
Page numbers in italics denote illustrations and tables.

acromegaly, 121, 121

activists, disabilities, 49

Administration building, Kansas State Hospital for the Insane (photo), 60, 61

Administration building, Letchworth Village (Bourke-White) (photo), 69, 70

Administration building, Minnesota State Asylum (photo), 57, 57

adventure films, 123, 124

Advertisement for Dr. Brown’s eye treatments (photo), 111, 111

Advertisement for Forster Artificial Limbs (photo), 105–6, 106

advertising photographs, 99–114; for artificial limbs, 104–6, 105, 106, 107, 109; before-and-after images, 106, 107; in catalogs, 106–7, 107n6, 109; for disability products, 104–9; for fraudulent disability products, 107–11, 110, 111; giants in, 103–4, 104; for healers, 111–14, 112, 113; little people in, 99, 100–103, 101, 102, 102n3; for retail sales, 100–104, 101, 102; social forces and, 176; for wheelchairs, 108–9, 110

aesthetics, 129–30, 132, 133, 140

African American man with crutches (photo), 172, 172

African Americans, 172–73; art photography of, 136, 139–40; freak show images of, 15, 17–18, 19; portraits of, 172, 172; in Veterans Homes, 171, 172; in work settings, 161, 162

African tribes, customs of, 17, 170

aggrandized mode, 11, 11–15, 14, 15, 17, 18–19, 20, 21

alienation, 140, 142

Allen, William, 67, 67n8

“American Legion Convention, Dallas, Texas, 1964” (Winogrand) (photo), 132, 132–33

American Photography: A Critical History 1945 to the Present (Green), 140

American with Disabilities Act, 100n1

Amputee rural delivery postman (photo), 161, 162, 172

amputees: African American, 172, 172; art photography of, 141, 141, 142; studio portraits of, 152, 152; in work settings, 147–48, 148, 149, 161–62, 162. See also legless people

“Ancient Aztecs” (Eisenmann) (photo), 8, 8, 10, 15–16

“Ancient Ethics, The” (Eisenmann) (photo), 16, 18

Anderson, Donald, 46, 46n8, 48n8

A. Niehans (company), 105, 105

“Ann E. Leak Thompson and family” (Eisenmann) (photo), 12, 12

Anxious Object concept, 143

Arbus, Diane, 133–36, 142

armless people: concealing disabilities by, 163, 163; freak show images of, 7, 7–8, 10, 11, 11–12, 13, 14. See also amputees

“Armless Wonder, The” (Eisenmann, 1884) (photo), 10, 11

“Armless Wonder, The” (Eisenmann, 1885) (photo), 7, 7–8, 11

Army Office of the Surgeon General, Artificial Limb Laboratory, 107

Artificial leg advertisement (photo), 105, 105

Artificial Limb Laboratory (Army Office of the Surgeon General), 107

artificial limbs, 104–6; advertising photographs for, 105, 106, 107, 109; before-and-after images for, 106, 107, 108; for Civil War veterans, 105, 105nn4–5; government-issued, 107–8, 170, 171; laws on, 105, 105n5; manufacturing of, 105, 105n4, 170, 171; for World War I veterans, 107–8, 108n7

artists: on begging cards, 32, 32–34, 33, 34; photographers as, 130, 142–43

art photography, 129–43; aesthetic vs. social content of, 129–30, 132, 133, 140; of African Americans, 136, 139–40; of amputees, 141, 141, 142; Anxious Object concept and, 143; by Arbus, 133–36, 142; by Avedon, 136, 142; of beggars, 22–23, 22n3; copyright and, 129, 130; by D’Alessandro, 140–42, 141, 142; descriptions of, 129–30, 129n1; early period of (1900–1915), 130–32, 131; by famous artists, 22, 22n3; freaks in, 134, 134n6, 135–36; by Krims, 139–40; of legless people, 132, 132–33, 139–40, 141, 141–42; by Mark, 136–38, 137, 138; by Meatyard, 138–39, 142; of mental institutions, 134–35; by Winogrand, 132, 132–33, 133nn4–5, 142

art world, 129, 129n2, 133, 135, 139, 142–43

“Asylum Mongol” and “Racial Mongol” (photo), 86, 87

asylum photographs: of exterior buildings and grounds, 69, 70; as institutional propaganda, 57, 66–72, 69n11, 74; of Letchworth Village, 4, 4n8; as muckraking images, 57, 72–74, 72nn12–14, 72n16, 72–73n17, 73, 74; people in, 69–72, 70, 71; printing technology for, 66, 66n6

asylum postcards, 57, 58, 59–66; bird’s eye view, 60, 63; captions on, 60; collections of, 59–60, 59n3; colored, 66, 66n5; conventions of, 65–66; exterior buildings and grounds on, 57, 58, 58, 60, 60–61, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65; features of, 60, 60; human services and, 176; interior scenes on, 61–64, 64, 65; people on, 60, 64, 65; popularity of, 59; printed, 66; real photo type, 63, 65, 66

asylums, 57–74; annual reports of, 67, 68, 69n11, 70; conditions in, 59, 64, 64, 71–74, 72nn12–13; craft industries in, 70, 71; farm work in, 70–71, 71; history of, 58–59; institutional reports of, 66–67, 68, 69n11; names of, 59–60n4; size of, 60

“At the Looms,” Letchworth Village (Bourke-White) (photo), 70, 71

Atwill, Lionel, 121, 121

Avedon, Jacob Israel, 136

Avedon, Richard, 136, 142

Aztecs, 8, 8, 15–17, 18, 19

“Aztecs from Mexico” exhibit, outside talker for (photo), 16, 18

Band with one player who has a deformed limb (photo), 149, 150

Barnardo, Thomas, 55n15

Barney Brooks (photo), 29–30, 30

Barnum, P. T., 13–14

Barnum & Bailey Circus, 15, 18

Barr, Martin, 77; “Case B, Profound, Excitable Idiot,” 81, 82; “Case C, Cretinoid,” 75, 77, 87; “Case C, Mongolian Type,” 83, 84; “Case D, Ademona Sebaceum,” 81, 81; “Case D, Idiot Savant,” 93–94, 94; “Case F …, Moral Imbecile–Low Grade,” 78, 78; “Echolalia,” 93, 93; hydrocephalic individuals juxtaposed with microcephalic individual, 86, 86; “Idiots: Profound Apathe,” 89, 90; “Idiots–Superficial Apathetic,” 84, 86; “Idiots: Superficial Excitable,” 87, 91; “Imbeciles: High Grade,” 90–91, 92; Mental Defectives, 77; Types of Mental Defectives, 77, 89–90, 89n9

Bates, M. V., 167, 168

Becker, Ron, 4n7

Becker Collection, 4, 4n7

Beery, Wallace, 123, 124

before-and-after images: in advertising photographs, 106, 107; for artificial limbs, 106, 107, 108; for charity fund-raising, 54–55, 54n13, 55nn14–15, 56

Before-and-after photos for prosthetic device advertisement (photo), 106, 107, 108

beggars: art photography of, 22–23, 22n3; attitudes toward, 23; blind, 24n8, 28, 28–29, 33, 33–34, 34, 131, 131–32; vs. charities, 24; in comedies, 126; with disabilities, 22–23, 22n1, 24–25, 25n9; fraud by, 23, 24–25, 162n4; laws on, 26, 26n11, 40; as merchants, 37, 37–40, 38, 39, 40, 99; tactics of, 23, 23n4; traveling, 34–37, 35, 36

begging cards, 22, 22–41; analysis of, 175; artists and performers on, 32, 32–34, 33, 34; vs. charity fund-raising, 43–44, 44; children on, 27–28, 29, 29; family appeal on, 27, 27–29, 28, 30; injured workers on, 28, 29–30, 30; mailing, 24; “not licked yet” appeal on, 30–31, 31; pity approach to, 25, 25–26, 40; production of, 24, 24nn6–7; religious approach to, 26, 26–27; selling, 24, 24n5; selling merchandise on, 37, 37–40, 38, 39, 40; text on, 24; by traveling beggars, 34–37, 35, 36; by veterans, 31, 31–32; by women, 28, 28–29

Beware of Pity (film), 125–26, 126

Billy McGogan, peanut vendor (photo), 40, 40

Bird’s eye view, Hospital for the Insane, Weston, West Virginia (photo), 60, 63

birth defects, 48

Blatt, Burton, 4, 4n9; career of, 72nn15–16, 72–73n17; photographs by, 73, 74

blind people: analysis of photographs of, 174, 174; art photography of, 131, 131–32; begging cards of, 24n8, 28, 28–29, 33, 33–34, 34, 131, 131–32; in family photographs, 154, 154; town character portraits of, 168–69, 169

“Blind Willie” (photo), 174, 174

Blind woman with child (photo), 28, 28–29

blurring, controlled, 139

Body Snatcher movie ad generated from stills (photo), 119, 120

Body Snatcher, The (film), 119, 120

Bourke-White, Margaret, 68–72, 69nn10–11, 74; administration building, Letchworth Village, 69, 70; “At the Looms,” 70, 71; “End of the Day,” 70–71, 71; Letchworth Village conditions and, 72n12; “School Work,” 70, 70

Bourke-White Collection. See Margaret Bourke-White Collection

Bowen, Eli, 12–13, 13

Boy in wheelchair with sisters (photo), 155, 156

Boy with cerebral palsy sitting in front of Christmas tree (photo), 169, 169

Brady, Mathew, 14, 15

“Brain of imbecile” and “brain of low-grade imbecile” (photo), 82, 83

brains, 82, 82–83

Bregant, Mr. and Mrs., 103, 103

Bride of Frankenstein (film), 118

British laws, 40

Brooks, Barney, 29–30, 30

Brother and sister in front of their home (photo), 163, 163

Brother and sister shown in illustration 10.39 four years later (photo), 163, 163

brothers, 156, 156, 163, 163

Brothers (photo), 156, 156

Brown, Buster, 100–102, 101, 102n3, 103

Brown, Linda, 46, 47

Browning, Tod, 13, 18, 119

Bryce State Hospital, 60

Buddies on vacation (photo), 152, 152

Buster Brown appearance in Hartford, Wisconsin (photo), 100–101, 101

Buster Brown Shoes, 100–102, 101, 102n3, 103

cabinet cards, 5

Camera Work (journal), 131, 131

Camp Daddy Allen “thank you” postcard (photo), 53, 54

camps, summer, 53, 54

“Candy Kids,” 103, 103

“Canning Factory at Work,” Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives (photo), 68, 68

Cantor, Eddie, 49

capitalism, 40, 176

Capper Foundation for Crippled Children, 53

Captain Bates (photo), 167, 168

captions, 3, 5, 24

Carmel, Eddie, 134

carte de visite, 5

“Case 324. Hattie, Age 23. Mentally 3” (photo), 80, 80

“Case B, Profound, Excitable Idiot” (photo), 81, 82

“Case C, Cretinoid” (Barr) (photo), 75, 77, 87

“Case C, Mongolian Type” (photo), 83, 84

“Case D, Ademona Sebaceum” (photo), 81, 81

“Case D, Idiot Savant” (photo), 93–94, 94

“Case F …, Moral Imbecile–Low Grade” (photo), 78, 78

Casper Center, 53, 53

catalogs, 106–7, 107n6, 109

cats, 158

celebrities, 49–53, 50, 51, 52

Central Africa, 169–70

cerebral palsy: family photographs of, 144, 144, 145, 151, 152, 153, 153–54; religious theme and, 169, 169

Chaney, Lon, 117, 117–18, 118n3; The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 115, 116, 117–18; The Penalty, 122, 122; Phantom of the Opera, 117, 118, 118; The Unknown, 119; West of Zanzibar, 122–23, 123

Chaney, Lon, Jr., 118, 118n3, 123, 123

Chang and Eng, 12, 12–13

Chang and Eng with two of their sons (photo), 12, 12

charity fund-raising, 42–56; before-and-after images for, 54–55, 54n13, 55nn14–15, 56; vs. begging cards, 24, 43–44, 44; celebrities for, 49–53, 50, 51, 52; history of, 40–41, 42–43, 42n1, 43nn2–3; human services and, 176; postcard reminders for, 45, 47; tax deductions for, 42n1; worthy poor and, 40. See also poster child

Charity Organization Society, 43n2

“Chief Debro, the Eskimo Midget,” 19–20

children: on begging cards, 27–28, 29, 29; in charity fund-raising drives, 43; crippled, 43, 44, 55; pity approach and, 40; with siblings, 32, 33, 155, 156, 163, 163; Tom Thumb and, 14, 14n3. See also family photographs; poster child

“Children of Guss Saunders, with their grandmother” (photo), 95, 96

children’s films, 128

Child with Down syndrome (photo), 145–46, 146

Christianity, 12, 40

Christmas cards, 37, 37

Christmas Carol, A (film), 124

Christmas decorations, 64, 64, 65, 169, 169

Christmas in Purgatory (Blatt and Kaplan), 4, 73, 73, 74

Church group with man in wheelchair (photo), 150, 151

church members, 150, 151

citizen portraits, 144–64; clothing in, 152–53, 153; concealing disabilities in, 162–63, 163; couple relationships in, 157–58, 158; in domestic settings, 145–46, 146, 147; family members in, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 153–58, 154, 155, 156, 157, 163–64, 164, 164n5; ordinary objects in, 160, 160–62, 160n3, 161, 162; pets in, 158–60, 159; in schools and civic settings, 149–50, 150, 151; studio portraits of, 144, 151–52, 152; of wheelchair-bound people, 146, 146; in work settings, 147–49, 148, 149, 150

City Streets (film), 125, 125

civic settings, 149–50, 151

Civil War veterans, 170–71; artificial limbs for, 105, 105nn4–5; begging cards of, 31, 31–32; charity fund-raising for, 42n1

Civil war veterans’ begging card (photo), 31, 31–32

Clark, L. B., 51, 51

Clark’s Spinal Apparatus, 109–10, 110

classification systems, 89–94, 89nn8–9, 90, 92, 93, 94

Class picture with one child in a wheelchair (photo), 150, 150

Clewell, Milton, 37, 37, 159

clinical photographs, 4, 5, 57, 98. See also eugenics photographs and texts

clothing, 15, 152–53, 153

Coleman, A. D., 142–43

collection canisters, 49, 49n12

comedies, 126–28, 127

comic fools, 18–19

Community Chest, 42–43, 43n2

Concilio, John, 38–39, 39

Coney Island, Dreamland, 15

conjoined twins, 9, 9, 12, 12

constitutional inferiority, 84, 85

“Constitutional inferiority. Note jug handle ears” (photo), 84, 85

Coolidge, Calvin, 51, 51, 166–67, 167, 167n2

Coolidge, Grace, 51, 51

corporate donors, 43

Council of National Defense, 107

counterculture, 142

couple relationships, 157–58, 158

craft industries, 70

“Cretin imbecile, Age, 39 years, A” (photo), 89, 89

cretins: in eugenics texts, 75, 77, 78, 84, 87, 88, 89; tongue of, 83, 83, 84

Criminal Man (L’homme criminal) (Lombroso), 77

criminals, 77, 94, 116n2, 122

Crookshank, Francis G., 86, 87

Crosby, Bing, 125n4

cultural context, 2, 2n3, 3

Curtis, Billy, 126

custodial care, 96–97, 97

Dade County Society for Crippled Children, 45, 47

D’Alessandro, Robert, 140–42, 141, 142

Daniel Rose in a wheelchair with his sister (photo), 32, 33

“Deborah Kallikak, as she appears to-day at the Training School” (photo), 97, 97

Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs, and Results (Talbot), 77

Democratic National Convention (1968), 142n19

developmental disabilities: art photography of, 134–35; Aztecs and, 16; citizen portraits of, 146, 147; freak show images of, 10, 18–19; state schools for, 4

Developmentally disabled young man on the porch (photo), 146, 147

Dick Cavett Show, 74

“Did you forget?” (photo), 45, 47

disabilities activists, 49

disability photographs: analysis of, 173, 173–75, 176–77; captions of, 3, 5, 24; collection of, 3–4; definition of, 1–2, 1n1; formats of, 5; genres of, 2, 165, 173; government-issued, 170; historical and cultural context of, 2–3, 2n3; mixed-genre, 175; reproduction quality for, 5; review of, 3, 3nn5–6; scholarship on, 1–2, 2n2; selection of, 4; sources of, 3–4; visual rhetorical techniques in, 2–3

disability products, 104–11, 110, 111. See also artificial limbs

Disabled American Veterans, 51

disabled people. See people with disabilities

Disney films, 128

Dix, Dorothea, 72n13

documentary photographers, 141, 173

Dodd, Jocelyn, 129n1

dogs: on begging cards, 36, 36; in Buster Brown Shoe advertisements, 100, 101; guide, 168–69, 169; as pets, 158–59, 159

dolls, 160, 160

domestic settings, 94–96, 95, 145–46, 146, 147

“Dorothy” (Kasebier) (photo), 131, 131

Dorothy with the Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz (photo), 126, 127

Down syndrome: citizen portraits of, 145–46, 146; clinical photographs of, 78; in eugenics texts, 84, 86–89, 87, 88; family photographs of, 154, 155, 156, 156, 164, 164, 164n5; tongue and, 83

Dr. Adrian and the Ape (film), 119

Dr. Brown’s eye treatments, 111, 111

Dr. Clark’s Spinal Apparatus (photo), 109–10, 110

Dreamland (Coney Island), 15

dress. See clothing

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (film), 117, 117

Dr. Strangelove, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (film), 126–28, 127

Dwarf and giant juxtaposed (photo), 10, 10

Dwarf playing Buster Brown, Cherokee, Iowa (photo), 101, 101

dwarfs: in advertising photographs, 100–103, 101, 102, 102n3, 103; art photography of, 140; in comedies, 126, 127; definition of, 100nn1–2; in freak show images, 10, 10, 13–14, 14n3, 19; as hunters, 161, 161; stereotype of, 101–2. See also little people

Dwarf with dead deer (photo), 161, 161

dying, portraits of, 136

“Ear Anomalies” (photo), 83–84, 84

ears, 83–84

Easter Seals, 45, 47, 53, 54

Easter Seals poster child (photo), 46, 47

Easter Seals poster child at appearance at newspaper reporter and photographer luncheon (photo), 45, 46

“Echolalia” (photo), 93, 93

Edith Fellows as Winnie and Leo Carrillo as Uncle Joe in City Streets (photo), 125, 125

Eisenmann, Charles, 7–9; “Ancient Aztecs,” 8, 8, 10, 15–16; “The Ancient Ethics,” 16, 18; “Ann E. Leak Thompson and family,” 12, 12; “The Armless Wonder” (1884), 10, 11; “The Armless Wonder” (1885), 7, 7–8, 11; “Eisenmann with Colonel Goshen,” 8, 9, 9n2, 10; “Human Skeleton,” 15, 17

“Eisenmann with Colonel Goshen” (Eisenmann) (photo), 8, 9, 9n2, 10

Eli Bowen with his family (photo), 13, 13

Elizabeth Kenny Foundation, 44–45, 44–45n6, 45

Elks, Martin, 1n1, 57, 75–98

Elks (organization), 42

Elvis Presley with March of Dimes poster child (photo), 50, 50

“End of the Day,” Letchworth Village (Bourke-White) (photo), 70–71, 71

Engel, Max, 36

epilepsy, 60, 60n4

eugenics: on feeblemindedness, 75–77, 75nn1–2, 76n3; genetic control policies for, 89; history of, 75–76; intelligence tests and, 76n4

eugenics photographs and texts, 75–98; on abnormal body parts, 83, 83–84, 83n7, 84, 86; brains in, 82, 82–83; on classification systems, 89–94, 89nn8–9, 90, 92, 93, 94; on cretins, 75, 77, 78, 84, 87, 88, 89; on custodial care, 96–97, 97; on Down syndrome, 84, 86–89, 87, 88; on feeblemindedness, 76n3, 76n5, 77; helping hands in, 80–82, 81, 82; on hovels, 94–96, 95; institutional propaganda photographs in, 79–80; measurements in, 80, 80, 81; on microcephaly, 79, 79, 84–86, 86; nude photos in, 78, 78; portraits in, 75, 77–80, 78; on showcased syndromes, 84–89

Eugenics Record Office, 89n8

European photographs, 169–70

evil characters, 121–23, 122, 123

exotic mode, 15–20, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

expatriate photographers, 169–70

“Expert Whittler” (photo), 32, 32

eye dysfunctions, 111, 111

E-Z-Leg, 107–8, 108n7

Fake Beggar (film), 126

Family outside their home (photo), 154, 155, 156

family photographs: analysis of, 174, 174–75; on begging cards, 27, 27–29, 28, 30; blind people in, 154, 154; citizen portraits as, 144, 144, 145, 146, 147, 153–58, 154, 155, 156, 157, 163–64, 164, 164n5; on farms, 146, 147; freak show images of, 12, 12–13, 15; selection of, 4; social forces and, 176; studio portraits as, 153, 153–54; wheelchair-bound people in, 144, 144, 145, 147, 153–54, 155, 156–57, 157

Family photo with blind people included (photo), 154, 154

Family portrait (photo), 153–54, 154

Family studio portrait (photo), 153, 153–54

Farmer with his ditching plow (photo), 161–62, 162

farms: asylum, 70–71; family pictures on, 146, 147; work settings on, 147, 148, 161–62, 162

fashion shows, 50, 50

feeblemindedness, 75–98; and abnormal body parts, 83, 83–84, 83n7, 84; brains and, 82, 82–83; classification systems for, 89–94, 89nn8–9, 90, 92, 93, 94; descriptions of, 75–76, 75nn1–2, 76n3; diagnosis of, 76–77, 76n5; natural habitat for, 94–96, 95; portraits of, 75, 77–80, 78; syndromes associated with, 84–89; terminology for, 75nn1–2

Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and Consequences (Goddard), 77

Fellows, Edith, 125, 125, 125n4

“First Public Building Erected in America to Care for the Feeble-Minded.” Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives (photo), 67, 67

Fitzpatrick, John, 45, 46

“Flushing, NY, 1972” (D’Alessandro) (photo), 141, 141, 142

folktales, 116n2

foreign photographs, 169–70

Forester Artificial Limb Company, 105–6, 106

Forget-Me-Not Day, 51, 51

formalism, 133, 133n4

Fountain in the park at the insane asylum in Salem, Oregon (photo), 61, 63

“Fourteenth Street, NYC, 1971” (D’Alessandro) (photo), 140, 141, 141–42

Frances O’Connor, “armless wonder” (photo), 13, 14

Frankenstein movies, 118–19, 119

Frankenstein’s monster with Fritz in Frankenstein (photo), 118, 119

fraud: before-and-after images as, 55n15; by beggars, 23, 24–25, 162n4; disability products and, 107–11, 110, 111; freak show images as, 9, 9–11, 10; by healers, 111–14, 112, 113; Kallikak family photographs and, 95

Fraudulent conjoined twins (photo), 9, 9

Freaks (film), 13, 18, 119, 120

freaks: in art photography, 134, 135–36; counterculture of, 142; definition of (1960’s), 134n6

freak shows and images, 7–21; African Americans in, 15, 17–18, 19; aggrandized mode of, 11, 11–15, 14, 15, 17, 18–19, 20, 21; Eisenmann and, 7, 7–9, 8, 9, 9n2; exotic mode of, 15–20, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; family pictures and, 12, 12–13, 15; fraudulent, 9, 9–11, 10; giants in, 10, 10, 15; legless people in, 9–10, 10, 12–13, 13; little people in, 10, 10, 13–15, 14, 14n3, 15, 16, 19–20; microcephaly and, 8, 8, 10, 15–16, 17, 170; mocking mode of, 20; as offensive, 5; popularity of, 7; presentations of, 9–11; publicity images from, 11; social forces and, 176; sources of, 4, 4n7

Fredrick March in his Oscar-winning role in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (photo), 117, 117

Fred Vaillancourt (photo), 36, 36

Front and profile view of a “low-grade microcephalic imbecile, chronological age 25, mental age 3” (photo), 79, 79, 85

fund-raising. See charity fund-raising

Fund-raising postcard for orphanage for “crippled children” (photo), 43, 44

Gaff, woman with missing legs (photo), 9, 10

gaffs, 9, 9–11, 10

gangster movies, 115

gaping mouth, 83, 83, 83n7

Garland, Judy, 126, 127

Garland-Thomson, Rosemarie, 129n1

Gate at the entrance of the West Virginia Hospital for the Insane, Weston, West Virginia (photo), 61, 64

genetic control, 89

genres, 2, 165, 173

“George Harton, Cripple for Life” (photo), 29, 29

George Washington (photo), 30–31, 30n13, 31

giants: in advertising photographs, 103–4, 104; art photography of, 134; in freak show images, 10, 10, 15; town character portraits of, 167, 168

Gifford, Dennis, 119

“Gift Enterprises” (photo), 38, 38

Girl in wheelchair with companion in studio with seaside backdrop (photo), 151–52, 152

Girl with disability on porch with doll (photo), 160, 160, 160n3

Glory (D’Alessandro), 141, 141, 142

goat carts, 22, 23, 34–35, 35, 40, 40

Goddard, Henry: “Case 324. Hattie, Age 23. Mentally 3” (photo), 80; “Children of Guss Saunders, with their grandmother,” 95, 96; “Deborah Kallikak, as she appears to-day at the Training School” (photo), 97, 97; on feeblemindedness, 76n3, 77; Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and Consequences, 77; great-grandchildren of “Old Sal,” 95, 96; The Kallikak Family, 95, 96, 97, 97

Golding, Nan, 135

Good Shepherd’s Home, 43, 44

Goshen, Ruth (Colonel), 8, 9, 10

Gould, Steven J., 95

Government artificial limb shop (photo), 170, 171

Gowanda State Mental Hospital, Collins, NY (photo), 62, 63, 64, 64, 65

Grand Army of the Republic, 170–71, 172

Grand Army of the Republic members in Veterans Home (photo), 171, 171

Grandmother in a wheelchair holding her grandchild (photo), 156, 157

grandmothers, 95, 96, 156, 156, 157

grave robbers, 119

Great-grandchildren of “Old Sal” (photo), 95, 96

Great-grandmother and family (photo), 156, 157

Green, Jonathan, 140, 143

Gregory Peck as Captain Ahab, straddling Moby Dick (photo), 123, 124

“Group of Mongolian Imbeciles, A” (photo), 87, 88

“Group of Mongols, A” (photo), 87, 88

Group picture of workers with boss who has a disability (photo), 148–49, 149

guide dogs, 168–69, 169

Gulick, W. V., 84, 85

hand abnormalities, 84, 85

Harriman, Mary Averell, 69

“Harry Petry … Am perfectly helpless” (photo), 25, 25–26, 26n10

Harton, George, 29, 29

Hatton, Rondo, 121, 121

Hawkins, Paul, 48, 48

head-binding, 17, 170

healers, 111–14, 112, 113

Heidi (film), 123–24, 125

“Henry Novak—Frozen in Storm Jan-29–09” (photo), 174, 174–75

Hevey, David, 3n6

Hickories family, 94

High school class picture including a young man with a disability (photo), 150, 151

Hines, Louis, 132

historical context, 2, 2n3

Hitchcock, Alfred, 121–22, 122

Holiday season on the hospital ward of Gowanda State Hospital for the Insane (photo), 63, 64, 65

Holmes, Arthur, 81

Home for Working and Destitute Lads, 55n15

home setting, 94–96, 95, 145–46, 146, 147

“Home that should be broken up, A” (photo), 94, 95

L’homme criminal (Criminal Man) (Lombroso), 77

“Horace” (photo), 166, 167

horror films, 5, 116–21; The Body Snatcher, 119, 120; Chaney family and, 118n3; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (film), 117, 117; Frankenstein movies, 118–19, 119; Freaks, 119, 120; The House of Wax, 121, 121; The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 115, 115; The Pearl of Death, 121, 121; Phantom of the Opera, 117, 118, 118; Psycho, 121, 122

Horvath Midgets, 15, 16

Hospital for the Insane, Weston, West Virginia (photo), 60, 63

hospitals, Shriners, 55, 55n17, 56

House of Frankenstein, The (film), 119

House of Wax, The (film), 121, 121

hovels, 94–96, 95

Hoxton Creeper, 121, 121

Huckleberry Charlie at Pine Camp, New York (photo), 166, 166

Hugo, Victor, 116

“Human Being as a Piece of Sculpture Fiction” (Krims), 139–40

human services, 176

“Human Skeleton” (Eisenmann) (photo), 15, 17

human skeletons, 15, 17

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, starring Lon Chaney as Quasimodo (photo), 115, 116, 117

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (film), 115, 116, 117–18

hunters, 161, 161

Huston, Walter, 123

Hutty and Tain, 16

Hydrocephalic individuals juxtaposed with microcephalic individual (photo), 86, 86

hydrocephaly, 86, 86, 175, 175

idiots, 81, 83, 86, 89–91, 90, 91

idiot savants, 93–94, 94

“Idiots: Profound Apathe” (photo), 89, 90

“Idiots–Superficial Apathetic” (photo), 84, 86

“Idiots: Superficial Excitable” (photo), 87, 91

Illinois General Assembly, Investigation of Illinois Institutions, 72

Illinois General Hospital for the Insane, typical cottage (photo), 60, 61

imbeciles, 81, 83, 89–91, 92, 96

“Imbeciles: High Grade” (photo), 90–91, 92

independence, 13, 91, 143

individualism, 40

infantile paralysis. See polio

infertility, 14

Ingalls, Clyde, 18

injured workers, 28, 29–30, 30, 174, 174–75

institutional propaganda, 170, 170n5; asylum photographs, 57, 66–72, 69, 69n11, 74; in eugenics texts, 79–80

institutions. See asylums; mental institutions

intellectual impairment, 60, 81, 134–35. See also developmental disabilities

intelligence quotients, 92, 93

intelligence tests, 76n4, 92

International Shoe Company, 104

Investigation of Illinois Institutions (Illinois General Assembly), 72

“Jacob Israel Avedon, Father of the Photographer” (Avedon), 136

Jerry Lewis with Muscular Dystrophy Association national poster child (photo), 48, 48

Jerry’s Kids, 48, 49

“Jewish Giant” (Arbus), 134

John Concilio, organ grinder (photo), 39, 39

Johnny of the “Call for Philip Morris” advertisement campaign (photo), 102, 102

John Rose, beggar in goat cart (photo), 22, 23, 34–35

Johnson, R. H., 87, 88

John Till advertising card (photo), 111, 112

John Till’s patients (photo), 111–12, 113

“Join March of Dimes” slogan, 50, 50

Journal of Heredity, 77

Kallikak, Deborah, 96–97

Kallikak family, 95, 96, 97, 97

Kallikak Family, The (Goddard), 95, 96, 97, 97

Kansas State Hospital for the Insane, Administration building (photo), 60, 61

Kaplan, Fred, 4, 72n16, 72–73, 72–73n17, 73, 74

Karloff, Boris, 118–19, 119, 120

Kasebier, Gertrude, 131, 131

Kenny, Elizabeth, 44–45n6

Kenny Foundation. See Elizabeth Kenny Foundation

Kenny Foundation poster child (photo), 42, 44–45

“Kiko and Sulu, Pinheads from Zanzibar” (photo), 18, 20

Kiko and Sulu dressed up (photo), 18, 20

Kite, Elizabeth, 83n7

Klass, Max, 16–17, 19

Knoll, James, 1n1

Kongo (film), 123

Krarer, Olof, 19, 21

Krims, Les, 139–40

Labor Day Telethon, 48

Landsburger, Terry, 45, 45

“Last of the Ancient Aztecs” (photo), 8, 15–16

laws: on artificial limbs, 105, 105n5; British, 40; ugly, 22, 22n2

L. C. McLain Sanitarium, 111, 112

“Legless Motor Cycle Rider” (photo), 34, 35

legless people: art photography of, 132, 132–33, 139–40, 141, 141–42; freak show images of, 9–10, 10, 12–13, 13. See also amputees

Leigh, Janet, 121

Letchworth Village, 4, 4n8, 68–72; administration building, 69, 70; annual reports of, 69, 69n11, 70; conditions in, 72n12; craft industries in, 70, 71; Dick Cavett Show on, 74; farm work in, 70–71, 71; school work in, 70, 70. See also Bourke-White, Margaret

Lewis, Jerry, 48, 48–49, 49

Life (magazine), 129–30

lighting, in art photography, 137–38, 138, 139

Linker, Beth, 170n5

Lionel Atwill in The House of Wax (photo), 121, 121

Little, Charles, 69

“Little Esquimaux Lady, The” (photo), 19, 21

little people: in advertising photographs, 99, 100–103, 101, 102, 102n3; art photography of, 140; in comedies, 126, 127; definition of, 100n1; in freak show images, 10, 10, 13–15, 14, 14n3, 16, 19–20; as hunters, 161, 161; midgets as, 100n2, 103; town character portraits of, 166–67, 167. See also dwarfs

Little People of America (Krims), 140

“Living Venus de Milo,” 13, 14

local characters. See town character portraits

Lombroso, Cesare, 77, 116n2

Lon Chaney in Phantom of the Opera (photo), 118, 118

Lon Chaney in Phantom of the Opera with the imprisoned object of the Phantom’s desire (photo), 118, 118

Lon Chaney inserting knees in leather cups in The Penalty (photo), 122, 122

Lon Chaney in The Penalty (film), 122, 122

Lon Chaney in West of Zanzibar (photo), 123, 123

Lon Chaney Jr. playing Lenny in Of Mice and Men (film), 123, 123

loneliness, 140

Look (magazine), 73

“Look! I can walk again” (photo), 46, 47

looms, 70

Looney Tunes, 128

L. S. Bogart (photo), 35, 35

Lugosi, Bela, 118–19

“L. W. Prettyman, Shut-in-Magazine Man” (photo), 38, 39

mad scientists, 119

Magazine advertisement for cure for infantile paralysis (photo), 111, 112

magazine subscriptions, 38, 39

mailmen, 161, 162, 172

mail service, 24, 59

Main building, Northern Illinois Insane Asylum (photo), 58, 58

Main building of the New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women (photo), 60, 62

“Making head measurements in a mental examination. The shape of the skull is often important” (photo), 80, 81

Maloney, A. B.: “Case B, Profound, Excitable Idiot,” 81, 82; “Case D. Idiot Savant” (photo), 93–94, 94; “Echolalia,” 93, 93; “Idiots: Profound Apathe,” 89, 90; “Idiots: Superficial Excitable,” 87, 91; “Imbeciles: High Grade,” 90–91, 92; Types of Mental Defectives, 77, 89–90, 89n9

Mangebetu tribe, 170, 170

Mangebetu woman (photo), 170, 170

Man in office (photo), 147, 148

Man in wheelchair accompanied by his dog (photo), 158, 158–59

Man in wheelchair at desk (photo), 146, 146

Man standing in field (photo), 147, 148

Man with a sign, “Please Help the Blind” (photo), 33, 33–34

Man with missing leg in factory (photo), 147–48, 149

March, Fredrick, 117, 117

March of Dimes: celebrities for, 49, 50, 50, 51–53, 52; focus of, 48, 48n9; history of, 46, 51; major fund drive for, 43; name of, 49n11; poster child for, 45, 45, 46, 46n8, 47

March of Dimes fund-raiser with Marilyn Monroe (photo), 50, 50

Margaret Bourke-White Collection, 4, 4n8

Marion Souslin (photo), 28

Mark, Mary Ellen, 136–38, 137, 138

Marks, A. A., 104–5

marriage, 12, 13, 13, 14. See also family photographs

Martin, Dean, 48

masks, 139

Masonic organizations, 12, 42, 55

“Master Handsome” (photo), 175, 175

Max Engel and his dog, Carlo (photo), 36, 36

Maximo and Bartola, 8, 8, 10, 15–16

Max Klass, manager of “Ancient Aztecs” (photo), 16–17, 19

McCuin, Dan, 166–67, 167, 167n2

McGogan, Billy, 40, 40

McLain, L. C., 111, 112

Meatyard, Eugene, 138–39, 142

melodramatic films, 123–26, 125, 125n4, 126

Melville, Herman, 123, 124

Mental Defectives (Barr), 77

mental disabilities: asylums for, 59–60n4, 60; classification systems for, 89–90, 89n9, 90, 92, 93, 94; institutional images of, 71–72. See also feeblemindedness

“Mental Institution” (Avedon), 136

mental institutions, 134–35, 137, 137–38, 138. See also asylums

mental retardation, 59–60n4

Mental Retardation (Tredgold), 83–84, 84

merchants, 37, 37–40, 38, 39, 40, 99. See also advertising photographs; retail sales advertising

Merry Christmas card (photo), 37, 37, 159

microcephaly: in eugenics texts, 79, 79, 84–86, 86; freak show images of, 8, 8, 10, 15–16, 17, 170; in movie stills, 119, 120

microencephaly. See microcephaly

midgets, 100n2, 103. See also dwarfs; little people

Miller, Herman (Mrs.), 59, 60

Milton Clewell, Merry Christmas card (photo), 37, 37, 159

Minnesota State Asylum, Administration building (photo), 57, 57

Minor, Homer, 37

“Mischievous, excitable imbecile; usually grimacing as shown” (photo), 83, 83

mixed-genre disability photographs, 175

Moby Dick (film), 123, 124

mocking mode, 20

“Mongol hands” (photo), 84, 85

“Mongolian showing fissures of the tongue, A” (photo), 87, 87

mongols. See Down syndrome

Monroe, Marilyn, 50, 50

monsters, 116. See also horror films

Montgomery, H., 100

Morgan, John J. B., 87, 87

“Morning Colors,” Raising the flag, Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives (photo), 67, 68

morons, 81, 94

Mother holding child with Down syndrome (photo), 156, 156

Mother in wheelchair with older daughter (photo), 156–57, 157

Mother with children (photo), 163–64, 164, 164n5

motorcycle riders, 34, 35

mouth, 83, 83, 83n7

movies, 2n3, 3n6, 24n8, 116

movie stars, 49, 49–50, 50

movie stills, 115–28; of adventure films, 123, 124; of children’s films, 128; of comedies, 126–28, 127; format of, 5; of gangster movies, 115; historical and cultural context of, 2n3; of horror films, 5, 115, 115, 116–21, 117, 118, 118n3, 119, 120, 121, 122; of melodramatic films, 123–26, 125, 125n4, 126; of murder mysteries and evil characters, 121–23, 122, 123

Mr. Horvath with his midget troupe (Wendt) (photo), 15, 16

Mrs. Calvin Coolidge being presented with an artificial flower by a disabled World War I veteran for a Forget-Me-Not Day fund-raising drive (photo), 51, 51

Mr. Shanahan with his famous dog (photo), 167–68, 169

muckraking images: of asylums, 57, 72–74, 72n13, 73; vs. eugenics, 130; history of, 72–73, 72n14, 72–73n17; hovels and, 130; impact of, 130; Letchworth Village and, 72n12

mug shots, 67, 173

Munchkins, 102–3, 102n3, 126, 127

murder mysteries, 121–23, 122, 123

Muscular Dystrophy Association, 43, 43n3, 48, 48–49

Museum of Modern Art, 133–34, 143

museums, 129n1

musical instruments, 33–34, 34

musicians, 149, 150, 160, 160–61, 174, 174

Mystery of the Wax Museum (film), 121, 121

Nathan P. Van Luvanee (photo), 26, 26–27

National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, 44–45n6, 46

National Geographic, 17

National Lung Association Drive, 43

naturalists, 133, 133n5

needlework, 11, 11–12

New, Richard E., 34, 35

newspaper photographs, 5, 173

New York art scene, 143

New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Main building (photo), 60, 62

Nixon, Richard, 51–53, 52

non-Caucasians, 172–73

Norden, Martin, 2n3, 3n6

Northern Illinois Insane Asylum, Main building (photo), 58, 58

“not licked yet” appeal, 30–31, 31

Novak, Henry, 174, 174–75

“Occasion for Diriment” (Meatyard), 139

O’Connor, Frances, 13, 14

offices, 147, 148

Of Mice and Men (Steinbeck), 123, 123

old age, 158, 158

old-age homes, 171, 171, 172

ordinary objects, 160, 160–62, 160n3, 161, 162

organ grinders, 38–39, 39

orphans, crippled, 43, 44

Oscar Mayer advertising, 102–3

Outcault, Richard, 100

outsider art, 32–33

outsiders, people with disabilities as, 143

Outside talker for the exhibit “Aztecs from Mexico” (photo), 16, 18

Outside view of home for Grand Army of the Republic veterans (photo), 171, 172

panhandling. See beggars; begging cards

Paterson, Donald G., 79

Patients waiting outside the clinic waiting to be seen by John Till (photo), 113, 113

patriotism, 170

patterns of representation, 176–77

Pearl of Death, The (film), 121, 121

Peck, Gregory, 123, 124

peddling, vs. begging, 26, 26n11

Penalty, The (film), 122, 122

Pendelton, Guy, 51, 52

Pennies from Heaven (film), 125n4

people with disabilities: as active participants, 2–3; concealing disabilities of, 162–63, 163; definition of, 100n1; normalization and, 145, 145n1; as outsiders, 143; severe or profoundly disabled, 175, 175–76, 176; terminology for, 1, 6; violence and, 116–17, 116n2, 121; visual representation of, 1–2, 2n2

People with disabilities on the steps of a shack (photo), 1

performers, on begging cards, 32, 32–34, 33, 34

Perkins, Anthony, 121

personal portraits. See citizen portraits

Peter Pan, 128

Peter Sellers playing Dr. Strangelove (photo), 127, 127

Peters, Theordore, 29–30, 30

Petry, Harry T., 25, 25–26, 26n10

pets, 158–60, 159. See also dogs

Phantom of the Opera (film), 117, 118, 118

Philadelphia Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 53, 54

Philip Morris, 102, 102

photographers: as artists, 130, 142–43; documentary, 141, 173; expatriate, 169–70; perspective of, 1–2

photographic technology, 5, 66, 72, 130, 176

“Photograph—New York” (Strand) (photo), 131, 131–32

photographs of disabilities. See disability photographs

“Photo Secession,” 131

pictorialism, 131, 132

picture postcards. See postcards

“Pigmy’s from Abyssinnia” (photo), 17, 19

“Pinheads from Zanzibar” (photo), 18, 20

pity, 25, 25–26, 40, 43

“Plaster Healer,” 111–14, 112, 113

polio: Kenny treatments for, 44–45, 44–45n6; poster child for, 44–45, 45; sanitariums for, 111, 112; vaccines for, 46, 48

politicians, 50–53, 51, 52

Popenoe, Paul, 87, 88, 91–92, 93, 93

portraits: of African Americans, 172, 172; in art photography, 136, 137, 137; in eugenics photographs and texts, 75, 77–80, 78; of feeblemindedness, 75, 77–80, 78; town character, 165–69, 165n1, 166, 167, 167n2, 168, 169. See also citizen portraits; family photographs; studio portraits

postcards: as charity fund-raising reminders, 45, 47; collections of, 59, 59n3; format of, 5; freak show images on, 13; government-issued, 170, 171; popularity of, 59, 59n2; poster child, 45, 47, 48–49, 49; text on, 3; thank you messages on, 53, 53, 54; town character portraits on, 166, 166. See also asylum postcards

poster child, 42, 44–49; definition of, 44, 44n5; for eugenics texts, 97, 97; national, 46, 46n8, 48, 48, 48n8; personification of, 44–45, 45; popularity of, 44, 44n4; postcards, 45, 47, 48–49, 49; public appearances by, 45, 46; thank you messages from, 53, 53, 54

Poster for Freaks (photo), 119, 120

posters, 45, 46

Potts, W. A., 85

premature birth, 48n9

President and Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt receiving veterans from Walter Reed Hospital on the White House lawn (photo), 51, 52

President Calvin Coolidge at the White House with World War I disabled veteran (photo), 51, 51

President Calvin Coolidge with Dan McCuin (photo), 166–67, 167, 167n2

presidents, 51, 51–53, 52, 166–67, 167, 167n2, 170

Presley, Elvis, 50, 50

Prettyman, L. W., 38, 39

Price, Vincent, 121

“Princess Wee Wee” (photo), 15, 17

propaganda. See institutional propaganda

Prosthetic device salesperson displaying a sample of his wares (photo), 106, 109

prosthetic limbs. See artificial limbs

Prosthetic limbs advertisement (photo), 107, 109

Psycho (film), 121–22, 122

public appearances, 45, 46, 99

publicity images, 11, 170, 170n5

pygmies, 17, 19

Raabe, Meinhardt, 102–3

railroad workers, 35

Ray, William “Major,” 101, 101, 102n3

Reeves, H. T., 97

religion: on begging cards, 26, 26–27; charity fund-raising and, 40, 43; as genre, 169, 169

Re-presenting Disability (Sandell, Dodd, and Garland-Thomson), 129n1

Republican National Convention (1968), 142, 142n19

retail sales advertising, 100–104, 101, 102

Review of Reviews, 111

Richard New (photo), 34, 35

Ringling Bros., 18

Rivera, Geraldo, 72

Robert Wadlow and his father (photo), 103–4, 104

Robert Young with a poster child at fund-raising march to fight polio (photo), 44–45, 45

Romantic encounter (photo), 157–58, 158

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 51, 52

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 43, 46, 51, 52

Rose, Daniel, 32, 32, 33, 33

Rose, John, 22, 23, 34–35

Rosenberg, Harold, 143

Rosenblum, Naomi, 133

Roventine, Johnny, 103

Sandell, Richard, 129n1

Satterfield, Lewis, 32

scholarship, on disability photographs, 1–2, 2n2

schools, 4, 149–50, 150, 151

school work, 70, 70

“School Work.” Girls in class reading, Letchworth Village (Bourke-White) (photo), 70, 70

Sellers, Peter, 126–28, 127

Sells-Floto Circus Sideshow, 17

“Set a child free this Easter” (photo), 46, 47

Severely disabled person with loving other (photo), 175–76, 176

severe or profoundly disabled people, 175, 175–76, 176

Shade, Frank, 20

Shanahan, Mike, 168–69, 169, 169n3

Sherman, Charles R., 166, 166

Shirley Temple playing Heidi (film), 124, 125

shoe advertising, 100–102, 101, 102n3, 103–4, 104

short stature. See little people

Shriner before-and-after photographs (photo), 55, 56

Shriners, 42, 55, 55n17, 56

Shuttleworth, George E., 85

Siamese twins, 9, 9, 12, 12

Siblings and puppy with boy in a wheelchair (photo), 159, 159

sideshows. See freak shows and images

Sine, L. D., 38, 38

sisters, 32, 33, 155, 156, 163, 163

Sisters (photo), 155, 156

“Sixth of a family of seventeen. Feebleminded” (photo), 78, 78

skeleton, human, 15, 17

“Smallest Man in New England,” 166–67, 167, 167n2

Smith, W. Eugene, 129–30, 140, 142

Snow White (film), 128

social context, 129–30, 132, 133, 140, 176

social science, 5–6

social workers, 41

Soddy, Kenneth, 78, 78

Solomon, Linda, 50, 50

Solomon, Sandra, 50, 50

songs, theme, 48

Son of Frankenstein (film), 118–19

Souslin, A., 27, 27–28

Souslin, Marion, 27–28, 28

State Insane Asylum in Salem, Oregon (photo), 61, 63

state schools, 4. See also asylums; mental institutions

Steichen, Edward, 131

Steinbeck, John, 123, 123

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 119, 120, 123, 124

Stieglitz, Alfred, 131, 132, 143

stigmata of degeneracy, 83

Strand, Paul, 131, 131–32

street shelters, 55n15

Studio portrait of amputee (photo), 153, 153

Studio portrait of two men whose relationship is unknown (photo), 173, 173–74

Studio portrait of young man with cerebral palsy (photo), 151, 152

studio portraits: analysis of, 173, 173–75, 174; citizen portraits as, 144, 151–52, 152; family, 153, 153–54; pets in, 158–59, 159

“The stupid and the brilliant—Can you tell them apart?” (photo), 93, 93

summer camps, 53, 54

Sunshine Biscuits, 99, 102, 103

Sunshine dwarf bakers (photo), 99, 100, 102

Swann, Ann, 167

syndromes, in eugenics texts, 84–89

Syracuse State School for Feeble-Minded Children. See Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives

Syracuse State School for Mental Defectives: “Canning Factory at Work,” 68, 68; conditions in, 72; “First Public Building Erected in America to Care for the Feeble-Minded,” 67, 67; “Morning Colors,” 67, 68

Syracuse University Bird Library, 4, 4nn7–8

Szarkowski, John, 133, 143

tableau vivant, 139

Talbot, Eugene, 77

“T’ank you” from Gary (photo), 53, 53

Taylor, Steven, 72n14

Teenager in braces with her dog (photo), 158, 159

telethons, 43, 48

Temple, Shirley, 124, 125

Terror of Tiny Town (film), 126

Textbook of Mental Deficiency (Amentia), A (Tredgold), 77

thank you messages, 53, 53, 54

“Their only support” (photo), 27, 27

theme songs, 48

Theordore Peters (photo), 29, 30

Thompson, Ann E. Leak, 11, 11–12, 12

Thompson, William R., 12, 12

“Tom Thumb, Wife & Child” (Brady) (photo), 14, 15

Tiger (dog), 100, 101

Till, John, 111–14, 112, 113

tintypes, 5

Tiny Tim, 124

tobacco advertising, 102, 102

“Tomoko and Mother in the Bath” (Smith), 129–30

Tom Thumb, 13–14, 14n3, 15

tongues, large, 83, 83, 87, 87

town character portraits, 165–69, 166, 167, 167n2, 168, 169

toys, 160, 160

traveling beggars, 34–37, 35, 36

Treasure Island (film), 123, 124

Tredgold, Alfred: on abnormal body parts, 83; “Brain of imbecile” and “brain of low-grade imbecile,” 82, 83; “A cretin imbecile, Age, 39 years,” 89, 89; “A group of Mongols,” 87, 88; Mental Retardation, 83–84, 84; “Mischievous, excitable imbecile; usually grimacing as shown,” 83, 83; “Sixth of a family of seventeen. Feebleminded,” 78, 78; A Textbook of Mental Deficiency (Amentia), 77

tribal customs, 17, 170

Tripp, Charles, 7, 7–8, 10, 11

twins, conjoined, 9, 9, 12, 12

Types of Mental Defectives (Barr and Maloney), 77, 89–90, 89n9

Typical cottage, Illinois General Hospital for the Insane (photo), 60, 61

ugly laws, 22, 22n2

United Way, 43, 43n2, 44

Unknown, The (film), 119

unsightly beggar ordinances, 22n2

Untitled (Arbus), 135

US Postal Service, 59

Vaillancourt, Fred, 36, 36

Van Lucanee, Nathan P., 26, 26–27

veterans, 170–71; begging cards by, 31, 31–32; charity fund-raising for, 42n1; Civil War, 31, 31–32, 42n1, 105, 170–71; in old-age homes, 171, 171, 172; World War I, 51, 51, 52, 107–8, 108n7, 169, 170, 170n5, 171

Veterans Homes, 171, 172

Vice President Richard Nixon participating in March of Dimes campaign (photo), 51, 52, 53

Vietnam Veterans Association, 142

Vietnam War era, 141, 141, 142, 142n19

View of an asylum from a distance, North Warren, PA (photo), 60, 62

Vineland Training School for Feeble-Minded Boys and Girls, 97, 97

violence, 116–17, 116n2, 121

violins, 160, 160–61

visual rhetorical techniques, 2–3

Wadlow, Robert, 103–4

Wallace, James H., Jr., 95

Wallace Beery playing Long John Silver in Treasure Island (photo), 123, 124

Walter Reed Hospital, 51, 52

Ward 3, Gowanda State Mental Hospital, Collins, NY (photo), 62, 64

Ward 81 (Mark), 137, 137–38, 138

Ward interior, unidentified institution (photo), 73, 73, 74

Warren, Lavinia, 14, 14n3

War’s Waste (Linker), 170n5

Washington, George, 30–31, 30n13, 31

Wayne, Joel, 18, 101, 106, 109

“W. C. Williams One Arm One Man Band” (photo), 34, 34

Wendt, Frank, 16

West of Zanzibar (film), 122–23, 123

West Virginia Hospital for the Insane, Weston, West Virginia (photo), 61, 64

Wheelchair advertisement (photo), 108–9, 110

wheelchair-bound characters: in horror films, 119; in melodramatic films, 124, 125, 125–26, 126; in murder mysteries, 122–23, 123

wheelchair-bound people: analysis of photographs of, 174, 174–75; art photography of, 140, 141, 141–42; citizen portraits of, 146, 146; in civic settings, 151, 151; in couple relationships, 157–58, 158; in family photographs, 144, 144, 145, 147, 153, 153–54, 155, 156–57, 157; with ordinary objects, 160, 160–61; pets with, 158, 158–59; in schools and civic settings, 150, 150; studio portraits of, 144, 151, 152; in work settings, 147, 148

wheelchair manufacturing and advertising, 105nn4–5, 108–9, 110

White House, 51

whittling, 32–33

Wienermobile, 102–3

Williams, W. C., 34, 34

Willowbrook State School, 72

Winogrand, Garry, 132, 132–33, 133nn4–5, 142

Wizard of Oz, The (film), 102n3, 103, 126, 127

Wolf Man, The (film), 118

Woman in wheelchair with family in cornfield (photo), 146, 147

Woman in wheelchair with husband (photo), 158, 158

Woodward’s Candy Company, 103, 103

workers: injured, 28, 29–30, 30, 174, 174–75; railroad, 35

work settings: African Americans in, 161, 162; amputees in, 147–48, 148, 149, 161–62, 162; citizen portraits in, 147–49, 148, 149, 150; on farms, 147, 148, 161–62, 162

World War I veterans, 169, 170–71, 170n5; artificial limbs for, 107–8, 108n7; European photographs of, 169; presidents meeting with, 51, 51, 52; in Veterans Homes, 170–71, 171

worthy poor, 40

Young, Robert, 45, 45

Young man who has cerebral palsy with family (photo), 144, 144, 145, 151

Young woman with violin in wheelchair (photo), 160, 160–61

“Your Help Is Their Hope” (photo), 48–49, 49

Zagourski, Casimir, 169–70