
abundance, 152

abuse, 106, 115

acidic lifestyle, 120

acne, 39, 40, 97

acupoints, 10, 1415, 104

acupressure, 104

acupuncture, 915, 81

addictions, 25, 72, 77, 8586, 8790

adrenal glands, 4, 18, 57, 62, 114, 154

affection, 8182

aldosterone, 114

alfalfa sprouts, 177

algae, 164

alkaline foods, 172

allergies, food, 40, 9193, 119, 160

almonds, 165

amaranth, 160

anemia, 11, 19, 40, 47, 57, 11617, 12627

anger, 5, 20, 21, 24, 4665, 64, 18687

case study, 6265

anxiety, 15, 16, 18, 21, 2627, 11122, 185

apples, 171

apricots, 172

asparagus, 177

asthma, 6, 19, 26, 35, 93, 97, 99, 1035, 164, 165, 167, 172, 175, 192

autism, 2829

avocado, 164, 172


bananas, 17273

barley, 16061

beans, 15459

beets, 177

bell peppers, 178

beta-carotene, 96

bile, 56

bioenergetics, 1011

biotin, 130

bitter tastes, 21, 25

black, 21, 26

black beans, 155

black soybeans, 158

bladder, 7, 26, 113, 114

blood pressure, 6, 62, 164, 172

blood sugar, 154, 170

bones, 113, 115, 120, 131

borderline personality disorder, 7374

bowel movements, 56, 85, 99, 101, 107

brain function, 15, 159

breakfast, 7

breathing, 99

bronchitis, 17, 26, 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 142

buckwheat, 161

B vitamins, 12931, 154, 165


cabbage, 178

caffeine, 57, 75, 119

calcium, 55, 12021, 134, 154, 165, 172

cancer, 19, 43, 108, 154, 170

Candida, 8485, 170

cannellini beans, 155

carbohydrates, 154, 159

carrots, 178

case study

Earth element, 2526

Fire element, 25

heart, 7278

kidneys, 11522

liver imbalance, 5865

lungs, 10310

Metal element, 26

spleen, 8794

Water element, 27

Wood element, 24

casomorphin, 55

cauliflower, 179

celery, 179

celiac disease, 160

changes, making, 14852

cherries, 173

chia seeds, 165

chickpeas, 155

cholesterol, 62, 154, 159, 16465, 172

cider vinegar, 17172

cinnamon, 3536

circadian clock, 5, 6, 14

coffee, 5657, 119

colds, 17, 3031, 34, 36, 4243, 53, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 114, 131, 134, 143, 174, 178, 192

commitments, 115, 116

congenital diseases, 1112

constipation, 86, 100, 101, 1057, 10710, 144, 154, 172

copper, 135

corn, 139, 161

coronary heart disease, 159

cortisol, 62

cravings, 5, 21, 26, 5456, 8586

cucumbers, 179


dairy products, 40, 55, 95, 104, 120, 154

dehydration, 54, 57, 75

depression, 98, 112, 13132, 164

deprivation, 152

diabetes, 18, 130, 154, 170

diagnosis, 3744

digestion, 70, 87, 106, 124, 127, 154, 172

dopamine, 12930, 131


Earth element, 16, 2021, 23

case study, 2526

nourishing, 8082

eating disorders, 116

eczema, 6, 84, 93, 97, 99, 1035, 177, 182

edamame beans, 15758

edema, 84, 9094, 157, 191

eggplant, 17980

elements, 2027

and emotions, 20

overview of what each represents, 23

taste of, 21

emotions, 38

and 5-element theory, 20

associated with liver blood deficiency, 126

most directly affecting liver, 4849

and physical health, 107

related to Metal element, 98

and small intestines, 70

and TCM, x–xiii

empath, 71

energy, 4, 124. See also qi

energy channels, 10, 12

epinephrine, 129

Epsom salts, 144

essential fatty acids, 164

eyes, 15, 21, 41


face, 3840

fall (season), 26, 97

fatigue, 11, 164

fats, healthy, 55, 13233

fava beans, 155

fear, 20, 2627, 11213, 115, 185

fiber, 1089, 154, 159, 165

Fire element, 7, 17, 20, 23, 25, 67, 68

fish, 91

5-element theory, 20

flaxseeds, 166

fluoride, 165

folic acid, 130, 154

foods, 15393

alkaline, 172

allergies, 40, 9193, 119, 160

emotional attachment to, 5556

kidney-boosting, 119, 122

liver-boosting, 63

and Metal element, 104

organic, 13841

processed, 5455, 13334

recommended for problems with anger, 4647, 60, 64, 18687

recommended for problems with anxiety, 11112, 117, 122, 185

recommended for problems with grief and sadness, 9596, 1045, 107, 10910, 18889

recommended for problems with heartbreak, 6667, 7475, 78

recommended for problems with worrying, 8081, 94, 19091

fruits, 13940, 16976

frustration, 24


gallbladder, 7, 24, 48, 5152, 53, 144

gamma-aminobutyric acid, 129

garbanzo beans, 155

gassiness, 15455

genetically modified organism (GMOs), 13839

ginger, 3435

ginko biloba, 30

ginseng, 2930, 3334

glucose, 130, 172

gluten, 160

glycemic index, 154, 170

Goldhamer, Alan, 54

grains, whole, 15964

grapefruit, 173

grapes, 17374

green, 24

green beans, 15556

grief, 6, 20, 26, 95110, 19192

gut flora, 93, 172


hair, 53, 88, 113, 115, 119, 190

hazelnuts, 166

headaches, 14, 15, 4243, 52, 53, 93, 143

healing, 14245

hearing, 113

heart, 6

blood, 67

case studies, 7278

emotions associated with, 71

and Fire element, 25, 68

functions of, 69

imbalance, 18, 71

and qi, 66, 99

recommended foods, 6667, 7475, 78

and yin, 67

heartache, 25, 6679, 18889

heartbreak, 20, 7678

heart disease, 18, 154, 164

heme iron, 126

hemp seeds, 166

herbicides, 139

herbs, Chinese, 2836, 117

high-fructose corn syrup, 170

hormones, 40, 114

hummus, 64

hydrogenated oils, 136


imbalances, yin and yang, 1819

immune system, 11, 34, 76, 100, 164

impurities, 71

infertility, 3132, 164

inflammation, 34, 35, 59, 164, 172

insomnia, 69, 70, 73, 91

intuition, 15

iron, 55, 12628, 154, 165

absorption, 57, 135

sources of, 117, 128


jing qi, 1112

joint pain, 164

joy, lack of, 25


kale, 180

kidney beans, 156

kidneys, 4, 7, 154

and blood pressure, 6

case studies, 11522

functions, 114

and hearing, 113

nourishing foods, 11112, 119, 122

symptoms of imbalance, 11415

and Water element, 21, 26

yang deficiency, 11112

and yin and yang imbalance, 18

as yin and yang source, 1718, 113

yin deficiency, 111

kombucha, 57


large intestines, 6

food recommendations, 96

functions of, 100

and grief/letting go, 101

and Metal element, 26, 97

symptoms of imbalance, 100

and toxins, 99

LDL cholesterol, 159, 16465

leaky gut, 1023

leeks, 180

legumes, 15459

lemons, 174

lentils, 126, 156

letting go, 98, 101, 106, 10710, 19192

lettuce, 180

lifts, 83

lima beans, 156

Lisle, Doug, 54

liver, 7, 32

and anger, 48

blood deficiency, 126

case studies, 5865

cleanse, 40, 51, 11617

emotions that affect, 4849

functions of, 50

imbalance, 45, 19, 21, 5253

qi, 46

in TCM, 56

and Wood element, 24

liver wind, 47

love, 8182

lungs, 6

case studies, 10310

food recommendations, 9596

functions of, 98

heat in, 96

imbalance, 18, 99

and Metal element, 26, 97

and qi, 11, 95

yin deficiency, 96

lupus, 18

lymph nodes, 100


magnesium, 55, 144, 165

manganese, 165

mangoes, 174

meditation, 10, 12, 81

melatonin, 130

memory problems, 76, 164

menopause, 18, 47, 72, 77, 114, 163, 177, 187

mental health/illness, 70, 72, 7374, 115, 129

and Western nutrition, 12437

mercury, 91

meridians, 10, 1214

metabolism, 70, 82, 154

Metal element, 20, 23, 26, 97, 98

methylcobalamin, 130

millet, 162

Monkey Mind, 81

monounsaturated fats, 132, 165

moodiness, 124

mung beans, 157

mushrooms, 18081


navy beans, 156

neurotransmitters, 12930

niacin, 129

nighttime, 16

nonheme iron, 126

norepinephrin, 129

nutrition. See also foods

Chinese, 8

and health, 12

nutritional yeast, 130

nuts, 16469


oats, 162

obsessive behavior, 18, 25

oils, refined, 132, 136

olive oil, 132

omega-3s, 55, 164

onions, 181

oranges, 174

organic foods, 13841, 158

osteoporosis, 57, 120

overthinking, 45, 18, 2021, 25, 8094, 190


pain, 15, 46, 5862

palpitations, heart, 18, 7172, 7275

panic attacks, 7578, 112, 11819, 122

pantothenic acid, 129

parsley leaf, 181

parsnips, 181

passion, 68

patent formulas, 3033

peaches, 174

peanuts, 167

pears, 175

peas, 15459

peppers, 178

perfectionism, 49

pericardium, 7

pesticides, 139

phlegm, 67, 95, 96

phytate, 127

phytoestrogens, 158

pineapple, 175

pine nuts, 167

plastic, 141

Pleasure Trap, The (Lisle), 54

PMS (premenstrual syndrome), 31, 46, 48, 53, 55, 59, 184, 186

pomegranates, 175

post-traumatic stress disorder, 27

potassium, 154, 165, 172

potatoes, 182

prebiotics, 154, 172

probiotics, 9394, 117, 154

processed food, 5455, 13334

produce, 13940

propylene glycol, 137

proteins, 120, 154

pumpkin, 18283

pumpkin seeds, 16768


qi, 4, 8

and diet, 12

and heart, 66

heart and spleen, 99

and immune system, 11

and kidneys, 114

liver, 46

and lungs, 11, 95

origins of, 1112

pathways of, 1215

power of, 1012

qi gong, 12

quinoa, 168


raspberries, 175

red, 25

rejection, fear of, 68

reproductive organs, 3132, 51

resentment, 24, 6265

resveratrol, 167

rheumatoid arthritis, 164

riboflavin, 129

rice, 16263

rye, 163


sadness, 18, 26, 95110, 18889, 19192

salt, 90

salty tastes, 21, 26, 113

San Jiao, 7

seafood, 55

seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 131

seeds, 16469

selenium, 165

self, sense of, 97

self-esteem, 115

serotonin, 129, 130, 131, 144

sesame seeds, 168

shock, emotional, 68, 18889

skin, 6, 97, 1035, 164, 172. See also acne; eczema

sleep, 6, 69, 76, 91

small intestines, 7, 25, 68, 70

smell, sense of, 99

sodium lauryl sulfate, 137

soul, 70

source qi, 1112

sour tastes, 21, 24

soy, 127, 158

soybeans, 15758

speech, 21, 69

spelt, 163

spicy tastes, 21, 26, 97

spinach, 126, 183

spleen, 6, 70, 82

case studies, 8794

and Earth element, 2021, 25

functions of, 82, 83

health issues related to, 45

nourishing, 80, 94

and qi, 11, 99

symptoms of deficiency, 85

and Western medicine, 4, 8081

and yin and yang imbalance, 18

spring (season), 24, 48

stomach, 6, 7, 82

and Earth element, 2021, 25

functions of, 86

imbalance, 18, 87

nourishing, 80

and qi, 11

strawberries, 175

stress, 15, 18, 6265, 75, 9094, 114

sugar, 5, 2526, 54, 55, 8586, 8790, 104, 169, 170

summer, 25, 68, 82

summer, late, 2021, 25

sunflower seeds, 16869

supplements, 117, 130, 13337

sweat, 42, 70

sweet potatoes, 183

sweet tastes, 21, 25, 82

Swiss chard, 184


tai chi, 12

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

and cancer treatments, 43

diagnosis and treatment, 3744

and emotions, x–xiii, 38

emotions associated with heart, 71

gallbladder functions, 52

and heart functions, 69

history, viii–ix

and kidney functions, 114

large intestine function, 100

liver functions, 56, 50

lung functions, 98

spleen functions, 45, 83

stomach functions, 86

tea, 57

tempeh, 159

tennis elbow, 100

thiamine, 129

third eye, 15

thyroid problems, 18, 8790, 158

tofu, 15859

tomatoes, 184

toxins, 40, 4647, 51, 5657

Traditional Chinese Medicine. See TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)

tremors, 19, 62

trichloroethylene, 5657

triglycerides, 159

trust, 115

turmeric, 35


urination, 69, 99, 114


vegetables, 13940, 17684

vinegar, 17172

vitamin A, 135

vitamin C, 55, 126, 127, 135

vitamin D, 13132

vitamin E, 165

vitamins. See also B vitamins

deficiencies in, 124

supplements, 13337


walnuts, 169

waste elimination, 114

Water element, 16, 20, 21, 23, 2627, 113

watermelon, 176

weight issues, 5862, 77, 88, 154, 164, 170

Western medicine

gallbladder functions, 52

heart functions, 69

kidney functions, 114

large intestine functions, 100

liver functions, 50

lung functions, 98

nutrition for mental health, 12437

small intestine functions, 71

spleen functions, 8081, 83

stomach functions, 86

wheat, 16364

white, 26, 97

whole grains, 15964

whole wheat, 16364

wine, 173

winter, 26, 113

Wood element, 20, 21, 23, 24, 4849

worry, 45, 18, 20, 25, 34, 8094, 190


yang, 8, 14, 1619

deficiency, 18, 19, 11112

defined, 17

and qi deficiency, 6667

source of, 1718

yeast, 40, 8485

yellow, 21, 25, 82

yin, 8, 12, 14

deficiency, 96, 111, 177

defined, 16

foods to nourish, 47

and heart, 67

source of, 1718

yin and yang, 1619


zinc, 165