insulin resistance.

Anti-Inflammatory: Resveratrol’s role in insulin resistance has been shown to reduce blood glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes. Evidence even suggests that resveratrol-trans is a more potent anti-inflammatory agent than NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.

Healthy Heart: This Powerphenol has been shown to improve cardiovascular health by supporting arterial health. It’s also been shown to improve circulation and blood flow.

How to Take It: Here’s the thing about resveratrol-trans: It’s best taken daily as a nutritional supplement, because you would have to drink hundreds of glasses of red wine to get the levels of resveratrol-trans that are used in studies. This is why it became one of my favorite antiaging ingredients. I sourced the highest-quality organic French red wine grapes and organic Muscadine grapes to create a superior supplement that’s been used in studies around the world, including universities and the National Institute of Health (NIH), and millions of people have benefited from the power of resveratrol-trans.

It's safe to take up to 1,000 mg of this incredible Powerphenol daily.

Organic Curcumin

When I was traveling in India, I visited Bangalore, considered the country’s Silicon Valley, to meet with scientists and farmers to learn more about curcumin—the bright yellow phytonutrient found in the turmeric plant, grown throughout Asia. Everywhere I went, I experienced the fragrance of the spice. At the farmers’ market, everyone was buying turmeric. When I asked the women shopping how they used the plant, they told me they did the same things as their mothers and their grandmothers did: grated it, cooked with it, and made sure to add at least a teaspoon a day to their diet. The reasons they gave me? It wards off bacteria, prevents sickness, and alleviates sadness. While they may sound like folklore, medical science supports these women’s beliefs. That’s why turmeric’s most active ingredient—the yellow-colored chemical called curcumin—is one of my favorite Powerphenols.

You likely know or have heard of curcumin because turmeric is the main spice in many curry blends and what gives mustard its color. Its health benefits were first published in scientific findings in the early 1800s, and now modern science has discovered that it can induce autophagy.

Reduce Inflammation: Studies show that it may be comparable to some popular anti-inflammatory drugs, like NSAIDS.

Boost Mood: This Powerphenol also works as a natural antidepressant—and studies show it helps quell anxiety, too. A study in the journal Phytotherapy Research showed that curcumin was as effective as Prozac in alleviating symptoms of depression.

Reduce Blood Sugar: High levels of blood sugar are bad for all kinds of reasons; they lead to fat storage, put you at risk of developing diabetes, and increase your risk of arterial damage and heart disease. High glucose levels mean your body will age faster biologically, not to mention the fact that they can also affect your appearance. New research shows that people with type 2 diabetes who had elevated blood sugar were more likely to “look” older than those with lower blood sugar, who look “younger” than their age. The good news: Curcumin helps to lower blood sugar.

You can amp up your fight against high blood sugar with curcumin, which helps regulate and improve insulin’s ability to bind to sugar. It’s also been shown to reduce the activity of specific liver enzymes that release sugar into the bloodstream while also activating enzymes that store sugar as glycogen. Note: Because curcumin can lower blood sugar, anyone taking diabetes drugs or insulin will want to monitor their blood sugar levels while taking it as a nutritional supplement.

Promote Heart Health: Research shows that turmeric or curcumin supplements can reduce total cholesterol, as well as LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and triglycerides.

How to Take It: Research shows that taking 500 mg twice a day is best. Take organic curcumin that has been cleanly extracted using carbon dioxide. Organic is important, because curcumin is extracted from the turmeric root, and since the active ingredient has been condensed, you want to make sure you are not getting any herbicides or pesticides.

I always take curcumin with a fat-first meal, which dramatically boosts absorption of this fat-soluble Powerphenol. You can also take it with pepper or a peppercorn to increase the absorption.


How many times have you wished you could pop a pill instead of working out? Well, while berberine can’t replace a good sweat (but don’t despair—my Glow15 exercise program, which you’ll read about in the next chapter, will be pretty easy to swallow!), this Powerphenol has been called “exercise in a pill.” Berberine’s superpower is its ability to produce biological effects similar to those of exercise.

Grown throughout Asia, berberine has been used for centuries as an alternative medicine. It’s difficult to find in food, which is why I get it in a nutritional supplement. In studies, berberine has been shown to benefit diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and gut health, but I am most interested in its relationship to fat.

Now, it’s important to know that we all have distinct types of fat in our bodies.

White fat is the main form of fat found all around your body—your belly, thighs, arms, hips, and everywhere else. An excess of white fat stored deep around your organs, called visceral fat, can be associated with diabetes and heart disease.

The second type is brown fat. Brown fat is actually beneficial. It can help your body burn, not store, calories. Your brown fat is normally stored in your upper back and neck. Studies show that leaner adults have more brown fat than those who are overweight, but since our bodies don’t have very much to begin with, the focus is on trying to figure out ways to generate new brown fat.

So what does berberine have to do with it all?

Burn Fat: Berberine enhances activity in brown fat—by helping to generate the heat that burns more calories. Clinical trials have shown that berberine is one of the few compounds that can activate autophagy through a protein called AMPK. This protein is so powerful that it’s often referred to as the “metabolic master switch,” as it mimics the heat-activating process that burns calories (thermogenesis). Recent studies on mice show that berberine helps the body deal with weight gain and disorders associated with weight gain. And other studies show that berberine can help manage genes to have a positive effect on burning calories from fat and keeping the body from creating fat in the first place, as well as fighting insulin resistance, a contributor to weight gain.

Another study showed that people who took berberine three times a day lost an average of 5 pounds. While that may not seem like substantial weight loss, if you consider that it was the only variable measured, it is an extra boost to combat fat!

If its role in fat burning is not enough, this superhero also has properties that make it a wonderful addition to your Glow15 Powerphenol arsenal.

Boost Gut Health: Berberine has been shown to have a positive effect on your gut flora. Improving the bacteria in your gut can not only ease digestive issues, but also can play an important role in your entire body. We know that “beneficial” or “good” bacteria do so much more than protect us from bloating, gas, and traditional GI issues. These healthy bacteria might be the commanders in chief of your well-being and aging.

The better you are able to maintain a high ratio of healthy to harmful bacteria, the stronger and more vibrant your overall health and wellness will be. Berberine can help eradicate bacteria and optimize your gut microbe status. So if you want to feel well and look your best, look after your gut health first.

Glow15 Success Story

Krissy “I’m no longer frightened, I’m motivated”

“What I like best about Glow15 is how it works with my body, making me feel better and healthier. I’m a registered cardiovascular invasive specialist. I spend most of my days scrubbing in with physicians after a patient has a heart attack. The vast majority of these patients are overweight. So am I. I worry that it could be me on that table next. I have high cholesterol and what doctors call a fatty liver and that combined with my weight means I should be scared. But that fear can be paralyzing. Glow15 is helping me move forward and claim control of my own health. I know I have a long way to go, but I’ve already lost 3 pounds and some inches, and feel more awake and alert. I made changes to the way I eat and sleep and move, but the biggest change for me was taking Powerphenols. I tried the resveratrol and the curcumin. And while I can’t attribute the changes I see and feel to any one part of the plan, I do feel like those nutritional supplements gave me a little extra boost or helped jump start my autophagy. Most importantly, I believe they are working to help make me healthier. I’m actually looking forward to going back to my doctor and getting my cholesterol levels checked. The best part of Glow15: I’m no longer frightened, I’m motivated.”

Reduce Blood Sugar and Cholesterol: A study published in the journal Metabolism showed that berberine worked to manage blood sugar and lipid metabolism as effectively as the prescription drug metformin. Here’s an interesting fact: Berberine reduces blood sugar only if blood sugar is elevated. Berberine has also been shown to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels without the side effects of statin therapy, the conventional pharmaceutical treatment for high cholesterol.

Improve Lung Health: The journal Inflammation published a study showing that pretreatment with berberine can reduce inflammation in the lungs and also help to reduce injury related to cigarette smoking.

How to Take It: I suggest taking three 500-milligram doses a day to keep your blood levels stable. I also suggest taking each dose with a meal to help avoid stomach upset.


This Powerphenol is found in green tea and is a key ingredient in my AutophaTea.

EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) is a compound made from two others, and it’s classified as a catechin—a kind of flavanol shown to be beneficial to your body. It’s found in high amounts in green tea; in fact, EGCG makes up 50 to 60 percent of green tea catechins.

A cup of AutophaTea’s or EGCG extract’s youth-promoting benefits have been well documented.

Boost Longevity: At the end of each strand of DNA, you have little tips called telomeres (scientists often liken them to the little plastic pieces at the ends of shoelaces), which have a big role in how well you age. When telomeres get damaged or frayed, it influences the way your genes function. Over time, your telomeres shorten; this is a natural part of aging. But when they get too short, that’s when your DNA is more at risk. EGCG can protect your telomeres from damage, thus increasing your youth span and reducing the risk of developing disease. The Journal of Experimental Biology links the EGCG in green tea to a healthier life and boosted longevity.

Lose Weight: This Powerphenol can suppress appetite, reduce fat, and burn calories. In addition, it can also help boost metabolism. A study from Geneva indicated that consuming EGCG with caffeine can increase metabolism by 4 percent, which means you can burn calories after taking it, even if you aren’t expending a lot of energy.

Fight Cancer: As an antioxidant, EGCG can fight free radical damage that could lead to cancer. One study in the journal Cancer Metastasis Reviews explained that EGCG’s power to reduce cancer risk is twofold: One, the substance was shown to help inhibit the growth of tumors. Two, it was also shown to help decrease the factors that lead to metastasis—the spreading of cancer to surrounding tissues (often the factor responsible for cancer deaths).

How to Know If Your Herbal Supplements Are High Quality and Safe

Buy from a reliable source. Although supplements are regulated by the FDA, some suppliers don’t go through the process of quality control for purity, potency, and identity of a product.

Look for third-party verifications on the bottle or online. These organizations help to ensure what’s in the bottle matches what’s on the label, as well as verify that the product is free of contaminants. Reputable third-party sources include GMP Quality, USDA Organic, and Non-GMO Project Verified.

Buy organic herbal supplements. Because many herbal supplements are less likely to have third-party verification, buy organic to be sure you’re getting herbs that are free of pesticides. Credible companies often provide information on where their raw ingredients come from. Look for the USDA Organic certification seal.

Choose single-ingredient supplements. They’re more likely to contain the active ingredient listed on the label and are less likely to be contaminated.

Improve Brain Function: According to the journal Appetite, EGCG can strengthen and calm your brain. In the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, the Powerphenol EGCG is now being considered as a therapy to alter brain aging processes and protect against neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

How to Take It: I think the best way to get this Powerphenol is through AutophaTea, which has 70 to 150 milligrams of EGCG per tea bag. You can also find it in capsule form. It is safe for most adults to have up to 600 milligrams of EGCG daily. It is best to spread out your intake over three increments and take it with meals to aid absorption.

Think of Powerphenols as a dual dose—antioxidant and autophagy activating—of plant medicine to help you grow younger. They protect and defend. They prevent and repair. And, they can help your cells act younger, giving you the ability to change the way you age. I believe Powerphenols can be your wellness shield, revitalizing your body to fight disease, promote weight loss, and boost energy.

Want to further those benefits? In the next chapter, I’ll show you how a minimum amount of exercise can lead to maximum youth. Get ready. Get set. Let’s glow!