In most vector drawings, paths constitute an overwhelming majority of all objects. That’s why a familiarity with paths is so important—without it, you cannot really say you know how to work in a vector editor.
Inkscape provides a versatile selection of tools, commands, and effects that work on paths. We will start with the basics of SVG paths and the traditional path tools whose analogs you may have already seen in other software. Then, in the second half of this chapter and in the next one, we will look at the advanced Inkscape techniques for path editing that are often more efficient—and almost always a lot more fun to use. You may find, for example, the Tweak tool (12.6 Path Tweaking) so easy and natural that you will rarely want to resort to the more technical and low-level Node tool (12.5 The Node Tool). Still, it is important that you know what a path consists of and are able, when necessary, to directly manipulate path nodes, as this is one of the cornerstones of vector graphics of any kind.