
Visually representing collections of items is an important aspect of many mobile apps. The classic Android implementation of this was the AdapterView family of widgets: ListView, GridView, Spinner, and so on. However, they had their limitations, particularly with respect to advanced capabilities like animating changes in the list contents.

In 2014, Google released RecyclerView, via the Android Support package. Developers can add the recyclerview-v7 artifact to their projects and use RecyclerView as a replacement for most of the AdapterView family. RecyclerView was written from the ground up to be a more flexible container, with lots of hooks and delegation to allow behaviors to be plugged in.

This had two major impacts:

  1. RecyclerView is indeed much more powerful than its AdapterView counterparts
  2. RecyclerView, out of the box, is nearly useless, and wiring together enough stuff to even replicate basic ListView/GridView functionality takes quite a bit of code

In this chapter, we will review the basic use of RecyclerView, as an alternative to ListView. A later chapter gets into more complex scenarios, such as replacing GridView with RecyclerView.

AdapterView and its Discontents

AdapterView, and particularly its ListView and GridView subclasses, serve important roles in Android application development. And, for basic scenarios, they work reasonably well.

However, there are issues.

Perhaps the biggest tactical issue is that updating an AdapterView tends to be an all-or-nothing affair. If there is a change to the model data — new rows added, existing rows removed, or data changes that might affect the AdapterView presentation — the only well-supported solution is to call notifyDataSetChanged() and have the AdapterView rebuild itself. This is slow and can have impacts on things like choice states. And, if you wanted to get really elaborate about your changes, and use animated effects to show where rows got added or removed, that was halfway to impossible.

Strategically, AdapterView, AbsListView (the immediate parent of ListView and GridView), and ListView are large piles of code that resemble pasta to many outsiders. There are so many responsibilities piled into these classes that maintainability was a challenge for Google and extensibility was a dream more than a reality.

Enter RecyclerView

RecyclerView is designed to correct those sorts of flaws.

RecyclerView, on its own, does very little other than help manage view recycling (e.g., row recycling of a vertical list). It delegates almost everything else to other classes, such as:

This is on top of the adapters and view holders that were the hallmarks of conventional AdapterView usage.

Because things like layout managers are handled via abstract classes and replaceable concrete implementations, third-party developers can contribute options for developers to use, just as Google does.

On the flip side, though, RecyclerView does much less “out of the box” than does ListView or GridView. Not everything that is missing is supplied anywhere in the recyclerview-v7 library, requiring that you either roll a bunch of code yourself or rely upon those third-party libraries to get anything much done.

A Trivial List

Back in the original chapter on AdapterView and adapters, we had the Selection/Dynamic sample app. This app would display a list of 25 Latin words, each with the word’s length and an accompanying icon (different for short and long words):

The Dynamic Sample Application
Figure 191: The Dynamic Sample Application

Here, we will review the RecyclerView/SimpleList sample project, which is a first pass at porting the Selection/Dynamic demo over to use RecyclerView.

The Dependency

Any project that wishes to use RecyclerView needs to have access to the recyclerview-v7 library from the Android Support package. Android Studio users can simply have a reference to it in the top-level dependencies closure:

apply plugin: ''

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

android {
    compileSdkVersion 27
    buildToolsVersion '27.0.3'

    defaultConfig {
      minSdkVersion 15
      targetSdkVersion 27
(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/build.gradle)

However, if you are using recyclerview-v7, you want to use version 23 or higher of that library. There are changes to ART – the Android runtime used on Android 5.0+ — that apparently will break the older versions of recyclerview-v7 when running on Android 6.0+ devices.

A RecyclerViewActivity

With ListView, we could use ListActivity, to isolate some of the ListView-management code. There is no RecyclerViewActivity in the recyclerview-v7 library… but we can create one:



public class RecyclerViewActivity extends Activity {
  private RecyclerView rv=null;

  public void setAdapter(RecyclerView.Adapter adapter) {

  public RecyclerView.Adapter getAdapter() {

  public void setLayoutManager(RecyclerView.LayoutManager mgr) {

  public RecyclerView getRecyclerView() {
    if (rv==null) {
      rv=new RecyclerView(this);

(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/simplelist/

The important part is the getRecyclerView() method. Here, if we have not already initialized the RecyclerView, we create an instance of it and set it as the activity’s content view via setContentView(). Along the way, we call setHasFixedSize(true) on the RecyclerView, to tell it that its size should not be changing based upon the contents of the adapter. This knowledge can help RecyclerView operate more efficiently.

The RecyclerViewActivity also has getAdapter() and setAdapter() analogues for their ListActivity counterparts. We will explore the differences in the adapter classes later in this section. We also have a setLayoutManager() convenience method, that just calls setLayoutManager() on the underlying RecyclerView — we will see what a layout manager is in the context of RecyclerView in the next section.

There are other features of ListActivity that are not mirrored here in RecyclerViewActivity, just to keep RecyclerViewActivity short. Notably, ListActivity supports either inflating a custom layout that contains the ListView or creating its own. RecyclerViewActivity does not support this, though it could with some minor extensions.

The LayoutManager

The “real” activity of the project is MainActivity, which consists of a single method: onCreate()

  public void onCreate(Bundle state) {

    setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));
    setAdapter(new IconicAdapter());
(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/simplelist/

After chaining to the superclass, the first thing we do is call setLayoutManager(), which will associate a RecyclerView.LayoutManager with our RecyclerView. Specifically, we are using a LinearLayoutManager.

ListView has the notion of a vertically-scrolling list of rows “baked into” its implementation. Similarly, GridView has the notion of a two-dimensional vertically-scrolling grid “baked into” its implementation. RecyclerView, on the other hand, knows absolutely nothing about how to lay out its children. That work is delegated to a RecyclerView.LayoutManager, so that different approaches can be plugged in as needed.

There are three concrete subclasses of the abstract RecyclerView.LayoutManager base class that ship with recyclerview-v7:

In addition, it is eminently possible to create your own RecyclerView.LayoutManager, or use ones from third-party libraries.

In this example, though, we stick with a simple LinearLayoutManager, as we are attempting to replicate the functionality of a ListView.

The Adapter

Our onCreate() method also calls setAdapter(), to associate an RecyclerView.Adapter with our RecyclerView (specifically, a revised version of our IconicAdapter from the original Selection/Dynamic sample app). As with the AdapterView family, RecyclerView uses an adapter to help convert our model data into visual representations. However, the implementation of a RecyclerView.Adapter is substantially different from a classic ListAdapter for use with ListView or GridView.

Reminiscent of ArrayAdapter, a RecyclerView.Adapter uses generics, and we declare what sort of stuff we are adapting. However, ArrayAdapter uses the generic to describe the model data. RecyclerView.Adapter instead uses the generic to identify a ViewHolder that will be responsible for doing the work to actually tie model data to row widgets:

  class IconicAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<RowHolder> {
    public RowHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {
      return(new RowHolder(getLayoutInflater()
                            .inflate(R.layout.row, parent, false)));

    public void onBindViewHolder(RowHolder holder, int position) {

    public int getItemCount() {
(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/simplelist/

In our case, IconicAdapter is using a RowHolder class that we will examine in the next section.

A RecyclerView.Adapter has three abstract methods that need to be implemented.

One is getItemCount(), which fills the same role as does getCount() with a ListAdapter, indicating how many items there will be in the RecyclerView. In the case of IconicAdapter, this is based on the length of the items static array of String objects, same as it was with IconicAdapter in the Selection/Dynamic sample app:

  private static final String[] items={"lorem", "ipsum", "dolor",
          "sit", "amet",
          "consectetuer", "adipiscing", "elit", "morbi", "vel",
          "ligula", "vitae", "arcu", "aliquet", "mollis",
          "etiam", "vel", "erat", "placerat", "ante",
          "porttitor", "sodales", "pellentesque", "augue", "purus"};
(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/simplelist/

The other two methods are onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder(). These are a bit reminiscent of the newView() and bindView() methods that are used by a CursorAdapter. However, rather than working directly with views, onCreateViewHolder() and onBindViewHolder() work with ViewHolder objects, as a formalization of the view holder pattern seen originally in the chapter on selection widgets.

onCreateViewHolder(), as the name suggests, needs to create, configure, and return a ViewHolder for a particular row of our list. It is passed two parameters:

The IconicAdapter implementation inflates our row view (R.layout.row) and passes it to the RowHolder constructor, returning the resulting RowHolder.

onBindViewHolder() is responsible for updating a ViewHolder based upon the model data for a certain position. IconicAdapter handles this by passing the model into a private bindModel() method implemented on RowHolder.

There are many other methods you could override on RecyclerView.Adapter, and we will see a few of those later in this chapter. But, for a simple list, these three will suffice.

The ViewHolder

The RecyclerView.ViewHolder is responsible for binding data as needed from our model into the widgets for a row in our list:

  static class RowHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder {
    TextView label=null;
    TextView size=null;
    ImageView icon=null;
    String template=null;

    RowHolder(View row) {



    void bindModel(String item) {
      size.setText(String.format(template, item.length()));

      if (item.length()>4) {
      else {
(from RecyclerView/SimpleList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/simplelist/

However, other than needing to use the base class of RecyclerView.ViewHolder, there is no other particular protocol that is mandated between the adapter and the view holder. You can invent your own API. Here, we use the RowHolder constructor to pass in the row View, where the constructor retrieves the individual widgets and sets up our string resource template. Then, a private bindModel() method takes our model object (a String) and binds it to the row’s widgets, applying our business rules along the way.

The Results

As the project name suggests, this gives us a simple list:

SimpleList RecyclerView Demo
Figure 192: SimpleList RecyclerView Demo

As with ListView, RecyclerView (along with the RecyclerView.LayoutManager) handles the vertical scrolling through our available rows.

What’s Missing?

However, we are lacking two things that we had in the Selection/Dynamic edition of this sample that used a ListView.

First, there are no dividers between the rows. That may not be a huge issue for this particular row layout, but other layouts may need more assistance in visually separating one row from the next. We will explore ways of accomplishing this in the next section.

Second, we are missing click events. The user can tap on rows as much as she wants. Not only will the user not get any visual feedback from those taps, but we have no setOnItemClickListener() to find out about those taps. We will explore how to fill in this gap later in the chapter.

RecyclerView also lacks a variety of other things that we could get from a ListView, that we happen to not be using in this sample, such as:

We will explore some of those and how to address them in this chapter.

Divider Options

There are two main approaches for visually separating items in a RecyclerView:

  1. Ensure that this is handled via the layout itself, such as using a CardView
  2. Use a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration to apply a common divider between items

Both of these techniques will be covered in this chapter.


Cards are a popular visual metaphor in mobile development. Dividing content collections (or aspects of a larger piece of content) into cards makes it clearer how you can reorganize that content to fit various screen sizes and orientations. In some cases, you might have a single column of cards, while in other cases, you have cards arranged more laterally.

In 2014, Google released cardview-v7, another library in the Android Support package, that offers a CardView. CardView is a simple subclass of FrameLayout, designed to provide a card UI, consisting of a rounded rectangle and a drop shadow. In particular, CardView will use Android 5.0’s default drop shadows based on widget elevation, while offering emulated drop shadows on earlier Android releases. This way, you can get a reasonably consistent look going back to API Level 7.

To use this, you will have to add the cardview-v7 library to your app project. Android Studio users can just add a dependency on the cardview-v7 artifact in the Android Support repository, as seen in the RecyclerView/CardViewList sample project:

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
(from RecyclerView/CardViewList/app/build.gradle)

Then, you can wrap your row layout in a CardView (or, more accurately, in an

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>






(from RecyclerView/CardViewList/app/src/main/res/layout/row.xml)

With no other code changes from the original RecyclerView/SimpleList sample, we get this:

CardViewList RecyclerView Demo
Figure 193: CardViewList RecyclerView Demo

Note that drop shadows from CardView may not show up on Android 5.0+ emulators, particularly if you have Host GPU mode disabled in the emulator AVD. The CardView itself will work fine, just without the drop shadow effect.


A CardView may not be an appropriate visual approach for your list. Perhaps you want a regular divider, like we had with ListView. While that is possible, it is not especially straightforward.

RecyclerView considers things like dividers to be “item decorations”. There is a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration abstract class that you can extend to handle item decoration, and you can attach such a decoration to a RecyclerView via addItemDecoration(). As the name suggests, you can have more than one decorator if needed.

Originally, Google did not bother to provide any concrete implementation of such a decoration. However, they eventually added a DividerItemDecoration class that you can use for a simple, “out of the box” divider.


The RecyclerView/DividerList sample project demonstrates the use of DividerItemDecoration… which consists of a single call to addItemDecoration():

  public void onCreate(Bundle state) {

    setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

      .addItemDecoration(new DividerItemDecoration(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL));
    setAdapter(new IconicAdapter());
(from RecyclerView/DividerList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/divider/

The DividerItemDecoration constructor just takes a Context and the orientation to use. Here, though, the orientation refers to the orientation of the RecyclerView. You might think that using LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL here would mean that the divider would be drawn vertically. Instead, it means that the RecyclerView scrolls vertically, so dividers are drawn horizontally.

While DividerItemDecoration has a few configuration options — notably, a setDrawable() method to override the default artwork to use for the divider – the “out of the box” implementation largely matches the look of the ListView divider:

DividerItemDecoration, Applied to a RecyclerView
Figure 194: DividerItemDecoration, Applied to a RecyclerView

DIY Decorators

As noted above, originally recyclerview-v7 did not come with an actual divider. A few enterprising developers experimented with this, leading to solutions like this one, published as a GitHub gist. The RecyclerView/ManualDividerList sample project demonstrates the use of such a decoration. It may be that what you want for a decorator is more complex than what DividerItemDecoration can offer, and so implementing your own decorator may be necessary.

First, we will need a drawable resource for the divider itself:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android=""

    android:height="1dp" />

  <solid android:color="@color/divider" />

(from RecyclerView/ManualDividerList/app/src/main/res/drawable/item_divider.xml)

This is a ShapeDrawable, as is covered in the chapter on drawables. The big thing is the solid fill, here pointing to a color resource for the color to use for that fill:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <color name="divider">#ffaaaaaa</color>
(from RecyclerView/ManualDividerList/app/src/main/res/values/colors.xml)

The ShapeDrawable is given a size of 1dp square. In reality, it will be resized on the fly by the decorator to fill the width of the RecyclerView.

Note that there is nothing especially magic about using this particular drawable. You could have a gradient fill to have the divider taper off towards the ends and be solid in the middle. Or, you could use a nine-patch PNG file, a VectorDrawable on Android 5.0+, or anything else that will resize well.

Next, we need a RecyclerView.ItemDecoration implementation, such as the sample project’s HorizontalDividerItemDecoration:


import android.view.View;

// inspired by

public class HorizontalDividerItemDecoration extends RecyclerView.ItemDecoration {
  private Drawable divider;

  public HorizontalDividerItemDecoration(Drawable divider) {

  public void onDrawOver(Canvas c, RecyclerView parent, RecyclerView.State state) {
    int left=parent.getPaddingLeft();
    int right=parent.getWidth()-parent.getPaddingRight();

    int childCount=parent.getChildCount();

    for (int i=0; i<childCount-1; i++) {
      View child=parent.getChildAt(i);
      RecyclerView.LayoutParams params=

      int top=child.getBottom()+params.bottomMargin;
      int bottom=top+divider.getIntrinsicHeight();

      divider.setBounds(left, top, right, bottom);
(from RecyclerView/ManualDividerList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/manualdivider/

This class takes the Drawable that is the divider as input, so it can be used for different dividers as needed. HorizontalDividerItemDecoration calls mutate() on the Drawable to get a Drawable that can be changed independently of any original instance of the Drawable. This is important when using Drawable resources, as the Drawable instances get reused for other references to the same resource, so changing the core Drawable itself (e.g., via a setBounds() call) is unsafe.

The main logic of HorizontalDividerItemDecoration resides in the onDrawOver() method. This will be called to let us draw over top of the items in the RecyclerView. Here we:

Using that bit of magic, then, is merely a matter of attaching our HorizontalDividerItemDecoration to our RecyclerView, done here in onCreate() of MainActivity:

  public void onCreate(Bundle state) {

    setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(this));

    Drawable divider=getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.item_divider);

    getRecyclerView().addItemDecoration(new HorizontalDividerItemDecoration(divider));
    setAdapter(new IconicAdapter());
(from RecyclerView/ManualDividerList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/manualdivider/

The rest of the sample project is a clone of the original SimpleList sample project from the beginning of this chapter.

The result is that we have a divider drawn between the children:

ManualDividerList RecyclerView Demo
Figure 195: ManualDividerList RecyclerView Demo

Handling Click Events

However, having nice dividers does not address the larger problem: responding to input.

The RecyclerView vision, overall, is that RecyclerView itself has nothing much to do with input, other than scrolling. Anything having to do with users clicking things and triggering some sort of response is the responsibility of the views inside the RecyclerView, such as the rows in a list-style RecyclerView.

This has its benefits. Clickable widgets, like a RatingBar, in a ListView row had long been in conflict with click events on rows themselves. Getting rows that can be clicked, with row contents that can also be clicked, gets a bit tricky at times. With RecyclerView, you are in more explicit control over how this sort of thing gets handled… because you are the one setting up all of the on-click handling logic.

Of course, that does not help the users much. Users do not care what bit of code is responsible for input. Users simply want to provide the input. If you present them with a vertically-scrolling list-style UI, they will attempt to click on rows in the list and will expect some sort of outcome.

The RecyclerView approach, though, means that you are largely on your own for handling that input. This requires yet more code that, in an ideal world, would be offered as an “out of the box” option by RecyclerView.

Responding to Clicks

At its core, responding to clicks is a matter of setting an OnClickListener on the appropriate Views.

So, for example, the RecyclerView/CardClickList sample project is a clone of the CardViewList sample, where we call setOnClickListener() on the row View in the RecyclerView.ViewHolder, now renamed RowController:


import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.TextView;
import android.widget.Toast;

class RowController extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder
    implements View.OnClickListener {
  TextView label=null;
  TextView size=null;
  ImageView icon=null;
  String template=null;

  RowController(View row) {




  public void onClick(View v) {
        String.format("Clicked on position %d", getAdapterPosition()),

  void bindModel(String item) {
    size.setText(String.format(template, item.length()));

    if (item.length()>4) {
    else {
(from RecyclerView/CardClickList/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/cardclicklist/

In this sample, all the onClick() method does is show a Toast. However, you could:

In this case, since none of the widgets in the row are interactive and might consume click events themselves, the user can tap anywhere on the row, and the Toast will appear. If you have more complex scenarios — such as a checklist where you have a CheckBox in the rows — you can decide for yourself how to handle click events on different parts of the row. We will see checklists in action later in this chapter.

Visual Impact of Clicks

However, if you run the CardClickList sample, you will notice one major remaining flaw: there is no visual feedback to the user about the click event. Yes, the Toast appears, but users are used to seeing some sort of transient state change in the row itself on a click, such as a flash of color. Once again, we have the ability to control this as we see fit… by having the responsibility to make it happen at all.

There are a few approaches to this problem, such as the ones outlined in this section.

Option #1: Translucent Selector on Top

An approach that Mark Allison suggested in his Styling Android blog mimics the drawSelectorOnTop approach available to ListView. Using something like a FrameLayout, you layer a translucent selector atop the rows, where the selector implements the click feedback.

The RecyclerView/CardRippleList sample project is a clone of CardClickList that takes Mr. Allison’s approach. The revised row.xml takes advantage of the fact that CardView is a subclass of FrameLayout, so it layers a plain View atop the LinearLayout that is the core content of the row:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>







    android:background="?android:attr/selectableItemBackground" />

(from RecyclerView/CardRippleList/app/src/main/res/layout/row.xml)

The background of that View is the selectableItemBackground from the current theme. On apps using Theme, this will give you an orange flash. On apps using Theme.Holo, this will give you a blue flash. On apps using Theme.Material, this will give you a ripple animation. And, of course, you can supply your own override value for selectableItemBackground to use your own StateListDrawable instead.

The downsize of this approach is that the View is higher on the Z axis than is the rest of the row content. In this case, since the rest of the row content is non-interactive, this is not a problem. However, if we elect to put interactive widgets in the rows — such as CheckBox widgets to implement a checklist — now our View will prevent the user from interacting with those widgets.

Option #2: Background Selector

Another approach would be to apply the selectableItemBackground to our existing row content, rather than to some separate selector widget that overlays the row content. This is the approach taken in the RecyclerView/CardRippleList2 sample project. Here, the selectableItemBackground is applied to the LinearLayout inside of the CardView:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>







(from RecyclerView/CardRippleList2/app/src/main/res/layout/row.xml)

For non-interactive widgets, like our TextViews and ImageView, touch events will get propagated to the LinearLayout, which will trigger the changes in the state of the StateListDrawable that is the LinearLayout background. Yet, if we change the rows to have interactive widgets, those widgets will still be able to process their own touch events, as we will see later in this chapter.

However, particularly for this sample app, the visual effect is largely the same as with CardRippleList: the user will get click feedback based upon the selectableItemBackground in use given the activity’s theme.

Option #3: Controlled Ripple Emanation Point

There is one problem with both click event implementations, though: the ripples on Android 5.0 start in the center of each row. According to the Material Design rules, the ripples should start where the touch event occurs, so they seem to flow outward from the finger. This was addressed in Android 5.1, but was a bug in Android 5.0

To fix this, you need to use the setHotspot() method, added to Drawable in API Level 21. setHotspot() provides to the drawable a “hot spot”, and RippleDrawable apparently uses this as the emanation point for the ripple effect. setHotspot() takes a pair of float values, presumably with an eye towards using setHotspot() inside of an OnTouchListener, as the MotionEvent reports X/Y positions of the touch event with float values.

The RecyclerView/CardRippleList3 sample project is a clone of CardRipple2 that adds this feature.

The row layout is the same as before. However, in RowController, when setting up the row, we register an OnTouchListener, to find out the low-level MotionEvent of when the user touches our row:

  RowController(View row) {




      row.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() {
        public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
            .setHotspot(event.getX(), event.getY());

(from RecyclerView/CardRippleList3/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/recyclerview/cardripplelist3/

We only bother registering this listener on API Level 21+, as there is no setHotspot() method on prior versions of Android and therefore no need for the listener. However, if we are on an Android 5.0+ device, we intercept the touch event, pass it along to setHotspot() on the background Drawable, and return false to ensure that regular touch event processing proceeds.

The effect is subtle and may be difficult for you to discern. But, if you look at the touch events in slow motion (e.g., screen record a session, then examine the resulting video frame-by-frame), you will see that the ripple effect appears to emanate from the touch point, rather than from the row’s center as before. And, since this logic is only used on API Level 21+, older devices are unaffected.

Visit the Trails!

The chapter on advanced RecyclerView techniques covers a lot of other scenarios, including: