List of Figures

1.1.The Castle Church in Wittenberg, by Lucas Cranach (1509).
1.2.The Ninety-five Theses: a broadsheet printed at Nuremberg.
2.1.The friar Martin Luther: a 1520 portrait by Lucas Cranach.
2.2.Luther burns the papal bull at Wittenberg in 1520, from Ludwig Rabus, Historien der Heyligen Außerwölten Gottes Zeügen (1556).
3.1.‘The Dream of Frederick the Wise’, an allegorical engraving of 1617.
3.2.Reformationis sacrae initia: the start of the holy Reformation, by Christoph Weigel (1697).
3.3.Luther burning the bull, translating the Bible, and wielding the hammer, from Ernst Salomon Cyprian, Hilaria evangelica (1717).
4.1.Luther at the posting of the Ninety-five Theses: an engraving by Johann Erdmann Hummel (1806).
4.2.The restored doors of the Castle Church, designed by Ferdinand von Quast (1858).
4.3.A Victorian version, from Thomas Archer, Decisive Events in History (1878).
4.4.A Luther ‘Memorial Table’ from 1817, engraving by Friedrich Campe.
4.5.An emphatically ‘Protestant’ Luther, by Friedrich Rosmäsler (1817).
4.6.An ‘authentic’ reconstruction: lithograph by Adolph Menzel (1833).
4.7.Gustav König, Dr Martin Luther, The German Reformer (1851): the central illustration.
4.8.A revolutionary scene: the aftermath of the Thesenanschlag by Karl Friedrich Lessing (1856).
4.9.Ferdinand Pauwels’ painting for the ‘Reformation room’ at the Wartburg Castle (1871–2).
4.10.The rededication of the Schlosskirche (1892), in the presence of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
5.1.Führer und Helden (Leaders and Heroes): a commemorative print of 1917 by Karl Bauer.
5.2.‘A remembrance of confirmation in the year 1917’: Luther with images of struggle and victory, by Osmar Schindler.
5.3.Luther commemoration in Communist East Germany: a service in the Schlosskirche for the anniversary of 1967.
5.4.Joseph Fiennes nailing the Theses in director Eric Till’s Luther (2003).
5.5.Tourists outside the Theses-Doors in Wittenberg on Reformation Day 2012, halfway through the German ‘Luther Decade’.