Page references in italic indicate charts; those in bold indicate recipes.


Aboveground storage, 308, 309

Acetic acid and vinegars, 241, 282–84

Acetobacters, 282

Acidity of produce and preserving, 17, 24. See also High-acid foods; Low-acid foods

Agar, 16, 193

Air-drying, 80–82, 86–87, 90–91

Altitude, adjustments for

canning, 40–42, 44, 49, 246

drying, 80

freezing, 120

fruit spreads, 185, 187

Antique jars, canning, 26, 244

Appert, Nicolas, 22–23, 24, 28


croustade cups, 136

herb cheese, 109


beet purée, 146

butter, Marion’s, 216

canning of, 10, 51

cider, easy autumn, 53

coffee cake, 104

cold storage of, 303, 311

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

ginger marmalade, 215

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 5, 178

pie, crumb, 172

pie, filling, 75

plum butter, 217

preserving methods for, 18

zucchini butter, 218


canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 127

and pectin, 178

preserving methods for, 18


canning of, 10, 50

freezing of, 121

Mediterranean, 168

preserving methods for, 19

Ascorbic acid, use of, 35, 128, 132

Asian gelatin (agar), 16, 193


canning of, 10, 50

freezing of, 121

pickled, 266

preserving methods for, 19

spicy, 67

Aspartame, 15, 182

Atmospheric steam canner, 29


freezing of, 127

yogurt, frozen with lime zest, 169


Bacteria. See Spoilage

Baked beans, 160

Ball and Kerr jars, 25, 186

Balsamic vinegar, 283


bread, Laura’s, 170

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

Barbecue sauce, 59

Basements, cold storage, 304, 305–6


apple jelly, 219

shallot mustard, 273


baked beans, 160

black bean soup, 153

canning of, 10, 50

drying of, 86–87

eight-bean soup, 108

freezing of, 121

green beans, pungent, 68

preserving methods for, 19

steam blanching of, 81

Beef jerky, barbecued, 96

Beets, 10, 19, 303, 312


canning of, 51

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

jam, agar, 197

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 5, 178

Black bean soup, 153


canning of, 10, 51

cranberry and pink grapefruit preserves, 204

drying of, 81, 86–87

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 5, 178

preserves, 203

preserving methods for, 18

Black-eyed-pea relish, refrigerator, 271


drying, 79–80, 82, 86–87

freezing, 119–20, 121, 123, 128–29


canning of, 51

and cherry preserves, 214

drying of, 81, 86–87

juicing of, 183

marmalade, 213

preserving methods for, 18

waffles, 105

Boil blanching, 120, 121

Boiling-water-bath canning

altitude, adjustments for, 40, 41, 44

discussion of, 27–28

for fruit spreads, 182, 189

and high-acid foods, 51

for pickles, 238, 244–47

recipes, canning, 53–60, 67–69, 71, 73–77

recipes, pickles, 254, 256, 259–60, 264–67, 269, 272, 275–76, 279

and tomatoes, 33

Borax and pests, 316

Borscht, cabbage, 61

Bottles, vinegar, 286

Botulism. See also Spoilage

and canning, 24, 27, 31–33, 47

and flavored oils, 289

and honey, 126

and pickling, 248

Bouquet garni, 92


banana, 170

and butter pickles, 254

cranberry, 106

French bread and seasoned butters, 294

Brined pickles, 238, 244

Broccoli, 10, 20, 121

Brussels sprouts, 10, 20, 121, 264

Bubbles, removal of, 38, 43, 188, 246

Butternut squash soup base, 151

Butters. See also Fruit spreads

apple, 216

apple-plum, 217

apple-zucchini, 218

definition of, 180

freezing of, 133

herb blend, 99

pear, 236

pear, spiced, 138

seasoned, 301

slow-cook method, 85



borscht, 61

canning of, 10

cold storage of, 303, 312

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 20

Cake, apple coffee, 104


salt (dicalcium phosphate), 180

tonic, 103

in water, 16

Canning. See also Boiling-water-bath canning; Pressure canning

altitude, adjustments for, 40–42, 44, 49, 246

equipment for, 27

evaluation of, 46

food, preparation for, 35, 42–43

and headspace, 38, 39, 40, 50–51

high-acid foods, 27–28, 33–34, 37, 41, 51

history of, 22–23

homemade vinegars, 283–84

hot pack, 33, 36–38, 41–44, 49, 50–51

jars, choice of, 24–26

jars, filling, 38–39, 42, 43

jars, preparation for, 35–36, 42–43

lids, 24–26, 39, 186–87, 188, 243

low-acid foods, 28–30, 33–34, 41, 48–49, 50

meats, 49

and pasteurizing, 23–24, 32, 42

poultry, 49

pretreatment methods, 35

and processing times, 41, 50–51

raw pack, 36–37, 41–44, 50–51

recipes, 52

safe methods, importance of, 31–32

salt, 11, 242

and spoilage, 23, 47–48, 248

storage, 47

of tomatoes, 33–34

unsafe methods, 29


canning of, 10, 50

cold storage of, 303, 312–13

with honey and dill, 280

in honey and vinegar, 69

and orange marmalade, 224

preserving methods for, 20


canning of, 10

cold storage of, 303, 313

freezing of, 121

pickled, 265

preserving methods for, 20

Caviar, eggplant, 139

Celery, 20, 303, 313

Champagne vinegars, 283, 286, 289

Cheesecloth bag, for spices, 12, 240, 287

Cheeses, freezing, 133


canned, quantity per quart, 10

canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 178

pie, filling, 77

preserving methods for, 18


à la king, mother’s, 64

livers, pâté, 141

roll, picnic, 142


handling of, 57

jelly, quick, 227

salsa, green, 56

sauce, 60


con carne, 65

vegetarian, 155

Chutneys. See also Pickles

definition of, 238

eggplant, 140

plum, refrigerator, 277

rhubarb, 276

tomato, green, 272


apple, 53

vinegars, 241, 283, 286

Citric acid, use of, 33, 128


produce, 6, 42

root cellars, 315–16

ClearJel, 16

Clostridium botulinum. See also Spoilage

and canning, 24, 27, 31–33, 47

and flavored oils, 289

and honey, 126

and pickling, 248

Cobbler, nectarine with pecan crunch, 173

Cold pack, canning, 36–37, 41–44, 50–51

Cold storage

aboveground, 308, 309

basements as, 304, 305–6

cleaning of, 315–16

containers for, 310

and dry storage, 303, 304

of fruits, 303

fruits, preparation for, 311–12

garages as, 305, 306

and humidity, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307

ice chests as, 305, 307

location, choice of, 304–5

packing material for, 310

pests and, 316

and refrigerators, 302, 306, 311

shelf life, 303

stairways as, 306–7

straw bales, used for, 308–9

temperature, 302–7

thermometers, use of, 306

underground, 308

of vegetables, 303

vegetables, preparation for, 312–15

and ventilation, 302, 303, 305

window wells as, 305, 307

Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), 6

Conditioning dried food, 84–85

Conserves. See also Fruit spreads

definition of, 180

and slow-cook method, 185

summer squash, 225


for cold storage, 310

for gifts, 319

Converting U.S. recipe measurements to metric, 334

Cook-down, fruit spreads, 177–78, 185–86


after drying, 86–87

frozen foods, 124

fruit spreads, 183

with herbs, 91

Cooperative extension office, 29, 30, 176

Coriander and honey jelly, 220

Corks, vinegar, 286


canning of, 10, 50

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 20

relish, refrigerator, 270

and zucchini salsa, 57

Cornstarch, use of, 16, 89

Cota, Roger, 329

Crab boil seasoning, 263


and blackberry and pink grapefruit preserves, 204

bread, 106

drying of, 81, 86–87

and juicing, 183

lime curd, 235

and pectin, 5, 178

sauce, 235

sauce, Southwestern, 278

vinegar, 297

Cream, freezing, 133

Crocks for pickles, 244

Croustade appetizer cups, 136

CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), 6


canning of, 10

pickles, spicy frozen, 261

preserving methods for, 20

Curds. See also Fruit spreads

cranberry-lime, 235

definition of, 180

Currants, 5, 51, 178, 183


Dairy products and freezing, 133, 134

Dairy salt, 11–12

Darkening, of cut produce, 35


using a, 83, 86–87, 88–89

Density of food. See Headspace

Dessert base, fruit, 176

Detoxification, of food and equipment, 47–48

Dial gauge pressure canners, 29, 30, 41, 44

Dicalcium phosphate (calcium salt), 180


blend, 299

pickles, brined old-fashioned, 256

pickles, refrigerator fresh-pack, 255

Dip blanching, drying, 79, 80, 81, 86–87

Dishwasher, prewash jars, 36, 187, 245

Distilled water, use of, 16

Doneness, tests for fruit spreads, 186

Dried-mushroom ragout, 106


pack, freezing, 125, 177

storage, cold, 303, 304


by air, 80–82, 86–87, 90–91

altitude, adjustments for, 80

blanching, 79–80, 82, 86–87

and cooking time, 86–87

by dehydrator, 83, 86–87, 88–89

food, preparation for, 79–80, 86–87

fruit leathers, 88–89

fruits, 81, 86–87

herbs, 84, 89–93

history of, 78–79

meats, 93–94

by oven, 84, 86–87, 92

packaging, 85

and pasteurizing, 84–85

pretreatment methods, 79–80, 86–87

recipes, 95

rehydrating, 85, 94

and spoilage, 78, 85, 93

storage, 85, 86–87

by sun, 82, 86–87

vegetables, 79, 86–87

Durand, Peter, 23



canning of, 10

caviar, 139

chutney, 140

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 20

Eggs, freezing, 133

Egyptians and canning, 22

Eight-bean soup, 108

Endive, 20, 303, 313

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 316


for canning, 27

detoxification of, 47–48

for freezing, 120

for fruit spreads, 182–84

metals, avoidance of, 241, 243, 285

for pickling, 242–43

for vinegar making, 285–86

Equivalents, table of, 332–33


Farmer’s market produce, 6–7

Fast cooking, fruit spreads, 178, 184

FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 15, 89–90


pickles, 244

vinegars, 282


canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 127

and pectin, 178

preserving methods for, 18

Filtering, vinegars, 285, 287, 288, 289

Fish, 132–33. See also Low-acid foods

Five-pepper jelly, 228

Flank steaks, broiled Oriental, 159

Flavor and preservation methods, 17


oils, 289

vinegars, 284–89

Floral-flavored vinegars, 288

Flour, 16

Flowers, for vinegars, 288

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 15, 89–90

Food mills, 88, 182

Foods. See also High-acid foods; Low-acid foods; Produce

for canning, 35, 42–43

for drying, 79–80, 86–87

for freezing, 119–20, 121, 122–23, 127, 128

for fruit spreads, 183


burn, 115, 131

selection of, 117


altitude, adjustments for, 120

blanching, 119–20, 121, 123, 128–29

containers, 115–16

cooking frozen foods, 124

dairy products, 133

dry pack, 125, 177

equipment for, 120

evaluation of, 130

food, preparation for, 119–20, 121, 122–23, 127, 128

freezer, selection of, 117

fruits, 119, 124–26, 127, 128

and headspace, 115, 125

herbs, 128–29

high-acid foods, 118

history of, 115

inventory of items, 118

labeling, 118

low-acid foods, 118

meats and poultry, 130–31, 132

packaging, 115–16, 131, 132

recipes, 135

seafood, 132–33

shelf life of, 134

and spoilage, 115, 117, 119

storage, 118

and thawing, 119, 132

tomatoes, 124

vegetables, 119–10, 121, 122–23

wet pack, 125–26

wrappers, 115–16

Freshness, importance of, 4–9, 14, 176, 238

Fresh-pack pickles, 238

Fruits. See also High-acid foods; specific fruit

and acid strengths, 34, 178

canning of, 27–28, 33–34, 37, 51

cold storage of, 303, 311–12

dessert base, 176

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 119, 124–26, 127, 128

harvesting of, 18–19, 127

leathers, 88–89

and pectin, 178

pickles, 238

preserving methods for, 18–19

quantity per cup dried, 87

rolls, 88–89

salad, frozen, 171

shelf life, frozen, 134

taffy, 88–89

vinegars, flavored, 281–82, 288

Fruit spreads

altitude, adjustments for, 185, 187

boiling-water-bath, 182, 189

cooking, fast with pectin, 178, 184

cooking, slow without pectin, 177–78, 185–86

cooking time, 183

equipment for, 182–84

evaluation of, 190, 191–93

food, preparation for, 183

and headspace, 187, 188

ingredients for, 176–77

jars, filling, 188

jars, sterilizing, 186–87

labeling, 191

no-cook freezer, 192, 193

pectin, 5, 176, 177–81

recipes, 196

and spoilage, 192

storage, 191

sweeteners, 181–82

Funnels, widemouthed, 31, 38, 188, 246


Garages, cold storage, 305, 306


jelly, 233

pickled, 263

Gazpacho, 148


in fruit spreads, 176–81, 185

and pectin, 5, 193

and sweeteners, 15


containers, collecting of, 319

fabrics, for gifts, 320

of food, 322–27

labels for, 321

planning for, 317–18


jam, 223

shallot marmalade, 232

use of fresh, 297

Glazing, fish, 133

Glossary of Terms, 328–330

Gooseberries, 5, 81, 183

Grain, percent of acetic acid, 282


blackberry and cranberry preserves, 204

canning of, 51

cold storage of, 303, 312

and pectin, 178


canning of, 10, 51

cold storage of, 303, 312

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 127

jelly, 211

jelly, spiced for freezer, 212

juicing of, 183

leaves, 129

and pectin, 5, 178

preserving methods for, 18

Green and gold pickles, refrigerator, 262

Green beans

pungent, 68

steam blanching of, 81

Guavas, 178, 183


Halite salt, 12


fruits, 18–19, 127

herbs, 90

vegetables, 19–21, 121

Hazardous food and equipment, 47–48


and canning, 38, 39, 40, 50–51

and freezing, 115, 125

and fruit spreads, 187, 188

and pickles, 246

Heinz, H. J., 237


rice mix, 100

water tonic, 174

Herbes de Provence, 298

Herbs. See also Seasonings; Spices

butter blend, 99

cheese appetizer, 109

choice of, 5, 12–14, 90, 128

cooking with, 91

drying, by air, 89–92

drying, by microwave, 84, 93

drying, by oven, 92

freezing, 128–29

harvesting of, 90

history of, 89–90

as medicine, 89, 239

moisture, test for, 91, 92, 93

and pickles, 239–40

storage, 91, 92, 93

substitutions for fresh, 90

and vinegars, 285

vinegars, flavored. See also Recipes, vinegars

High-acid foods

boiling-water-bath canning, 27–28, 33–34, 51

freezing of, 118

processing time, 41

raw-pack method, 37

Homemade vinegars, 283–84


jelly, and coriander, 220

pack, freezing, 126

as a sweetener, 15, 181, 240, 288

syrup blend, 126


cold storage of, 303, 313

jelly, 226

Hot-pack, canning

for high-acid foods, 51

for low-acid foods, 50

of meats, 49

processing, 41–44

raw pack comparison, 36–38

of tomatoes, 33

Humidity, cold storage, 302–7

Hummus, with dried tomatoes, 110


Ice chests, cold storage, 305, 307

Ingredients, choice of

freshness, importance of, 4–9, 14, 176, 238

for fruit spreads, 176–77

pectin, 5, 177–81, 184, 185–86

for pickles, 238–39

salt, 11–12

spices, 12

sweeteners, 15, 181–82, 240

thickeners, 16

water, 16

In-season produce, 7

Insects, control of, 316

Inventory, frozen foods, 118

Iodine, 11

Iron, in water, 16


Jams. See also Fruit spreads

berry, 197

definition of, 180

ginger, 223

peach spiced, 210

and pectin, 5

and slow-cook method, 185

strawberry, low-sugar baked, 200

strawberry and blackberry, 202

strawberry spiced, 199

tomato, 230

tomato, yellow, 231


antique, 26, 244

for canning, 24–26

filling of, 38–39, 42, 43, 246

for fruit spreads, 188

for gifts, 319

for pickles, 243–44

preparation of, 35–36, 42–43

recycled, 24–25, 186

sterilizing of, 186–87, 246

Jellies. See also Fruit spreads

basil-apple, 219

jalapeño chile, 227

coriander and honey, 220

definition of, 180

five-pepper, 228

garlic, 233

grape, 211

grape, spiced for freezer, 212

horseradish, 226

lemon, 207

mint, 222

no-cook, 192

nutmeg-scented geranium, 221

strawberry rhubarb, 201

strawberry with liquid pectin, 194

test for doneness, 186

Jelly bags, use of, 182–84, 287


beef barbecue, 96

turkey Oriental, 97

Juice pack, 126, 128

Juicing, 182–84


Kale, 10, 20

Ketchup, easy tomato, 57

Kirk, Dale E., 324

Kiwis, 127

Kohlrabi, 20, 303, 313

Kosher salt, 11, 242



of frozen foods, 118

of fruit spreads, 191

of gifts, 321

Ladles, 31, 38, 188, 246

Leather, tomato, 98

Leeks, 20, 303, 313


canned, quantity per quart, 10

jelly, 207

juice, use of, 33, 35, 128, 176

and pectin, 5, 178

pineapple preserves, 208

preserved, 234

preserving methods for, 18

Lentil and sausage soup, 154

Lids, canning, 24–26, 39, 186–88, 243


canning of, 10

marmalade, 206

preserving methods of, 18

Litmus papers, 30

Loganberries, 5, 81, 183

Low-acid foods

and freezing, 118

hot-pack method, 37

pressure canning, 28–30, 33–34, 50

processing time, 41

serving of, 48–49

Low-methyl pectin, 180–81, 193


Magnesium carbonate, in water, 16

Malt vinegars, 283, 286

Marmalades. See also Fruit spreads

apple ginger, 215

blueberry, 213

carrot and orange, 224

definition of, 180

ginger shallot, 232

lime, 206

slow-cook method, 186

tomato, 229

Mason, John, 23

Mason jars, 25, 186

Meats. See also Low-acid foods

canning of, 49

drying of, 93–94

freezing of, 130–31, 132

jerky, 94

shelf life, frozen, 134

tenderizing, 159

Melons, 18, 127

Metals, avoidance of, 241, 243, 285

Metric conversions, for recipes, 334

Mexican salad terra noble, 111

Mice, control of, 316

Microorganisms. See Spoilage


for blanching, 120

for drying, 79, 80, 84, 93


herb, 13

jelly, 222

Mother, of vinegar, 284


barley soup, 101

canning of, 10

dried, ragout, 107

drying of, 81–82, 86–87, 103

marinated, 71

preserving methods for, 20

shiitake soup, 112

stacks, 167

Muslin bag for spices, 12, 287


basil-shallot, 273

pickles, two-day, 259



cobbler with pecan crunch, 173

freezing of, 127


fruit spreads, freezer, 192, 193

jelly, 192

Nutmeg-scented geranium jelly, 221

NutraSweet, 15


Oils, flavored, 289


canning of, 10, 50

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 20

Old Bay Seasoning. See Crab boil seasoning


canning of, 10

caramel, 164

cold storage of, 303, 313

preserving methods for, 20

relish, sweet, 269

soup, 150

Open-kettle canning, 29


canning of, 10, 51

and pectin, 178

preserving methods for, 18

syrup, 74

Oven, drying, 84, 86–87, 92



for cold storage, 310

dried foods, 85

frozen foods, 115–16, 131, 132

Paraffin, perils of, 181, 189

Parsnips, 21, 303, 313–14

Pasta and rosemary paste, 143

Pasteur, Louis, 23

Pasteurizing foods

and canning, 23–24, 32, 42

and drying, 84–85

and freezing, 85

by heat, 85

Pâté of Chicken Livers, 141


canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

jam, spiced, 210

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 178

pie, filling, 76

preserves, old-fashioned, 209

preserving methods for, 18


butter, 236

butter, spiced, 138

canning of, 10, 51

cold storage of, 303, 312

drying of, 86–87

and pectin, 178

preserving methods for, 18

relish, 275


canning of, 10, 50

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 21


and fast-cook method, 178, 184

in fruit, 178

and fruit spreads, 5, 176, 177–81

liquid or powdered, 178

low-methyl, 180–81, 193

making your own, 178, 179

and ripeness, 177, 178, 180

and slow-cook method, 177–78, 185–86


canning of, 10, 50

drying of, 86–87

and eggplant, in garlic oil, 55

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 21

Pesticides, use of, 8

Pesto with green bell peppers, 144

Pests, cold storage, 316


asparagus, 266

Brussels sprouts, 264

cauliflower, 265

garlic, 263

vegetable chunks, mixed, 279

Pickles. See also Boiling-water-bath, canning; High-acid foods

bread and butter, 254

crocks for, 244

cucumbers, spicy frozen, 261

dill, brined old-fashioned, 256

dill, refrigerator fresh-pack, 255

equipment for, 242–43

evaluation of, 249

green and gold, refrigerator, 262

and headspace, 246

and herbs, 239–40

history of, 237

ingredients for, 238–39

jars, filling, 246

jars, sterilization of, 246

jars for, 243–44

making of, 250

mustard, two-day, 259

recipes, 253

relish, sweet, 267

and salt, 242

and spices, 239–40

storage, 248

super-sweets, refrigerator, 258

sweeteners, 240

varieties of, 238

water, 241

watermelon rind, 260


salt, 11

spice, mixed, 257


apple crumb, 172

apple filling, 75

cherry filling, 77

peach filling, 76


drying of, 81

freezing of, 127

sherbet, 171

spears, 73


canning of, 10, 51

chutney, refrigerator, 277

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 127

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 5, 178

preserving methods for, 19

Popcorn shaker mix, 298


Italian, marinated, 158

roll, Oriental, 157

Potatoes, 21, 303, 314

Poultry. See Meats

Preserves. See also Fruit spreads

blackberry, 203

blackberry, cranberry, and pink grapefruit, 204

blueberry and cherry, 214

definition of, 180

lemon-pineapple, 208

lemons, 234

peach, old-fashioned, 209

red raspberry, 205

slow-cook method, 185

strawberry, 198

Preserving. See also Recipes

canning, how to, 22–51

cold storage, how to, 302–16

drying, how to, 78–94, 324–31

freezing, how to, 115–34

fruit spreads, how to, 175–95

gifts of food, 317–27

ingredients, choice of, 4–21

pickles, how to, 237–52

vinegars and seasonings, how to, 281–89

Pressure canning

altitude, adjustments for, 40, 41, 44

discussion of, 28–31

and low-acid foods, 50

recipes using, 61–66, 70, 72

and tomatoes, 33

Pretreatment methods

for canning, 35

for drying, 79–80, 86–87

for freezing, 119–23, 127, 128

Produce. See also Foods

cleaning of, 6, 42

for cold storage, 303

for dry storage, 303, 304

farmer’s market, 6–7

refrigeration of, 5, 239

storage of, 7

from supermarket, 8–9

Prunes, 86–87, 178

Pudding, tomato, 165


cold storage of, 303, 314

freezing of, 121

preserving methods for, 21

soup, 152

Purée, apple beet, 146


Quince, 5, 178


Radishes, 21, 303, 314

Raisin relish, refrigerator, 274

Rancidity and fat, 130, 131, 132


canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 81

freezing of, 127

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 5, 178

preserving methods for, 19

Ratatouille, 156

Raw-pack, canning, 36–37, 41–44, 50–51


and boiling-water-bath canning, 53–60, 67–69, 71, 73–77

for canning, 52

conversion of old, 30

for drying, 95

equivalents, table of, 332–33

for freezing, 135

for fruit spreads, 196

metric conversions, 334

for pickles, 253

and pressure canning, 61–66, 70, 72

for seasonings, 290

for vinegars, 290

Recipes, canning

apple cider, easy autumn, 53

asparagus, spicy, 67

barbecue sauce, 59

cabbage borscht, 61

carrots in honey and vinegar, 69

chicken à la king, 64

chile salsa, green, 56

chile sauce, 60

chili con carne, 65

corn and zucchini salsa, 57

green beans, pungent, 68

mushrooms, marinated, 71

orange syrup, 74

pepper and eggplant in garlic oil, 55

pie, apple filling, 75

pie, cherry filling, 77

pie, peach filling, 76

pineapple spears, 73

spaghetti sauce, with meat, 63

tomato dip, green, 54

tomatoes, stewed, 70

tomato ketchup, easy, 57

tomato sauce, 62

vegetable beef stew, 66

vegetables, mixed, 72

Recipes, drying

apple coffee cake, 104

beef jerky, barbecued, 96

blueberry waffles, 105

calcium tonic, 103

cranberry bread, 106

dried-mushroom ragout, 107

eight-bean soup, 108

herb butter blend, 99

herb cheese appetizer, 109

herbed rice mix, 100

hummus, with dried tomatoes, 110

Mexican salad terra noble, 111

mushroom barley soup, 101

shiitake mushroom soup, 112

split-pea soup, 113

tea blend, quiet spirit, 102

tomato leather, 98

turkey jerky, Oriental, 97

vegetable rice beef soup, 114

Recipes, freezing

apple beet purée, 146

artichokes, Mediterranean, 168

avocado yogurt, with lime zest, 169

baked beans, 160

banana bread, Laura’s, 170

black bean soup, 153

butternut squash soup base, 151

caramel onions, 164

chicken livers, pâté, 141

chicken roll, picnic, 142

croustade appetizer cups, 136

eggplant caviar, 139

eggplant chutney, pungent, 140

flank steaks, broiled Oriental, 159

fruit salad, 171

gazpacho, 148

herbed water tonic, 174

honey syrup, 126

lentil and sausage soup, 154

mushroom stacks, 167

nectarine cobbler with pecan crunch, 173

onion soup, winter, 150

pear butter, spiced, 138

pesto with bell peppers, 144

pie, apple crumb, 172

pineapple sherbet, 171

pork, Italian marinated, 158

pork roll, Oriental, 157

pumpkin soup, 152

ratatouille, 156

rosemary paste for pasta, 143

slaw, colorful freezer, 166

squash casserole, green and gold, 161

sweet potatoes and carrots, 163

tomato-basil soup, 149

tomato pudding, 165

tomato salsa, 147

tomato sauce, garden, 145

vegetarian chili, 155

winter squash, mashed, 162

Recipes, fruit spreads

apple butter, Marion’s, 216

apple ginger marmalade, 215

apple-plum butter, 217

apple-zucchini butter, 218

basil-apple jelly, 219

berry jam, agar, 197

blackberry, cranberry, and pink grapefruit preserves, 204

blackberry preserves, 203

blueberry and cherry preserves, 214

blueberry marmalade, 213

carrot and orange marmalade, 224

coriander and honey jelly, 220

cranberry-lime curd, 235

cranberry sauce, 235

dessert base, fruit, 176

five-pepper jelly, 228

garlic jelly, 233

ginger jam, 223

ginger shallot marmalade, 232

grape jelly, 211

grape jelly, spiced, 212

horseradish jelly, 226

jalapeño chile jelly, quick, 227

lemon jelly, 207

lemon-pineapple preserves, 208

lemons, preserved, 234

lime marmalade, 206

mint jelly, 222

no-cook jelly, 192

nutmeg-scented geranium jelly, 221

peach jam, spiced, 210

peach preserves, old-fashioned, 209

pear butter, 236

red raspberry preserves, 205

strawberry and blackberry jam, 202

strawberry jam, low-sugar baked, 200

strawberry jam, spiced, 199

strawberry jelly with liquid pectin, 194

strawberry preserves, 198

strawberry rhubarb jelly, 200

summer squash conserve, 225

tomato, yellow jam, 231

tomato jam, 230

tomato marmalade, 229

Recipes, pickles

asparagus, 266

basil-shallot mustard, 273

black-eyed-pea relish, refrigerator, 271

bread and butter, 254

Brussels sprouts, 264

carrots with honey and dill, 280

cauliflower, 265

corn relish, refrigerator, 270

cranberry sauce, southwestern, 278

cucumbers, spicy frozen, 261

dill, brined old-fashioned, 256

dill, refrigerator fresh-pack, 255

garlic, 263

green and gold, refrigerator, 262

mustard, two-day, 259

onion relish, sweet, 269

pear relish, 275

plum chutney, refrigerator, 277

raisin relish, refrigerator, 274

red relish, refrigerator, 268

rhubarb chutney, 276

spice, pickling, 257

super-sweets, refrigerator, 258

sweet relish, 267

tomato chutney, green, 272

vegetable chunks, mixed, 279

watermelon rind, 260

Recipes, vinegars

basil balsamic, 294

butters, seasoned, 301

cranberry, 297

dill, spicy, 295

dill blend, 299

floral-flavored, 288

French-blend herb, 292

French bread butters, 301

fruit-flavored, 288

ginger-pepper rice, 293

herb, fresh, 295

Herbes de Provence, 298

herb-flavored, 286

lemon-thyme, 296

lime, 296

mint, 293

popcorn shaker mix, 298

Provençal, 291

seasoning blend, Asian, 300

sherry spiced, 291

spice-flavored, 287

spice mix, southwestern, 300

strawberry, 297

tarragon, 294

vegetable seasoning mix, 299


containers, for gifts, 319, 323

fruit spreads, 222

jars, for canning, 24–25, 186

Red raspberry preserves, 205

Red wine vinegars, 283, 286, 288

Refrigeration of produce, 5, 239


carrots with honey and dill, 280

chutney, plum, 277

cold storage, 302, 306, 311

cucumbers, spicy frozen, 261

garlic, pickled, 263

mustard, basil-shallot, 273

pickles, dill fresh-pack, 255

pickles, green and gold, 262

pickles, super-sweets, 258

relish, black-eyed pea, 271

relish, corn, 270

relish, raisin, 274

relish, red, 268

sauce, cranberry southwestern, 278

Rehydrating dried foods, 85, 94


black-eyed-pea, refrigerator, 271

corn, refrigerator, 270

definition of, 238

pear, 275

pickle, sweet, 267

raisin, refrigerator, 274

red, refrigerator, 268

sweet onion, 269

Resources, 331


canning of, 10, 51

chutney, 276

freezing of, 127

preserving methods for, 19

Ripeness and pectin, 177, 178, 180

Root cellars

basements as, 304, 305–6

cleaning of, 315–16

containers for, 310

of fruits, 303

fruits, preparation of, 311–12

garages as, 305, 306

and humidity, 302–7

ice chests as, 305, 307

location, choice of, 304–5

packing material for, 310

pests and, 316

refrigerators, 302, 306, 311

shelf life, 303

stairways as, 306–7

and temperature, 302–7

thermometers, use of, 306

underground, 308

of vegetables, 303

vegetables, preparation of, 312–15

and ventilation, 302, 303, 305

window wells as, 305, 307

Rosemary paste for angel-hair pasta, 143

Rutabagas, 21, 303, 314–15


Saccharin, 15, 182

Safety. See Botulism, Spoilage


fruit, frozen, 171

Mexican terra noble, 111


corn and zucchini, 57

green chile, 56

tomato, 147

Salt, 11–12, 130, 242

Salt-cured pickles, 238


barbecue, 59

chile, 60

cranberry, 235

cranberry, southwestern, 278

spaghetti with meat, 63

tomato, 62

tomato garden, 145

Screw rings, metal, 26, 39, 187, 188, 243

Seafoods, 132–33. See also Low-acid foods

Seals, checking of, 43, 46, 188, 190, 248

Sea salt, 11, 242

Seasonings. See also Herbs; Spices

blend, Asian, 300

crab boil, 263

mixes, 289

recipes, 290

Shelf life

of cold storage foods, 303

of frozen foods, 134

Sherbet, pineapple, 171

Sherry vinegars

definition of, 283

spiced, 291

Shriver, A. J., 23

Slaw, colorful freezer, 166

Slow-cook method

for butters, 85

for fruit spreads, 177–78, 185–86

Sodium chloride, 11

Solar sea salt, 11, 242


black bean, 153

butternut squash, base, 151

eight-bean, 108

lentil and sausage, 154

mushroom barley, 101

onion, 150

pumpkin, 152

shiitake mushroom, 112

split-pea, 113

tomato-basil, 149

vegetable rice beef, 114

Sour wine. See Vinegars

Spaghetti sauce, with meat, 63

Spain and sherry vinegars, 283

Spices. See also Herbs; Seasonings

discussion of, 12, 239–40

mix, southwestern, 300

and pickles, 239–40

pickling, mixed, 257

seasoning mixes, 289

and vinegars, 285

vinegars, flavored, 287

Spinach, 10, 21

Split-pea soup, 113

Spoilage. See also Botulism

and canning, 23, 47–48, 248

and cold storage, 316

detoxification, 47–48

and drying, 78, 85, 93

and freezing, 115, 117, 119

and fruit spreads, 192

warning signs of, 48


butternut soup base, 151

canning of, 10

cold storage of, 303, 315

freezing of, 121

green and gold casserole, 161

preserving methods for, 21

summer conserve, 225

winter, mashed, 162

Squeezo food mills, 88, 182

Stairways, cold storage, 306–7

Steam blanching

and drying, 79–80, 86–87

and freezing, 120, 121, 123, 128

Steeping, vinegars, 285, 288, 289

Sterilization of

canned foods, 23–24, 32

dried foods, 84–85

jars, 36, 42, 186–87

Stew, vegetable beef, 66

Storage. See also Cold storage

of canned foods, 47

of dried foods, 85, 86–87

of frozen foods, 118

of fruit spreads, 191

of herbs, 91, 92, 93

of pickles, 248

of produce, 7

of vinegars, 286

Straining, vinegars, 285, 287, 288, 289

Straw bales, cold storage, 308, 309


and blackberry jam, 202

canning of, 10, 51

drying of, 81, 86–87

freezing of, 127

jam, low-sugar baked, 200

jam, spiced, 199

jelly with liquid pectin, 194

juicing of, 183

and pectin, 178

preserves, fresh, 198

preserving methods for, 19

rhubarb jelly, 200

vinegar, 297

Stuffing and poultry, 131


granulated, 15, 240

pack, freezing, 126

preserving, fruit spreads, 176, 181

substitutes, 15

syrup pack, freezing, 125–26

Sulfur, in water, 16

Sulfuring and drying, 80

Sun, drying, 82, 86–87

Supermarket produce, 8–9

Super-sweets pickles, refrigerator, 258


definition of, 15

for fruit spreads, 181–82

for pickles, 240

Sweet potatoes and carrots, 163

Swiss chard, 10, 21


for freezing fruit, 126

honey blend, 126

orange, 74


Table of equivalents, 332–33

Table salt, 11, 242

Tangerines, 51

Tea blend, quiet spirit, 102


for cold storage, 302–7

for preserving, 32

Thawing, freezing, 119, 132

Thermometers, cold storage, 306

Thickeners, 16


basil soup, 149

canning of, 10, 33–34, 51

cold storage of, 303, 315

drying of, 86–87

freezing of, 121, 124

green chutney, 272

green dip, 54

jam, 230

ketchup, easy, 58

leather, 98

marmalade, 229

preserving methods for, 21

pudding, 165

salsa, 147

sauce, 62

sauce, garden, 145

stewed, 70

yellow jam, 231


herbed water, 174

high-calcium, 103

Turkey jerky, Oriental, 97

Turnips, 303, 315


Underground, cold storage, 308

Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 83

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

boiling-water-bath canning, 29, 44, 187

jars for canning, 25, 26, 187, 243

pressure canning, 45, 48

storage for canned foods, 47

Unsafe methods, canning, 29



and bacteria, 23, 27

lids, canning, 26, 39, 186–88, 243

Vegetables. See also Low-acid foods; specific vegetable

acid strengths of, 34

beef stew, 66

and blanching, 79, 86–87, 119–20, 121

canning of, 28–31, 33–34, 37, 41, 48–49, 50

chunks mixed, pickled, 279

cold storage of, 303, 312–15

and drying, 79, 86–87

drying of, 79, 86–87

freezing of, 119–20, 121, 122–23

harvesting, 19–21, 121

mixed, 72

for pickling, 50

preserving methods for, 19–21

quantity per cup dried, 87

quantity per quart canned, 10

rice beef soup, 104

seasoning mix, 292

shelf life, frozen, 134

Vegetarian chili, 155

Ventilation, cold storage, 302, 303, 305

Villaware food mills, 88, 182


and acetic acid, 241, 282–84

basil balsamic, 294

bottles, 286

cranberry, 297

dill, spicy, 295

equipment for, 285–86

filtering of, 285, 287, 288, 289

flavored, 14, 284–85

floral, 288

French-blend herb, 292

fruit, 288

fruited, 281–82

ginger-pepper rice, 293

herb, 286

herb, fresh, 295

history of, 282–84

homemade, 283–84

lemon-thyme, 296

lime, 296

mint, 293

mother of, 284

and pickles, 241

Provençal, 291

recipes, 295

sherry spiced, 291

spice, 287

spiced, 292

steeping of, 285, 288, 289

storage, 286

strawberry, 297

tarragon, 294

varieties of, 283

wine, 284


Waffles, blueberry, 105

Water, 16, 241

Watermelon rind pickles, 260

Wax, on produce, 9

Weeping, of fruit spreads, 181, 193

Weighted pressure canners, 29, 30, 41, 44

Wet pack, freezing, 125–26


rice vinegars, 283, 289

wine vinegars, 283, 286, 288, 289

Window wells, cold storage, 305, 307

Wine vinegars, 241, 283–84, 286, 288–89


Yogurt, frozen avocado with lime zest, 169


Zip-seal bag, freezing, 116

Zucchini, 121