Abt, John 146

Accident, The (Masters) 56, 199, 329

accusations 245

Acheson, Dean 330

advertising 141, 303

African Americans 22, 42, 245

Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) 32, 42, 161

Alcoa 332

America see United States of America

Anderson, Walter 193, 277

Andrews, Bert 96, 122, 183, 184, 187

antisemitism 22, 43, 333

Appell, Donald 120, 121

Arnold, Benedict 12, 237, 288

Arrogance of Power, The (Summers) 69

atomic bomb 33, 41, 556, 307, 329


Bacall, Lauren 25

Balanchine, George 1314

Baldwin, Bernice 235

Bank of America 71, 73, 77, 136

BASF 332

Bayer Healthcare 332

Beatty, Warren 256

Bedacht, Max 168

Bellamy, Francis 43

Bentley, Elizabeth 153, 161

Berle, Adolf 45, 47, 94

and Chambers 170, 175, 176

Bernstein, Leonard 306

Bigwood, Jeremy 21516, 247, 249, 253, 337

Bin Laden, Osama 4, 334

Binger, Dr 252

Blunt, Anthony 323, 328

Bogart, Humphrey 25

Bosch 70, 331

Boy Scouts 22

Brady, Mildred Edie 767

Brady, Robert A. 76, 77, 2489, 30810

Brecht, Bertolt 25

Bretnall, Harold 316

Brothers, The (Kinzer) 331

Bryant, Louise 2567, 258

Buckley, William 266, 271

Budenz, Louis 140, 234

Bullitt, Orville 259, 276

Bullitt, Thomas 2046, 21013

Bullitt, William Christian 254, 2556, 25760, 2656, 330

and documentation 2734, 2756, 2779

Bullitt, William Marshall 202, 205, 207, 20910, 21314, 2756

and trial 2367

Bunuel, Louis 307

Bureau of Aeronautics 69

Burgess, Guy 323

Busby, Fred E. 412, 49

Bush, George W. 99

Bykov, Colonel 1756


Calder, Alexander 132, 133

Calomiris, Angela 235

Cambridge Five 84, 160, 161, 328

cameras 176

“Camp X” 315

Campfire Girls 22

Capone, Al 63, 923, 94

Carnegie, Andrew 34

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace 1, 18, 34, 79, 162, 2756

Case, Edward 316

Catlett, Mike 21920

Caucus Room 39, 40, 434, 46, 1412

Chambers, Esther 1713, 232, 267

Chambers, Whittaker 601, 64, 818, 11718, 333

and accusation 18, 19, 37, 38, 445, 314

and the Bullitts 276

and Communism 47, 59, 157

and deposition 16671, 173

and documentation 1747, 178, 179, 1801, 2612, 2645, 277

and FBI 623

and first trial 2278, 2314

and hearing 905

and Hiss 46, 789, 1024, 108, 1226

and homosexuality 2668, 26972

and law suit 156

and the media 152

and microfilm 183, 184, 1867

and motive 2656

and name changes 656

and Nixon 968

and public hearing 142, 143, 14750

and second trial 252

and Soviet spies 1545, 164

Chaplin, Charlie 4, 306

Chervonnaya, Svetlana 161, 162, 163, 164

and Bullitt 275

and documentation 263

and Hiss 328, 329

and Nazis 215, 216, 249

and procedures 176, 1778

and trial 2523

Childs, Jack 2345

Childs, Morris 234

Chotiner, Murray 723, 146, 2434

Churchill, Winston 14, 33, 323, 330

CIA 70, 162

civil rights movement 114, 130

Civil Service Commission 412

Cleveland, Richard 1667

Cloud Chamber, The (Masters) 2001

Cohen, Mickey 63, 72, 73, 301, 302

Cole, Lester 101

Collins, Henry 107, 146

Columbia University 83, 85

Comintern Apparatus Squad 88

Committee of One Hundred Men 71, 72, 73

Committee of the First Amendment 256

Commodore Hotel 121, 122, 128

Communism 34, 2078

and accusations 1819

and Hiss 44, 467

and Hollywood 236

and McCarthy 3057

and Nixon 74, 3034

and Soviet Union 545

and subversion 202

and US government 150, 152, 1567, 188

and USA 2445, 30710, 333

Communist Control Group 87

Communist Party 21, 25, 47

and Chambers 834, 86

and dues 924, 13940, 2334

and FBI 63

and Hiss 59, 60, 61

and trial 225, 227, 2345

Concerto Barocco 1314

Confrontation Clause 45

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) 74

Consumers Union 11, 53, 54, 55, 76

Cooke, Alistair 75, 141, 154, 1712

and trial 227, 229, 239, 2501, 263

Cooper, Gary 24

Copeland, Aaron 307

Coplon, Judith 250, 314, 328, 329

coram nobis 319, 320

Costello, Frank 2868, 301

Counter Intelligence Corps 320

Coxe, Alfred 246

Cronin, John Francis 61, 62, 97, 139, 306

Crosley, George 1056, 123, 124, 125

and documentation 138

and public hearing 1423, 145

Cross, Claude 246, 251, 252

Cvetic, Matt 235


Daily Worker (newspaper) 83, 86, 140

Daladier, Edouard 2589, 260, 276

Dales, Ida 85

Danbury Correctional Institution 101, 158, 283

Dassin, Jules 307

Davidson, Donald 2923, 294

Davis, John F. 144, 145, 147

Davis, John W. 79, 236

Day, Roy 243, 244

Dean, John 316

Delbos, Yvon 273, 274

Democrat Party 42, 234, 333

Dewey, Thomas 97, 157

Dies, Martin 60, 61

Disney, Walt 23, 84

documentation 2614, 2725, 2769

Dollard, George 121, 122, 128

Donegan, Thomas 88, 93

Donovan, William J. “Wild Bill” 316

double jeopardy 156

Douglas, Helen Gahagan 302, 3034

Douglas, William O. 320

Dozenberg, Nicholas 235

Dreyfus, Alfred 3, 5

Dulles, Allen 70, 71, 79

Dulles, John Foster 19, 34, 70, 71, 332

and Hiss 79, 98, 1534

and Nixon 97


Eden, Anthony 33

Einstein, Albert 22, 199, 306

Eisenhower, Dwight D. 2, 34

Endore, Guy 264

espionage 41, 589, 634, 1605, 32230

and Chambers 845, 86, 157

and Hiss 42, 61, 153

and procedures 176, 1778

Espionage Act (1917) 190, 317

Euripides 22


Farago, Ladislas 164, 177, 323, 328

fascism 20, 54, 76, 2489, 258

FBI 3, 19

and Bradys 77, 136, 215, 2479

and Chambers 47, 878, 155, 268, 270, 272

and Communism 245

and files 3367

and Hiss 613, 64, 1623, 230, 338

and informants 235

and Masters 54, 55, 56

and Nixon 1389

and surveillance 31314

and typewriter 21820

Federal Building 225, 2267, 250

Feehan, Ramos 2378

Fifth Amendment 24, 139, 140, 1467, 314

and Nixon 156

and violations 318

First Amendment 25

First War Powers Act (1941) 331

For the President: Personal & Secret (Bullitt) 259

Ford 332

forgery 315, 316

France 273, 274

Frankfurter, Felix 30, 32, 236, 243

Freedom of Information Act (1966) 312, 317, 3367

Freud, Sigmund 256, 292

Fuchs, Klaus 328, 329


Galbraith, John Kenneth 337

Galois, Evariste 199200, 2012, 203, 204, 209, 21013, 214

Generation on Trial, A (Cooke) 250

German American Bund 43

Germany 54, 6970, 76, 77, 273, 274

and espionage 163

and USA 79, 99

see also Nazis

Ginsberg, Allen 307

Goddard, Henry 2501, 311

Gold, Harry 329

grand jury 18992, 1934, 194, 31719

Great Depression 21, 302, 54

Great Globe Itself, The (Bullitt) 259, 2778

Gron, Niels 1304

Guantanamo Bay 46


Hardy, G. H. 207, 209, 211, 2789

Harriman, Averell 330

Harvard Law School 30, 118, 2534

Hatch Act 61, 62

Hébert, Felix 59, 101, 104

and public hearing 144, 146, 1478

Hesse-Darmstadt family 28, 29

Hidalgo, Balmes 235

Hinchley, Vernon 1634, 176, 177, 322, 328

Hiss, Alger 5, 910, 1117, 502, 2967

and accusation 1819, 27, 37, 38, 989

and background 2831

and Bullitt 259, 260

and career 323

and Chambers 65, 66, 789

and Chambers’ hearing 905

and character 11618

and Communist Party 59, 60, 61

and conviction 12, 31112

and coram nobis appeal 319, 320, 3389

and deposition 1701

and Dexter 3402

and documentation 1801

and espionage 160, 1612, 1635

and ex-convict 11112, 2934

and FBI 613

and files 31214, 315

and first hearing 3942, 436, 489

and first trial 225, 2267, 22831, 239

and Galois 2012

and hotel meeting 1209

and imprisonment 2824, 286, 28790

and Isabel 11213, 114, 116

and law suit 1556

and New Prosecution 322, 323, 32430

and Nixon 75, 11415

and Nixon plot 1325

and perjury 192

and public hearing 1427, 1512

and scapegoat 3334

and second hearing 1009

and second trial 2456, 2801

and Timmy 269, 2701

and truth 2945, 318

and typewriter 21718, 219, 221, 241

and United Nations 334

Hiss, Donald 139, 1467, 259

and typewriter 218, 219, 2201

Hiss, Priscilla 18, 30, 31, 1045

and Alger 11011, 112

and Chambers 148, 149

and first trial 225, 2267, 229, 230

and second trial 281

and typewriter 217, 219, 238

Hiss, Tony 18, 52, 11617

Hitler, Adolf 32, 33, 70, 76, 77, 262

Hobson, Timothy (Timmy) 91, 92, 26971, 286

Holiday, Billie 52

Hollywood 236, 40

Hollywood Ten 26, 60, 100, 101, 318

Holmes, Oliver Wendell 30, 31, 48, 290

Holocaust, the 332

homosexuality 2668, 26971

Hoover, J. Edgar 62, 99, 1567, 248

and Communism 245, 306

and informants 235

and Nixon 1389, 182

Hotel Roosevelt 97

House Un-American Activities

Committee (HUAC) 19, 206, 601, 1589, 333

and Chambers 65, 8995

and FBI 139

and first trial 2423

and Hiss 27, 378, 3942, 439, 5860

and public hearing 1419, 1513

and second hearing 1009

and typewriter 218, 219

and White 11920

HUAC see House Un-American Activities Committee

Hummer, Ed 139

Humphrey, Hubert 114

Huston, John 25


I Was a Communist for the FBI (film) 235

IBM 332

I. G. Farben 70, 137, 154, 331, 332

immunity 25

Irons, Peter 219

ISIS 4, 334

ITT 332


James, Hubert Edgar 243

Japan 33, 262

Japanese Americans 20

Jews 22, 23, 43, 54

John Hopkins University 30

Johnson, Isabel 10, 1213, 14, 15, 17, 502

and Alger 11214, 11516, 3412

and Britain 293, 294

Johnson, Lyndon B. 132

Josephson, Barney 52

Josephson, Matthew 85

Jowitt, William 2334

jurors 243, 281

Justice Department 2, 90, 157

and documentation 1801, 182, 261, 278

and microfilm 186, 1878, 194


Kalugin, Gen Oleg 3245

Kaplan, Irving 153

Kaufman, Samuel H. 227, 239, 2423

Keaton, Diane 2567

Kennan, George 334

Kennedy, Robert 115

Kersten, Charles J. 97

KGB 161, 3245, 328

King, Martin Luther 114

Kinzer, Stephen 331

Kobyakov, Julius 3345

Kontinentale Ol A.G. 69, 70

Korean War 304

Kramer, Charles 107, 146

Krieger, Sam 325

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) 20, 23, 40


LA Confidential (film) 72

Labusov, Boris 3245, 328

Lansky, Meyer 301

Lasky, Victor 228, 242

Lazar, Ernie 269

Le Gallienne, Gwen 257

Lenin, Vladimir 20

Levin, Carl 122

Levine, Isaac Don 2767

Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary 15, 282, 2834, 28690

Life magazine 75, 251

Longworth, Alice Roosevelt 251

Lore, Ludwig 275, 330

Louisville University 202, 2034

Lovestone, Jay 337

Lowenthal, John 326, 335

Luce, Clare Booth 266

Luce, Henry 167, 266, 276


McCarthy, Joseph 81, 253, 3047, 327

McDowell, John 41, 101, 158, 218

and hotel meeting 1201, 122, 1256

Mafiosi 284, 2868

and Nixon 301, 302

Mandel, Ben 65, 92, 277

Manhattan Project 307

Mann, Thomas 306

Marbury, William 79, 166, 1678, 16970, 171, 175

Marcantonio, Vito 74

Markward, Mary 235

Marlowe, Christopher 22

Marshall Plan 1612

Massing, Hede 324

Masters, Dexter 911, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 502, 33941

and atomic bomb 329

and FBI 534, 556

and Grons 1324

and science 199201

Matthews, J. B. 61, 62

Matusow, Harvey 235, 266

media, the 2, 3940, 46, 49, 58, 129

and first trial 2256

and investigation 13940

and microfilm 183, 1848, 1912

and Nixon 7980

and public hearing 1412

Medina, Harold 167

microfilm 2, 1838, 190, 191, 1934, 1945, 280

and truth 317

Military Intelligence 316, 327

Miller, Arthur 307

Miller, William 182, 302

Molotov, Vyacheslav 328, 329

“Monkey Parties” 51

Moretti, Willie 287

Morgenbesser, Sidney 53

Morgenthau, Henry 99

Moynihan, Daniel 163

Mundt, Karl Earl 37, 40, 42, 120, 158

and espionage 59, 61

and Hiss 435, 46, 49

and microfilm 1834

and public hearing 144, 145, 146, 147, 150

Murphy, Raymond 61, 62, 170

Murphy, Thomas 2278, 229, 238, 246, 31314

and second trial 251, 252, 280, 281


naming names 24, 25, 41

and Hiss 48, 49, 60

National Archives 77, 136, 215, 253

and Hiss 338

Nazis 43, 54, 55, 1367, 3302

and Bullitt 258

and USA 6971, 21516, 249

Negroes see African Americans

New Deal 32, 42, 43, 55, 161

New Masses (newspaper) 83, 86, 168

New Prosecution 322, 32330

New York Herald Tribune (newspaper) 96, 122

newsreels 39

Nichols, Louis 182

Nixon, Richard 5, 27, 58, 62, 679

and assassination plot 1325

and Bullitt 21314, 236, 237, 276, 277, 278, 279

and Chambers 8995, 968, 155, 1812, 2645

and Communism 1567

and Dulles 153, 154

and espionage 634

and FBI 1389

and first trial 2289, 2301, 242

and grand jury 18992, 1945, 31718

and Hiss 489, 5960, 61, 316

and hotel meeting 1219

and the media 7980

and microfilm 2, 1848, 280

and presidency 114, 115, 130

and public hearing 1437, 1489, 151

and Republican Party 715, 2434

and second hearing 1013, 1045, 106, 108, 109

and senator race 3014

and testimony 65, 66

and Truman 3323

and typewriter 218

and Vice-Presidency 312

“No Fly Lists” 4, 46

Nowell, William 235

Nye, Gerald 32, 41


Office of Strategic Services (OSS) 218, 316, 320

One World or None (Masters/Way) 556, 199, 307

onionskin paper 273, 2789

Oppenheimer, J. Robert 199, 307

Owen, Richard 313, 319, 320


Pauling, Linus 307

Pearson, Drew 70

perjury 63, 64, 93, 142, 181, 318

Perjury (Weinstein) 322

Perlo, Victor 146

Perry, Herman 71, 73, 77

Peters, J. V. 140

Philby, Kim 323

Pledge of Allegiance 43

Powder Point Academy 2930

Pressman, Lee 146, 333, 334

Prettyman, E. Barrett 314

Problem of American Communism in 1945, The (Cronin) 61

pumpkin 1823, 184, 273, 274, 278


Rabinowitz, Victor 312, 313, 336

Rankin, John 23, 37, 40, 48, 245

and Hiss 48

Reagan, Ronald 234

Record Group 65 77, 136

Record Retention Plan 336

Red Plot Against America, The (Stripling) 59, 60, 2256, 245

Reds (film) 2567

Reed, John 2567

Reed, Stanley 236, 243

Republican Party 41, 42, 69, 97, 154

and Communism 333

and Nixon 712

Reuben, William A. 169

Robeson, Paul 245, 304, 307

Rockefeller, David 34

Rogers, Ginger 24

Rogers, William P. 97

Roosevelt, Eleanor 4, 287, 288, 302

Roosevelt, Franklin D. 4, 14, 312, 33, 42, 43, 330

and Bullitt 257, 258, 259, 260

and code name 323

and Communism 154, 161

and enemy trading 331

and New Deal 55

Rosenberg, Ethel 288, 317

Rosenberg, Julius 288, 317, 323, 328

Roth, Samuel 271

rules of evidence 223, 24, 45

Russia see Soviet Union


Salant, Stephen 139, 316

Saul, John Ralston 118

Sayre, Francis B. 180, 193, 194, 236, 261

Schmahl, Horace 218, 219, 316

Schonberg, Harold 293, 294, 296, 297

Schragmüller, Dr Elsbeth 163, 177

Seafield, Nina, Countess of 131

Seldes, George 331

Selznick, David 56

Semmes, Bowen & Semmes 167, 175

Seth, Ronald 177, 178

Shaw, G. Howland 62

Sheridan, Walter 301

Shevchenko, Arkady 162, 164, 177

Simon, Kenneth 311

Sirhan, Sirhan 115

Six Crises (Nixon) 60, 65, 79, 80, 159

and Chambers 96, 97

Sixth Amendment 45, 245

SMERSH 87, 147

Smith Act 62

Smith, Gerald L. K. 235

Smith, John Chabot 261, 262, 263

Snowden, Edward 164, 317

Soviet Union 2, 3, 20, 545, 2445

and Bullitt 2568, 259, 275

and Chambers 87, 155

and documentation 262

and Germany 274

and spies 41, 160, 161, 1623, 1645, 322, 3238, 32930

Spanish Civil War 42, 331

Special Committee on Investigation of the Munitions Industry 323, 41

spies see espionage

Spirit and Structure of German fascism, The (Brady) 76, 216

Stahl, Dorothy 308

Stalin, Joseph 3, 4, 20, 33, 176, 178, 259, 330

and intelligence 263, 275

Standard Oil of New Jersey 34, 99, 331

Standards 219, 237

State Department 19, 33, 1934

and Communists 402

and documentation 261, 262, 277

statute of limitations 63, 64, 190

Stephenson, Sir William 315

Stern, Andrew 96

Stevenson, Adlai 236

Stripling, Robert 201, 22, 39, 42, 2556

and Chambers 61, 181, 182, 183

and Communism 306

and hearings 1078, 1423

and Hiss 434, 45, 467, 48, 58, 5960

and hotel meeting 1278

and microfilm 184, 185

and Nixon 96

Stryker, Lloyd 228, 229, 231, 245, 246, 251

subpoenas 23, 24, 978

Sullivan, William 219

Sullivan and Cromwell 6971

Summers, Anthony 69, 72, 75

Supreme Court 30, 312, 319, 320, 339


Tamiment Library 253

Taylor, Robert 24

television 141

Temple, Shirley 22

terrorism 4, 456, 334

Thomas, J. Parnell 1001, 103, 104, 108, 109, 333

and corruption 158

and hotel meeting 126, 128

and public hearing 142, 144, 145, 147

and White 11920

Threepenny Opera, The (Brecht) 25

Time magazine 61, 75

and Chambers 44, 87, 88

Transport of Fire (film) 184, 278

treason 1901, 194, 195, 2512

trials 3201

and first 22534, 2369, 2423

and second 2502, 2614, 2801

Trilling, Lionel 85, 106

Truman, Harry S. 42, 154, 333

and Communism 1567, 158, 159, 307, 309

typewriter 21721, 228, 2378, 240, 241

and forgery 315, 31617


Union Bank 99, 332

United Aircraft 1367

United Nations 1, 334, 79

United States of America (USA):

and Communism 34, 212, 150, 152, 1567, 2445, 30710, 333

and Germany 79, 99

and Nazis 6971

University of California 30910

US Army 3, 56, 139, 315, 316


Van Doren, Mark 83

Venona Papers 3267

Vermont 245, 246

Vietnam War 114, 130, 132

Volkogonov, Gen Dimitri 326, 32930

Voorhis, Jerry 71, 73, 74, 146


Wall Street crash 301

Wallace, Henry 401

Wanamaker, Sam 307

war-profiteering 32, 1367, 216, 3312

Ware, Harold 146

Way, Katherine 55, 199, 3078

Weinstein, Alan 322, 323, 325

Welles, Orson 4, 307

Welles, Sumner 258, 275

Wheldon, Sir Hugh 51

White, Harry Dexter 11920, 122

Wikileaks 164

Wilson, Woodrow 256, 257, 2656

wiretaps 313, 314

Witness (Chambers) 81, 1545

witnesses 25

Witt, Nathan 146

Works Progress Administration (WPA) 86, 153

World War II 20, 33, 55, 70, 331


Yalta Conference 33, 79, 259, 260, 330

“Yellow Report” 20


Zeligs, Meyer 789, 84, 112, 264

Zyklon-B 70, 332