Week 11—Overcome the Fear of Success

“I’m honestly doing this because I want to change my mindset permanently and make healthy choices every day.” —Alesha C., Bronx, New York

At this point, since you’ve been listening to your weekly hypnosis recordings, and practicing your self-hypnosis three times per day, you’re likely beginning to experience some incredible results. Congratulations—you deserve this!

And beware, this is the moment when Resistance loves to pop back up again.

What to watch out for:

“You did it! You’re looking great. What could a piece of x, y, z possibly do to you now? You’re on a roll. You ‘deserve’ to have x, y, z to ‘congratulate’ yourself.”


There is no reason to ever celebrate or “congratulate” yourself with something that causes you harm in the long run. If these thoughts start to pop up, do ten jumping jacks or roll up on your toes ten times, reaching up to the ceiling with your fingertips. Drink a big glass of water and take a few deep, slow breaths before deciding on what helpful action you’d like to take next.

Ask yourself, “Will consuming x, y, z make me feel good in the long term? Will it support my health in the long term?” If the answer is no, you know what to do. If the answer is yes, go for it, and chew, chew, chew!

The subconscious wants you to believe that your weight loss journey is a race. It’s a race it never wanted you to sign up for, but you did. And you’re running it. You’re losing weight. You’re falling in love with your body. And now Resistance wants you to think you just ran through the yellow tape, your arms spread wide like wings, your face beaming as you tilt back your head and smile up at the sun. Resistance wants you to believe that the race is over now, that it’s time to finally go back to sitting on the couch in loose sweats, bingeing on Netflix, and consuming unhelpful foods by the fistful.

I repeat, THIS IS SELF-SABOTAGE! This is where the weight loss–weight gain–weight loss–weight gain yo-yo often begins. But not for you! Not this time. You. Are. Not. Doing. That. Take out a hammer and smash that yo-yo to bits. This is the time to double down on your recordings and review the data you’ve been tracking in the journal section to see what areas will benefit from additional conditioning.

When losing weight stops being something you’re “trying” to do, or something you “want” to do, and it becomes what you’re doing, the subconscious is going to give another last-ditch effort to get things back to the way they used to be. Don’t let it.

Your journey is not a race. It’s not even a marathon; even the longest marathons end after a few days. This is your entire life. You have come so far, and yet you must continue. You are worthy of continuing. Return to your intake form on page 52 and remind yourself why this is so important to you. Resistance is the hump to get over. The times when you feel success and breakthroughs are some of the most vulnerable times. That’s when you need to recognize self-sabotage for what it is and stop it in its tracks.

This week’s hypnosis recording is nice and short. The purpose of it is to reset your subconscious mind to release Resistance and get back on track! Listen to it as a booster and then follow it up with the week’s recording that your data indicates you’ll benefit from the most.


A.Practice self-hypnosis three times a day, every day this week (right before breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Turn to page 20 for a reminder of how to do self-hypnosis or head to to follow along with a tutorial video.

Week 11 Hypno-affirmations—Keep Going, Beat Resistance

It is safe for success to be my new normal.

I am doing great and commit to keep going.

I am proud of myself for continuing this beautiful journey.

I am the same wonderful person, with an upgraded exterior.

I am worthy of continuing.

I cultivate energy, get motivated, stay vigilant, and beat Resistance!

B.Listen to the short “Keep Going, Overcome Resistance!” booster hypnosis recording (found at right before returning to a week where you need the most amount of additional support and listening to that recording.

It could look like this:

Monday: “Keep Going!” Recording + Motivation Recording

Tuesday: “Keep Going!” Recording + Foundations Recording

Wednesday: “Keep Going!” Recording + Limiting Beliefs

And so on and so forth for Thursday through Sunday

C.Use your journal pages daily to stay motivated, log your progress, and determine which pick-me-up hypno-affirmations you’ll benefit from most.

I’m proud of you. I believe in you. You are worthy and deserving of doubling down on your efforts and experiencing a lifetime of choices that support the highest version, the highest expression of who you are.

Keep going!

True love is a journey. Self-love is no different. As you reach new milestones on your weight loss journey, celebrate them. Celebrate you. And release self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that masquerade as rewards. Success is its own reward. Your body deserves to be adored, to be cared for, to be loved. In week twelve, you’ll come to appreciate everything about your body, even parts you probably never thought to thank before. Turn the page!