Other Advanced Action Bar Techniques

The action bar offers a number of other features that developers can take advantage of, ones that do not necessarily fit into the other chapters. Hence, this chapter is a “catch all” for other things you may wish to do with your action bar. Note that this chapter is focused on the native action bar, not the AppCompat backport.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters, particularly the one on the action bar.

Action Layouts

What happens if you want something other than a button to appear as an action bar item? Suppose you want a field instead?

Fortunately, this is supported. Otherwise, this would be a completely pointless section of the book.

You can specify android:actionLayout on an <item> element in a menu resource. This will point to a reference to a layout XML resource that you want to have inflated into the action bar instead of a toolbar button. Then, in onCreateOptionsMenu(), you can call findMenuItem() on the Menu to retrieve the MenuItem associated with this <item> element, then call getActionView() to retrieve the root of your inflated layout. At that point, you can hook up event listeners to the widgets in that layout, as needed.

Obviously, since the action bar is only so big, you will need to be judicious about your use of space.

Action Views and Action Providers

If all you need is a single widget to replace the toolbar button, rather than a whole layout resource, you can use android:actionViewClass instead of android:actionLayout. In android:actionViewClass, you provide the fully-qualified class name of the widget that you wish to use to replace the toolbar button. You still use getActionView() to retrieve a reference to this at runtime.

If the widget you use implements the CollapsibleActionView interface, then it has an additional behavior: the ability to collapse into a standard toolbar button or expand into its normal mode. The only example of this in the current Android SDK is SearchView, which can expand into a field for searching or collapse into a simple search icon (magnifying glass) as needed. We will see more about SearchView, and how it behaves as a CollapsibleActionView, later in this chapter.

Yet another possible toolbar button replacement is an action provider. Whereas an action view or action layout provide the UI, and your code provides the handling of touch events, an action provider is an “all-in-one” solution. It is designed to be configured, then used by the user without any required additional intervention by the developer. That being said, an action provider can have its own listener interfaces to let developers know about various events that have occurred. The two primary implementations of the ActionProvider base class are:

To use an ActionProvider, you add the android:actionProviderClass attribute to an <item> in the <menu> resource, providing the fully-qualified class name of the ActionProvider implementation. You can call getActionProvider() on the MenuItem to retrieve the ActionProvider instance, for configuration at runtime.

Many apps employ a SearchView in their action bar. The user typically sees the search icon as a regular toolbar button:

SearchView Demo, Showing Collapsed Action View
Figure 478: SearchView Demo, Showing Collapsed Action View

Tapping that opens a search field, taking over more of the action bar:

SearchView Demo, Showing Expanded Action View
Figure 479: SearchView Demo, Showing Expanded Action View

Typing something in initiates some sort of search, as defined by the activity that is using the SearchView. BACK or the app icon in the action bar will “collapse” the SearchView back into its iconified state.

The ActionBar/SearchView sample project, profiled in this section, shows how you can use SearchView within your app. This sample is a clone of one of the previous action bar samples, where we have the list of 25 words, hosted in a ListFragment, with action bar items to add a word and reset the word list. In this section, we will augment the sample with a SearchView and a filtered ListView.

SearchView… in the Menu Resource

The project’s menu resource (res/menu/actions.xml) contains a regular action item (reset), an action item employing an action layout (add), and an action item containing our SearchView (search):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<menu xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android">


(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/res/menu/actions.xml)

Note that the search item not only has android:actionViewClass="android.widget.SearchView" to tie in our action view, but it also has android:showAsAction="ifRoom|collapseActionView", to indicate that this action view should support collapsing and expanding.

SearchView… in the Action Bar Configuration

In onCreateOptionsMenu() of our ActionBarFragment, in addition to inflating the menu resource to configure the add action layout, we now also call a configureSearchView() method to configure the SearchView:

  public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) {
    inflater.inflate(R.menu.actions, menu);


    super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu, inflater);
(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

In configureSearchView(), surprisingly enough, we configure the SearchView:

  private void configureSearchView(Menu menu) {
    MenuItem search=menu.findItem(R.id.search);


    if (initialQuery != null) {
      sv.setQuery(initialQuery, true);
(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

Specifically, we:

Also, our fragment has an initialQuery data member, and if that is not null, we expand the SearchView and fill in initialQuery as the query to be shown in the SearchView, also submitting it.

initialQuery comes from our configuration change logic, as if the user fills in something in the SearchView in one configuration (e.g., portrait), we do not want to lose it on a configuration change (e.g., to landscape). In our onSaveInstanceState() method, we save both the query from the SearchView and the words currently in our list:

  public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) {

    if (!sv.isIconified()) {
      state.putCharSequence(STATE_QUERY, sv.getQuery());

    state.putStringArrayList(STATE_MODEL, words);
(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

In onViewCreated(), we use the savedInstanceState Bundle to populate the adapter with the previous set of words, plus store the old SearchView’s query in initialQuery:

  public void onViewCreated(@NonNull View view,
                            @Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    if (savedInstanceState == null) {
    else {
(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

Hence, on a configuration change, by the time configureSearchView() is called, we will have our initialQuery, if there is one, and we can set up the UI to be the same as it was in the old configuration.

SearchView… And Filtering a ListView

The ActionBarFragment implements the SearchView.OnQueryTextListener and SearchView.OnCloseListener interfaces, which is why we can pass this to setOnQueryTextListener() and setOnCloseListener() in configureSearchView().

Those two interfaces require a total of three methods, described below.


The onQueryTextChange() method — required by SearchView.OnQueryTextListener – will be called whenever the user has changed the contents of the expanded SearchView, such as by typing a character. This is used when you want to employ the SearchView for filtering, updating the filter as the user types, rather than for searching, in which case you would wait until the user “submits” the search request.

Our implementation takes advantage of ArrayAdapter’s built-in filtering capability:

  public boolean onQueryTextChange(String newText) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(newText)) {
    else {

(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

Adapters that implement the Filterable interface can be filtered, automatically restricting the displayed items to ones that match the filter. Calling getFilter() on a Filterable returns a Filter. The default implementation of a Filter filters on the leading characters of toString() of getItem() from the Adapter. Hence, filtering an ArrayAdapter on our roster of 25 words, where the filter string is 'm', would show morbi and molllis but skip amet, let alone other words not beginning with m.

So, our onQueryTextChange() method simply updates the Filter with whatever the user has typed into the SearchView, setting the filter to the empty string if the SearchView is either empty or has null contents.


The onQueryTextSubmit() method — required by SearchView.OnQueryTextListener – would be called if the user tapped on the submit button within the expanded SearchView, to ask us to perform the search. In this sample, we have disabled that button, as we are filtering our list on the fly, rather than performing a query once the SearchView is filled out. Hence, ActionBarFragment has a do-nothing implementation of onQueryTextSubmit(), simply returning false to indicate that we have not consumed the event:

  public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String query) {
(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

The chapter on advanced database techniques has a section on full-text indexing, and the sample app in that chapter demonstrates the use of the submit button in a SearchView and onQueryTextSubmit().


The onClose() method — required by SearchView.OnCloseListener — in theory will be called when the SearchView is collapsed. Here, we simply clear out the filter that we are using to limit the contents of the ListView, plus return true to say that we have handled the event:

  public boolean onClose() {

(from ActionBar/SearchView/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/ab/search/ActionBarFragment.java)

According to the SearchView source code, it will only be called if:

In practice, not even that works very well.

Hence, if you really need to find out when the SearchView is collapsed, you will probably need to use the more generic OnActionExpandListener interface, attached to the SearchView via setOnActionExpandListener(). onMenuItemActionCollapse() should be called when the SearchView is collapsed. This also works for other types of collapsible action views, not just SearchView.

SearchView… From the User’s Perspective

If the user taps on the search icon, then starts typing into the SearchView’s editing area, the ListView is filtered based upon the typed-in prefix:

SearchView Demo, Showing Filtered Results
Figure 480: SearchView Demo, Showing Filtered Results

Floating Action Bars

By default, your action bar will be separate from the main content area of your activity. Normally, that is what you want.

But, sometimes, you may want to have the action bar(s) float over the top of your activity, as can be seen in Google Maps:

Google Maps, with Floating Action Bar (image courtesy of Google)
Figure 481: Google Maps, with Floating Action Bar (image courtesy of Google)

To accomplish this, you can use FEATURE_ACTION_BAR_OVERLAY, as is illustrated in the ActionBar/OverlayNative sample project.

This is nearly identical to the ActionBar/ActionBarDemoNative sample project, with just a few changes, mostly in the onCreate() method of our activity:

  public void onCreate(Bundle state) {



    Drawable d=

(from ActionBar/OverlayNative/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/actionbaroverlay/ActionBarDemoActivity.java)

In addition to the original logic, we:

The drawable resource is a ShapeDrawable, defined in XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

  <solid android:color="#AAFFFFFF"/>

(from ActionBar/OverlayNative/app/src/main/res/drawable/action_bar_background.xml)

We will discuss ShapeDrawable in much greater detail later in this book . For the moment, take it on faith that our resource is defining a rectangle, with a translucent white fill. The alpha channel (AA) for our translucence is important, so the user can see a bit of our activity underneath the floating action bar.

The result is that our action bars float over the top of the list:

Floating Action Bar
Figure 482: Floating Action Bar

In this case, the effect is not very good, as the words will blend in too strongly with the overlaid action bars. However, that is a question of organizing the screen content and using this overlay feature only in cases where you will see good results, such as in the Google Maps example shown above.