Get Info

By clicking an icon and then choosing File→Get Info, you open an important window like the one shown in Figure 3-11. It’s a collapsible, multipane screen that provides a wealth of information about a highlighted icon (much like the Properties box in Windows). For example:


You can force the Multiple Item Info dialog box to appear, though, even if you’ve highlighted only a couple of icons. Just press Control-⌘-I. (The Option-⌘-I trick described next works for this purpose, too.)

Top: The Get Info window can be as small as this, with all its information panes collapsed.Bottom: Or, if you click each flippy triangle to open its corresponding pane of information (or Option-click to expand or collapse them all at once), it can be as huge as this—shown here split in two because the book isn’t tall enough to show the whole thing. The resulting dialog box can easily grow taller than your screen, which is a good argument for either (a) closing the panes you don’t need at any given moment or (b) running out to buy a really gigantic monitor.And as long as you’re taking the trouble to read this caption, here’s a tasty bonus: There’s a secret command called Get Summary Info. Highlight a group of icons, press Control-⌘-I, and marvel at the special Get Info box that tallies up their sizes and other characteristics.

Figure 3-11. Top: The Get Info window can be as small as this, with all its information panes collapsed. Bottom: Or, if you click each flippy triangle to open its corresponding pane of information (or Option-click to expand or collapse them all at once), it can be as huge as this—shown here split in two because the book isn’t tall enough to show the whole thing. The resulting dialog box can easily grow taller than your screen, which is a good argument for either (a) closing the panes you don’t need at any given moment or (b) running out to buy a really gigantic monitor. And as long as you’re taking the trouble to read this caption, here’s a tasty bonus: There’s a secret command called Get Summary Info. Highlight a group of icons, press Control-⌘-I, and marvel at the special Get Info box that tallies up their sizes and other characteristics.

Apple built the Get Info window out of a series of collapsed “flippy triangles,” as shown in Figure 3-11. Click a triangle to expand a corresponding information pane.


The title-bar hierarchical menu shown on The Folder Proxy Icon works in the Get Info dialog box, too. That is, ⌘-click the Get Info window’s title bar to reveal where this icon is in your folder hierarchy.

Depending on whether you clicked a document, program, disk, alias, or whatever, the various panes may include the following: