

algae (al jee): small plants with roots or stems that live in water or on damp surfaces

ancestor: a family member from long ago

anthropologist (an thro pah lo jist): a scientist who studies human history by looking at the languages people speak; the environment in which they live; and the way they work, dress, eat, create art, and construct buildings

archaeologist (ar key ol o jist): a scientist who learns about the past by studying artifacts or objects left behind at places where people once lived, worked, and played

ceremonial (ser uh mo nee uhl): formal or traditional

ceremony (ser uh mo nee): the formal words, actions, or songs that mark an important special occasion, such as a wedding or a funeral

clan: a group of people with a common sacred ancestor, such as an animal or spirit

cradleboard: a baby carrier used by American Indians

cultivating: growing crops

culture: the way of life, ideas, and traditions of a group of people

descendants: someone’s children and grandchildren and their children and grandchildren

dugout canoe: a boat made by hollowing out a large log

fast: go without food

generosity: helping others by sharing things such as time or money

granulate: form crystals

homestead: land given by the U.S. government to settlers if they built a home and began farming within 5 years

initiated (ih nih she ay ted): made someone a member of a group or club

medicine lodge: an organization of people who practice special ceremonies together

midwife: someone who helps women when they have their babies

nonperishable (non pair ish ubl) food: food not easily spoiled

obtain a vision: find a spirit to help throughout life

origin: where something comes from

peddler: a traveling salesperson

pelt: an animal’s skin with the hair or fur still on it

pharmacist: someone who prepares and sells drugs and medicines

privilege: a special right

reservation: federal land reserved or set aside for Indian nations to live on

revenge: getting even

ritual: an action that is always done the same way as part of a ceremony or tradition

sacred (sa cred): something deserving of respect

slough (sloo): a swampy area near a river

spiritual (spir i choo el): something that has to do with the soul and the spirit

tasseling: when the tassel, the part of a corn stalk with pollen on it, appears

translated: put in a different language

treaty: an official, written agreement between nations

tuber: a root or bulb

wigwam: a home made of cattail mats or tree bark attached to a framework of small branches Reading Group Guide and Activities