
Note: Italic page numbers indicate illustrations and tables.

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3–4

advanced glycation end products (AGEs), 41

Adventist Health Study, 44–45, 52, 57, 60

   cancer and, 80–81, 108

   dementia and, 89

   prostate cancer in, 80–81

   stroke, vegan diet and, 88

   thyroid diseases and, 101–2

aging. See longevity

ahimsa (nonviolence), xx, 135, 136

almonds, 69, 124

alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), 60

aluminum, 92

Alzheimer’s disease, 89–92

   Adventist Health Study, 89

   folate and, 89

   guidelines to prevent, 91–92

   methylation and, 89–90

   MTHFR genetic defect and, 89–90

   plant-based diets and, 89, 91–92

   potential causal factors in, 89–90

Amazon rainforest, 137–38

AMDA, 24

American Diabetes Association (ADA)

   Diet, 36–37

amino acids, 111

   L-arginine, 117

   L-citrulline, 117

   lysine, 111, 125

   nitric oxide and, 117

amputations, due to diabetes, 31

Anderson, James W., 33

angiography (cardiac catheterization), 17–18

animals, 127–36

   animal farming, 127–28

   animal farming, ethics and, 136

   animal farming, global warming consequences of, 141

   animal farming, horrors of, 127–31

   animal farming, water consumption and land use for, 141

   animal rights liberation activist (Gary Yourofsky), 131–32, 133, 136, 228

   animal rights movement, 131–32, 136

   animal rights resources, 228

   beef cattle, 128, 129

   “Best Speech You Will Ever Hear”, 131–32, 136

   broiler chickens, 130

   concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 128–31, 136

   dairy cows, 129

   ethical veganism and Canadian law, 132–34

   feed for animals, environmental impact, 139

   food industry, vested interests and lobbying of, xii-xiii, 133

   Last Chance for Animals, 128

   layer chickens/eggs, 130

   numbers of farm animals killed annually, 128

   People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 136, 228

   pigs, 128, 130

   poultry, 128, 130–31

   religions and vegan/vegetarian diet, 134–35

   turkeys, 131

   veal calves, 129

Animals Deserve Absolute Protection Today and Tomorrow (website), 228

antibiotics, 26, 98

ApoE gene, 90, 91

apolipoprotein B (apoB), 70, 71

arachidonic acid, 93

L-arginine, 117


   clogged, TMAO and, 25–26, 40

   coronary artery disease (CAD), 71

   damage to, 9, 18

   nitric oxide (NO) and, 23, 24

   protein leaking from damaged, 67

Atkins diet, 5, 52

autoimmune diseases, 97–103

   case study: goodbye lupus (Brooke Goldner), 99–101, 102

   examples of, 97

   inflammation and, 97

   microbiome and, 97–98

   multiple sclerosis as, 85

   psoriasis, 97

   rheumatoid arthritis, 97

   salad dressing, make your own, 103

   systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 97, 99–101

   thyroid diseases, 97, 101–2

bacteria. See also microbiome

   antibiotics and, 98

   gastrointestinal, 25–26, 40, 97–98

   gastrointestinal, TMAO produced by, 25–26, 105

   microbiome, 36, 97–98, 105, 111–12

Barnard, Dr. Neal, 31, 36, 42, 70

   guidelines to prevent Alzheimer’s disease, 91–92

   on plant-based nutrition and weight loss, 49, 50

beans, 27, 85–96

   for brain health, 85–96

   preparing for the week, 94–95

beef cattle, 128, 129

“Best Speech You Will Ever Hear” (Gary Yourofsky), 131–32, 136

Blackburn, Dr. Elizabeth, 120

blindness, diabetes and, 30

blood pressure, 55–63

   Adventist Health Study and, 57, 60

   case study: Cheryl, 57–58

   DASH diet and, 62

   elevated (hypertension), 55

   EPIC-Oxford study, 61–62

   fish in diet and, 59–60

   Global Burden of Disease study, 55

   heart attacks and, 55

   lowered, with vegetarian diet, 45

   meat eaters and, 61

   nitric oxide and, 55–57

   Nobel Prize-winning science on, 55–57

   omega-3 fatty acids, 59–60

   plant-based diets and, 45, 56–58, 123

   starchy vegetables and, 78

   vegan diet and, 57, 58–62, 71

   vegan diet for 7 days and, 60–61

   vitamin D and, 59

   vitamins and supplements, 58–60

blood sugar, 34, 35

blood vessels. See also arteries

   diabetes effects on, 30–31

Blue Zones, 119, 140

BMI (body-mass index), 51, 57, 62, 70

body-mass index (BMI), 51, 57, 62, 70

bone broth, 102

   cautions on, 125

bowel movement frequency, 93, 105

BPA, 98

brain health, 85–96

   Adventist Health Study, 88

   Alzheimer’s disease and, 89–92

   ApoE gene and, 91

   case study: taming MS with plants (Sarah), 87–88

   dementia and, 89–92

   fats and, 65

   homocysteine and, 91

   memory, 85

   mood/depression, plant-based diets and, 92–93

   MTHFR and, 90–91

   multiple sclerosis (MS) and, 85–88

   plant-based diet, MS benefits, 85–88

   plant-based diet, Parkinson’s disease benefits, 93

   preparing beans for the week, 94–95

   stroke, vegan diet and, 88

   testing your brain health, 90–91

breast cancer, 73, 79

brown rice, 94

Buddhism, 135

Buettner, Dan, 119

Burkitt, Dr. Dennis, 108, 109

Burkitt lymphoma, 108

butter, 65, 71, 83

CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations), 128–31, 136

Cameron, James, 139–40

Campbell, T. Colin, 140

Canada, vegans and the law in, 132–34

cancer, 73–84

   Adventist Health Study, 80–81, 108

   breast cancer, 73, 79

   British study on, 81

   case study: prostate cancer (Jeff), 80

   colorectal cancer (CRC), 73, 74, 75–76

   cruciferous vegetables and, 82–83

   deaths from in U.S., 73–74

   deaths from worldwide, 74

   dietary and lifestyle recommendations, 75

   incidence in U.S., 73

   International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 74–75

   meat in diet and, 39

   most common cancers, 73

   Ornish, Dean, cancer study by, 78–79

   percent of people with diagnosis during lifetime, 74

   plant-based diets to lower risk of, 73, 78–83

   processed red meats and, 74–76, 107

   processed red meats and hospital food, 76–77

   prostate cancer, 73, 78–81, 122

   risk reduced with WFPB, 6

   starchy vegetables in diet, 77–78

   vegan diet benefits, 81, 83, 108

   vegetable broth in cooking, 84

   vegetarian diet benefits, 45, 81, 83, 108

   WHO on processed red meat dangers, 74–76, 77

carbon footprint, 138–39

cardiac catheterization (angiography), 17–18

cardiac-rehabilitation programs, 4–5, 17, 22–23, 114–15

carob, 28

Carroll, Dr. Peter, 78

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid

   Services (CMS), 4–5

   approved cardiac ICR programs and diets, 4–5, 17, 22–23, 27

chickens, framing and treatment of, 130

China Study, The, 140

Chipotle, 142

chocolate, 28

cholesterol, 65–72

   apolipoprotein B (apoB), 70, 71

   borderline, 66

   C-reactive protein (CRP) and, 67, 68

   case study: thirty days of plant-based solution (Adam), 66–68

   cholesterol medication vs. plant-based diet, 68

   dairy products and, 65, 71, 83

   diabetes and, 30, 37, 41

   EPIC-Oxford study, 70

   excess insulin and, 41

   foods to reduce, 69

   good (total) level of, 49, 121

   HDL (high-density lipoprotein, “good”), 65, 66, 70, 71

   heart attacks/disease and, 65, 67, 69, 121

   high, level of, 66

   ignoring advice from outliers, 71–72

   LDL (low-density lipoprotein, “bad”), 65, 66, 70–71

   levels, by the numbers, 66

   lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), 65

   low, level of, 66

   lowering, tips for, 69

   National Cholesterol Education Program diet vs. vegan diet, 49–50

   plant-based diets, improvement with, 43, 58, 67–72

   plant stanols, 69

   plants have NO cholesterol, 65–66

   recommendation to eat “as little dietary cholesterol as possible”, 65

   recommended levels, 66

   saturated fats, 65

   smoothies to increase fruit and vegetables, 72

   statin drugs to lower, 48, 68, 69–70

   statin vs. plant-based diet, 68

   TMAO and, 26

   total, 65, 66, 71

   triglycerides and, 66

   in USDA Dietary Guidelines, 65

   vegan diet and, 37, 48–50, 70–71

Christianity, 134–35

chromosomes, telomeres and telomerase, 120

chronic kidney disease (CKD), 110

L-citrulline, 117

Cleveland Clinic, 18, 19, 25, 49

climate change, 139–40, 141

coconut oil, 66

collagen, 125


   health, plant-based diets and, 107

   inflammatory bowel disease, 106–7

   ulcerative colitis, 105–6, 107

colorectal cancer (CRC), 74, 75–76

   vegetarian diet and, 81

complex carbohydrates, 77

concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 128–31, 136

cooking classes, 118

copper, 92

corn, 78

coronary artery disease (CAD), 71

Costa Rica, longevity in, 119

Cousens, Dr. Gabriel, 33, 229

cows, 129

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (documentary), 144

Crohn’s disease, 107

CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), 39, 67, 68

cruciferous vegetables, 82–83

Culinary Rx (cooking class), 118

cyclic GMP, 117

dairy cows, farming/treatment of, 129

dairy products, 65, 71, 83

DASH diet, 62

Dementia, 89–92. See also Alzheimer’s disease

   folate and, 89–90

   methylation and, 89–90

   MTHFR genetic defect and, 89–90

   potential causes of, 89–90

Department of Defense (US), 2

Department of Veterans Affairs (US), 2

depression, 92

DHA, 60

diabetes, 28–46. See also insulin

   adult vs. juvenile, 29

   amputations due to, 31

   blindness and, 30

   blood sugar and, 34, 35

   blood vessels, effects on, 30–31

   case studies

      fruit-strong diets, 32–34

      musician (Bill), 43

      Ramirez, Mark, 31–32

      reversal of type 2 diabetes, 31–32

   as cause of death, 30

   cholesterol and, 30, 43

   complications of, 30–31, 42

   cost of care and work loss, 31

   diabetes mellitus (term), 29

   discussing diet with medical team, 34

   80/10/10 diet, 33, 34

   fat droplets and, 34–35

   fish in diet, 38, 40

   Forks Over Knives, 31

   fruit-strong diets, 32–34

   hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C) and, 32, 37

   incidence of, xi, 29–30

   insulin in, 29, 35

   insulin in type 1 vs. type 2 diabetes, 29

   insulin level, know your own, 41–42

   insulin, normal function of, 35

   insulin resistance and, 29, 35, 41

   insulin sensitivity and, 37

   juvenile (under age of 20), incidence of, 30

   kidney failure and, 30

   lipotoxicity and, 35, 37

   low-fat diets, how they work, 34–36

   Mastering Diabetes, 34

   meat in diet, associations with diabetes, 37–39

   meat in diet, other drawbacks of, 39–41

   microbiome and, 36

   monitoring, 32

   nuts for, 38

   Plant-Based Solution/diets for, 30, 31–37, 46

   Plant-Based Solution vs. American Diabetes Association Diet, 36–37

   prediabetes, 30

   reversal of diabetic neuropathy, 42

   Seventh Day Adventists and, 37, 44–45

   soda, alternatives to, 46

   type 1 vs. type 2 diabetes, 29

   type 1, plant-based nutrition and, 32–33, 34

   type 2, cause(s) of, 34–35

   type 2, plant-based nutrition and, 31–32, 34

   undiagnosed, 30

   vegetarian diet, benefits of, 44–45

Diabetologia, 38

diacylglyerol, 35

dialysis (for kidney failure), 111

diet. See also Plant-based diets; vegan diet; vegetarian diet; whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet

   Atkins diet, 5, 52

   avoiding animal products in, 36, 37–41

   beans in, 27, 85–96

   body-mass index (BMI) and, 51, 57, 62, 70

   butter, 65, 71, 83

   complex carbohydrates, 77

   cruciferous vegetables, 82–83

   dairy products, 65, 71, 83

   DASH diet, 62

   Duke Rice diet, 13, 33

   eating out, tips for, 62–63

   80/10/10 diet, 33, 34

   fiber in, 57, 69, 108–9

   fish, 26, 38, 40

   folate in, 89–90

   foods to stock your pantry, 27–28

   fruit-strong diets, 32–34

   iron in, 37

   low-carbohydrate, high-fat, 46, 52, 71

   low-carbohydrate weight loss, 107

   low-fat, 14, 19, 34–36, 42, 90

   low-fat, high-carbohydrate, 33

   meal-kit delivery service, 118

   meat in, diabetes associated with, 37–39

   meat in, other drawbacks of, 39–41

   meatless meals, 138–39

   Mediterranean (MED) diet, 3, 5, 22, 71, 126

   microbiome and, 36, 97–98, 105, 111–12

   minerals in, 57

   National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) diet, 49–50

   in Norway, 14

   nuts in, 38

   olive oil, 21–22, 28

   omega-3 fatty acids, 21, 22

   organic vs. conventional produce, 98–99

   Ornish diet, 5, 16–17

   Paleo diet, 5, 46, 126

   Paleo diet, meatless version, 143

   Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG), 11–12

   Pritikin diet, 15

   protein, sources of, 123–24

   scientific information on, 1–7

   snacks, healthy, 52–53

   soda, alternatives to, 46

   soy in, 69

   starchy vegetables, 77–78

   USDA Dietary Guidelines, 2–3, 65, 142–43

   vegan diets, 3, 4, 26, 36–37, 48–52, 58–62

   vegetarian diets, 3, 4, 36, 44–45

   vitamins and supplements, 58–60

Diet for a New America, xvi

Dietary Guidelines, USDA (2015–2020), 2–3, 65

   vegetarian/vegan diet, 3

dimethylbutane (DMB), 26

diverticular disease/diverticulitis, 108–9

DMB (dimethylbutane), 26

Domino’s Pizza, vegan pizzas, 132

Duke Rice diet, 13, 33

Earth and environment, xx, 4, 137–44

   Amazon rainforest, 137–38

   Cameron, James, and, 139–40

   climate change, 139–40, 141

   Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 144

   diets with animal products, need to reduce, 137

   greenhouse gas emissions and, 138–39, 140–41

   Oxford University recommendations, 140–41

   oxygen production, 137

   plant-based diets, benefits for, 4, 139–44

   sustainability, 4, 141, 142–43

   United Nations (UNEP) on plant-based diets, 141–42

   USDA Guidelines Advisory Committee recommendations, 142–43

   world population, 140

Eat to Live (Fuhrman), 20

eating out, tips for, 62–63

Eaton, Boyd, 143

eggs, farm production of, 130

80/10/10 diet, 33, 34

Einstein, Albert, 135

endothelial dysfunction (ED), 24, 109

   erectile dysfunction (ED) and, 113, 116–17

endothelium, 23–25

   and erectile dysfunction (ED), 113, 116–17

   fats and, 24

   foods for health of, 25

   functions of, 23

   nitric oxide (NO) and, 23, 24, 25

   plant-based diet and, 19

   renal endothelium, 109

environment, 137–44

   Amazon rainforest, 137–38

   Cameron, James, and, 139–40

   carbon footprint, 138–39

   climate change, 139–40, 141

   Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 144

   diets with animal products, need to reduce, 137–38

   feed for animals, environmental impact, 139

   greenhouse gas emissions and, 138–39, 140–41

   Oxford University recommendations, 140–41

   plant-based diets, benefits for, 4, 139–44

   sustainability, 4, 141, 142–43

   United Nations (UNEP) on plant-based diets, 141–42

   USDA Guidelines Advisory Committee recommendations, 142–43

   world population and, 140

Environmental Protection Agency, 128

environmental toxins, 41

Environmental Working Group, 227

EPA, 60

EPIC-Oxford study, 61–62

   blood pressure in, 61–62

   cholesterol in, 70

   dietary fiber in, 109

   diverticular disease in, 109

   kidney stones in, 110

epigenetics, 122–23

epithelium, 23

erectile dysfunction (ED), 113, 115

   dietary fruit to reduce, 116, 118

   endothelium and, 113, 116–17

   flavonoids, role in reducing, 115–17

   incidence of, 115

   Mediterranean (MED) diet for, 116

   nitric oxide and, 117

Esselstyn, Dr. Caldwell “Essy”, 18–20, 26, 49, 114

   website, 228

Esselstyn, Rip, 20

exercise, 22

   aerobic, 92

Farm Sanctuary organization, 228

fats. See also cholesterol

   brain function and, 65, 90

   butter, 65, 71, 83

   coconut oil, 66

   dairy products, 65, 71, 83

   endothelium and, 24

   fat droplets (diacylglyerol), and diabetes, 34–35

   gut bacteria and, 98

   lipotoxicity, 35, 37

   low-fat diets, 14, 19, 34–36, 90

   meat consumption and, 38

   multiple sclerosis (MS) and, 86

   omega-3 fatty acids, 21, 22

   recommended dietary intake, 21

   saturated fats, 35, 65, 71, 91

   USDA Dietary Guidelines, 65

   visceral fat, 38

Favaloro, Dr. René, 18

federal food programs (US), 2–3

fermented vegetables, 111

fiber, dietary, 57, 69, 108–9


   cholesterol and environmental contaminants, 60

   diabetes risk and, 38, 40

   omega-3 fatty acids from, 59–60

   TMAO and, 26

flavonoids, 115–17

flax seed, 60

folate, 89–90

food industry, 127–32. See also animals

   change in, xiii

   concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 128–31, 136

   global warming consequences of, 141

   use of animals in, 127–32

   vested interests of, xii-xiii, 133

Food Poisoning: How to Cure It by Eating Beans, Corn, Pasta, Potatoes, Rice, Etc. (McDougall), 78

foods. See diet; recipes

Forks Over Knives, 31, 140, 229

   erectile function described in, 113

Forks Over Knives (organization), 32

Franklin, Benjamin, 113

fruits, 27

   and erectile function, 116, 118

   fruit-strong diets, 32–34

   USDA Dietary Guidelines on, 142

Fuhrman, Dr. Joel, 20–21, 51

gastrointestinal bacteria. See gut bacteria

gastrointestinal tract, 105–9

   bowel movement frequency, 93, 105

   colon health, plant-based diets and, 107

   Crohn’s disease, 107

   dietary fiber and, 108–9

   diverticular disease/diverticulitis, 108–9

   EPIC-Oxford study, 109

   inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 106–7

   Japan, approach in, 107

   plant-based diets and, 107–9

   probiotic foods for, 111–12

   Ugandan diet, 108

   ulcerative colitis, 105–6, 107

GEICO, plant-based diets at, 36, 37, 50, 70–71


   epigenetics, 122–23

   how food affects genes, 121–22

   number in humans, 122

GI system. See gastrointestinal tract

Global Burden of Disease study, 55

global warming. See climate change

Goldner, Brooke, 99–101, 102

Goodbye Lupus (Goldner), 101


   preparing for the week, 94–95

   as protein source, 124

   USDA Dietary Guidelines on, 142

Greece, longevity in, 119

Greene, Lorne, 13

greenhouse gas emissions, 138–39, 140–41

GreenSpace Café, xii, xix, 12, 211, 229

gut bacteria, 25–26

   antibiotics and, 98

   immune system and, 97–98

   insulin sensitivity and, 105

   probiotic foods for, 111–12

   resetting to a healthier microbiome, 97–98

   saturated fats and, 98

   TMAO produced by, 25–26, 105

Guyenet, Stephan, 42

Hackett, Buddy, 13


   cost savings of plant-based diets, 7, 140, 141

   our power to change, xii, 209

   resources for, 227–29

heart attacks

   cholesterol and, 65, 67, 69, 121

   coronary artery disease and, 71

   drop in Norway after WW II, 19

   Mediterranean diet and, 71

heart bypass, 10–12

heart disease, 9–28, 228

   angiography (cardiac catheterization), 17–18

   artery damage, 9, 18

   cholesterol and, 65, 69–70

   deaths from, xi

   gut bacteria and, 25–26

   high blood pressure and, 55

   lowered mortality with vegetarian diet, 45

   meat in diet and, 39

   “prevent not stent”, 23

   prevention of, 9–10, 27

   rates reduced with WFPB, 6

   reversal of (Ornish plan), 46, 123

   starchy vegetables and, 78

   TMAO and, 25–26

heart health, 9–28

   avoiding bypass surgery, 10–12

   cardiac-rehabilitation programs, 4–5, 17, 22–23, 114–15

   Duke Rice diet, 13

   endothelium and, 19, 23–25

   Lifestyle Heart Trial, xvi, 17–22

   oils and, 21–22

   Ornish Lifestyle Heart Program, 16, 78–79

   plant-based diets and, 9–10, 19–21, 22, 27

   plant-based intensive cardiac rehabilitation, 22–23

   scientists and doctors involved with, 12–17

      Esselstyn, Dr. Caldwell, 18–20

      Fuhrman, Dr. Joel, 20–21

      Kempner, Dr. Walter, 12–13

      Morrison, Dr. Lester, 13–14

      Ornish, Dean, 15–17

      Pritikin, Nathan, 14–15

hemoglobin A1C (HgbA1C), 32, 37

herbs, 28

Hever, Julieanna, 228

high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), 39, 67

Hinduism, 135

Hippocrates Health Institute, 229

homocysteine, 90, 91


   Kaiser Permanente, 5–6, 77

   processed red meat in hospital food, 76–77

   and WFPB diet, 5–6

hypertension, 55. See also blood pressure

hyperthyroidism, 101–2

hypothyroidism, 102

IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), 106–7

Ikaria, Greece, longevity in, 119

immune system, 97–98. See also autoimmune diseases; cholesterol

   healthy gut bacteria and, 97–98

   plant-based diets and, 97–98

inflammation, 39, 123

   autoimmune diseases and, 97, 100–101

   chronic, 39

   diabetes and, 38

   high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and, 39, 67, 68

   multiple sclerosis and, 85

   plant-based diets and, 98, 100–101, 123

   vegan diet and, 100–101

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), 106–7


   ideal fasting insulin level, 42

   knowing your level, 41–42

   meat in diet and, 39–40

   normal function of, 35, 41

   in type 1 diabetes, 29

   in type 2 diabetes, 29

insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), 40

insulin resistance, 29, 35, 41

   hemoglobin A1C level in, 32

   plant-based diet and, 57

   reversing, 35

insulin sensitivity, 37

   microbiome and, 105

iodine, 60

iron, 92

Islam, 135

Israel, vegetarian diet/choices in, 132

Italy, longevity in, 119

Jainism, 135

Jillette, Penn, 51–52

Judaism, 134

Kahn, Dr. Joel, xi-xiii

Kahn, Karen, 145

Kaiser Permanente hospitals, 5–6, 77

kale, as protein source, 124

kefir, 111

Kempner, Dr. Walter, 12–13, 33

Khambatta, Dr. Cyrus, 34

kidneys, 105, 109–11

   chronic kidney disease (CKD), 110

   dialysis for kidney failure, 111

   dietary recommendations for, 110

   factors for kidney disease, 109–10

   kidney failure, diabetes and, 30

   kidney stones, 110

   MACR (microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio), 67, 109

   Nurses’ Health Study, 109–10

   phosphorus homeostasis and, 110

   plant-based diets and, 109–11

   protein in urine, 109–10

   systemic lupus erythematosus and, 99–100

kombucha, 111

kosher cooking/diet, xv

kvass, 111

Lancet, The, xvi

land use for animal farming, 141

legumes, 27, 124. See also beans

lentils, 124


   aging and, 119, 120, 121–22

   lifestyle recommendations, 75, 120

   Ornish Lifestyle Program, 16, 78, 123, 228

Lifestyle Heart Trial, xvi, 17–22

lifestyle medicine, 26–27

lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)), 65

lipoproteins. See cholesterol

lipotoxicity, 35, 37

Loma Linda, California, 44, 51

   longevity in, 119, 121

   Wareham, Dr. Ellsworth, in, 121

longevity, 119–26

   “Blue Zones”, 119, 140

   case study: Ellsworth Wareham, MD, 121

   chromosomes, telomeres, and telomerase, 120

   controlling inflammation, weight, and vascular health, 123

   epigenetics and, 122–23

   five areas of world, 119

   genes and, 122–23

   genetics and, 119, 120

   how food affects genes, 121–22

   lifespan, factors determining, 119

   lifestyle and, 119, 120, 121–22

   Ornish and Blackburn study on, 120

   prostate cancer, turning off genes for, 122

   protein, sources of, 123–24

   “Secrets of Living Longer, The” (Buettner), 119

   skin health, 125

   vegetarian diet and, 45

lupus. See systemic lupus erythematosus

lysine, 111, 125

Mackey, John, xi-xiii

MACR (microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio), 67, 109

Maimonidies, vii

Mastering Diabetes (, 34

McCartney, Paul, 136

McDonald’s, 19

   Egg McMuffin, 24

McDougall, Dr. John, 60–61, 77–78

   Food Poisoning: How to Cure It by Eating Beans, Corn, Etc., 78

   McDougall Program, 77–78

   MRIs in multiple sclerosis, 87

   website, 229

meal-kit delivery service, 118

meat in diet

   bacteria and, 98

   beef/cattle, farming and treatment of, 128, 129

   blood pressure and, 61

   cancer risk and, 74–77, 81

   case study: Adam, 66–68

   diabetes associated with, 37–39

   drawbacks of, 37–41

   “faux”, plant-based meats, 138

   fresh red meats, cancer and, 75

   “healthy” meats, 144

   inflammatory bowel disease and, 106–7

   kidney stones and, 110

   meatless meals, 138–39

   Paleo diet, meatless version of, 143

   pesticides and, 98

   processed red meats, 19, 37

   processed red meats, cancer and, 74–76, 107

   processed red meats in hospital food, 76–77

   saturated fats and, 65, 71

medical costs, reduction in, 7, 140, 141

medical education, information on plant-based option, 94

Medicare and Medicaid, 4–5

   CMS approved cardiac ICR programs and diets, 4–5, 17, 22–23, 27

Mediterranean (MED) diet, 3, 5, 22, 126

   coronary artery disease and, 71

   erectile function/dysfunction and, 116

   heart attacks and, 71

memory, 85. See also brain health

menus and recipes, 145–208

Mercy for Animals organization, 228

meta-analysis, 50

methionine, 40

methylation, 89–90

Mevacor, 68

microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio (MACR), 67, 109

microbiome, 36, 97–98, 105

   antibiotics and, 98

   insulin sensitivity and, 105

   probiotic foods for, 111–12

millet, 78, 124

minerals, 57

miso, 111

mood, and diet, 92–93

Morningstar Farms, 138

Morrison, Dr. Lester, 13–14

mouthwashes, antiseptic, 117

MS. See multiple sclerosis

MTHFR genetic defect, 89–91

multiple sclerosis (MS), 85–88

   brain MRI studies, 87

   case study: taming MS with plants (Sarah), 87–88

   dietary fats and, 86

   plant-based diets, benefit for, 85–86, 87–88

   sunlight and vitamin D, 86

   Swank diet for, 85–86, 87–88, 93

muscle cells

   development, amino acids and, 111

   lipotoxicity, 35, 37

Muse School, 140

myrosinase, 82

National Cholesterol Education

   Program (NCEP) diet, 49–50

national food programs, 2–3

Nazi Germany, nutrition experiments, 12–13

nervous system disorders

   Alzheimer’s disease, 89–92

   multiple sclerosis (MS), 85–88

Nicoya, Costa Rica, longevity in, 119

nitrates, 39

   dietary, recirculation to produce nitric oxide, 56–57, 117

   dietary, sources of, 117

nitric oxide (NO), 23, 24, 55–57

   amino acids and, 117

   blood pressure and, 55–57

   cyclic GMP and, 117

   dietary nitrates and, 56–57, 117

   foods to increase, 25

   production improved with plant-based diet, 56

   role in body, 56

   sexual (erectile) function and, 117, 118


   diet in, 14

   heart attacks, drop in after WW II, 19

Nurses’ Health Study, 109–10

nutrigenomics, 122–23

nutrition/diet. See also diet; Plant-based diets

   Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG), 11–12

   scientific information on, 1–7, 140–43, 227

nuts, 27, 28, 38

   as protein source, 124


   incidence of, xi, 47–48

   increase in, state-by-state statistics, 47

   See also weight

oils, 21–22, 28. See also fats

   coconut oil, 66

   olive oil, 21–22, 28

Okinawa, Japan, 40, 78

   longevity in, 119

Older Americans Act, 2

olive oil, 21–22, 28

omega-3 fatty acids, 21, 22, 59–60

online resources, 7

Ornish, Dean, xvi, 15–17, 26, 46

   Lifestyle Heart Trial, 17–22

   Ornish diet, 5, 16–17

   Ornish ICR program, 5, 22–23

   Ornish Lifestyle Heart Program, 16, 78, 123

   Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Program, 79, 228

   prostate cancer study, 78–79, 80

   study on longevity, 120

   website for, 228

Oxford University studies and recommendations, 140-41. See also EPIC-Oxford study

Paleo diet, 5, 46, 126

   meatless version of, 143

Pauling, Dr. Linus, 125

PCBs, 41, 60

PCSK9 inhibitors, 70

Penn and Teller, 51

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 136, 228

persistent organic pollutants (POPs), 41

pesticides, 98, 99

phosphorus, 110

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, 49, 91, 227

pickles, sour, 111

pigs, farming and treatment of, 128, 130

Pillars of information supporting WFPB, 1–7

   Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3–4

   Dietary Guidelines (2015-2020), 2–3

   diseases averted and death rates improved, 6

   hospitals, some like WFPB diets, 5–6

   medical costs reduced by plant-based diet, 7

   plant rant, 7

   ten-servings-a-day habit, 6

   US Government: Medicare and Medicaid, 4–5

   U.S. News & World Report, 5

Plant-based diets

   Alzheimer’s disease, benefits for, 89, 91–92

   cancer risk lowered with, 73, 78–83, 122

   case study: thirty days of plant-based solution, 66–68

   cholesterol improvement with, 43, 58, 67–72

   Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 144

   diabetes maintenance and/or reversal with, 30, 31–37, 42

   Earth and environment, benefits for, 4, 139–44

   endothelium and, 23–25

   gastrointestinal health, benefits for, 107–9

   greenhouse gas emissions reduced by, 138–39, 140–41

   health-care cost savings of, 7, 140, 141

   heart disease prevention with, 9–10, 19–20, 23

   lives saved by, 140

   longevity, benefits for, 119–24

   menus and recipes, 145–208

   microbiome health and, 97–98

   mood/depression improvement with, 92–93

   multiple sclerosis (MS), benefits for, 85–86, 87–88

   organic vs. conventional, 98–99

   Oxford University on, 140–41

   Parkinson’s disease, benefits for, 93

   plants have NO cholesterol, 65–66

   religions and, 134–36

   saturated fats and, 65

   sexual function and, 113–16

   sustainability of, 4, 141, 142–43

   ulcerative colitis, benefits for, 105–6

   United Nations (UNEP) on, 141–42

   USDA Dietary Guidelines, review of evidence for, 142–43

   world-wide transition to, 140–41

plant-based intensive cardiac rehabilitation, 22–23

plant-based K-12 school (Muse School), 140

Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (PBNSG), 11–12, 43, 228

Plant-Based Solution

   animal treatment and ethics, 127–36

   autoimmune diseases and, 97–103

   for blood pressure, 55–63

   for brain health, 85–96

   cancer and, 73–84

   for cholesterol, 65–72

   for diabetes, 28–46

   for Earth and environment, 137–44

   endothelium and, 23–25

   for GI and kidney systems, 105–12

   for heart health, 9–28

   scientific information on, 1–7

   scientific studies on, 36–37

   sex life and, 113–18

   Six Pillars of information on, 1–7

   starchy vegetables and, 77–78

   for weight, 47–53

   youth/longevity and, 119–26

plant stanols, 69

podiatrist, 48–49

Pollan, Michael, xii

population of world, 140

potassium, 57

potatoes, 78

poultry, farm production of, 128, 130–31

prediabetes. See also diabetes

   definition of, 30

   hemoglobin A1C level in, 32

   incidence of, 30

preservatives, 39

Pritikin, Nathan, 14–15

   Pritikin diet, 15

   Pritikin ICR program, 4, 17, 22–23, 114–15

   Pritikin Longevity Center + Spa, xvi, 229

probiotic foods, 111–12

prostate cancer, 73, 78–81

   Adventist Health Study and, 80–81

   Dr. Ornish study on, 78–79

   genes for, turning off with diet, 122


   high protein intake, and IBD, 106–7

   plant sources of, 124

   recommended daily intake, 124

   sources of, 123–24

   in urine, 109–10

psoriasis, 97

PubMed, 227

Purple Carrot (meal-kit delivery service), 118

quinoa, 94, 124

rainforests, 137–38

Ramirez, Mark, 31–32

recipes, 145–208

   Kahn, Karen, and, 145

   recipes, list of, 231-32

   resources on, 228–29

red meat. See also meat in diet

   beef/cattle, farming of, 128, 129

   diabetes risk and, 37–38

   processed, 19, 38, 74–76

   processed, cancer and, 74–76, 107

   processed, in hospital food, 76–77

religions, and vegan/vegetarian diet, 134–35

   ahimsa (nonviolence), xx, 135, 136

   Buddhism, 135

   Christianity, 134–35

   Hinduism, 135

   Islam, 135

   Jainism, 135

   Judaism, 134

residential programs resources, 229

resources, 7, 227–29

rheumatoid arthritis, 97

rice, 78, 94

Rice House Healthcare Program, 13

Roberts, William, 49

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 13

running, 48–49

Sakara (meal-kit delivery service), 118

salad as main dish, 126

Sardinia, Italy, longevity in, 119

Satchidananda, Swami, 15–16

saturated fats, 35, 65, 71, 91

   in plants, 66

   processed food and, 66

School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs, 2

science resources, 227, 227

scientific information on Plant-Based

   Solution, 1–7, 36–37, 140–43

   Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3–4

   Dietary Guidelines (2015-2020), 2–3

   diseases averted and death rates improved, 6

   hospitals, 5–6

   Oxford University study, 140–41

   Plant-Based Solution vs. American Diabetes Association Diet, 36–37

   ten-servings-a-day habit, 6

   UN (UNEP) report, 141–42

   US Government: Medicare and Medicaid, 4–5

   U.S. News & World Report, 5

   USDA Guidelines Advisory Committee, 142–43

“Secrets of Living Longer, The” (Buettner), 119

seeds, 27, 28

   as protein source, 124

seitan, 124

Seventh Day Adventists, 37, 44–45, 134–35. See also Adventist Health Study

   Adventist Health Study, 44–45, 52, 57, 60, 80–81, 88, 89, 101–2

   blood pressure and, 57

   BMI, and diet, 51

   prostate cancer study, 80–81

sex, 113–18

   amino acids and, 117

   dietary flavonoids and, 115–17

   dietary nitrates and, 117

   erectile dysfunction (ED), 113, 115

   erections, maintenance without pills, 113, 115–18

   fruit and erectile function, 116, 118

   Harvard Medical School Study of diet and sexual function, 115

   Mediterranean (MED) diet and, 116

   nitric oxide (NO) and, 117, 118

   testimonials for plant-based diets, 113–16

   women’s bodies and, 117

Six Pillars, 1-7. See also Pillars of information supporting WFPB

skin health, 125

smoking, avoiding/cessation of, 9, 24

snacks, healthy, 52–53

soda, alternatives to, 46

sorghum, 78

soy, 69, 133

Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), 2

speed-dating, 7

spices, 28

stanols, plant, 69

starchy vegetables, 77–78

   resistant starch, 98


   cost of, 70

   to lower cholesterol, 48, 68, 69–70

   Mevacor, 68

   PCSK9 inhibitors, 70

   vs. plant-based diet, 68

stroke, 88

   high blood pressure and, 55

   rates reduced with WFPB, 6

sulforaphane, 82

supplements for vegan diet, 58-60. See also vitamins and supplements

sustainability, 4, 141, 142–43

   Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 144

   omitted from final USDA report, 143

Swank, Dr. Roy, 85–86, 87–88, 93

sweeteners, 28

Sydenham, Thomas, 117

systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 97, 99–101

   Goodbye Lupus (Goldner), 101

   vegan diet and, 100–101

Taco Bell, 142

Tadlock, Thomas, 100

telomeres and telomerase, 120

The Plant-Based Dietitian, 228

thyroid diseases, 97, 101–2

   hyperthyroidism, 101–2

   hypothyroidism, 102

   more common in women, 101, 102

TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide), 25–26, 40, 105

tofu, 124

Tree of Life Center US, 229

triglycerides, 66

trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), 25–26, 40, 105

TrueNorth Health Center, 229

turkeys, farming and treatment of, 131

Ugandan diet, 108

ulcerative colitis, 105–6, 107

United Nations (UNEP), on plant-based diets, 141–42


   protein in (proteinuria), 109–10

   test, 67

US Department of Agriculture. See USDA

US Department of Defense, 2

US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2

US Government: Medicare and Medicaid, 4–5

US National Library of Medicine, 227

U.S. News & World Report, 5

USDA Dietary Guidelines (2015—2020), 2–3, 65

   Advisory Committee recommendations, 142–43

veal calves, 129

Veg Speed Data, 7

vegan diet, 132–35

   for 7 days, benefits of, 60–61

   Adventist Health Study and, 44–45, 52, 57, 60, 88

   blood pressure and, 57, 58–62, 71

   body-mass index (BMI) and, 51, 57, 62, 70

   bowel movement frequency, 93, 105

   Canadian law and, 132–34

   cancer risk and, 81, 83, 108

   cholesterol benefits from, 48–50, 70–71

   diabetes benefits from, 36–37, 40, 42

   Domino’s Pizza, vegan pizzas, 132

   eating out, tips for, 62–63

   ethical veganism, 132–34

   lives potentially saved by, 140

   National Cholesterol Education Program diet vs., 49–50

   stroke, and, 88

   supplements for, 58–60

   systemic lupus erythematosus, benefits for, 100–101

   thyroid diseases, benefits for, 102

   TMAO and gut bacteria in, 26

   ulcerative colitis, benefits for, 106

   USDA guidelines, 3

   vitamins and supplements for, 58–60

   weight and, 49–52, 100

   in workplace, 50, 70–71

   world religions and, 134–35

vegetable broth, 84

vegetables. See also Plant-based diets

   organic vs. conventional, 98–99

   ten-servings-a-day habit, 6

   USDA Dietary Guidelines on, 142

vegetarian diet. See also vegan diet

   Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on, 4

   blood pressure and, 60

   cancer risk and, 81, 83, 108

   colorectal cancer risk and, 81

   dementia and, 89

   for diabetes, 36–37

   diverticular disease, benefits for, 109

   greenhouse gas emissions reduced by, 140–41

   health benefits of, 44–45

   kidney stones, lowered risk for, 110

   longevity and, 119

   McCartney, Paul, on, 136

   religions and, 134–35

   Seventh Day Adventists and, 44–45, 52, 57, 60, 89, 134–35

   USDA guidelines, 3

   Vegetarian Healthy Eating Pattern, 3

VegNews, 229, 228

vinegars, 27

vitamins and supplements, 58–60

   iodine, 60

   omega-3 fatty acids, 21, 22, 59–60

   vitamin B6, 90

   vitamin B12, 58–59, 90, 92

   vitamin C, 98, 125

   vitamin D, 59, 86, 133

   vitamin E, 69, 92, 98

Wareham, Dr. Ellsworth, 121

water consumption for animal farming, 141

water kefir, 111

weight, 47–53

   Barnard, Dr. Neal, on plant-based diet and, 49, 50

   body-mass index (BMI), 51, 62, 70

   case study: Penn Jillette, comedian-magician, 51–52

   case study: podiatrist who runs, 48–49

   gain, excess insulin and, 41

   increase in obesity, 47

   loss, meta-analysis of studies on plant-based diets, 50–51

   loss, plant-based nutrition and, 49–52, 58, 123

   loss, vegan diet and, 49–50, 100

   meat consumption and, 38

   National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) diet vs. vegan diet, 49–50

   obesity, increase in, 47–48

   obesity, state-by-state statistics, 47

   other problems associated with, 47, 48

   plants and weight, 50, 123

   Seventh Day Adventists and, 51

   short-term weight loss, 52

   snacks, healthy, 52–53

   starchy vegetables and, 78

   vegan diet and, 48–50, 70

   vegan diet at work, 50, 70

WFPB diet. See whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet

White, Ellen, 135

WHO. See World Health Organization

whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet. See also Plant-based diets; Plant-Based Solution

   federal food program recommendations, 2–3

   heart health and, 27

   hospitals and, 5–6

   Ornish, Dean, and, 16–17

   pillars of information supporting, 2–7

   scientific information supporting, 2–7

   ten-servings-a-day, 6

Whole Foods Market, xi, xiii

whole grains, 27

WIC program, 2

Winters, Shelley, 13

workplace, plant-based/vegan diets at, 36, 37, 50, 70–71

World Health Organization (WHO), 19, 55

   on cancer danger of processed red meat, 74–76, 77, 107

yogurt, nondairy, 111

Yourofsky, Gary, 131–32, 133, 136, 228

youth. See longevity

yucca, 78