activity levels see exercise/fitness

agile project management ref1

alcohol consumption, controlling ref1

Algate, Felicity ref1

anti-incentives ref1

antimicrobial resistance, tackling ref1

Applied recruitment system ref1

apprenticeships ref1

apps ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

Asch, Solomon ref1

Ayres, Ian ref1, ref2

Baker, Cheryl and Wayne ref1

Bandura, Albert ref1

Behavioural Insights Team

agile project management ref1

encouraging new skills ref1

feedback for social workers ref1

FitBits ref1, ref2

FitFeb ref1, ref2

GP practices, UK ref1, ref2

group power and Applied recruitment system ref1

improving college attendance ref1

‘money can’t buy’ principle ref1

network nudges ref1

organ donation promotion ref1

performance reviews ref1

Reciprocity Ring ref1, ref2

reduction of carbon emissions ref1

reflecting on success ref1

submission of tax returns ref1

tackling antimicrobial resistance ref1

team activities ref1, ref2

text intervention for parents and school children ref1

UK government ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

use of implementation intentions technique ref1

work bonuses ref1

work with VicHealth, Australia ref1

behavioural scaffolding ref1, ref2

behavioural science experiments asking for help ref1

celebrating goals achieved ref1

commitment to tasks ref1, ref2, ref3

comparing performance/behaviour ref1, ref2

conformity tests ref1

feedback ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

financial incentives ref1, ref2

financial penalties and anti-incentives ref1, ref2

goal setting and chunking ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

group power ref1

habits ref1, ref2

implementation intentions ref1

planning ahead ref1, ref2

practice ref1

reflecting on performance and impact ref1, ref2

rewards and penalties ref1, ref2

social networking ref1,

testing and learning ref1, ref2

wellbeing and happiness ref1

‘big thinking’, drawbacks of ref1, ref2, ref3

binding commitments ref1, ref2, ref3

blood donation ref1

Bohns, Vanessa ref1

Boice, Bob ref1

bonuses, work ref1

Brailsford, David ref1, ref2

brain function, dual process ref1, ref2

bright lines/rules ref1, ref2, ref3

British Cycling ref1

Burgess, Simon ref1, ref2

Candelaria, Dan ref1

carbon emissions ref1

celebrating goals achieved ref1, ref2, ref3

Cervone, Daniel ref1

Chande, Raj ref1

charity ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5


education ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

rewards ref1, ref2

spending time with your ref1

Christakis, Nicholas ref1

Christiansen, Ole Kirk ref1

chunking ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

cognitive bandwidth ref1, ref2, ref3

commitments ref1, ref2

binding ref1, ref2, ref3

commitment devices ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

commitment referees ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

making commitments ref1

writing down and making public ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Committed Action to Reduce and End Smoking (CARES) ref1

‘common sense’ argument ref1

comparing performance ref1, ref2, ref3

conformity tests ref1

consumer feedback ref1

cue disruption ref1

Curb Your Enthusiasm (programme) ref1

curiosity, developing your ref1

cycling performance ref1, ref2

Darwin, Charles ref1

Davies, Sally ref1

deadlines, imposing ref1, ref2

decision making, science of ref1, ref2

deliberate practice ref1, ref2

Deutsch, Morton ref1

diets/eating habits ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

distal goals ref1

donation days, Israeli ref1

driving lessons ref1

drug addiction ref1

dual process theory ref1, ref2

Dubner, Stephen ref1

Duckworth, Angela ref1, ref2

Dweck, Carol ref1

eating habits see diets/eating habits

education ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9

Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) ref1, ref2, ref3

efficacy, improving sense of ref1, ref2

effort, impact of praising ref1

electoral campaigns ref1, ref2, ref3

electronic cigarettes ref1

endowment effect ref1

Ericsson, Anders ref1

exercise/fitness ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12

experiences, importance of creating meaningful ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

experimenting see behavioural science experiments; testing and learning

fast vs slow system thinking ref1, ref2

feedback ref1, ref2

comparing your performance with others ref1, ref2, ref3

in relation to your goal ref1, ref2, ref3

timely, specific, actionable and focused on effort ref1, ref2, ref3

financial incentives ref1, ref2

fines ref1

FitBits ref1, ref2, ref3

FitFeb ref1

fitness see diets/eating habits; exercise/fitness

fixed mindset ref1

Formula 1 ref1

Fowler, James ref1

framing questions ref1

Frey, Bruno ref1

Galton, Francis ref1

gamifying goals ref1

Gerard, Harold ref1

Gilbert, Dan ref1

Giné, Xavier ref1

Gino, Francesca ref1

giving, pleasure of ref1

Gladwell, Malcolm ref1

GlowCaps ref1

Gneezy, Uri ref1

goal setting ref1

breaking down into steps ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

choosing the right goal ref1, ref2

focusing on single goals ref1, ref2, ref3

marginal gains ref1

multiple ref1

targets ref1, ref2

timescales ref1

Gollwitzer, Peter ref1

Google ref1

government, UK ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6

GP practices, UK ref1, ref2

Grant, Adam ref1, ref2

Green Bank ref1

group power ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

see also social networking

growth mindset ref1

Gyani, Alex ref1

gym buddies ref1

habit creation ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

Hallsworth, Michael ref1

Halpern, David ref1, ref2

happiness and wellbeing levels ref1, ref2, ref3

Harford, Tim ref1, ref2

Harper, Hugo ref1

health ref1, ref2, ref3

see also diets/eating habits; exercise/fitness

Heckman, James ref1

help and support, asking for ref1, ref2, ref3

see also referees, commitment

homework ref1

‘hot or cold’ game ref1

Hoy, Chris ref1

‘if-then’ plans ref1, ref2, ref3

implementation intentions ref1, ref2, ref3

incentives see rewards and penalties

influenza vaccinations ref1

injunctive norms ref1

internet ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4

job centres/job seeking ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

juries ref1

Kahneman, Daniel ref1, ref2

Kalyanaraman, Shobana ref1

Karlan, Dean ref1, ref2, ref3

Kennedy, John F. ref1

Kirkman, Elspeth ref1

Kivetz, Ran ref1

Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig ref1

learning ref1, ref2

see also education

Lego ref1

Leishman, Tania ref1

Levitt, Steven ref1

Loewenstein, George ref1

London Olympics (2012) ref1

loss aversion ref1

loyalty cards ref1

management, people ref1

marginal gains ref1, ref2

marriage vows ref1

Marshall Plan ref1, ref2

mental contrasting ref1

Milkman, Katy ref1

mindfulness ref1

money and happiness ref1, ref2, ref3

see also financial incentives; savings

‘money can’t buy’ incentives ref1

Moriarty, Thomas ref1

Movember charity ref1

Mueller, Claudia ref1

multiple goals ref1

National Health Service (NHS) ref1

see also GP practices

National Spelling Bee, USA ref1

Neal, David ref1

network nudges ref1

New Year’s resolutions ref1

Nickerson, David ref1

Nudge Unit

see Behavioural Insights Team

Obama, Barack ref1, ref2

Obama presidential campaign (2008) ref1, ref2

Oberholzer-Gee, Felix ref1

obesity ref1, ref2

see also diets/eating habits

Obree, Graeme ref1

Oettingen, Gabriele ref1

Olympic athletes ref1, ref2

organ donor register ref1

oxytocin production ref1

peak-end rule ref1

peer tutoring ref1

penalties see rewards and penalties

pension contributions ref1

performance reviews, annual ref1

planning and your goals ref1

bright lines ref1, ref2

creating actionable plans ref1, ref2

habits ref1, ref2, ref3

implementation intentions ref1, ref2, ref3

keeping it simple ref1, ref2

mental contrasting ref1

triggers ref1, ref2, ref3

‘when,’ ‘how’ and ‘where’ questions ref1, ref2

planning prompts ref1, ref2

popcorn consumption experiments ref1, ref2

practice, importance of ref1, ref2

present bias ref1

progress, sense of ref1

project management, agile ref1

proximal goals ref1

public service workers, feedback for ref1, ref2

Read, Daniel ref1

reciprocation, human need for ref1

Reciprocity Ring ref1

referees, commitment ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

reflection, importance of ref1, ref2, ref3

repetition and habit ref1

rewards and penalties ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

beware of backfire effects ref1, ref2

binding agreements ref1, ref2, ref3

financial incentives ref1, ref2, ref3

fines and anti-incentives ref1, ref2, ref3

gamification of rewards systems ref1

loss aversion ref1

‘money can’t buy’ incentives ref1

putting something meaningful at stake ref1, ref2, ref3

small rewards to build good habits ref1, ref2, ref3

Rogers, Todd ref1, ref2

routine and habits ref1, ref2

rules/bright lines ref1, ref2, ref3

Rustichini, Aldo ref1

Sanders, Michael ref1

savings, financial ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

scaffolding, behavioural ref1, ref2

Scared Straight ref1

self-nudges ref1

sharing goals ref1, ref2

asking for help ref1, ref2, ref3

group power ref1, ref2

Reciprocity Ring ref1

social networks ref1, ref2, ref3

Slonim, Bob ref1

slow vs fast system thinking ref1, ref2

smoking ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5

social media ref1, ref2

social networking ref1, ref2, ref3

see also group power

social norms ref1, ref2

social relationships ref1, ref2

Soman, Dilip ref1

speed signs ref1

sticking at it ref1

celebrating achievements ref1, ref2

practice with focus and effort ref1

reflection on achievement ref1, ref2

test and learn ref1, ref2, ref3 ref1

Strategy Unit, Prime Minister’s ref1

Strava app ref1

support, getting see sharing goals

Sutherland, Rory ref1

Swiss nuclear waste disposal scheme ref1

talent, raw ref1, ref2

targets, identifying ref1

see also goal setting

tax reminders ref1, ref2, ref3

teamwork see group power; social networking

testing and learning ref1, ref2, ref3

text prompts, parental ref1

Thaler, Richard ref1

timescales ref1

Tindall, Karen ref1

Titmuss, Richard ref1

trials see testing and learning

triggers, behavioural ref1, ref2, ref3

VicHealth, Australia ref1

Vietnam veterans ref1, ref2, ref3

volunteer work ref1

weight loss see diets/eating habits

Weight Watchers ref1

‘when,’ ‘how’ and ‘where’ questions ref1, ref2

Working Time Directive ref1

writing things down ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7

‘Your Speed’ signs ref1

Zhao, Min ref1

Zinman, Jonathan ref1