Abbott, Andrew 46
medieval and early renaissance 429
Ackroyd, Peter:
First Light 198
Adair, Gilbert 164
Babelfish 93;
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy 93–95, 98
Adams, Henry 59, 141–43, 153, 216, 226, 227
in biology and literary studies 31–33, 35
Addison, Joseph 172
Admoni, Vladimir 491
Adorno, Theodor W. 152
aesthetics 200–1;
and perception 272–73;
reception 521–22
affordance (technological) 302, 329, 331;
contrasted with constraint 84
Agamben, Giorgio 260–61
Agassiz, Louis 142
see farmers
agribusiness 246
agricultural studies 243–52
industrial 248–50;
science of 248
Agrippa, Cornelius 427
AI see artificial intelligence
Ainu 498
Aitmatov, Chinghiz 490
Ajgi, Gennadij 493
Akhmadulina Bella, 492
Akhutin, Anatoly 491
Alaimo, Stacy 105–7
Alberti, Leon Battista 429, 432
Albertus Magnus 435
alchemy 17–28, 51, 424, 433, 451, 454
Alexandrov, Daniel. A. 490
Alexshkovsky, Yuz 492
in Lacan 211
Alhazen 432
ALife see artificial life
Alighieri, Dante 424, 427, 428, 430–31
Al-Jahiz, Amr ibn Bahr 124
Allen, Grant 112
Althusser, Louis 374, 375, 398
Amato, Joe 301
Amis, Martin:
London Fields 199
in biology 29;
as critical metaphor 30
Anaximander 413
ancients and moderns 423
Anderson, Benedict 505
Anderson, Katharine 71
Anderson, Poul 130
Andrews, Sarah 142
anima mundi see world soul
experimentation 452;
animality 254–62
and agricultural studies 242, 246–48, 250;
and posthumanism 374–80;
literary imagery of see nature imagery
Antheil, George 510
anthropology 333;
new spatial (Russia) 493
anti-humanism 374–75
Antikythera mechanism 410, 417 n4
anti-positivism 337
anti-trinitarianism 453
Antonetta, Susanne 107
apocalypse 522
Apollonius 428
Aquinas, St. Thomas 400
Aratus (of Soli) 414–15
arbitrariness 397
archaeology 313;
of Foucault 352
Archimedes 428
archive 335
arctic 487
Arendt, Hannah 335
Ariosto, Ludovico 430, 432, 435
Aristotle 29, 124, 424, 425, 427, 434–35, 438, 443–44;
Poetics 412
arithmetic 161
Armbruster, Karla 106
Arnold, Matthew 112
Aronowitz, Stanley 276
ars 424
ars amandi 433
function of 269;
and science 266–68;
difference from science and philosophy 271–72
artificial intelligence 4–16, 93, 228, 377, 525
Artin, Emil 157
Ashby, Ross 89
Asimov, Isaac 57, 90, 130, 228, 281;
assimilation 343
astrology see astronomy
astronomy 63, 115, 338, 339, 413, 415, 430–31
Athanasius 453
Attali, Jacques 152
Atwood, Mary Anne:
A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery 21
Auden, W.H. 139
authorship 332
automata 432
social 223;
Avery, Oswald 125
Avicenna 433
Ayton, W.A. 21
Azuma Hiroki 502
Baars, Bernard 267
Bachelard, Gaston:
and history of science 336, 342, 344, 346;
and philosophy of science 365–67
Bacon, Francis 445, 447, 451–52
Bacon, Roger 432
bacteriology 345
Badiou, Alain 160
Badmington, Neil 374–84
Bakewell, Robert 247
Bakhtin, Mikhail 397, 490, 491
Ballard, J.G. 526
Balsamo, Anne 318
Baly, E.C.C. 22
Banks, Sir Joseph 466–67
Banville, John 438–39
Barad, Karen 292
Barbauld, Anna Letitia 468–70
Barr, James 181
Barthelme, Donald 82
Barthes, Roland 214;
and information theory 151;
Bartholomew, James 500
Bataille, Georges 206
Bates, Henry Walter 37
Bateson, Gregory 220–21;
Steps to an Ecology of Mind 96;
“pattern that connects” 97
Bateson, William 125
Baudrillard, Jean 525, 526, 528
“Schrödinger’s Plague” 193
Beck, Ulrich 107
Beckmann, Max 270
Beer, Gillian 112, 119, 120, 278–80, 285
Belinsky, Vissarion 488
Bell Telephone Laboratories 145–46, 148
Bell, John 200
Bense, Max 152
Bentley, Richard 449
Bentley, Thomas 477
Benveniste, Emile 397
Benzer, Seymour 126
Berkeley, George 398
Berlin School of media theory 152
Bernhard, Thomas 364
Bertalanffy, Ludwig von 218–20
Bertens, Hans 528
Berthelot, Jean-Michel 337, 346
Bessarion, Basilios 428
Best, Steven 528
bestiaries 434–35
Bhabha, Homi K. 37
Bible 453;
imagery of 318;
Song of Solomon 428;
Proverbs 428
Bibler, Vladimir 491
Bichat, Marie Francois Xavier 33
big bang 198
Binnig, Gerd 186
as cultural practice 29, 32–34;
developmental 345;
as fiction 39;
history of 29;
as literary subject-matter 30–34, 36–37;
molecular 402;
as narrative 31;
and psychoanalysis 204–5, 207;
and semiotics 396, 399, 402, 403
biophilosophy 38
biopoetics 35
biopolitics 503
biosemiotics 402–4
Biosphere Initiative 105
biotechnology 380–81;
see also biosciences, new
black holes 196
Blade Runner (film) 93, 96, 217, 526
Blake, William 141, 171, 173, 193, 460;
“The Tyger” 34
Blavatksy, H.P. 376;
Isis Unveiled 21;
Secret Doctrine 21
Blish, James 184
Blok, Alexander, 489
Bloomsbury Group 515–16
Blount, Charles 451
Blumenberg, Hans 342
Boccaccio, Giovanni 433
male 316–17
Body Worlds 318
Boethius 425
Bohr, Niels:
and nanotechnology 181;
and physics 194;
and deconstruction 288
Bois-Reymond, Emil du 341–42, 346
Bolton, Christopher 506
Boltzmann, Ludwig 145, 147, 227, 234
Booth, Wayne:
The Rhetoric of Fiction 195
Bortolotti, Gary R. 32
bots 14
Bourdaghs, Michael 506
Bova, Ben 128
Free Inquiry into the Vulgar Notion of Nature 450;
and the scientific “revolution” 439, 445, 447, 449, 450, 451–53;
Of the Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy 452
Boyle, T.C. 30;
The Descent of Man 33
Bradbury, Ray 490;
There Will Come Soft Rains 318
research see cognition
Brauman, John I. 186
Braunstein, Jean-François 340, 346
Brecht, Bertolt 364–65
breeding 246–48
Bricmont, Jean 146
Bronte, Charlotte 174
Brooklyn Bridge 509
Brotton, Jerry 256
Browne, Sir Thomas 176
Bruno, Giardano 159
Bruno, Giuliana 277
Bryant, William Cullen 140
Bryce, Jason, and Jo Rutter 323, 327, 333
Buber, Martin 335
Buddhism 503
Buffon, Comte de 137
Bulgakov, Mikhail 489
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward:
bunmei kaika see enlightenment, and civilization
Burdach, Karl Friedrich 29
Burns, Robert 139
Bush, Vannevar 299
Butler, Judith 36
Butler, Octavia 29, 128–29, 280–81;
Dawn 281
Butler, Samuel 118
Byatt, A.S. 272–73
Caillois, Roger 333
Campbell, John W. 189
Campion, Thomas 171
Candolle, Alphonse de 342, 346
Canguilhem, Georges:
and history of science 338, 341, 343, 346
canonization 521–22
Cantor, Georg 165
Capek, Carel:
Capella, Martianus 423–28
Capellanus, Andreas 433
capitalism 226, 236, 475, 477;
see also economic accumulation
Cardano, Girolamo 429
Carlyle, Thomas 279
Carnap, Rudolf 337, 346, 365–66
Carson, Rachel 104–5
Cartesianism 502–4
Cartwright, Lisa 277
Casey, Janet Galligani 249–50;
A New Heartland 249
categorization see taxonomy
Cato 415
causality 208–9
Cavalcanti, Guido 434
Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi 132
Cavendish, Margaret, duchess of Newcastle, 444, 445–46
Cayley, John 304
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences 281–82
Chaitin, Gregory J. 145
Chambers, Robert 116;
Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation 115–16
chance and probability 204, 208, 227;
in literature 208;
in philosophy 208;
in psychoanalysis 206;
in quantum physics 208;
see also random
Chancellor, Richard 486
Changeux, Jean-Pierre 272
channel transmission capacity 146
definitions of, 44;
historical relationships with literature, 48–49;
relationships with postmodernity and capitalism, 49;
and thought 212;
see also noise
Chaplin, Charlie 510
Chardin, Teilhard de 490
Charlemagne 436
Chaucer, Geoffrey 171, 176, 430, 432
in competition with physics 22, 23, 24;
Daltonian 22;
as distinct from alchemy 17, 19;
as “modern alchemy” 22;
as outgrowth of alchemy 17–18, 22;
and radioactive elements 22–23, 24;
in science fiction 57;
Chernoglazov, Alexander 348
Chernyshevsky, Nikolay 488
Chesterton, J. K. 249–50
Child, Charles M. 345
Chisholm, Dianne 109
Christensen, Inger 163
Christie, Agatha 56
Chuang Tzu 43
Cicero 427;
Somnium Scipionis (Dream of Scipio) 146, 417 n6;
translation of Aratus 414
circular processes 97
citizen 244–47;
normate body of 245
city 248
Clancy, Tom 13
Clarke, Bruce:and cognitive science 81, 85–86;
and ecology 109;
classification see taxonomy
Clayton, Jay 131
change 108
operational 222
alphanumeric 93;
elitism of 303–4;
versus literary text 304
Coelho, Paulo:
The Alchemist 27
CoEvolution Quarterly 220
poetics 38;
coincidentia oppositorum 434
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 52–53, 115, 172
Collie, J.N. 22
colonialism 504
color theory 339
Columbus, Christopher 435
Columella 415
comets 455–56
comics 130–31
artistic 233;
literary 215;
social 223;
scientific 402
companion species 378–79
complexification 234
complexity 41–50, 230–31, 233–36, 525;
definitions of, 43
composition 152
computational universe 284
computer 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15;
codes 130;
liberation 301–2
Comte, Auguste 340
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 140, 141
Condit, Celeste 128
condition-of-England novel 479
Conduitt, John 455
Configurations (journal) 171–72
Working the Garden 248
Conrad, Joseph 141
consciousness 203, 206–7, 209–12, 267, 274;
and environment 78;
as presence 209;
and the unconscious 209;
see also cognition
consilium 433
constraint 163
constructionism 31, 37–38, 403
Constructivism (Russian) 489
conventionalism 363
Cook-Deegan, Robert 126
Cooper, James Fenimore 140
Copernicus, Nicholas 423, 438–9, 440, 441, 444;
system of 415
Cornell, Joseph 337
Cornwell, Patricia 56
corporeality see body
Correns, Carl 125
cosmology 430–31, 440, 441, 444
Coster, Robert 244
Counter-Strike Force (video game) 330
courtly love 433
Cowper, Richard 128
Cowper, William 139
Cramer, Florian 307–8
Crane, Hart 509
Crane, Stephen 34
Crichton, Michael 31, 129, 183;
Jurassic Park 96;
criminology 506
literary 131–32
Cronenberg, David 375
Crowley, Aleister 21
cryptography 429
cubism 269–71
studies 242, 246–47, 251, 276–85, 331;
theory 333
“one culture” 169;
“third culture” 177;
“two cultures” 113, 169, 177, 264, 266, 287, 470–72
cummings, e.e. 510
Cummings, Ray 184–86
enhancement 90;
mind 97
cybernetics 5, 8, 15, 89–99, 151, 282–84, 344, 377;
see also systems theory
cyberpunk 526;
narratives 236
cyberspace 377
cyberworld 94
cyborg 90;
science 5;
and systems theory 217–18;
and posthumanism 376–77, 378–79, 381 n4
cyborgization 526
cytosemiotics 402
d’Ascoli, Cecco 430
Dalcq, Albert 345
A New System of Chemical Philosophy 19
Damrosh, David 299
Dante, Alighieri 158, 160, 176
Darrow, Charles 334
Darwin, Charles 4, 112, 113, 116–20:
and cultural studies 278–80;
Descent of Man 119;
Expression of the Emotions 120;
and geology 138;
in history of science 340, 343;
and industrialism 474, 478, 483;
On the Origin of Species 116–18;
and semiotics 398;
and thermodynamics 227
Darwin, Erasmus 113–15, 124, 465, 466, 476
neo- 232;
Daston, Lorraine:
and history of science 336, 344, 346;
and industrialism 475, 482, 484
Davies, Kevin 126
Davis, Mike 70
Davis, Richard Harding 141
Davy, Sir Humphry 52–53, 462–63, 466–67, 468
Dawkins, Richard 127
Dawson, Gowan 120
de Kruif, Paul 512
Deacon, Terence 354
Dear Esther (video game) 333
deconstruction 37–38, 78, 287–97, 520;
see also Derrida, Jacques
Defoe, Daniel 66
DeForest, William:
Miss Ravenel’s Conversion from Secession to Loyalty 32
degeneration 121
Delany, Samuel R. 280
Deleuze, Gilles 212–13, 345, 528;
and Félix Guattari 38;
A Thousand Plateaus 38;
Rhizome 38
Delphinas, Nicholas Barnaud 18
democracy 504–5
Democritus 181
Demuth, Charles 509
Derrida, Jacques:
and animal studies 257–62;
and deconstruction 287, 288–96;
and history of science 345;
and semiotics 398;
Descartes, René:
and psychoanalysis 210;
and semiotics 401;
and the scientific “revolution” 441, 444, 445;
and postmodernism 521
deterministic control paradigm 196
universal theory of 226;
see also evolutionary theory
DeVries, Hugo 125
Dezhina, Irina 494
Di Chiro, Giovanna 105
dichotomies 151
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep 8;
and genetics 130;
and systems theory 217–18;
Screamers 8;
“Second Variety” 8;
Dickens, Charles 54, 279, 478, 480, 483
Dickinson, Emily 33, 302, 508, 509, 516
Dickson, Gordon 128
Diggers 244
digitalization 524
dinosaurs 67
Diogenes of Apollonia 414
Diophantus 428
Dirac, Paul A. M. 204
disability 245;
see also Thomson, Rosemarie Garland
Disch, Thomas 302
disciplinary power 503
disciplines 312;
boundaries of 232;
scientific 236;
see also humanities
dissipative structures 230, 232, 233
Dixon, Thomas 36
Dobbs, Betty Jo 455
Dobrolyubov, Nikolay 488
Donne, John 18, 19, 272–73, 440, 441
Dos Passos, John:
USA Trilogy 511
Dotzler, Bernhard J. 152, 337, 346
double slit experiment 198–99
Dowden, Ernest 112
Dreiser, Theodore:
see also dichotomies;
non-dualistic Duchamp, Marcel 513
Dürrenmatt, Friedrich:
The Physicists 198
Duhem, Pierre 363
Dupréel, Eugène 335
Dutch studies 499
Dyke, Chuck 232
Eagan, Greg:
Eakins, Thomas:
The Agnew Clinic 511;
The Gross Clinic 511
Eco, Umberto:
The Island of the Day Before 198
ecocriticism 101, 109–10, 246–47, 444
ecology 29, 100–11, 255, 261–62, 506;
succession in 235
economic accumulation 230
economics, economism 235, 246, 250, 519
of explanation 151;
internet 235;
techo-capitalist 236
Edison, Thomas 185
Edisonade 185
Edwards, Peter 255
Egerton, A.C.G. 22
The Special and General Theory 510
Eisenstein, Elizabeth 298, 355
Eisenstein, Sergei 489
Elder, John 103
Eliot, George 280:
and industrialism 478, 480, 482;
Eliza 93
Emerson, Lori 308
Emerson, Ralph Waldo:
and ecology 102;
and geology 135, 137, 138, 140;
Emmens, Stephen 23
emotions 33
empiricism 452
The Seven Types of Ambiguity 195
Enclosure Acts 244;
see also property encounter 336
encyclopedia 425–27
available 229;
degradation 235;
loss 226;
scarcity 235;
solar 228;
see also flows;
sun Engelhardt, Dietrich von 340, 347
Engels, Friedrich 475
transdisciplinary 89
and civilization 501–2;
and postmodernism 519, 521, 524–25
ens rationis see mind-dependent being
ens reale see mind-dependent being entropic debt 334
as dissipation of energy 153;
negative see negentropy;
and Pynchon 153–54;
see also heat death
openness to 222
environmental justice 105
epistemology 312;
non-classical 205–12;
and psychoanalysis 204–5, 211;
quantum (as non-classical) 207, 209–12
Epstein, Mikhail 492
as maximum entropy 154;
see also thermodynamics,
equilibrium in Erasmus 427
Eratosthenes 414
Erdrich, Louise 106
Ermarth, Elizabeth D. 528
Ernst, Wolfgang 152
Erofeev, Venedikt 492
Erofeev, Viktor 491–92
Eschenbach, Wolfram von 435
Eshbach, Lloyd Arthur 189
ethnicity see race
Eudemos of Rhodes 338
Eugenides, Jeffrey:
Middlesex 37
Eve Online (video game) 323
event 522
and aestheticism/decadence 120;
and fin de siècle 121;
and genetics124, 128, 130, 132;
and language theory 117–18;
and “law of accelerating returns” 11;
as metaphor 118;
natural selection in 227, 231–35;
novel 119–20;
and scientific popularization 112, 115–16;
and thermodynamics 227, 231–35;
see also transmutation, transformism
development 232;
psychology 35;
science 233;
theory 205, 207, 226, 279–80, 343, 506
Fall, the 136
Fantastic Voyage (film) 183
farm 242–49
Farnese, the 428
Farr, Florence 21
Faulkner, William:
The Sound and the Fury 514
Fearn, John Russell 181
feedback 216–20;
loops 231;
negative 216–17
feminist critiques 312;
of science 312–18;
of hegemony 314
feminist science studies 312–22
Feminist Theory (journal) 313
Feyerabend, Paul 364, 368, 525, 528
Feynman, Richard 182, 183, 198
Fibonacci (Leonardo Pisano) 429
fiction 279–80;
Fiedler, Leslie 243
film 130–32
Finch, Robert 103
first law see thermodynamics
first-person consciousness 91
Fischart, Johann 435
Fitzgerald, F. Scott 516
Flaubert, Gustave 227
Floridi, Luciano 154 n4
Flower (video game) 333
flowers see nature imagery
economic 226;
material 232
Fly, The (film) 230
Foerster, Heinz von 91, 217–23
Folengo, Teofilo 436
Fomenko, Anatoly 493
Fontenelle, Bernard Le Bovier de 338–40, 347
form 163
formalism 326
Fortescue, James 459
Foster, Thomas 377
Foucault, Michel 48, 342, 503–4, 520;
and media studies 351–52;
and posthumanism 374–75
Fournival, Richard 435
Fracastoro, Girolamo 433
Frankfurt School 152
Franklin, Benjamin 476
Franklin, Rosalind 125
Franklin, Sarah 31
Fraser, Sir James 515
Freedman, Nancy 128
Freud, Sigmund 203–13, 398, 510, 515–16;
Civilization and its Discontents 516
Friedmann, Robert Marc:
Remembering Miss Meitner 198
Frye, Northrop 30
Fukuyama, Francis 380–81
Fuller, Margaret:
Summer on the Lakes 34
Fuller, R. Buckminster 218
fullerenes 183
Gábor, Dennis 154 n1
Gabyshev, Leonid 491–92
Gaia theory 136, 138, 143, 223
Gaither, Laura 132
Galilei, Galileo 158, 207, 340, 404, 442–44
Galison, Peter 337, 347, 474, 482, 484
Gall, Franz Joseph 33
Game Studies (journal) 324
game studies 323–34
Games and Culture (journal) 323, 324
academic aesthetics of 323, 332;
communities of 332;
critical theory of 333;
digital 323–34;
design of 326–27;
and electronic literature 302;
fiction in 329;
first-person shooters 332;
interactivity in 327, 328, 332;
massively multiplayer online 323, 330;
multidisciplinarity and 323, 329;
non-digital and traditional 323–24, 325, 327, 328, 329;
physics of 333;
process in 330–31;
reality of, 329;
role-playing 325;
single-player 324;
structure of 326, 327, 329, 333;
technological sublime in 332;
transmediality of 325
Gamow, George 190;
Mr. Tomkins in Wonderland 193
García Márquez, Gabriel 523
garden 248–51;
myth of 243
Garrod, George 247
gas warfare 57
Gasché, Rodolphe 292–93, 521, 528
Gaskell, Elizabeth 478, 480–83
Gassendi, Pierre 343
genbun itchi see unification of speech and writing
and technology studies 317–19
generation 35
genetic engineering 128–29, 131
genetics 29–32, 35–37, 125–32, 377;
Human Genome Project 36
genomes 235
as metaphor 141
georgic 66
Gerber, Christoph 186
Gernsback, Hugo 26
Gestalt psychology 344;
Gibbs, J. Willard 145
Count Zero 94;
Mona Lisa Overdrive 94;
Neuromancer 12, 94, 236, 283, 526
Gifford, Terry 243
gift 522
Gilbreth, Frank 510
Gilbreth, Lillian 510
Gillespie, William 308
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins 29, 36;
Herland 33
Gladilin, Anatoly 491
glossematics 397
God see creation
Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem 296
Goethe, Johann W. von 53, 58, 135, 142, 339, 347, 369
Gogol, Nikolai 488
Goldsmith, Oliver 171
Golley, Gregory 506
Gonder, Patrick 132
Gonne, Maud 21
Goonan, Kathleen Ann 183
Gothic novel 478
Goucher, Candice 476
Gould, Stephen J. 208
Goux, Jean-Joseph 64
energy 227, reduction of 226, 235
Graeco-Latin square 164
Graham, Elaine L. 377
Graham, Loren R. 494
Grand Theft Auto IV (video game) 324, 331
Gray, Chris Hables 377
gray goo 189
Grazevich, Gregory M. 375
Greek tragedy 173
Gregory, Richard 267
Greimas, A. J. 397–98
Guattari, Félix 38, 212–13, 528
Guerrini, Anita 256
Guinizzelli, Guido 435
gunpowder 432
Haber, Fritz 57
Haggard, Rider: Ayesha:
She 24;
She 24
Hägler, Andreas 154
Half Life 2 (video game) 326
Hall, Stuart 150
Halley, Edmund 137
Halliwell, Stephen 417 n1, 418 nn10, 11, 419 n35
Hamilton, Edmond 182
Hammel, Tanja 154
Hand, Elizabeth 129
Hanson, Norwood Russell 336, 347
Haraway, Donna:
and cultural studies 276, 280–82, 285;
and feminist science studies 312, 317;
and posthumanism 376–81, 382 nn8, 9;
Cyborg Manifesto 280;
Primate Visions 281
Hardy, G.H. 157
A Pair of Blue Eyes 119–20
Hargreaves, James 475
Harris, Roy 397
Harrison, M. John 130
Harrison, Tony 57
Hartley, David:
Observations on Man 192
Hartley, Ralph 145
Hasse, Henry 188–90
Havelock, Eric 355
Hawking, Stephen 194;
A Short History of Time 198
Hawthorne, Nathaniel 54
Hayles, N. Katherine xvi;
and chaos theory 49;
and information theory 151, 154 n1;
and animal studies 254–55;
Chaos and Order 232–33;
and cultural studies 282–85;
How We Became Posthuman 230, 282–84;
My Mother Was a Computer 284;
and posthumanism 377, 381, 382 n5;
and postmodernism 528;
Writing Machines 284
heads-up display 327–28
heat death 153, 226, 227, 230;
see also entropy, thermodynamic;
thermodynamics, second law of
Hecataeus of Miletus 411
Heckman, Davin 304
Hediger, Heini 402
Hegel, G.W.F. 363
Heidegger, Martin 365, 501–2, 510, 520
Heilmann, Till 154
Heims, Steve J. 155
Heinlein, Robert A. 182
Heisenberg, Werner 196, 204, 208, 273
heliocentrism 438
Heller, Joseph 153
Helmholtz, Hermann von 153, 363
Henderson, Lawrence Joseph 344
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple 163
herbals 434–36
Herbert, Frank 29
hermeneutics 37
hermeticism 18, 20, 21, 23, 27, 431
Hero of Alexandria 428
Herschel, William 459
Hesiod 196
hieroglyphics 427
Hildegard of Bingen 430–31
Hippocratic writings 418 n12
of art 343;
hive mind 90
Hjelmslev, Louis 397
Hoffmeyer, Jesper 402
Hogan, Patrick Colm 80
Hoggart, Richard 242
holism 219;
cybernetic 97
Holmes, Frederic L. 337
homeostasis 217;
cognitive 221
Hood, Leroy 126
Horniman, Annie 21
Houellebecq, Michel 31
Hrabanus Maurus 428
HUDs see heads-up display
Hudson, Mark 271
Hugh of Saint Victor 431
Hugo, Victor 140
Huizinga, Johan 324
Human Genome Project 126–27, 377
humanism 505
disciplines 236;
medical 175–76
Humboldt, Alexander von 341
humoral theory 433
Humphrey, Nicholas 267
Huxley, Thomas Henry 30, 119–21, 265–66
Huygens, Christiaan 439, 442, 446, 487
Hypatia (journal) 313
hypercapitalism 519
hyperrealism 527
hypertext 299;
fiction 325
hypochondria 173
Hyppolite, Jean 296
I’ll Take My Stand 243;
see Agrarians
Ibsen, Henrik 491
imagination 157
imitation see mimicry
Imperial Academy of Sciences (Russia) 486
imperialism 129;
cultural 521;
logic of 226
implied reader 301
indeterminacy 196;
in Cubist paintings 269–71;
in literary theory 272–73;
principle in quantum physics 273–74
novel 478;
revolution 474–78
ineffable, the 365
infinity 165–66
as opposed to meaning 146, 148;
as negative entropy 219;
as probability 92;
and systems theory 216–17;
technology 313;
and thermodynamics 226–27, 229–32
information theory 145–55, 229–30;
algorithmic 145;
fundamental theorem of 148;
materialism of 152
informational aesthetics 152
informativeness 150
inscription 336;
device 337;
see also sound inscription
instrument, scientific 335–37
intelligence amplification (IA) 13
intelligent machines, “takeover” by 8, 11–12, 13, 15
in communication 146–47, 149–50, 155 n7
interactivity 327
interdisciplinarity 264–68, 273–74;
see also disciplines, convergence of
interiority 504
intermediality 332
intermediation 284
interpretant 401
intertextuality 42, 154, 292, 332, 522–23
intra-activity 292
Irigaray, Luce 37
Irving, John 523
Isidore of Seville 426–27, 435
Italy 423–37
Jackson, Shelley 303
Jacob, François 294–96
Jacobs, Linda 143
Jakobson, Roman 46, 397, 401, 490
James, Henry 513
Principles of Psychology 513
Jameson, Fredric 84, 86, 332, 519, 526–28
Jantsch, Eric:
The Self-Organizing Universe 230–31
Jardine, Lisa 256
Jarry, Alfred 369
Jax, Kurt 103
Jenner, Edward 248
Johanneson, Olof:
The End of Man 15
John, Otto 128
Johns Schloegel, Judy 343, 347
Johnson, Christopher 288–89, 294, 296
Jones, D.F.:
Colossus 15
Jonson, Ben:
Jordanova, Ludmilla 277
Journal of Medical Humanities 171
Joyce, James 79;
Joyce, Michael 303
Judson, Horace 126
Jung, Carl 515;
Mysterium Coniunctionis 27
Juul, Jesper 324–26, 329–30, 334
Kabakov, Alexander 491–92
Kabakov, Ilya 491
kabbalah 427
Kaiser, Georg 57
Kant, Immanuel 339, 363, 400, 520;
phenomena and noumena in 205;
Karatani Kôjin 504–5
Kauffman, Stuart 233;
At Home in the Universe 236
Kawana Sari 506
Kay, Lily 31
Kazakov, Yury Pavolovich 491
Keller, Evelyn Fox 127–28, 313
Kellner, Douglas 528
Kelly, James Patrick 129
A New Heartland 249
Kepler, Johannes 338, 438, 442, 445
Kerouac, Jack 376
Kevles, Daniel 126
King, Clarence 142
Kingsland, Sharon 103–5
Kirby, David 132
Kirshenbaum, Matt 307
Kitson, Arthur 26
Kittler, Friedrich 152, 351–59
Kleist, Heinrich von 206
fragmentation of 264–65;
society 519
Koch, Robert 510
Kolmogorov, Andrey Nikolaevich 145
Kolodny, Annette 243
Koontz, Dean 129
Kornberg, Arthur 186
Koyré, Alexandre 342
Kristeva, Julia 35
Krueger, Oliver 381–82 n3
Kuhn, Thomas 440–41;
and history of science 336–37, 344, 347;
and philosophy of science 364, 366;
and postmodernism 525;
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 276
Kull, Kalevi 402
Kurzweil, Ray:
Kuttner, Henry 130
kybernetes 89
L’Isle-Adam, Villiers de 343
La Chapelle, Jean-Baptiste de 339, 347
La Fontaine, Jean de 343
laboratory 335–36
Lacan, Jacques 204–13, 374, 375, 398;
the Imaginary in 210–11;
the Oedipal in 209–11;
the Other in 210;
the Real in 204–6, 208, 210–11;
the Symbolic in 210–11
Lafferty, Kevin 261
Lakatos, Imre 368
Lakoff, George 80
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste de 29–30, 113, 114, 124;
Landry, Donna 256
painting, British 247
Lang, Hans Peter 186
language 157–58, 167, 399, 403;
generalized 288–89, 291, 294–95;
prisonhouse of 523
Lankester, Edwin Ray 121
lapidaries 434–36
Laplace, Pierre-Simon 67, 68, 450, 459
Lappé, Marc 126
Latini, Brunetto 426
and history of science 343, 345, 347;
and the scientific “revolution” 441, 450, 452–53, 460
Laudan, Rachel 338
Lauretis, Teresa de 317
Maldoror 160–61
Sons and Lovers 516
Lawrence, William 6
Le Corbusier 512
Le Guin, Ursula K. 29
Lem, Stanislaw:
lens 432
Leucippus 181
Lévi, Éliphas 20
Levi, Primo 58
Levin, Ira 129:
Levinas, Emmanuel 171, 257–58, 521, 528
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 397–98
Lewes, George Henry 120
Lewis, Sinclair:
Arrowsmith, 512
Lewis, Wyndham:
Apes of God 516
Liber viginti quattuor philosophorum 428
liberal arts 425–27
library 166
Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph 368
Lief, Evelyn 129
and deconstruction 288–90, 294–95
Lindee, M. Susan 127
Lindsay, Vachel 159–60
linguistic turn 398
linguistics 132, 396–97, 399, 402
Linnaeus, Carolus:
Systema naturae 35
lipogram 163–64
Lister, Joseph 510
acoustics 152;
studies 324;
theory 331
as marginal 152;
as noise of culture 152–54;
postmodern 233;
social function of 152;
Literature and Medicine (journal) 171
Little Ice Age 70
LittleBigPlanet (video game) 333, 334
living flesh 95
Livingstone, Margaret 267, 273
Lloyd, Dan 77
Lloyd, Geoffrey 409–410, 417 nn2, 5, 6, 418 nn7, 12, 17, 22, 23
Locke, John 173, 245–46, 251, 400;
Two Treatises of Government 70, 245, 251
Loewy, Raymond 509
logic 400
Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilyevich 487
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 64–65, 74;
Longinus 456
Loria, Gino 344
Lotka, Alfred 233
Love, Glen A. 109
Lowry, Malcolm:
Under the Volcano 511
Lubchenko, Jane 105
Lucan 416
De rerum natura 33
Luddism 524
ludic 333
Luhmann, Niklas 42–43, 85, 219–23
Lunar Society 476
Luther, Martin 137
Luzeaux, Dominique 188
Lyell, Sir Charles 139, 140, 141, 142
Lykke, Nina 277
Lynas, Mark 108
Lyon, Janet 244
Lyotard, Jean-François 94, 519, 524, 526, 528
Lysenko, Trofim 399
Mach, Ernst 342, 363, 364, 367
machine 343;
MacKay, Donald M. 154
macrocosm, microcosm 135–37, 143, 427, 430
Macy Conferences 218
circle 324
magical realism 523
Malevich, Kazimir 489
Mallarmé, Stéphane 264, 272, 273
Mandelstam, Osip 489
Mandeville, John 435
Manilius 415
Mann, Thomas:
Manovich, Lev 358–59
many worlds theory 198
Marcellus II 428
marginal perspectives 313
Markley, Robert 108–9, 451, 458, 459
Marks, Jonathan 127
Markson, David 364
Marsh, George Perkins 103
Marshall, William 233
Marxism 398
Masson, Irvine 22
mastodon 67
materialism 6, 439, 444, 446, 502
mathematics 157–68;
and modernism 193;
in the middle ages 427–30;
and physics 193;
and psychoanalysis 204, 207–8, 211
mathematization 342
Matheson, Richard 183
Mathews, Harry 306
Matrix, The (film) 94
Maturana, Humberto 38, 221–22, 231;
see also autopoiesis
Maxwell, James Clerk 153:
on the Governor 216
Mayhew, Henry 475
Maykovsky, Vladimir 489
Mazzio, Carla 159
McCaffery, Anne 280;
The Ship Who Sang 280
McCarthy, Wil 183
McElroy, Joseph 79
Enduring Love 192;
Saturday 121–22
McHale, Brian 526
McIntyre, Vonda 280
McKay, Claude 37
McKibben, Bill 106
McNeil, Maureen 277
McPhee, John 142
media 167;
archeology 152;
broadcast versus reception 301;
computational 358–59;
ecology 298;
new 84;
studies 324, 331, 333, 349–61;
and technics 352–60;
theory 152
mediation see games, mediation in
medicine 169–80, 377, 402, 432–34;
and agricultural studies 244, 247–48, 251;
human reproductive 248;
modern 104
Meek, S. P. 187
Meiji period 499
melancholy 433
Memmot, Talan 308
memory 177;
and climate science 64, 66–67;
Mendel, Gregor 125
Menely, Tobias 260
Menser, Michael 276
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 271–72, 273, 335, 348
Merton, Thomas 22
metadisciplinary 92
in biology and literary studies 30–31, 34, 36, 38;
in evolution 118;
in geology 138;
in feminist science studies 315–16
metatags 303–4
Metz, Christian 184
Meyerhold, Vsevolod 489
Meyerson, Emile 363
Mez (Mary-Anne Breeze) 304
microcosmic romance 181–84, 186, 188–90
scanning tunneling (STM) 185–86, 188
Middle Ages 423–36
Miéville, China 375
militarism 98
Millay, Edna St. Vincent 160–61
Miller, Susan Cummins 143
and the scientific “revolution” 441–45
as cybernetic system 97;
as immanent 97;
language of 93;
see also cognition
mind-independent being 400, 401
Mirandola, Pico della 427
Mirkin, Chad 182
Mirowski, Philip 72
miscegenation see hybridity
mise en abyme 523
Mitchell, Robert 131
Mitchison, Naomi 129
Miyazawa Kenji 506
Mizuno Hiromi 506
MMOGs see games, massively
multiplayer online Model T 509
modeling 403
mathematics in 193;
and modernity 247
modernity 244, 249–51, 452, 497–99, 502;
massive modernity thesis, 498, 503;
see also modernization
linguistic 504–5;
see also modernity
of mind, 84;
of obsolescent technologies, 83–84
Moffitt, Donald 128
molecular biology see microbiology
Mondrian, Piet 337
monetary theory see gold standard
monsters 435–36
Montaigne, Michel de 171
Montfort, Nick 308
Moore, C.L.:
“No Woman Born” 317
Moore, Marianne 512
Morange, Michel 126
Moravec, Hans 382 n5
Morgan, Thomas Hunt 125
Mori Ôgai 506
Morowitz, Harold 219
Morris, Charles 401
Most, Glen 346, 411–12, 418 n18
Mother Nature 136
Muir, M.M. Pattison:
Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry 22
Mukherjee, Bharati 132
Müller, Johannes 347
multivocality 279
Murphy, Joseph 506
Murphy, Patrick D. 108
Murphy, Timothy 126
museum 335
Musil, Robert 364
mycosemiotics 402
in art, science,
mythology 136
Nabakov, Vladimir 489
Nagata, Linda:
Limit of Vision 15
Nagibin, Yuri 491
nanomachines 12
nano-swarms 5
nanotechnology 181–91;
and frontier imagery 186–88;
and gray goo 189;
and imperialism 187–88;
and scanning tunneling microscopy 185–86;
and science fiction 182–83, 186, 190;
and self-replicating machines 188–89;
and microcosmic exploration 182, 185, 190
narrative 214, 279, 283–84, 398;
and consciousness 77;
and “evolution” of literature 32;
narrativization of biology 31;
in print literature 303;
postmodern 221;
and recursivity 80
narratology 31, 35–36, 326, 328–29, 333, 398;
versus ludology debate 326, 329
Nash, Linda 104
Nash, Richard 375
nationalism, multiethnic 498
Natsume Sôseki 501–2
disasters 136;
in novels 140
nature 312;
fabric of 138;
as globe 139;
imagery in literary texts 33–34;
as planet 139;
and the scientific “revolution” 449–53;
and semiotics 402–3;
negentropy 92;
see also entropy
and transclusion 300
neo-Darwinism see Darwinism
network society 519
networks 110
Neumann, John von 145
Neurath, Otto 367
neuroaesthetics 267
neurobiology see cognition
neurophysiology see cognition
neuroscience 204, 209, 212–13, 267
New Age philosophy 194
New Humanism (Russia) 491
Newton, Isaac:
and alchemy 17;
and history of science 340;
and the scientific “revolution” 438–40, 449, 453–59;
laws of 215;
Principia Mathematica 449, 453, 457
Nicholas V 428
Nietzsche, Friedrich 206, 342–43, 365, 368, 502
Noë, Alva 267
as beneficial 150–52;
definition of 147;
exorcism of 148;
and innovation 151–52;
as parasite 151;
re-injection of 150;
semantic 149;
as signal 147;
in theory 151–52;
as useless information 148, 151;
see also literature, as noise of culture;
signal-to-noise ratio nominalism 399, 403, 427
non-dualistic 502–3
non-equilibrium thermodynamics see thermodynamics
nonlinear 96;
dynamics 234
non-locality 197
non-verbal communication 403
normal science 479
norms of representation 367, 368
North, William C. 184
nothing 159
realism in 140
holocaust 130;
winter 63
Nyquist, Harry 145
O’Brian, Fitz-James 184–86
and feminist science studies 312, 313;
and philosophy of science 363, 364, 366;
and industrialism 474, 482, 484
observatory 335
Ockham, William of 401
Odin, Jaishree 308
Okinawan 498
Olcott, H.S. 21
Olemy, P.T. 128
oncology 402
Onians, John 268
ontology 312
optics 432
and thermodynamics 226, 228, 229–31, 232
organic unity 30
social 228;
see also systems
Orientalism 497
as concept in biology and literature 29, 31, 33–34
ornithology 34
Ortiz, Simon 106
Oshii, Mamoru 375
and postmodernism 520, 521, 524, 525
Oulipo (Ouvoir de littérature potentielle) 83, 163, 305–6, 308
Ovid 435
Ozeki, Ruth 108
Pacioli, Luca 429–30
Padel, Ruth:
A Life in Poems 31
paidic 333
Palmer, Stephen 270
Pangborn, Edgar 130
pangenesis 124
Pappus 428
paradox 220–21
parasite see noise:
as parasite Parnell, Peter:
QED 198
Paro 93
see also mimicry
parthenogenesis 33
Pasternak, Boris 489;
Doctor Zhivago 493
see also hybridity
pataphysics 369
patient narratives 174
patterns 163
Patterson, Hubert 22
Pauling, Linus 125
Pearson, Karl 363
Peirce, C. S. 363, 396, 399–404
Pemberton, Henry:
A View of Sir Isaac Newton’s Philosophy 455, 459
perception 37
performativity 522
Perkins, David 260
Perriman, Cole:
Terminal Games 283
Peter the Great 486–87
Petrarca, Francesco 432–34
Peyligk, Johannes 434
phenomenology 335
Philippon, Daniel J. 106
Philosopher’s Stone 22, 23, 24
philosophia 409
philosophy 158, 160, 208, 212, 399–400;
cybernetic 97;
experimental 439, 442–43, 445–47;
pre-Socratic 399, 401, 411–14;
of science 362–70
physical chemistry 23
physics 192–202, 204–7, 235, 312, 431–32;
as “modern alchemy” 25;
new 510–11;
phytosemiotics 402
Picasso, Pablo 270
Pickering, Andrew 336, 345, 348
picturesque tradition 247–50
Pinsky, Robert 302
Pius II 428
plague 432
plants 108
Plato 158;
Apology 418 n20;
Gorgias 409;
in Greece and Rome 409–10;
in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance 423, 428, 430, 433;
Timaeus 417 n3
play 157;
game 323–34
Plotnitsky, Arkady:
and deconstruction 287–89, 296
“The Turk” 14
poeticity 46
Poggendorff, Johann Christian 340–41, 348
Poincaré, Henri 363
Poinsot, John 400
Poliziano, Angelo 429
Pollan, Michael 108
Polo, Marco 435
Pong (video game) 331
Popov, Alexander 488
Popov, Evgeny 491
Porta, Giambattista della 450
Portal (video game) 333
Porush, David 233
Posidonius (Stoic philosopher) 416, 419 n36
positivism 337
postality 331
post-history 84
posthuman 4, 83, 85–86, 254–56, 262
posthumanism 215, 282–84, 374–84;
disciplinary impact of 375;
scholarly modes of 377
post-industrial society 527
postmodern 331–32;
fable 94
post-positivism 337
the end of books, 298
poststructuralism 35, 150, 276, 288, 400
Powers, Richard 31, 58, 79, 153, 283;
The Echo Maker 33;
and genetics 129–30;
practice, scientific 345
Pragnell, Festus 188
predictability 147–48
predisciplinarity 463–64, 467, 471
Priestley, Joseph 340, 468–70, 476
priority 341
probability 147–48
Proclus 425
Prodi, Giorgio 402
property 244–46
Propp, Vladimir 398
Protazanov, Yakov 488
Pseudo-Dionysius 430
psychoanalysis 203–13;
and science 203–13;
and mathematics 204
psychoanalytic theory 203;
vs. practice 203
psychology 401;
medieval 434
Puig, Thierry 188
Pushkin, Alexander 487–88
Pynchon, Thomas 59, 83, 153–54, 216, 230;
Gravity’s Rainbow 197
Pythagoras 158, 411, 454, 456;
quadrivium, see liberal arts
mechanics (physics, theory) 193–94, 196–200, 204, 207–12, 525;
tunneling 186
Queneau, Raymond 163
Quintilian 427
Rabbi Nathan 136
Rabelais, François 171
in biology and literary studies 34, 36;
and genetics 126, 129–30, 132;
and science 314
Ramachandran, V. S. 267
Rancière, Jacques 505–6
Randolph, Paschal Beverly:
Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus:
His Divine Pymander 23
random 231
rangaku see Dutch studies
rationalism 524
philosophical 402
recovery work 313–14
redundancy 148
reflex 343
Regardie, Israel:
The Philosopher’s Stone 27
Regiomontanus 432
regulators 89
relativity 193–94, 197–98, 510, 525
religion 343
Renaissance 136, 138, 172, 415;
early 424–36
replication 32
reproduction 30–33, 124, 126, 129;
technologies of 315–17;
assisted 316–17
Reuchlin Johann, 427
Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg 336–37, 341, 345, 347–48
rhetoric 199
rhizome 38
Ricci, Nino:
The Origin of Species 34
Ricoeur, Paul 63
Ricou, Laurie 108
Ridley, Matt 126
Ritvo, Harriet 255
Forty Signs of Rain 73;
Fifty Degrees Below 73;
Sixty Days and Counting 73
rock music 154
Rodchenko, Alexander 489
Roentgen, Wilhelm 513
Roesle, Philippe 154
Rohrer, Heinrich 186
science, 466–67
Romanticism (movement) 30–33, 172–74, 206, 460, 462–73
Rothfels, Nigel 256
Rothko, Mark 270
Rothman, Barbara 126
Roubaud, Jacques 165
Rouse, Joseph 276
Royal Society of London 444–46, 449
Rozhdestvensky, Robert 491
Rucker, Rudy 183;
Software 9;
Wetware 9;
Freeware 9;
Realware 9;
Postsingular 12;
The Hacker and the Ants 12
rupture, epistemological 336, 344
Rushdie, Salman 523
Ruskin, John 265–66
The Female Man 317
Russell, Bertrand 155–56
Russia 486–96
Conceptualists 491;
Rutherford, Ernest 21, 23, 24, 181, 186
Sagan, Dorion 227, 229, 231, 234, 235
Saiber, Arielle 159
Saint-Hilaire, Étienne Geoffroy 30
Salen, Katie, and Eric Zimmerman 324, 327, 334
Salutati, Coluccio 429
Sarton, George 344
satire 436
Saussure, Ferdinand de 291, 396–98;
Cours de linguistique générale 396–97
Savérien, Alexandre 339
Sayers, Dorothy L. 56
Schiebinger, Londa 276
Schlögel, Karl 493
Schnackenberg, Gjertrud:
Darwin in 1881 33
Schneider, Eric 227, 229, 231, 235
Schrödinger, Erwin 228–29;
cat 193
Schweighauser, Philipp 152
ancient terms for 409–10, 424;
cenoscopic 404;
and God 524;
hard and soft 146;
ideoscopic 404;
unity of 498
science fiction 385–95;
and ecology108–9;
and genetics 128–31;
and mathematics 166;
and nanotechnology 181–83, 186, 190;
and thermodynamics 230;
and agricultural studies 246–47, 251;
and cultural science studies 280–82;
and feminist science studies 317–18;
and postmodernism 525–27
science studies 312–14;
critical 525;
cultural 525;
feminist 312–22;
postcolonial 100–1
romance 478
scientific revolution 17–19, 438–61, 476
Seaman, Amanda 506
Sebeok, Thomas A. 396, 400, 401–4
second law see thermodynamics
Second Life (video game) 323
Secord, James 116
in information theory 147;
natural see evolution
self see subject
self-maintenance 89
self-organization 230–31, 233, 234, 236, 525;
see also systems
self-reflexivity 236
self-similarity 198
receiver 148–49;
semiosis 399
semiosphere 490
Seneca (the younger) 415
serialization 32
Serres, Michel 146, 151, 288, 294
Severn, Elizabeth 27
sex/gender 314;
debates 312;
sexology 33
sexual selection 119
Shakespeare, William 18, 131, 196;
Shannon, Claude E. 145–55;
impact on literary, cultural, and media theory 151–52;
and Warren Weaver 229;
see also information theory
Sharf, Robert 503
Sheeler, Charles 509
Shelley, Mary 29, 68, 129, 315, 478;
Frankenstein 5, 6–7, 33, 280, 315, 350, 462–63
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 6, 136, 137, 170, 173, 193, 206
Shimazaki Toson 506
Shklovsky, Victor 272
Shreeve, James 126
Siberian expeditions 486–87
Siegert, Bernhard 152
signal-to-noise ratio 146
signs 157;
see also semiotics
Silberer, Herbert 27
Simmel, Georg 342
simulacrum, simulation 526, 527
Sinclair, Clive 523
Sinyavksy, Andrei 491
Sitwell, Edith 27
Smalley, Richard 183
Smith, Julie Ann 380
Snow, C. P. 30–31, 36, 113, 169, 177, 264, 266, 409, 486;
The Two Cultures xv, 30, 470, 471
sociobiology see biologisms
sociology, in game studies 324, 331, 333
sociosemiotics 404
The Interpretation of Radium 25
Sokal affair 146, 154 n3, 200, 287, 525
Sollers, Philippe 398
Solomonoff, Ray 145
Solso, Robert 267
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander 489
someness, 45
sophia 409–10
Sophocles 209
Sorokin, Vladimir 491
sound inscription 357–58
sovereign power 503
Spiderman 130
Spivak, Gayatry Chakravorty 36
square 162
Squier, Susan M.:
and cultural science studies 276, 277
St. Augustine 399
Stacey, Jackie 132
Stapleton, Olaf 130
First Contact (film) 95;
The Next Generation 375
Stark, Lawrence 267
Starkey, George 18
Starzl, R. F. 188
Stefans, Brian Kim 87, 303, 305
Steingraber, Sandra 107
Steinkuehler, Constance 326
Stengers, Isabelle 345–46
Stepanova, Fedorovna, 489
Stephenson, George 475
Stephenson, Lionel 112
Stephenson, Neal 153, 183, 439;
The Diamond Age 318;
Snow Crash 283
Sterne, Laurence 165, 173, 193, 298
Stevenson, Robert Louis 479
Stiegler, Bernard 356–57
see also Posidonius
Stoker, Bram 23:
The Jewel of Seven Stars 23–24
Stoppard, Tom 59;
Hapgood 198
story telling 281–82
Strand, Paul 509
strange attractors 196
Straus, Erwin 335
Strickland, Stefanie 303
Stross, Charles:
structuralism 32, 36, 288, 398, 400
structure 158–59
Strugatsky, Arkady and Boris, 490
Stubbs, George 247
Sturgeon, Theodore 188
Sturtevant, A. H. 126
Sturzheim, Johann Gaspar 33
Stuttgart School of media theory 152
Suarez, Daniel:
Daemon 13
subjectivity 398
Sudhoff, Karl 344
Suprematism 489
Suzuki Sadami 502
swarm intelligence 96
Swift, Graham 523
symbolist poetry 272
symptom 399
allopoietic 90;
biological 228, 229, 235, 236;
of classification 312;
concept of 214;
control 216–20;
cultural 231;
and deconstruction 288, 291, 294–96;
dynamical 215–16;
ecology 233;
observing 214;
self-referential 220–23;
self-organizing 218–19;
semiotic 397;
thermodynamical 215–20, 232, 233, 235
systems theory 84–85, 151, 214–25, 228, 526;
versus deconstruction 78;
General System Theory 218;
neocybernetic 220–23;
second-order 220–23
Tabbi, Joseph 298
Taine, John 29
Tartaglia, Niccolò 429
Tartu-Moscow School 403
Tatlin, Vladimir, 489
Taylor, F.W. 510
technics and media 352–60
technocracy 524
technoculture 525
technological innovation 475f
digital information 527;
game 328;
medieval and early renaissance 431–32
Tel Quel 398
teleology 234
teleportation 526
Teller, Astro:
exegesis 5
temporal lag 501–2
temporalization 338
Tennyson, Alfred Lord 139, 249, 259;
In Memoriam 116
textuality and textile 287, 290–92, 294–96;
readerly/writerly 522
theater 431
Theosophical Society 20, 21, 22
thermodynamics 146, 147, 226–38:
first law of 226;
heat death 216–17;
literary treatments/narratives of 227–28;
non-equilibrium 219, 227, 229, 231–32, 234–35;
second law of 153, 215, 219, 226, 227, 229, 231, 235;
see also entropy;
thing 400
Thirsk, Joan 255
Thomas, D.M. 523
Thomson, Rosemarie Garland 244–45
Thoreau, Henry David 102, 135, 140, 141
Tillman, Lynne 79
climatological 63–64, 69, 72–74;
industrialization of 509–11, 514–15;
measurement of 338
Timp, Gregory 188
Tiptree, James Jr. 280
Tokugawa period 499
Tollett, Elizabeth:
Hypatia 457
Tom Swift 141
in Lacan 211
Tosca, Susanna 326
Tour, James M. 190
Toxoplasma Gondii 261–62
tradition 497–98
traditional ecological knowledges (TEK) 100, 106–7
versus hyperlinks 300
transdisciplinarity 91
transformism 113
transmigration of souls 451
transmission models of communication 149–50
transmutation 17, 19, 22, 23, 24–25;
evolutionary 113;
as spiritual transformation 21, 27
Treviranus, Gottfried Reinhold 29
Trifonov, Yuri, 492
trivium see liberal arts
Trouern-Trend, Jonathan:
Birding Babylon 34
Tsukamoto, Shinya 375
Turing test 5
Turner, Nancy J. 107
Turner, Stephanie 131
Tvestaeva, Marina 489
Twain, Mark 184
Twine, Nanette 503
two cultures see culture
Uexküll, Jakob von 402–3
Uexküll, Thure von 402–3
Ulanowicz, Robert 235
Ullmann, Ellen:
uncertainty 147–48
unconscious, the 203–13;
as thinking 208–10,
as the un-thinkable 210–11
unification of speech and writing 503–4, 506
universal book 300
of language 303–4;
of mathematics 305
Roger’s Version 198
utilitarianism 480
and dystopia 527
Vaihinger, Hans 366
Valentine, Basil 23:
Triumphal Chariot of Antimony 22
Valéry, Paul 343
Valla, Giorgio 427
Varela, Francisco 38, 221–22, 231
Varley, John 280
Varro (Marcus Terentius) 415
Verdú 145
Vergerio, Pier Paolo, 429
vernacular 504–5;
vernacularization 436
Vernadsky, Vladimir, 489–90
Verne, Jules 488
Vesalius, Andreas 423
Vincent, Hal 188
Vinci, Leonardo da 137, 273, 430, 431–32, 435
“the technological singularity” 11–12, 13;
Virgil 416–17
reality 94;
worlds and environments 323, 327, 328, 333
virtuality 332
virtualization 526
Visible Human project 318
vision science 270
visualization 342
vita activa 423
vita contemplative 423
Vogt, A. E. van 128
voluntarism 449
Vonnegut, Kurt 58
Voznesensky, Andrey 491
Vygotsky, Lev 490
The Book of Lambspring 18;
The Hermetic Museum Restored and Enlarged 18;
Hermetic and Alchemical Writings of … Paracelsus 22
wakon yôsai see Japanese spirit, Western techniques
Wald, Elijah 127
Wald, Priscilla 131
Waldby, Catherine 318
Wallace, Alfred Russel 117
Wallace, Kathleen 106
Walls, Laura Dassow 102
Walton, Linda 476
Wambaugh, Joseph 56
Warner, Marina 266–67
Warrington Academy 468–69
The Double Helix 39
Watt, James 475
Weaver, Warren 145–55
Weiner, Jonathan 126
Weisman, August 124
Welby, Victoria (Lady) 400
Wellbery, David 351
Wells, H. G. 60, 128, 153, 216, 479:
The Island of Doctor Moreau 5;
War of the Worlds 71;
The World Set Free 26
Werner, Abraham Gottlob 135, 137, 138, 142
Wertenbaker, G. Peyton 181
Westcott, Wynn 21
Weston, Jesse 515
wetware 93
Wharton, Edith:
Whewell, William 339, 348, 363
Whiston, William 453
White, Eric 230
Whitehead, Alfred North:
and history of science 335, 346, 348;
Process and Reality 515;
Science and the Modern World 515
Whole Earth Catalog 219–20
Wicken, Jeffrey 235, 229–30, 231–32
Wiener, Norbert 15, 89, 92, 145, 154n2, 490
Wilczek, Frank 44
Wilhelm, Kate:
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang 316
Wilkins, Maurice 125
William of Conches 431
William of Ockham 427
Williams, C. K. 31
Williams, Charles:
War in Heaven 24
Williams, Raymond 249, 252, 257;
Culture and Society 242
Williams, Terry Tempest 106
Williams, William Carlos 171, 177, 510, 512
Williamson, Jack 189
Wilson, E. O. 264
Wilson, Jason 325–26
Winograd, Terry and Fernando Flores 94
Winstanley, Gerard 244
Winterson, Jeanette 79, 197–98;
Gut Symmetries 198
withness 48
Wittgenstein, Ludwig 158, 364, 365, 367, 368
Wolfe, Cary 85–86, 257, 378, 379, 381
and gender studies, 246–47;
town life of 243;
writers 243
Woolf, Bernard:
Limbo 283
Woolf, Virginia 79–80, 195, 515;
To the Lighthouse 513–14
Woolgar, Steve 276
Wordsworth, Dorothy 33
Wordsworth, William 52–53, 55, 138, 140, 172–73
World of Warcraft (video game) 326
writing 356;
constrained 84;
invention of 354–55;
and the pharmakon 349–50
X-Men 130
Yeats, W.B. 21
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 491
Yoko Tsuno 94
Zangemeister, Wolfgang 267
Zavyalov, Sergei 493
Zhmud’, Leonid J. 338
zoosemiotics 402
Zunshine, Lisa 80