A Select Bibliography of Preobrazhensky’s Works

The bibliography we have compiled lists the books and articles written by Preobrazhensky from 1920 to 1931 that we know to exist in Western libraries. It does not claim to be complete, in that we have culled this list primarily from the catalogs of libraries that we knew to have major Soviet holdings: the Hoover Institution of War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford, Calif.; the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; the New York City Public Library; the British Library (British Museum); and the British Library, London School of Economics. Although we also scoured the catalogs of the major Continental libraries, none of them listed works by Preobrazhensky not already held by the above-mentioned institutions. The bibliography also makes no pretense to listing every one of Preobrazhensky's articles, as not all journals were examined comprehensively over the entire period. Finally, we have listed none of Preobrazhensky's lectures and speeches other than those we knew to have been subsequently published in booklet or pamphlet form. Nevertheless, to our knowledge no exhaustive list of Preobrazhensky's writings exists in any of the sources dealing with this period, so that this is the first bibliography of his major works to be compiled. We hope it will prove useful to others doing research on the Soviet twenties and early thirties.

The ABC of Communism (with N. Bukharin). (London: Penguin, 1969).

Anarkhizm i kommunizm [Anarchism and Communism] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1921).

Bumazhnye den'gi v epokhu proletarskoi diktatury [Paper Money in the Epoch of the Proletarian Dictatorship] (Tiflis: Gosizdat, 1921).

*"Ekonomicheskaia politika proletariata v krest'ianskoi strane" [The Economic Policy of the Proletariat in a Peasant Country], Kommunisticheskii International 25 (November 1922).

"Ekonomicheskaia priroda sovetskikh deneg i perspektiva chervontsa" [The Economic Nature of Soviet Money and the Outlook for the Chervonets], Pod znamenem marksizma 3 (1930).

Ekonomicheskie krizisy pri NEP'e [Economic Crises under NEP] (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Sotsialisticheskoi Akademii, 1924).

*"Ekonomicheskie zametki I—O tovarnom golode" [Economic Notes I—On the Goods Famine], Pravda, December 15, 1925.

* "Ekonomicheskie zametki II" [Economic Notes II], Bol'shevik 6 (March 31, 1926).

*"Ekonomicheskie zametki III—O pol'ze teoreticheskogo izucheniia sovetskogo khoziaistva" [Economic Notes III—On the Advantage of a Theoretical Study of the Soviet Economy], Sol'shevik 15-16 (August 31, 1926).

"Ekonomicheskie zametki IV—Novoe v khoziaistvennoi situatsii [Economic Notes IV—New Developments in the Economic Situation], Bol'shevik 6 (March 15, 1927).

Ekonomika i finansy sovremennoi Frantsii [The Economy and Finance of Modern-day France] (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Kommunisticheskoi Akademii, 1926).

Finansy i Novaia Ekonomicheskaia Politika [Finances and the New Economic Policy] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1921).

Finansy v epokhu diktatury proletariata [Finances in the epoch of the dictatorship of the proletariat] (Moscow: Narodnyi Komissariat Finansov, 1921).

From NEP to Socialism, trans. Brian Pearce. (London: New Park Publications, 1973).

Itogi Genuezskoi konferentsii i khoziaistvennye perspektivy Evropy [The Results of the Genoa Conference and the Economic Outlook for Europe] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1922).

"Izmeneniia v stoimosti zolota i tovarnye tseny" [Changes in the Value of Gold and Commodity Prices], Problemy ekonomiki 1—2 (1930).

*"Khoziaistvennoe ravnovesie pri konkretnom kapitalizme i v sisteme SSSR" [Economic Equilibrium under Concrete Capitalism and in the System of the USSR], VKA 18(1926).

*"Khoziaistvennoe ravnovesie v sisteme SSSR" [Economic Equilibrium in the System of the USSR], VKA 22 (1927).

Krest 'ianskaia Rossiia i sotsializm (k peresmotru nashei agrarnoi programmy) [Peasant Russia and Socialism (Toward a Reconsideration of our Agrarian Program)] (Petrograd: Priboi, 1918).

The New Economics, trans. Brian Pearce, (London: Oxford University Press, 1965).

Novaia ekonomika: Opyt teoreticheskogo analiza sovetskogo khoziaistva [The New Economics: An Attempt at a Theoretical Analysis of the Soviet Economy], 2nd ed. (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Kommunisticheskoi Akademii, 1926).

Nuzhna li khlebnaia monopoliia? [Is the Grain Monopoly Really Necessary?] (Moscow: Vserossiiskii Tsentral'nyi Ispolnitel'nyi Komitet, 1918).

"O dvukh spornykh voprosakh marksovoi teorii deneg" [On two contentious Questions in Marx's Theory of Money], Arkhiv K. Marska i F. Engel'sa 1930.

O krest'ianskikh kommunakh (razgovor kommunista-bol'shevikas krest'ianinom [On the Peasant Communes (Conversation of a Communist-Bolshevik with a Peasant)] (Kiev: Narodnyi Komissariat po Voennym Delam Ukrainy: 1919).

O material'noi baze kul'tury v sotsialisticheskom obshchestve [On the material Basis of Culture in Socialist Society] (Moscow: Vserossiiskii Proletkul't, 1923).

"O metodologii sostavleniia Genplana i vtoroi piatiletki" [On the Methodology of Drawing up the General Plan and the Second Five-year Plan]. (Submitted to Problemy ekonomiki in 1931 but never published.)

O morali i klassovykh normakh [On Morality and Class Norms] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1923).

Ot NEP'a k sotsializmu: Vzgliad v budushchee Rossii i Evropy [From NEP to Socialism: A Glimpse into the Future of Russia and Europe] (Moscow: Moskovskii Rabochii, 1922).

*"Perspektivy Novoi Ekonomicheskoi Politiki" [The Outlook for the New Economic Policy], Krasnaia nov'3 (September—October 1921).

Prichiny padeniia kursa nashego rublia [The Reasons for the Fall in the Exchange Rate of our Ruble] (Moscow: Narodnyi Komissariat Finansov, 1922).

*"Problema khoziaistvennogo ravnovesiia pri konkretnom kapitalizme i v sovetskoi sisteme" [The Problem of Economic Equilibrium under Concrete Capitalism and in the Soviet System], VKA 17 (1926).

[Reply by Preobrazhensky to critics during the debate in the Communist Academy over his theory of primitive socialist accumulation], VKA 15 (1926).

Russkie finansy i evropeiskaia birzha v 1904-1906 [Russian Finances and the European Stock Exchange in 1904-1906], comp. B. A. Romanov, ed. E. Preobrazhensky (Moscow: Moskovskii Rabochii, 1926).

Social Revolution and Finances [a collection of articles for the Third Congress of the Communist International, ed. People's Commissariat of Finances] (Moscow: First Moscow Factory for the Manufacture of Government [Currency] Notes, 1921). (Preobrazhensky was one of the contributors to this volume. Also published in Russian as Sotsial'naia revoliutsiia i finansy.)

"Sotsialisticheskie i kommunisticheskie predstavleniia sotsializma" [Socialist and Communist Conceptions of Socialism], VKA 12-13 (1925).

[Speech given at the graveside of V. I. Lenin], VKA 11 (1925).

Teoriia padaiushchei valiuty [A Theory of Depreciating Currency] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1930).

Trekhletie Oktiabr'skoi revoliutsii [The Third Anniversary of the October Revolution] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1920).

Voprosy finansovoi politiki [Questions of Financial Policy] (Moscow: Gosizdat, 1921).

Zakat kapitalizma [The Decline of Capitalism] (Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoe Izdatel'stvo, 1931).

*Essay appears in this collection.

*Essay appears in this collection.