
Chapter 1  Life

1. My colaborer Jeff Parker.

2. Matt McCreary, “Depression and Work: The Impact of Depression on Different Generations of Employees,” Morneau Shepell, accessed October 20, 2017,; Jesse Signal, “For 80 Years, Young Americans Have Been Getting More Anxious and Depressed, and No One Is Quite Sure Why,” The Cut, March 13, 2016,

Chapter 2  Purpose

1. S.H.A.P.E. was originally used by Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002).

Chapter 3  Authority

1. “Public Trust in Government: 1958–2017,” Pew Research Center, May 3, 2017,

2. Suetonius, Life of Nero; Tacitus, Histories and Annals; Cassius Dio, Roman History.

3. Also the Code of Hammurabi, Law #117.

4. See M. L. Bush, Serfdom and Slavery: Studies in Legal Bondage (Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 1996).

5. See Kwame Anthony Appiah and Martin Bunzl, Buying Freedom: The Ethics and Economics of Slave Redemption (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007).

6. Michael Marlowe, “Make Good Use of Your Servitude: Some Observations on Biblical Interpretation and Slavery,” Bible Research, October 2003,

7. Erica Anderson, “Why You’re Having a Hard Time with Your Millennial Employees—and What to Do about It,” Forbes, May 9, 2016,

8. Joel Stein, “Millennials: The Me Me Me Generation,” Time, May 20, 2013,; Sean Bisceglia, “Outside Opinion: Millennials Frustrate HR Execs,” Chicago Tribune, September 5, 2014,

9. “Job Seeker Nation Study 2016,” Jobvite, accessed October 20 2017,; Val Matta, “Why 60% of Millennial Workers Are Quitting,” Business Insider, December 30, 2013,

10. Michael Lipka and Claire Gecewicz, “More Americans Now Say They’re Spiritual but Not Religious,” Pew Research Center, September 6, 2017,

Chapter 4  Work

1. See Thom S. Rainer, The Millennials: Connecting to America’s Largest Generation (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group, 2011).

Chapter 5  Money

1. First Kings 10:14 says that Solomon received 666 talents of gold annually. Since a talent weighed about 75 pounds, that equals 49,950 pounds, or about 25 tons. In 2017, gold was worth an average of about $1,250 per troy ounce, which makes Solomon’s income over $910 million, “not including the revenues from merchants and traders and from all the Arabian kings and the governors of the territories” (1 Kings 10:15).

2. Daniel Kahneman and Angus Deaton, “High Income Improves Evaluation of Life but Not Emotional Well-Being,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, August 4, 2010,

3. Andrew Meldrum, “Where a Basketful of Groceries Costs a Bucketful of Cash,” The Guardian, August 17, 2006,

4. Paulina Pchelin and Ryan T. Howell, “The Hidden Cost of Value-Seeking: People Do Not Accurately Forecast the Economic Benefits of Experiential Purchases,” The Journal of Positive Psychology, March 31, 2014,; Amit Kumar et al., “Waiting for Merlot: Anticipatory Consumption of Experiential and Material Purchases,” Association for Psychological Science, August 21, 2014, Sage Journals,

5. E. W. Dunn et al., “Spending Money on Others Promotes Happiness,” Science, May 29, 2009,

Chapter 6  Community

1. Miller McPherson et al., “Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades,” American Sociological Review, June 2006,

2. Jo Griffin, “The Lonely Society,” The Mental Health Foundation, 2010,; M. Luhmann and L. C. Hawkley, “Age Differences in Loneliness from Late Adolescence to Oldest Old Age,” Developmental Psychology, June 2016,

3. “2011 Relationships Indicators Survey,” Relationships Australia, 2011,

4. Aaron Smith, “6 New Facts about Facebook,” Pew Research Center, February 3, 2014,

Chapter 7  Conflict

1. Drake Baer, “America’s Top Couples Therapist Says All Successful Marriages Share This Trait,” Business Insider, January 28, 2015,

2. The WENI acronym is from the team at Watermark Community Church in Dallas, and it’s based on the work of Scott Stanley and his colleagues. See also Scott Stanley, Daniel Trathen, Savanna McCain, and B. Milton Bryan, A Lasting Promise: A Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage, second ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2014).

Chapter 8  Dating

1. Wendy Wang and Kim Parker, “Record Share of Americans Have Never Married,” Pew Research Center, September 24, 2014,

2. “Historical Marital Status Tables,” United States Census Bureau, November 2017,

3. Alexander A. Plateris, “100 Years of Marriage and Divorce Statistics: 1867–1967,” U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, December 1973,

4. “Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2012,” United States Census Bureau, August 2011,

5. See Moira Wiegel, Labor of Love: The Invention of Dating (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2016).

6. To quote Wikipedia: “Historically, premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures and considered a sin by a number of religions, but since about the 1960s, it has become more widely accepted, especially in Western countries” (“Premarital Sex,” Wikipedia, accessed January 16, 2018,

7. Tara C. Jatlaoui et al., “Abortion Surveillance—United States, 2013,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, November 25, 2016,

8. Thanks to the invention of new types of contraceptives, there are now more birth control options than ever before, and many of them are free with insurance (or are handed out freely at clinics and schools).

9. R. K. Jones et al., “More Than Poverty: Disruptive Events among Women Having Abortions in the USA,” Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care, 2013,

10. “Historical Marital Status Tables,” United States Census Bureau.

11. “Historical Marital Status Tables,” United States Census Bureau.

12. Nicholas H. Wolfinger, “Counterintuitive Trends in the Link between Premarital Sex and Marital Stability,” Institute for Family Studies, June 6, 2016,

13. Jeremy Wiles, “Science Proves Premarital Sex Rewires the Brain,” Charisma News, May 11, 2013,

14. Wiles, “Science Proves Premarital Sex Rewires the Brain”; Taryn Hillin, “New Study Claims People Who’ve Had More Sexual Partners Report Unhappier Marriages,” The Huffington Post, August 22, 2014,

15. See, for example, Scott M. Stanley et al., “Sliding Versus Deciding: Inertia and the Premarital Cohabitation Effect,” Family Relations, September 7, 2006,; Catherine L. Cohan and Stacey Kleinbaum, “Toward a Greater Understanding of the Cohabitation Effect: Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Communication,” Journal of Marriage and Family, February 2002,; David R. Hall and John Z. Zhao, “Cohabitation and Divorce in Canada: Testing the Selectivity Hypothesis,” Journal of Marriage and Family, May 1995, There are many such studies.

16. Arielle Kuperberg, “Age at Coresidence, Premarital Cohabitation, and Marriage Dissolution: 1985–2009,” Journal of Marriage and Family, March 4, 2014,

17. Linda J. Waite et al., “Does Divorce Make People Happy? Findings from a Study of Unhappy Marriages,” Institute for American Values, 2002,

Chapter 9  Worry

1. Ronald C. Kessler et al., “The Global Burden of Mental Disorders: An Update from the WHO World Mental Health (WMH) Surveys,” Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, Jan–Mar 2009, 18(1): 23–33,

2. Norman B. Anderson et al., “Stress in America: Paying with Our Health,” American Psychological Association, February 4, 2015,

3. T. M. Luhrmann, “The Anxious Americans,” New York Times, July 18, 2015,

4. Tom C. Russ et al., “Association between Psychological Distress and Mortality: Individual Participant Pooled Analysis of 10 Prospective Cohort Studies,” BMJ, 2012,

5. Twitter post, @timkellernyc, February 15, 2015,

Chapter 10  Recovery

1. Garry Mulholland, “Amy Winehouse at the BBC Review,” BBC, November 12, 2012,

2. Paul Bentley, “A Death Foretold: The Rapid Rise and Tragic Fall of Amy Winehouse, the Deeply Flawed Soul Prodigy,” Daily Mail, July 25, 2011,

Chapter 11  Eternity

1. “Amazing Grace,” John Newton (1779).

2. “Ad Age Advertising Century: Top 10 Slogans,” Ad Age, March 29, 1999,