Appendix B

Training Plans Annotated with Supplemental Work

Chapter 7, on supplemental training, gave you a lot of information; now let’s take a closer look at how you can put it into action. Below is an example of what your overall training program might look like if you add stretching, flexibility, and strength training into the mix.

We have annotated calendars for the Beginner (Table B.1) and Advanced (Table B.2) Programs only. We assume that runners choosing the Just Finish Program are new to running and just establishing a baseline. For new runners, adding more to the schedule might not be wise, considering that the schedule as it stands may already be a significant increase in what they are doing.


See speed workouts pace charts, strength workouts pace charts, and tempo workouts pace charts.

Key: DWU1: Dynamic warm-up level 1; DWU2: Dynamic warm-up level 2; R: recovery; LS: Light static stretch; Flex: Stretching for flexibility; BWM: Body weight/movement strength; RT: Resistance strength training; WU: Warm-up 1–3 miles; CD: Cooldown 1–3 miles


See speed workouts pace charts, strength workouts pace charts, and tempo workouts pace charts.

Key: DWU1: Dynamic warm-up level 1; DWU2: Dynamic warm-up level 2; R: recovery; LS: Light static stretch; Flex: Stretching for flexibility; BWM: Body weight/movement strength; RT: Resistance strength training; WU: Warm-up 1–3 miles; CD: Cooldown 1–3 miles


See speed workouts pace charts, strength workouts pace charts, and tempo workouts pace charts.

Key: DWU1: Dynamic warm-up level 1; DWU2: Dynamic warm-up level 2; R: recovery; LS: Light static stretch; Flex: Stretching for flexibility; BWM: Body weight/movement strength; RT: Resistance strength training; WU: Warm-up 1–3 miles; CD: Cooldown 1–3 miles


See speed workouts pace charts, strength workouts pace charts, and tempo workouts pace charts.

Key: DWU1: Dynamic warm-up level 1; DWU2: Dynamic warm-up level 2; R: recovery; LS: Light static stretch; Flex: Stretching for flexibility; BWM: Body weight/movement strength; RT: Resistance strength training; WU: Warm-up 1–3 miles; CD: Cooldown 1–3 miles