In this chapter, I describe the Traya process that allows for direct engagement with the subtle body and its healing mechanisms. We saw in Chapter 1 that each chakra manages a part of the mind and negative experiences that aren’t resonant with the function of a chakra will produce a samskara, or negative energy imprint, in the chakra. These samskaras remain undigested and distort the functions of the chakras. As a result, they end up producing negative thoughts, behaviors, and feelings—the pain body. To turn on the mind’s innate healing mechanism, we need to reconnect with the samskaric energy in the subtle body, digest it, and release it.
In the mind, digestion equals recognizing and acknowledging the truth. We also saw that many truths of experience lie in the deep mind, out of reach of the surface mind, and just recalling on an intellectual or even emotional level is not enough. In the Traya process, the veil between the surface mind and the deep mind is lifted and a whole new world of information opens up to us. The barrier between what is in the mind versus what is on the mind is pierced. Traya allows the deep mind to be heard and it has a lot to say.
We begin to understand puzzling feelings and behaviors—why we feel afraid when the boss comes into the room even though he or she is really nice and supportive, or why we are so impatient with our children even though we promise ourselves we won’t be. The chakras become accessible and understandable as they teach us. We can even put aside whatever information about the chakras we have been exposed to, as we don’t need to know anything about a chakra in order to work with it. In fact, we may get in our own way if we have too many preconceived ideas.
Let me emphasize that this is a user-friendly process. As we connect with the chakras, we connect with our innate wisdom that is always guiding us toward wholeness. We soon see that Traya is an organic process supported and encouraged by the higher intelligence within all of us. Interaction with the chakras is not only practical and productive but also uplifting and inspiring.
At first the chakra functions and how the memories connect to a chakra may not be so clear. As you work with them, their impact and the subtleties of the chakra functions and attributes become clearer. Like meditation, you can’t understand it intellectually. You can only understand it by experiencing it over time, discovering new dimensions and truths as you go. Optimally, you have a regular meditation practice and have experienced observing thoughts without attaching to them. If not, you can start where you are. Many people I have worked with have no experience with meditation at all but readily take to this process.
The following is an overview of the Traya techniques, including variations on the basic method. Read the information over first. In Part 2, the exercises related to each chakra will help you put these techniques into practice.
The Basic Traya Technique
Following is the Traya technique for removing negative samskaras from the mind. This is where we get the basics of the practice in five simple steps:
• Step 1: Mindfulness and Focus—Tune in to a chakra.
• Step 2: Surface—See what memories it brings to the surface of your mind.
• Step 3: Release—Visualize the negative energy moving out of your chakra.
• Step 4: Replace and Imprint—Visualize positive energy replacing the negative energy that has been released and receive the positive imprint.
• Step 5: Diagnostic Scene from Nature—Let your chakra reveal a scene from nature. You can diagnose its message using the elements and the scenes associated with the chakra and its positive and negative mind states. This step is optional.
Please ground yourself at the start and again at the finish of the Traya practice by focusing on the soles of the feet and breathing in and out of an imaginary opening there.
As with meditation, we don’t have to be perfect; we just do the best we can. Remember, the mind wants to heal and when you go toward it, it will come toward you. As I always say to my students, don’t worry, there is no right and wrong and if it doesn’t work at first, there are ways to get it going. The most important advice I have is to keep it simple and get out of your own way. It is like a free association through the body. Getting out of your own way means not actively looking for anything or rejecting anything that comes. Just observe. If you skipped them, I’d suggest going back to the sound and scene exercises in the preceding chapter so you will have some experience with the mindful, non-interfering approach helpful for this work. It is good to ground oneself in the body at the beginning and end of each Traya session. Do this by sitting up straight, focusing on the soles of your feet, and breathing in and out gently with your attention there.
Step 1: Mindfulness and Focus
Sit in any comfortable seated posture with your spine erect and your feet flat on the floor if sitting in a chair. Close your eyes and focus attention on the soles of your feet. Imagine that you can breathe in and out through the minor chakras in the soles of your feet for a minute or two. This will ground your consciousness in the body and in the moment.
Next, focus your attention on the location of a chakra in your body. Let’s use the solar plexus chakra located at the diaphragm to start.
Imagine that there is an opening there that you can breathe in and out of. Concentrate your attention there and start breathing in and out as if the breath were actually going in and out of the opening. Soft, gentle breath.
Returning to the radio analogy, when you “tune in” to a particular chakra, it too will “play” by sending memories up to the surface mind. The impetus is always toward healing, so the mind will “send up” an experience that has produced a negative samskara. Please don’t search for anything. You don’t have to do anything to get the radio program to play. Just listen. Let it come up like a bubble coming up through the water. I repeat because it is important—the mind doesn’t need your help but rather it needs for you to get out of the way. Your only job is to keep your attention focused on the “opening” in the chakra, gently breathe in and out, and be mindful of any memories or other material that come into your awareness.
Ask, “What memories are here that are ready to come to the surface?”
Sometimes the memory comes fully formed and sometimes a piecemeal “hook” will appear. For example, you may remember a particular object, person, or place. Stay with that and ask for more information until the complete memory unfolds. Don’t reject anything as unimportant or unrelated but stay open and mindful, and you will learn as you go. Even a seemingly unimportant image or issue is there for a reason. Big or small doesn’t matter. For example, Paul recently remembered a checkered tablecloth, then when staying with it, remembered a craft sale he and a few friends had in second grade near a store in the mall. The tablecloth was covering the card table. Still the full memory didn’t come. He stayed with it and then remembered that an adult bluntly told him that his piece was overpriced. He felt humiliated in front of his friends. This came up in the solar plexus chakra because he felt the judgment of others.
Raina felt a sense of sadness instead of a memory. When she focused on the heart chakra, she didn’t get a memory at first but rather she described, “Sad feeling—a cap on something that doesn’t want to come off—gorilla. A nebulous feeling of being incapable of getting excited.”
Since we know that every negative thought or feeling results from experience precursors, I asked, “What memories are here that contributed to this?” Then the deep mind with the associated samskara responded:
… I was squashed a lot when excited—I was told, “You can’t have it or do that.”
If working with a chakra and a memory doesn’t come immediately, be patient and inquisitive and the information will come. After you learn the basic Traya process, you can review the additional methods later in this chapter. Note that Traya will surface memories regardless of when they happened if they are significant for healing. If they are from very early childhood and the memory comes piecemeal, you may have to stay with it until it unfolds completely. Since everything registers in the deep mind, even these early childhood experiences will come with relevant associations.
Step 3: Release
The next step is to visualize the “negative energy” related to the samskara going out of the opening of the chakra; the apana prana that eliminates toxins from the system will remove it. Remember: Your mind put it there and your mind can take it away.
Note that with this “release” step and the next “replace” step a more active visualization process is called for. There is still some “letting,” as with letting a memory surface on its own, but when I say “visualize,” this calls for a slightly more active process and it is OK to be less passive and more engaged with these steps. For this solar plexus chakra, some people visualize liquids or sludge and some visualize solids like rocks. Whatever feels right for you is fine. The memory will remain but without the negative energetic charge, and it can now proceed to a dormant state of storage. If there is resistance and the negative energy doesn’t seem to “want” to flow out, ask for more information—“What else do I need to know?” This will often get things moving.
As we gain experience removing individual memory samskaras, we will become even more aware of how they contributed to our painful thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
Samskaras may surface one at a time in the beginning and then after we gain experience they will sometimes come as a string of memories. It is not necessary to wait until the outflow stops before surfacing the next one. It is best to get the flow going with the first memory, and as that goes out, let the next memory appear in your mind and add that negative energy to the flow. After you finish surfacing memories, you can expel all of the remaining energy by visualizing it all going out and just wait for it to stop—usually a minute or two.
Step 4: Replace and Imprint
The sun and sunshine have been recognized by the ancients in India as sources of positive prana, and we are going to use the image of sunlight filled with prana to replace the samskaras that have been expelled from the chakra.
Briefly visualize positive energy in the form of light coming directly from the sun and flowing into the chakra, filling the space left by the negative samskaric energy that dissipated.
Next, as this positive prana flows in, take the passive, letting stance and ask, “What is this positive energy bringing into my life?” Note the words that appear in your mind as the higher intelligence provides some positive reinforcement via the Inner Ear, the part of the mind that hears the words of the higher intelligence or Inner Teacher. These words make a positive imprint on the mind and emphasize the point that the negativity has just changed to something positive. Once you get a word or two, move to step 5 or ground yourself by breathing in and out through the tertiary chakras in the soles of your feet.
Step 5: Diagnostic Scene from Nature (Optional)
While keeping focus on the chakra, gently breathe in and out, let a scene from nature appear in your mind, and note the presence or absence of the chakra element. This helps to actually “see” changes appearing in the chakra. As we learned in Chapter 2, as we remove samskaras the associated chakra element will become more dominant. Again, these are: throat chakra, ether; heart chakra, air; solar plexus chakra, fire; pelvic chakra, water; root chakra, earth.
An Example of the Basic Traya Technique
Step 1: Mindfulness and Focus
• Choose a chakra. In this example we will focus on the solar plexus chakra.
• Focus attention there and take a passive, letting stance.
Step 2: Surface
• Ask for memories. What memories are here?
• Take a passive, letting stance.
• Note the memory—e.g., “I was often criticized at the family dinner table.”
Step 3: Release
• Release negative energy. Visualize energy going out in any form. Common ones are sludge, rocks, etc.
• You can be more active with visualization here.
Step 4: Replace and Imprint
• Replace the negative with positive energy and positive imprint. Visualize positive energy in the form of light coming in and taking up space vacated by the negative that went out.
• Ask, “What is this positive energy bringing in with it?”
• Note any words that you receive: calm, ease, etc.
• You can be more active with visualizing the light.
• Take a passive, letting stance.
Step 5: Scene from Nature (Optional)
• Note the optimal scene from nature—e.g., solar plexus chakra shows a hot, sunny scene.
• Visualize a scene from nature for this chakra.
• Note presence or absence of chakra element. (Covered in Chapter 2.)
• Take a passive, letting stance.
Note that in the above only one memory is surfaced for illustrative purposes. In practice, both steps 2 and 3 are repeated until you feel that enough memories are surfaced for this session, and then after you feel that the negative outflow has stopped, you move on to steps 4 and 5. You can then end the Traya practice by bringing your attention back to the soles of your feet and breathing in and out a few times to help ground yourself.
Please note that this is not a process based on emotional catharsis. Sometimes emotions will appear but often not. Since we are approaching experiences through the subtle body and not the emotional body, reliving the emotions of the negative situation is not necessary for healing. If you are dealing with a significant pain body and there is some emotional disassociation, reintegration happens in sync with the later stages of growth. Of course, when you work with sensitive energy, such as heart chakra energy, you may feel some of the associated emotions, but because of the approach through the subtle body, strong emotions are often mitigated. If a strong emotion comes up, pay attention to it, feel it in your body, and acknowledge it, and it will soon pass.
It is enough to surface and release the samskaric memory energy from the subtle body. With the memory comes truth and insight—this is the impact on me. This is enough for the samana prana digestion process to work. It is always the truth that heals. Udana prana then releases the new positive energy into the subtle energy system.
Note that a chakra can be out of balance in two ways. It can be overactive or underactive. The pelvic chakra, for example, has the attribute of humor energy. Relating to others through constant joking would be an example of an overactive attribute. Being dour and humorless, on the other hand, reveals an underactive attribute.
The above is the basic version of the chakra exploration that I have used over the years. If you are persistent, and it will take time, you will be bountifully rewarded. Negativity will leave your mind and peace and joy will appear along with the other positive aspects of the chakras. You will see the depths of your conditioning and have some compassion for yourself and others. In the future if you get caught up in any habitual pattern, you will not only see it from a new perspective but you will be happy to see it because you know now that you can change it.
More Ways to Use Traya to Target Samskaras
In the basic approach given previously, samskaras were identified by focusing on a chakra and asking, “What memories are here?” You can also locate samskaras by tracing them back to their origins in various ways, which I’ll outline here. These are all simply different ways to locate samskaras in the subtle body and would be done prior to or as part of step 1 of the basic Traya technique. Once the location of the samskara is identified, step 1 would proceed and then, the rest of the Traya steps would then follow.
Manifestation Technique
Remember that the subtle body operates according to the inside/outside rule—what is inside is manifested outside. So if there are negative samskaras in a chakra, then we will see the manifestation of that negativity in our minds and in our lives.
Suppose you are aware of an abiding sense of isolation or disengagement—a manifestation you notice within yourself. You also notice that the people in your life tend to be self-involved and busy—a manifestation in your life. There are different ways to follow this up and ascertain the source so you can heal this dynamic. For example, you could check the primary chakras list in Chapter 2 where we outlined the functions of each of the seven main chakras. Then connect that sense of isolation to a particular chakra—in this case the solar plexus chakra. Focus your attention at the solar plexus (diaphragm) and ask, “What samskaras are here that are contributing to this sense of isolation?”
You can also do this by noticing the lack of something in your mind. Joy, for example; you realize that you don’t have very much “joy energy,” so you look at the chart and see which chakra produces joy and focus there—the heart chakra in this case.
Following the Body
Instead of looking at the chart, we can let our deep mind or Inner Teacher lead the way. With the first two approaches—the basic and manifestation—we consciously chose where to work by focusing on a particular chakra at random or by relating to something on the chart that needs work and then working on that chakra. We can also let the deep mind signal us through the body. Actually, it may already be signaling you. If you feel a “lump” in your throat, a clenching at the solar plexus, or a tightness in the chest, your deep mind is trying to signal that work needs to be done there.
Or you can think about an issue (in this case the isolation). While sitting quietly with your eyes closed, focus on your body, and ask, “Where in me is the energy related to this?” You will feel a sensation of pressure, contraction, or heaviness at one of the chakras or you will be drawn to a specific location. If it is in more than one place, as it often is, select one of them to work with and then go back later and complete the Traya process again at the other location or locations.
With this approach there is the added benefit of experiencing the deep mind as a healing force directing us to material that needs to be expunged. The mind will always respond, and after a while, you will sense a new ally—your Inner Teacher—assisting you with this process. After you have been working with Traya for a period, you may notice that this information may come to you unbidden while you are meditating. In meditation you are connecting to the subtle body and it may alert you to somewhere that needs work—a heaviness at the chest or tightening in the throat for example. This can be addressed after the meditation with Traya.
You can also do Traya with negative memories you are aware of. Suppose you are aware of feeling like an outsider in school when you were young. Follow it back to one of the chakras by becoming mindful of the body and noting any sensations of pressure, contraction, or heaviness as you ask, “Where in me is there any energy related to this issue?” Again, if you are drawn to more than one chakra, choose one. You can always work with the others another time. You can also follow memories by associating them with a particular chakra and working there.
As you read Part 2 of this book, you will become familiar with both the attributes of each chakra and the types of experiences that create samskaras in each. When you get to that discussion, if you recognize that you have had a similar type of experience, you can work to release it from the related chakra.
I always honor dreams as they are direct communications from the deep mind urging us to address and release specific material. All dreams are significant, but if you have a nightmare or a dream that wakes you up in the middle of the night or otherwise makes you uncomfortable, that is a sign of the deep mind’s urgency in removing this material. Don’t worry about the content of the dream (no you don’t really want to kill your best friend) as the psyche often exaggerates in order to get your attention, make a point as to how important something is, and ensure that you will remember it for follow-up. With dreams, focus on the body and ask, “Where in me are there memories that this dream wants to surface?” Again, you will feel a sensation at one or more of the chakras, focus there and then continue with the basic Traya technique. The more that you respect and work with this valuable information provided by the psyche, the more it will work with you; so keep a pen and pencil next to your bed.
Past-Life Memories
A memory from a previous life will usually only arise if there was a premature (and often violent) death associated with it. Wait until you have experience with the basic Traya until you pursue these memories. If one does come up unbidden, just stay with it until the full circumstances are revealed. Sometimes you need to ask, “And then what happened?” in order to get the full picture.
The Pathwork Technique—Working with Goals
I often use the pathwork tool, which allows one to progress in reaching a specific goal. It is somewhat similar to a visualization exercise, but it is not visualization. With visualization one imagines. With the pathwork one allows an image to appear. Similar to the diagnostic scenes from nature we learned about in Chapter 2, they arise from within, without any interference from us. This image enables you to see how you are progressing. Does the road that you see allow for rapid movement such as an unimpeded highway? Are you on this road? Are you standing, walking, or driving? These indicate how much energy is on the path or if something is preventing you from moving forward or slowing you down. If you are not racing forward on a flat road or even flying a plane (lots of movement), then some of the energy is tied up in samskaras in the chakras and the pathwork helps to identify and release them allowing you to move forward toward your goal.
The key to the pathwork is that the mind uses movement to convey the crucial information. The path image will change as energy is freed up.
••• Exercise: •••
The Pathwork Technique
Sit in the Traya position (spine erect, feet flat on the floor).
Step 1: Image. Breathe in and out gently and allow the image of a path leading to a particular goal, such as finding the right career, to appear in your mind. Try to accept whatever appears, even if it is not your idea of a proper path.
Step 2: Focus. Bring the attention to the body and ask, “Where in me is the energy that is slowing this path down?” One or more chakras will respond with a sensation, signaling that the offending samskaras are in that chakra(s). Once located, the remaining Traya steps are followed—surface, release, and replace.
If you are having difficulty getting memories, use the “Following Memories” technique described on page 49. You can bring to mind a negative memory that you can associate with a particular chakra. For example, you grew up in an unsafe and dangerous area of the city and you remember how scary it was to walk to school. This memory can be associated with and released from the root chakra (safety and security in the environment). As you surface and release that memory, stay with it and others will follow. After you finish the complete Traya process, you will notice a deeper connection to your body and the moment—the positive attributes of this chakra. Working with conscious memories often “loosens things up” and starts the process working when it is not flowing naturally.
As noted in Chapter 1, most samskaras consist of experiences we are aware of. It is the impact and nuances of these experiences that tend to elude us. From time to time something we had never noticed may come to consciousness.
Repetitive Memories
Sometimes one may become frustrated if the same memory or similar types of memories keep coming up. This will happen if the memory carries a strong charge or is representative of a string of similar memories (e.g., bullied throughout school has an impact in different chakras). Remember that we do not always know all the nuances of the effects and it may have to be surfaced several times to heal all of them. Every time it comes up and energy is released, it is weakened and will eventually stop surfacing. You can always ask, “Why does this keep coming up?” and see how the Inner Teacher responds. All the answers are inside of you. Always remember that the purpose of this process is to move the energy, heal the chakra, and diminish the pain body. If a memory keeps coming up there, is a reason for it.
Traya in Therapy
If you feel you need even more assistance as you move through certain issues, Traya is also applicable in a more traditional type of psychotherapy. The therapeutic relationship is healing in itself. If your therapist is open to it, using this book as a guide, you can do some Traya in your sessions or on your own between sessions. Besides the main benefit of healing negativity in the mind, there are many other benefits to using Traya in therapy and/or between sessions:
1. As we saw in Chapter 1, the surface mind does not have direct access to deep mind material. Feelings are more in sync with the deep mind but one is not always in touch with what a feeling is pointing to. Traya allows for direct access to relevant deep mind material and will move a therapy along nicely.
2. Traya provides a cause and effect relationship between memories and current situations that may not otherwise be so clear. It also allows for access to memories long forgotten or discounted.
3. Traya highlights material that may otherwise be overlooked or minimized, such as important nuances of past experiences or early childhood material.
4. Traya reveals underlying truths and encourages self-trust.
5. Traya moves the therapy along by resolving issues and moving the focus to new ones.
6. Traya incorporates the mind-body-spirit connection, extending the reach of the therapy.
Traya in therapy sessions lasts 45–50 minutes, as with a normal session. The usual format is the first 15–20 minutes are discussion, the second 20 minutes are devoted to Traya practice, and the final 10 are wrap-ups.
The Inner Teacher
While Traya is predominantly a healing practice, it is also a spiritual one, because it deepens our connection to the self and our Inner Teacher. The Inner Teacher is the messenger of the higher mind that moves us to heal and grow spiritually. The beauty of Traya is that the Inner Teacher is readily accessible and actively involved in Traya practice and provides an antidote to the negative voice of the pain body. We just need to step out of the surface mind and there it is. The Inner Teacher communicates with us in various ways during Traya practice. It might do so through the body by physical sensations pointing to areas we need to work on, like when we ask, “Where in me is the negative energy?” and we feel a strong sensation at a particular chakra. Or the Inner Teacher might communicate through encouraging positive imprints, diagnostic scenes that provide valuable information on the state of the chakra, or with relevant memories. Some other ways include providing information and guidance in Pathwork, guidance when we ask questions of the Inner Teacher directly, or when information comes through intuition, or even through revealing spiritual truths as we proceed in our Traya practice.
The Inner Teacher is aligned with truth and it is important to respect and value the information it provides. Sometimes it speaks in words and sometimes in images providing support, encouragement, information, and direction. As you proceed with Traya, and you also meditate further, opening the channels of communication with the Inner Teacher, you will come to trust and depend on the wisdom and guidance you receive. This is the most important relationship you will ever have.
Traya is a system of self-investigation that leads to transformation, mastery, and realization. It is a personal practice of lifting negativity from our mind. Several approaches have been discussed above. If I notice that I have a tendency to put others’ needs before my own or worry too much about what others think, I would want to find out where this comes from and change it. I would work on the pelvic chakra until I notice that I no longer think or behave like that. If I want to strengthen my singing voice or my ability to speak up in groups, I would work on the throat chakra. If I feel my will, drive, or determination is weak because I tend to lose interest in projects—the solar plexus chakra. If I notice that I have a tendency to fib, spin a story a little too much, or am reluctant to speak the truth when involved in a disagreement, I would work with the true speech chakra (satyavadya). If you are feeling stuck in an area of your life, you can use the Pathwork goal-oriented technique. Some of the techniques rely on information provided by the Inner Teacher when we ask, “Where in me is the memory that needs to surface?” and a sensation leads us to a particular location.
Regardless of the best circumstances, no one escapes the formation of negative samskaras. With Traya you can directly address your shortcomings or discomforts so you can live a richer life free of negative thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
Set some time aside to work with samskaras, preferably daily, but at least several times a week, for fifteen or more minutes using any of the Traya techniques. The exercises in Part 2 will help guide you in the beginning. Hopefully, the practice will become as important and integrated into your life as brushing your teeth. Even if you only remove one or two samskaras each session, you will soon notice a positive change. You now have the power and ability to heal your mind and improve and elevate your life in the process.