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acetic acid, 172, 311
acidity, 76, 85–88, 143–44, 160, 216, 311
acids. See specific acids
actin, 41, 311, 326
activity of water, 64, 71, 311
adaptation, 6–7, 20, 311
additives, 71, 78, 81; for creating texture, 121–22; defined, 311; food, 33, 130; gelling agents, 87; in processed food, 33–34; taste, 200
adhesiveness, 105, 311
Adrià, Albert, 140
Adrià, Ferran, 140, 311
adzuki beans, 211, 227, 311
agar, 40, 86–88, 133–34, 138–43, 139, 274, 311
agaropectin, 138, 311
agarose, 138, 311
aggregation, 116, 311, 319, 325
aioli, 235, 312
albumin, 56, 312
alginates: culinary applications, 139–40; defined, 312; gelling agent, 132–34, 135, 138, 143, 286–88; makeup, 40; melting points, 141; seaweed extract, 87–88, 274. See also sodium alginate
alginic acid, 288, 312, 330
Alija, Josean, 290–91, 296
alkaline, 216, 239, 312, 328
alum, 274, 312
amino acids, 55–56, 68, 145, 156, 162, 172; defined, 312; essential, 207; free, 25, 50; proteins and, 265; pyrolysis of, 117
amorphous material, 74, 312
amphiphile, 312
amphiphilic treatment, 45, 55, 58, 114
amylase, 28, 57, 312, 318, 322
amylopectin, 56–57, 122–23, 123, 125, 224, 312
amylose, 56, 122–25, 123, 224, 313
anchovies, 51, 294
antifreeze, 62, 313
antioxidant, 158, 313
Apicius, Marcus Gavius, 23, 313
Appert, Nicolas François, 127
appetite, x, 6, 14, 108, 308
apples, 61, 72; crispness of, 103, 103; sweet aroma, 18
arabushi, 199–200
aroma: chemical sensation, 100; compared to smell and odor, 4; defined, 313; furans and, 117; release, 3, 95; of spices, 21; substances, 110, 114, 129, 136, 144, 146–47, 160–61, 188, 231; sweet, 18
aspartame, 24, 313
aspic, 85, 88, 136, 231, 313
astringency, 15–16, 21–22, 313
bacalao al pil pil, 294
bagels, 239, 243
baking powder, 243, 311, 313
basic taste, 4, 15, 19, 200, 262, 313
Battes, Erik, 249, 251
béarnaise sauce, 234–35, 266, 267, 313
béchamel sauce, 231, 234, 313
beef, 45; aged, 268; raw heart, 41; sinews, 296;
binchōtan grill, 313
binding, 18–19, 313
biscotti, 239, 243, 314
biscuits, 61, 97, 176, 239, 313
bitter taste, ix, 20–21, 36, 200, 312, 332, 334
Bocuse, Paul, 291
boiling point, 60, 62, 117, 138–39, 166, 172, 234
bolus, 95, 314
Bom Frøst, Michael, 304–5
bones. See skin and bones
bordelaise sauce, 232, 314
botargo, 285, 314
bottom-up approach, 59, 314
bouillabaisse, 235–37, 314
bouillon, 224, 234–36, 292, 314
Bourne, Malcolm, 98
bread: bagels, 239, 243; biscuits, 61, 97, 176, 239, 313; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; panko, 176, 327; rusk, hardtack, biscotti, 239, 243, 314. See also croutons; pretzels
Brillat Savarin, Jean Anthelme, 10, 11, 12, 28, 314
bromelain, 265, 314
brunoise, 314
bubbles, 140; in airy pastry, 195; carbon dioxide, 193–94; in champagne and Guinness, 19; elastic foam, 192; foam with thick walls, 191–92; in food preparation, 188–189, 191–96; meringue, 192–93; sour and prickly, 193–94; stabilizing foam, 188–89
Burns, Daniel, 185
butter, 11, 148, 148; clarified, 161; mouthfeel and, 157–61; structure, 158
button mushrooms, 38, 38
caffeine, 19, 314
calcification, 290; defined, 314; texture from, 289, 296; of tomatoes, 289
calcium carbonate, 239, 290, 314
calcium chloride, 76, 132, 208, 216, 288, 290, 314
calcium citrate, 135, 216, 314
calcium gluconate, 288, 314
calcium lactate, 132, 162, 288, 314
cantuccini, 243, 314
capsaicin, ix, 5–6, 16, 19–22, 314
caramel: defined, 314; as glassy food, 169–70
caramelization, 172, 315, 320
carbohydrates, 28, 33, 35, 55; bonds, 57; defined, 315; enzymes and, 144, 146; fermentation, 262; food, 56–57; legumes, 208; in milk, 46; molecules, 52–53, 59, 63; plant, 87, 122; in starch, 56–57, 224; sugars, 56, 146; water soluble, 38, 40, 62, 64, 236
carbon dioxide, 172, 193–94, 315, 320
carbonic acid, 21, 189, 190, 315
Carême, Marie-Antoine, 231, 315
carotene, 158, 315
carrageenan, 40, 80, 80; in combinations, 142; defined, 315; digestion and, 141; gelling agent, 133–34, 138; properties, 138–39; from seaweed, 79, 87–88, 274
carrots, 61, 101, 158, 177, 214, 216–17, 217
casein, 46–47, 47, 62, 90, 145, 315
cassava, 37, 123, 147, 315
caviar, 140, 285, 286
Cavi-art, 286, 287, 287
cell membranes, 4, 17, 59, 83, 315
cellulose, 56; defined, 315; plant, 111; as reinforcement, 36–37, 40. See also hemicellulose; methyl cellulose
ceviche, 56, 228–29; defined, 315
champagne, 194, 194
champignons, 38
cheese, 145, 145, 157; creamy, 162
chemesthesis, 2, 4–6, 16, 20, 315
chemical composition of food, ix, 151
chemical taste, 20
Chevreul, Michel Eugène, 127, 315
chewing, 8, 9; chewy ice cream, 279, 284; health benefits, 308; human head and, 28–30; mechanics of, 97; stress-strain curve, 96, 97; taste muscles and, 95–97
chickpeas, 207–9, 212, 294
chitin, 33, 37, 316
chlorella, 38
chocolate, ix; cocoa butter, 58, 74, 78–79, 106, 150, 192, 316; fats, 151–52; food preparation, 151–52; melting point, 151; stabilizer, 80; suspension, 80
cholesterol, 44, 127–29, 316
chymosin, 145, 316, 318
citric acid, 19, 20, 88, 316
clams, 50, 51
clarified butter, 58, 149, 161, 236. See also ghee
coagulants, 80–81, 316, 324, 326
coagulation, 67, 81, 209, 316
coating, 106, 149, 150, 316
cocoa butter, 58, 74, 78–79, 106, 150, 192, 316
cod, 257, 294
Cohen, Ben, 182
cohesion, 316
cohesiveness, 102, 104
collagen, 136, 256; behavior, 37; connective tissue, 41–43, 111, 120, 246–47; defined, 316; fish, 49, 255, 257; gelatin from, 86, 136, 248; jellyfish, 272; octopus, 51; structure, 43–44, 44. See also tropocollagen
colloids, 47, 79, 151, 235, 316
complex fluids, 59, 84, 167, 316
conduction, 117–18
confit: confit de canard, 149; defined, 316
congruency, 6–7, 316
connective tissue: collagen, 41–43, 111, 120, 246–47; defined, 316
consistency, 18, 21, 122; defined, 317; eggs, 167; foam, 89; introducing, 145; ketchup, 182; pastry, 195; sauces, 231; viscoelastic, 284; as viscosity, 106
consommé, 235–36, 314, 317
controlled decomposition, 265
convection, 117, 317
cooking: as driving force, 307; evolution of human head and, 27–30; fats, 57; legumes, 208; meat, 43–44; mollusks and crustaceans, 51; proteins and, 28. See also food preparation
cortex, 4–5, 317
crackling, 243, 246, 248, 254–55, 255
cranial nerves, 2–4, 6, 315, 317
creaminess, xi, 106, 108–11
creamy, 1, 36, 72, 188, 208, 212; agreement about, 106; cheese, 162; defined, 317; desserts, 102, 147; enjoyment of, 109; ice cream, 180, 188, 278–79; texture, 99–100; yogurt, 110
crème anglaise, 167, 317
crème brûlée, 172, 317
crème fraîche, 105, 160, 161, 244, 317
crispness, xi, 99–100; of apples, 103, 103; baked goods with crispy crust, 174, 176; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; crisp coatings, 176, 178; defined, 317; experiment, 9; of hot dogs, 19; vegetables, 216
cross binding, 317
croutons, 243; Croutons recipe, 246, 246
crüsli, 186–87
crustaceans, 50–51, 51, 52
crystal, 48, 58, 62, 73–74, 125, 279, 317
culinary chemistry, 12, 303
culinary transformations, 71, 317
cuttlefish, 51, 269
cyanide, 31, 37, 317
daifuku, 227, 317
daikon, 214, 220, 317; pickled, 209, 219
dal, 212, 317
dashi, 185, 201, 209, 317
deglacing, 318
dehydrating, 66, 199, 274, 318
dehydration, 65–66, 199
demi-glace, 234, 318, 330
denaturing, 43, 318
dermis, 255, 318
desserts: creamy, 102, 147; frozen with crunch, 180, 182–83; gâteau, 296. See also frozen desserts; hard candies; ice cream
dietary fiber, 40, 68, 141, 318
diffusion, 20, 194, 318
digestion, x, 33, 141
diglyceride, 84, 334
disaccharide, 56, 147, 315, 318, 322
dispersal, 188, 318
dispersions, 74, 78–79, 80
Drake, Birger, 99
dulse, 274, 276, 282, 282
Dyerberg, Jørn, 128, 318
eel, 257, 262, 304
eggs, ix; consistency, 167; food preparation, 46, 162, 166–67, 168; protein, 44; as thickeners and emulsifiers, 167
elasticity, xi, 75, 85, 97, 192, 224, 286. See also viscoelasticity
emulsifiers, 63, 81–84, 82, 122; defined, 318; eggs as, 167; emulsified sauces, 234–35; in food preparation, 126; natural, 126
emulsions, 113; binding oil and water, 83, 83; creating, 81–82; defined, 318; dispersions, 74, 79; in food preparation, 126; homogenized milk as example, 82; margarine as complex, 127–29; physical properties of food, 81–84
Engelen, Lina, 20
enjoyment of food, 26, 109, 295–300, 307, 309
enzymes, 80–81; carbohydrates and, 144, 146; chymosin, 145; defined, 318; texture affected by, 144–46; transglutaminase, 145
erythritol, 6, 318, 331
Escoffier, Auguste, 231, 318
ethyl acetate, 172, 318
Evans, Josh, 53
extrusion, 65–66, 78, 318
fascicle, 43, 318
fast foods, x, 128–29, 333
fats, x, 35, 55; chocolate, 151–52; cooking, 57; creaminess and, 109–10; culinary from animals, 149; culinary from plants, 148, 148–49; defined, 318–19; fatty foods, 23; fish, 149; food, 57–58; food preparation, 148; lard, 148–51; meat content, 41; melting points, 58, 117, 148; milk, 47, 47–48; mouthfeel and, 150; oils, 57; saturated, 57, 92, 129, 325, 327, 331; sticky, 150; trans fats, 128–29; unsaturated, 57–58; in yogurt, 279. See also butter; margarine; oils
fatty acids, 58, 83; defined, 319; saturated, 126; tasty, 265; trans-, 128–29, 148; unsaturated, 151
fermentation, 18, 37; bacterial, 87, 132, 141; defined, 319; fermented dairy products, 161–62; spontaneous, 218; umami and, 262–63
fibril, 43, 44, 136, 316, 319
firmness, 135, 211, 224, 319
fish, 35, 295; aging of, 265–66; anchovies, 294; bones, 257; collagen, 49, 255, 257; fats, 149; fish-and-chips, 228–29; gefilte fish, 146, 320; halibut, 185; proteins, 48–49; roe, 49, 50; salmon, 257; skin, 255–57, 258, 258; striated muscles, 48, 49; value of, 308. See also cod; eel
flavor: cranial nerves and, 3–4; defined, 319; impressions, 2, 7; mouth and nose in, 1–7; mouthfeel as total experience, 8–9, 11, 14–15; multimodal, 1; overview, 1; smell and, 3–4
flavor theory, 12–14
flocculation, 319
Flore, Roberto, 53
foam: in bottle, 190, 190; consistency, 89; defined, 319; elastic, 192; meringue, 76, 91, 90; physical properties of food, 74, 89, 89–91; stabilizing, 188–89; with thick walls, 191–92
foie gras, 118, 191, 294, 319
folding, 56, 319
fondants, 173–74, 319
food: additives, 33, 130; algae, 38, 40; carbohydrates, 56–57; chemical composition of, ix; choice and texture tolerance, 302–3; complaints about, 100; enjoyment of, 26, 109, 295–300, 307, 309; fast foods, x; fats, 57–58; finding, identifying, choosing, 13; fungi, 37–38; gateway, 302; insects as, 52–53; knowledge of, 309; liquid, 105–6, 106, 113; meat from muscles and organs, 41, 41–44; memory and experience of, 9, 14; milk, 46–48; mollusks and crustaceans, 50–51, 51, 52; natural, 33–34, 35; neophobia, 300–302, 326; origins, 33; overview, 33–34; physical impression of, ix; from plants, 34, 36–37; processed, 33–34, 35, 66–67; proteins, 55–56; pureed food experiment, 101; regulating intake, 14; school projects, 301, 301; synthetic, 34, 67–68; taste adventurousness and, 300–302; taste and production, 308; texture change and cause, 116; texture of, ix; water and, 60–66. See also fast foods; glassy foods; prepared foods; semisolid food; solid food
food, physical properties: complex fluids, 84; complex states, 74, 76–77; dispersions, 78–79; elastic and stiff, 75; emulsifiers, 81–84, 82; emulsions, 81–84, 83; foam, 74, 89, 89–91; gels, 74, 84–88, 86, 87; overview, 71–72; powders and extrusions, 78; semisolid, 74, 102, 102, 113, 122; solid, 73–74, 102, 102; solutions and mixtures, 77; stabilizers, 79–81, 80; structure and texture, 72–73; thickeners, coagulants, enzymes, 80–81; when food changes form, structure, texture, 91–92
food preparation, 71; baked goods with crispy crust, 174, 176; bubbles in food, 188–89, 191–96; chocolate, 151–52; culinary fats from animals, 149; culinary fats from plants, 148, 148–49; eggs, 46, 162, 166–67, 168; emulsions and emulsifiers, 126; enzymes and texture, 144–46; fats, 148; fats and mouthfeel, 150; gelatin, 136–38, 137; gels, 126, 129, 132–33; glassy foods, 169–74; gums, 141–44; heat and, 115, 117; hydrogels with seaweed, 138–39, 141; inverted sugar, 147; maltodextrin, 147–48; methyl cellulose, 144; milk, 150, 153, 156–62; overview, 113–14; particles in food, 178–83; pectin, 134, 135, 135–36; soft and hard foods, 196–204; sous vide techniques, 115, 118–19; starch, 122–25; sugars, 146–47; syrup, 147; temperature and, 115, 117; tender meat, 119–20; texture in bottle or can, 121–22; transforming raw ingredients, 114–15
food reviewers, 100, 102
freeze drying, 65, 78, 319
freezing point depression, 62
French fries: eating, 25; making perfect, 91–92
frozen desserts: with crunch, 182–83; sorbet, 296; texture, 278–79, 284. See also ice cream
fructose, 56, 135, 147, 170, 172, 319
fruit leather, 96, 319
fudge, 88, 174, 319
funori, 276, 278, 319
furans, 117, 319
galactose, 56, 311, 319
ganache, 152, 319
gases, 73–74
gastrique, 234, 319
gastronomy: defined, 320; father of, 10, 12; meditations on transcendental, 11; molecular, 118, 140–41, 303; neurogastronomy as basis, 24
gastrophysics, 12, 22, 303, 320
gateway food, 302
gefilte fish, 146, 320
Gehry, Frank, 291
gelatin, 44, 56, 87, 192; from collagen, 86, 136, 248; defined, 320; food preparation, 136–38, 137; gels from, 137, 137–38
gellan gum, 143–44, 320
gelling agents: additives, 87; alginates, 132–34, 135, 138, 143, 286–88; carrageenan, 133–34, 138; defined, 320
gels: defined, 320; as dispersions, 79; food preparation, 126, 129, 132–33; forming, 84–85; from gelatin, 137, 137–38; gelation, 84–86, 124, 129, 132–35, 133, 141–42, 284, 288; hydrogels, 85; melting points, 86, 88; physical properties of foods, 74, 84–88, 86, 87; sticky, 136, 138
ghee, 149, 161, 320
glace, 231, 314, 320
glassy foods: caramel, 169–70; crème brûlée, 172; defined, 320; food preparation, 169–74; fudge, 174; glazes and fondants, 173–74, 319, 320; hard candies, 172–73
glazes, 173–74, 319, 320
glucose, 45, 56, 123, 147, 169–74, 278, 320
glutamate, 14, 200–202, 265, 320
glutamic acid, 265, 312, 320
glutamine, 145, 320
glutathione, 15–16, 320
gluten, 141, 155, 224, 238, 240, 284, 320–21
glycerol, 58, 321
glycogen, 45, 321
glycoproteins, 255, 321
Gohan Society, 249, 250, 253
gourmand, 12, 321
G-protein-coupled receptors, 22, 321
grains and seeds: crisp and popped, 227, 228, 228; rice, 224–25, 226; texture, 219–21, 224–25, 228–29; wheat, 213, 220–21, 223, 224. See also popcorn
granita, 78, 188, 254, 278; defined, 321
guar gum, 132, 133, 142–43, 194, 321
gum arabic, 86, 132, 141, 143, 321
gums, 129; defined, 321; food preparation, 141–44; gellan gum, 143–44, 320; guar gum, 132, 133, 142–43, 194, 321; locust bean gum, 80, 142; xanthan gum, 80, 85, 87, 143, 334
Hansen, Per Lyngs, 290
hapthaesthesis, 99, 321
haptic, 99
hard candies: cold-water test for, 172; as glassy food, 172–73
Hardenberg, Anne Sofie, 183
hardness, 102–4, 321; hard foods, 196–204; hardtack, 239, 243
Harrison, Harry, 68
heat, 115, 117. See also boiling point; melting points; temperature
hedonism, 299–300
hemagglutinin, 37, 321
hemicellulose, 37, 215–16, 321
hemoglobin, 45, 321
hogotae, 100, 321
homunculus, 26, 26, 321
hot dogs, ix, 19
human head: characteristics, 29; chewing and, 28–30; cooking and evolution, 27–30; skull, 27
hummus, 178, 179, 208, 212
hydration, 65, 321
hydrogels, 56–57, 64, 85, 146; defined, 321–22; force and, 110–11; formation, 279; with seaweed, 138–41; types of, 139
hydrogenation, 128, 322
hydrogen bonding, 60, 62, 322
hydrolysis, 103, 147, 322
hydrophile, 321
hydrophobe, 114, 321
hydrophobic treatment, 46, 55, 114
ice cream, 191–92; appliances, 279; chewy, 279, 284; creamy, 180, 188, 278–79; ingredients, 279; salep dondurma, 279, 284, 330
Ikeda, Kikunae, 200
ikijime, 184, 322
Ilulissat, Greenland, 183–85, 184
inosinate, 199, 201, 265, 322
insects: as food, 52–53, 54
insula, 4, 322, 327
intensity, 6–7, 9, 20, 22
interfacial tension, 322
inverted sugar, 147, 278, 322
ion channel, 22, 322
irritants, 5, 322–23
irritation, 20, 21, 22
isothiocyanate, 5, 6, 16, 315, 323, 333
Japanese sweets, 211
jellies, 101, 101
jelly bean test, 3
jellyfish, 273; collagen, 272; texture, 269, 272–74
juicy, 36–37, 99–100, 106, 119–20, 303, 323
Jurafsky, Dan, 100, 102, 229
kamaboko, 146, 323
kanten, 85, 323
karebushi, 199–201
katsuobushi, 197–201, 323
Kawano, Soari, 253
Kawasaki, Hiroya, 108
kazunoko, 285, 285, 323
kefir, 161, 323
kelp, 40, 40, 274, 276
ketchup: consistency, 182; ketchup effect, 84, 85; as puree, 179–80; umami and, 179
kimchi, 218, 323
kinesthesia, 5, 17, 323
Kinoshita, Koji, 201
koji, 218, 323
kokumi, 15–16, 18, 323
konbu (kombu), 201–4, 280, 281, 317, 323
Kono, Atsushi, 249, 251, 253–54
kuchi atari, 100, 323
lactic acid, 33, 81, 160–61, 218, 240, 323
lactose, 46, 56, 161, 163, 323
Ladeyn, Florent, 185
lard, 148–51
laver, 274, 276
leathery, 104, 238
lecithin, 58, 63, 76, 83–84, 126, 189, 323
legumes: adzuki beans, 211, 227, 311; carbohydrates, 208; chickpeas and lentils, 207–9, 211, 294; cooking, 208; fresh and dried, 208; texture, 207–11
lentils, 207–9, 212, 294
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 262, 323
Lieberman, Daniel, 27–30
lignin, 116, 323
limbic system, 4, 323
Lindt, Rodolphe, 152, 324
linoleic acid, 131, 319, 324
linolenic acid, 131, 319, 324
lipid membrane, 47, 156, 324
lipids, 44, 46–47, 83–84, 156, 189, 324
lipoproteins, 46, 126, 324
liquid crystals, 74, 324
liquids: food, 105–6, 106, 113; physical properties of food, 73–74; starch turning, 125; texture, mouthfeel and, 105–6, 106
locust bean gum, 80, 142, 324
Lomholt, Michael A., 303
magnesium chloride, 81, 209, 324
Maillard reactions: during baking, 156; defined, 324; deriving, 25; low-temperature, 18; in meat, 174; slow, 119; speeding up, 239; tasty compounds, 117, 172, 238; vegetables and, 216
main dishes: decoding eighteen-course lunch, 291–96, 293
maki-zushi, 324, 326
maltodextrin, 147–48, 324
maltol, 172, 324
maltose, 56, 312, 324
margaric acid, 127, 315, 325
margarine: campaigns against, 128; as complex emulsion, 127–29; defined, 324–25; forms of, 129; history, 127; mouthfeel and, 130–32; preparation, 148–49; success story, 130–32
marinate, 218, 230, 325
marshmallows, 192, 325
Matsumoto, Tsutomu, 201–2
mayonnaise, x, 63, 63, 234–35, 325
McGee, Harold, 52
meat: aging of, 265–66; cooking, 43–44; fat and protein content, 41; food preparation, 119–20; Maillard reactions in, 174; from muscles and organs, 41, 41–44; skin and bones, 243, 246–47; sous vide techniques for, 120, 121; striated muscles, 45, 45; tenderized and chopped, 46. See also specific meats
Mége-Mouriès, Hippolyte, 127, 325
melting points: alginates, 141; cheese, 163; chocolate, 151; fats, 58, 117, 148; gels, 86, 88; mouthfeel and, 58; sugars, 147
Mercadé-Prieto, Rube, 166
meringue, 76, 91, 91, 192–93, 325
mesophase, 74, 324, 325
methoxyl, 134, 135–36, 325
methyl cellulose, 87, 132, 140, 144, 325
micelles, 46–47, 56, 145, 145, 157, 325
Michelin stars, 185, 226, 253, 291, 303
Mielby, Line Holler, 304–5
milk: butter and mouthfeel, 157–61; carbohydrates in, 46; casein proteins, 46–47, 47, 62, 90, 145, 315; cream, 156, 157, 191, 191–92; fats, 47, 47–48; fermented dairy products, 161–62; as food, 46–48; food preparation, 150, 153, 156–62; homogenized, 82, 156, 157; kefir, 161, 323; texture, 150, 153, 155, 157, 157–62; whey proteins, 47, 47. See also cheese; yogurt
mille-feuille, 194–95, 196, 325
mirin, 251, 281, 325
miso, 209, 218, 235, 325
mochi, 227, 325
modernist cuisine, 88, 147, 248, 274, 287, 303
molecular gastronomy, 118, 140–41, 303
molecules: carbohydrates, 52–53, 59, 63; edible, 52–53, 55, 55; macromolecules, 55, 59, 167, 323, 324; odor, 25; proteins, 43, 43
Møller, Jens, 287
mollusks, 50–51, 51
monoglycerides, 84, 325
monosaccharide, 56, 325
monosodium glutamate (MSG), 19, 320, 325
Mønsted, Otto, 130–31
Morimoto, Masaharu, 249, 251–53
mousse, 191–92, 325–26
mouth, 1–7, 5, 8, 10
mouthfeel: of biological materials, 34; butter and, 157–61; curiosity about, xi; decoding eighteen-course lunch, 291–96, 293; defined, ix; fats and, 150; interplay between sensory impressions, 19–22; irritation → smell, 21; irritation → taste, 20–21; irritation → temperature, 22; margarine and, 130–32; melting points and, 58; note-by-note cuisine, 68; perception of, 11, 14; physicist’s approach, 155–56; roe, 49; role of, x, 2; smell → irritation, 21; smell → temperature, 21; smell → touch, 21; somatosensory system, 5, 5, 13, 16–17; taste for life, 307–9; taste → irritation, 20; taste → touch, 20; temperature → irritation, 22; temperature → smell, 21; temperature → taste, 20; temperature → touch, 21; texture and, 72–73; total flavor experience, 8–9, 11, 14–15; touch → astringency, 22; touch → smell, 21; touch → taste, 20; touch → temperature, 21; viscosity and, 19; words for, 100. See also taste; texture; texture, mouthfeel and; specific topics
MSG. See monosodium glutamate
mucus, 255, 326
Muesli with a Difference, 222
multimodal perception, 23, 126, 326
Myhrvold, Nathan, 248
myoglobin, 45, 326
myosin, 28, 41, 326
Napoleon III, 127
nattō, 211, 326
natural foods, 33–34, 35
neophobia, 300–302, 326
neurogastronomy, 26, 303–4; basis for gastronomy, 24; coining, 24; defined, 326; new discoveries, 309; overview, 22–23; research, 23–24
Nielsen, Jeppe Ejvind, 183–85
nigari, 81, 326
Ninomiya, Kumiko, 198
nitrous oxide, 190, 192, 326
nociceptor, 16, 326
nonpolar, 326, 328
nori, 108, 109, 115, 278, 326
nose, 1–7, 5, 15
note, 10, 18, 326
note-by-note cuisine, 67–68, 326
nougat, 180, 193, 326
nucleic acids, 33, 52–53, 55, 56, 265, 326
nucleotides, 53, 265, 326
nuka-zuke, 218, 327
nutrition, 12, 22, 28, 52, 68, 214, 307
oboro konbu, 202, 204, 323
octopus, 51, 267
odors: compared to smell and aroma, 4; danger signals, 7; molecules, 25; perception, 15; receptors, 9; substances, 2–3, 8, 23, 148, 327; temperature and, 21
oils, 57, 83, 83, 148, 149, 327
olfaction, 3–4, 327
olfactory bulb, 4, 327
Onodera, Morihiro, 226
operculum, 4, 322, 327
orbitofrontal cortex, 327
orthonasal, 8, 13, 327
osmosis, 66, 327
oxidation, 58, 201, 327
oysters, 50, 108, 109, 251, 254, 304
Pacojet, 279, 327
palmin, 327
palmitic acid, 127, 315, 327
panko, 176, 327
papain, 146, 265, 327
pasteurization, 156, 161, 327
pastry, 194–95, 196
pectin, 37, 103, 327; agaropectin, 138, 311; amylopectin, 56–57, 122–23, 123, 125, 224, 312; food preparation, 134, 135, 135–36; in vegetables, 215–16
pectinase, 57, 103, 327
Penfield, Wilder Graves, 26, 327–28
peptide, 56, 328
perception: of cold, 6; defined, 328; of mouthfeel, 11, 14; multimodal perception, 23, 126, 326; sensory, ix
perishability, 261, 262–63, 265–66
pescado frito, 229
pesto: defined, 328; Pesto recipe, 180
pH, 16, 64, 135, 139, 163, 288, 328
phase, 73, 78–79, 91, 102, 150, 328
phospholipid, 167, 321, 328
phytohemagglutinin, 209, 328
piperine, 20, 328
Piqueras-Fiszman, Betina, 303
pizza burn, 8
plants: carbohydrates, 87, 122; cell structure, 36–37; cellulose, 111; culinary fats from, 148, 148–49; food from, 34, 36–37; oils from, 149; vascular, 34, 36
plastic, 97, 328
plasticization, 170, 328
plums, 134, 215, 218, 294, 334
polarity, 328
polymers, 53, 328
polyphenol, 328
polysaccharides, 37, 64, 84, 122; branched, 142–43; chained, 246; complex, 138–39, 236, 239; defined, 328; harmless, 281; linear, 56–57
ponzu, 209, 328
popcorn, 53, 227, 228, 228; Ceviche with Chile Peppers and Popcorn, Sprinkled with Brewer’s Yeast, 230, 230
pork: aged, 268; bacon, ix; crackling, 255, 255; Iberian ham, 268; raw shank and tenderloin, 45
potatoes: potato chips, 9; potato starch, 122, 123, 124. See also French fries
poultry, 35; aging of, 265–66; crisp skin, 249, 250, 251–53; foie gras, 118, 191, 294, 319; Peking duck, 247; skin, 247–48
prepared foods, 7, 27, 61, 71–74, 148, 302
Prescott, John, 299
pretzels: as bread, 239, 243; Pretzels recipe, 242, 242
processed food, 33–34, 35, 66–67
proline, 312, 313, 328
proprioceptors, 17, 329
protease, 145, 329
proteins, 35, 55; amino acids and, 265; casein, 46–47, 47, 62, 90, 145, 315; cooking and, 28; defined, 329; in eggs, 44; fish, 48–49; food, 55–56; glycoproteins, 255, 321; G-protein-coupled receptors, 22, 321; lipoproteins, 46, 126, 324; meat content, 41; molecules, 43, 43; renewed sources, 308; starch and, 122; whey, 46–48, 47, 47, 156, 157, 334
purees: humus, 179; ketchup, 179–80; Pesto, 180; pureed food experiment, 101
pyrolysis, 117, 329
quinine, 19–20, 329
radiation, 117–18, 313
rancidification, 329
raw ingredients, x; changes in, 71; hydrophobic or amphiphilic treatment, 45, 55, 58, 114; quality, 302; raw foodism, 214; texture, 100, 214–15; transforming, 114–15; vegetables, 214–15
receptor, 329
recrystallization, 152, 329
reduction, 79, 89, 329
remonce, 329
rémoulade sauce, 235, 329
rennet, 145, 145, 329
Restaurant Nerua, Bilbao, 291, 291–92, 292
retrogradation, 116, 125, 329
retronasal, 17, 329
rheology, 98–99, 113, 329
rice, 224–25, 226, 226
Riki, Izumi, 204
roe, 50; mouthfeel, 49; salted herring, 285, 285; texture, 284–85; tobiko, 285. See also caviar
rotation, 10
rouille, 235, 320
roux, 233–34, 329–30
Rowat, Amy, 154–55
Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 303
rusk, 239, 243
saccharide, 319, 330
Sakai, Japan, 201–4
salads, 209, 221, 276:
salep dondurma, 279, 284, 330
salivary juices, 9, 303, 308
salt, x, 77; salted herring, 285, 285; taste, ix, 20, 22
saturated fats, 57, 92, 129, 325, 327, 331
sauce espagnole, 234, 330
sauces: aioli, 235, 312; béarnaise, 234–35, 266, 267, 313; béchamel, 231, 234, 313; bordelaise, 232, 314; complex, 232; condiments, 232; consistency, 231; demi-glace, 234, 318; emulsified, 234–35; function, 229, 231; Hollandaise, 234, 321; mayonnaise, 234–35; rémoulade, 235, 329; rouille, 235, 329; texture, 229, 231–35; thickened, 233, 233–34; types, 231–32; velouté, 234, 334; vinaigrette, 232
scampi, 51, 52
school projects, 301, 301
Schou, Einar Viggo, 130, 130–32, 329
Schou, Herbert, 132
sea urchins, 269, 272
seaweed, 34, 36, 40, 40; alginates as extract, 87–88, 274; carrageenan from, 79, 87–88, 138–39, 274; gracilaria, funori, tosaka-nori, 276, 278; hydrogels with, 138–41; licorice, 281; texture, 274, 276, 278. See also specific seaweeds
seitan, 68, 224, 330
self-organizing, 59, 330
semisolid food, 74, 102, 102, 113, 122
semolina, 237, 330
senbei, 227, 330
sensory confusion, 16–17, 18–19
sensory science, 12, 209, 303–4, 330
shear-thinning, 85, 133, 143, 330
Shepherd, Gordon, 16, 24, 25, 304, 330
Shimomura, Koji, 108
shiso, 254, 296, 330
shitazawari, 100, 330
shrimp, 51, 184, 294. See also scampi
sikbāj, 229
skin and bones: crackling, 243, 248, 254; fish bones, 257; fish skin, 255–57; poultry, 247–48; texture, 243, 246–49, 251–57
smell, 21; flavor and, 3–4; odor and aroma compared to, 4; retronasal detection, 3, 17
smoke point, 117, 330
smoking, 199
snap peas, 208, 214
soda, 193, 274, 330
sodium alginate, 133, 140–41, 286, 288, 330
sodium carbonate, 330
sodium chloride, 77, 330
sodium citrate, 288, 330
sodium hydroxide, 239, 314, 330
soft materials, 59–60, 60, 104–5, 330
softness, xi, 33, 330; soft foods, 196–204
sol, 151, 330
solid food, 73–74, 102, 102
somatosensory system, 17, 330; mapping, 26; mouthfeel, 5, 5, 13, 16–17; in nose, 15; pain sensitive nerve endings, 16; pressure sensitive nerve endings, 17; temperature sensitive nerve endings, 16; touch sensitive nerve endings, 17
sorbitol, 146, 330
soufflé, 74, 91, 100, 191–92, 302
soups: adding texture, 236–38; bouillabaisse, 235–37, 314; bouillon, 224, 234–36, 292, 314; Scotch broth, 237; sticky, 236; texture, 235–38; thickening, 236. See also consommé; stock
sour taste, ix, 16, 20–22, 193, 202–4, 320
sous vide, 115, 118–19, 330; for meat, 120, 121
soybeans, 68, 207, 209–11
soylent, 68
Spence, Charles, 303–4
spherification, 286, 286, 288–89, 331
spirulina, 38
spray drying, 65, 331
springiness, 104, 105, 116, 331
sprouts, 207, 212, 213, 221
squid, 269, 270, 271
stabilizers, 79–81, 80, 122, 331
starch: amylose in, 122–25, 123, 224; carbohydrates, 56–57, 224; cornstarch, 122–24, 143, 155, 163, 227, 261; defined, 331; food preparation, 122–25, 123, 124; gelatinization, 124–25; potato, 122, 123, 124; protein and, 122; retrogradation, 125; sticky, 122; turning liquid, 125; wheat, 224
starfish, 270, 271; roe, 272; texture, 269, 272
stearic acid, 127, 315, 331
Stender, Steen, 128, 331
Stevenson, Richard, 11, 12
sticky, 100, 102, 106, 113, 133, 142–44; defined, 331; fats, 150; gels, 136, 138; interaction, 115; rice, 224–25; soups, 236; starch, 122; sugar, 146; texture, 38
stock, 177, 197, 225, 232, 235–36, 331
stress-strain curve, 96, 97
striated muscles, 45, 45, 48, 49
Styrbæk, Kasper, 290, 292, 294
sublimation, 331
succulence, 119; defined, 331
sucrose, 19–20, 56, 135, 146–47, 170, 331
sugar alcohol, 6, 318, 321, 331
sugars, x; carbohydrates, 56, 146; food preparation, 146–47; inverted sugar, 147, 278, 322; melting points, 147; sticky, 146; sucrose crystals, 77. See also lactose; maltodextrin; maltose; saccharide; sucrose
surimi, 146, 331
suspensions, 79, 80, 331
sweet taste, ix, 20, 22; Japanese sweets, 211 See also desserts
syneresis, 87, 116, 125, 331
synesthesia, 18–19, 331
synthetic food, 34, 67–68
syrup, 147, 332
Szczesniak, Alina Surmacka, 98, 102, 332
tactile sense, 5, 8, 15, 103, 110, 332
tahini, 212, 332
tannins, ix, 15, 22, 332
tapioca, 123, 178, 181, 237, 332
taste, 5, 305; adaption, 6–7; additives, 200; adventurousness, 300–302; appetite, digestion, satiety and, x; big bursts of, 284; chemical, 20; congruency, 6–7; cranial nerves and, 3; fatty acids, 265; food production and, 308; intensity, 6–7; jelly bean test, 3; for life, 307–9; mechanics of, 10–11; mouth and nose in, 1–7; overview, 1; retronasal smell and, 17; senses in, 10, 11; sensory perceptions of, ix; taste muscles, 95–97. See also astringency; bitter taste; sour taste; sweet taste; umami
taste buds, 1–4, 9, 20, 25, 332
taste cells, 4, 332
taste center, 4, 332
taste threshold, 6–7, 20, 332
tempeh, 211, 332
temperature, 8, 20, 22; conduction, convection, radiation and, 117; in food preparation, 115, 117; Maillard reactions, 18; odors and, 21; sensitive nerve endings, 16; sous vide techniques, 118
tempura, 228–29, 332
tension, 97, 332
texture: adding to soups, 236–38; additives for creating, 121–22; appetite and, 308; in Bible, 99; big bursts of taste, 284; in bottle or can, 121–22; from calcification, 289, 296; change and cause in food, 116; classification of solid food, 102, 102; creamy, 99–100; crisp bread, 238–39, 243; definitions, 72–73; enzymes and, 144–46; of food, ix; food choice and tolerance, 302–3; frozen desserts, 278–79, 284; grains and seeds, 219–21, 224–25, 228–29; Ilulissat, Greenland, 183–85, 184; jellyfish, 269, 272–74; legumes, 207–11; milk, 150, 153, 156, 157, 157–62; octopus, squid, cuttlefish, 269; of perishability, 261, 262–63, 265–66; physical properties of food, 72–73; raw ingredients, 100, 214–15; rheology replacing, 98–99; roe, 284–85; sauces, 229, 231–35; sea urchins, 269, 272; seaweed, 274, 276, 278; skin and bones, 243, 246–49, 251–57; soups, 235–38; soybeans, 207, 209–11; from spherification, 286, 286, 288–89; sprouts, 207, 212; starfish, 269, 272, 272; sticky, 38; textural elements, 98; vegetables, 212–19; when food changes, 91–92
texture, mouthfeel and, 72–73; adhesiveness, 105; chewing and taste muscles, 95–97; coating, 106, 149, 150, 316; cohesiveness, 104; complaints about food, 100; consistency, 106; creaminess, 106, 108–11; crispness, 99–100; defining texture, 98–102; describing texture, 102–11; elastic, plastic, viscoelastic, 97; food reviewers and, 100, 102; hardness, 102–4; juiciness, 106; liquid foods, 105–6, 106; overview, 95; role of texture, 99–100; solid and semisolid foods, 102, 102; springiness, 105; viscosity, 104–5, 105
thalamus, 4–5, 5, 332
thickeners, 80–81, 122; defined, 332–33; eggs as, 167; thickened sauces, 233, 233–34; thickening soups, 236
thickness, 15, 77, 232
This, Hervé, 67–68, 326, 333
tofu, 68, 209, 211
tokoroten, 85, 333
tomatoes: calcification of, 289; 290
tongue, 4–6, 8, 10
tosaka-nori, 276, 278, 333
toughness, 13, 97, 104, 116
toxins, 2, 13, 272
trans fats, 128–29, 148, 333
transglutaminase, 145, 146, 333
transient receptor potential (TRP), 16, 333
trigeminal nerves, 3, 5–6, 67, 193, 315, 333
triglyceride, 44, 58, 151, 327, 333
tripeptide, 15, 320, 328, 333
tropocollagen, 43, 44, 136, 333
TRP. See transient receptor potential
tsukemono, 218–19, 219, 254, 334
tyrosine, 162, 334
umami, ix, 219, 254; coining, 200; defined, 334; fermentation and, 262–63; intensity, 20, 22; ketchup and, 179; research, 196; sweet sour, 202, 204
unsaturated fats, 57–58
vacuum cooking, 334
vascular plants, 34, 36
Vega, César, 166
vegan diet, 214
vegetables, 35; crispness, 216; Maillard reactions and, 216; marinating, 218; pectin in, 215–16; pickling, 218; preparing, 215–16, 218; raw, 214–15; roots, stalks, leaves, flowers, 212, 214; texture, 212–19; tsukemono, 218–19, 219, 254. See also specific vegetables
vegetarian diet, 214
velouté, 231, 234, 334
Verhagen, Justus V., 20
verrition, 10
viscoelasticity, 97, 110–11, 113, 284, 334
viscosity, xi, 8, 97, 98; consistency as, 106; defined, 334; mouthfeel and, 19; texture and mouthfeel, 104–5, 105
wakame, 274, 276, 334
wasabi, 5, 254, 334
water: activity of, 64, 71, 311; alcohol and, 77; binding with oil, 83, 83; bonding with other substances, 62–64; cold-water test for hard candies, 172; content in foodstuffs, 61; dehydration, 65–66; food and, 60–66; interacting with other substances, 64; properties, 60, 62; water soluble carbohydrates, 38, 40, 62, 64, 236
wheat, 213, 220–21, 223, 224
whey proteins, 46–48, 47, 156, 157, 334
whipped cream, 191, 191–92
Wrangham, Richard, 27–28
xanthan gum, 80, 85, 87, 143, 334
xylitol, 6, 334
yakitori, 249, 250, 251–53, 253
Yamanaka, Hiroki, 201–2, 204
yogurt, 33, 39, 40; calcium in, 132; creamy, 110; fat in, 279; as lighter food, 307; preparation, 161; semisolid state, 74, 122
yōkan, 211, 212, 334
Young, Chris, 248
yuba, 210, 334
yuzu, 209, 230, 334