
absenteeism, 49, 54

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 123

accountability, 204

achievement motivation, 1618, 2122

Achor, Shawn, 319324

active listening, 7, 146, 157

adaptability, 186

adrenaline, 315

adversarial relationships, 265273

affirmative environment, 84, 91

aggression, 176, 177, 214

alexithymia, 224

Allred, Keith, 251

AMP Corporation, 84, 86

amygdala, 218, 295

anchoring, 217221


versus anxiety, 247

disappointment and, 254

expression of, 235

labeling, 198

in negotiations, 245246, 250252

triggers for, 224

in workplace, 195196

anxiety, 224, 247250, 296

appreciation, expressing, 100101

Asian culture, 179, 260

assumptions, questioning your, 214


distorting, 66, 67, 71

emotional, 241, 242, 243

attention, 293

Auschwitz, 115, 117

authentic leaderships, 176177


charismatic, 181

questioning, 180181

autonomy, employee, 51

avoidance, 211

Ballmer, Steve, 180

Barsade, Sigal, 343352

Bartz, Carol, 178179


caring, 81, 91

improving, 203204

mimicking, 230, 348

mood and, 37

neutralizing unproductive, 214215

passive-aggressive, 275281

penalizing bad, 102105

rewarding good, 102

biases, 6772

in decision making, 241244,

fixed-pie, 250251

body, tuning into the, 217221


coercive, 31

hostile, 9697

See also leaders/leadership

both/and mindset, 310

Boyatzis, Richard, 2544, 172173, 334


decision-making process and the, 6266

emotional tagging and the, 6465

moods and the, 3034

pattern recognition by the, 6263

rewiring to build emotional intelligence, 3744

science of the, 3637, 40, 42, 43

breathing, 192, 218, 295

bricolage, 117119

Brockner, Joel, 4560

Broderick, Matthew, 6162, 6367

Brodksy, Andrew, 229232

brooding, as maladaptive behavior, 132, 137

Brooks, Alison Wood, 245258

Bunker, Kerry A., 143159

burnout, 49, 180, 286, 289, 321, 344

Campbell, Andrew, 6172

caring behavior, as part of group norm, 81, 91

CEO disease, 3536

Challenger space shuttle, 257


brain science and, 40, 42

dealing with, 1415

implementing, 29, 53

incentives for, 138

intentional change theory, 334

making lasting, 4243

motivation for, 172173

resistance to, 133, 137, 142

responses to, 133138

sustaining, 334

charismatic authority, 181

China, emotional displays in, 260

Churchill, Winston, 5253

Cisco, 106

Cisco Finance, 345346

civility, 201205

hiring for, 102

teaching, 102103

See also incivility

Clendenin, John, 265266, 267273

Clinton, Bill, 176

coaching, 20, 203, 239, 334335. See also mentoring

cognition, 235

cognitive abilities, 4, 5

cognitive breaks, 322323

cognitive culture, 343

cognitive differences, 173

cognitive empathy, 293, 294, 296, 300

collaboration, 272


adversarial, 265273

helping development emotional intelligence in, 333337

learning to say “no” to, 287

passive-aggressive, 275281

Collins, Jim, 112, 117

command-and-control mentality, 150, 154

commitment to the organization, 1718

common humanity, 314315, 316


across cultures, 259261

via email, 229232

companionate love, 346347, 350

compassion, 179, 225, 296, 299303

cultivation of, 301302

defined, 300

versus empathy, 300

fatigue, 296

for self, 301, 313318

compassionate firing, 350

competency models, 45

conductors, 177178


avoidance of, 179

defusing, 213215

group, 234

confrontation, 8081, 88, 91

Congleton, Christina, 121128

corporate culture, 343

courage, 181

Coutu, Diane L., 107120, 311312

coworkers. See colleagues

creativity, 5152, 9899. See also improvisation

crisis management, 41


constructive, 309

responding to, 309

cross-boundary relationships, 8587, 9091

cross-functional assignments, 150151, 154

crying, 257, 339

Csikszentmihakyi, Mihaly, 235


Asian, 179, 260

cognitive, 343

corporate, 343

emotional, 343352

working across, 259261


impact of incivility on, 99100

lawsuits by, 48

Dalai Lama, 299, 302303

Davey, Liane, 339342

David, Susan, 121128, 195200, 209211, 223225

decision making, 241244, 340,

biases in, 6772

brain and, 6266

emotional tagging and, 6465

involving employees in, 5455, 5859

mistakes in, 6172

deep breathing, 192, 218, 295

denial, 113, 131132, 137, 308, 311

detachment, 295

difficult interactions, 213215, 307310

difficult people, turning enemies into allies, 265273

disappointment, 254255

distorting attachments, and decision making, 66, 67, 71

distractions, 322

downsizing, 4546, 5354, 56

Duke, David, 181

Dunlap, Shannon, 265273

ego-defense mechanisms, 3839

emails, 229232

emotional agility, 121128, 196, 209

Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI), 335

emotional attachment, 241, 242, 243

emotional awareness, 82

emotional competencies, 143159

emotional contagion, 2544, 55, 348

emotional culture

in action, 344347

of companionate love, 346347, 350

creating, 347349

defined, 343

implementation of, 349350

of joy, 344346

managing your, 343352

top management and, 349350

emotional empathy, 294, 295, 296, 300

emotional intelligence

about, 167

building, 7, 1011, 3744, 7393

components of, 5, 623, 170171

defined, 168

development of, 172174, 177, 333337

evaluation of, 49

of groups, 7393

of leaders, 167181

leadership and, 323, 2526, 37, 183187

measurement of, 183187

overemphasis on, 173

performance and, 2544

realism about, 168169

sources of, 167

training, 92

emotional leadership, 2544

emotional maturity, lack of, 144, 145, 148, 151153

emotional outbursts

handling, 339342

recovering from, 223225

emotional resilience, 314. See also resilience

emotional self-control, 186

emotional self-management, 234235

emotional style, of leaders, 2555

emotional tagging, 6465, 241

emotional triggers, 224


cross-cultural interpretation of, 259261

disclosing your, 224225

versus feelings, 191

function of, 209210, 211

group, 78, 8184

ignoring, 192

impact of leaders,’ 2544

of individuals, 7681

intensity of, 197198

labeling, 125126, 195198

managing, 224225, 256258

mirroring, 235

misinterpretation of, in emails, 229232

modeling, 348, 350

myths about, 340

negative, 5556, 121128, 133138, 219, 235, 266268, 271272, 344, 347, 348

in negotiations, 245258

outside of group, 8587

paying attention to, 219

positive, 235, 344

reactions to, 210211

recognizing your, 134, 224

regulation of, 8081, 8384, 88

self-regulation of, 1316

stating your, 230231

suppression of, 195196, 219, 223

terms for, 197

trust and, 266267

understanding, 191193, 224

vocabulary for, 195200

writing about, 198199, 219

See also specific emotions

empathic concern, 294, 295, 296, 300

empathy, 5, 7, 8, 1011, 1821, 171, 179

bodily awareness and, 219

cognitive, 293, 294, 296, 300

versus compassion, 300

controlling, 296

conveying, 287

development of, 295

emotional, 294, 295, 296, 300

lack of, 172

measurement of, 187

understanding, 293297

use of, 180, 233234, 235


appreciation for, 100101

autonomy of, 51

dreams of, 334335

fairness toward, 4560

giving difficult feedback to, 237240

helping development emotional intelligence in, 333337

involving in decision making, 5455, 5759

laid-off, 4546, 5354

negative life events of, 54

postdeparture interviews with, 105

retaliation by, 4748

treating with respect, 201205

enemies, turning into allies, 265273

energy auditing, 204205

enthusiasm, 259260

ESCI (Emotional and Social Competency Inventory), 335

excitement, 255257

exit interviews, 105

exposure therapy, 250

external recovery, 322

fair process, 4560

fear, 218


absorbing, 141

adapting to, 133138, 142

external, 139141

fear of, 129142

giving difficult, 237240

reframing, 135136

seeking, 174175, 202

seeking out, 90, 101, 138141

taking action on, 141142

360-degree, 3940, 59, 140, 146, 148149, 153, 154, 175, 335

feedforward, 203

feelings. See emotions

versus emotions, 191

Fenton, Traci, 350

Feynman, Richard, 118119

fight-or-flight response, 247, 252

Finkelstein, Sydney, 6172

fixed-pie bias, 250251

forgiveness, 225

Frankl, Viktor E., 108109, 115, 117

Frost, Peter, 283, 284

Gallo, Amy, 275281

gap analysis, 335336

Gates, Bill, 31

gemba, 179

genetics, 3637, 111112, 167

George, William, 176177

Gergen, David, 175176

Germer, Christopher, 313318

Ghosn, Carlos, 179

Gielan, Michelle, 319324

Gino, Francesca, 249

globalization, and empathy, 20

Goldberg, Elkhonon, 173174

Goldsmith, Marshall, 203

Goleman, Daniel, 323, 2544, 169172, 183, 235, 293297, 299303, 333334

governance, and decision making, 7072

grandiosity, 181

group dynamics, 233235

group identity, 74, 78, 81, 92, 93


emotional intelligence of, 7393

emotions of, 78, 8184

norms, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 9093, 103104

See also teams

group conflicts, 234

guilt, 288

Gunning, Tom, 265, 267273

Gutierrez, Carlos, 350

habits, changing, 40, 42

happiness, 255257

Hay Group, 80, 92

Heifetz, Ronald, 180181

Hewlett-Packard, 79

hiring practices, 12, 102

Homeland Security Operations Center, 6162, 63, 65, 6667

homeostasis, 321

honesty, 178179

Huffington, Arianna, 320

Hurricane Katrina, 62, 63, 65, 6667

IBM, 65

IDEO, 7677, 8789, 93

immaturity, 145146, 148

imperfection, 310

improvisation, 111, 118119, 312. See also bricolage

incentives, for making change, 138

incidental emotional manipulation, 248

incivility, 95106, 201, 205

costs of, 98100, 106

forms of, 9697

handling, 100106

informal networks, 147, 154, 157159

information economy, and empathy, 20

ingenuity, and resilience, 117120

innovation, 5152, 9899

integrity, 15, 16

intentional change theory, 334

intentions, of others, 213214

internal recovery, 322

interpersonal competencies, 143159

interpersonal limbic regulation, 32

interpersonal sensitivity, 55

interpersonal understanding, 79, 81, 90

Jackman, Jay M., 129142

Japan, emotional displays in, 260

jealousy, as maladaptive behavior, 132133

journaling, 204

joy, 344346

Jung, Andrea, 174175

Katz, Rob, 345

Kets de Vries, Manfred F. R., 325330

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 176

knowledge gaps, 56

Kram, Kathy, 143159

Kushner, Harold, 176

labeling emotions, 195198

laid-off employees, fair treatment of, 4546, 5354


malpractice, 48, 54

wrongful termination, 45, 46, 4748

Leadership Self-Study, 335


authentic, 176177

competency models for, 45

decision making by, 6172, 241244

development of, 173, 176177

emotional intelligence and, 323, 2526, 37, 167181, 183187

emotions, and, 2544

feedback for, 174175

management of incivility by, 100106

mean-spirited, 31

mirroring emotions of, 235

mood contagion and, 2543

motivation of, 1618

political, 175176

primal, 2544

process fairness and, 5859

resonant, 3536, 41

respectfulness by, 201205

self-awareness and, 168, 174175, 176177

style of, 38

learning agenda, for growth and development, 40, 4243, 44

learning plan, 335336

Levi-Strauss, Claude, 117118

limbic system, 10, 3034

Lincoln, Abraham, 175

listening, active, 7, 146, 157

loneliness, 347

loving-kindness, 302

Maddi, Salvatore R., 115116

maladaptive responses, to negative emotions, 129, 137

malpractice suits, 48, 54

Manning, Christopher, 202203

Markman, Art, 191193

Mayer, John D., 168169

McClelland, David, 9

McKee, Annie, 2544, 183187, 233236, 276, 277280, 333337

meaning, search for, 110111, 114117, 312

meaning therapy, 115, 117

medical errors, and process fairness, 54

meditation, 177, 301302, 347

meetings, 233236

memories, misleading, 6667, 71, 241, 242, 243

mental breaks, 322323

mentoring, 20, 158159

Merrill Lynch, 41

mimicry, behavioral, 230, 348

mindfulness, 217221, 301302, 314, 315, 316, 347

mirroring, 235

miscommunication, in emails, 229232

mistakes, in decision making, 6172

Molinsky, Andy, 259261

mood contagion, 2544, 55


genetics and, 3637

good, 34, 43

science of, 3034

Morgan Stanley, 113114

motivation, 5, 6, 8, 1618, 2122, 170173, 276

motivational system, 191192

multitasking, 235

negative emotions

engaging with, 192193, 219

impact of, 344

managing, 121128, 133138

mirroring, 235

physiological effects of, 266267

redirection of, 267268, 271272

spread of, 5556, 348

venting, 347

negative feedback, 237240

negative feelings, 192193

negative motivation, 173

negative thoughts, 121128

reframing, 213214

negotiations, 245258

anger in, 245246, 250252

anxiety in, 247250

counterpart’s emotions in, 256257

disappointment and regret in, 254255

happiness and excitement in, 255257

as interpersonal process, 256

managing emotions in, 256258

post-settlement settlement, 255

preparation for, 253

rapport building in, 252

neuropsychology, 173

neurotransmitters, 10

Nixon, Richard, 176

norms, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 9093, 103104

O’Neill, Olivia A., 343352

openness, 240

operational autonomy, 51

optimism, 38, 84, 112113, 169, 185

organizational change. See change

organizational context, for teams, 8587

organizational culture, 93, 343352

outcome fairness, 4648

Ovans, Andrea, 299303

overwork, 319321

oxytocin, 32, 295, 315

passive-aggressive colleagues, 275281

pattern recognition, 6263, 241, 242

Pearson, Christine, 95106

peer networking, and young managers, 158

peer relationships, and young managers, 150


impact of incivility on, 99

leader’s mood and, 2544

process fairness and, 5052

of teams, 78

performance reviews, 12, 129, 130, 136. See also feedback

personal development, 154, 155157

personality traits, 168169, 179

personal notes, and appreciation, 100101

Personal Values Card Sort, 124. See also values

perspective taking, 7980, 90

Philip Morris, 117

pleasures, enjoying little, 219220

political leadership, 175176

Porath, Christine, 95106, 201205

positive emotions, 235, 344

positive outlook, 185

post-settlement settlement, 255

prefrontal cortex, 42, 295, 296

primal leadership, 2544

problem solving, 84, 91

process fairness, 4560

business case for, 4650, 56

as performance booster, 5052

reasons for lack of, 5256

steps to achieve, 5660

procrastination, as maladaptive behavior, 131, 134, 137

productivity, 320

Progressive Casualty Insurance, 52


delaying, 145, 147, 149151, 154, 159

of young managers, 143159

Quaker Oats, 67

rapport building, 21, 252. See also social skills

rationality, 266, 269271, 272273

reality, 110, 112114, 311

recharging, 319324

reciprocity, 266, 268269, 272

recovery periods, 322

red flag conditions, 6672, 241, 243

redirection, 266, 267268, 271272

reflection, 204205

reframing, negative thoughts, 213214

regret, 254255

relationship building, 22. See also social skills

relationship management, 3435

relationships, adversarial, 265273

reprimanding, 239

resilience, 107120

buzz about, 108112

cultivation of, 110120, 311312

defined, 320

emotional, 314

genetics and, 111112

measurement of, 325330

misconceptions about, 319320

in the moment, 307310

recharging, 319324

research on, 109110

theories on, 110112

training, 115116

resonant leaders, 3536, 41

respect, 201205

Riess, Helen, 295

rivalries, 265273

Robinson, Sandra L., 283290

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 175

rudeness, 95106

Russell, Steve, 61

sadness, 224, 252

Schabram, Kira, 283290

Schrempp, Jürgen, 61

Schweitzer, Maurice, 248, 249

self-aggrandizement, 177

self-assessment, and feedback, 139

self-awareness, 5, 6, 8, 9, 1213, 34, 148, 168, 170

building, 3839

empathy and, 294

group, 82

importance of, 174175

improving, 202205

of leaders, 176177

measurement of, 185

self-compassion, 313318

self-confidence, 169

self-control, 186

self-criticism, 313

self-delusions, 3839

self-discovery, 3839

self-evaluation, and teams, 82

self-image, 213, 307310

self-interest, 66, 68, 71, 241, 242, 243

selfishness, 176

self-management, 34, 234235

self-reflection, 204205

self-regulation, 5, 6, 8, 1316, 170

self-sabotage, as maladaptive behavior, 133, 136

senior management. See leaders/leadership

September 11, 2001, 41, 113114

shame, 313

Shark Tank, 249

shortcomings, discovering your, 202203

sleep, 320

smiling, 33, 104

Smithburg, William, 67

Snapple, 67

social awareness, 34

social capital, 169

social competence, 75

social harmony, 179

social skills, 5, 7, 8, 2123, 8687, 171

Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 116

Stockdale, Admiral Jim, 112113

Stone, Linda, 180

strategic fitness process (SFP), 51


overwork and, 320, 321

physical symptoms of, 196

staying grounded in dealing with, 217221

symptoms of, 286

workplace, 195196, 209210, 220, 283290

stress management, 49, 8889

Strober, Myra M., 129142

Su, Amy, 275, 277

support network, 4344, 135

surface acting, 348349

Sweha, Sherif, 350

Takeuchi, Hirotaka, 179

talent retention, and empathy, 20


cross-boundary relationships, 8587

emotional intelligence of, 7393

emotional interaction in, 7476

handling emotional outbursts on, 339342

individuals’ emotions and, 7681

regulating emotions on, 8384

self-evaluation, 90

See also groups

technology, 322

therapy, 289

third-party negotiators, 250

Thomas, Michael Tilson, 177178


acceptance of, 126

labeling, 125126

negative, 121128

reframing, 136, 137

threats, to self-image, 308310

3Rs method, 266273

360-degree feedback, 3940, 59, 140, 146, 148149, 153, 154, 175, 335

Ting, Sharon, 143159

toxic handler, 283290


in civility, 102103

emotional intelligence, 92

fair-process, 5658

resilience, 115116

triggers, 224

trust, 266267, 301, 336

unconscious thinking, and decision making, 65

Unplugged, 322

unproductive behaviors, 214215

UPS, 119120

Urch Druskat, Vanessa, 7393

Uzzi, Brian, 265273

vacation days, 322

Vail, 344345

Valcour, Monique, 237240

values 116117, 124, 128, 210211

venting, 290, 347

visualization, and making change, 4243

wah, 179

Wang, An, 65

Washington, George, 175

Weiss, Leah, 217221

Whitehead, Jo, 6172

Wolff, Steven B., 7392, 202


emotional outbursts at, 223225, 339342

rivalries at, 265273

stress at, 195196, 209210, 220, 283290

workaholism, 320

work environment, 26, 30, 51, 84, 91

WorldBlu, 350


about emotions, 198199, 219

emails, 229232

wrongful termination suits, 45, 46, 47

Zappos, 104