Device Authentication

Android devices have supported device authentication since the beginning. Users could lock their devices with a PIN, passphrase, or “pattern”, to help deter unauthorize use. Nowadays, fingerprint sensors are available on some Android devices as another authentication option.

For the vast majority of apps, none of this matters.

Some apps have sensitive content (e.g., password manager) or offer sensitive services (e.g., banking app). These apps may want to tie more tightly into the device authentication options, to ensure that the person working with the app right now is the device’s authorized user.

In this chapter, we will look at how to perform this sort of integration.


One of the examples in this chapter makes use of RxJava.

Is the Device Secure?

You cannot validate the identity of the user on a device that is not secured by something (PIN, passphrase, pattern, fingerprint, etc.). So, one of the first things you may wish to determine is whether or not such a lock has been applied to the device.

Android has two separate ways of accomplishing this, with slightly different feature sets.

The DevicePolicyManager Approach

In the chapter on device administration, we cover a number of APIs for managing the lock quality. In particular, DevicePolicyManager has the concept of “password quality”. Any app — not just designated device admin apps — can call getPasswordQuality() on a DevicePolicyManager instance to find out the designated minimum required quality. A value of PASSWORD_QUALITY_UNSPECIFIED indicates that “anything goes”. PASSWORD_QUALITY_SOMETHING indicates that the device needs some form of authentication, but does not establish any criteria beyond that. Other values start to put restrictions on the authentication option, such as PASSWORD_QUALITY_ALPHABETIC, indicating that the authentication cannot be in the form of a simple PIN.

Other methods let you get minimum required password lengths, minimum required characters of certain classes (e.g., symbols), and so forth.

It is fairly likely that the current authentication option in force adheres to the password criteria exposed by those methods.

The KeyguardManager Approach

The KeyguardManager system service has a simpler API… with a couple of wrinkles.

Since SIM card locks do not seem very common, the two methods will tend to return the same result. However, since SIM card lock security is fairly weak, on Android 6.0+, use isDeviceSecure(), so SIM card locks are not taken into account with the result.

The DeviceAuth/SecureCheck sample application demonstrates the use of these methods (and of a few others that we will see shortly).

Our activity’s UI consists of two big icons with those two KeyguardManager method names as captions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
< xmlns:android=""

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@id/device" />

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

    app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@id/keyguard" />

    app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@id/device" />

(from DeviceAuth/SecureCheck/app/src/main/res/layout/activity_main.xml)

In onCreate(), we retrieve a KeyguardManager system service and set the images on those icons based on the KeyguardManager results:

  private KeyguardManager mgr;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


    ImageView device=findViewById(;
    ImageView keyguard=findViewById(;

      if (mgr.isDeviceSecure()) {
      else {
    else {

    if (mgr.isKeyguardSecure()) {
    else {
(from DeviceAuth/SecureCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/check/

Running the app will show the results of those calls:

Secure Check, As Run On Secure Android 5.0 Device
Figure 739: Secure Check, As Run On Secure Android 5.0 Device

Secure Check, As Run On Insecure Android 6.0 Device
Figure 740: Secure Check, As Run On Insecure Android 6.0 Device

Reconfirming the User

Those methods are interesting, but they do not tell you much about the current user. Obviously, if the device is not secure, you have no idea who the current user is. However, even if the device has a PIN/password/pattern lock, it is possible that the real user unlocked device, but somebody else now has that unlocked device. Some apps will want a way to re-authenticate the user, to confirm that the person working with the device right now is the real user, not somebody else who has their hands on the unlocked device.

KeyguardManager has a createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() method that helps with this. This method returns an Intent that can be used with startActivityForResult(). What then appears is a system-supplied activity that requires the user to re-authenticate the device. In onActivityResult(), a RESULT_OK result means that the user successfully re-authenticated. Anything else means that the user failed to re-authenticate and eventually pressed BACK to return to your app.

The SecureCheck sample app has an action bar icon that, when tapped, invokes an authenticate() method, one that uses createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent():

  private void authenticate() {
    Intent i=mgr.createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent("title", "description");

    if (i==null) {
      Toast.makeText(this, "No authentication required!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    else {
      startActivityForResult(i, REQUEST_CODE);
(from DeviceAuth/SecureCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/check/

createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() takes two parameters: a title and a description. In principle, these should appear on the authentication activity, to provide context to the user as to why this screen appeared. In reality, the description may or may not appear, so do not assume that the user will be able to see whatever you put there.

Since this Intent is designed for use with startActivityForResult(), we cannot directly put it into a PendingIntent or anything. If for some reason you needed to re-authenticate from a Notification or app widget or something, you can use a Theme.Translucent.NoTitleBar-themed activity for the PendingIntent, as such activities are effectively invisible. That activity, in turn, can call startActivityForResult() with the Intent from createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent().

Here, we just call startActivityForResult() directly, showing a Toast in onActivityResult() based upon the user’s response:

  protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode,
                                  Intent data) {
    if (requestCode==REQUEST_CODE) {
      if (resultCode==RESULT_OK) {
        Toast.makeText(this, "Authenticated!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      else {
        Toast.makeText(this, "WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
(from DeviceAuth/SecureCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/check/

On some devices (e.g., Nexus 5X running Android 8.1), the authentication activity uses FLAG_SECURE and cannot be captured in a screenshot. Other devices have no such restriction:

Re-Authentication Activity on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Figure 741: Re-Authentication Activity on a Samsung Galaxy Note 3

Note that only the title appears here; on the Nexus 5X with Android 8.1, both the title and the description appear.

createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() has a significant limitation: the Intent that you create always triggers authentication when started. Sometimes, this is a feature, if you absolutely want to ensure that the user is authenticated before proceeding. Sometimes, this is a bug, if your flow keeps forcing the user to re-authenticate. There is a way to use createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent() to have an authentication timeout, so a successful authentication skips future authentication for some amount of time. This is a bit complex to set up, as it requires custom use of the keystore, and so we will explore it in greater detail in the next chapter.


Android 6.0 added APIs for fingerprint sensors. For most users, and for most apps, fingerprints are just another aspect of unlocking a device. However, apps can more deeply integrate with the fingerprint sensor if desired.

Note that the libraries and classes related to fingerprints are only supported on API Level 23 and higher.

Authenticating the User

One obvious use of the fingerprint sensor is to authenticate the current user, ensuring that the person holding the device is who we think it is.

There are a few options for doing this, with varying levels of complexity.

Via KeyguardManager

The simplest solution is to not worry about fingerprints, but instead to use the techniques shown earlier in this chapter to authenticate the user.

When a user sets up a fingerprint to use for unlocking a device, that is an adjunct to a more traditional PIN or passphrase. When you start the activity identified by the Intent returned by createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(), you are requesting that the user authenticate by whatever means is appropriate. If a fingerprint is an option, the user will be able to use a fingerprint to authenticate.

This is cheap and easy, but it does not require that the user use a fingerprint. The user could type in their PIN or passphrase instead.

Using RxFingerprint

It is possible that you will want to use a fingerprint specifically. For example, perhaps you are using fingerprints as part of a multi-factor authentication system, where the user needs to provide some sort of passphrase for your app and authenticate with a fingerprint.

The simplest way to do this is to use one of the many third-party libraries that exist to simplify Android’s fingerprint API. For example, the DeviceAuth/FingerCheck sample application uses RxFingerprint, which offers an RxJava-compatible API for authenticating a user via a registered fingerprint.

The first requirement for working with fingerprints explicitly is to request the USE_FINGERPRINT permission:

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.USE_FINGERPRINT" />
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml)

This is not a dangerous permission, so you do not need to request it at runtime using requestPermissions(). But, you have to have it, so that users that investigate the full slate of permissions requested by your app will know that you wish to work with fingerprints.

Android 9.0 introduced a new permission, USE_BIOMETRIC, to better reflect the migration from simple fingerprints to more biometric authentication options (e.g., iris scan). You may wish to request both USE_FINGERPRINT and USE_BIOMETRIC, knowing that the latter will be ignored on pre-Android 9.0 devices.

RxFingerprint itself is just another artifact to request as part of your dependencies:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.1.7'
    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.0.1'
    implementation 'com.mtramin:rxfingerprint:2.2.1'
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/build.gradle)

When you want to authenticate the user, you can use isAvailable() and authenticate() static methods on the RxFingerprint class:

if (RxFingerprint.isAvailable(this)) {
      t -> {
        Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception authenticating", t);
else {
  Toast.makeText(this, R.string.msg_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

You need to call isAvailable() first. If this returns false, you cannot authenticate using a fingerprint, for any number of reasons, including:

Assuming that there is a fingerprint eligible for authentication, authenticate() turns on the fingerprint sensor. There is no visible indication of this, and so you will need to do something in your app to let the user know that it is time for them to scan their fingerprint.

There are four possible outcomes. The unexpected one is some sort of crash. In that case, your RxJava stream will contain a Throwable representing the crash. In the code shown above, subscribe() routes that Throwable to some code that logs the message to LogCat (and, ideally, should do other things as well, to let the user know that something went wrong).

Everything else routes through a FingerprintAuthenticationResult object that is the output of the RxJava stream set up by isAvailable(). You can call getResult() on that to get an enum value that indicates what happened:

  private void onAuthResult(FingerprintAuthenticationResult authResult) {
    String msg=getString(R.string.msg_not_possible);

    switch (authResult.getResult()) {
      case FAILED:
      case HELP:

    Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/finger/

If we get a HELP event, the user can try to scan their fingerprint again. The getMessage() method on the FingerprintAuthenticationResult provides a message to show the user to hint at what they might do to get a better scan. Otherwise, AUTHENTICATED means that the user successfully authenticated using a fingerprint, and FAILED means that the user failed authentication.

In all three cases, the fingerprint sensor is still active, and will remain so until we dispose() of the Disposable representing this RxJava subscription, handled here by the unsub() method:

  private void unsub() {
    if (disposable!=null) {
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/finger/

In this sample app, the layout consists of a single ImageButton, showing a vector drawable of a stylized fingerprint. That fingerprint will show up in one of two colors: black normally, but blue when the fingerprint sensor is active. In onCreate(), we set up tinted editions of the vector drawable, plus hook up an authenticate() method to the button:

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

      R.drawable.ic_fingerprint_black_24dp, null));
    off.setTint(getResources().getColor(, null));

      R.drawable.ic_fingerprint_black_24dp, null));
    on.setTint(getResources().getColor(R.color.primary, null));

    button.setOnClickListener(view -> authenticate());
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/finger/

authenicate() contains the RxFingerprint calls from earlier, but with some additional manipulation of the button drawable, to toggle it blue while the scan is going on and toggle it black if an exception occurs:

  private void authenticate() {

    if (RxFingerprint.isAvailable(this)) {
          t -> {
            Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception authenticating", t);
    else {
      Toast.makeText(this, R.string.msg_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerCheck/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/auth/finger/

The layout sets the ImageButton to be approximately one inch square:

Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched
Figure 742: Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched

When you tap that button, the fingerprint turns blue:

Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched
Figure 743: Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched

From there, what happens depends on the user, but ideally involves a successful authentication:

Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched
Figure 744: Finger Check Sample, As Initially Launched


The FingerprintManager system service is the Android gateway to the fingerprint-specific APIs. It has only three methods, at least as of Android 8.1.

Two of these simply indicate whether or not you can bother using the third method:

If either of those methods return false, you cannot authenticate the user by fingerprint.

If they both return true, though, you can use the third method — authenticate() – to authenticate the user with a fingerprint.

authenticate() takes five parameters:

Your AuthenticationCallback implementation can be called with four methods:

RxFingerprint simply wraps all of this in an RxJava-friendly API.

Encrypting Data Using Fingerprints and Libraries

The CryptoObject that you can pass into authenticate() is tied to the device keystore for use with digitally signing and encrypting data securely. You do not have to use FingerprintManager to work with the keystore, but it is one option. However, as we will see in the chapter on the keystore, working with the keystore is a bit complex.


RxFingerprint offers simple encrypt() and decrypt() methods. Each return an Observable for you to be able to react to the results of the cryptography.

Both methods have three parameters in common:

  1. An EncryptionMethod enum value, which is either AES (for AES-256 symmetric key encryption) or RSA (for public-key encryption)
  2. The Activity requesting this work
  3. A “key name”, which must be unique within your app, to identify the encryption key(s) that are generated and securely stored as part of this work

The advantage of RSA is that the user only needs to scan their fingerprint when data is decrypted. Encryption can occur at any time without a fingerprint. With AES, a fingerprint is needed for both encryption and decryption. However, AES should be a bit faster, particularly for larger amounts of data.

The encrypt() method takes a fourth parameter, which is a String representing the data to be encrypted. It is your job to marshal your data into a String by one means or another. What you get, reactively, from the encrypt() process is another String, representing the encrypted value. It is your job to save this somewhere, such as in a file.

The decrypt() method then works in reverse:

the DeviceAuth/FingerKey sample application illustrates the use of these two methods.

The value that we are saving is a randomly-generated passphrase, for reasons that will become clearer later in this chapter. Specifically, it is 128 characters of random alphanumeric values, generated via a SecureRandom instance:

  private char[] generatePassphrase() {
    char[] result=new char[128];

    for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {

    return result;
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

Here, BASE36_SYMBOLS is simply a String of the candidate characters to use in the random passphrase:

  private static final String BASE36_SYMBOLS="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

rng is a SecureRandom instance:

  private final SecureRandom rng=new SecureRandom();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

That passphrase is generated as part of starting up the activity and is held onto in a passphrase field.

The UI is the same as in the FingerAuth sample shown above, with a large fingerprint button. This time, when the user taps the button, we will encrypt the passphrase using RSA encryption, then turn around and decrypt the value. The decryption will require the user to scan their fingerprint.

The button is now tied to a doTheWork method, which confirms that we have fingerprint access, then calls encrypt() on the RxFingerprint instance:

  private void doTheWork() {

    if (RxFingerprint.isAvailable(this)) {
      disposable=RxFingerprint.encrypt(EncryptionMethod.RSA, this, KEY_NAME,
        new String(passphrase))
          t -> {
            Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception authenticating", t);
    else {
      Toast.makeText(this, R.string.msg_not_available, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

Here, KEY_NAME is just a simple constant. The passphrase is held onto as a char array, so we need to convert that to a String before passing it to encrypt() as the value to be encrypted.

The subscribe() call on the Observable routes control to an onEncResult() method in normal cases, or logs an Exception to LogCat in case of a serious failure.

There are three possible outcomes from onEncResult()… in theory. In reality, it will depend on the encryption algorithm. AES requires fingerprint authentication for both encryption and decryption, and so there is a chance that the user fails the fingerprint authentication step. RSA — which this sample app uses – does not require fingerprint authentication for encryption. This means that everything should succeed (a result of AUTHENTICATED, or we should get a Throwable.

So, if we are AUTHENTICATED, our data has been encrypted, and so we can get that encrypted value via getEncrypted() on the FingerprintEncryptionResult. In a real app, you would save this somewhere for long-term use. Here, we just turn right around and:

  private void onEncResult(FingerprintEncryptionResult encResult) {
    if (encResult.getResult()==FingerprintResult.AUTHENTICATED) {

      String encryptedValue=encResult.getEncrypted();

      disposable=RxFingerprint.decrypt(EncryptionMethod.RSA, this, KEY_NAME,
          t -> {
            Log.e(getClass().getSimpleName(), "Exception decrypting", t);
    else {
      Toast.makeText(this, "This was unexpected...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

decrypt() takes the same first three parameters as does encrypt():

  1. The EncryptionMethod enum value corresponding with how you encrypted the value
  2. The Activity requesting this work
  3. The same “key name” that you used with encrypt()

The fourth parameter is the encrypted data to be decrypted.

decrypt() returns an Observable of FingerprintDecryptionResult. We use the same pattern as before, routing the normal case to an onDecResult() method and logging any exceptions to LogCat.

onDecResult() will need to deal with all three possible fingerprint scan outcomes (FAILED, HELP, and AUTHENTICATED), since any decryption requires a fingerprint scan. The first two of those scenarios we handle the same as in FingerAuth; the third one just confirms that our decrypted data matches the plaintext that we supplied to encrypt() back in the beginning:

  private void onDecResult(FingerprintDecryptionResult decResult) {
    String msg=getString(R.string.msg_not_possible);

    switch (decResult.getResult()) {
      case FAILED:
      case HELP:

        if (decResult.getDecrypted().equals(new String(passphrase))) {
        else {


    Toast.makeText(this, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
(from DeviceAuth/FingerKey/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/key/

In a real app, of course, you would use this decrypted data for something useful.


Square — authors of a seemingly-infinite number of open source Android libraries — has their take on fingerprints and encryption, in the Whorlwind library.

This is simpler to use than RxFingerprint, if you do not need control over the encryption algorithm that is used or the storage location for the encrypted data. That is handled for you by Whorlwind. It uses the RSA algorithm, which avoids the need for fingerprint authentication for encrypting the data. And, it provides a Storage abstraction for persisting the encrypted data in a key-value store. Whorlwind ships with a SharedPreferencesStorage, or you can create another implementation of the Storage interface that meets your needs.

OK, So What Was That All About?

Encrypting a random string seems to be a bit esoteric. Developers are used to encrypting things of value, and a random string would not appear to be of value.

On its own, a random string is useless.

However, there are encrypted data stores for Android that rely on a passphrase, such as SQLCipher for Android. Those data stores have no means of integrating with a fingerprint scanner directly.

The encrypted random string, therefore, serves as a bridge between the fingerprint authentication — or, as we will see, the keystore — and the passphrase-based data store:

Later on, to access the passphrase-based data store, we:

The net result is an encrypted data store (e.g., SQLCipher for Android) with device-based authentication, instead of (or in addition to) a user-entered passphrase.

We will explore this pattern in greater detail in the next chapter.

Limitations of Fingerprint-Based Encryption

Under the covers, all of this winds up using the keystore for handling the encryption securely. Using the keystore has many benefits, but it also has some limitations, particularly when it comes to changes to the lockscreen. The next chapter has a section that reviews these limitations.