The Aerodynamics of an Irishman
A Rainy Day at the Nortown Theater
Renoir’s Chemin montant dans
les hautes herbes
The Man Who Wanted to
Get the Bad Taste of the World
Out of His Mouth
The Secret of Little White Dove
Why Skull Dorfman Went to Arkansas
Blows with Sticks Raining Hard
Sailing in the Sea of Red
He Sees a Black Ship on the Horizon
K.C. So Far
(Seconds/Alternate Take)
Sad Stories of the Death of Kings
Sad Stories of the Death of Kings
The Man Who Swallowed the World
The Sudden Demise of Sharkface Bensky
Portrait of the Artist with Four Other Guys
The Starving Dogs of Little Croatia
The Theory of the Leisure Class
Close Encounters of the Right Kind
The Vanished Gardens of Córdoba
The Invention of Rock ’n’ Roll
Drifting Down the Old Whangpoo
Achilles and the Beautiful Land
The Boy Whose Mother May Have
Married a Leopard
The Vagaries of Incompleteness
Some Products of the Imagination
Lament for a Daughter of Egypt
A Long Day’s Night in the
Naked City (Take Two)
The History and Proof of the
Spots on the Sun
War is Merely Another Kind of
Writing and Language