4.4.3 Differential forms taking values in a fiber bundle. List of formulas

The next section reproduces the presentation of [BOU 82a], sections 7.3 and 7.8, with slight changes to the order and a few simplifications.

(I) Let π : NB be a vector bundle and consider the vector bundle Alt p (M; N) (M = T (B)) whose fiber over an arbitrary point bB is Alt p (M; N) b := Alt p (M b ; N b ) (section 4.2.6, Example 4.14(3)). If N is the trivial bundle B × F, where F is a Banach space, write Alt p (M; F) for Alt p (M; N).

Definition 4.29

A differential p-form on an open subset U of B taking values in N is a morphic section of Alt p (M; N), i.e. an element of Ω p (U; N):=Γ (U, Alt p (M; N)).

Clearly, for any open subset U of B, Ω p (U ; N) is a C r U si130_e -module and the mapping U → Ω p (U ; N) is a sheaf of C r si157_e -Modules.

(II) Exterior product Let π i : N i B (i = 1,2) and π : NB be three vector bundles of class C r and Φ a mapping from N 1 × Β N 2 into N. Suppose that, for every b 0B, there exist an open neighborhood U of b 0 in B and vector charts t i = (U i , φ i , F i ) of π i (i = 1, 2) and t = (U, φ, F) of π, together with a mapping λ of class C r in F 1 × F 2 F si205_e , satisfying the following condition: for every bU and all (x 1, x 2) ∈ F 1 × F 2 (with the notation of Definition 3.22(i), Condition (V)),

t b λ b x 1 x 2 = Φ t b 1 x 1 t b 2 x 2 .

Suppose that one such coupling is given and let M be a fiber bundle with base B and of class C r . For every bB, there is a continuous bilinear mapping

Φ b : Alt p M N 1 b × Alt q M N 2 b Alt p + q M N b .

The collection of these continuous bilinear mappings determines a coupling

u : Alt p M N 1 × Alt q M N 2 Alt p + q M N .

Given sections ω 1, ω 2 of Alt p (MN 1) and Alt q (MN 2) on U, the section u (ω 1, ω 2) of Alt p + q (MN) on U is written as ω 1Φ ω 2 (see Remark 4.18).

Definition 4.32

We say that ω 1Φ ω 2 is the exterior product of ω 1 and ω 2. This exterior product is written as ω 1ω 2 whenever the coupling Φ is implicitly clear.

If the s i (i = 1, …, p + q) are morphic sections of M on U, then:

ω 1 Φ ω 2 s 1 s p + q = σ ε σ Φ ω 1 s σ 1 s σ p ω 2 ( s σ p + 1 s σ p + q ) ,

where the sum ranges over permutations of {1, …, p + q} such that σ (1) < … < σ (p) and σ (p + 1) < … < σ (p + q) (see Lemma-Definition 4.10(i)).

(III) De Rham algebra: generalization An algebra bundle of base B is a vector bundle A of base B equipped with a coupling from A × Β A into A. In the following, the fibers A b (bB) are assumed to be associative and commutative algebras with neutral element e b ([P1], section 2.3.10(I)). Let π : MB be a vector bundle with base B (e.g. T (B)). Write Ω p (U; A) (where U is an open subset of B) for the C r U si130_e -module formed by the morphic sections of Alt p (M; A) on U.

The exterior product allows the direct sum Ω(UA) = ⊕ p ≥ 0Ω p (UA) to be equipped with the structure of an associative, anticommutative and graduated algebra, again called the de Rham algebra (section 4.4.1(III)).

If ω = ω 1 ∧ … ∧ ω p , where ω i ∈ Ω1 (U; A), and s i is a morphic section of M on U (i = 1,…, p), then (see [4.21]):

ω s 1 s p = det ω i s j .

(IV) Interior product Let p ≥ 1. There exists a coupling i from M × Β Alt p (M; A) into Alt p–1 (M; A) whose restriction to each fiber is the interior product (Remark 4.12). If s is a section of M on the open subset U of B and ω ∈ Ω p (U; A), write i (s) ω for the section i (s, ω) of Alt p–1 (M; A) on U. Then, for every bU,

i s ω b = s b ω b .

We say that i (s) ω is the interior product of s and ω. From this definition and the formulas listed in section 4.2.5, we can deduce the following relations (where the s j are sections of M):

i s ω degree p s 1 s p 1 = ω s s 1 s p 1 , i s i s = 0 , i s ω degree 1 = ω s , i s . ω degree p ω = i s ω ω + 1 p ω i s ω , i s ω 1 ω p forms of degree 1 = i = 1 p 1 i + 1 ω i s ω 1 ω i ^ ω p .

The interior product is an antiderivation of degree – 1 of the de Rham algebra ([P1], section 2.3.12).

(V) Preimage Let f : B′ → B be a morphism of manifolds and ω ∈ Ω p (B; N). Let f (N) be the preimage of N under f (section 3.4.6). There exists a uniquely determined differential p-form f (ω) such that [4.22] holds (mutatis mutandis). For every family of vector fields X1, …, X p of class C r on B′, the mapping

f ω X 1 X p : b f ω b X 1 b X p b

is a lifting of f into N (Definition 3.6, section 3.3.1).

In particular, a differential 0-form G on B′ taking values in N is in fact just a lifting of class C r of f into N, i.e. a mapping (of class C r ) G : B′ → N such that G (b′) ∈ N f (b′) for all b′ ∈ B′.

(VI) Vector-valued differential forms The fiber bundle Ω p (B; N) is trivial if and only if N is trivial (section 3.4.1, Example 3.26(a)), or in other words N = B × F, where F is a Banach space (exercise). If so, the fibers N b can be identified with F. We write Alt p (M; F) for Alt p (M; N), Ω p (B; F) for Ω p (B; N), and we say that ω is a vector-valued differential p-form taking values in F. In particular, if K = si215_e , N = T (B), and F = si216_e , then ω is a complex differential p-form on the real manifold B.

The usual fiber bundle Alt p T B K si164_e can also be written as Alt p T B K B = Alt p T B B × K si218_e , and

Ω p B = Γ Alt p T B B × K .

4.4.4 Orientation

For the rest of this chapter, excluding section 4.5.1, every manifold is a locally finite-dimensional differential manifold and F always denotes a Banach space.

(I) Orientation of a vector space Let E be a real m-dimensional vector space. We know that dim m E = 1 si222_e (section 4.2.3(I)), so det E m E si223_e is the union of two closed half-lines on the real axis with opposite directions and origin 0. These half-lines are written as O and –O. The set {O, –O} formed by these half-lines is written as Or (E).

(II) Orientation of a real manifold Let Β be a manifold and M = T (B). Write

Or M = b B Or M b .

Lemma 4.34

Let π ˜ : Or M B si225_e be the mapping defined by π ˜ b O = b si226_e for every bΒ. There exists a unique topological space structure on Or M for which the following two conditions are satisfied:

  1. i)  π ˜ si227_e is continuous.
  2. ii)  If s is a continuous, everywhere non-zero section of the vector bundle det (M) (whose fibers are the det (M b ), bΒ, with the notation of (I), implying that s(b) ∈  det (M b ) = O(b) ∪ (− O((b))) on an open subset U of Β and s (b) ∈ O (s (b)) for every bU, then the mapping BOr M : bO (s (b)) is continuous (exercise).

Suppose that the topological space Or M is equipped with the manifold structure determined by taking the preimage under π ˜ si227_e of the manifold structure of Β (Remark 2.44), and consider the fibration π ˜ : Or M B si229_e . The multiplicative group {± 1} acts simply transitively (and hence freely) ([P1], section 2.2.8(II)) on Or M by O ↦ –O. The manifold of orbits of this action is Or M \{± 1} ≅ B.

Corollary-Definition 4.35

  1. 1)  The fibration π : Or M Β is a principal bundle with structural group {± 1}. This principal bundle B ˜ si230_e is a covering of Β with fiber type {± 1} ( section 3.3.3 ), namely a covering of two leaves.
  2. 2)  The principal bundle B ˜ si230_e is said to be the orientation covering. An orientation of Β is a continuous section O : b ↦ (b, O b ) of B ˜ O b ± 1 si232_e . If any such section exists, the pair (B, O) is said to be an oriented manifold. The orientations O andO are said to be opposite.
  3. 3)  A manifold B is said to be orientable if there exists an orientation on B.
  4. 4)  A pure m-dimensional manifold B is orientable if and only if one of the following equivalent conditions is satisfied:
    1. i)  The orientation covering B ˜ si230_e is the trivial bundle B × {± 1}.
    2. ii)  There exists a continuous differential m-form v 0 such that v 0 (b) ≠ 0 for every bB; if so, v 0 is of class C , i.e. v 0 ∈ Ω m (B). Since dim (Ω m (B)) b = 1, the sign of v 0 (b) must be constant on B, and v 0 determines an orientation O : b ↦ (b, sgn (v 0 (b))) of B (where sgn denotes the sign).
    3. iii)  There exists an atlas of B whose charts (U i , φ i , n i ) satisfy the property that, if U i  ∩ U j  ≠ ∅ (which implies n i = n j ), then

      φ i 1 φ i n i φ j 1 φ j n j > 0

      on U i  ∩ U j .
  5. 5)  Hence, if B is a pure orientable m-dimensional manifold, then the relationon Ω m (B) defined by vvif sgn (v (b)) = sgn (v′ (b)) (where b is an arbitrary point of B) is an equivalence relation. The orientation O : b ↦ (b, sgn (v (b))) is the equivalence class of v, written as v ¯ si235_e .


(4): See [DIE 93], Volume 3, (16.21.1), (16.21.16). (5): exercise.

Corollary 4.36

  1. 1)  Let B be a manifold and b some point of B. By Corollary-Definition 4.35 (4), there exists an open neighborhood U of b in B that is orientable.
  2. 2)  A manifold B is orientable if and only if each of its connected components is orientable.
  3. 3)  Let (B, O) be a pure m-dimensional oriented manifold and v 0O. Every differential m-form ω ∈ Ω m (B) can be uniquely written in the form ω = f.v 0, where f : B si236_e is of class C . Given bB, write ω b > < ¯ 0 si237_e if f b > < ¯ 0 si238_e .
  4. 4)  Let (B, O) be a pure m-dimensional oriented manifold. If ω ∈ Ω m (B; F), there exists a unique mapping f : BF of class C satisfying ω = f.v 0 (exercise).

Definition 4.37

Let (B, O) be an oriented manifold and v 0O. A sequence (Z 1,…, Z m ) of vector fields is said to be positive or direct (respectively negative or retrograde) if, for every bB,

v 0 b Z 1 b Z m b > 0 resp . < 0 .

Example 4.38

  1. i)  The space m si240_e is orientable and the canonical m-form dx 1 ∧ … ∧ dx m (where x i is the i-th coordinate function in the canonical basis) defines its canonical orientation.
  2. ii)  More generally, the underlying manifold of a finite-dimensional real Lie group G is always orientable. Indeed, suppose that G is m-dimensional, and let z be an m-covector such that z e ≠ 0 (where e is the neutral element); then the differential m-form g ↦ γ (g) z (of class C ω ), where γ is left translation ( section 2.4.1 ( I )), is non-zero at every point.
  3. iii)  Every simply connected manifold and every parallelizable manifold ( Definition 3.28 ) is orientable ( [NAR 73] , Corollary 2.7.6; [LEE 02] , Proposition 10.5).
  4. iv)  In particular, the sphere S n si241_e (see footnote 2, p. 98) is orientable.
  5. v)  Every finite product of orientable manifolds is orientable. If B 1, B 2 are two manifolds with orientations O 1, O 2 respectively, the mapping (b 1, b 2) ↦ O b1 O b2 is an orientation of B 1 × B 2 written as O 1 ⊗ O 2.
  6. vi)  Let B bean oriented manifold with orientation O. Let U be a submanifold of B. The mapping O | U is an orientation of U. Hence, every submanifold of an orientable manifold is orientable.
  7. vii)  It can be shown that any finite-dimensional pure differential manifold B 0 underlying a holomorphic manifold B is orientable ( [DIE 93] , Volume 3, (16.21.13)).
  8. viii)  The Möbius strip (see Figure 3.2 in section 3.3.1 and footnote 3, p. 98) and the Klein bottle (see footnote 6, p. 70) are not orientable. The Möbius strip is a striking example of a non-orientable manifold: any reader who wishes to experiment with the concept of orientation can make a Möbius strip by gluing together the two ends of a strip of paper with a half-twist. Now, draw a pencil line along the middle of the strip – the line will almost magically reach “the other side” of the strip from the starting point.

Let (B, O) be an oriented manifold. If we write this oriented manifold as B si242_e , we can write B si243_e or B si244_e for the manifold equipped with the opposite orientation.

4.4.5 Integral of a differential form of maximal degree

(I) Volume integrals in m si240_e

Lemma 4.39

Let U, Ube open subsets of m si240_e and u : UUa diffeomorphism. For every xU, let J = det u x si247_e be the Jacobian of u ( section 1.2.2 ( IV )). Let λ U  m  ≔ λ  m  | U and λ U  m be the Radon measures induced on U and U′, respectively, by the Lebesgue measure on m si240_e ([P2], section 4.1.5(I)). Then, the image of | J |. λ U  m under u is λ U  m ([P2], section 4.1.5(II)); in other words, for every function f K U si249_e , where K U si250_e denotes the space (of type s si251_e ) of compactly supported continuous functions from Uinto si252_e ([P2], section 4.1.4(IV)), we have the following change of variable formula, by [4.24] :

U f x . d λ m x = U f u x . J x . d λ m x .

This relation still holds if we replace f K U si249_e by a λ  m -integrable mapping f : U′ ↦ F ([P2], section 4.1.2).

Example 4.41

Let us calculate the volume V of a sphere of radius R.

  1. 1)  Cartesian coordinates. Pick the center of the sphere as the origin, and begin by calculating the volume of the hemisphere z ≥ 0. We can use the Fubini-Tonelli theorem ([P2], section 4.1.3(III)) to do this by cutting the hemisphere into “slices” of infinitely small thickness dz. Each slice is a cylinder with a circular cross-section of radius R 2 z 2 si257_e and thickness dz. The volume of the hemisphere is therefore given by

    0 R π R 2 z 2 dz = 2 3 π R 3 ,

    which gives us the classical formula V = 4 3 π R 3 si259_e .
  2. 2)  Spherical coordinates. In mathematics, the radial, azimuthal, and zenithal coordinates {r, ϕ, θ} are defined as shown in Figure 4.1 , with r ≥ 0, 0 ≤ θ ≤ 2π, and 0 ≤ ϕπ (in physics, the symbols θ and ϕ are often swapped). These coordinates satisfy the relations:

    x = r cos θ sin ϕ , y = r sin θ sin ϕ , z = r cos ϕ .

    Hence, by
    Lemma 4.39 ,

    dxdydz = det cos θ sin ϕ r cos θ cos ϕ r sin θ sin ϕ sin θ sin ϕ r sin θ cos ϕ r cos θ sin ϕ cos ϕ r sin ϕ 0 drdϕdθ = r 2 sin ϕdrdϕdθ , so V = 0 R dr 0 2 π 0 π r 2 sin ϕ = R 3 3 .2 π . cos ϕ 0 π = 4 3 π R 3 .

    Let C be the point with Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z). Then, dC = e 1 dx + e 2 dy + e 3 dz si262_e , where e 1 si263_e , e 2 si264_e , e 3 si265_e are the vectors of the canonical basis. In spherical coordinates, write u r si266_e , u ϕ si267_e , u θ si268_e for the unit vector along the direction of OC si269_e , the unit vector tangent to the meridian in the direction of increasing ϕ, and the unit vector parallel to C in the direction of increasing θ, respectively. Then , OC = r u r si270_e , OC = u r . dr + r u r ϕ . + r u r θ . = r dr + φ + θ si271_e with u r = cos θ sin ϕ . e 1 + sin θ sin ϕ . e 2 + cos ϕ . e 3 si272_e , so

    d OC = dr . u r + 1 r . u ϕ + 1 r sin ϕ . u θ ,

    r = u r , ϕ = r u r ϕ = r u ϕ , θ = r u r θ = r sin ϕ . u θ .

    The orthonormal frame u r u ϕ u θ si275_e is positively oriented, since the determinant
    [4.27] is positive.
  3. 3)  Calculation based on the radial coordinate, the longitude, and the latitude. The coordinates are now (r, φ, λ) (see Example 2.12 , section 2.2.1 ( II )). In radians, the latitude φ and the longitude λ may now be expressed as a function of the zenith φ and the azimuth θ by φ = π 2 ϕ si276_e and λ = θπ. Starting from the expressions [2.1] , an analogous calculation gives dxdydz = r 2 cos φdrdφdλ, and

    V = 0 R dr π π π / 2 π / 2 r 2 cos φ = R 3 3 .2 π . sin φ π / 2 π / 2 = 4 3 π R 3 .

Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 Spherical coordinates

(II) Lebesgue measures

(III) Integral of a form of maximal degree over an m -dimensional oriented manifold Let B si242_e be a pure oriented manifold of dimension m ≥ 0 and let ω be a differential m-form taking values in a Banach space F. our next task is to give meaning to the quantity

B ω .

By Corollary-Definition 4.35(5), there exists a differential m-form v 0 ∈ Ω m (B) that belongs to the orientation of B si242_e . Let c = (U, φ, m) be a chart of B such that the open set U is connected. For every point ζ = (ζ1,…, ζ m ) ∈ φ (U), we can write (with the same notation as above):

v 0 φ 1 ς = f c ς . d ς 1 d ς m .

Since U is connected, f c is of class C and has constant sign in φ (U). Let μ v 0, U , U be the positive Radon measure on U defined by

μ v 0 , U = φ 1 f c . λ φ U m .

If we proceed in the same way for another arbitrary chart c′ = (U′, φ′, m) of B, where U′ is also connected, we obtain a measure μ v 0, U that is positive on U′. It is easy to show ([DIE 93], Volume 3, (16.24.1)) that, if U ∩ U  ≠ ∅, the restrictions of μ v 0, U and μ v 0, U to U ∩ U are equal. The positive measures μ v 0, U (as U ranges over the set of connected open subsets of B, which form a covering of B) are, therefore, the restrictions to U of a unique positive Radon measure μ v 0 (which is Lebesgue) defined on B. With the same hypotheses and notation as Corollary 4.36(4):

Corollary-Definition 4.43

The differential m-form ω is said to be integrable (over B si242_e )if f is μ v 0 -integrable. If so, define:

B ω B f . d μ v 0 .

This quantity only depends on the orientation of B si242_e and not on the particular choice of v 0 made to specify this orientation.

Let ω ∈ Ω m (B; F) be an integrable differential m-form on B si242_e taking values in F. With the notation introduced at the end of section 4.4.4 (II):

B ω = B ω .

If g K B si290_e and ω ∈ Ω m (B; F), then g.ω is a continuous m-form and g B g . ω si291_e is a Radon measure [ω] taking values in F ([P2], section 4.1.5(VIII)). 7

Definition 4.44

The Radon measure [ω] defined on B is called the volume form on B si242_e determined by the differential m-form ω.

The above leads to the following result ([DIE 93], Volume 3, (16.24.2)):

Corollary 4.45

If ω ∈ Ω m (B) belongs to the orientation of B si242_e , then the volume form

ω : K B : g B g . ω

is a positive Lebesgue measure on B si242_e . Conversely, every positive Lebesgue measure on B si242_e is of the form [ω], ω ∈ Ω m (B).

(IV) Orientation of a morphism

(V) Canonical orientation of the orientation covering Let B be a manifold and . π ˜ : B ˜ B si311_e the orientation covering (Corollary-Definition 4.35(1)). Let b ˜ = b O b B ˜ si312_e . The projection . π ˜ : B ˜ B si313_e is the linear mapping b ˜ b si314_e . Its tangent linear mapping T b ˜ π ˜ : T b ˜ B ˜ T b B si315_e is an isomorphism, so π ˜ si227_e is a local diffeomorphism (Theorem 2.61(2)), i.e. a diffeomorphism from an open subset U of b ˜ si317_e onto an open subset V of b. We can choose U and V to be orientable (Corollary 4.36(1)); thus, there exists an orientation O : b ˜ O b si318_e of V taking the value O b at the point b. We have π ˜ 1 b = b O b b O b si319_e . Let ωO, ω ˜ = π ˜ ω si320_e , and O ˜ = ω ˜ ¯ si321_e (see Corollary-Definition 4.35(5)); then b ˜ O ˜ b ˜ si322_e is an orientation of B ([DIE 93], Volume 3, (16.21.6)), which gives us the following result:

Theorem 4.48

The manifold B ˜ si230_e is orientable.

Remark 4.49

  1. (1)  The space . π ˜ : B ˜ B si313_e is a covering of two leaves. It therefore has a canonical involution 8 ι : B ˜ B ˜ si325_e that permutes these leaves over each point bB. If O ˜ si326_e is an orientation of B ˜ si230_e , then the orientation of B ˜ si230_e associated with ι ( Corollary-Definition 4.47 ) is O ˜ si329_e . Therefore, both O ˜ si326_e and O ˜ si329_e are orientations of B ˜ si230_e ; nevertheless, we say that O ˜ si326_e is the canonical orientation. This ambiguity is irrelevant in practice because O ˜ si326_e is unique up to permutation of the two leaves of B ˜ si230_e .
  2. 2)  Conversely, if π ¯ : M B si336_e is an oriented covering of class C with two leaves and its canonical involution associates a given orientation of M with the opposite orientation, then π ¯ : M B si336_e is isomorphic to π ˜ : B ˜ B si338_e ( [LEB 82] , Chapter I , section 5.C, Theorem 2).

4.4.6 Differential forms of odd type

(I) Definition The fiber bundle ˜ B ˜ × ± 1 si339_e associated with B ˜ si230_e of fiber type si252_e (section 3.5.5) is called the bundle of scalars of odd type. Let N be a vector bundle of base B. A differential p-form ω ¯ Ω p B ˜ N si342_e is said to be a differential p-form of odd type on B taking values in N. Let . π ˜ : B ˜ B si313_e be the projection. There exists a bijection

˜ : ω ¯ ω ˜

between the differential p-forms of odd type on B taking values in N and the differential p-forms on B ˜ si230_e taking values in π ˜ N si346_e such that ω ˜ O = ω ˜ O si347_e for every orientation O B ˜ si348_e .

If N is the trivial bundle B × F, we write Ω p B ˜ F si354_e for the space Ω p B ˜ N si353_e , and we say that the odd p-form ω ¯ Ω p B ˜ F si356_e takes values in F.

(II) Preimage Let f : BB′ be a morphism, f ˜ : B ˜ B ˜ si357_e an orientation of f (Definition 4.46), and ω ¯ Ω p B ˜ N si342_e .

Definition 4.51

The preimage f ω ¯ si359_e is the odd differential form in Ω p B ˜ f N si360_e uniquely determined by the following property ( [BOU 82a] , 10.4.2): let ω ˜ si361_e (respectively f ω ¯ ˜ si362_e ) be the differential p-form on B ˜ si363_e (respectively B ˜ si230_e ) associated with ω ¯ si351_e (respectively f ω ¯ si359_e ) by the bijection ˜ si367_e from [4.31] ; then the following relation holds:

f ˜ ω ˜ = f ω ¯ ˜ .

(III) Exterior and interior products Given three fiber bundles N 1, N 2, N with the same base B, a coupling Φ from N 1 × B N 2 into N (Definition 4.31), and two odd differential forms ω ¯ 1 Ω p B ˜ N 1 si369_e , ω ¯ 2 Ω q B ˜ N 2 si370_e , we can define the exterior product ω ¯ 1 Φ ω ¯ 2 Ω p + q B ˜ N si371_e in the same way as in Definition 4.32. The coupling Φ uniquely determines a coupling Φ ˜ si372_e from N ˜ 1 × B N ˜ 2 si373_e into N ˜ si374_e , and (exercise)

ω ¯ 1 Φ ω ¯ 2 ˜ = ω ˜ 1 Φ ˜ ω ˜ 2 .

If ω 1 and ω 2 are differential forms of same parity (respectively of opposite parity) (Remark 4.50(b)), then ω 1Φ ω 2 is an even (respectively odd) differential form.

The formulas satisfied by the exterior product and the interior product (section 4.4.3 (II),(IV)) also hold for odd differential forms.

(IV) Change of variable In practical settings, an odd differential p-form α ¯ si376_e can be expressed locally in the form [4.20]. Even differential p-forms satisfy the change-of-variable formula [4.23], whereas the corresponding formula satisfied by odd differential p-forms is as follows:

f α ¯ = sgn J 1 i 1 < < i p m 1 j 1 < < j p m f a i 1 , , i p . J . dx j 1 dx j p ,

where J = ξ 1 ξ n x 1 x n si378_e ([DER 84], Chapter II, section 5).

(V) Measure defined by an odd m -form Let B be an m-dimensional Hausdorff pure manifold, ω ¯ Ω m B ˜ F si379_e , and O m the canonical orientation of m si240_e (Example 4.38(i)). Let c =(U, φ, m) be a chart of B.

Lemma 4.52

There exists a unique mapping f c : φ (U) → F so that

ω ¯ U = φ O m f c . dx 1 dx m .

We say that ω ¯ si351_e is locally integrable if f c is locally λ U  m -integrable. If so, there exists a unique Radon measure α ω ¯ si383_e taking values in F that satisfies the following property: for every chart c = (U, φ, m) of B, φ α ω ¯ = f c . λ U m si384_e .

Definition 4.53

The Radon measure α ω ¯ si383_e is said to be defined by the odd differential m-form ω ¯ si351_e and is also written as ω ¯ si351_e .

Remark 4.54

Suppose that F = si388_e ; let B si242_e be an oriented m-dimensional manifold with orientation O. Let ω ∈ Ω m (B), ω ¯ = O ω si390_e (see [4.32] ). Unlike the Radon measure [ω] from Definition 4.44 , the Radon measure ω ¯ si351_e from Definition 4.53 is not necessarily positive. We have the relation ω = ω ¯ si392_e ([P2], section 4.1.5(VI)). In a certain sense, the notion of an odd differential form transfers the orientation of the manifold over to the form (see Example 4.55 ).

Example 4.55

Let Β be the cube 0 < ξ i < 1 in 3 si393_e ; this is an open subset of 3 si393_e and hence a submanifold ( section 2.3.3 ). Write B si242_e for the manifold B equipped with the orientation induced by the canonical orientation of 3 si393_e ( Example 4.38 (vi)).

  1. a)  The “algebraic volume” of B ( [SCH 93] , Volume IV, Chapter VI , Remark 12) is (see Corollary 4.45 )

    V = B ω = B ω ,

    with ω := dξ1dξ2dξ3 ∈ Ω3 (B) (ordinary differential 3-form) and [ω] = λ B ⊗ 3.
    Let φ : (x 1, x 2, x 3) ↦ (ξ1, ξ2, ξ3), where ξ2 = x 1, ξ1 = x 2, x 3 = ξ3. By
    [4.24] ,

    φ ω = dx 1 dx 2 dx 3 φ ω = ω = λ B 3 .

    However, φ reverses the orientation of B (
    Corollary-Definition 4.47 (2)), so φ B = B si399_e , and performing the change of variable φ transforms V into

    φ V B ω = B ω = B ω = V .

  2. b)  Now consider the odd differential 3-form ω ¯ d ξ 1 d ξ 2 d ξ 3 Ω 3 B ˜ si401_e . This time, we have:

    V = B ω ¯ .

    [4.33] , φ ω ¯ = ω ¯ si403_e , so 9

    φ V = B φ ω ¯ = B ω ¯ = V .

Remark 4.56

Since the differential forms ω and ω ¯ si351_e from Example 4.55 have the same expression (dξ1dξ2dξ3), they are often written in the same way (even though the first belongs to Ω3 (B) and the second belongs to Ω 3 B ˜ si408_e ; strictly speaking, they are distinct objects).

4.4.7 Integration of a differential form over a chain

(I) Integration over an odd simplex Recall that the standard m-simplex Δ m in m si240_e is defined by

Δ m = i = 0 m t i v i : t i 0 0 i m t i = 1 ,

where v 0 = 0and { v 1, …, v m } is the canonical basis of m si240_e ([P1], section 3.3.8(V)). Let U be an open neighborhood of Δ in m si240_e , F a Banach space, and ω ∈ Ω m (U; F) an even m-form (Remark 4.32(b)). Since the space m si240_e is equipped with an orientation O, we can calculate U χ Δ m . ω si414_e , where χΔ m is the characteristic function of Δ m and U si415_e is equipped with the orientation induced by O.

Definition 4.57

Let B be a pure, metrizable, m-dimensional manifold. An odd m-simplex in B is a triple τ ¯ = Δ m σ O si416_e , where Δ m is the standard m-simplex in m si240_e , U is an open neighborhood of Δ m , σ is a mapping of class C from U into B and O is an orientation of m si240_e .

In algebraic topology, B is a topological space, σ is only assumed to be continuous, O is the canonical orientation of m si240_e and τ ¯ si420_e can be identified with σ. In differential geometry, where σ is of class C , we sometimes specify that τ ¯ si420_e is a smooth simplex.

Let α ∈ Ω m (B; F) be an even m-form. The preimage σ (α) is an even m-form in Ω m (U; F). Set:

τ ¯ α U χ Δ m . σ α .

(II) Integration over an even simplex Let Δ m , U, F, σ, B be as defined above.

Consider an odd differential m-form α ¯ Ω m B ˜ F si425_e . Its preimage σ α ¯ si426_e is another odd differential m-form (Definition 4.51). Set:

τ α ¯ = U χ Δ m . σ α ¯ .

Remark 4.59

If α Ω p B F si428_e (respectively α ¯ Ω p B ˜ F si429_e ), where p < m, then τ α = 0 si430_e (respectively τ α ¯ = 0 si431_e ), since we are integrating over a set of measure zero. If α Ω B F si432_e is an even non-homogeneous differential form Σ0 ≤ p ≤ m α p , then τ α = ∫ τ α m , and an analogous result holds when integrating an odd non-homogeneous differential form over an even simplex.

(III) Integration over a chain There are two cases to consider:

  1. i) integration of an odd form over an even chain;
  2. ii) integration of an even form over an odd chain.

The remarks up to and including part (IV) discuss the first case (i). The second case (ii) is similar and is left to the reader.

Let {τ i : iI} be a set of even m-simplexes in the metrizable, pure, m-dimensional manifold B. The free group with this set as a basis is the set S m (B) of linear combinations with integer coefficients

τ = i I k i . τ i ,

where all but finitely many of the k i are zero ([P1], section 3.3.8(VI)). It is useful to consider the real vector space S m B si434_e formed by allowing these sums to have real coefficients; any such sum is called a chain of simplexes (ibid.).

Example 4.60

A closed, convex polyhedron 10 in m si240_e is a finite intersection of closed half-spaces. Any closed polyhedron is a finite union of convex closed polyhedra ( [BOU 82a] , 11.3.1). A closed polyhedron is a chain of simplexes (see [P1], section 3.3.8(VI) for a demonstration of how to express a square as the sum of two simplexes), so a chain of closed polyhedra is a chain of simplexes.

In the following, every chain is a chain of simplexes. If α ¯ Ω m B ˜ F si425_e , set

τ α ¯ i I k i . τ i α ¯ .

This definition still makes sense in the obvious way if the chain τ = ∑ i ∈ I k i τ i . is allowed to be infinite (i.e. the sum is allowed to include infinitely many non-zero terms) and the set supp α ¯ τ si438_e is compact.

(IV) Change of variable Let B′ be another metrizable pure m-dimensional manifold, suppose that f : BB′ is a morphism, and let f ˜ = f ε si439_e be an orientation of f .If τ = Δ m π ˜ si440_e is an even simplex in B, then f τ Δ m f ˜ π ˜ si441_e is an even simplex in B′. From [4.38], we can deduce the definition of f (τ) when τ is an even chain in B. By [4.36],

τ α ¯ = f τ f α ¯ .

(V) Boundary of a chain The i-th face of the standard m-simplex Δ m in m si240_e is ϵ i m  : Δ m − 1 ↦ Δ m , where ([P1], section 3.3.8(VI))

ϵ i m : t 0 t m 1 0 t 0 t m 1 if i = 0 t 0 t i ^ t m 1 if 0 i m

Given an m-simplex τ = Δ m σ ˜ si423_e , its boundary ∂ τ is defined as follows for m ≥ 1 :

τ i = 0 m 1 i σ ϵ i m .

If τ S m B si447_e is the chain defined by [4.37], where the τ i are m-simplexes, write:

τ = i I k i τ i .

The boundary (τ) is a chain with the same parity as the chain τ. If these chains are odd (which will be assumed henceforth), the orientation of (τ) above is said to be induced by the orientation of τ. Consider, for example, the triangle Δ2 in the plane, equipped with its canonical orientation, and write v 0, v 1, v 2 for its vertices; then ([P1], section 3.3.8(V)) Δ 2 = v 0 v 1 v 2 ^ + v 0 ^ v 1 v 2 + v 0 v 1 ^ v 2 si449_e : see Figure 4.2

Figure 4.2
Figure 4.2 Δ2 and its boundary ∂ Δ2


Remark 4.61

Consider one of the segments [v i , v j ]. The interior ]v i , v j [ of this segment is a submanifold of the plane (Oxy). Suppose that this submanifold is oriented as shown in Figure 4.2 , writing ξ for this orientation and η for some point of ]v i , v j [. The canonical orientation O of the plane (Oxy) is positive in the direction (Oz) and contains each of the elements vu, where v is a vector pointing strictly outward at η for Δ2 (with the obvious meaning in this context) and u belongs to ξ. The orientation ξ is induced by O.

Lemma 4.62

Let m : Δ m → Δ m–1. Then, ∂ m–1 ° ∂ m = 0.


We have:

m v 0 v m = i = 0 m 1 i v 0 v i ^ v m , m 1 v 0 v i ^ v m = j = 0 i 1 1 j v 0 v j ^ v i ^ v m + k = i + 1 m 1 k 1 v 0 v j ^ v i ^ v m ,

and m − 1 ∘  m [v 0, …, v m ] = 0.

(VI) Orientation of a boundary Our next task is to specify the notion of the boundary of an odd chain, as well as the orientation of this boundary. This is straightforward if we proceed as described in Remark 4.61. Let τ be an odd chain in an m-dimensional manifold B (m ≥ 2) and write Fr (τ) for its frontier. The latter is the union of a submanifold ∂ τ of dimension m – 1, called the regular boundary (or simply the boundary) of τ (in the example from Remark 4.61, this is the union of the open segments ]v i , v j [), and a set of points contained in a submanifold of dimension m – 2 (the endpoints of the segments, in the example).

Let b ∈ ∂ τ and suppose that ξ is an orientation of T b (∂ τ). Write ι ˜ b ξ si451_e for the orientation of T b (B) containing each of the vectors vu, where v is a vector pointing strictly outward from τ at b and u is a non-zero element of m 1 T b τ si452_e that belongs to the orientation ξ. The mapping ι ˜ b si453_e is a bijection from Or (T x (∂ τ) onto Or (B) and the ι ˜ b b τ si454_e determine a morphism ι ˜ : τ ˜ B ˜ si455_e that is an orientation of the canonical injection i : ∂ τB (section 4.4.5(IV)).

Definition 4.63

If O is an orientation of B, the orientation of ∂ τ associated with O by ι ˜ si456_e ( Corollary-Definition 4.47 ) is said to be induced by O.

4.5 Pseudo-Riemannian manifolds

4.5.1 Metric

Let B be a Banach manifold of class C r (r ≥ ∞) and g :(X, Y) ↦ g (X, Y) = 〈X | Y〉 a twice covariant Hermitian tensor field of class C r . For every bB,

g b T 2 0 T b B = 2 ( T b B , T b B K .

Consider the condition (M) and the weaker condition (WM) stated below:

( M ) For every b B and all X b T b ( B ) , the mapping g ( Y b , . ) b : T b ( B ) K : X b Y b X b b

is an anti-linear bijection from T b (B) onto T b (B) ([P2], section 3.10.1(I)).

( WM ) For every b B and all X b T b ( B ) , the mapping g ( Y b , . ) b : T b ( B ) K : X b Y b X b b

is non-degenerate (i.e. if g (Y b , X b ) b = 0 for all X b T b (B), then Y b = 0).

If B is locally finite-dimensional (which is typically the case in practice), the conditions (M) and (WM) are equivalent.

Definition 4.64

Let B be a manifold equipped with a twice covariant Hermitian tensor field g of class C r . If g satisfies (M) (respectively (WM)), the manifold B is said to be strongly (respectively weakly) pseudo-Riemannian. 11 The field g is called the metric or the fundamental tensor field of the manifold. This manifold is said to be strongly (respectively weakly) Riemannian if the Hermitian form g (b) is also positive definite for every bB.

Suppose now that K = si215_e and let B be a pure m-dimensional manifold.

Definition 4.65

A frame (h α)1 ≤ α ≤ m of T (B) (Definition 3.23) is said to be orthonormal for the metric g if

h α b h β b b = η b α β . δ α β

for every bB, where η b , (α, β) ∈ {1, –1}. We say that g (b) has signature (p b , mp b ) if, for every β ∈ {1,…, m}, Card {α ∈ {1, …, m} : sgn (η b (α, β)) = 1} = p b .

If B is connected, the signature of g is constant. Let (U, ξ, m) be a chart; we can express g locally (over U) by

g = i , j = 1 m g ij . d ξ i d ξ j ,

where the square matrix G (b) = (g ij (b)) is real, symmetric, and nowhere singular. Any such chart is said to be a system of normal pseudo-Riemannian coordinates at the point bB if the system of tangent vectors ξ 1 b ξ m b si463_e is orthonormal for the real symmetric form 〈.|.〉 b .

The real manifold B is Riemannian if the symmetric form g (b) has signature (m, 0) at every point; if m ≥ 2 and the signature is (1, m – 1) or (m – 1, 1) at every point, then the manifold B is said to be Lorentzian (the Lorentzian manifold of dimension 4 is encountered in general relativity; we will call it the Einstein manifold).

4.5.2 Pseudo-Riemannian volume element

Let {σ α :1 ≤ αm} be the dual coframe of the orthonormal frame (h α )1 ≤ α ≤ m (Lemma-Definition 3.38). The pseudo-Riemannian volume element for which the frame (h α )1 ≤ α ≤ m is positively oriented is (Definition 4.37 and section 4.4.5(III)):

ω = σ 1 σ m .

Let (h β) be another, arbitrary frame. Let (σ β) be its dual, and suppose that A = (A α α ) is the inverse change-of-basis matrix satisfying h α  = ∑ α h α A α α (see [1.2], section 1.2.1( II )). Then, by [4.40], using the fact that g is bilinear,

g α β = α , β A α α A β β g h α h β = α A α α A β α η ,

where g α β  = g(h α h β ). Writing (g α β ) for the matrix with entries g α β ,we therefore have det(g α β ) =  det (A)2 η, which implies that

det A 2 = det g α β det A = ε det g α β ,

where ε =+1if the frame (h β) is positively oriented and ε = – 1 otherwise. Moreover, σ α  = ∑ α A α α σ α , so

ω = σ S m ε σ A σ 1 1 A σ m m σ 1 σ m = det A . σ 1 σ m

(see [P1], section 2.3.11(V)) and hence

ω = ε det g α β . σ 1 σ m .