Week 9—Putting the Law of Attraction to Work

You’ve completed two-thirds of your twelve-week journey, congratulations!

The law of attraction is the universal law that you attract into your life whatever you are focusing on. It was popularized by the book The Secret. If you focus on loving and appreciating the money you have, more money to love and appreciate is able to come your way. If you focus on wanting more money, opportunities to want money come your way (i.e., a need for money because a random bill arises without the funds to pay for it). In other words, stating what you really, really, really want is stating what you really, really, really don’t have.

Sarah Prout is a world-renowned manifestation expert and the author of the international best seller Dear Universe.61 In the course of researching this book, I had the opportunity to ask her a couple of questions: “What is it that most people don’t understand about the law of attraction? And specifically, how can it help with something like weight loss when it seems to be mostly associated with things like manifesting a dream car?”

Sarah wrote back, “The traditional approach to manifesting and the law of attraction is the phrase ‘thoughts become things’—but that’s one piece of a much more complex puzzle. Your emotions are what construct the fabric of your reality—especially your physiology. When you feel good within your body now, with gratitude for your journey, and you work from there, then the Universe will respond with your intention.” Isn’t that amazing? Sarah had no idea that one of the pillars of this book is loving the body you currently have, and yet there it is, embedded in her message to you.

When cultivating the body you desire through self-love, you’ll experience the fastest results by appreciating the body you have now, so you can continue to appreciate your body more and more in the future. If one were to focus on hating one’s current body, via the law of attraction, in the future one will “attract” a body one can hate more and more.

With this in mind, think about the bodies you’ve compared yourself to your entire life. The ones you decided you wanted to look like. Who were you comparing yourself to? Who are you holding the vision of and telling the universe, “This is it! That is how beautiful, healthy humans are supposed to look!”?

If he or she isn’t your height, within the same decade of your age, with your bone structure, and your hereditary makeup, you’re likely setting yourself up for unnecessary pain and suffering.

If you are fifty-five years old, with DD cups and curly black hair, but Princess Kate is your standard of beauty and the person you want to emulate most, you would wake up every day and say to yourself, “I’m so ugly. I’m too old. I’m too fat. I look nothing like Princess Kate.”

Or if you are 110 pounds with skin so fair you burn every time you step outside without sunscreen and have no curves to speak of, but Beyoncé is the standard of beauty you’re holding yourself to, the cycle of feeling less-than will never stop.

What will those comparisons do? Via the law of attraction, you now know what kind of thoughts you will get more of.

More “ugly.”

More “old.”

More “fat.”

More “Beyoncé and Princess Kate are the most beautiful of all.” And implicit in that statement is “And since I’m nothing like them, I’ll never be beautiful.”

This is one of the reasons why representation matters. Why we need to see humans of every shape, size, and skin color in movies, on TV, on billboards, and in magazines . . . So we can begin to admire people we can anatomically emulate! It’s fabulous to have a goal, but if I made my goal the measurement ratios of a voluptuous six-foot, buxom Victoria’s Secret model, I would be sure to “fail.”

Your healthy body, whatever size that means for you, is timeless. It is a classic. It is an unfading beauty.

In this week’s self-hypnosis practice and hypnosis audio recording we’ll use the power of the law of attraction to manifest the body you want, by falling in love with the miraculous body you have NOW.


A.Practice self-hypnosis three times a day, every day this week (right before breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Turn to page 20 for a reminder of how to do self-hypnosis or head to to follow along with a tutorial video.

Week 9 Hypno-affirmations—Law of Attraction

I love my beautiful body exactly the way it is.

My beautiful body and I love finding out what greatness we’re capable of together.

I love being __________________________________________ [insert your current weight], and I love becoming _____________________ [insert your goal weight].

I love [circle which ones you want to include] slim/toned/fit/muscular people, and I wish them a long life filled with happiness. I am one of them.

I love healthy people, and I wish them even more health and vitality. I am one of them.

My body is a miracle, and I love every inch of it.

B.Listen to the “Week 9—Law of Attraction” hypnosis recording every day for the next week here:

C.Use your journal pages daily to stay motivated, log your progress, and determine which pick-me-up hypno-affirmations you’ll benefit from most.

D.Bonus Homework Assignment: Many people have difficulty visualizing their body in a way that is different from what it is now. If this describes your experience, I’ve got a bonus homework assignment for you.

This week’s hypnosis session will help you to love the body you have and to visualize the best version of your body. Because that’s what you’re working so hard to cultivate and because that is what is naturally, anatomically possible for you. The best version of your body is not necessarily the same as the best version of Jennifer Lopez’s body (because you are you, and Jennifer Lopez is Jennifer Lopez, and you are both not only perfect but also worthy of love and respect).

So here is your bonus homework assignment. Find an example of the “best,” most vibrant, healthy version of your body that you would like to hold in your law of attraction visualization process so you can manifest it.

Magazines are still catching up slowly. (By the way, feel free to call out a publication that is lacking in diverse representation by reaching out to them on social media or via their customer support. Consumers have power, and if you decide to cancel a subscription owing to lack of representation, let the editors know it!) But you can do a quick image search or look on social media to find someone with a similar

height (within one inch of your height);

age (within ten years of your age); and

similar prominent features (the things that don’t change through weight loss).

This way when you look at this person as an indication of what’s possible, it’s also a believable and achievable goal for you. This way you can now use the law of attraction to your benefit as it pertains to weight loss.

Utilizing the power of the law of attraction and your new frame of reference for the body you desire to have, you are now able to clearly visualize what you’re manifesting while loving what you have.

The next chapter is for survivors of predatory behavior or sexual abuse. There are many subconscious implications that these traumas can have, and difficulty losing weight is one of them. While I wish this chapter didn’t have to exist, I have tremendous confidence that healing the root of these issues will help set readers free. If chapter thirteen’s topic doesn’t apply directly to you, you can skim it for helpful information and then use this coming week to return to an area that could benefit from an extra boost of conditioning. Return to your data to see how you’re tracking in each of our twelve core areas. Spend this time on the area that needs the most support. If the topic of chapter thirteen does apply to your direct life experience, this chapter will likely be the one that has the greatest positive impact on your life. I’m sending you love as we move forward together.

61 For more information about Sarah, check out her website,