
  1. Acknowledgments
  2. Introduction
  3. PART ONE The Economics of NEP
    1. The Outlook for the New Economic Policy (1921)
    2. The Economic Policy of the Proletariat in a Peasant Country (1922)
  4. PART TWO Strains in NEP: The Problem of Capital Accumulation
    1. Economic Notes I. On the Goods Famine (1925)
    2. Economic Notes II. (1926)
    3. Economic Notes III. On the Advantage of a Theoretical Study of the Soviet Economy (1926)
  5. PART THREE The Theory of Economic Equilibrium in the Mixed Economy
    1. The Problem of Economic Equilibrium Under Concrete Capitalism and in the Soviet System (1926)
    2. Economic Equilibrium Under Concrete Capitalism and in the System of the USSR (1926)
    3. Economic Equilibrium in the System of the USSR (1927)
  6. A Select Bibliography of Preobrazhensky's Works
  7. About the Editor