Afa (Wild Samoans, wrestling team), 74

Agape Church, 235, 258–59, 260

aggression, steroids, 140–44

Alabama wrestling circuit, 67, 73–74, 75

Albano, Capt. Lou, 82

alcohol, 65–66. See also drugs; steroids

Claridge, Linda (wife), 179–81, 191, 213, 290

Graziano, John, 201–2

Hogan, Nick, 206–9

negativity, 289

Alfonso, Martha (sister-in-law), 23, 114

Ali, Laila, 221, 222, 234–36, 258–59, 260, 261, 283

Ali, Muhammad, 221, 297

Allentown, Pennsylvania, TV recording studio, 81, 83, 89, 103, 105

Alley, Kirstie, 149

Altomare, Tony, 82, 85–86, 106

American Gladiators (TV show), 221–25, 234, 258, 271–72, 279

Anavar (steroid), 64, 142

Anchor Club (Cocoa Beach, Florida), 62–63, 65, 67

Anderson, Pamela, 159–60

André the Giant (wrestler), 12, 33, 86, 89, 101, 134, 135, 272

androgen, 64

Anheuser-Busch, 41–42

AOL, 165

Arsenio Hall (TV show), 143–44, 145, 155

Atomic Leg Drop, 89. See also leg drop

attraction, law of, 247–56, 277

Augusta, Georgia, 11


Backlund, Bob, 86, 103, 104

Backstreet Boys (band), 170

Ballast Point Baptist Church, 28–29

Ballast Point Elementary School, 17–19

Barnett, Les, 224

Barnum, P. T., 107

Barris, Bob, 20

Barris, Gary, 20

Barrymore, Drew, 159

Barselo, Anthony, 42, 44

baseball, 15–16

Baywatch (TV show), 145, 159

Beckwith, Michael, 249, 258–59, 260–61

Bee Gees (trio), 182

Belleair neighborhood, Clearwater, Florida, 149–51

Belushi, John, 110

Bennett, Scott, 177

Benoit, Chris, 33

Betty Ford Clinic, 180

Bischoff, Eric, 146, 150, 151, 155, 223, 224, 225, 232–33, 279, 280, 284, 295

Black, Roy, 272

blade jobs, 134–35, 300

Blair, Brian, 55, 59, 60, 61

Bockwinkel, Nick, 101

Bollea, Alan (brother), 12

death of, 116–17, 119, 124, 165

drugs, 21, 23, 24, 99

finances of, 115

Hogan and, 98–99, 115–17

personality of, 14, 15, 22–25, 30, 114

shooting of, 25, 36

Bollea, Brooke (daughter). See Hogan, Brooke (daughter)

Bollea, David (nephew), 99

Bollea, Kenny (half-brother), 25–27

Bollea, Linda (wife). See Claridge, Linda (wife)

Bollea, Marsha (sister-in-law), 99, 115–17, 119

Bollea, Michael (Horace Hogan, nephew), 114

Bollea, Nick (son). See Hogan, Nick (son)

Bollea, Peter (father)

career of, 12–13

death of, 27, 165, 191

Hogan and, 53, 117

personality of, 13–14, 191

religion, 28

Bollea, Ruth (mother), 12, 13, 276

Bollea, Kenny, 25–26

health of, 190

Hogan and, 117

personality of, 13–14, 35

religion, 28

Bollea, Terry Gene, birth of, 11. See also Hogan, Hulk (Terry Gene Bollea)

Boulder, Terry “the Hulk,” 77. See also Hogan, Hulk (Terry Gene Bollea)

Boulder Brothers (Terry and Ed Boulder), 73, 75, 76. See also Hogan, Hulk (Terry Gene Bollea)

bowling, 15

Bridges, Whitey, 62, 65, 66–67, 68

Brisco, Jack, 45, 56, 62, 80, 81

Brisco, Jerry, 56, 62, 80, 81

Broadman, Steve, 18

“Broadway,” 59

Brooke Knows Best (TV show), 299

Brutus “the Barber” Beefcake (Ed Leslie), 22, 63, 64, 65–66, 67–68, 73–75, 77–78, 123–24, 160, 199, 279, 284, 295, 299

Bubba the Love Sponge (Todd Alan Clem), 160, 262

bullies, 14–15

Bundy, Ted, 276

Byrne, Rhonda, 246–47


cable television, 102

celebrity. See also fan base; Hulkamania

Hogan Knows Best (TV show), 178

Hulkamania, 109–11, 151

Miami, Florida, 181–82

Celebrity Championship Wrestling (TV show), 279–80, 284

celebrity exhibition matches, 164–65

Cena, John, 140

Channel 9 television (New York City), 101

Chapman, Duane “Dog,” 278

Chapman, Steve, 212, 233

Charles, Ray, 12

Cher, 159

children, role models, 112–13

Christian Youth Ranch, 29, 31–32, 39, 249

Chrysler Corporation, 109

Church of Scientology, 149

cigarette smoking, 65

Claridge, Gail (mother-in-law), 147–51, 180

Claridge, Joe (father-in-law), 180

Claridge, Linda (wife)

alcohol, 179–81, 191, 213, 290

Brooke Hogan and, 172–73, 174, 177, 185, 186, 187

celebrity, 110–11

courtship, 96–98

divorce, 1, 4, 7–8, 158–59, 161, 186, 214, 224–26, 238–39, 254, 256–57, 280–83, 286–87, 300–04

finances, 149–50

Graziano lawsuit, 265, 274–75

marriage to Hogan, 99–101, 121, 122–30, 137, 145, 147–52, 158–61, 236–39, 289–90

personality of, 13, 123, 148, 159–60, 174, 177, 179, 181, 183–84, 186, 191–93, 216, 254, 288–89

son Nick’s car crash, 4–6, 206, 210, 214, 220

television, 177–78

Clark, Sue, 22

Clearwater, Florida, 149–51, 301

Clem, Todd Alan (Bubba the Love Sponge), 160, 262

Clinton, Bill, 143

CMT music cable network, 279

CNN Headline News (TV show), 284

CNN television network, 178

cocaine, 111–13, 117

Cocoa Beach, Florida, 63, 64–66

Colt, Buddy, 33, 57

Conroy, Jeannie, 39

construction work, 42


Dancing with the Stars (TV show), 221

Daytona 500, 185

death, attitude toward, 200

Deca-Durabolin (steroid), 64

Disney Studios, 145–46


Claridge, Linda (wife), 1, 4, 7–8, 158–59, 161, 186, 214, 224–26, 238–39, 254, 256–57, 280–83, 286–87

Hogan, Brooke (daughter), 230, 245, 274, 281–82, 289–90

Hogan, Hulk, 193, 214, 224–26, 227–32, 238–39, 244–45, 256–57, 280–83, 286–87, 289, 291–92, 295–96

dockworker, 42, 43, 80

driver’s license, 28–29, 35

drugs. See also alcohol; steroids

Bollea, Alan (brother), 21, 23, 24, 99

cocaine, 111–13, 117

high school, 21

Japan, 94

marijuana, 65, 66, 94, 104, 111, 117, 127, 128–29

negativity, 289

Duff, Hilary, 171

Dynabol (steroid), 64


Ebersol, Dick, 110

elementary school education, 17–19

entertainment, wrestling, 15, 50–51

ethnicity, 85

Everson, Cory, 160

Everson, Jeff, 160

“Everything to Me,” 171

“Eye of the Tiger” (theme music), 96

eyewitnesses, 205

fakery, 51

fan base. See also celebrity; Hulkamania

building of, 78, 79, 86–87

celebrity, 112–13, 138

ethnicity, 85

Hollywood Hogan persona, 161–62, 166–67

Hulkamania, 95–96, 103, 119–20

Japan, 90

relationship with, 283–87

steroid scandal, 151–52, 155

fatalism, 71

Father of the Year Award, 191–93

Federico, Philip J., 263, 266, 267, 274–75, 278

Federico, Rick, 263

Ferrigno, Lou, 76–77

Flair, Ric, 138, 146, 150, 151, 155

Florida Championship Wrestling (TV show), 32–33

Florida wrestling circuit, 50–62

Folio modeling agency, 94

football, 17–18, 29, 39

Ford Motor Company, 109

Fort Homer Hesterly Armory, 34, 50

Fox News television network, 178

Fugate, Lee, 263

Funk, Dory, Sr., 34

Funk, Terry, 80


Gagne, Verne, 95, 101, 103, 105

Gail Claridge Interiors, 151

gay wrestlers, 57–60

General Motors, 109

gimmick, New York wrestling circuit, 74–75

Gold’s Gym (Los Angeles, California), 98

Grace, Nancy, 284

Graham, Billy (the Superstar, wrestler), 33, 44–46, 48, 50, 54, 67, 82

Graham, Eddie, 33, 51, 52, 81, 88

Graham, Mike, 33, 49, 51, 52, 88

Graziano, Debbie, 199, 210, 212–13, 215–16, 219–20

Graziano, Ed, 199, 211–13, 219–20, 267, 296–97

Graziano, John, 201–3

car crash, 3, 4, 6, 206, 208–9, 284

family life of, 198–200, 201–3, 213

injuries to, 210–11, 215, 216–18, 255, 257

lawsuit, 8, 219–20, 256–57, 304

Graziano, Michael, 210, 216

Great Malenko (wrestler), 33


Hackman, Gene, 110

Hall, Arsenio, 143–44, 145, 155

Hall, Scott, 162

Hart, Jimmy, 279

Hartman, Phil, 232

hazing, 57–60, 62

Headline News (CNN TV show), 284

Hector’s Gym, 37, 38, 42

Hell’s Angels, 98–99, 115

Highlander (film), 159

Hill, Charlie, 281–82, 301–03

Hillsborough Community College, 40

Hilton, Paris, 277

Hogan, Brooke (daughter), 13, 124

birth of, 125–27, 156, 252

car crash, 5, 206, 210

divorce, 230, 245, 274, 281–82, 289–90

family life, 163, 199, 220, 252–54

Graziano lawsuit, 266, 274

health of, 181

home-schooling, 174

music and recording career, 168–69, 170–71, 173, 178, 181, 185, 197–98, 298–99

personality of, 176, 186

television, 171–73

Hogan, Horace (Michael Bollea, nephew), 114

Hogan, Hulk (Terry Gene Bollea)

birth of, 11

career of, 41–43

childhood of, 11–27, 168

divorce, 193, 214, 224–26, 227–32, 238–39, 244–45, 256–57, 280–83, 286–87, 289, 291–92, 295–96, 300–04

education of, 17–19, 40–41, 53

finances of, 61, 73, 78, 79, 82, 100, 110–11, 115, 116–17, 125, 130, 140, 148–51, 155–56, 222–23, 293, 295–96

future prospects, 295–96, 300

Graziano lawsuit, 8, 219–20, 256–57, 261–81

Hollywood Hogan persona, 161–62, 166–67

injuries to, 135–40, 162–63, 197, 298

introspection, 243–46

Madison Square Garden debut (1979), 83

marriage and family life, 99–101, 121, 122–30, 137, 145, 147–52, 158–61, 163–64, 168–75, 178–84, 191–93, 213–15, 222–23, 229–30, 236–39, 252, 289, 291–92

McDaniel, Jennifer, 250–52, 260, 261, 273, 283, 295, 303

merchandising, 155–56, 167

music, 19–22

name change, 85

personality of, 11, 14, 35–36, 47, 78–79, 80, 163–64, 250, 291–92

physical appearance, 15–16, 38, 41, 42, 63, 64, 67, 73, 74, 76–77, 81–82, 83, 144

popularity of, 86–87, 88–89

religion, 28–32, 247–50, 259–61

romantic life, 21–22, 83–85, 87–88, 96–98, 157–59, 185–88, 252–54

sexual assault allegations against, 157–59

spirituality, 247–50

suicide, 1–2, 4, 6–7, 232–35, 259

weightlifting, 37–38

wrestling, 15, 18–19, 32–36, 40, 44–49, 74, 89, 91, 106–8, 136, 298

Hogan, Linda (wife). See Claridge, Linda (wife)

Hogan, Nick (son), 13, 124, 201, 203

arrest of, 218–20

birth of, 129, 252

car crash, 1–4, 206–9, 214, 255

childhood of, 130

family life, 163, 225–26, 245, 255, 299–300

Graziano lawsuit, 256, 261–69

home-schooling, 174

imprisonment of, 269–81

motor sports, 169–70, 198–99

reckless driving, 204–5

release of, 294

Secret, The (Byrne), 259–60

television, 176

Hogan Knows Best (TV show), 7, 175–84, 185, 186, 188–89, 192, 197–98, 199, 203, 221, 299

Hollywood Hogan persona, 161–62, 166–67

Holmes, Henry, 153, 223, 224, 225

homosexuality, 57–60

Honda Civic, 170

Houston, David, 278, 284–85, 303

Hulkamania, 27, 107. See also celebrity; fan base

celebrity, 109–10, 151

fan base, 95–96, 103, 119–20

the Iron Sheik match, 103–5, 136

lifestyle and schedules, 118–21

Hulk Hogan’s Pastamania (restaurant), 157–58

“Hulk” nickname, 77, 85, 95–96

human growth hormone, 142

Humperdink, Oliver, 45, 47–48, 49


Incredible Hulk, The, 76–77

Infinity’s End (band), 20

(Inside)Out: Hulk Hogan, Stage Dad (TV show), 171–73

Iraq war, 200

Iron Butterfly (band), 21

Iron Sheik, The (wrestler), 75, 103–5, 136, 272

Ito, Lance Allan, 262


Jacobs, Danny, 198, 201, 203, 205

jailhouse tapes, 276–77, 278

Japan, 89, 90, 91, 93, 94–95, 96, 114, 118

Jarrett, Jerry, 74–75, 76, 77

Jeannie Conroy Show (TV show), 39

Jericho, Charles, 33

Joe Louis Arena (Detroit, Michigan), 109, 138

Johnson, Dwayne “the Rock,” 166–67

Johnson, Rocky, 166


Kansas City wrestling circuit, 62

Kearn, Steve, 88

Kennedy, Kate, sexual assault allegations by, 157–59

Kerr, Ann, 228, 303

Kidwell, Nelson, 96, 97

Kimmel, Jimmy, 178

King, Larry, 178, 285, 286

knee injuries, 135–37, 162–63, 181

Koloff, Ivan (the Russian Bear, wrestler), 33


Lachey, Nick, 171

Lanza, Blackjack (wrestler), 116

Larry King Live (TV show), 178, 285, 286

Late Night (TV show), 65–66

Lauper, Cyndi, 109

Lawler, Jerry, 74–75

law of attraction, 247–56, 277

Law & Order (TV show), 263

Lawrence, Barry, 198, 201

Lay, Charlie, 50, 53–54, 61

LeDuke, Jos (the Canadian Freight Train, wrestler), 33

legal issues

divorce, 1, 4, 7–8, 158–59, 161, 186, 214, 224–26, 238–39, 254, 256–57

Graziano lawsuit, 8, 219–20, 256–57, 261–81

steroids, 141–44

leg drop, 74, 89, 136, 298

Lennon, John, 35

Leno, Jay, 164–65, 178

Leslie, Ed (Brutus “the Barber” Beefcake), 22, 63, 64, 65–66, 67–68, 73–75, 77–78, 123–24, 160, 199, 279, 284, 295, 299

Letterman, David, 65–66

life coaches, 249

Lindstrom, Hank, 29, 30, 31–32, 249

Little League, 15–16

Little League World Series, 15

Little Mermaid, The (animated film), 168

Locklear, Heather, 151

Lohan, Lindsay, 171

Longoria, Eva, 182

longshoremen’s union, 42, 80

Lopez, Jennifer, 182

Los Angeles, California, 96, 98


Madison Square Garden (New York City), 33, 81, 83, 87, 88, 89, 102, 103, 104–5, 113

Make-A-Wish Foundation, 112

Mall of America, 157

Manson, Charles, 276

marijuana, 65, 66, 94, 104, 111, 117, 127, 128–29

marines, 200, 202

marks, 50, 55, 59, 62, 75

Mashburn, Sherry, 21–22, 87–88

masturbation, 22

Matsuda, Hiro, 51–53, 54–56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 88, 134, 272

Mayo Clinic, 139

McDaniel, Jennifer, 250–52, 260, 261, 273, 283, 295, 303

McMahon, Vince, Jr., 81, 101–4, 106–8, 109, 142–43, 144–45, 146, 151

trial of, 152–55

WrestleMania XXV, 297–98

WWF, 165

McMahon, Vince, Sr., 33, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92–93, 94, 101, 103, 104, 105–6, 136, 137, 159

Memphis wrestling circuit, 74–77

merchandising, 155–56, 167

Metabol (protein), 66

Miami, Florida, 181–82

Minnesota wrestling circuit, 95–96, 97–98, 100, 101, 102, 103–4, 108, 111, 157

MJ (DJ), 261–63

Mobile Civic Center, 76

Monday Night Raw (TV show), 162

Monday Nitro matches (TV show), 158, 162

Morrison, Darci, 275

motor sports, Hogan, Nick (son), 169–70, 198

Mr. Nanny (film), 145

Mr. Wonderful (wrestler), 99

MSG Network (television network), 89, 90, 110

MSNBC television network, 178

MTV, 171

MTV/Rock ’n’ Wrestling phenomenon, 109

Muscle and Fitness magazine, 160

music. See also Ruckus (band)

Hogan, Brooke (daughter) and, 168–69, 170–71, 173, 178, 181, 185, 197–98, 298–99

Hogan, Hulk and, 19–22, 29, 31–32, 35, 39–41, 43, 44, 53, 60, 66, 109, 158

My Chemical Romance (band), 185


Nash, Kevin, 162

National Enquirer (newspaper), 253–54

National Wrestling Alliance, 114

NBC television network, 110, 272

neck injury, 138–40

negativity, 288–89, 293, 296–97

New Earth, A (Tolle), 247–48, 271, 288

Newlyweds (TV show), 171

New World Order (nWo), 161–62

New York, New York, 110

New York wrestling circuit, 74–75, 81–83, 102, 154

No Holds Barred (film), 107, 145, 154

North Pensacola Beach, Florida, 73–74

’N Sync (band), 170


Oklahoma! (musical), 39

O’Neal, Shaquille, 182

Ono, Yoko, 35

Oprah (TV show), 246

Orndorff, Paul “Mr. Wonderful,” 55, 61

Orton, Bob, 46

Orton, Randy, 46

Osbourne, Ozzy, 171

Osbournes, The (TV show), 171, 175


paralysis, 139

Patterson, Pat, 57–58, 105, 142–43

pay-per-view television, 102, 109, 150

Pearlman, Lou, 170–73

People magazine, 178, 285, 286

Pettit, Vic, 15, 20–21, 28, 32, 34, 35, 79

physical education class, 17–19

PinkSneakers, 175–76

Pitt, Brad, 95

Plante, Christiane, 185–88, 193, 252–54

Plastic Pleasure Palace (band), 19–20

Playboy magazine, 159–60

Portland, Oregon, wrestling circuit, 77–78

Power of Now, The (Tolle), 247–48, 265

Presley, Lisa Marie, 149

Preston, Kelly, 149

Price, Doug, 139


Ray (film), 12

Ray, James Arthur, 249, 259–60, 261, 271

real estate, 151, 182

reality TV, 171–73, 175–84, 188–89

Redford, Robert, 86

religion, Hogan and, 28–32, 247–50, 259–61

Reynolds, Burt, 12

Rhodes, Dusty, 33–35, 45, 47, 48, 76, 88, 134

Robin Hood: Men in Tights (film), 159

Robinson High School, 40

Rock ’n’ Wrestling phenomenon (MTV), 109

Rocky (film), 89–90

Rocky II (film), 90

Rocky III (film), 90–93, 95, 96, 97, 251

Rodman, Dennis, 165

Rolling Stones (band), 94

Rosenthal, Elizabeth, 284–85

Rourke, Mickey, 134, 299–300

Ruckus (band), 44, 45, 49, 56. See also music

Rundgren, Todd, 40, 44

running, 55

Russian Bear, The (wrestler), 75


Satterwhite, Don, 28, 29

Satterwhite, Ron, 28, 29

Saturday Night Live (TV show), 110, 112, 232

Scientology, 149

Scorpion King, The (film), 166

scripting, of wrestling, 165–67

Secret, The (Byrne), 246–47, 249, 255, 259–60, 271, 283, 284

Sergeant Slaughter, 75

Shapiro, Robert, 272

Shaw, Bill, 151

Shea Stadium (New York City), 89

show business, wrestling, 50–51, 89

Sicilians, the (wrestling team), 82

Sika (Wild Samoans), 74

Silverman, Ben, 221, 223

Simpson, Ashlee, 171

Simpson, Jessica, 171

Simpson, O. J., 262, 272, 276–77, 283

SkyDome (Rogers Center, Toronto, Canada), 166–67

Smith, Anna Nicole, 262

Smith, Butch, 15

Somers, Suzanne, 110

songwriting, Hogan, Brooke (daughter), 169

South Florida, University of, 40–41

Spears, Britney, 214

spirituality, Hogan and, 28–32, 247–50, 259–61

Sportatorium, 50, 51, 53, 57, 61, 81

sports entertainment, 133

Stallone, Sylvester, 89–93, 94, 96

Steel Cage Matches, 101

Steppenwolf (band), 21

steroids, 45–46, 63–66, 74, 81, 112, 115, 125, 127, 128–29, 140–45, 151, 153–55, 162. See also alcohol; drugs

stevedores’ union, 43, 80

Stewart, Rod, 94

Stillness Speaks (Tolle), 247–48

Sting, The (film), 86

Storch, Scott, 178

Studio 54 (New York City), 110, 112, 114

Suburban Commando (film), 145

suicide, 1–2, 4, 6–7, 232–35, 259

Sullivan, Brendan, 272

Superstar. See Graham, Billy (the Superstar, wrestler)

surgery, 137, 139–40, 162–63, 181, 298

Survivor (band), 96


Tampa, Florida, 11–13, 39, 87–88, 189–91, 261–63, 300, 301

Tampa Bay Buccaneers (football team), 84

Tampa Electric Company, 41, 43


American Gladiators, 221–25, 234, 258

Hogan, Brooke (daughter), 171–73

Hogan Knows Best, 175–84

pay-per-view, 102, 109, 150

reality TV, 171–73

Thunder in Paradise, 145–47, 149, 150

World Championship Wrestling, 146

wrestling, 32–33, 76–77, 79, 81, 83, 89–90, 101, 102, 103, 109, 110

testosterone, 65, 142

Thornton, Scott, 37

Thousand Oaks, California, 151

Thunder in Paradise (TV show), 145–47, 149, 150

Tillet, Louie, 67, 73, 74, 75

Time Warner, 165

TMZ Web site, 265–66, 276

Tolle, Eckhart, 247–48, 250

Tombstone, the (wrestling move), 138–39, 162

Toyota Supra, 169–70, 198, 205, 208

Travolta, John, 110, 149, 165

Turner, Ted, 32, 146, 151


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), 54

Undertaker, The (wrestler), 138–40, 162

United States Air Force, 26

USA Today (newspaper), 157


Vale, Fernando, 212

Valium, 142

Venice Beach, California, 120

Ventura, Jesse, 95, 157

VH1 (TV network), 171–73, 178, 186, 299


War on Drugs, 141


Hogan and, 37–38, 42, 55

steroids, 64

West Haven, Connecticut, 82, 85

Whitey and Terry’s Olympic Gym (Cocoa Beach, Florida), 63, 64.67

Wild Samoans, 74

World Championship Wrestling (WCW), 146, 151, 154, 155, 158, 162, 165, 166, 279

World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF), 32, 33, 81, 84, 85

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), 32, 297

World Wrestling Federation (WWF), 26, 32, 101, 102, 103, 106, 108, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 155, 162, 165, 167

WrestleMania (TV show), 109

WrestleMania III (TV show), 89, 134, 137

WrestleMania XVIII (TV show), 166–67

WrestleMania XXV (TV show), 297–98

Wrestler, The (film), 134, 299–300


Alabama wrestling circuit, 67, 73–74, 75

apprenticeship in, 50–60

blade jobs, 134–35, 300

business of, 73, 78–79, 85–87, 93, 106–8, 133

cocaine, 111–12

Florida wrestling circuit, 50–62

Hogan, Hulk, 15, 18–19, 32–36, 40, 44–49

Kansas City wrestling circuit, 62

Memphis wrestling circuit, 74–77

Minnesota wrestling circuit, 95–96, 97–98, 100, 101, 102, 103–4, 108, 111, 157

New York wrestling circuit, 74–75, 81–83, 102, 154

pain, 133–39, 145, 162–63, 197

pay-per-view television, 102

Portland, Oregon wrestling circuit, 77–78

scripting of, 165–67

steroid use, 140–45


Young, Peter, 90

Young, Rhonda, 90


Zahorian, George, 115, 142–43, 154