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acids. See specific acids
additives, 71, 78, 81; for creating texture, 121–22; defined, 311; food, 33, 130; gelling agents, 87; in processed food, 33–34; taste, 200
alginates: culinary applications, 139–40; defined, 312; gelling agent, 132–34, 135, 138, 143, 286–88; makeup, 40; melting points, 141; seaweed extract, 87–88, 274. See also sodium alginate
amino acids, 55–56, 68, 145, 156, 162, 172; defined, 312; essential, 207; free, 25, 50; proteins and, 265; pyrolysis of, 117
amorphous material, 74, 312
Apicius, Marcus Gavius, 23, 313
Appert, Nicolas François, 127
aroma: chemical sensation, 100; compared to smell and odor, 4; defined, 313; furans and, 117; release, 3, 95; of spices, 21; substances, 110, 114, 129, 136, 144, 146–47, 160–61, 188, 231; sweet, 18
Bom Frøst, Michael, 304–5
bottom-up approach, 59, 314
bread: bagels, 239, 243; biscuits, 61, 97, 176, 239, 313; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; panko, 176, 327; rusk, hardtack, biscotti, 239, 243, 314. See also croutons; pretzels
bubbles, 140; in airy pastry, 195; carbon dioxide, 193–94; in champagne and Guinness, 19; elastic foam, 192; foam with thick walls, 191–92; in food preparation, 188–189, 191–96; meringue, 192–93; sour and prickly, 193–94; stabilizing foam, 188–89
caramel: defined, 314; as glassy food, 169–70
carbohydrates, 28, 33, 35, 55; bonds, 57; defined, 315; enzymes and, 144, 146; fermentation, 262; food, 56–57; legumes, 208; in milk, 46; molecules, 52–53, 59, 63; plant, 87, 122; in starch, 56–57, 224; sugars, 56, 146; water soluble, 38, 40, 62, 64, 236
Carême, Marie-Antoine, 231, 315
carrageenan, 40, 80, 80; in combinations, 142; defined, 315; digestion and, 141; gelling agent, 133–34, 138; properties, 138–39; from seaweed, 79, 87–88, 274
chemical composition of food, ix, 151
Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 127, 315
chewing, 8, 9; chewy ice cream, 279, 284; health benefits, 308; human head and, 28–30; mechanics of, 97; stress-strain curve, 96, 97; taste muscles and, 95–97
chocolate, ix; cocoa butter, 58, 74, 78–79, 106, 150, 192, 316; fats, 151–52; food preparation, 151–52; melting point, 151; stabilizer, 80; suspension, 80
collagen, 136, 256; behavior, 37; connective tissue, 41–43, 111, 120, 246–47; defined, 316; fish, 49, 255, 257; gelatin from, 86, 136, 248; jellyfish, 272; octopus, 51; structure, 43–44, 44. See also tropocollagen
confit: confit de canard, 149; defined, 316
consistency, 18, 21, 122; defined, 317; eggs, 167; foam, 89; introducing, 145; ketchup, 182; pastry, 195; sauces, 231; viscoelastic, 284; as viscosity, 106
controlled decomposition, 265
creamy, 1, 36, 72, 188, 208, 212; agreement about, 106; cheese, 162; defined, 317; desserts, 102, 147; enjoyment of, 109; ice cream, 180, 188, 278–79; texture, 99–100; yogurt, 110
crispness, xi, 99–100; of apples, 103, 103; baked goods with crispy crust, 174, 176; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; crisp coatings, 176, 178; defined, 317; experiment, 9; of hot dogs, 19; vegetables, 216
culinary chemistry, 12, 303
culinary transformations, 71, 317
emulsions, 113; binding oil and water, 83, 83; creating, 81–82; defined, 318; dispersions, 74, 79; in food preparation, 126; homogenized milk as example, 82; margarine as complex, 127–29; physical properties of food, 81–84
fats, x, 35, 55; chocolate, 151–52; cooking, 57; creaminess and, 109–10; culinary from animals, 149; culinary from plants, 148, 148–49; defined, 318–19; fatty foods, 23; fish, 149; food, 57–58; food preparation, 148; lard, 148–51; meat content, 41; melting points, 58, 117, 148; milk, 47, 47–48; mouthfeel and, 150; oils, 57; saturated, 57, 92, 129, 325, 327, 331; sticky, 150; trans fats, 128–29; unsaturated, 57–58; in yogurt, 279. See also butter; margarine; oils
fish, 35, 295; aging of, 265–66; anchovies, 294; bones, 257; collagen, 49, 255, 257; fats, 149; fish-and-chips, 228–29; gefilte fish, 146, 320; halibut, 185; proteins, 48–49; roe, 49, 50; salmon, 257; skin, 255–57, 258, 258; striated muscles, 48, 49; value of, 308. See also cod; eel
flavor: cranial nerves and, 3–4; defined, 319; impressions, 2, 7; mouth and nose in, 1–7; mouthfeel as total experience, 8–9, 11, 14–15; multimodal, 1; overview, 1; smell and, 3–4
foam: in bottle, 190, 190; consistency, 89; defined, 319; elastic, 192; meringue, 76, 91, 90; physical properties of food, 74, 89, 89–91; stabilizing, 188–89; with thick walls, 191–92
food: additives, 33, 130; algae, 38, 40; carbohydrates, 56–57; chemical composition of, ix; choice and texture tolerance, 302–3; complaints about, 100; enjoyment of, 26, 109, 295–300, 307, 309; fast foods, x; fats, 57–58; finding, identifying, choosing, 13; fungi, 37–38; gateway, 302; insects as, 52–53; knowledge of, 309; liquid, 105–6, 106, 113; meat from muscles and organs, 41, 41–44; memory and experience of, 9, 14; milk, 46–48; mollusks and crustaceans, 50–51, 51, 52; natural, 33–34, 35; neophobia, 300–302, 326; origins, 33; overview, 33–34; physical impression of, ix; from plants, 34, 36–37; processed, 33–34, 35, 66–67; proteins, 55–56; pureed food experiment, 101; regulating intake, 14; school projects, 301, 301; synthetic, 34, 67–68; taste adventurousness and, 300–302; taste and production, 308; texture change and cause, 116; texture of, ix; water and, 60–66. See also fast foods; glassy foods; prepared foods; semisolid food; solid food
food, physical properties: complex fluids, 84; complex states, 74, 76–77; dispersions, 78–79; elastic and stiff, 75; emulsifiers, 81–84, 82; emulsions, 81–84, 83; foam, 74, 89, 89–91; gels, 74, 84–88, 86, 87; overview, 71–72; powders and extrusions, 78; semisolid, 74, 102, 102, 113, 122; solid, 73–74, 102, 102; solutions and mixtures, 77; stabilizers, 79–81, 80; structure and texture, 72–73; thickeners, coagulants, enzymes, 80–81; when food changes form, structure, texture, 91–92
food preparation, 71; baked goods with crispy crust, 174, 176; bubbles in food, 188–89, 191–96; chocolate, 151–52; culinary fats from animals, 149; culinary fats from plants, 148, 148–49; eggs, 46, 162, 166–67, 168; emulsions and emulsifiers, 126; enzymes and texture, 144–46; fats, 148; fats and mouthfeel, 150; gelatin, 136–38, 137; gels, 126, 129, 132–33; glassy foods, 169–74; gums, 141–44; heat and, 115, 117; hydrogels with seaweed, 138–39, 141; inverted sugar, 147; maltodextrin, 147–48; methyl cellulose, 144; milk, 150, 153, 156–62; overview, 113–14; particles in food, 178–83; pectin, 134, 135, 135–36; soft and hard foods, 196–204; sous vide techniques, 115, 118–19; starch, 122–25; sugars, 146–47; syrup, 147; temperature and, 115, 117; tender meat, 119–20; texture in bottle or can, 121–22; transforming raw ingredients, 114–15
freezing point depression, 62
French fries: eating, 25; making perfect, 91–92
gastronomy: defined, 320; father of, 10, 12; meditations on transcendental, 11; molecular, 118, 140–41, 303; neurogastronomy as basis, 24
gelatin, 44, 56, 87, 192; from collagen, 86, 136, 248; defined, 320; food preparation, 136–38, 137; gels from, 137, 137–38
gels: defined, 320; as dispersions, 79; food preparation, 126, 129, 132–33; forming, 84–85; from gelatin, 137, 137–38; gelation, 84–86, 124, 129, 132–35, 133, 141–42, 284, 288; hydrogels, 85; melting points, 86, 88; physical properties of foods, 74, 84–88, 86, 87; sticky, 136, 138
G-protein-coupled receptors, 22, 321
grains and seeds: crisp and popped, 227, 228, 228; rice, 224–25, 226; texture, 219–21, 224–25, 228–29; wheat, 213, 220–21, 223, 224. See also popcorn
gums, 129; defined, 321; food preparation, 141–44; gellan gum, 143–44, 320; guar gum, 132, 133, 142–43, 194, 321; locust bean gum, 80, 142; xanthan gum, 80, 85, 87, 143, 334
hard candies: cold-water test for, 172; as glassy food, 172–73
Hardenberg, Anne Sofie, 183
human head: characteristics, 29; chewing and, 28–30; cooking and evolution, 27–30; skull, 27
ice cream, 191–92; appliances, 279; chewy, 279, 284; creamy, 180, 188, 278–79; ingredients, 279; salep dondurma, 279, 284, 330
ketchup: consistency, 182; ketchup effect, 84, 85; as puree, 179–80; umami and, 179
legumes: adzuki beans, 211, 227, 311; carbohydrates, 208; chickpeas and lentils, 207–9, 211, 294; cooking, 208; fresh and dried, 208; texture, 207–11
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 262, 323
Maillard reactions: during baking, 156; defined, 324; deriving, 25; low-temperature, 18; in meat, 174; slow, 119; speeding up, 239; tasty compounds, 117, 172, 238; vegetables and, 216
main dishes: decoding eighteen-course lunch, 291–96, 293
Matsumoto, Tsutomu, 201–2
meat: aging of, 265–66; cooking, 43–44; fat and protein content, 41; food preparation, 119–20; Maillard reactions in, 174; from muscles and organs, 41, 41–44; skin and bones, 243, 246–47; sous vide techniques for, 120, 121; striated muscles, 45, 45; tenderized and chopped, 46. See also specific meats
Mége-Mouriès, Hippolyte, 127, 325
melting points: alginates, 141; cheese, 163; chocolate, 151; fats, 58, 117, 148; gels, 86, 88; mouthfeel and, 58; sugars, 147
Mercadé-Prieto, Rube, 166
Mielby, Line Holler, 304–5
milk: butter and mouthfeel, 157–61; carbohydrates in, 46; casein proteins, 46–47, 47, 62, 90, 145, 315; cream, 156, 157, 191, 191–92; fats, 47, 47–48; fermented dairy products, 161–62; as food, 46–48; food preparation, 150, 153, 156–62; homogenized, 82, 156, 157; kefir, 161, 323; texture, 150, 153, 155, 157, 157–62; whey proteins, 47, 47. See also cheese; yogurt
molecules: carbohydrates, 52–53, 59, 63; edible, 52–53, 55, 55; macromolecules, 55, 59, 167, 323, 324; odor, 25; proteins, 43, 43
monosodium glutamate (MSG), 19, 320, 325
mouthfeel: of biological materials, 34; butter and, 157–61; curiosity about, xi; decoding eighteen-course lunch, 291–96, 293; defined, ix; fats and, 150; interplay between sensory impressions, 19–22; irritation → smell, 21; irritation → taste, 20–21; irritation → temperature, 22; margarine and, 130–32; melting points and, 58; note-by-note cuisine, 68; perception of, 11, 14; physicist’s approach, 155–56; roe, 49; role of, x, 2; smell → irritation, 21; smell → temperature, 21; smell → touch, 21; somatosensory system, 5, 5, 13, 16–17; taste for life, 307–9; taste → irritation, 20; taste → touch, 20; temperature → irritation, 22; temperature → smell, 21; temperature → taste, 20; temperature → touch, 21; texture and, 72–73; total flavor experience, 8–9, 11, 14–15; touch → astringency, 22; touch → smell, 21; touch → taste, 20; touch → temperature, 21; viscosity and, 19; words for, 100. See also taste; texture; texture, mouthfeel and; specific topics
Muesli with a Difference, 222
neurogastronomy, 26, 303–4; basis for gastronomy, 24; coining, 24; defined, 326; new discoveries, 309; overview, 22–23; research, 23–24
odors: compared to smell and aroma, 4; danger signals, 7; molecules, 25; perception, 15; receptors, 9; substances, 2–3, 8, 23, 148, 327; temperature and, 21
orbitofrontal cortex, 327
pectin, 37, 103, 327; agaropectin, 138, 311; amylopectin, 56–57, 122–23, 123, 125, 224, 312; food preparation, 134, 135, 135–36; in vegetables, 215–16
perception: of cold, 6; defined, 328; of mouthfeel, 11, 14; multimodal perception, 23, 126, 326; sensory, ix
pesto: defined, 328; Pesto recipe, 180
Piqueras-Fiszman, Betina, 303
plants: carbohydrates, 87, 122; cell structure, 36–37; cellulose, 111; culinary fats from, 148, 148–49; food from, 34, 36–37; oils from, 149; vascular, 34, 36
polysaccharides, 37, 64, 84, 122; branched, 142–43; chained, 246; complex, 138–39, 236, 239; defined, 328; harmless, 281; linear, 56–57
popcorn, 53, 227, 228, 228; Ceviche with Chile Peppers and Popcorn, Sprinkled with Brewer’s Yeast, 230, 230
pork: aged, 268; bacon, ix; crackling, 255, 255; Iberian ham, 268; raw shank and tenderloin, 45
poultry, 35; aging of, 265–66; crisp skin, 249, 250, 251–53; foie gras, 118, 191, 294, 319; Peking duck, 247; skin, 247–48
proteins, 35, 55; amino acids and, 265; casein, 46–47, 47, 62, 90, 145, 315; cooking and, 28; defined, 329; in eggs, 44; fish, 48–49; food, 55–56; glycoproteins, 255, 321; G-protein-coupled receptors, 22, 321; lipoproteins, 46, 126, 324; meat content, 41; molecules, 43, 43; renewed sources, 308; starch and, 122; whey, 46–48, 47, 47, 156, 157, 334
purees: humus, 179; ketchup, 179–80; Pesto, 180; pureed food experiment, 101
raw ingredients, x; changes in, 71; hydrophobic or amphiphilic treatment, 45, 55, 58, 114; quality, 302; raw foodism, 214; texture, 100, 214–15; transforming, 114–15; vegetables, 214–15
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 303
sauces: aioli, 235, 312; béarnaise, 234–35, 266, 267, 313; béchamel, 231, 234, 313; bordelaise, 232, 314; complex, 232; condiments, 232; consistency, 231; demi-glace, 234, 318; emulsified, 234–35; function, 229, 231; Hollandaise, 234, 321; mayonnaise, 234–35; rémoulade, 235, 329; rouille, 235, 329; texture, 229, 231–35; thickened, 233, 233–34; types, 231–32; velouté, 234, 334; vinaigrette, 232
seaweed, 34, 36, 40, 40; alginates as extract, 87–88, 274; carrageenan from, 79, 87–88, 138–39, 274; gracilaria, funori, tosaka-nori, 276, 278; hydrogels with, 138–41; licorice, 281; texture, 274, 276, 278. See also specific seaweeds
smell, 21; flavor and, 3–4; odor and aroma compared to, 4; retronasal detection, 3, 17
somatosensory system, 17, 330; mapping, 26; mouthfeel, 5, 5, 13, 16–17; in nose, 15; pain sensitive nerve endings, 16; pressure sensitive nerve endings, 17; temperature sensitive nerve endings, 16; touch sensitive nerve endings, 17
soups: adding texture, 236–38; bouillabaisse, 235–37, 314; bouillon, 224, 234–36, 292, 314; Scotch broth, 237; sticky, 236; texture, 235–38; thickening, 236. See also consommé; stock
starch: amylose in, 122–25, 123, 224; carbohydrates, 56–57, 224; cornstarch, 122–24, 143, 155, 163, 227, 261; defined, 331; food preparation, 122–25, 123, 124; gelatinization, 124–25; potato, 122, 123, 124; protein and, 122; retrogradation, 125; sticky, 122; turning liquid, 125; wheat, 224
Stevenson, Richard, 11, 12
sticky, 100, 102, 106, 113, 133, 142–44; defined, 331; fats, 150; gels, 136, 138; interaction, 115; rice, 224–25; soups, 236; starch, 122; sugar, 146; texture, 38
stress-strain curve, 96, 97
sugars, x; carbohydrates, 56, 146; food preparation, 146–47; inverted sugar, 147, 278, 322; melting points, 147; sticky, 146; sucrose crystals, 77. See also lactose; maltodextrin; maltose; saccharide; sucrose
Szczesniak, Alina Surmacka, 98, 102, 332
taste, 5, 305; adaption, 6–7; additives, 200; adventurousness, 300–302; appetite, digestion, satiety and, x; big bursts of, 284; chemical, 20; congruency, 6–7; cranial nerves and, 3; fatty acids, 265; food production and, 308; intensity, 6–7; jelly bean test, 3; for life, 307–9; mechanics of, 10–11; mouth and nose in, 1–7; overview, 1; retronasal smell and, 17; senses in, 10, 11; sensory perceptions of, ix; taste muscles, 95–97. See also astringency; bitter taste; sour taste; sweet taste; umami
temperature, 8, 20, 22; conduction, convection, radiation and, 117; in food preparation, 115, 117; Maillard reactions, 18; odors and, 21; sensitive nerve endings, 16; sous vide techniques, 118
texture: adding to soups, 236–38; additives for creating, 121–22; appetite and, 308; in Bible, 99; big bursts of taste, 284; in bottle or can, 121–22; from calcification, 289, 296; change and cause in food, 116; classification of solid food, 102, 102; creamy, 99–100; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; definitions, 72–73; enzymes and, 144–46; of food, ix; food choice and tolerance, 302–3; frozen desserts, 278–79, 284; grains and seeds, 219–21, 224–25, 228–29; Ilulissat, Greenland, 183–85, 184; jellyfish, 269, 272–74; legumes, 207–11; milk, 150, 153, 156, 157, 157–62; octopus, squid, cuttlefish, 269; of perishability, 261, 262–63, 265–66; physical properties of food, 72–73; raw ingredients, 100, 214–15; rheology replacing, 98–99; roe, 284–85; sauces, 229, 231–35; sea urchins, 269, 272; seaweed, 274, 276, 278; skin and bones, 243, 246–49, 251–57; soups, 235–38; soybeans, 207, 209–11; from spherification, 286, 286, 288–89; sprouts, 207, 212; starfish, 269, 272, 272; sticky, 38; textural elements, 98; vegetables, 212–19; when food changes, 91–92
texture, mouthfeel and, 72–73; adhesiveness, 105; chewing and taste muscles, 95–97; coating, 106, 149, 150, 316; cohesiveness, 104; complaints about food, 100; consistency, 106; creaminess, 106, 108–11; crispness, 99–100; defining texture, 98–102; describing texture, 102–11; elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, 97; food reviewers and, 100, 102; hardness, 102–4; juiciness, 106; liquid foods, 105–6, 106; overview, 95; role of texture, 99–100; solid and semisolid foods, 102, 102; springiness, 105; viscosity, 104–5, 105
tomatoes: calcification of, 289; 290
transient receptor potential (TRP), 16, 333
umami, ix, 219, 254; coining, 200; defined, 334; fermentation and, 262–63; intensity, 20, 22; ketchup and, 179; research, 196; sweet sour, 202, 204
vegetables, 35; crispness, 216; Maillard reactions and, 216; marinating, 218; pectin in, 215–16; pickling, 218; preparing, 215–16, 218; raw, 214–15; roots, stalks, leaves, flowers, 212, 214; texture, 212–19; tsukemono, 218–19, 219, 254. See also specific vegetables
water: activity of, 64, 71, 311; alcohol and, 77; binding with oil, 83, 83; bonding with other substances, 62–64; cold-water test for hard candies, 172; content in foodstuffs, 61; dehydration, 65–66; food and, 60–66; interacting with other substances, 64; properties, 60, 62; water soluble carbohydrates, 38, 40, 62, 64, 236
yogurt, 33, 39, 40; calcium in, 132; creamy, 110; fat in, 279; as lighter food, 307; preparation, 161; semisolid state, 74, 122