

Aarons-Mele, Morra, 31–32, 75

allowances, 35, 82–83

alone time, 31

American Girl dolls, 85–87

anxiety, 76, 130–135


for allowances, 82–83

for grocery shopping, 160

time-saving, 36–37

artwork, 62–63

assumptions, about education, 109–111

attention, 1–2

attitude, 128–129, 134–135

authority, deferring to professional, 7

autonomy, 170–171


baby showers, secondhand, 47–48

behavior, resources on children’s, 222–223

birthday parties, 183–190

Bittman, Mark, 40

boredom, 19, 142

Brandt, Kristin, 192

breastfeeding, 178

budgets. See money and money management, 90

busyness, 14

Butler, Stefania, 164–165, 175

butler’s salad, 168


calendars, 20–24, 31–32

cash flow, tracking, 75–76. See also money and money management

celebrations, 134, 182–203

birthday parties, 183–190

of decluttering, 57

gift giving and, 195–198

holidays, 190–195

of milestones, 190

resources on, 227–228

charitable giving, 87–88, 197, 198

Chase, Kristen, 36–37

child development, 222–223

choices, 1–2

chores and, 36

food and, 163, 167

chores, 34–39. See also housework

choices among, 36

clutter control, 66–67

getting kids involved in, 66–67

how to assign, 34–35

importance of, 34

meal preparation, 169–171

paying kids for, 83–84

as play, 94

responsibility and, 108

small, time windows for, 59–60

clothes, 122, 201–202, 210–214


clothes and, 211

decision making in, 50, 51–52

decluttering, 49–54

evaluating incoming, 58

exit strategy for, 51

finding new homes for, 51–52, 54–57

going without and, 48

keeping “just in case,” 53

kids in controlling, 66–67

last stop for, 54

maintaining freedom from, 64–65

mindful acquisition and, 46

moving it forward, 44–45

nostalgic, 52–54

paper and digital, 61–64

purposes served by, 41–43

quality vs. quantity and, 45–46

reducing, 1–2, 40–68

regifting, 197–198

reorganizing after it’s gone, 57–60

resources on removing, 224–225

social insecurity and, 42–43

thinking differently about, 43–48

toys, 93

values and, 2–4


calendar sharing and, 31–32

clutter management and, 61–64

playdates and, 98, 101

school-related anxiety and, 131

with teachers, 116–117, 135–136

time management and, 26–27

community, 32–33

play and, 99–100

school, connecting with, 136–140

community supported agriculture (CSA), 164–165

compensation, clutter as, 41–42

consignment shops, 55

cooking, 30–31, 166–169. See also food, 36–37

course corrections, 8–10

Cozi Management, 37

Craigslist, 55

creativity, 93

curb, putting stuff out on, 56

curiosity, 106–107


decision making

course corrections and, 8–10

in decluttering, 50–51

information comfort zones and, 6–8

prioritizing, 11–24

school choices, 111–120

trusting your own, 5–8

decluttering. See clutter

delegating, 22–23

deprivation, 43

digital clutter management, 61–64

disappointments, 9

dishwashers, 123

Dropbox, 37

dumps and dump picking, 56–57

dwelling on negatives, 134–135


eBay, 55

editing, 2

knowing your family and, 4–5

values and, 2–4

education, 103–153

academic progress and, 115–117

after-school activities, 123, 141–153

assessing school fit and, 115–120

assumptions about, 108–111

connecting with the school community and, 136–140

continual, 104–108

curiosity and, 106–107

electronics and, 94–95

family support system in, 114–115

during grocery shopping, 162

homework, 126, 127–130

letting go and, 119–120

money management and, 72–73

problem solving around, 118–119

resources on, 226

routines for, 121–130

saving for, 77

school morning plans and, 123–126

school-related anxiety and, 130–135

school selection for, 111–115

summer activities and, 151–153

teachers and, 116–117, 135–136

vacations and, 199–203

volunteering at school and, 138–140

e-mail, 63

emergency savings accounts, 76


anxiety, 76, 130–135

clutter and, 41–42

fear, 10, 11, 130–135

marriage self-care and, 215–218

energy levels, 13–14, 21–22

Evernote, 37

exercise, 15, 111, 127, 207–210

expectations, 126–127, 174–175, 188, 202–203

experience, learning from, 104

extracurricular activities, 141–153

assessing interest and readiness for, 144–146

intense commitments, 146–150

logistics of, 150–151

perspective on, 142–143

pushing kids in, 147–149

reasons for participating in, 143–144

summer, 151–153


Facebook, 180, 219

Families and Work Institute, 37–38

family dynamics, 194–195


prioritizing choices and, 11

of scarcity, 10

school-related, 130–135

finances. See money and money management

Financial Peace University, 82

financial planning, 81–82

fitness, 15, 111, 127, 207–210

flexibility, 37–39


for babies and toddlers, 178–180

bulk buying, 161–162

easy breakfasts and lunches, 173–176

gardens and, 171

local, sourcing, 164–165

lunches, 158, 173–176

meal planning, 89, 154–165

meal preparation and, 166–169

mealtimes, 166–181

minimalist mind-set toward, 154–156

nutrition and, 167–168, 174–175, 176–177

outsourcing, 159, 162

packing lunches, 122

for playdates, 98

resources on, 227

on school mornings, 124–125

setting the table and, 171–172

shopping for, 159–164

snacks, 126, 171, 176–177

time- and effort-saving tips on, 180–181

Francis, Meagan, 57, 56

free time, 127

fun, 172


Galinsky, Ellen, 37–38

gardening, 171

getting dressed, 122

gifted kids, 146–150

gift giving, 195–198

gifts, 84

golden hours, 13–14, 21–22

Goldfarb, Aviva, 180–181

Goodwill, 55

graduation celebrations, 190

gratitude, 172

Greenslate, Christopher, 89

GroceryIQ, 160

grocery shopping, 159–164. See also food

guilt, 76

Gumbinner, Liz, 36–37

gut feelings, 5–6, 117


hand-me-downs, 47

help, communities and, 32–33

high/low game, 134

holidays, 190–195

homework, 126, 127–130

house size, 43–44


chores for kids, 34–39

clutter management, 66–68

dividing, 30–31

laundry, 22–23

meal planning and, 154–165

meal preparation and, 171–173

outsourcing, 33, 67–68

play in, 94

sharing, 29

for small time windows, 59–60

ways to divide, 30–31


ImpulseSave, 89

in-between minutes, 26–27

independence, 108, 128–129

meal preparation and, 170–171

mealtime, for babies and toddlers, 179–180

individuality, 6, 103

information comfort zone, 6–8

inner bus driver, 5–6, 18, 147

insecurity, 8, 42–43

interest, after-school activities and, 144–146

inventories, time, 14–16


James, Sarah, 213–214

joy, focus on, 2–5, 171–173


Kallman, Isabel, 197

KiddyBank, 82–83

kindness, 217

knowing yourself, 2–4, 7


labels, 59

laundry, 22–23, 66

Leonard, Kerri, 89

letting go, 119–120

Lewin, Paige, 58–59


mail management, 61

manners, 173

marble jar money lessons, 88–89

marriage self-care, 215–218

Massello, Melissa, 88–90

mindfulness, 217

mind-set, 1, 154–156, 75

Money, J., 90

money and money management, 69–90

automating, 80–81

building financial foundations and, 76–77

cash flow tracking in, 75–76

charitable giving, 87–88

education and, 111

expenses vs. investments in, 70–71

gift giving and, 195–198

goals in, 79

income, 82–85

income increases and, 78–79

minimalist approach to, 74–79

need-based, 71–72

outsourcing, 81–82

reducing spending and, 77–78

resources on, 225

saving, 88–90, 89

setting priorities in, 70–74

spending, 85–87

systems for, 79–82

teaching kids about, 82–90

vacations and, 199–201

values and, 70

Montessori, Maria, 91

More and Less Lists, 17–18

motivation, 142, 146–150, 183–184

multitasking, 25–26


Naumburg, Carla, 43–44

needs vs. wants, 71–72, 88–89, 96

neighborhood parties, 187

Netflix, 90

nostalgia, 52–54


On a Dollar a Day (Greenslate & Leonard), 89

Orchestra, 36–37


after decluttering, 57–60

for homework, 128

packing lunches and, 173–176

resources on, 224–225

school routines for, 122–130

time management and, 21

Outrageous Kid Parties, 183

outsourcing, 33, 65

birthday parties, 186–187

decluttering, 67–68

grocery shopping, 162

meal planning, 159

money management, 81–82

overcommitment, 27–28


paper management, 61–64

parents and parenting

choosing minimalist, 10

clocking out for, 23–24

clutter management and, 66

community and, 32–33

connecting with other, 136

course corrections in, 8–10

decision-making styles and, 6–8

fear of scarcity and, 10

insecurity in, 42–43

leadership role of, 6

letting go, 119–120

partner time for, 215–218

resource list on, 221–222

school communities and, 136–140

self-care for, 27, 31, 204–218

time management together, 28–32

time sense and, 16–17


birthday, 183–190

holiday, 193

peer pressure, 8

perfection, 7, 8–10, 29

chores and, 36

education and, 103, 104, 113

holidays and, 192

meal preparation and, 169

money management and, 78

photos, 64

Pieri, Jules, 178

Pippert, Julie, 35

play, 19, 91–102

after-school activities and, 143

allowing time for, 23–24

electronics and, 94–96

independent, 91–93

number of toys and, 93

playdates for, 97–98

problem solving for, 100–102

resources on, 226

spontaneous neighborhood, 99–100

work as, 94

possessions, 40–48

priorities, 11–24

after-school, 127

birthday parties and, 188–189

children’s, 19

educational, 110–111

family “time sense” and, 16–17

food, 154–156

holidays and, 190–195

knowing yourself and setting, 12–16

in money management, 70–74

More and Less List for, 17–18

ongoing adjustments to, 19

saying “no” and, 27–28

self-care and, 205–210

stuff and, 40–48


quantity vs. quality, 45–46, 64


readiness, assessing kids’, 144–146

relaxation, 214–215, 159

repetitive tasks, 22–23

research styles, 6–7

resentment, 28

resources, 221–230

responsibility, 108

rest, 127

retirement, 76–77

Reveuse, La, 58

routines, 22–23

clutter control, 65

creating together, 32

exercise, 209

school, creating, 121–130

sharing the work and, 29


safety, 99, 170

saying “no,” 27–28, 207

scarcity, fear of, 10

scheduling tools and systems, 20–24. See also time and time management

school-related anxiety, 130–135

schoolwork, 62–63, 108, 126, 127–130. See also education

Seidman, Ellen, 119–120

self-care, 27, 31, 204–218

fitness, 15, 111, 127, 207–210

importance of, 204–205

minimalist beauty, 213–214

as priority, 205–210

relaxation and, 214–215

resources on, 228–229

social circle and, 218

style and, 210–214

self-knowledge, 2–4, 7

in setting priorities, 12–16

separation anxiety, 130–133

serendipity space, 26

Shipp, Rachel, 44

Shoestring Magazine, 88–90

Six O’Clock Scramble, 159, 180–181

sleep, 124, 203

SmartyPig, 89

snacks, 126, 171, 176–177

social insecurity, 42–43

social skills

play and, 100–102

school and, 135–136

social skills, play and, 97–98

social support, 218


dividing into functional zones, 57–58

embracing less, 43–44

Stern, Michelle, 168, 175

stress, 39

stuff, 40–48. See also clutter; money and money management

acquiring mindfully, 46

buying secondhand, 46–48

determining what you need, 71–72

evaluating incoming, 58

going without, 48

grouping into containers, 58–59

nostalgic, 52–54

regifting, 197–198

reorganizing, 57–60

stuff creep, 43–44

style, self-care and, 210–214

summer activities, 151–153

support systems, 114–115, 218

Swapaholics, 90, 90

swapping, 56, 67, 90



grocery shopping and, 160

play and, 94–96

time-saving apps, 36–37

temperament differences, 5, 103

after-school commitments and, 144–150

birthday parties and, 184–185

family “time sense” and, 16–17

three-touch rule, 63

time and time management, 1–2, 11–24

after-school activities and, 142–143, 150–151

alone time, 31

analyzing current use of, 14–16

apps for, 36–37

doing the hardest thing first and, 26

education options and, 111

electronic games and, 95–96

family “time sense” and, 16–17

golden hours, 13–14, 21–22

homework and, 128–130

in-between minutes and, 26–27

levels of “busy” and, 14

management styles, 12–13, 27

meal planning and, 155–156

money management and, 70–73

More and Less List for, 17–18

multitasking and, 25–26

ongoing adjustments in, 19

with others, 28–33

outsourcing and, 33

overcommitment and, 27–28

playdates and, 97–98

resources on, 223–224

routines and, 22–23

scheduling tools for, 20–24

school routines and, 121–130

self-care and, 204–218

serendipity space in, 26

setting an end time in, 23–24

skills for children, 19

for small decluttering tasks, 59–60

time famine and, 37

time inventories and, 14–16

transition time, 29–30

tricks for, 25–39

vacations and, 199–201

workplace flexibility and, 37–38

to-do lists, 20–24, 26

toys, 93

transition time, 29–30

travel, 194, 199–203, 228


separation anxiety and, 132

teachers and, 116–117

in your own decisions, 5–8

Twitter, 219


unplugging, 202


vacations, 199–203, 228

values, 2–4

education and, 106, 110–111

knowing you family’s, 4–5

knowing your own, 2–4

money management and, 70

video games, 94–96

videos, 64

volunteering at school, 138–140


wants vs. needs, 71–72, 88–89, 96

Whalen, Kelly, 76, 213–214

Wii, 95


dividing, 30–31

flexibility in, 37–38

kids’ jobs and, 84–85

outsourcing, 33

sharing, 29

transition time from, 29–30


yard sales, 55–56


Zipcar, 90

zones, functional, 57–58